Double Edge Hero

D.E.H Chapter 29: State of Mind

Author: Hey there guys, due to the slow update rate of this story, "many people" are having difficulties in keeping…

7 years ago

D.E.H Chapter 28: Retribution for fallen comrades

--- Forest of Beginnings --- In that fresh and lush forest, a party of 4 people were walking as they…

8 years ago

D.E.H Chapter 27: Weapon – Moonbirth

Oh boy, it actually came! The ellusive chapter! Double Edge Herooooo!!! For everyone that was fervently requesting it, wow, thanks…

8 years ago

D.E.H Chapter 26: Dinner with a beast race

ATN: This is an actual chapter. No joke! I already have other chapters in wait, but I still have to…

8 years ago

D.E.H Chapter 25: The gap between ranks

“You really surprised us there, Youma” “Sorry for the suddenness” “Better tell that to Lylian. I am just sitting here…

8 years ago

D.E.H Chapter 24: Lesson learned

The two guards of the Slave Market have declared their will to kill me. Between killing or selling me as…

8 years ago

D.E.H Chapter 23: Buying trouble

Author Note: Hello? Is anyone still here? Because after a long time, I have had the chance to pile up…

8 years ago

D.E.H Chapter 22: The eyes of the soulless

“You want to buy a slave?!” A shout reverberated in the room. The location is the living room of the…

9 years ago

D.E.H Chapter 21: Frailty of life

I rush. Hurrying through the web covered forest, I hasten my step. Right now, I separated from Elinalise and am…

9 years ago

D.E.H Chapter 20: The web that binds her

Author note: Is it happening?! A chapter is finally out?! Yes, yes it did. And it was thanks to all…

9 years ago