Synopsis: Youma Hiromi was a 21 year old incapacitated man. One day, a shadow came into his hospital room, Youma thinking that it was the death god and his time had already come, accepted the invitation of the mysterious shadow. When he woke up he found out that he was no longer incapacitated and that he was the “6th hero” in a new world?! or maybe not, as there could only be 5 heroes. Now he has to survive in a new world, but his new body is not what he expected it to be. For what reason was he brought to this world that already has 5 heroes? Why is his body so unstable?!
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, mature (descriptive gore and violence)
Note: This is an original story of mine as I write it to pass my time. And yes, this is a story that is heavily influenced by gaming and hero summoning stories.
This wont be updating as often as it is a hobby after all. But do give me your feedback please. I love those no matter good or bad they help me improve.
Training and Understanding
Prologue: A renewed body and a new world
Chapter 1: Knowing where I stand
Chapter 2: Outskirts and Harsh Life
Chapter 3: The Forest, a place of dangerous encounters
Chapter 4: Even if it costs me my body
Chapter 5: The Freyhart’s situation
Chapter 6: A Double Edged class?!
Chapter 8: World, the true god
Chapter 10: Clash with the Kaiser Blood Bear
Chapter 13: On my way back to Arnesti
Chapter 20: The web that binds her
Chapter 22: The eyes of the soulless
Chapter 25: The gap between ranks
Chapter 26: Dinner with a beast race
Chapter 27: Weapon – Moonbirth
Chapter 28: Retribution for fallen comrades
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atleast once a year i check this story for updates. 7 years already lol. Dude continue it.
As a isekai fan i can say this is the good story
I’ve been watching for updates on this story for a very long time. I hope you do not give up on this. This has even anime potential if you ask me.
UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need more of this thing...!!! It is unlike the generic hero plot in almost all isekai novel....this one gives the thrill of being strong but not from some unknown power or those kind of tropes that gives the hero a super extreme advantage over everything else...This one has the backlash of skills he tries to use...and the mind to actively use those extremely dangerous skill set to push through towards his goal and he even has a mindset of constantly training the body...
Hey Rei-san, what with you choosing to spice up DK with some chapters from weakest mage, do you think we can see the return of DEH anywhere on the horizon?
so... chapters, where are you? ... the author died? or is he just busy?
Author here.
And yes, I am indeed busy :(
Sorry for the lack of updates. When I upload again, I plan to do it regularly, so hope you are around when that time comes :D
I will always be here reading your translations ... or waiting for you to translate something that I have like the world reform that I splendidly ignored
I also do not have much right to rush you since I passed the first 15 chapters for my cell phone (2015) and I just went to read now ...
So..... New Chapter by the next 2 months?
Hey rei. Just ean to ask. When will you or rather, are you dropping this novel? I hope not, dude, this story of yours is amazing and i hope for more chapters.
Hi got to say amazing story hope their's more chapters soon!!😁
Love this <3 need more chapter ~
Nee~ Rei-san, do u have a time you plan to update this~? The last release was quite a while ago.... back in October... not to rush you or anything, I’m just SUPER~~ looking forward to it~
I'm glad to see that. Sad to say, the time is just not giving me. But know that I don't plan on abandoning at all.
I love this story and writing it, so it may be in a semi-hiatus, but definitely not abandoned.
Yay~! That’s great to know~! Thank you