Chapter 100! Yay! I didn’t expect I would reach this far.
Everyone that has been supporting this series til this day, thank you very much! At first I was a bit scared of all this, since it was my first translation and was expecting to receive the full brunt of what internet community truly is, but I was proved wrong. It’s thanks to you all that I was able to translate so much and feel so much fulfillment in it. You guys never bore me-ja.
“Kuzunoha Company… If I remember correctly, that’s the miscellaneous store that opened not too long ago. And it has a store in Tsige as well, no, a sub-branch right?” (Rona)
“You know well” (Makoto)
“Heh, so you say. Raidou, the image you give right now is really different from when you are using written communication you know? Which one is the real one?” (Rona)
“This one. Shiki, I am sorry but could you please put that Nabe a bit further away? The sweet smell is even reaching here. And so, Rona-san. What do you mean by “so you say”?” (Makoto)
“About knowing well. Even though my name is only known to a real few number of people. How can a company that was just made have higher intelligence gathering than a nation? Wa, this is delicious” (Rona)
“Oua!! Rona, you bastard! That was the one I was cooking up to eat!! Demons shouldn’t be eating blue things, that’s cannibalism!” (Shiki)
“Could you please not call me by my name so familiarly? Also, saying that eating blue things is equal to cannibalism, that’s a first. Ah, I will be taking this one too~. N? Deliciouuus!!” (Rona)
“It’s not like being red makes it okay!! Ooooh… You bastard, do you want to make this your last meal?” (Shiki)
“Well well, calm down Shiki. It’s okay to just order more. Ah, Rona-san. The bird meat over there is also ready to eat” (Makoto)
“Raidou, you really know your stuff. The seasoning is also the best~! Maybe I should learn how to make this before I return” (Rona)
“Raidou-samaaa…” (Shiki)
The Gotetsu private room is pretty chaotic.
Rona-san who obviously doesn’t know the etiquette when eating Nabe, seems to have taken a liking to Nabe cuisine. Even so, it looks like Shiki and her… are not compatible. Shiki, even though you took the initiative and proposed to order and eat while discussing, why is it that you are the one suffering the most?
Even if you come crying to me, I can’t do anything for you. It’s okay to order more, so don’t make such a pathetic voice.
Shiki seems to know Rona, but maybe because he doesn’t want to reveal his identity, he hasn’t told her what he was previously. In her eyes, Shiki is probably reflected as an enemy to be cautious of. That she is not showing it in her face is as expected.
“Haaah~ I ate well! It’s been a while since I have been completely satisfied!” (Rona)
“Then, let’s continue with the conversation” (Makoto)
“Conversation huh. You say so, but even trying to kill you would be hard in a 2 against 1, so aren’t I in a disadvantage? First of all, I probably want to more about Kuzunoha Company~” (Rona)
“Discussions that begin with both at the same standing are not that many you know? Moreover, Rona-san, you are used to it right?” (Makoto)
“Nomnom, that’s right Rona. Things like strategy, conspiracy, traps, tricks; aren’t those your areas of expertize?” (Shiki)
Shiki, so he finally got the chance to eat properly. He is not reading the mood though. The Nabe in Gotetsu is his soul food. Let’s consent for now.
“… Really, just how much do you know? You said we have a sub-branch in Tsige so… that means you have someone posted there?” (Makoto)
“Heh~, the demons’ plan has already advanced all the way to the wasteland? That’s something I have heard for the first time too” (Shiki)
Anyways, that we know the name is only because Shiki knew it and it isn’t like we have constructed our intelligence gathering power at that level. Tomoe seems to be doing some undercover stuff, so in the places close to the store, we are able to get a decent amount of information.
“Is the Kuzunoha Company an information organization of Aion?” (Rona)
So no comment on what we said huh.
Ah, Tsige was in outline a land affiliated to Aion right. The government officials that were dispatched every time were all so incompetent and the land was practically a self-government of merchants, so I didn’t really remember. I felt like that place was ruled mainly by the merchant guild and the adventurer guild.
“No way. We are not affiliated to anything. Not to hyumans nor demons” (Makoto)
That’s why I thought of making a store in Academy Town. This is the first time I have said this huh. I haven’t talked to any demon related to the demon camp before, so the only thing I have said is that I have been doing business without being attached to any country. Rembrandt-san is probably more on the hyuman side. I actually sell to anyone and I don’t think of making any differences depending on the race.
“You are hyuman, and yet you are not affiliated to hyumans? Do you understand what you yourself are saying, Raidou?” (Rona)
Rona-san showed slight bewilderment as she matches my gaze to search for my real intentions.
“You already have several hyumans following you on your side right? I don’t think it is something to be so surprised about. It’s just that I am more neutral than them though” (Makoto)
Several hyumans is a lie. I only know of Sofia.
“… Really, I give up. To think that a power already had more information than us, I didn’t fathom that possibility. So in the hyumans there’s also people who think about strategy, tactics and plans huh. I thought it would take at least 50 years for you guys to understand the importance of information” (Rona)
50 years you say. Rona-san, hyumans are not monkeys. The war would already be over if that were the case.
From the times I read books in the library, I sometimes had the same kind of thoughts as her, so I can’t refute her words completely.
“Hyumans come in many varieties. And so, to do business more freely and in this land where our first store is located, I wanted to know your objective for infiltrating here. I definitely would like to know” (Makoto)
“Raidou, please don’t do such a scary face. Honestly, at this in point in time where our information is at a disadvantage, I just don’t have the will the oppose you anymore” (Rona)
Completely taking off her combat mode, the school uniform cosplaying Onee-san places both elbows on the desk.
“You say that with a laudable face, but you are a fox woman that would not hesitate using charms, seductions or even drugs and dangerous magic. So Raidou-sama, don’t let your guard down. Hm, tasty tasty. Even half-cooked can’t be underestimated. What a true discovery” (Shiki)
“… Really. How hard to deal with. What? Does Kuzunoha Company have my personal history gathered up?” (Rona)
“I will leave it to your imagination. And so… well, I don’t have any proofs, but I am probably not an enemy of yours” (Makoto)
“… Just now you said that you were neutral right? I don’t think this is the case but, could it be that you are intending to become a merchant that will provide support to both hyumans and demons in the war to occur?” (Rona)
Rona-san’s eyes become a lot sharper. The blood thirst that had disappeared is once again lurking in the room. I see, a demon general huh. This woman is without doubt a general serving the demon lord. Leaving aside her behavior, loyalty to her own nation is something I personally like. My interest in the demons serving under the demon lord is welling up.
“We are not planning on providing weapons in the war” (Makoto)
Currently. Well, it’s not just that I don’t have plans to, but that I don’t really feel like doing that.
“I see” (Rona)
Nodding her head lightly, Rona, while leaving her elbows on the desk, intertwines both hands on her face, hiding her face as she lowers it.
The conversation stops. The sound of Shiki poking and eating Nabe is the only sound that rules the room.
Is she thinking of our relation in a positive way? Though it probably doesn’t go further than us being usable. Even so, I think that she is a woman that’s easier to talk to than Sofia.
In this situation where she is misunderstanding our power is the best chance. Honestly speaking, I don’t have the talking skills and abilities to properly negotiate with a person whose main occupation is being the head of information gathering. If it turns dangerous, I intend to tag Shiki.
I can only wait for her decision.
“… Fuh~. In short, Raidou also wants to sell things to the demons right? If I can become that foothold, I would be happy. But if I am planning to do something here, it would tarnish the business that has been going favorably. That’s why you want to learn my objective” (Rona)
Exactly. Well, there’s no hurries in selling things to the demons. I think it doesn’t need to be in this occasion. What’s important is the latter half. I don’t want them to hinder us.
“Yeah, that’s right” (Makoto)
“So that’s really it huh. You don’t care about the direction of the war or the damage to the country, only about being a hindrance to your business, right?” (Rona)
“… Right” (Makoto)
“I understand. I still can’t believe you completely, but I have understood your intentions. Then right now it is important to first learn about each other right?” (Rona)
“Learn? But the information…” (Makoto)
What does she mean?
“Let me tell you this first Rona. If you connect bodies with Raidou-sama, you will regret it for the rest of your life. This is an honest warning thinking about your wellbeing. The catastrophe will probably come bite me as well, that’s why I will do my all to get in the way, so do take that in mind” (Shiki)
Shiki stops his chopsticks and looks at Rona-san with a dead serious face, telling her slow and detailed instructions.
Connecting bodies? Ah… so that’s what she meant by learning about each other.
“You intend to thoroughly continue calling me without honorifics huh, Shiki” (Rona)
“You have no reasons to call me without honorifics” (Shiki)
“I return those words right back at you. Geez. When I talked about learning, I didn’t mean our bodies. If that’s your wish, I don’t really mind though. I want to know about your strength and way of thinking, if only a bit. If the lectures are like that, it wouldn’t serve as reference right?” (Rona)
“Hah~. For you to not even notice a part of the abysmal power of Raidou-sama. Are you sexual frigid, wench?” (Shiki)
“Concretely speaking, what do you want us to do?” (Makoto)
I decide to just ignore Rona and Shiki’s comedy play.
“You are free to believe me or not. The reason why I came here is…” (Rona)
[And that’s how it is. Lime, I am sorry but can you investigate?]
“With pleasure! I will quickly find information. It is actually a disgusting story. Well then…” (Lime)
Lime responds to my request immediately and leaves the room. Practically at the same time, two presences disappear. Must be the Forest Onis: Akua and Eris. It seems those girls will be joining the investigation as well.
“Doubting everything that woman says is the safest measure, Raidou-sama” (Shiki)
“Shiki. It seemed like you already knew her but, is she an acquaintance?” (Makoto)
“Yeah. She was mostly a person cooperating in information exchange with me. I don’t know how many times I have been used and dragged into trouble” (Shiki)
Shiki’s expression turns into one of anguish. Seeing him like that, he must have gone through quite a lot.
“Her type is probably similar to that of Mio-dono. I don’t know the details but it seems that she has a big debt of gratitude with the demon lord. She has sworn loyalty to an abnormal level. Her strength doesn’t compare to Mio-dono’s, but just think of Rona’s underhanded way of thinking as something close to hers. Ah, keep this talk a secret from Mio-dono please” (Shiki)
An underhanded Mio that has an incredibly good brain?
I would give up. My heart would break without a doubt.
The man called the demon lord seems to be a person with a bigger vessel than me. From the fragmented information I have, I can already picture him as an excelling ruler. He is most likely an able man. N? There’s the chance that the demon lord is a woman. Now that I think about it, I practically don’t have information.
Also, Shiki. If you are going to tremble all over, you should try using another example. Well, it was actually a pretty easy to understand example.
“Rona-san huh. In the end, it seems that until this one matter is over, Karen Frost will continue attending the Academy” (Makoto)
“She will definitely be moving sneakily” (Shiki)
“I did tell her that Kuzunoha Company is out of bounds. But based on what you said, it is hard to believe in her” (Makoto)
“Yes. That woman tells lies as much as she breathes” (Shiki)
What kind of woman is that? To give out that answer with no hesitation.
“Just in case, could you try and predict her movements at all times?” (Makoto)
“That’s what I intended to do from the very beginning. It seems like she already returned to her lodging for today. That wench. She is perfectly relaxing without knowing that she is being observed” (Shiki)
“… Make sure to peek at her in a moderate manner okay? It is okay to just know her current location for now. Well then, let’s get some presents and go greet the Rembrandt sisters” (Makoto)
“Tto, that’s right. I will guide you there. Is it okay to just bring cut fruits as present? How about a bouquet of flowers…” (Shiki)
Ah right. I haven’t even told them I was visiting so maybe it would be better to have flowers?
I was planning on bringing cut fruits like when bringing a fruits basket as present, but thinking about it, these are products I manage at my store. It would turn to plain publicity.
No well, the fruits have a good reputation so…
“Uhm, Raidou-sama” (Shiki)
“N?” (Makoto)
“If it’s fine with you, should I choose some suitable ones?” (Shiki)
“… Sorry. Please” (Makoto)
It seems like he instantly saw through what I was troubled about. Shiki, thanks for all.
After several minutes.
In the end, I brought the fruits and the bouquet of flowers that Shiki chose, and headed to their room.
“Hey Shiki, about the Rembrandt sisters’ room. Isn’t this inside the nobles’ dormitory?” (Makoto)
Moreover, a pretty high-class one. Rembrandt-san dotes on her daughter quite a lot.
“Yeah. It seems so” (Shiki)
“The people in the staff room told me a lot that “even if I am a temporary teacher, doesn’t mean you can visit them”. If it were a normal student it would be one thing, but…” (Makoto)
“… I did my best” (Shiki)
D-Did your best?
“You did your best huh” (Makoto)
“Yes. On the level that doesn’t leave after-effects. It was a really bone rending task” (Shiki)
Let’s leave it as if I didn’t hear anything.
After revealing my position as a temporary teacher, I am standing at the entrance of the sisters’ lodging with my permission to visit confirmed. Creeping in would obviously be a bad idea after all. It is only to celebrate their return to school and it is no surprise either.
The two of them live in the same room and it is already confirmed that both of them are there. I explained my reason for this visit to the people in charge. The landlady-san made a bitter face as we entered the nobles’ dormitory and safely arrived in front of their room.
When I knocked, I heard some rattling noises and the steps got closer.
The door opened.
[Sif-san, Yuno-san. I am truly sorry about not being able to visit you when you were ill. I already introduced myself in the class but let me do so again. I am the merchant that your father is assisting, Raidou. That you are now completely healthy, allow me to congratulate you. It may be late, but this is a congratulatory gift from our part]
For now, I write what I was thinking of and congratulate them for their recovery, and also make a light self-introduction again.
They receive the cut fruits in a slightly big container and the bouquet of flowers from Shiki.
The two of them have already taken off their uniforms and are in normal clothes. The designs differ from each other. The two of them were dressed in a one piece that was probably made for both to have an opposite design. It looks expensive.
The sisters who received the fruits and bouquet with a full smile, strongly invited us to enter the room and we ended up intruding in their room. I didn’t really mind. As long as I gave them what I came to give and gave my greeting, I didn’t really need to enter…
“Raidou-sensei, your personality is totally different compared to when you are in class” (Sif)
“Yeah. That surprised me!” (Yuno)
When we sat down on the sofa that we were invited to, the two of them retort to me from the opposite side.
[Lectures are a place where one comes to study and gain power after all. I unconsciously become strict. I have always been helped by my assistant Shiki to appease them. That I am interacting with you two like this, please keep it a secret from the other students]
I can’t tell them that I am doing the carrot and stick after all. And if they tell them to other people, it would be troublesome in a lot of ways.
“Shiki-san, right? I have heard of Tomoe-san and Mio-san from father, but have you been with Raidou-sensei since long?” (Sif)
“Yes. I have been serving Raidou-sama since a long time ago. It’s just that the trip to Tsige was unexpected, so I was unable to visit Tsige” (Shiki)
Just like we previously arranged, Shiki tells them about the setting we created. Of course, we were expecting the two to ask Shiki, so we thought of it beforehand.
Luckily, they didn’t pursue the subject further and the older sister Sif readied tea while the little one Yuno took out pastries.
The two of them are level-headed. Taking the tea offered, we have a brief pause. The two sisters look at each other and nod slightly.
“I am Sif the eldest daughter of Tsige’s merchant, Rembrandt. Raidou-sama, to have saved our lives at that time. I can’t find words to express my gratitude. This favor we will never forget and will edge it in our hearts. We want to repay you” (Sif)
“Same here, Yuno. Just like my older sister, it is thanks to Raidou-sama that we are here healthy now. If in the future there’s something we are able to do, please don’t hesitate to ask” (Yuno)
They are thanking me to a dangerous level! Even the little sister put in order her tone and said an incredible thing with a serious face!
Their fight against the deadly curse illness must have cornered those girls a lot. Even now I am having Lime find the people under curse illnesses and creating medicines. A curse that makes you ill and eventually kills you. I really think that’s not something that can be forgiven.
[Okay then, you two. From now on you will live for the sake of happiness. That will be my repayment. Also, no Raidou-sama. We are student and teacher, so call me sensei or use –san]
“… Eh?”
I thought that they might be brooding a lot over that subject. That’s why I thought of an answer just in case this happened. Since the time I was in Tsige.
They were finally released from the curse disease, but if they are tied up by responsibility next, it would be pointless. So I decided to tell them to live their lives happily.
I don’t know if my answer was unexpected for the two or if my immediate response surprised them, but the two of them looked dumbfounded.
[Those are the words of your life savior, so please keep that promise. Don’t underappreciate me just because my face is ugly got it? The two of you were pretty “that” when you were ill after all]
“P-Please don’t touch that subject! We already know that sensei saw an appearance of us that is more embarrassing than being naked!” (Sif)
“Uh, that was certainly worse than being naked…” (Yuno)
They were practically ghouls after all. I remember that Rembrandt-san wanted to make a portrait of her wife and daughter while they were recovering in celebration. Even I thought that was insensitive but, just what happened to that?
[Now that I think about it, your father said that he wanted to leave a memory of the recovery of you three]
“… Sensei, father has already seriously reflected on that foolish action”
“… Sensei, he was punished along with Morris who made an error in your entry documents from student to teacher you know?”
Ah, how scary. These sisters are probably scary.
Their tone lowered. Just by hearing their voice, I felt a chilling cold.
My instincts told me that I shouldn’t know about what happened, so I decided to not ask about the details of the punishment. His wife and daughters probably did something. But I won’t ask.
I am also involved in it, so I better not touch on that incident. There are things that one can’t turn into a laughing matter even if time passes.
[A… Ahaha. I see. Well, I don’t really mind. Now then, Shiki. We should leave soon]
“Yes, Raidou-sama” (Shiki)
He didn’t talk at all in the conversation and just acted as an assistant. For that I am grateful.
I give my thanks to the two kind girls who were sad that we were leaving already, and left the nobles’ dormitory.
“Raidou-sama, about those two…” (Shiki)
“What?” (Makoto)
“Even though they are wealthy among hyumans, I felt like they didn’t have much attachment to outward appearance. I also saw that their gratitude for Raidou-sama is the real deal. And that kind treatment to guests, I feel like this is my first time seeing a normal hyuman” (Shiki)
Certainly. I feel like my current students only fear me, but you are already treating Lime who was influenced by Tomoe as abnormal?
“There was a time when their own outward appearance become terrible because of the curse disease after all. They probably changed their way of thinking and are now people that take more importance in what’s inside” (Makoto)
“No matter which, it is something to be happy about. Those two will surely grow” (Shiki)
“Shiki-sensei’s approval? They are rookies with a bright future” (Makoto)
While doing frivolous talk, Shiki and I return.
The next morning.
Contact with Lime Latte was cut off.
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I’ve been enduring but this story’s MC really is all the hypocritical conceitedness there is on a Japanese story’s MC. I feel like until the end of this story, he’s never going to grow up, he’s never going to realize his hypocrisy, he’s never going to know the truth behind matters, he’s never going to be aware of his surroundings, and he’s always going to be judging people by their appearance on the surface alone and nothing else.
I hope to see the people he cares dies from his hypocrisy so he could finally grow up and act like a real person, not some sort of hypocritical Lord-wanna-be with immature decision-making and judgement skills.
“We are not planning on providing weapons in the war”
You already did tho.
I like the sisters, really like, that’s from my memories, I hope that they eventually enter in the harem.
Lime Latte rip
Congrats for the milestone. Thx for the translation. Yori Shasha was here.
dang, i was hoping that lime gets a pet named lemon.
I just don’t have the will the oppose you anymore” (Rona)….
I just don’t have the will to oppose you anymore” (Rona)
>“We are not planning on providing weapons in the war” (Makoto)
Meanwhile Tomoe and Mio keep powerleveling adventurers and supply them with superior weapons and even trained a hero.
Does he even now what his own people are doing?
Well, he didn’t know about the “train a hero” part, but there are several inconsistencies with his logic. He detests curses for the suffering and death they cause, but doesn’t seem to care about other causes of suffering or death, war or otherwise. It’s weird to only value someone’s life if they’ve been cursed.
He also seems to think that the war won’t really effect him, as if demons enslaving the hyuman population won’t hurt his business with hyumans. On a more personal level he does have a few hyuman friends.. I’m not saying it would make sense for him to back the hyumans, but figuring out some way to end the war would make sense. Not that he could implement it immediately with the threat the golden bug poses, but he should be thinking and making preparations. Instead we have him acting as if there aren’t grave threats to the status quo.
And actually, confronting Rona really doesn’t make sense; either he shouldn’t care why a demon’s enrolled in his class (aka the complete noninterference route) or he should try maintain the greatest advantage he has: anonymity. Previously, only Sofia, Lancer, and the Goddess knew about his existence, but even they, if they even thought he was alive, didn’t know his exact location.
Last time i read a story with sound, consistent decision for something like this was like reading a (simplified) analytical paper about international politics.
For each character talk or “…umu” you’ll get a wall of text analyzing other parties train of thought.
Author-kun doesn’t have this level of skill under his/her belt yet.
*Just Want to Chime in, for future readers
I feel like this author really don’t know what he’s writing. I really feel like the way this MC is built until now is VERY hypocritical and conceitedly disgusting like the way his face was described.
Everything he does and everything narrative about his ideals are inconsistent and very contradicting to his words and actions.
And true tho, his anonymity would have been a great ace up his sleeve but for some moronic way of author-thinking or another, the narrative descriptions of his decisions are WAAAAAAYYYYYYY TOOOOO CONTRADICTORY to his own goal of staying under the radar of the Golden Bug. I don’t know about the author, but what he did up to here is just pure and blatant idiocy. Everything he’s written so far was a contradictory of his MC’s words and actions, and most especially the direction of the plot.
The only reason I’m here is because I want to read the first death of a person he cared about because of his hypocritical narrative. Until then, I am hating this author for his narrative bullshit
“50 years you say. Rona-san, hyumans are not monkeys. The war would already be over if that were the case.”
Normally this war is already over if they didn’t summon the heroes..
“[Okay then, you two. From now on you will live for the sake of happiness. That will be my repayment. Also, no Raidou-sama. We are student and teacher, so call me sensei or use –san]”
“I also saw that their gratitude for Raidou-sama is the real deal. And that kind treatment to guests, I feel like this is my first time seeing a normal hyuman”
Hmm.. so he knows how look like a “normal” hyuman?
This favor we will never forget and will edge it in our hearts.
edge -> etch, maybe?
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Congratulation on the 100th chapter.
I feel like I Didn’t comment in ages
Anyways congrats for reaching chapter 100.
I ferk like I Didn’t comment in ages
Anyways congrats for reaching chapter 100.
Thanks for all those chapters !
I hope things will continue to be more and more interesting ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!
Veeeeery late thanks for the chapter! And congrats on chapter number 100! XDDDD
Oh, and:
Mario said the Demon Lord is a man, “but there is still”…
… the demon princess?! Plz tell me it’s the demon princess! XD~~~~
Thanks for the Chapter and congrts for the chap 100 Seriousley thanks to you i could read this WN is one of my favourite.
PD In the coments of the chap 99 i made a mistake sorry but i dont know how delate or edit the comment
Felicitations on 100 chapters translated. I discovered this series last year and it’s now one of my fave translated web novels, so I’m glad you’ve kept with it. Not only haven’t you lost interest and given up, but you’re consistent and update on a regular basis. Makes you one of the best that does.
I agree.
Rescue arc incoming?
That sounds interesting.
Congratulations on your 100th chapter of this series. As translator’s quite often tend to stop before they reach such heights, thank you.
Also the reason why the internet treated you so kindly, is prob. because of you gramma
cliff …
oooooooh cliff…….
would you marry me? I feel like we are flirting for a long time now…
and congrat for 100 chap
Congratulations 100th chapter has come
thx u for every chapter
Congratulations on making it to the 100 chapter. You made it happen. And thanks for the chapter.
Made a profile just to congratulate you for 100 CHAPTER!!!


Thanks for all the hard work!
Lime Latte sounds like a drink…….
thanks for the chapter.
Thanks so much for the chapter. Also is this story still being written or is it finished already?
It’s still ongoing, and from what I can tell there’s atleast another 3-4 arcs left.
Thank you
thanks for the chapters!
I really enjoyed this series
and I’ll take a look at your own series at later time
Thanks for the chapter! Yay 100 chapters!
Who drank the Lime latte?
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter ANDddddddd…
Congratulations for doing your 100 chapter~~~~
Shiki! What did you do?! Σ(○∆○)
Lime! Where are you?! Σ(○∆○) x2
Rona! Why have you come?! Σ(○∆○) x3
Third time is a charm, mate~
thanks for the translation and congratulation
This series interests me more and more! There are a lot of unpredictable things that happen, and I can’t wait to find out more. I really want to see Makoto go all super-explosion on somebody for disturbing his path so often. Thank you so much for translating this story, I am looking forward to seeing what happens next.
i want to see Makoto stand in the center between human’s and demon’s armies, removing all his limiters, thus releasing an aura as strong as a god itself, and shouting something like:
“your little war has lasted long enough, this end here and now! i will personally exterminate whoever dare to take a step further on this battlefield! be it either a hyuman, demon, or mamono!”
scaring both sides to death and forcing them to retreat, or something like that
That…would make me really happy too. And whapping the bug upside the head with a paper fan too.
that will luring a bug(goddess) out of her nest
just had another thought today: i want the Bug to try and force Makoto to work for her, ofcourse he reject her, and she toss him again in a bad place
BUT, before being tossed away, Makoto has the time to “lock” on her, and then after being trashed, he shoot a full power arrow on the lock, his locks never misses, even if they have to reach the Bug’s heavenly place, and she get a big slap in the face from it
That would be something. I think that maybe Makoto can get to the Goddess if he cooperate with the Demon’s and the Empire who could get to where the Goddess is at. Since the Demon’s have that object that can disable the Goddess power and it seem like the Empire might be technological advance enough to make it happen. But this is just a theory.
kinda want to reply to that: a GAME theory, but i’m just being silly
Yeah. But, I still liked it.
“Let me tell you this first Rona. If you connect bodies with Raidou-sama, you will regret it for the rest of your life. This is an honest warning thinking about your wellbeing. The catastrophe will probably come bite me as well, that’s why I will do my all to get in the way, so do take that in mind” (Shiki)
Shiki has to put up with so much shit …
totally shipping Rona and Shiki tho
Thanks for the chapter, and congrats for the 100th~
Clearly someone drank the Lime Latte~

┻┳|・ο・ )
Thanks for the chapter
Pretty annoying that even Shiki cockblocks Makoto from personally getting to know a Blue Demon’s body.
That is not what Bros do.
He just doesnt want to get kill by mio
It might because when Shiki might of had an experience with the blue demon he does not want to talk about. Might because of that whole connectiing body thing?
He still have a trauma with peeling skin punishment.
ah poor shiki he is so pity
@Anon that’s exactly what bros do
that’s what my brother did to his best friend after all
Thanks for the Chapter and congratulations for 100 amazing translations, stay healthy and keep up the good work
Thabks for tje chapter! And congrats on finally reaching the 100th chap milestone~
Thanks for the chapter! And WOoooOOo chapt 100!
Thanks for the chapter reigo-sama!
100 chapters grab the beer and let’s comemorate!!
100 chapters of beer on the wall, 100 chapters of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 99 chapters of beer on the wall.
Thanks for chapter and congo for the century
what? lime got eaten O.,o?
lets pray for his safety,its a waste if an interesting guy died early
Ah poor lime
Thanks a lot for your hard work and congrats on reaching this milestone!

thx alot =D
Congrats on reaching the 100 milestone. I wonder what Lime was sent to investigate.
With so many people saying the same, here’s + 1:
Congrats for the 100th chapter and thank you for your hard work!!
Congrats on your 100th chapter.
I wonder if everyone is going to misunderstand him meeting with the sisters with flowers in his hands?
I don’t get why the sisters were confused when he told them to live for their own happiness, and to call him sense.
The sisters were trying to Hero Zone Makoto for saving them and he immediately Friend Zoned them before they could get any kind of traction in displaying how much they appreciated what he did for them.
Their attitude toward Makoto was such that their father half-expected them to return pregnant before long and Makoto disarmed them before they could get going on displaying their attitude toward him.
Somewhere in distance land at abandon house, some hitting sounds where coming out from house. Inside house two man were tied up to ceiling and two beautiful demoness hitting them with whip while busty milf demon releasing blood thrust in background.
Congratz for your 100 chapter.
and thank you very much for always translating \:D/
Nooooooooooo not Lime Latte! He is too flavorable to have died!
Grats and ty again for the chapters!! Will the cliff hangers ever end ; (
Thanks for the chapter!
And congrats on reaching this far!
Yes!!!! 100 chapterrrrrrrrrsssssssssss!!!
The best part
“Is the Kuzunoha Company an information organization of Aion?” (Rona)
Well they are pratically a nation on their own
congratulations on reaching three-digits chapter~
as always thanks for the chapter~
Reigokai, thank you for your hardwork translating all 100 chapters.
You faced a lot of hardships along the way, but reached this line nontheless.
*Makoto still has a lot to see and discover about his servants. Tomoe, Mio, Shiki, Lime, even Ema has a side that Makoto doesn’t know about. He’ll be shocked when he do.
100 eh…. Thanks for the chapter
Thx 4 the chapter and CONGRADS on 100 chapters!!!!!!
Ty for the chapter^^
Flags for the sisters and mio2.0(?) For the maou?
Thanks for the chapter. Congratulation with getting 100 chapters with this fast pace(compared to most translation sites I go to at least)
Congrats for 100th chap.
Got hungry now when they tak about nabe.
I wonder about the info that demonic lady gave. Is it the truth or a lie? As they say in a saying. The truth is always covered under a bunch of lies and the lies are always covered by a bunch of truths.
Thank you for the chapter Reigokai-kun :3
Triple digits woo! Finally found somthing to munch on after the shield bro thanks and congrats
Thanks 4 the chapters!
And congratulation!
Fireworks are so last season so I used surface to air missiles.
Hmm… I think I hit a bird or something. It’s smoking while falling to the ground. I hope it isn’t a Nepu UFO I’ve seen around here.
Contact with agent Lime Latte lost. Requesting rescue and extraction!
Congratulations on achieving 100! I know how Rona will meet her end. At some point she will be too inconvenient to be allowed to live, and Shiki will let slip in front of Mio and Tomoe that she wants Makoto’s body. He’ll also mention that she has some way of getting past him, “Oh what shall I do to protect Waka-sama?” Problem solved.
128- oh wait 129 comments…..
Ho lee Fuk!!
yay! congratulations on 100 chapters!
Thx for the 100 chp =)
in the first 100 Chap
TMIA (translator miss in action) / 0
TKIA (translator kill in action) / 0
Pace of Translation = STABLE
Translator Status for the Second Round
Reigokai HP………………….Green
Reigokai VIT…………………Green
Reigokai SPE……………….Green
Reigokai RES……………….Green
Reigokai LUK……………….Green
All Status Green
No abnormalities detected captain, we’re waiting for your go.
Hey congrats Reigokai on breaking the three digit milestone! Thanks for all the entertainment you’ve given us up until now and I hope there’ll be plenty more to come.
Oh dear. A Mio with brainpower instead of just plain power? Oh dear oh dear OH DEAR GOD.
I would greatly enjoy Makoto developing a love interest. The dense MC is frustrating to read.
I think he knows how Tomoe and Mio feels about him, so he’s not dense. He just think the two are troublesome and family zoned them.
Consider. Makoto knows what Mio and Tomoe looked liked before they changed into their human appearance.
Also, Makoto wouldn’t do anything with the sisters even if they were interested.
Still~ Makoto deserve some love in his life.
Reigo-san congrats on making it into the 100th chapter, I look forward to the next chapter that will come
congrats on your 100th chapter!!!
and thank you for the chapter,I hope you keep translating this novel
well done! thank you for your hard works
Thanks for the chapter ^.^
Thank you for the chapter.
Really, what is with this Author… always refraining from divulging important talks. What “Request…” my arse. It didn’t even say anything about it and just skipped to them cooperating.
Anyway, thanks for the chap~
Gratz on reaching 100th chapter.
Cliff-wait for it in another two years.
*two years later*
Congrads on 100 chapters!
You have done well, frankly im intimidated/impressed at how much work it would have been to translate this much.
Hope you continue
you are fucking awesome!, damn 100 chapters congrats
thanks a lot
100th comment
Congrats on 100th! Thanks for the chapter~
Pretty good content too ^^
Did Makoto not process the bit about Morris getting the documents *wrong*?
He did, he just doesn’t want to broach the topic any further, since the sisters were emitting that dangerous aura. Well…going by the cliches, that just means they scolded him severely for his mistake.
Thank you for the chapter, although I believe “I don’t have any proofs” should just be “I don’t have any proof”.
Indeed indeed. I thank ze translator. And point at |First of all, I probably want to more about Kuzunoha Company~” (Rona)|

Thanks for the hard work
Thanks for the chapter!!!
Congrats! And thx for the chapter.
Congratulation on reaching 100 chapter!
And thanks for the chapter.
You go gurl!
Thanks for the chapter and gratz for 100 chaps! The cliff from chap 99 was killing me xD
new cliff lime’s connection was cut… du du dun…
thank you very much for every chapter till now and forward to a hundred more lol xD
thanks for the chapter XD
Late, but Thanks a lot for the chapter!! <3
Thanks for the 100 chapters of goodness, it was a very fun ride and i hope it will keep on being a fun ride
thnks reigo-san
looking at the source seems like you will run out of raw sooner than expected
Congrats!!, you really have made a great job here!! thanks for all!!
Congratulations on the 100 chapters! I admire your dedication and effort to translate and hope you can continue. Really thank you very much.
Yo hablo español, google chrome traduce la novela y yo leo, he leído los 100 capítulos de esta forma y debo decir que tu traducción es impecable. Muchas gracias por tu trabajo
Congratulations on your 100th chapter!
Congrats on the 100 chapters ! Thanks for translating this series .
100 chapters is crazy, I don’t know of a whole lot of JP novels that get translated to that point so thanks and congrats on making it so far
The one Reigokai translating (this translation) is from web novel, not from light novel. It’s usual for WN to have hundreds of chapter as most author just numbering chapter from 1 to XXX.
Wow good job, and thanks for the 100 chapters!!!
the last line seems probably wrong. from machine translation, Lime Latte broke off the news (communication from Lime Latte got cut off)
OH right! Thanks for telling me again raj, you are a life saver >_<
Thanks for the translation, by the way, this line “I don’t have any proves” it’s supposed to be “proofs”. Cheers!
Congratulations on making it to 100, been here since chapter 7 came out
Lol would love to see the sisters become more intimate with makoto.
Would also like to see them creat an incident making makoto famous with such kind of rumor by such rumor i will leave to you guys imaginations…ehehehehe
That will court chaos rather than popularity boom though…….
But it will still going to creat a very interesting scene to watch though, also imagine rembrandt-san going through that hell because of his mistake about makoto^^
Makoto running around for his sheer life.
On the other hand, he has to stop both Mio and Tomoe from creating a large scale disaster, again……
Oh…watching makoto being dragged to his bedroom by mio while tied up would be a very splendid fan service…*smirks*
That’s uhhh……..
Sorry i’m just having my own dellusion….
Yeah it affected me as well……..
But the thing is, it was the other way around being Makoto dragged a tied up Mio into the bedroom……
Ohhh… Also do you think the sisters will do some ploting after seeing makoto bringing a bundle of flowers and confectionaries?
I feel like they are either going to meet him secretly just to have a talk or improve in class little by little to get intimate with him but with his current self right now would most likely stop this from happening though…
You guys why Mio though I was also affected Tomoe-dono won’t let thet happen
Though the scenario I imagine is:
“If it’s for waka-sama, I am fine for I am your loyal samurai”(Tomoe)
“No fair!!! I also! If waka-sama wants to I will offe-*Ponk!*”(Mio)
“Youu guys”(Makoto)
Then Shiki enters looking at Makoto and the others half-naked due to their struggle
After a few minutes
“I’m sorry for intruding Waka-sama, Tomoe-san, and Mio-san please continue all the way and please be careful not to disturb others, well then I’m of to work on other matters, excuse me*closes the door*”(Shiki)
After a few moments of being dumbfounded they fix their clothes and hurriedly went outside
“We congratulate youuu Waka-sama for your successor thaat will be born!!!”(Asora Citizens)
Some thing like that
I have no comment or statement to even refute this since it’s way too damn accurate with the high probability that it will turn out like that.
Forgot to write this
KANPAI!!! (Cheers!!!)
Also, thanks for the chapter~
please keep the good work, you’re awesome ^.^ and thanks for the chapter
100 chapters!!! This calls for a drink! Thanks for translating.
Thanks for the chapter
Before I do my actual comment, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Reigo-senpai, it’s been an honor to read what you have translated. And I’m very honored to have been an editor for a few of those chapters. Thank you and here’s to another hundred. *raises glass*
Now for the comment.
Yeah guys, Rona was the fox woman that Io talked about. Trying not to spoil her existence in this part was very hard. As for what’s going to happen, you all know that I cannot say too much because of Truck-kun. However, there will be VIPs at the festival. Including one that hasn’t been heard from in a long time and another that we all hate. Sorry, no Heroes. And last spoiler, Lime is going to need a hug. That’s all I can say for now.
So we will have another person to be hated and it’s not Tomoki!? (impostor) wait maybe it’s Bug? or maybe new character?
If it’s not Truck-kun maybe it will be Tractor-san xD
First of all, no motor vehicles will be included. Secondly, there are characters in this story other than the bug or Tomoki that people dislike. Even if you guess the right answer, I cannot tell you if you are correct or not. Especially since other than Truck-kun, I have to worry about Train-san as well.
Spoiler-san…do you know truck-kun’s father? Take a guess
It’s bulldozer-shi… Train-san is their grandmother
Then what about tractor-san?
Great grandfather-shi
Then who is truck-sensei’s child then?
Probably Bus-sensei or Car-senpai.
What about Motor-chan? and Also Wouldn’t Ship-kun and Airplane-san be the cousin?
Probably great grandchildren.
It’s Van-chan
Wait, who was Io again? He was the 4-armed giant right?
That is correct, Ainz-san.
It’s Ainz-sama you fool!!
*prostrate in a hurry*
Hey, if Ainz-san has a problem, then he will tell me about it.
sorry, I forgot, who is lime?
read this chapter again :
hope u get it ^^
Thanks for the chapter. Congrats on reaching ch 100.
Also, I read on animesuki forums that the author has been editing older chapters, and that you aren’t using the most up to date ones? Just something I thought to let you know about. Seems like the edits start from around here.
Thank u always for ur great work…
The chapter just flashed before my eye, since around chapter 10-20 I’m lurking in here, and here the chapter 100, great job…
If Rona didn’t get Shiki warning, what will happen with her?
have someone posted there?” (Makoto)
have someone posted there?” (Rona) ???
Thanks for the 100th chapter, Reigo-sama!
Congratulations dude! Your work has really been outstanding. Great story, great translation, great speed, you got it all. We’re just grateful that we’re able to leech off your hard work!
Anyhoo, good to see the sisters are playing nice. Gotta wonder about the rumor. And Mio with a brain? I can’t think of a scarier description.
Poor firo ;-;
I wonder how could a lime-flavored Latte taste?
Want to try making one?
Tell me once you do!
Who was Sofia again?
The chick with the giant sword and dragon kid he fought with when he made the lake. She was the previous highest level adventurer before they came along.
Mmmmm lime latte sound amazing
Make u drool huh…
yup, i like limeade and i love lattes this must be twice as good right!
Good job Reigo-san! ^^ and thanks for all!
Thanks for your hard work.
you are my 2nd favorite person on the internet after sousetsuka (just because I found your site waaaay later)
more waifus get~to~?
congrats on managing to make it to 100 chapters
…. *sigh* maybe I should re-read or something?
Wait… I know that I was late for the party, but do you mean to tell me that no one reserved a spot in the 100th chapter hallmark for Firo!!!
…Sorry, I didn’t even think of it. Well, I was merely 2nd, anyway. Hey, maybe Firo was so fast they got the zeroth comment, which we can’t see…
If that be the case, than Firo is faster than I thought.
Firo-chan got a speed buff due to the spear hero chasing after her
That would do it. Well, setting Firo’s specific circumstances aside, running away from people with spears is seldom a bad idea anyway…
You know spear-hentai won’t hurt his angel(Firo) rather its him who want to be hurt by Her
Yes! A hundredth!
Thank you for the good work!
Thank you so much for your translation :)!!!!
Thanks for the chapter.
Shiki’s approval = bright future huh?
Sounds like Shiki might transcend Makoto in popularity if that gets out.
Good job on getting to 100th
and thanks as always 
Thx for the chapter once again, hope to stay with u for another 100+ chapters ;P
Thanks for the chapter!!
…you look delicious…
Wooooow… thanks for the chapter…. i’ll wait for the next chapter
∧_∧ ∧_∧\
/ (・ω・)(・ω・) \
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
You don’t have a special Nepu for 100 chapters? How disappointing, slightly…
Wasn’t able to make one as I just woken up when at that exact time this post was released.
Good morning!
Wild Nepu x2 appear… in a play pin! XD
*resists urge to pick them up*
Oi…don’t get fooled by those space nepus, they are excistance that only rusaku-shi can handle…
Just so you know, the Nepu are not really a dangerous race. They are just bad drivers.
Then aren’t they the one’s who are trying to kill you since they are always driving and whenever rusaku-shi appears they do too….and you always get a sight of truck-kun…
It’s not their fault that I somehow get in their path. And these Nepu are still kittens, so they won’t be running over me for a while. As for Truck-kun, he mainly goes after me for being spoiler-san.
I see… Then we should do somthing about truck-kun…any ideas?
*grabs one Nepu and ran away
_∧_∧__ ST━━━━━━━━OP!!!
(_( ・ω<)_()З≡≡≡≡≡≡◎⊃
/ つノ
(Not a cannon but a net launcher)
Cannon? I thought it is a giant dil*boom*
Hahaha that is what you get for messing with Rusa-*Boom!*
*looks at nepu* DIE!!!
Why do you think I resisted the urge to pick them up!?
Thanks for the 100 ch, you are awesome. Keep the good work
Thank you for the Chapter!
[…] Chapter 100: The request of the demon […]
We never lost faith in you. Good job, Reigo-san!

Oh just notice it’s chapter 100. Thanks for all the hard work
Connecting bodies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I hope that demon lord is a woman ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You want a mini apocalypse?
Even the demon lord won’t be able to survive 2 raging tornados of pure jealousy aimed towards him/her…
Not to burst your bubble, but Spoiler-san is here. The demon lord is male, sorry. But there’s still–
*sees Truck-kun*
Oh noes! Gotta run!!!
Running away, was being chased by the spear hero lol
I think firo-chan is right now being fought over by melty-chan and spear-hentai