ZAP – Chapter 124-125: Begin the Operation

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Merged Chapters by Reigokai

Countless warships and a Flying Ship fleet covered the sky.

The combined sight of the entire Blue Waters Federation’s military might and reinforcements from the Holy Nation and the Empire was truly overwhelming.

Apparently, the leading warships had already left the port a while ago, but…

“Our ship isn’t moving~.” (Sumire)

Sumire muttered lazily on the deck.

Her flaxen hair fluttered in the wind as the sounds of seabirds and waves filled the air.

Sumire and I, both combatants, found ourselves with nothing to do while the warship’s crew was busy working.

“Our role is rear support and securing an escape route. If we ever end up fighting on this ship, it would mean…” (Eugene)

I swallowed the words: ‘The defeat of the Federation by the Darkness Dragon Glasya Labolas.’

It wasn’t something to say before a battle.

At least, that’s what I thought.

“If we end up fighting on this ship, that would mean the Blue Waters Federation is doomed.”

Someone actually said it out loud.

The voice, clear and firm even amidst the noise, belonged to someone in a sharp black and red military uniform with shining blonde hair.

It was someone I knew well, but also someone who shouldn’t have been here.

“Huh? Airi-chan’s here?” (Sumire)

“Airi, isn’t this the Blue Waters Federation’s warship? Shouldn’t you be on the Empire’s Flying Ship?” (Eugene)

Airi Grandflare, the Empire’s seventh princess, the next in line for the throne, and my childhood friend.

“I was bored, so I came here.” (Airi)

Airi declared boldly.

“Bored…” (Eugene)

That couldn’t be true.

An entire division of the Empire’s Air Force was participating as reinforcements in the Darkness Dragon subjugation.

Given her position, Airi should be the supreme commander.

“Captain Galvan of the Golden Knights is the one in command. Also, he told me, ‘Princess Airi, please remain on the island or return to the Empire for your safety’. There’s no way I could just comply with that, right!” (Airi)

Airi fumed, her face full of indignation.

“Hoh, I see.” (Sumire)

Sumire hammered her hand in understanding.

“I get it.” (Eugene)

I sighed.

Indeed, if left alone, Airi would likely jump onto the battlefield on her Pegasus.

It was probably safest to have her stay in the rear.

“And besides…” (Airi)

Airi suddenly grew serious.

“This Darkness Dragon subjugation is a mission that will determine the fate and honor of the Blue Waters Federation. While the Empire is here to help, they have to lead the charge. If I, a member of the royal family, were too close to the center of operations, it would cause problems later, or so the Prime Minister-chan told me.” (Airi)

“I see. So, on a rear support ship like the one Sumire and I are on, there’s no glory to be had.” (Eugene)

“Exactly. And also… I came to see you, Eugy☆” (Airi)

Airi’s face was right in front of mine before I knew it.

“A-Airi…?” (Eugene)

She was so close that our hair could almost touch.

If I reached out, I would accidentally touch her body.

Or more like, you are way too close.

“Is the next Empress free right now?”

A dignified voice echoed.

Turning around, I saw a sister in a white-themed robe of the Goddess Church, with long black hair.

The sword at her waist was the Sword of Mercy, a Holy Sword of the Holy Nation.

A familiar face, or rather, a really close person to me.

“Sara-chan?! What’s going on?” (Sumire)

Sumire exclaimed in surprise.

“Weren’t you supposed to be on the Holy Nation’s airship?” (Eugene)

I asked.

“I’m here for a similar reason as the Empire. I was instructed by my home country to avoid getting too deeply involved, given my position as an upcoming Holy Maiden. Also… I was worried about Eugene…” (Sara)

Her voice trailed off softly at the end.

“Ahaha, don’t worry. I’ll take care of Eugy-kun.” (Sumire)

Sumire said with a smile, but Sara wasn’t smiling at all.

She stepped right up to Sumire.

“If I leave you and Eugene alone together, you’ll make a move on him right away!” (Sara)

Sara’s face was centimeters from Sumire’s as she said this.

“Eh?” (Airi)

I heard Airi’s voice.

Sumire, however, remained calm.

“But hey, since both Sara-chan and I have a Body Contract with Eugy-kun, any sneaky moves would get noticed right away, right? So there’s no point in trying to be sneaky.” (Sumire)

“…Well, that’s true.” (Sara)

Sara reluctantly nodded at Sumire’s words.

“Thanks to that, images of Eugy-kun flirting with Eri underground keep popping into my head, and it’s really troubling~.” (Sumire)

“That is… indeed problematic. It makes me feel strange…” (Sara)

“Right? Eri-san is lewd after all~.” (Sumire)

“Even though she is a shameless Fallen Angel…” (Sara)

I could hear Sumire and Sara having an unholy conversation.

Since I could hear it, so could my childhood friend beside me.

“Hey, Eugy.” (Airi)

Airi called out to me in a low voice from my right.

I didn’t want to look in that direction.


“Look at me.” (Airi)

I pretended not to hear, but Airi grabbed both my cheeks and forcibly turned my head towards her.

“Eugy, what’s this about a Body Contract…? And who is Eri? Aren’t your lovers just those two over there?” (Airi)

“Well, that’s…” (Eugene)

How can I dodge this?

But I have never been good at lying.

I’d never successfully hidden anything from my childhood friend.

“Eugy, look me in the eyes.” (Airi)

I looked away.

But, in the end, she grabbed my face and made me look at her.

“…So you do have other women.” (Airi)

“I haven’t said anything…” (Eugene)

“Eugy-kun, it always shows on your face.” (Sumire)

“That’s what makes Eugene so endearing.” (Sara)

Sumire and Sara chimed in while watching from afar.

This is too much.

“The Twin Heavenly Sword Style doesn’t have any training to lie.” (Eugene)

I said in desperation.

“Tell me what you’re hiding.” (Airi)

Airi demanded shortly.

There was no escaping it.

I gave up and told her everything.

◇ Airi’s POV ◇

(I can’t believe it… Eugy made a contract with the Demon Lord Erinyes…) (Airi)

I wanted to think…it was a lie, but I could tell immediately that it wasn’t.

And the reason he was tempted by the Demon Lord was because I, his childhood friend, rejected him…

In other words, it was my fault.

(I can’t say anything with that…) (Airi)

“Airi? Uhm…are you mad at me?” (Eugene)

Eugy asked cautiously.


‘Hmph!’ -I turned away, pouting.

(I’m not really mad though.) (Airi)

I just felt stubborn since Eugy, who’s usually so laid-back, was now visibly flustered.

Over there, Sumire, the girl from a parallel world, and Sara, the next Holy Maiden of the Holy Union, were chatting amicably(?).

“Sara-chan, it looks like we won’t have a role to play this time.” (Sumire)

“It would be troubling if we did. Orianne-sama’s Clairvoyance has been fully communicated to the Blue Waters Federation, so let’s just hope the operation succeeds.” (Sara)

“I’m worried about Claude-kun…” (Sumire)

“Yes. Soran and Leonhart too… Those from the Blue Waters Federation are on the front lines.” (Sara)

“Eugy-kun probably wanted to be on the front lines too, since he’s close with Claude-kun.” (Sumire)

“That’s simply impossible this time. The request for the fight against the Darkness Dragon didn’t come to the Legendary Hero Department. Without a request, we can’t act independently.” (Sara)

“I see.” (Sumire)

I overheard their conversation.

I looked at Eugy’s face again.

“Airi?” (Eugene)

He looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“Hmm… Nothing.” (Airi)

I said, but I was thinking.

(Now that I think about it, it’s strange that Eugy is staying so quietly in the rear like this.) (Airi)

He’s the type of guy who always wants to be on the battlefield.

In the Empire, he even took the role of bait for the Great Demonic Beast Haagenti from me.

In the Holy Nation, he apparently fought the Dark Bird Raum one-on-one.

And during our time at the military school, he was constantly dueling lackeys of high nobles and royalty who had issues with me.

When I felt guilty about all the trouble I caused him, he just said with a straight face, ‘It is nice that I don’t run out of sparring partners when I am with you, Airi’.

A true battle junkie.

And now, during a fight against the oldest and strongest of the Great Demonic Beasts, he’s just quietly waiting in the rear?

(That doesn’t seem right at all…) (Airi)

It was hard to believe.

At that moment, a black shadow descended from the sky.

It landed with a heavy thud.

It wasn’t a bird, but a medium-sized monster.

“A monster?~”

“No. It’s a wyvern familiar from Greta Island.”

“That’s confusing. Was anyone informed about this?”

“We received prior notification that it was coming to pick up someone.”

“Then it’s fine. Get back to work!”

The sailors gradually returned to their posts.

Thud! A figure jumped down from the monster.


A petite girl threw herself into Eugy’s arms.


My voice slipped out unintentionally.

A new girl?!

There’s still more?!


The otherworlder, Sumire, and the upcoming Holy Maiden, Sara, were also looking at Eugy and the girl with suspicious expressions.

“Miguel, you came.” (Eugene)

“My apologies for the delay, Eugene-sama!” (Miguel)

(Miguel…?) (Airi)

A boy’s name.

So, does that mean he’s a pretty boy who looks like a girl?

However, the way he blushed and clung to Eugy only made him look like a girl in love.

“No, you’re even earlier than expected. Thanks.” (Eugene)

“Then, let’s go together! To the battlefield against the Darkness Dragon!” (Miguel)


Not just me, Sumire and Sara also raised their voices in unison.

“Eugy-kun! What’s going on?!” (Sumire)

“Eugene, this isn’t part of the Legendary Hero Department’s request! The battle against the Darkness Dragon is off-limits!” (Sara)

Eugy answered with a puzzled expression in response to Sumire and Sara’s words.

“It’s okay, I got a request.” (Eugene)

“Yes! We, from Greta Island, have requested the defeat of the Darkness Dragon from Eugene Santafield of the Lykeion Magic Academy’s Legendary Hero Department!” (Miguel)



Sumire and Sara were left speechless, their mouths agape.

I wasn’t any different.

But, since I’ve known him the longest, I was the quickest to regain my composure.

“Eugy! Are you seriously going to fight the Darkness Dragon?!” (Airi)

“Well, I got a request, so I guess I have no choice.” (Eugene)

He spoke in a tone…that suggested there was nothing he could do about it.

But I, having known him for a long time, could tell.

(T-This guy…!!!) (Airi)

His eyes were clearly brimming with excitement that he couldn’t suppress.

■Comment Response:

>This arc seems longer than the others?

-It ended up being longer.

>I’m curious about when Miguel-kun will become Miguel-chan.

-Miguel is a “trap” character.

■Author’s Comment:

The 4th volume has been confirmed!!

Thank you to everyone who has bought volumes!!


  • ZAP – Chapter 125: The Hero’s Melancholy

◇Claude Percival’s POV◇


At the order of the commander…

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hundreds of cannons were fired.

Over a hundred battleships continued to bombard a single black ‘island’.


The black island trembled and roared.

The Darkness Dragon, Glasya Labolas.

It seemed even larger than when I last saw it, probably because I was more terrified of this monster.


The Darkness Dragon swung its long tail.


Several battleships shattered with a thunderous noise.

Several lights flickered and vanished from the wrecked battleships.

“It seems the teleportation magic for evacuation worked. But those directly hit by the Darkness Dragon’s attack…”

“It can’t be helped. Everyone was prepared for this when fighting the Darkness Dragon.”

I overheard this conversation.

It’s the command staff of the Blue Waters Federation.

I am currently aboard a Flying Ship led by the Golden Kingdom, waiting alongside the Dragon Riders.

“Claude-sama, your turn isn’t until later. You should rest…” (Tifania)

“Princess Tifania. I can’t stay idle while everyone is risking their lives.” (Claude)

I replied shortly.

“On the contrary, are you sure it was wise for you to come to such a battlefield?” (Claude)

“Of course! I can’t just wait for the return of my future husband…” (Tifania)

“However, this Flying Ship may not remain safe forever. It might be better to evacuate at some point.” (Claude)

“…Yes.” (Tifania)

I said this despite thinking I was being a bit cold.

Princess Tifania left with a sorrowful expression.

(In this battle, I’m probably going to…) (Claude)

I stared at the cursed demonic spear, the Dragon God Spear, in my hand.

For now, its power was being suppressed by a sealing cloth.

If I remove the seal, the Darkness Dragon will likely notice.

This demonic spear once crushed one of the Darkness Dragon’s hearts.

It’s the trump card in case all of the Federation’s plans fail.

(A demonic spear that drains the life of its user…) (Claude)

I continued watching the battle unfold from the Flying Ship.


――Hours later.


The Darkness Dragon roared.

The battleships were already half destroyed.

(Despite all those shells…) (Claude)

The Darkness Dragon showed no visible external injuries.

If anything, it seemed even more energetic.

(As expected, ordinary shells won’t work.) (Claude)

At that moment, amidst the roar of the Great Demonic Beast and the sound of ships breaking apart, I heard the sound of cutting wind, different from that of the familiar Dragon Riders.

It’s the Wyvern Squadron from the Dragon Kingdom.

All familiar faces, of course.

“Hey! Claude!”

“Don’t look so gloomy when you are the Hero of the Dragon Knights!”

I could see my classmates from the Legendary Hero Department, Soran and Leonhart.

“So you guys are moving on to the ‘next plan’, huh?” (Claude)

The plan to transition if the initial attack by the battleships had no effect.

“We’re going to drop the expensive Human Dolls rented from the Empire right into the Darkness Dragon’s mouth!”

“We’ll make sure you don’t need to step in!”

The Dragon Riders flew off after saying that.

I waved them off.

It seems the Dragon Knights with mobile wyverns will be the ones dropping the bombs.

I heard Soran and Leonhart, who are riding together, are acting as distractions to draw the Darkness Dragon’s attention.

Either way, they have a dangerous role that requires them to get very close to the Darkness Dragon.

I could see the operation beginning from the Flying Ship I’m on which has a good amount of distance.

The Darkness Dragon opened its massive jaws, devouring the Human Dolls dropped from above.

But compared to the size of the Darkness Dragon, they were like ants to a dragon.

It seemed far from satisfied, but…


A deep sound rumbled through the air.

(The Human Dolls exploded.) (Claude)

These Empire-made war weapons were said to be capable of annihilating a hundred Black Mermaids each.

The plan was to feed it dozens of these bombs to destroy it from the inside.

The Destiny Oracle-sama had informed us that the Darkness Dragon is a poor eater that would eat anything, even islands.

So, there was high hope for this strategy, but…

(Are you kidding me? It eats bombs too?) (Claude)

I heard the satisfied growl of the Darkness Dragon.

The half-ruined Federation Navy, as well as Flying Ships from the Empire and the Holy Nation, continued their bombardment.


The Darkness Dragon roared towards the sky.

Its mouth began to glow red.


A pillar of fire shot up, piercing the sky.

(It can even do that?!) (Claude)

I saw several Flying Ships burning and crashing due to the fire pillar spewed by the Darkness Dragon.

“I can’t stay here any longer…” (Claude)

I headed to where my partner, the wyvern I had stationed on the Flying Ship’s deck, was and leaped onto its back.

“Alright! Let’s go, partner!” (Claude)


It is the cry it does when it is full of energy.

We gently lifted into the air with a tap on its neck.

Then, we rapidly ascended.

Staying too low could make us suffer from the Flying Ship’s artillery.

And I didn’t want the Darkness Dragon to notice the Dragon God Spear I was holding.

I hovered far above the Darkness Dragon with the sun at my back, waiting for the right moment.

From this height, I could see the Federation Navy’s remaining half bombarding the Darkness Dragon from the corner of my vision.

The joint Flying Ship fleet of the Federation, Empire, and Holy Nation were also launching attacks.

The Dragon Squadron was dropping bombs.

And all the Federation’s mages were adding their attacks as well.

Yet, there were no visible signs of damage.

I slowly circled high above the Darkness Dragon.

It shouldn’t have noticed me.

From this position, I could launch a surprise attack.

I gripped the Dragon God Spear tightly with my right hand. Then, I tore off the sealing cloth.


My arm went numb from the miasma emitted by the demonic spear.

But it wasn’t as painful as before.

(The barrier magic that Eugene taught me is working.) (Claude)

He’s a strange swordsman who’s good at barrier and healing magic, despite being a swordsman.

In the end, I never managed to get more wins than him in our spars.

I wish I could have had one more duel with Eugene.

—The demonic spear began to absorb my mana.

The spear glowed red, ominously.

This isn’t like at the martial arts tournament during the school festival.

This is the true power of the God Spear with no seals.

If I unleash this attack, I will… probably…

(I learned so much about the Black Mermaid Vepar from the Angel-san, but it’ll be in vain.) (Claude)

I never asked about how to defeat the Darkness Dragon.

Well, I doubt she would have known anyway.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t my homeland of the Dragon Country that came to mind, but the Lykeion Magic Academy.

It was just endless training every day in the Dragon Country.

Compared to that, life at the academy was fun.

I was popular with the girls as part of the Legendary Hero Department.

(…Leona, Teresia; I wish I could have seen you both one last time.) (Claude)

They were too good for me.


(…Princess Tifania.) (Claude)

I first met her at the school festival, but she turned out to be much nicer than the rumors suggested.

I’m sorry that the fiance your country chose for you is going to die first.

(Well… it’s about time to go.) (Claude)

If I take too long, the Darkness Dragon might notice me.

The Darkness Dragon was still tearing through battleships and unleashing fire breathes on Flying Ships.

At that moment…

Amidst the battlefield filled with cannon fire and screams, I heard a different sound, not from a Dragon Rider but from a familiar wind.

Is it a griffon?

But why would a griffon appear in the middle of the ocean?

“Claude, need a hand?”


I quickly turned towards the voice.

“Hey, Eugene! What are you doing here?!” (Claude)

To my surprise, the one there was my friend from the Legendary Hero Department, who had somehow come all the way here, riding a griffon with a summoner from the Federation.

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