ZAP – Chapter 127: Subjugation of the Dark Dragon, Part 2

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TLN: Hey guys, Reigokai here.

Just wanted to note that the webpage has now changed from isekailunatic to reigokaitranslations.

I have set it so that even if you use the old page, you will be redirected to this one, but that’s just temporary, so better to know.

Oh right, also, I am trying to migrate comments to the new page. Have to wait 24 hours to see if it does work though, lol. Not even sure if I did it right haha.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!


“…Contract?” (Claude)

“If you’re going to perform a contract ritual, Eugene-sama, we’ll need to prepare a special location for it…” (Miguel)

“—Barrier Magic: [Ritual Magic Circle].” (Eugene)

As I activated the spell, softly glowing magical symbols began to slowly flow in a circle around us.

“You can set up a magic circle for a contract ritual so easily…?” (Miguel)

Miguel-kun looked surprised, but most students at the Lykeion Magic Academy can do something like this.

“Eugene, what’s the point of making a contract? It’s not like we’ll be able to defeat the Darkness Dragon just because of that…” (Claude)

“Claude, I need you to draw out the full power of the Dragon God Spear. I’ll take on the recoil that comes from it. By making a contract, I should be able to shoulder the damage that would normally be inflicted on you.” (Eugene)

This was the secret method that the Demon Lord Eri had taught me.

Claude and Miguel-kun’s eyes widened at my words.

“You must not, Eugene-sama! Even with a contract with Erinyes-sama, it’s too dangerous!” (Miguel)

“That’s too reckless! Everyone who’s tried to use the full power of the God Spear has died! No matter how good you are with barrier magic…” (Claude)

I shook my head as they tried to stop me.

“I can’t go into details, but I have a strong resistance to divine magic. If you were to use the Dragon God Spear alone, you wouldn’t survive. But I will.” (Eugene)

“You’re asking me to believe you without giving me any details?” (Claude)

“Exactly. Can you?” (Eugene)


Claude’s eyes swam around in hesitation.

The reason I have resistance to Anima is because I have the blood of an angel from my mother. But I can’t tell Claude that. He just has to trust my words.

“…Alright. I’ll trust you, Eugene.” (Claude)

Claude let out a small sigh and gave a crooked smile.

“I figured you’d say that.” (Eugene)

I returned a faint smile.

“So, what do I need to do? I don’t know much about contract magic.” (Claude)

“Where should I start explaining…” (Eugene)

As I hesitated…

“There are five types of contracts: Soul, Life, Blood, Body, and Word, in that order of strength. A Soul Contract can’t be made between humans, so the next strongest is a Life Contract.” (Miguel)

Miguel-kun smoothly took over the explanation.

“Then, we need to make a Life Contract, right?” (Claude)

“No, a Life Contract takes too long to negotiate the terms. While it’s powerful, the punishment for betrayal is death. We don’t need something that extreme.” (Eugene)

When I said that, Miguel-kun’s face lit up with realization.

“C-Could it be…!” (Miguel)

“So the contract we’ll be making is…” (Claude)

“A Body Contract, right?!” (Miguel)


Claude and I both exclaimed in unison.

Wait a minute.

“So you and Claude-sama have that kind of relationship, Eugene-sama?! Well, a Body Contract is quick to establish, and the penalties for breaking it are mild, so it’s perfect for a temporary arrangement!” (Miguel)

Hey, what are you talking about?

This would make my contracts with Sumire and Sara look indecent.

Besides, there’s another option before a Body Contract.

“Miguel-kun, why did you skip over a Blood Contract?” (Eugene)

“Huh? Well, Blood Contracts are usually made between siblings or apprentices. You can make one if you’re long-time companions who are practically family, but since Eugene-sama is from the Empire and Claude-sama is from the Blue Waters Federation, it would be difficult, wouldn’t it?” (Miguel)

Miguel-kun was right that a Blood Contract isn’t something you can make with just anyone.


“It should be fine. Claude and I have known each other for a long time.” (Eugene)

“We weren’t exactly in the same party or anything though. Are you sure?” (Claude)

Claude and I have been together since we first enrolled.We’ve also been training partners in our classes.

Recently, we even ended up in the same class.

We should meet the conditions for a Blood Contract.

“Well, let’s give it a try. Claude, grab my hand.” (Eugene)

“O-Okay.” (Claude)

Claude and I shook hands.

(Eri, lend me your mana.) (Eugene)

(Kay kay, make good use of it.) (Eri)

Her casual reply echoed in my mind.

“I, Eugene Santafield, hereby make a contract with Claude Percival.” (Eugene)

Heavy mana gradually enveloped me and Claude.

A contract is akin to a curse.

It won’t activate with my white mana.

However, with the mana of the Demon Lord Erinyes, I could unilaterally impose a contract like I did with Camilla, but the effect would be weak.

A strong contract requires a strong vow.

“Claude, if I’m ever in trouble, will you help me?” (Eugene)

Claude looked puzzled for a moment, but he seemed to understand the meaning.

“Yeah, you can count on me. So help me too, Eugene.” (Claude)

“Of course. Let’s take down the Darkness Dragon together.” (Eugene)

We both tightened our grips on each other’s hands.

“With this, the contract is… Ah, crap.” (Eugene)

“What happened? Did we fail?” (Claude)

“For a Blood Contract, we need to injure ourselves with the same weapon at the end and mix our blood, but…” (Eugene)

“Can’t you just use the sword at your waist?” (Miguel)

Miguel asked, and I shook my head.

“If I just cut myself lightly with a sword, the wound would heal instantly without even bleeding.” (Eugene)

“What’s up with your body…?” (Claude)

Claude was dumbfounded.

“I wonder about that too…” (Eugene)

Ever since I became aware of my angel blood, my white magic has grown stronger.

It’s gotten to the point where even getting injured is a challenge.

“Eugene-sama, it’s said that the blade of the Dragon God Spear was made from the fang of a dragon that once fought against the Gods of the Divine Realm. This blade should work!” (Miguel)

“You’re right… Let’s give it a try. Claude, let’s both grip the spear’s blade.” (Eugene)

“…Guess we have no choice.” (Claude)

Despite his reluctance, Claude reached for the tip of the spear he was holding.

I grabbed the blade in the same way and squeezed tightly.



Red blood flowed from our hands…and mixed as it ran down the shaft of the spear.


I heard a deep pulse.

“The Blood Contract is complete.” (Eugene)

“Doesn’t feel like anything’s changed.” (Claude)

“You’ll feel it soon enough. For now, let’s heal… [High Heal].” (Eugene)

Claude’s wound healed instantly.

When I looked at my own hand to heal it, I saw that the wound had already disappeared.

It was gone just seconds after I let go of the spear’s blade.


Below us, the Darkness Dragon destroyed several warships and smashed down a Flying Ship with its long tail.

The bombardment from the Federation forces and the bombing runs from the Dragon Knights continued, but their numbers had dwindled considerably.

“We need to move soon, or things will get worse.” (Claude)

“Miguel-kun, thank you for everything. You should get away from here.” (Eugene)

“…Understood. May fortune be with you, Eugene-sama, Claude-sama.” (Miguel)

Though he seemed reluctant to leave, Miguel-kun mounted his griffin and put some distance between us, figuring that he would probably just get in the way.

I’m currently riding on Claude’s wyvern.

Claude and I both gripped the red spear together.

“Control the Dragon God Spear. I’ll handle the recoil.” (Eugene)

I told Claude.

“Got it.” (Claude)

Claude nodded slightly. Then he began to speak in a language I’d never heard before.


(It’s a language I’ve never heard before. It’s different from the otherworldly language Sumire taught me or the Spirit Language from 1st Knight Claire…) (Eugene)

It bothered me, but I didn’t ask any questions, not wanting to interrupt Claude.

(That’s Ancient Dragon Tongue. I can’t believe it hasn’t died out.) (Eri)

The Demon Lord informed me.

(Dragon Tongue?) (Eugene)

It was the first I’d heard of it.

(It’s a remnant from the time when the Dragon God ruled the world. I’d heard that the Goddess Church had burned all the books on Dragon Tongue, but I guess it survived orally. This could activate the sacred treasure…) (Eri)

I couldn’t hear the rest of Eri’s explanation.


A piercing, grating sound echoed as if the very air was screaming.



Claude and I groaned.

Terrifying mana overflowed from the red spear.

When I first saw it, I thought it was miasma. I mistook it for a cursed spear. But this…

(That’s the Divinity of the Dragon God, its Anima. Use all your mana, including mine -the mana of a Fallen Angel. But it won’t last long even with that.) (Eri)

I could feel my strength draining from my body without her having to tell me.


Claude continued chanting in Dragon Tongue, his face contorted in pain.

I kept casting barrier magic and healing magic on Claude.

I protected myself at the same time.


A bolt of lightning struck nearby.

The sky had suddenly been covered with thick clouds, and the wind raged like a storm.

(It…changed the weather?) (Eugene)

It seemed to be the effect of the Dragon God Spear.

Lightning struck everywhere around us.

It looked like something out of this world.

(So it wasn’t its true power at the martial arts tournament.) (Eugene)

If this power had been unleashed back then, I surely wouldn’t have stood a chance.

Or more like, the whole arena would have been blown up.

Below, the Darkness Dragon seemed bewildered by the sudden change in weather.

The driving rain pounded against my face.

Lightning struck all around.

“Eugene… Sorry to keep you waiting…” (Claude)

I heard Claude’s strained voice.

“Finally…” (Eugene)

My own voice was just as strained.

*…Rumble… Rumble…*

The Dragon God Spear emitted a red aura —no, it was the Anima of the Dragon God.

The handle in my hand was burning hot.


The Darkness Dragon finally noticed us.

It opened its massive mouth, and a sinister light glowed deep within.

“Claude! What should we do?!” (Eugene)

“I’m going to throw the Dragon God Spear at the Darkness Dragon! Match my movements!” (Claude)

“Got it!” (Eugene)

The Darkness Dragon was about to unleash its roar even while in the brief exchange we had.

If we got hit by that, neither Claude nor I would be left with even a trace.

“[Heavenly Dragon Slash]!!!” (Claude)

Claude went from a thrusting stance to hurling the spear downwards.

It became a red flash and pierced through the Darkness Dragon.


The Darkness Dragon’s roar echoed at that very moment, and a massive black flash was shot towards us.

The wyvern we are riding tried to dodge the black flash.

(We won’t make it!!) (Eugene)

Claude had collapsed on the wyvern’s back next to me, completely drained from throwing the Dragon God Spear.

I couldn’t control the wyvern.

“[Holy Sanctuary Barrier].” (Eugene)

I used all my remaining mana and enveloped us in a protective barrier.

In the next moment, everything around us was engulfed in darkness, and I lost consciousness as I heard the ear-shattering cry of the beast.

■Comment’s Response:

>┌(┌^o^)┐ homo…

>No, I know that’s not it though, lol.

-It is not.

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