Synopsis: Youma Hiromi was a 21 year old incapacitated man. One day, a shadow came into his hospital room, Youma thinking that it was the death god and his time had already come, accepted the invitation of the mysterious shadow. When he woke up he found out that he was no longer incapacitated and that he was the “6th hero” in a new world?! or maybe not, as there could only be 5 heroes. Now he has to survive in a new world, but his new body is not what he expected it to be. For what reason was he brought to this world that already has 5 heroes? Why is his body so unstable?!
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, mature (descriptive gore and violence)
Note: This is an original story of mine as I write it to pass my time. And yes, this is a story that is heavily influenced by gaming and hero summoning stories.
This wont be updating as often as it is a hobby after all. But do give me your feedback please. I love those no matter good or bad they help me improve.
Training and Understanding
Prologue: A renewed body and a new world
Chapter 1: Knowing where I stand
Chapter 2: Outskirts and Harsh Life
Chapter 3: The Forest, a place of dangerous encounters
Chapter 4: Even if it costs me my body
Chapter 5: The Freyhart’s situation
Chapter 6: A Double Edged class?!
Chapter 8: World, the true god
Chapter 10: Clash with the Kaiser Blood Bear
Chapter 13: On my way back to Arnesti
Chapter 20: The web that binds her
Chapter 22: The eyes of the soulless
Chapter 25: The gap between ranks
Chapter 26: Dinner with a beast race
Chapter 27: Weapon – Moonbirth
Chapter 28: Retribution for fallen comrades
View Comments
Who drew that picture?
Me :^)
thas fraking amazing then!
I was thinking that the stone that is going to made for te MC sword. Would be a good idea for a backstory. Such as it was stolen from one of the countries that restricted itself from the human countries and that is the main reason that it restricted itself not because of the failed hero summon.
Are you looking for idea's for this series?
Ideas are always welcome! ^^
I was thinking since the MC meant the violin hero why have him meet another one. Such as the girl hero. Have circumstance where they meet and each other and haver her explain to the MC her problem with being in this world and have tell him what she was force to leave behind in the her old world. Then maybe have the MC explain small detail about what his life was like in the old world before after the accident and when he finally got better. He does not need to explain he is from Japan. In way that both characters explain their problems and in way just like the violin hero they will form a bond. And the MC will look towards in trying to learn more of this world and why he is here. That is one idea I came up with.
Yeah, there will be a time when they will be honest and bring out things about their previous world. Their past.
But I feel like taking that out now would be rushing it a bit. I will leave it for future chapters.
Thanks for the idea ^^
Yeah, agree. It might to bit of a rush to discuss there. I was thinking about the whole magic lesson thing. That maybe in a way he can use magic but in a smaller scale (like a small flame or just a squirt of water like a water fountain). Then later on he pushes himself while in danger, he gain an boost ability like to increase his magic attack for a single attack. But in some way it will cause a stasis effect. Something like Mind Down (from "Is it alright to pick up girls in the Dungeon).
sir i have only one problem here its UPDATE FASTER PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANKS FOR THE GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got wrong there well who cares
I love it, it's nice xD. Just about to re-read whats there now cause it's fun.
Very fun story, I look forward to reading more
Hmmm .. get an awesome artist . To describe the world you created
For low imagination like mine .. ( i might imagine it wrongly)
if only it's in color haha
Hei rei,
What about u show status window and progres skill mastering more often?!
Status window and progress will be shown when changes occur, right now we are in town time. Actually it's only been like 2 chapters since I haven't shown it.
This is fucking awesome!!!
How much do we have usually tip? 5, 10, 15, 20$??
Thanks for the compliment.
Feel free to tip as much as you want and just if you want. And hope I can continue meeting your expectations :P