MV – Chapter 157: The Little Girl and the Minor Villain

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A little girl.

No matter how you looked at her, she was unmistakably a little girl. Her hair was tied in buns, she wore a custom-made suit in a child’s size, and she was under a meter tall. Chubby cheeks, cute eyes, and fake glasses without lenses resting on her nose.

“Is something the matter, Shukou-sama?”

“Is shumting de matteh, Shukou-shama.”

Her voice overlapped as she puffed out her flat chest and did a little dance, wriggling her hips like she was trying to imitate a grown-up she yearns to be.

[Pla-san, we lost connection and were worried, but it looks like you got out safely.] (Mira)

Mira appeared as he returned to the original world, but he was too struck with surprise to respond.

[Hey, hey, it’s a little girl! A little girl! Huh? Why a little girl? Why does nobody think that’s strange?] (Lanpeach)

He wanted to point and shout but somehow managed to hold back, maintaining only a strained smile. This is the most he has endured in his life.

The tiny figure waved her little arms to explain that Toko was innocent, but her voice seemed to come from directly above her. She was so dedicated to her “performance” that he couldn’t help but want to applaud. The conversations were not reaching his ears at all.

Both Mira and Libra looked at the little girl in disbelief, but as expected, Mira, ever calm and collected, was the first to recover.

[Pla-san, please pretend you don’t know and look slightly upward, as if speaking to an adult woman. Libra, position yourself above her head as a target for Pla-san’s gaze.] (Mira)

[Roger. Is here fine?] (Libra)

Libra floated gently and moved to roughly where an adult woman’s face might be. This should make it possible to keep his focus on Libra instead.

[What’s going on here? She’s a little girl! A little girl!] (Lanpeach)

[……There were rumors. They said Harkein’s granddaughter was a little girl. That the most powerful of all immortal beings, who can manipulate fate is a young granddaughter…] (Mira)

[No way. Mira, you’re shaken too, right? A granddaughter? And she controls fate? And why can I hear her voice like it’s assisted speech?] (Lanpeach)

Though she tried to keep a straight face, Mira was visibly rattled. She nodded and stole a glance at the little girl.

[She can call forth and control many future versions of herself. From what I gather of your memories, she likely summoned a version experienced in headhunting to recruit you.] (Mira)

[I-I see. Setting aside my objections to Mira reading my memories, she calls forth her future selves depending on the situation, huh. But why a little girl?] (Lanpeach)

Bringing out a future version of herself to fit the pattern was like cheating, but why a little girl?

[It seems she chose the least vulnerable, strongest form, which happened to be a little girl. I thought it was just an urban legend, but it appears to be true.] (Mira)

An explanation he didn’t want to believe.

[Oiiiiii! Stop messing around! The final boss, giving up humanity and wearing the stone mask only to turn into a little girl; how is the protagonist supposed to handle that?! They can’t just punch her! Imagine if the emperor became a little girl after touching a crystal and gaining divine powers. That’s game over for the heroes. They can’t kill her!] (Lanpeach)

[That’s exactly why she chose a little girl from the infinite possibilities. Fortunately, it seems Pla-san isn’t affected by fate’s influence at all. Normally, you should have been influenced by the ‘capable elite secretary’ fate, but it appears Mei is showing an invisible flow of fate to the surroundings, so you aren’t affected. This also applies to us who are associated with you. This is a huge opportunity.] (Mira)

[Ngh. I would rather not hear it, but what do you mean by huge opportunity?] (Lanpeach)

[This is the real body of Mei, the Demon of Fate. Pla-san, you can kill immortals, so this is a rare chance to strike now, as she seems to be off her guard. Eliminating this little girl will make future battles much easier. The only cost would be your social standing.] (Mira)

Mira casually suggested this brutal approach. He understood it was an opportunity, and he’d normally take it without hesitation. It was her fault for foolishly approaching him. Killing her now would be a massive advantage.

If only she weren’t a little girl!

“Hehe, looks like you can’t argue against my logic? Fufufu, my ability is invincible-deshu.” (Mei)

The others were looking in the direction where Libra is and looked frustrated by the voice they could hear. It seems she had nothing else to do, so she began patting Lanpeach’s pants and snickering mischievously.

Had she been an adult, he would’ve attacked without mercy. But, pretending not to notice her was the only option here. What kind of endurance test was this?

He couldn’t attack, so he pulled a candy from his Dimension Pouch and placed it on his palm. He brings around treats for Koume. By the way, today’s flavor is grape.

He casually held out the candy on his open palm. It is made in the colony, so it is known for its deliciousness. It is also Koume’s favorite candy.

The little girl quickly noticed the candy and circled Lanpeach, her eyes glued to the grape-wrapped treat.

“Candy-deshu! It has grape-flavored wrapping!” (Mei)

She drooled in anticipation and glanced back and forth between  Lanpeach’s face and palm.

She was groaning, furrowing her brows, and looking really troubled.

“I-It’s fine. It’ll be fine. Um, I choose the ‘fate where the candy goes unnoticed even when gone’-deshu.” (Mei)

She reached her tiny fingers into the air as if to pluck something, and casted a spell.

“The clever me said that choosing the fate directly won’t work-deshu, but a simple candy won’t be noticed, right?” (Mei)

It seems she couldn’t resist the candy any longer. She was like a kitten eyeing its prey.

She reached toward Lanpeach’s hand, carefully pinched the candy, and checked his face. Lanpeach, of course, didn’t notice at all and was focusing solely on the voices around him.

She unwrapped the candy, popped it in her mouth, and rolled it around, turning her face into one filled with bliss.

“This must be made by Orihalha-deshu! Sho delicious! The snacks are too good, even if it’s frustrating. Orihalha treats are the best-deshu. All Harkein has are bland rations. I’m sho lucky!” (Mei)

She plopped down on the floor to savor the candy.

[Pla-san! She stole your precious candy! We must retaliate!] (Mira)

[Yes, Soldier. Harden your heart and take down this enemy! It is alright, a minor villain can do it!] (Libra)

His support team was aggressive. You could say it is logical, but for now, he reached for a pack of mini donuts.

[Let’s overlook it this time. Just keep offering more treats. Libra, handle the retrieval.] (Mira)

[Eeeh?! You’re changing your mind awfully fast! I will still do it though!] (Libra)

Since Mira had only sent a hologram, Libra was in charge of collecting the treats. Libra grumbled as she put away the donuts, but what’s with this little girl?

“Ah! Now there are donuts-deshu! Uuh, I should’ve saved the candy…” (Mei)

She looked downcast, realizing she couldn’t eat a donut while sucking on the candy. But then she remembered the pockets in her child-sized suit and brightened.

“I can store it for later-deshu! I’m sho smart!” (Mei)

The little girl eagerly stuffed the donut in her pocket. But since Libra had put half of them away, the donuts were too deep for her short arms to reach.

She stretched a bit teary, but she still couldn’t reach.

“Aah… I am getting a little tired.” (Lanpeach)

Lanpeach, unable to ignore her pitiful struggle, crouched awkwardly to help. The others were engaged in serious debate with the elite secretary, so he looked like he wasn’t serious here, but he is a minor villain, so there’s no problem.

“Hooway! It is good luck-deshu. I’m a lucky girl, a capable woman-na no deshu!” (Mei)

The little girl proudly stashed away the donuts, oblivious to Lanpeach’s awkward gesture. A truly carefree spirit.

And then, she slapped the pockets that were now full and made a satisfied smile.

Lanpeach made a deduction after watching her.

This kid’s an idiot.

But that makes things weird.

[Hey, Mira, why would someone like her set a trap? Wouldn’t she need to be smarter for that?] (Lanpeach)

[…I think I understand now. Even during the ancient wars, it was odd that someone with control over fate didn’t always choose the fate of victory. Judging from this, it seems she only summons her other selves when absolutely necessary, and can’t keep them active for long. Extended use would make the summoned self dominant.] (Mira)

Mira spoke with a grave look, voicing her theory.

[I see. So, she has someone giving her instructions. Fumu… Is that so.] (Lanpeach)

It seemed the little girl could only act reactively. In that case… If he took out the one issuing orders, that might solve the problem. Fufufu, a great idea is forming!

“Hey, Chihiro. Let’s throw a sweets party. Say, a week from now at 2 pm, in the Lanpeach Complex’s dining hall. We’ll set up a dessert buffet with every kind of treat.” (Lanpeach)

“Huh? Is that some kind of metaphor? But sure, sounds good.” (Chihiro)

Chihiro had been trying to wring some compensation from the elite secretary, but still nodded, albeit with a puzzled expression.

“It’s hot after all. Let’s prepare a mountain of ice cream and maybe some cake ice cream too. A chocolate fountain would be great.” (Lanpeach)

Lanpeach, oblivious to the mood, smiled at the thought of what sounded like a delightful sweets buffet.

“Sweets buffet! What’s this wonderful-sounding idea-deshu ka? Must write it down, must write it down-deshu. I want to eat cake and ice cream too!” (Mei)

Hearing Lanpeach’s totally natural remark, the little girl’s nose flared as she eagerly scribbled into her tiny notebook, firmly deciding she would definitely participate in this sweets buffet.

Watching her, the minor villain wore the grin of a kidnapper offering candy that said ‘Come here, missy. I’ll give you some sweets’.

By the way, although they ended up escaping the guilty verdict, Chihiro did manage to wring several hundred million Ele from the Yoroizuka as an apology for the trouble.

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