Synopsis: Youma Hiromi was a 21 year old incapacitated man. One day, a shadow came into his hospital room, Youma thinking that it was the death god and his time had already come, accepted the invitation of the mysterious shadow. When he woke up he found out that he was no longer incapacitated and that he was the “6th hero” in a new world?! or maybe not, as there could only be 5 heroes. Now he has to survive in a new world, but his new body is not what he expected it to be. For what reason was he brought to this world that already has 5 heroes? Why is his body so unstable?!
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, mature (descriptive gore and violence)
Note: This is an original story of mine as I write it to pass my time. And yes, this is a story that is heavily influenced by gaming and hero summoning stories.
This wont be updating as often as it is a hobby after all. But do give me your feedback please. I love those no matter good or bad they help me improve.
Training and Understanding
Prologue: A renewed body and a new world
Chapter 1: Knowing where I stand
Chapter 2: Outskirts and Harsh Life
Chapter 3: The Forest, a place of dangerous encounters
Chapter 4: Even if it costs me my body
Chapter 5: The Freyhart’s situation
Chapter 6: A Double Edged class?!
Chapter 8: World, the true god
Chapter 10: Clash with the Kaiser Blood Bear
Chapter 13: On my way back to Arnesti
Chapter 20: The web that binds her
Chapter 22: The eyes of the soulless
Chapter 25: The gap between ranks
Chapter 26: Dinner with a beast race
Chapter 27: Weapon – Moonbirth
Chapter 28: Retribution for fallen comrades
View Comments
This is......way better than i expected it to be.
Love the MC, the story till now and whats really outstanding are the Side Characters which are just great.
Really Nice keep doing this
I would really like to do a fanart (somewhere in the future... I hope) for your novel. Is it possible to share the character designs?
Thanks for the great novel 😄😄
Oh that sounds great. I would definitely love to see your fanart.
Unfortunately, I don't have the drawings of all characters, but now I have a reason to do so.
Expect them in a near future :)
Reigokai, Your story is awesome. You really have talent for this. I would love to also see this as manga an anime.
I only wish there were more chapters! Hehe
I don't want to stress you. Quality over quantity.
Keep up the good work.
With regards
...some pics would be nice....just saying....nice work by the way
Pics are an extra. They are normally not present in written works. I wanted to imitate the LN works a bit and drew a few, but that's it. If i feel like it I will draw some, but they won't be constant.
Thanks by the way :3
This is a bit of feedback to do with the world. I dont know if thats uncalled for but I feel like saying it might be helpful anyways. In the novel the god was talking about the 4 dungeon cores, and the dungeons related to them, but that got me thinking. If there were only 4 dungeons in the entire world, wouldnt that make them a rare and important fixture for whatever country owned them? Especially for the first dungeon as its presumably the only one of the four that could be considered a beginners dungeon. From the way people have been talking and behaving however has made dungeons seem a little more commonplace. That could be an interesting plot point, trying to figure out which are the three remaining dungeons that actually need to be eaten. You could talk about how most dungeons are naturally occurring, appearing over time and then disappearing as the flow of magic changes. The reason the god wants the dungeons gone could be because they were like prototype dungeons and because of that they dont naturally disappear by themselves.
Feedback is never uncalled for.
Dungeons will be explained at a future time, but I can say that the core in the Forest of Beginnings does indeed play big part in Arnesti's influence in the human race.
Thanks for the suggestions :)
Youma is going to end up destroying the world isn't he...
Romance, violence and gore... So... no ecchi/hentai/harem? -sadface-
Nice one.
waiting for the next update ^_^
Please Please Please continue on this I can't wait to see what happens next. World (GOD) reminds me of the god in Mushoku Tensei - Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu. Honestly I am expecting a real bad thing from him collecting the core's. This so far is a very good story so keep it up. I will be waiting for the upcoming chapters.
Mature in what way like s** is involved or is it just the gore depictions
nice work... but can you put this at
its easier to manage from there..
Sadly, I don't think original fictions can be uploaded in novelupdates. I really do want to though.
Thanks for the support ^///^