MV – Chapter 42: Guy and the Minor Villain

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Guy was walking through the congested Surface District. It is still close to the edge, so the attires of the people walking around weren’t imbued with mana, and don’t look affluent, but it was still new and far better than the slums. 

But it is still close to the slums, so even explorers had a bad countenance, and people troubled with money are walking around, so the scenery was terribly dangerous. 

It is natural to be wearing leather armor and bulletproof vests, and they would have swords and guns hanging on them. 

Guy stands out with his big build even within those. The rowdy explorers would open the way to not get involved with him.

This is how Guy arrived at a place where barracks and buildings that looked like they would collapse at any moment were lined up in an alley. There were also a number of brothels that were cheap but were dangerous in a lot of ways. 

It was lively even within the falling snow. He walked through the explorers and hoodlums, and arrived at a single brothel. 

“Ara, isn’t that Guy? It has been a while. What brings you here today?” 

The middle aged lady with more than necessary make-up sitting at the reception smiled at Guy. The middle aged lady showed amiability like that of welcoming a regular customer. 

Guy scratched his head, coughed, and spoke the usual line. 

“Ehehe, bring me mah favorite. Bring alcohol and all that stuff.” (Guy)

“Thank you very much. The usual girl, right? I will guide you. Over here.” 

The middle aged lady showed amiability like that towards a customer that pays well, and a sly light in her eyes like reeling money from a country hick as she guided him deeper into the establishment. 

The first floor is a bar and a place to buy women. The smoke of tobacco wafted about, a noisy song that would make you want to cover your ears rang, the customers were laughing like idiots, and you could hear erotic voices from the women. 

Guy was walking inside that lively bar, but despite having such a big body, his shoulders shrunk and he was coughing as he faced down. 

“My apologies. The 1st floor is always noisy.” 

The middle aged lady lowered her head with an apologetic tone, but Guy got flustered and waved his hand. 

“No, I’ve gotten used to this place now. Come on, walk on.” (Guy)

Guy lifted his shoulders and walked deeper in as if it were his own house. 

The middle aged lady showed a bit of a belittling gaze towards this rustic country hick and followed after him. 

“W-Well then, Imma eat some grub, so can ya leave me be in the meantime?” (Guy)

“Yes, the usual, right? Understood.” 

When they arrived, Guy sat on a chair, and repeated the dialogue that he does when he comes to this establishment. 

The middle aged lady lowered her head and obediently left the room. Only alcohol and food remained on the table. 

Guy looked around and, after confirming that there’s no one, he brought out a smartphone from his pocket, and touched it with familiarity. 

It is not a regular smartphone. It is a smartphone that has been imbued with magic and can make calls. 

“Hello, Guy talkin’. Found the girl.” (Guy)

[Aah, Dyuph. You found the Insect Toll girl? It seems like you took a lot of time. Where were you wandering around? You are as slow of a man as always, good grief.] 

A slimy mocking laugh rang from the smartphone and an unhealthy mumbling voice could be heard. 

A person who has heard this voice for the first time would probably have their mood soured or would block them. 

But Guy, who is the very definition of unrefined, didn’t get sour about this and explained in detail what happened a moment ago. 

The ones who see him explaining in such a logical and easy to understand way would find it clashing with his unrefined appearance that makes him look like he is a bad talker. 

But there’s only Guy in this room, and the person he is talking to was just chiming in with ‘hm hm’.

“And so, I met the Insect Toll girl when I headed to the last guild at the edge. Man~, she was so pretty I was shocked.” (Guy)

[No one asked for your opinion. So, you didn’t buy any Insect Toll from that girl? You useless bum! Why can’t you do at least that much? Hah?] 

“E-Even if ya tell me that, she didn’t have 99 to begin with. I couldn’t buy it.” (Guy)

Guy was flustered by that angered voice. 

That pathetic voice was transmitted through the smartphone and their anger rose. 

[…Damn it, that’s what happens when it becomes real life?  Even though the Insect Toll girl would tell you the location of a hidden dungeon if you buy Insect Toll for a whole season in one go. You can obtain an incredible base if you clear that hidden dungeon. It has the highest rank, space, and floors in the game. It is also connected to the Surface District with the main street, and you can also go to an unexplored region from a road, so it is the perfect base!] 

“She was pretty even by mah standards. A man wouldn’t be able to leave her be. If a few Insect Tolls can get ya closer to her, I woulda bought it regardless of event.” (Guy)

Guy laughed with an uhehehe towards his call partner that muttered this annoyed. 

The person got even more heated up at that neanderthal response of his. 

Lanpeach would have been surprised by this conversation and would be mortified. Because Guy and the person he is talking to knows of an event with the Insect Toll girl that not even walkthrough pages know about. 

[…Can’t be helped. Let’s give up on the hidden dungeon and search for other events. So, was there anyone who bought Insect Tolls unnaturally or a protagonist character nearby?] 

“There was. Dry of the Ice was sitting on a table, eating a light meal carefreely.” (Guy)

[I see, so there was no one. Well, searching for a protagonist in this megapolis would be—there was?! Moreover, Dry-tan? That legal loli? You obviously invited her, right? How was it? Did she feel like a transmigrator? Felt like she was an idiot? D-Do you think she could become my woman?] 

The person was doing creepy ‘haah haah’ noises from the call and Guy made a troubled expression for a moment, but his voice soon changed to a carefree one and he responded in a way that sounded as if he was not bothered by the creepiness of the person. 

“From what I could see, she ain’t a transmigrator. She was just there by coincidence. Also, she looked poor. She didn’t look like someone who knew how to clear the game. If she got possessed in spring just like us, it would be impossible for her to be in her hoodie which is her initial equipment. She must be an idiot just like in the game.” (Guy)

If she were a transmigrator, she would know one or two money making methods, and it would be impossible for her to be troubled with money. Moreover, her being in such an outskirt Explorer Guild means…

“She is most likely 1 Star at most. Doubt she is a 3 Star like us or even 2 Star.” (Guy)

Guy took out his own explorer card and spun it. 

The surface of the card had 3 golden stars carved on it. It is proof that he is a mid tier explorer. 

[You wouldn’t have become even a 2 Star without m-my help. You blockhead! The gold came from me and I even taught you the way to train in the magic academy, so you can now lead a wealthy life without having to worry about money in just 1 year! Or would it have been better for you to die in a deserted village? Would it?] 

“That’s not true. I would have been poor in the capital without ya. It is a~ll thanks to yer esteemed self.” (Guy)

Guy moved to the capital in spring just like in the game. But he didn’t know left from right, and just when he was troubled about employment, he managed to make contact with the person in the call in summer. 

It is not like he narrowly averted death, but there’s no mistake they are a benefactor of his. 

[Right, right? I am amazing. I am not like you, casuals. I have memorized the ways to clear this game. I-I am different from that thieving stupid idiotic woman. P-Praising, t-then once told about the I-Item Box event, she abandoned me! Fufufu, I am definitely getting my revenge! I am going to show you how an exiled protagonist takes revenge and rises to the top!] 

Just when you would think their self-esteem was satisfied with the words of Guy, they took a spiteful tone. 

It is something Guy has heard countless times already. 

[It is a good thing that Dry-tan is an idiot. It is best when women are idiots. I am sure if I save her from poverty, teach her training methods, and give her good equipment and tasty food, she will fall head over heels for me. Uhehe, this is reality, so there’s no age restriction.] 

The person in the call spit out the lowest of the low as a human being. 

Guy was worn down by this, but he still spoke out the words that person would want with a carefree tone as if currying favor. 

“Sorry to say this, but Dry had hired a mercenary. She also got the Frost Bracelet, and was really wary. She probably is on guard towards me, so it won’t be possible to scout her. The mercenary got in mah way too.” (Guy)

The other party would definitely get wary with such a violent scouting method. 

Guy said this with pity without mentioning that part. 

[Wa?! What are you doing?! Did you beat up the mercenary? She would join our side if we were to show our power, right?] 

“……The mercenary was pretty strong. His battle skills would be normal in terms of the game, but he was tough in real life. I would most likely die if I were to fight 3 of them at the same time.” (Guy)

[Damn it, damn it, damn it! Again with real life?! If this is a game world, you should show a Status Board like the game you are. Why do we have to train? Why are the enemies strong?! It is insanity to try and kill me! Defeating monsters is way too hard!] 

“W-Well, it makes sense. A mercenary is hired for their skills, so they are really strong. If ya were to defeat a bit more monsters and train, we might be able to defeat any number of enemies.” (Guy)

[Don’t joke around! I-I definitely won’t explore. I will become stronger, get even stronger, and will think about it when I don’t take any damage from the enemies. I will have you work hard for the sake of that. Gather money and items!] 

The person that was shouting was working as a normal explorer in the summer. But they got scared of exploring after a certain incident in a dungeon that almost got them killed.

Since then, they have kept to only ordering Guy through calls, and wouldn’t go out to explore. There’s no telling when they will be heading out to explore no matter how strong they are. 

[Haah haah, damn it… It can’t be helped. Let’s clear the next event then.] 

“I see. Where is it?” (Guy)

[Dream Island Spirit Ward. Clear the event there.]

“Got it.” (Guy)

[I won’t forgive mistakes! You should be able to defeat it… Obtain the rare item deep in!] 

“Kay. There’s no mistakes in yer words.” (Guy)

[Right? I will think about cutting you off if you mess up again. Keep that in mind!] 

This is how it went silent. 

Guy threw the smartphone on the table within the screams of women that could be heard from the thin walls. 

He did a big yawn and made a bored face. 

“I am glad that they are all idiots who would think I am brusque because I talk with ‘ya’ ‘mah’ and all that. But this guy is beginning to get annoying already. I am not troubled with money anymore, so it is about time I cut them off…” (Guy)

That face of his was far from being brusque. It showed a warped smile. 

“I was flustered when I heard I was inside a game and wanted to leave, but…it is more advanced than mah previous world, moreover, strength reigns supreme and I can live without worrying about money, so the story changes. Kuku, in mah previous world, I couldn’t use 10,000 yen bills without a care.” (Guy)

Knocking rang and a woman practically naked came in.

“Excuse~ me~. Guy-san, you are so manly today as well~. Came back from exploring?” 

“G-Got that right. I-I earned a whole lotta.” (Guy)

That warped face of just now was completely gone. What was there was the country hick that isn’t used to brothels no matter how much time went by. 

“Wa! As expected of a 3 Star explorer. That’s impressive~. Will you be staying today~?” 

“Eh, ah, o-of course.” (Guy)

The woman happily hugged Guy who was coughing. 

“I see~. I will service you today as well, so think about redeeming me okay? I think I can become a good wife.” 

“Wa, W-Wife?! Imma think about it. Me, a wife, huh.” (Guy)

“Thanks, Guy~. I love you.” 

The prostitute makes a big smile. 

She wanted to definitely get the still young and promising explorer, so she provided service that went beyond the line of her business today as well. 

Without noticing that Guy was showing a faint cold smile…

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