Synopsis: Youma Hiromi was a 21 year old incapacitated man. One day, a shadow came into his hospital room, Youma thinking that it was the death god and his time had already come, accepted the invitation of the mysterious shadow. When he woke up he found out that he was no longer incapacitated and that he was the “6th hero” in a new world?! or maybe not, as there could only be 5 heroes. Now he has to survive in a new world, but his new body is not what he expected it to be. For what reason was he brought to this world that already has 5 heroes? Why is his body so unstable?!
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, mature (descriptive gore and violence)
Note: This is an original story of mine as I write it to pass my time. And yes, this is a story that is heavily influenced by gaming and hero summoning stories.
This wont be updating as often as it is a hobby after all. But do give me your feedback please. I love those no matter good or bad they help me improve.
Training and Understanding
Prologue: A renewed body and a new world
Chapter 1: Knowing where I stand
Chapter 2: Outskirts and Harsh Life
Chapter 3: The Forest, a place of dangerous encounters
Chapter 4: Even if it costs me my body
Chapter 5: The Freyhart’s situation
Chapter 6: A Double Edged class?!
Chapter 8: World, the true god
Chapter 10: Clash with the Kaiser Blood Bear
Chapter 13: On my way back to Arnesti
Chapter 20: The web that binds her
Chapter 22: The eyes of the soulless
Chapter 25: The gap between ranks
Chapter 26: Dinner with a beast race
Chapter 27: Weapon – Moonbirth
Chapter 28: Retribution for fallen comrades
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no harm..just curious...
Let's call it a "tribute", because LNs and Jrpgs influenced my story.
There is also a deeper meaning in his name. No spoiler. ;D. And I feel more comfortable naming my MC like that, it feels more at home for me.
ahhh... is that so... :-)
Glad to hear(read) your reasons...
you used Japanese names in naming the MC.!!!... why?
well all i can say is good job! i have read a ton of novels and i say you made this one solid, and thats a very good thing, the best thing you can look for a novel not only its story but the solidity and smoothness of how you tell it, and you get an A+ for that, most of the time fan made novels have a good story but the way the were written was a mess w/c destroys any of my motivation to read it, the mc gets a power boost from god knows where and no explanation on how he got it, jumps from a scene to another without a bit of warning, dialogues between characters sound rushed and it feels like bits and pieces are missing between them, and the transmission from an arc or to another story doesnt even make sense, i know, nobody's perfect and im not saying to stop doing it cause of that, and sorry to anyone who might be offended, just giving my opinion, and how you wrote D.E.H. was smooth af, keep up the good work, thank you for giving the time on making one and im gleefully waiting for the next chapter.
Thanks for the novel
I like the concept and your style of writing, it is pretty concise,
with the synopsis I wasn't really drawn into reading it(I know you already said it), however once I did read it I kept going until I had read all of them and I can say I am looking forward to more. Great job thank you for keeping up the good work with everything.
So it's an original story to pass time when you're bored or the like, huh? Try 'passing the time' pace at all times so you could continue this like it's a main project! Haha, anyway, this is a great one so im exptecting some more but of course not to the point where your first novel's progress would be affected. Thanks
Thank you for the hard work, i look forward to future chapters
I like it over all but you should keep the secret about mana monster for later when the MC is in a party. Then you can have them arguing about what to do with that information.
Hey man, just wanted to say that I really love your story. Take your time in writing this, don't rush, think things through. This story has potential and am expecting big things from it. I know a website which I can give you the link if you desire where you can post your story. Its a website dedicated to original (FanFics) stories and its also the site where I've found one of the best stories I have ever read. There are a lot of users there as well, which will rate the work and even comment.
Overall, I really enjoyed your story and it has great potential. Make sure you know where your story is going by the way, for example know the gist of what you want, Start, Middle, and End. I don't mean that you should know EVERYTHING of your story, I only mean that you should know where you want your story to go because there are many FanFics which are awesome but then the author completely changed the flow of the story. Another problem people have is that the readers don't get "attracted" to other characters, only because they keep changing the personality. What some authors do is get a blank notebook and write the name of a character, below the name could have age, race and a small drawing of the character (if you know or do not know how to draw it doesn't matter, as long as it has the general descriptions. i.e short beard, scar on left part of the face, etc), and there personality in one word, example, Smart, Arrogant, Womanizer, etc. Also, having a note on the chapter they showed up helps as a reference if you need to go back. All this helps an author keep the character ALIVE.
Lol, I didn't expect my comment to be this long. Anyway, so far your story is Gold. Don't rush this, think things clearly and remember that problems don't have to be solved quickly, it can be a mystery and be solved in another arc or whatnot. Keep your hobby alive my friend and never give up. :)
Oh! Thanks for the support and great advice.
I have the all the main points of the story laid out. I know where I want it to head to.
And I actually have a chart with the characteristics of the characters.
I honestly let the characters move on their own when I write stories, I am sometimes surprised myself.
Thanks again for that advice. I would love to hear about that site you are talking about as well.
Are you referring to japtem? Royalroad?
Haha, perfect! I'm expecting big things from your story my friend. Also, you are 100% correct, it's RoyalRoad. It's a good site if you want to get your story out there and aren't afraid of criticism, although some people give some really harsh comments sometimes (Trolls are everywhere in the net).
If you ever do join, let me know so I can follow and favourite.