MV – Chapter 61: Minor Villain and Ending Winter

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The long winter ended, the snow began to melt, and sprouts began to grow from the soil. 

The chilling season had ended, the animals hidden away began to show their faces, and began to move around in search for food. 

Even if the world has begun to take a tough attitude and survival has grown harsher, nature still welcomes spring as always. 

—It has been 2 months since the failed attack attempt of Krita. 

“Having snow on the verge of melting is what I dislike the most. My shoes end up all muddy, and the wind is still cold. Brr, cold!” (Lanpeach)

Lanpeach was on a road that connects to the Surface District and is a bit further away from the Lanpeach Complex. 

One side has 6 traffic lanes for a total of 12 traffic lanes on the road. There’s abandoned vehicles and you could peek at rubble through the melting snow. 

“It is true that the wind is cold because of the snow. We can’t let go of the coat just yet.” (Chihiro)

Chihiro giggled as she tucked the collar of the coat closer to her and leaned on Lanpeach. 

It is true that the wind is cold and it will take a bit longer for spring.

“Put Pochi on top of your head and hug a rabbit, and you will be warm. Want to try, Peach-oniichan?” (Dry)

“Hyan hyan!” 


The puppy, Pochifer, was wagging its tail energetically on top of Dry’s head as a pseudo hat, and hugging a fluffy rabbit that is sleeping.

It is true that her head looks warm and looks cute. You might be able to draw a portrait with the name blue haired beauty and the winter dress. 

“It is picturesque because you are cute. It would look like a crime if I were to do it. I am sure animal protection would pile on me and complain that I am abusing a rabbit.” (Lanpeach)

[That’s true. I would put up a request to save the rabbit.] (Libra)

On the other hand, there’s Libra cackling and teasing Lanpeach about how it goes without saying what would happen if he were to do the same thing. 

It would look horrible as if he were on his way to make rabbit hotpot. There’s a wall that a minor villain can’t climb over compared to a pretty girl. 

“Now now, keep it at that, Lan. Come on, everyone has gathered.” (Chihiro)

Chihiro giggled at the heartwarming conversation of Dry and Lanpeach, and pushed his back with a wry smile. 

“Hello, Lanpeach-san.” 

“You get along well as always~.” 

“It is cold, so I brought some hot coffee in a canteen.” 

The residents of the Lanpeach Complex showed up in front of Lanpeach.

The complexion of their faces was better as if saying they have leeway now, and there are a lot more soft smiles compared to before. 

There’s around 200 people. 

There’s close to double the amount of residents after 3 months. 

The Lanpeach complex has warm food, dwellings that don’t freeze, and jobs with fair wages for slum residents. 

A lot of people gathered after hearing those rumors. There were some who abandoned the teams they led and their own bases to move to the Lanpeach Complex. 

“Bro, sorry for the wait!” 

“Was I a bit late?”

“The equipment is perfect.” 

The explorers that he beat up showed up as well. They have swords and spears, and are wearing bulletproof vests and armor. 

“Aah, it is not gathering time yet, so there’s no issue. Are you guys gonna be okay with that equipment?” (Lanpeach)

“It is okay. No issues. Well, there’s nothing big around here anyways.” 

The explorer smacked the spear in his hand and showed a confident smile. 

Rumors have spread lately about how Lanpeach is kinder than what his crooked appearance tells, and the explorers have become used to Lanpeach to a degree where they can talk casually with him now. 

It is technically as if the tiger that they thought was scary to even approach was actually a big cat. 

However, he is a vicious tiger cat that will scratch you if you mess up your treatment. And its cry is a ‘hyahaaa’.

“Now then, they are the last ones, huh.” (Lanpeach)

A single armored bus headed their way from where the Surface District is. 

It is newer than the previous bus of Sage, has two machine guns installed, the iron plates attached are thick, and the engine is also high power. The tires are big and its appearance as it drove on was strong. 

One other thing that changed was that there’s a buggy for wasteland use driving at the front to protect the armored bus. 

The air brake let out a pushuu sound of spewing out air and the door opened. 

“Aah, did I make you wait?” 

The one who came out from inside was Sage and a number of subordinates. He got down with an amicable smile people would like as always. 

“No, you came on the dot. Everyone has gathered as well. Good work as well, Krita.” (Lanpeach)

Lanpeach waved his hand generously and directed words of sympathy, and then smiled at the man that showed up from behind Sage. 

That smile of his was that of a minor villain that enjoys toying with the weak. 

Krita was a bit plumb before, but he is all thin now. 

“Man~, good work with the store, cash, and all that. Must have been rough…in these few months.” (Lanpeach)

Lanpeach laughed with an ‘ukeke’ like a demon. 

Krita grinded his teeth while carrying a number of silver cases, but he still pushed his mouth into an amicable face. 

“If this will let me atone for my sins… If it will…this is a c-c-c-cheap price to pay.” (Krita)

Krita said this as if squeezing it out.

The subordinates of Sage brought out trunk cases one after the other from behind and placed them on the ground. There’s around 10. 

“Is that all? Is this all for the cash out?” (Lanpeach)

“Yes, my apologies for taking time. The assets of Krita are now zero.” (Sage)

He looked at the trunk cases in satisfaction after the words of Sage, crouched, and opened it with excitement. 

The inside of the opened trunk case and the inside was packed with wads of cash. 

He took one wad of cash out and threw it lightly a few times in his hand. He looked like a crook that had succeeded in robbing a bank. 

This is the fortune of Krita turned into hard cold cash. He had him do that in exchange for sparing his life, and ordered him to give it to Sage. 

Krita complied without any deception while in tears. He thought he would be killed by the people of the Underground District if he were to pull any deceptions here. 

“I am sad that it has come to this, but I have no intention of forgiving Krita-san. We need to have you reflect as someone who has stepped in the wrong path as a merchant. Also, you won’t be thinking of doing anything weird after losing this much.” (Sage)

“The mistakes of merchants are scary. High risk, high reward. You shouldn’t have done a job that had no insurance.” (Lanpeach)

Sage looked at Krita with a strict face. 

He is not so kind as to forgive someone who targeted his life. Also, he tried to win against his rival not through business, but through the underhanded method of targeting his life. 

Krita was a man who opened a store from 0. He understands just how rough it is to lose everything. 

“Haha, well, I have a bit of cash. I will get by little by little with that.” (Krita)

“Do your best from zero. Uhahaha.” (Lanpeach)

Lanpeach smacked the shoulder of Krita in a good mood. He is hurting him while feigning as if he is comforting him. 

A minor villain that suits the picture of a bully. 

Krita’s face turned bright red and he was trembling, but still didn’t get angry. 

Sage and the others made wry smiles at this. 

“Now then, you guys, look at this!” (Lanpeach)

After Lanpeach finished making fun of Krita, he opened the trunk cases one after the other. 

They were all packed tightly with cash, and the people saw this and applauded. 

“Hyahaa, it is cash. This is all cash! This cash will be managed by Sage, and A~LL of it will be used for the development of Shangri-La and these surroundings! We plan on cleaning up this road that connects to the Surface District and all the monsters around this area. There’s a mountain of work you guys!” (Lanpeach)

Lanpeach crossed his arms in front of the trunk case and puffed out his chest like a boss. 

He has close to 10 billion after all. Lanpeach has wanted to do such a boss move at least once. 

“Lanpeach, Lanpeach!” 

“I will follow you my whole life!” 

“We are going to be using that much money. Work is really gonna bloom!” 

“Leave everything to this Lanpeach-sama. I will take the world, uhahahaha!” (Lanpeach)

“Dance, dance.” 


“Cash dance.” 

Everyone from the slums was ecstatic about the large sum of money, and Lanpeach let it go to his head and laughed loudly. 

They wriggled their bodies and began to dance a weird dance as if they were calling for aliens. 

‘Ventura~’, ‘Venture~’, it changed into a mysterious musical.

“Well, the truth is that after depositing it in the account, we plan on taking our time in using it though.” (Sage)

“Don’t you get excited with real money in front of you? Rather than 10 billion you can’t see, 10 billion you can see with your eyes is better. Once you know you have plentiful funds, people from other areas will be gathering as well.” (Lanpeach)

The serious Sage chuckled, but people will be happier by piling up wads of cash in front of their eyes, and it would have higher credibility. 

“Yes, with this much available, the Surface District matter is already settled. Can do anything.” (Dry)

Dry exhaled powerfully in front of the wads of cash. She has never seen or imagined such a massive amount of money. 

“Not really, Dry. There’s the need to hire hundreds of people and we need materials for the development. I am sure this amount of money will be easily…easily… Isn’t it already settled that we will be admitted to the Surface District?” (Chihiro)

Chihiro understood it logically, but she was also flustered by the wads of cash in front of her and her eyes were spinning. 

With this much cash, maybe they can do anything, is the misunderstanding it made her have. 

That’s how much impact the trunk cases have. 

“It probably won’t even last a year. I would say half a year with just this much… But it is pretty hard to do something like using it all for development without pocketing a single Ele for yourself, you know. As expected of Lanpeach-san.” (Sage)

“That’s right. Lan is amazing. 100,000 Ele was a massive amount not that long ago, and yet, he now doesn’t even falter at all even when in front of such a large sum of money.” (Chihiro)

“Yup, Dry will follow Peach-oniichan from here on. Become a reliable partner.” (Dry)

Sage understands reality. That’s exactly why he directed eyes of respect towards the benevolent Lanpeach. 

He is doing a weird dance that makes him doubt whether it is okay to respect him though. 

Chihiro and Dry directed sparkling eyes at him as if falling in love all over again, but Lanpeach was dancing like an eel, which really made their view slip one way to the other. 

“Ah, right. The support increased.” (Lanpeach)


Lanpeach suddenly stopped calling aliens and snapped his fingers as if he remembered just now. 

Before Chihiro could ask what this support he was talking about was…

“Alright, this will be the first showing.” (Lanpeach)



Purple lightning ran through the air and a giant armored vehicle showed up. It landed on the ground with a loud thump. 

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3 thoughts on “MV – Chapter 61: Minor Villain and Ending Winter

    1. Wonder if Libra snapped him out of his eel dance, and fed him those lines, and would this misunderstanding be cleared up immediately or made much worse, if he paid out for the loli in the Spirit Ward?

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