LS – Extra 1: Shishou’s Brothel Visits

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“Well then, cheers!”


Everyone raised their mugs, matching the mood of Mix-sama.

Today we are having a female-only drinking party in my residence.

This is an event that has been happening every now and then since Rakura and Mix-sama got the knowledge of such female-only meetings from that man, but…there are quite a lot of people this time around.

Leaving aside Mix-sama who is practically the organizer, and Rakura who has perfect attendance, even Wolfe who can’t drink alcohol is here.

“Nfufufu, such opportunities to speak our hearts isn’t bad.”

“Right? Leaving aside whether we are normally lying, you know?”

“You people are always lying with straight faces…”

Moreover, we have 3 color Demon Lords here.

Mix-sama hurriedly held this event after hearing that the Blue Demon Lord and Ekdoik will be coming from Emera.

Melia came together with them, and Belard is also participating. The participants are close to reaching the double digits.

Barely any time has gone by since it began, but Rakura is already drunk and swaying around. She did begin drinking when we were cooking after all…

“Ilias-san, you are drinking less than normal~.” (Rakura)

“Just in case. Try not to drink too much too, Rakura.” (Ilias)

“Yeee~sh.” (Rakura)

It is probably already too late.

It might even be easier to clean things up if she were to just pass out here.

That man said that there’s no telling when the drunk members here would go attack them if they were in their rooms, so he and Ekdoik left for the public bath.

He probably plans on killing time in Dog’s Bone afterwards.

That man warned me ‘The chances of doing weird stuff increases the more drunkards there are, so be careful’.

It is fine to relax a bit here, but there are 3 Demon Lords here, so I can’t just loosen up completely.

“Wolfe, can you pass me the dish there? The one over here is pretty tasty.” (Belard)

“Belard, you don’t drink much?” (Wolfe)

“I like alcohol. But that’s because it enhances the taste of the food. I don’t drink when there’s no food. And when there’s food, I prioritize the food.” (Belard)

“I see.” (Wolfe)

“And what about you, Wolfe? Are you not drinking?” (Belard)

“I have decided to only get drunk in front of Shishou.” (Wolfe)

“I see?” (Belard)

The only ones who are mainly eating are Wolfe and Belard.

These two grew close at some point in time. It seems like the two of them got along when Belard consulted with her at the time when she was worrying about Ekdoik.

I am happy that Wolfe has a friend now, but I feel like it would be better for the health of my brain to not listen to the details of their conversation. I wonder why?

Mix-sama was having a heated conversation with Melia and the Demon Lords.

I heard she was decently strong to alcohol, but it seems like she is drunk with the atmosphere. She is pretty excited here.

“I want Mister Friend to cross the line already! Even though even Ekdoik-dono has already crossed the line with Blue-dono!” (Mix)

“He hasn’t though?!” (Blue)

“That’s right! I will be first!” (Melia)

“Don’t! Melia, aren’t you getting drunk too fast?!” (Blue)

It is most likely because she was made to drink by Rakura at the time when she was helping out in the cooking.

Rakura is the superior of Melia, so she probably must have found it hard to refuse her.

“I think it will be hard though… This one and Purple are trying so hard to steal the march, and yet, there’s no results.” (Gold)

“I would like you to refrain on that front though…” (Mix)

“Mix, aren’t you getting impatient lately?” (Purple)

“…Actually, Mister Friend has spoken to my father recently.” (Mix)

“Father… The previous king of Taizu, right? I heard he is retired now though… Or more like, you went together?” (Purple)

“Aren’t ya stealing the march too?” (Gold)

“I am not staying permanently on Taizu, so please overlook at least that much. But in that conversation…it seems like he took quite the liking towards Mister Friend…” (Mix)

His Majesty and Mix-sama also show extreme infatuation towards that man. There’s a high chance the father of those two would like him, too.

I have heard about that from him too. I remember him telling me: “He felt like the dad of Marito. He took a decent liking to me”.

“Isn’t that good? It means he will also be cheering you on, right?” (Purple)

“About that… He said: ‘I want him to stay in Taizu no matter what. Alright, I will find a marriage partner for him!’…” (Mix)

“…He didn’t support you?” (Purple)

“I left Taizu and became an adventurer, so…I am apparently not suitable to keep Mister Friend in Taizu…” (Mix)

So that’s the reason why he looked a bit troubled at that time, huh.

It is not like Mix-sama and the previous king are on bad terms.

He even praised Mix-sama’s decision to give up on the throne and become an adventurer. Moreover, he helped out in the shadows to restrain the opposition of the leaders and nobles in the faction of Mix-sama.

But the previous king of Taizu thinks of the country first and foremost. This is proven with the fact that he passed on the throne without hesitation when he judged that there was someone who could rule better than him.

“What did yer brother say?” (Gold)

“He said: ‘There’s no one who cares about being the first wife anyways, so let him do as he pleases’…” (Mix)

His Majesty is fine as long as that man is nearby.

There’s no doubt he supports Mix-sama, but it is only to a degree where ‘that’s who I would choose if forced to give an opinion’.

“That’s heartless, you know?” (Purple)

“That’s heartless.” (Gold)

“N-No! Ani-sama was simply kindling my spirit when I was complacent with being just one step there! That someone else would beat me to it if I am satisfied with just that!” (Mix)

“Rather than being complacent, it is more like he doesn’t let us step further than that.” (Purple)

“By the way, what kind of approach have you been trying lately, Purple-dono?” (Mix)

“I entered his chambers naked, but he ran away?” (Purple)

That was a few days ago.

She tried to sneak into his room at night when she came to drink, but he felt that would happen, so he left Kutou in his bed as a decoy, and had already escaped.

I remember seeing her all saddened while leaving his room naked and losing the desire to reprimand her.

Also, Kutou was crying.

“Uooh… You are going further than I thought…” (Mix)

“I even tried to get naked in front of him to get him in the mood, but it didn’t work, you know?” (Purple)

“Isn’t the sexual drive of that man already dried up?” (Blue)

“No, that… It is possible…” (Mix)

“Shishou goes to the night city though?” (Wolfe)


Everyone’s eyes gather on Wolfe.

They all seem to be pretty surprised. Did they not know?

Aah, right.

Mix-sama and the others met him after the harvest festival when I became his bodyguard. The frequency in which he went out alone dropped drastically at that time.

Even so, there were several times when he would have a male bodyguard like Cara-jii or Ekdoik instead of me, and would come back the next morning, but I didn’t go out of my way to pry.

“W-Wolfe-chan…is that true?” (Mix)

“Shishou would sometimes come back smelling like the perfume of an unknown woman.” (Wolfe)

Wolfe continued eating indifferently.

By the way, that story is true.

Even I would notice if there’s the smell of an unknown perfume.

“W-When was it…?” (Mix)

“It was pretty frequent before the harvest festival. He has come back with a similar scent recently though.” (Wolfe)

“Recently…?!” (Mix)

I didn’t know that either, but there must be no mistake if Wolfe is the one saying it.

Should I stop them from disclosing the private life of that man in a drinking party?

But Mix-sama and the others are asking with extremely interested expressions, so I don’t think I will be able to stop here, yup. Ah, this alcohol is tasty.

“Mister Friend… Even though you have me. Why…? No, I am sure he is trying to treasure our relationship, but…even so…!” (Mix)

“Now now, calm down. Don’t you think this is an opportunity instead?” (Purple)

“Opportunity…?!” (Mix)

“That’s right… If we obtain information of the establishment Dear uses, we might be able to get hints about what stimulates his sexual drive, right?” (Purple)

“Purple-dono…! As expected of a Demon Lord…!” (Mix)

“No, what part of that is Demon Lord-like…?” (Blue)

It has turned into a horrible conversation in a lot of ways, but the empty bottles on top of the table are probably the culprit here. To think they would chug down alcohol at this high of a pace. The topic of that man has really made alcohol go down smoothly.

More importantly, should I stop Mix-sama and the Demon Lords who are trying to go outside?

I can’t just leave Rakura and Melia, who are already dead drunk and sleeping.

What should I do?

“It is okay, Ilias. I will control them.” (Wolfe)

“Really?” (Ilias)

“Wolfe-chan, let’s go search for that establishment at once-desu zo! I am sure we will be able to pinpoint the establishment with your nose!” (Mix)

“Okay~.” (Wolfe)

I see.

It is true that the only way they would be able to pinpoint the place would be to ask that man in person, or trail the scent in the memories of Wolfe.

Wolfe can now predict what will be happening next.

In the end, Mix-sama, the 3 color Demon Lords, and Wolfe left the residence with that momentum.

I hope they don’t cause troubles outside, but…well, Wolfe is going with them, so there should be no issues.

The growth of Wolfe as the disciple of that man is remarkable. There was less of a need to polish her own battle skills to protect him now that things have become peaceful to a certain degree, and is pouring that extra motivation into learning.

But there’s one small issue… It should be alright if she is dealing with Mix-sama and the others.

Now then, it is possible that they will be drinking again after they come back, so I will at least clean up the empty bottles and the finished plates.

Also, I have to carry Rakura and Melia to beds.


Blue and the others will be having a drinking party with only women in the house of Comrade, so Comrade and I were healing our daily fatigue in the public bathroom.

Comrade said he had a place he wanted to go afterwards, so I went together with him, but the place we went to was a street where brothels were lined up.

We ignored the prostitutes that were beckoning us over, and Comrade entered a single establishment without hesitation.

Sweet air entered my lungs the moment he opened the door. I feel like I would get a heartache just from this.

“Ah, misters! Yahoo~!”

When we entered the establishment, a single prostitute hugged Comrade happily.

It has been a while since I have met her, but it seems like she remembers my face too.

“Looks like you are doing well.”

“Yes, thanks to you! You can even select me, you know? I will give you two a special service.”

“I already have someone I love, so please spare me from that. More importantly…”

“I know. Here you go.”

The prostitute gave Comrade a bundle of parchment.

Comrade skimmed through it and stored it inside Kutou who is in his wooden sword form.

This brothel is one of the places Comrade uses to gather information when acting in Taizu.

Brothels have a wide array of customers, ranging from: merchants, nobles, and knights.

It is easy for people with selfishness to flow into places like this and it is apparently easy for them to blabber.

It is easy for such establishments to suffer from issues, so Comrade would have them gather rumors they hear from customers in exchange for solving those problems.

“…Makes sense that they would come out.”

“What came out?” (Ekdoik)

“Ilias has become a knight captain after all. There will definitely be people who will try to approach Ilias, who has become a knight captain at a young age, to use her. I have been increasing the frequency in gathering rumors from Taizu lately, but fishy nobles have been caught just as I imagined.”

It is not like everyone can hide all their secrets.

It is not rare for the person themselves to leak such information unintentionally while drowned in alcohol and women.

Comrade has been obtaining information about nobles and knights around Ilias that would hate her by using such connections.

The strength of Comrade isn’t only to comprehend the other party, but also to obtain information about them and create an opportunity for such eventualities.

“Should I also get an information network like that?” (Ekdoik)

“No, it would be better to not do that. It would be troublesome if Blue were to misunderstand.”

“That’s true, but…would you be okay, Comrade?” (Ekdoik)

“Ilias and Wolfe know that I have been going to brothels. Ilias probably thinks I am using them normally, but Wolfe wouldn’t misunderstand just because I smell like their perfume.”

“I see… No, doesn’t that mean Ilias is misunderstanding?” (Ekdoik)

“I am trying to get rid of the enemies around Ilias to begin with, so that’s more convenient for me. Also, Ilias wouldn’t interpret it badly.”

The reason why I am feeling somewhat conflicted here is probably because I want to cheer on the women who are around Comrade. More importantly, is that okay with you, Ilias?

I thought in my mind about what to say and it ended up flying back at me, so I sighed.

“Thanks, Ekdoik. I am happy for your consideration.”

“R-Right…” (Ekdoik)

“Also, there’s no need to imitate me anymore. You are currently the partner of Blue, and one of the people who support Emera. You already have your own position. Take advantage of that position and think of what you can do.”

“…Right. But if we are talking about that, you should also—” (Ekdoik)

“This is how I originally do things. My position may have changed, but there’s no need to cut off all of my past connections. Now then…”

Comrade finished checking the parchment and began talking with the prostitute. He is giving advice to the girls on the many problems they have as payment for gathering information.

He is not solving them directly. The public perception is that the prostitutes are the ones solving all of those problems themselves.

In that way, their trust in this industry increases, and it will be easier for them to gather even more information.

A lot of problems and worries will naturally gather around those girls, and problems that Comrade needs to do something about will eventually come.

In the shadows of Marito protecting the security of this country, there’s Comrade solving the issues that leak from the cracks.

Marito knows through the Anbus that Comrade is doing such things.

That’s probably why he can trust Comrade from the bottom of his heart.

“What I can do…huh.” (Ekdoik)

Comrade is having a friendly talk with the prostitute. It will probably take a bit more time.

I confirm whether there’s any suspicious presence inside the establishment, and then head to the exit to breathe in outside air.

The days of battle are over, and the amount of opportunities to face myself and the world have increased.

What should I do to increase my own worth, and for who do I want to have that worth be acknowledged by?

There’s no right answer in life. Only the result of what you chose in your path remains. Then, I would like to be overflown with smiles when I look back at my past in my last moments.

There will most likely be a lot of things happening between me and Blue, Melia, and the others.

Let’s properly face everything so that I can bring color to the life of the people who bring color to my own.

A smile showed up in my face naturally just thinking about their happiness.

This most likely means I have surplus in my heart now—

“E-Ekdoik?! Why are you here?!”

“—What, Blue, huh… Blue?!” (Ekdoik)

I went outside and Blue, the Gold Demon Lord, Black Demon Lord, and even Wolfe and Mix showed up.

“Oh, what a coincidence?” (Purple)

“Nfufufu! To think we would meet at such a place.” (Gold)

“E-Ekdoik-dono…you have such a refreshed face after coming out from the establishment…” (Mix)

“No, you people are misunderstanding a lot of things here. We can clear that misunderstanding…” (Ekdoik)

I was made to grovel on the ground for now, but I seeked the help of Comrade who was inside, and we managed to clear the misunderstanding.

As for Blue and Melia, there were still ill feelings afterwards, but I managed to bring it back to normal once we returned to Emera.

Unconscious smiles can create misunderstandings.

I don’t want to experience this ever again, but it is probably good that I managed to learn a new lesson.

What personally bothered me was how Wolfe was smiling as if enjoying this, fully knowing all the circumstances.

I have way too much of a clue as to whose influence was that.

Ilias learned all of it afterwards and went ‘So that’s how it was’ dumbstruck. She seemed somewhat happy though.


Author: By the way, Wolfe drank a bit of alcohol together with Mix and the others afterwards. She is a bad girl.

She can drink if she wants, but she normally doesn’t so that she doesn’t grow accustomed to it. She is trying to show only the protagonist her drunk self. She is a bad girl.

She learned how to control the development of things by grasping information, and is testing it out with people close to her. She is a bad girl.

That said, the protagonist discovered all of it and was reprimanded a bit. That was also just as planned.

Whose influence is this, I wonder. I have too many clues as to who it is.

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