LS – Chapter 371: Thus, summarizing

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※A bit long (4 times longer than when it is short). Go ahead and read it when you have time.

Reigokai: He ain’t kidding. This is seriously massive. I don’t remember translating a chapter this long since Tsuki ga Michi.


The battle against the Black Demon Lord ended and half a year went by.

The countries are still pursued by the clean up of the war.

They took a large amount of supplies and are providing compensation for having utilized them. Dealing with the wounded, dead, and refugees. Moreover, there’s the need to match opinions with the countries for the future.

Everyone cooperates and it is a happy end. All’s well that ends well…is not what will happen, but we are talking about the fate of the world here.

That said, a certain someone is leisurely yawning at a later time than normal because he was allowed to.

“Fuuh… I really am not used to this…”

I look around my room that has become more than twice bigger. How much would it cost to rent in Japan? -is the pointless thing I thought as I stretched lightly.

The first thing we did when we returned to Taizu was to move out of the house.

According to Marito, a lot of people will be showing up to visit me from many countries, including big-shots.

The residential house of Ilias would be way too small to entertain them. That said, even if we are to use the Taizu Castle every time as a meeting spot, there’s also people like a certain Gahne King that must not show themselves in public.

Ilias was troubled about it at first, but Pope Euparo and King Tarma who were leaving Taizu said: ‘See you later. We will come say hi in the near future’. And so, she decided to move.

The one who was the happiest with this was Marito, who had Ilias lower her head profusely every time he said he would come hang out and tell him not to. And so, I am living in the residence where Ilias was before.

It is a residence that Ilias left after she lost her parents, but the old men of the Ragudo Division looked after it so that she could return at any time.

Ilias was touched by that surprise of theirs, but I knew about that a long time ago, so Cara-jii and I just exchanged a thumbs up.

“Hey, Master, good morning!”

They must have been waiting for the return of the owner, the door opened with energy and the one who appeared was a boy with a horn and wearing a butler outfit.

I am used to hearing that voice, but I am still not used to that appearance.

That’s right, this guy is Kutou. The devil that possessed the wooden sword.

This is different from the private residence. We wouldn’t be able to manage the cleaning of it with just shifts between the people living there.

And so, it went to hiring butlers and maids, but Purple raised her hand, saying that she would rather provide the ones to look after me than getting some random people.

The surroundings were obviously extremely against it.

After arguing for a long time, the compromise was to make Kutou a butler.

It at a glance looks like he has become humanoid, but the core of Kutou is still inside the wooden sword.

Basically, he can grow arms, legs, and those stuff from the wooden sword to form a body.

And so, there’s a wooden sword that clashes with his appearance at the waist of this smiling energetic boy.

He said it is inconvenient when he is moving, so he told me he wanted to shorten it, but that would be troubling for me.

What’s problematic is the appearance of Kutou.

His appearance was decided solely by Purple who tinkered with him. He somewhat resembles Purple and a certain someone.

I return him to a wooden sword when going out, but Purple would go out of her way to have him accompany us when we are going out. She really wants me to be conscious about it.

Mix was impressed, saying ‘so there was that option’, but this is an exception of an exception, okay?

“Good morning, Kutou. There’s still time, right?”

“It is okay! But Wolfe-chan waiting!” (Kutou)

“I see. Then, let’s prepare quickly…”

“Master, I prepared food that you eat while walking!” (Kutou)

“Ooh, thanks.”

But he really is competent aside from his appearance.

His skills in house chores are all on a high level, can also control the devils that are hiding under the floor, and works fast.

He also praises my hard work and is pretty considerate.

Well, he is shrewd in the fact that he hides his presence for self-preservation when Purple is close though.

I will be changing clothes soon anyways, so I changed into a simple attire and went out.

Kutou finished locking the doors, returned to his wooden sword appearance, and settled himself on my waist.

Wolfe was waiting outside. She waved her hand when she noticed me and came towards me.

“Shishou, good morning!” (Wolfe)

“It is almost noon though. Oh well, good morning, Wolfe.”

“You stayed up late again, didn’t you? You would be more productive if you slept early and woke up early though…” (Wolfe)

“There’s also people who can concentrate better at night. Now then, let’s go to the place where the banquet will take place.”

“Okay!” (Wolfe)

Wolfe is currently acting outside of Taizu.

She obviously has a room in the mansion, but she was under the care of the medical facilities in the battle before, so she is working under Green every now and then.

The Nethers of Gahne, Mejis, and Kuama are being purified without difficulties, and there’s the need for a lot of timber in order to construct new buildings for this.

It was decided that the wood in the Taizu Nether that is surrounded by stupidly big trees will be used, so Wolfe would cut down trees day and night, and process them.

That said, Wolfe would normally break the giant trees, and Arcreal is apparently the one doing the processing.

He is apparently cultivating fruits and vegetables in open land, and is fastidious to a degree where Wolfe, who has experience with a home garden, was baffled by him.

On top of that, it seems like Green showed interest in this and has begun to develop strange breeds lately. I am a bit worried about whether it is okay for the body to eat fruits from the Nether.

“I hope what I thoughtlessly proposed won’t be creating a tragedy… Anyways, you will be finishing with your side of the work soon, right?”

“Yes, I will be finishing my quota soon! I will be able to live with Shishou again for a while!” (Wolfe)

“Quota, you say. Green said you can return at any time, right?”

“Yeah, but Green-san pays a good salary!” (Wolfe)

It is to repay him, but it is not like she is working for free.

Green is strict when it comes to payments, so he is properly paying a salary to the hard-working Wolfe.

It seems like he doesn’t have the currency humans use, but he has a whole lot of gems and such that have high value. As expected of a Demon Lord, I guess.

Honestly speaking, Wolfe is earning more than me and Ilias. She can show unreal levels of power on demand, so you could say it is natural.

She earns her own share and even goes to the place of Ban-san lately to learn about how to manage one’s capital.

And then, she would send a part of her increased funds to Ritial and the others who are sheltering and supporting the Illegitimate.

Even now there are Illegitimate who are born somewhere in this world and are treated as abnormal. They are trying to find those people as soon as possible to protect them from that unfortunate environment.

Do what you want, live as you want, the result of that are these actions. She has completely become strong, it makes me a bit teary.

I would like Rakura to learn from her. It probably wouldn’t work even if she learned about it.

“Speaking of which, Saira and Gozu are apparently engaged now.”

“Really?!” (Wolfe)

It has been around half a year, but there’s certainly changes.

Marito and Ruko had an official wedding in Taizu and Ruko became a queen.

I thought there would be a bit more opposition, but thinking about it calmly, there’s no noble who can win against the resourcefulness of Marito.

Saira and Gozu were moved by that ceremony and I received that announcement a few days later.

“They will be having a celebration party with all the employees of Dog’s Bone, so they wanted me to invite you too.”

“Of course I will go! It is worthy of celebration!” (Wolfe)


And then, with Ruko having become a queen, the magic research in Taizu stopped temporarily, Nora returned to Kuama for now, and Barastos and Purple are in the process of healing Dyuvuleori.

Ekdoik successfully surgically removed the core of Dyuvuleori last month, and they are apparently in the stage where they are trying to secure a method to return him to how he was without any loss of memories.

There’s no precedent, so they are progressing in a more cautious manner than necessary.

There’s still no prospective day for Dyuvuleori’s return, but the growth of Nora, who is worried about Dyuvuleori, is dizzying, and Purple said we will be able to reunite with him sooner than imagined.

This is an aside, but Barastos complained that Nora now needed a bodyguard since she became an outstanding talent in Taizu, so Kayle ended up being given that role.

Let’s pray that he will return safely after being brought to the home of Barastos in Kuama.

“All countries are beginning to change.” (Wolfe)


Serende has become more open towards other countries compared to before.

It is the work of Nuphsa who is trying to match the pace of the people living in the present regardless of the traditions from past otherworlders.

In Torin, King Tarma joined hands with Ritial and is actively safeguarding Illegitimate.

It was a country with a high ratio of beast demi-humans to begin with, so there wasn’t much discrimination. There were also a lot of merchants and nobles who were cooperative with Ritial.

It is the best location for Ritial and his group to work in.

Washekt was also within the activity reports there.

Hilmera may not be an Illegitimate like Murshto, but she was still an outstanding talent. He must have felt that the future of the Illegitimate must be protected after seeing the fate of people as talented as Hilmera.

Both major countries are doing trial and error to improve themselves by interacting with the other countries, but it is not like everything goes without issues.

But even if it is a problem that’s difficult to solve with those countries alone, it is just a matter of time for it to be solved if there’s the help of other countries.

The one that has the most friendly relations between countries is Kuama. No, King Zenotta is the one who is the most proactive about it.

He doesn’t have the ability to solve complicated problems like the other kings.

For the kings of other countries that want to maintain the pride and esteem of their own country, the existence of King Zenotta who lowers his head frankly when asking for cooperation was extremely rare.

That said, there’s the need for regulation when it comes to this friendliness.

Gold was complaining that the prime minister of Gahne, Ludfein-san, was on the verge of being dragged to a drinking party.

Everything in moderation.

As for Gahne itself, it is as stable as always thanks to the power of Gold. There would be times when kings of other countries would come to consult with her about new policies, or more like, come to verify it. King Zenotta is a regular customer.

“So you were here, Comrade. It has been a while too, Wolfe.” (Ekdoik)

“Yo, Brother! You look well!” (Haaku)

“Ah, Ekdoik-san and Haakudoku!” (Wolfe)

Ekdoik landed in front of me with his chain wings. Haakudoku was in a small basket he was carrying.

It is a bit late at this point, but isn’t it impressive that he can fly so smoothly with those wings?

“It has been a while, you two. You could have just waited at the meeting point.”

“Blue and the others are already waiting in the castle. Ilias asked me to check on how you were doing so that you aren’t late. I was carrying Haakudoku to Ban’s place while at it.” (Ekdoik)

“I thought it was fine as I was, but Maseta and Tsudwali told me to go change clothes…” (Haaku)

“You are a taxi as always… Well, we still have time, so let’s walk.”

Ekdoik and Haakudoku are working together in the Kuama Nether under Gestaf. Especially Haakudoku. He is apparently going to be succeeding Gestaf, so he is being taught thoroughly how to govern.

“Seriously, it would be better to grab a hoe and tilt the fields…” (Haaku)

“Then, isn’t it fine to just find someone else to do it?”

“Yeah, but there’s the need to inherit the will of Bro Gestaf properly in order to make Emera into a good country. Even if we find someone who we can entrust this to, I still have to properly learn, or it would be the same as throwing things away irresponsibly. I can’t compromise on this one.” (Haaku)

The name of the country was finally announced the other day and it was officially acknowledged as a country.

Gestaf consulted me about the name and proposed this after thinking about a gem that could work.

It was a Nether to begin with and it is a country that’s barely reclaimed, but Blue, who was the owner of the Nether to begin with, and Ekdoik are cooperating here.

The other countries are also helping out, and a branch of the Yugura Church apparently opened up recently.

Masetta-san was chosen as the Archbishop that will be managing this branch.

She was the type to be promoted to begin with, so I am not surprised that she would be the one with the most influential position within the believers in Emera.

The person herself was shocked though.

And so, Haakudoku is the current representative of Emera, and is studying every day while in between the Archbishop of that branch.

“You are the type to do things sincerely when you have decided to do something, Haakudoku. I believe it will be okay even if you ripen a bit slowly.” (Ekdoik)

“Hey, Ekdoik, that’s a questionable praise. Or more like, you also have your hands full, right?” (Haaku)

“…Yeah, I am somewhat tangled.” (Ekdoik)

It is not ‘somewhat’. It is a pretty big problem.

He was dense until now, but he managed to look back at himself after his complete awakening and has grown as a person.

His relationship with Blue has gotten even better after becoming more mature…but that wasn’t just Blue.

A guy that faced things straight on has become even kinder and more considerate.

It is natural that the others would also begin to grow strongly conscious of Ekdoik.

Well, I won’t go into detail here, but it is a scene of carnage from romcoms.

Melia and Komiha became even more aggressive, and Smythos, who was watching from the sidelines, was making her move as well every now and then.

Belard would fan the flames by saying it is good that he’s got the support of so many people, and there’s apparently new contenders.

You could say Emera is the country I don’t want to go to the most in that sense.

“I was also scared when Melia said she wanted to become a demon too…” (Haaku)

“Blue refused, but it seems like she is negotiating with the Gold Demon Lord and the Purple Demon Lord… I was understandably troubled when she said she was going to stop being human for my sake…” (Ekdoik)

“You are the last person that can say that.”

By the way, the surroundings of Haakudoku are also carnage to a certain degree as well. But the two of them want Haakudoku to improve himself, so it is comparatively better.

“Right… Comrade, don’t you have good advice?” (Ekdoik)

“Asking the symbol of your fear for help…”

“Don’t say that. If it wasn’t you, the next candidate would have been meat.” (Ekdoik)

Becoming human flesh when reaching complete awakening would have been horrible.

But if I were to help him out carelessly, it might end up overlapping with a certain someone, so I don’t want to get involved if possible.

Or more like, it might automatically instigate my surroundings if I were to get involved. Purple is helping out Nora seriously here, so I must not make her think something weird.

“Ekdoik-san, it is okay to just not get involved with one! Treasure each and every one of them and face them properly. It will be okay with that!” (Wolfe)

“Wolfe…” (Ekdoik)

I feel like these words are not directed solely at Ekdoik. But I decided to not think about the meaning of it. I feel like my heart will be stabbed if I were to.

“You are a good-for-nothing that can’t cut off anyone, so worrying is pointless! Just accept them all!” (Wolfe)

“Wolfe…?” (Ekdoik)

Ah, that stabbed me a bit. Ouch ouch.

Sorry, can you give me a bit more time for that? I am aware I am being an extreme nuisance here.

“Brother, you look like you are in pain.” (Haaku)

“It is called a necessary expense…”

Seriously, it makes me realize just how impressive it is to have a simple romantic relationship like Saira and Gozu, and Yox and Lilisa-san.

“Speaking of which, Gozu and Saira are going to be marrying as well, right?” (Ekdoik)

“Yeah, so you heard about it… As well?”

“Yeah. Girista showed up the other day. She said Yasutet has become her husband.” (Ekdoik)


People grow even in places you are not watching. But I thought only people like Marito would progress so fast…

Speaking of which, Girista liked burly men. Pashuro, who she was a team with before, had a poisonous tongue, but he looked after others well. You could say they suit each other in a sense then…

Alright, let’s forget about it.

No, I will give Girista a congratulatory gift, but let’s move away from such topics.

I switch gears here and arrive at the firm of Ban-san.

My objective is the same as before. It is to change into clothes that comply with the dress code.

I have bought clothes from Ban-san, but I can’t properly put them on.

And so, I leave them there and have them help me wear them.

“Well well, that looks good on you.” (Ban)

“Ban-san, you told me that before.”

“No, no, you look even better in it than before. How to say it, it is like you are more imposing than before.” (Ban)

“…A lot happened after all.”

An appearance that resembles that of a medieval aristocrat. It doesn’t click when I look at myself in the mirror.

Even so, this probably means I am fitting better in this world considering the days I have spent in it now.

Will a day come when I will feel this attire suits me? …No, the clothes of a commoner would be more comfortable…right?

“That’s true. But there will be a lot of difficulties ahead. However, don’t worry. You helped me out greatly in the matter of my friend, so I will definitely repay this debt.” (Ban)

“We helped each other out though.”

“Hahahahaha! I am looking forward to more sweet stories from here on as well! Of course, I am looking forward to adventures that will make my heart dance too!” (Ban)

“I personally would like to avoid the latter…”

I finished changing and headed outside.

I could hear the voices from Ekdoik and Haakudoku leak from the room I passed by. It seems like they will be taking a bit longer.

I thought Haakudoku would be the only one changing, but it seems like Ekdoik is also changing while at it.

Well, there’s no way he would be allowed to participate while making all that noise with his chains.

“Sob sob…”

“There there.”

“There there-desu zo.”

Wolfe and Mix were patting the head of Rakura outside.

What’s this?

“What are you guys doing…?”

“Oh, Mister Friend! You are looking…sharp!” (Mix)

“You hesitated a bit there.”

“No, no, I was simply imagining Mister Friend and Ani-sama standing side by side. It is extremely good-desu zo! A sight for the sore eyes!” (Mix)

“Counselor-sama, listen!” (Rakura)

“What’s the matter, Rakura? Were you scolded by Maya-san again?”

“Yes…” (Rakura)

Contrary to Masetta-san who got promoted all the way to Archbishop, Rakura is still the same.

She can get good results with simple jobs, but the work from jobs in high positions are complicated.

Archbishop Ukka and Maya-san want to promote Rakura in the future, so they are trying to make her learn new tasks, but the growth of the person herself is extremely slow.

That said, Maya-san wouldn’t scold Rakura that much just because she didn’t do her job well. There’s most likely a different reason.

“You probably snatched some of the unusual alcoholic beverages that Saira and Gozu donated to the church or something. Moreover, you secured a whole lot of them for yourself.”

“It is as if you saw it!” (Rakura)

“It is natural for you to be reprimanded.”

It is not that I can read that much with just her expressions. I talked with Maya-san the other day and she told me there were rare alcoholic beverages that still haven’t been touched, so she was thinking about gifting them.

Of course, Maya-san wouldn’t get angry just because Rakura jumped the line.

This is just a result from guessing just how much she messed up, judging from how harshly Rakura was scolded.

You could say she is a woman that doesn’t betray expectations in a sense.

But this Rakura… She got paid quite a lot from the battle before, so I let her do as she pleased for the near future, but she is already running out of money.

It is praiseworthy that she isn’t borrowing money from people, but the reason why she doesn’t borrow is because ‘I can’t borrow what I can’t return’. I don’t know about not putting effort in returning it.

“Uuh… I have already used the salary from last month, so I can’t buy anything decent…” (Rakura)

“Then, give them a handkerchief or something that has embroidered the scenery that we will be seeing.  They will probably cry tears of happiness from that.”

“…? Is that good enough?” (Rakura)

“Yeah, Rakura. I am sure Saira and the others will be really happy!” (Wolfe)

Rakura can’t show her own good traits by herself, and the people who don’t know the good points about it won’t be able to make use of them.

Saira should be able to realize the talent of Rakura, so we need to begin by increasing the amount of people that understand her.

I don’t really want to teach the cleric Rakura about work that would connect to a lot of money, but it is not like it is not possible to make them work in conjunction.

I ended up making her work to a degree where she almost lost her eyesight, so I have already told her I would look after her. I should grant her enough knowledge and technique to survive even if she is fired from her job as a cleric.

“You are going to head to the castle right after, Mister Friend?” (Mix)

“No, I am planning on heading to the place of Maya-san for a bit.”

“That’s a shame. I had something to talk about after a while of not seeing you, but let’s leave it for later.” (Mix)

“Alright. You will be staying in Taizu for a while longer, right?”

Mix is currently moving from nation to nation and checking the progress of their reconstruction personally.

She has gone through the nations as an adventurer, so she took advantage of this knowledge to find the points that the respective countries missed and would report them to Marito.

This is a role only Mix can play as she is royalty of Taizu in the eyes of the nations’ kings, and also a close friend of the Demon Lords.

The person herself said that it suits her better to go around different places instead of staying in one.

“Yes! Ani-sama told me to take a long deserved rest and to aim for progress while at it!” (Mix)

“…I see. Keep it moderate.”

Can’t be complacent just because there’s distance. People try to get even closer when there’s distance.

The approaches she tries in the times she comes back can’t be compared to the ones of before.

That said, this is not limited to just Mix.

The eyes of Mix resemble those of when Marito thinks of something wicked.

Let’s schedule stuff to do outside in these few days. Yup.

I bring only Wolfe with me and head to the church of Maya-san.

It seems like Maya-san had finished her preparations to head out just in time, so she was talking with Cara-jii who brought the carriage.

The armor of Cara-jii is the same shining one for ceremonies that I saw before, and the attire of Maya-san is fancier than normal.

“Oh my, boy, your nose is as sharp as always.” (Maya)

“I was invited by Cara-jii to begin with.”

“Welcome back as well, Wolfe-chan! Have you gotten a bit taller?” (Maya)

“Yes! Your skin is smoother than before, Maya-san!” (Wolfe)

“Yeah, that was worth it.”

People who were in critical condition like Arcreal, Maya-san, and Archbishop Ukka managed to survive thanks to the healing of Green.

But Green is a perfectionist, so he also healed thoroughly the parts of them that were in bad health as well.

I can’t really tell that much of a difference, but according to Maya-san, she has returned to the skin in her teens and is super happy about it.

Archbishop Ukka said his body has softened and did a Y pose. Even so, I don’t know about getting emoluments when his whole body had high degree burns.

“He might heal my back if I am close to death.” (Cara)

“Please don’t.”

Cara-jii is back in the Ragudo Division and is looking after the new recruits that have still not been assigned officially to a division.

He was left on the verge of death in the battle against the Scarlet Demon Lord, and yet, he managed to recover to this degree with just the days going by.

“Fuafuafua! Come on, how about getting in the carriage already? You can just talk while we are on the way.” (Ukka)

We got in the carriage and headed to the castle.

It has been a while since Wolfe was back in Taizu, so she must have had a lot she wanted to talk about. Most of it was complaining about Niruryates, but everyone was watching with pleasure.

“I thought a day like this would come… It is a bit too fast, my feelings can’t keep up.” (Maya)

“You also became an Archbishop at an unprecedented young age though.”

“I simply got all the achievements I got together with Filia to myself. I would have wanted to give as much back to her as possible for what she did for me.” (Maya)

“I think you have done plenty, Maya-san. On the contrary, I think she will be paying you back from here on.”

Ilias doesn’t say this easily herself, but it is easy for her to speak out her appreciation when she is drunk.

If I were to make a book of what Ilias said when she was drunk, I am sure it would be a symbol that would touch many people who looked after her.

“Oh my, I am aware that I am an old lady, but I don’t think I have grown old enough for my daughter to graduate from me.” (Maya)

“I thought the same a long time ago, but I felt old when my daughter gave me a present together with my grandchild…” (Cara)

“I feel like…that will happen… Boy, it is still okay, right?” (Maya)

“Totally okay.”

“I am displeased with that in its own way though.” (Maya)

“What am I supposed to do then?”

Maya-san hasn’t changed since that time.

Maya-san was the one who told me about this isekai. It is exactly because I learned the common knowledge of this world that I am fine like this.

You could say I am grateful towards her to a degree that doesn’t lose to Ilias.

When I reunited with Maya-san after the war was over, I might have jumped onto her and cried if Ilias didn’t do so first.

“Oh, what’s the matter? You are making a strangely serious face there.” (Maya)

“It is nothing…”

I slowly and politely speak out words of gratitude that were accumulated in my heart while being conscious of the correct intonation in this world.

Even so, my words should still sound correct to them.

Maya-san and the others probably noticed pretty quickly that I am talking without relying on the translation of the Spirit-san.

I wanted to thank Maya-san, who taught me a lot, in the words of this world that I learned.

“…Did I say that properly?”

If I talk without being conscious about it, the Spirit-san would translate it automatically like normal, and I would be able to transmit what I want to say by just speaking in Japanese.

They were words that I prepared after I read a variety of books like biographies and poetries, confirmed all the uses for similar words, learned the nuances and imagery properly, and checked it thoroughly.

I confirmed it all with Marito just in case, so it should be fine, but…aren’t there tears in Maya-san’s eyes?

“Such a naughty child… In this time when I might cry, you went and made me cry first.” (Maya)

“…Lad, you could become a poet.” (Cara)


Sentences that have been thought carefully can bring about a kind of comfort when read or listened to. Of course, I was conscious of how to put it so that Maya-san would be happy, making it a bit cheesy, but Maya-san, Cara-jii, and even Wolfe were making emotional faces.

That Marito… He said: ‘Yeah, I think that will move them moderately. Try that on Mix or someone like that while at it’. That bastard.

“Shishou, I have a request.” (Wolfe)


Maya-san returned to normal in the time we arrived at the castle.

Cara-jii has an exclusive seat as a knight of the Ragudo Division, and Maya-san as well since she is an Archbishop of the Taizu branch, so they said they need to do their greetings and went their separate ways.

I have my seat as a friend of Marito, but I head to the guest seat for Emera first.

It seems like Haakudoku and the others have still not arrived. Ekdoik must have refrained from doing the chain taxi with everyone since it wouldn’t look good.

In that case, it would naturally be faster to come by carriage instead of by foot.

There’s still time until the ceremony begins, and yet, Blue was sitting there with a sour mood.

“Heya, Blue. You can kill time somewhere else, you know?”

“Hey, why are you here first?! What about Ekdoik?!” (Blue)

It has been a while since I have seen Blue. She is wearing a dress like the one she had the first time I met her.

It would have been fine with the traditional clothes of her people, but it would be too charged if she were to put on accessories for ceremonies, so she just went with a dress instead.

“I went to a different place and came here by carriage. He is walking after all. Didn’t Masetta-san and Melia come together with you?”

“Masetta is greeting people as someone from the Yugura Church. Also, together with Tsudwali for some reason. Those two are strangely close. I think Melia is around somewhere together with Purple. She is supposed to be the bodyguard of Masetta though?” (Blue)

That’s how it should be.

I heard she practically forced her way into being stationed as a subordinate of Masetta because she wanted to stay by the side of Ekdoik.

She is a meek girl, but the speed in which she makes a decision and her proactiveness would leave Blue-san in the dust.

“She might seriously want to become a demon.”

“Gold and Purple might actually do it…” (Blue)

Those two Demon Lords are extremely cooperative towards a maiden in love.

They would probably make them a demon without hesitation if it is towards someone who is burning for someone else they are not targeting.

“Wouldn’t it be better to just make Melia your demon?”

“Don’t wanna. I don’t want to use my position. I can’t really say I won’t take advantage of it if that were to happen.” (Blue)

This is a good part of Blue, but it makes me feel like it would be better to be more aggressive in that case.

“I personally think the more the better though.”

“Belard, huh.”

The face of Belard showed up from inside the shadow of Blue.

She may be humanoid, but she must be hiding because she is a devil.

“Different individuals have different tastes. The more there are, the more flavors will be born. If the Blue Demon Lord-sama wants to make her eternal life as vibrant as possible, I think it would be better to have as many subordinates that can cook as possible.” (Belard)

“Isn’t it just fine if you were to learn how to cook in that eternity?” (Blue)

“I am sorry but, Blue Demon Lord-sama, I can only create tastes that would be satisfactory for my palate. There won’t be new discoveries and stimulations from that. My role is to find them.” (Belard)

Ah, she has become a glutton.

It is better than joining the ranks of the people who are fighting over Ekdoik, but there’s no doubt she is a troublesome subordinate as someone who fans the flames.

“It feels like anyone is fine as long as they can cook.”

“Not really. I am seeing through their abilities and stuff like that. The most outstanding one is the big man in the eatery of this country. I would like to get him and his wife as subordinates…” (Belard)

“Go back to Emera already…” (Blue)

Blue stepped on the head of Belard and pushed her back into her shadow while putting a hand on her own head.

She may be having a happy life, but I don’t think peaceful days will be coming for her.

But there’s the need to tell her strictly so that Saira and Gozu are not turned into demons. No, there’s no need for that, huh.

“I don’t feel like Dyuvuleori was that much of a picky eater though.”

“But Shishou, Dyuvuleori-san was nodding the other day while looking at Gozu-san.” (Wolfe)

“…Would Gozu be happy if he were to learn he is popular with devils?”

“Dyuvuleori simply acknowledged that man’s skills, you know? There was no intention to increase my subordinates though?”

The face of Purple popped out from the side of my vision, so I silently moved a step back and looked at her.

She is wearing a flashy dress with a lot of gems (devils) scattered as usual.

Gold is by her side as well. She is making an extremely troubled face for some reason and is mumbling something.

“Can’t you show up in a kinder way for my heart?”

“Oh my, isn’t it wonderful for your heart to skip a beat?” (Purple)

“There’s no need for the surprise factor. Weren’t you together with Melia?”

“We spoke for a bit and said she would be going to where Masetta is, you know?” (Purple)

“I am glad to hear she didn’t forget her job. And so, what happened to Gold?”

“Nothing big? The subordinate of Gold…Ludfein-san, was it? She apparently got a job offer somewhere else and she is considering it in a positive light, you know?” (Purple)

“A job somewhere else… From King Zenotta?”

“No, apparently from the new king of Serende?” (Purple)

What’s that Nuphsa doing? No, he is a super efficient guy, so he probably gave that job offer purely because Ludfein-san is an outstanding talent.

But I don’t know about extracting a cabinet minister of another country…

“Mumuh… What should I do…?” (Gold)

“Give her more breaks and increase her salary. She is the type that can properly modulate between on and off, so she would be happy with just that.”

“That’s true, but…that King Nuphsa… He offered her 3 times her current salary.” (Gold)

“He is serious. Of course she would consider it positively.”

Even when she discovered that the king of her country was a Demon Lord, she still supported Gold to be the king of Gahne, and made her surroundings acknowledge her.

She was so outstanding that even Marito wanted her in Taizu.

Keeping your outstanding talents in your place is one of the duties of the ones standing at the top. It is a good development for Ludfein-san regardless.

“Hey, Ser, can ya seduce Ludfein? If she opens her heart to ya who is by this one’s side, she wouldn’t be moving away from me either, right?” (Gold)

“Don’t make people seduce others for that reason. If it got to that, she would just accept the offer of Marito to come to Taizu instead.”

“That one’s fine. This one just has to bring ya to Gahne.” (Gold)

“Wouldn’t it be better for you to seduce Ludfein-san then…?”

I froze for a bit there after saying that.

Would she be able to do something that would move the heart of Ludfein-san? No, she can’t.

Gold is already making a face that’s shouting ‘It is obviously impossible’.

“That’s a trifling matter though? I would go anywhere you are, no matter where and no matter who you are with, you know?” (Purple)

“Hey, Ser, isn’t she saying something scary here?” (Gold)

“I have already gotten used to it. She is letting me do as I please despite everything said after all. I can overlook words.”

“The things you can get used to…” (Gold)

Purple-san began to show urgency in the distance after Murshto told me his feelings.

She is the same as usual in her approaches, but she gives me time to breathe, so it helps out.

I think it would be fine for me to go meet her proactively if she stays this way… No, I am weird myself for getting used to this.

“Ah, but properly to talk about the matter of Melia together with Ekdoik, okay?”

“Don’t worry, I will of course do that, you know? Melia apparently plans to stay a human for a few years more anyways? She said that she wanted to look the same age or older than Ekdoik, you know?” (Purple)

“A few years as in Melia’s…”

So she plans on going aggressive when is around the same age as her older sister, huh…

Blue saw it the same way and is making a hard to describe face.

“It is questionable whether it will wrap up with one instance though.” (Purple)

“…Blue, I will treat you to drinks some other time.”

“Don’t be kind… It makes it unnecessarily painful instead…” (Blue)

“That’s right. Ya should be kind to the pitiful me instead of someone who can only have happy worries like this!” (Gold)

“I will think about it if Ludfein-san really does end up going to another country.”

Well, I don’t think Ludfein-san will abandon Gahne that easily.

I feel like she would have an easier time with a superior like Gold, and she likes Gahne. It is probably okay. Probably.

It would have been fine to talk until it was time, but there were familiar faces like Lord Leano here and there, so I went around greeting them.

Everyone is happy about today’s ceremony from the bottom of their hearts, and I even feel a sense of achievement from this. Well, it is not like I am the one who actually did this though.

“Your greetings are long, my friend. I have my own preparations as well, so you could have left the Demon Lords for later.” (Marito)

I went to the place of Marito at the end.

Marito is wearing an extravagant attire for the ceremony, and there’s Ruko who is adorned to a degree that doesn’t lose to Marito.

“I was actually thinking about coming once it was over. You look good as well, Ruko-sama.”

“Onii-san, I have told you to stop calling me with -sama!” (Ruko)

“But you are already a queen… Isn’t that right, Wolfe?”

“Yes, you are beautiful, Ruko-sama!” (Wolfe)

“Even Wolfe-chan… You are an esteemed friend that’s on equal standing with His Majesty, so I am also an equal!” (Ruko)

“But Wolfe calls His Majesty as His Majesty though?”

“…Onii-san!” (Ruko)

The spear is only pointed at me. Until now, people like Nora and her acquaintances would just do that to tease her, but everyone began to call her with -sama aside from people like her husband, Marito, and Kayle who is her family.

She seemed a bit apologetic towards Ilias who was close to her after all.

“Hahaha! Don’t bully Ruko that much. I would also be in tears and grind my teeth to dust if you were to call me Marito-sama after all.” (Marito)

“Don’t say something so scary so casually. I will properly call you normally when there’s no strangers around. Speaking of which, is Lord Ragudo not here?”

“He was a moment ago. He went to seize Gradona who was trying to drink all the alcohol in the venue.” (Marito)

“Gradona-sensei…” (Wolfe)

I was wondering why he wasn’t in the residence of Ban-san. So that old man went ahead.

I would like him to avoid doing things that would throw you into a cell on such a clear day.

“I could have gone to get you personally if Haiya were present. It has gotten hard to move around now.” (Marito)

“We can’t hear his sarcastic remarks anymore.”

“Yeah… The sarcasm of the hero of this era. It is truly a shame.” (Marito)

The existence of Haiya was not made public. Even so, the representatives of the nations and a part of the people who know the circumstances have acknowledged him as the hero who has succeeded Yugura, and praised his achievements.

There’s a grave without a name for him in the garden of the Taizu Castle. There are flowers of many colors offered to him. There are vegetables placed as an offering sometimes, but you could say that’s just like that person.

“Do you remember? The first time we met was on a day like this one.” (Marito)

“Yeah. Please let it be playful talk today.”

“I know. But I just remembered it, you see. I felt like a new wind was blowing in this country the moment I heard rumors about you. And then, I was certain of it the moment I talked to you. I thought ‘Aah, this man is someone necessary for Taizu and me’.” (Marito)

Marito was friendly from the moment I met him. Being an otherworlder was enough for me to be a target of interest, but Marito showed interest in my way of being. He must have had a longing for someone who walked in a world that he doesn’t know.

“I think I have been decently useful.”

“I have been thinking about you all the time since the moment I met you. I wanted to keep you in Taizu, talk more with you, and wanted you to change me more.” (Marito)

“Your Majesty…it is as if you are a maiden in love.” (Ruko)

“Are you jealous? That makes me happy, Ruko. But it was thanks to my friend that I managed to notice your existence when you were this close to me. I want to express this gratitude properly. I will properly face you when we are alone, so don’t worry.” (Marito)

“Y-Your Majesty…” (Ruko)

“Eh, what’s with this advanced flirting? Can I leave?”

My saliva was beginning to taste like sugar, so I tried to turn around and leave, but Marito grabbed my sleeve tightly.

That just now was probably so fast even Wolfe wouldn’t have been able to see it.

“Please don’t be so impatient. There’s something I want to tell you before we watch the upcoming ceremony.” (Marito)

“Then make the preface shorter. Also, lower the hearts.”

“Sorry, sorry… I am grateful towards you. That includes the matter between me and Ruko, but what I am the most grateful about is that you chose this world. You placed this world and that world on a scale and judged that this one had enough worth to be chosen. There’s nothing that makes me happier as a resident of this world.” (Marito)

“…You showed its worth as well though.”

“Haha, right. That’s why I would like you to burn the upcoming ceremony into your eyes -the scenery of the world that you chose, the symbol of where you are headed to.” (Marito)

Marito must have been satisfied with that, he let go of my sleeve. I understand what meaning this day has for me even if you don’t tell me.

“…Yeah. Don’t stutter.”

“Of course I won’t. Well, that would be memorable in itself though.” (Marito)

The ceremony soon began.

Only nobles and knights were the ones participating before, but we are using the outdoors too, so there are a lot of commoners and people from other countries as well in the extra space of the venue.

It is not like many of the people here understand everything about this. But they probably feel it in the atmosphere. They all observed silently as the ceremony went on.

The words of appreciation towards the knights that obtained great achievements in the war that happened. And then, the representatives of the knight divisions walked forward, kneeled in front of Marito, and were granted gifts.

“…Last one, Lady Ratzel.” (Marito)

Ilias, who I couldn’t find until now because she was within the tall knights, showed up.

She has a dignified expression as always and there’s no stiffness when walking forward.

The knights of Taizu all have a cloak with the color that represents their division.

The knight captains have the national flag of Taizu sewn on top of that. The normal knights simply have a cloak with the color.

Ilias followed suit and has been wearing a green cloak symbolizing the Ragudo Division.

But the armor of Ilias doesn’t have a cloak attached this time around.

“You showed your bravery without a shadow of a doubt in the invasion of the Black Demon Lord. You fought the demons in the frontlines and grasped a heroic victory.” (Marito)

Ilias kneeled in front of Marito and listened silently to his words.

The only thing echoing here in this space is the voice of Marito.

The scenery of the past battle resurfaced in my mind with those words.

Zahava, Lazarikata, and Ofaro. The battle against the people that turned into monstrosities with the interference of the otherworlder called Yugura may have ended, but there’s still grief remaining.

“Also, you fought the Black Demon Lord one against one, took on the anger and hatred of the aforementioned Demon Lord along with the harsh truth of the world, and showed the resolve to cut open a path.” (Marito)

The conversation she had with the Black Demon Lord through their swords resonated even in me who was inside of the Black Demon Lord, and it was one of the triggers for me to choose this world.

“To extol those achievements, I now declare you the knight captain of the new knight division, the Ratzel Division.” (Marito)

Marito received the cloak that Lord Ragudo carried and affixed it on Ilias’s armor.

The cloak was a complete black color. It is clearly unique compared to the vibrant colors of the other knight divisions.

But this color is one that Ilias requested herself.

Ilias promised the Black Demon Lord that she would shoulder the future of the world that the Black Demon Lord tried to shoulder alone -the unfaltering jet black resolve.

The golden hair of Ilias swayed on top of the pitch black cloak. It looked as if a dazzling future was opened up within the pitch black darkness.


“The procedure taken in the dealings of that person is as stated. It is not like I invited him with such motives, but he has become your junior after all.”

“You kidnapped Tedoral just to report that?”

“Nahaha! I have learned as well. If you are going to ignore me, I just have to do something that you can’t ignore.”

A vein was popping out from Yugura’s forehead.

That damn bastard (God) is walking on his own tune as always.

If I tag along in their conversation, I am probably going to die from just the shockwave of their fight that will happen a few minutes later.

I would like to run away, but I have been caught by this damn bastard.

I was obviously super happy when I woke up. Black Sis stopped trying to destroy the world after all. I even had tears in my eyes.

I thought I needed to thank that Earthling, so I healed my wounds and exited the alternate dimension Yugura made while humming, and I was captured in an instant.

“I will overlook this since it was Tedoral, but if you do something to Black, I will harass you with all I have, got it?” (Yugura)

“Oi.” (Colorless)

“Don’t worry. I don’t plan on calling that close to me. It won’t even be a conversation with that here, right?”

“You have no right to say that.” (Yugura)


If Black Sis were here…the atmosphere would have gotten horrible to a level where I wouldn’t even want to imagine it.

In that sense, capturing me was the most reasonable method to call Yugura.

I feel like Yugura will be putting a weird collar on me after this. What a pain…

“Well, you could say that’s just like him. He is properly learning from his teacher.” (Yugura)

“He could have changed the world as he pleased if he was as omnipotent as you thought.”

“What’s the point of borrowing the power of a god to create a world that won’t lose to the interference of a god? But what brings this? Returning him to his world or accepting him as a resident of this world was within the boundaries of his unlawful summoning. If having him choose was a favor, inviting him again is a completely different workload, right?” (Yugura)

“Umu. That was a simple deal. He accepted to become a pigeon.”

“Pigeon… Aah, a messenger pigeon.” (Yugura)

“It would be too much work to surpass your countermeasures at each instance and kidnap that person there, you see. That would be better for you too, right?”

Yugura has no intention of listening to what God has to say, and doesn’t want to deal with him.

Even so, he has to take such forceful means in order to tell Yugura about the conditions.

His guard on me would increase more and more, so it certainly would be more peaceful to request that man to send messages.

He could transmit messages to the whole world like a god, but it would use a lot less energy to just use the completely powerless otherworlder as a messenger.

Yugura would casually ignore such natural calamities anyways. I would also rather watch Black Sis eat food over the crisis of the world.

“It is somewhat better than being called or having Tedoral being kidnapped though. I won’t answer anyways.” (Yugura)

“Don’t worry. There’s nothing for me to consult with you about to begin with.”

“I know. By the way, he returned to his world once, right? You called him back immediately after?” (Yugura)

“No, I gave him around half a day in that world’s time. He said a sudden disappearance would cause disorder in the world over there. This is the log.”

God said that, released some sort of wavelength, and had Yugura take it.

Yugura was silent for a moment and sighed lightly.

“He used a night escape store in order to orchestrate an intentional disappearance. He is used to this… Also, even though he has lingering regrets, he declared his farewells awfully indifferently.” (Yugura)

“He did mumble: ‘If I were to go to a place I know and meet someone I know, it would just increase the lingering regrets’.”

It seems like they are sharing the memories of the time when that Earthling returned to his world.

I want to see them too, but I am full with the desire to not enter the conversation of these two.

No, that’s not good. Peeking at the daily lives of others is a bad hobby. You should leave that stuff to just within the boundaries of work.

“Are you waiting for a retort on that?” (Yugura)

“I am out of all this, so don’t read my mind.” (Colorless)

“But damn bastard, isn’t this an undesirable development for you? If his syndrome spreads, the progress of the world will definitely stagnate.” (Yugura)

“Umu. It seems to be highly infectious too. It is possible that there won’t be many results within his perimeter.”

“Syndrome? Infectious? What are you guys talking about?” (Colorless)

Yugura and God looked at each other for a bit, and Yugura sighed a bit.

You two, don’t go pushing each other’s responsibility to explain through eye-contact. Could it be that you actually get along?

“The reason why that damn bastard called me to this world was because he wanted me to influence this world and create new changes. Leaving aside the good or bad of the process and the results, I certainly did influence this world, and created big changes. The Demon Lords that I granted power to rampaged in this world to fulfill their desires after all.” (Yugura)

“O-Okay.” (Colorless)

“On the other hand, his influence has been the opposite. His doctrine is to not be thorough and there’s no need for hectic development. He is fine with just being able to live peacefully and safely. He is just a boring existence for the damn bastard that wishes for progress.” (Yugura)

“Right. That man doesn’t step into the forbidden by choice. Well, he says he wants to live safely, and yet, he pokes his head into trouble the whole time though.” (Colorless)

“That’s the thing. His desires are not solely concentrated on himself. He wishes for peace in the life of others and spares no effort for the sake of that. He goes as far as contradicting his own way of living and his own wish. What kind of effect do you think that will have on others?” (Yugura)

What kind of effect it will have…huh. Basically, the answer is in the change of the people around that man, right? I have been directing my attention on the people around that man to some degree since the moment I got an eye on him.

His enemies that were Ekdoik, the Demon Lords, and even Ritial certainly did have strong wills and tried to achieve their own desires.

Basically, the fate of the people who lived for their desires… They somehow resemble each other.

“Yeah, that’s it. They are infected…with his way of being.” (Yugura)

“Infected, you say… Being influenced isn’t really a bad thing.” (Colorless)

“Looks like you are not self-aware. I am talking about you too, Tedoral. You were originally fine as long as Black was there. And yet, what was the action you took this time? You took the choice of not having Black destroy this world, right?” (Yugura)


I can tell my actions are stupid when I look back at them.

Why did I rely on that man?

If Yugura rewinds the world and makes it so Black Sis is happy, isn’t that something worth celebrating?

Why did I try to treasure even the world that Black Sis lived in?

“It is not like he is special. It is the natural law of humanity. People wish for growth, repeat conflict as a process of this, and exhaust themselves in both mind and body. People who want to live safely are beginning to appear within that process. The selfish people simply avoid conflict, but the ones who think of others end up influencing them.” (Yugura)

“If you see the battle of a hero, you admire that hero; if you learn of the intelligence of a scholar, you will try to aim to become a scholar; wishing for growth and living intensely; wishing to live safely; they are answers humanity seeks in the world. Humans are influenced by the actions aiming for those ideals.” (Colorless)

“That’s why this damn bastard chose radical people the whole time when inviting them to this world. That’s why this world has been influenced greatly by the otherworlders and changed by this.” (Yugura)

That man is not a hero or a scholar. But he is certainly a different type of person from me.

It just feels as if he has a different job. It is not like he is the only one who can become like that.

But he is the type of person that the god of this world intentionally didn’t invite. That’s why the people of this world don’t have enough immunity to it and are easily influenced by it.

“That’s right. It was the same for you, and Black has also been infected. I would even say Ofaro was infected by it through Ekdoik.” (Yugura)

“Seriously…?” (Colorless)

“Bringing concepts that were not present in the world can show  extreme influence just from that. Well, that’s a trend I have seen to a decent degree, and I am grateful that Black is more peaceful now though. And so, that’s inconvenient for the damn bastard there.” (Yugura)

I see… People show interest in the ones who have what they don’t have. It may be longing, fear, or any other emotion, but they unconsciously try to imitate those actions.

For the people who were living earnestly, the existence of a guy that is putting effort in living safely can bring about that much of an influence.


“…The syndrome of wanting to live safely, huh.” (Colorless)

“What terrible naming sense. You will never become a doctor.” (Yugura)

“Isn’t that cruel?!” (Colorless)

“It is better if the name of a disease allows you to guess the symptoms. If the name of the disease and what it actually entails don’t match, it would just confuse the one who hears it, right?” (Yugura)

“R-Right…” (Colorless)

“But your smug face just now was the most amusing until now, so I recorded it.” (Yugura)

“Can you stop?!” (Colorless)

No, this is also the result of me getting infected! I was simply infected with the habit of that man to sometimes throw cheesy lines!

Hey, can you not unfold a screen in space and reproduce it?!

“If you are just wishing for simple growth, it is an unnecessary factor though. But if you are seeking even more complex changes, keeping it in control is also an option.”

“Like a Catharsis Effect?” (Colorless)

“That’s right. If there’s a spread of the disease to want to live safely, there will eventually be people who will seek trouble and begin moving more intensely. The changes that come from the explosion of those bottled up emotions is also worth observing.”

“Well, that’s true. If you wish for progress that’s as close as that of Earth, there needs to be a historical tempo.” (Yugura)

“Also, Yugura Nariya, you will be rewinding everything when the time comes, right? It doesn’t sound bad to consider this a special case verification until then.”

That damn bastard took out from thin air what looked like a shining crystal, and threw it at Yugura.

It is shining, so I can’t really tell, but is that a key?

“…What are you pulling here?” (Yugura)

“What’s that?” (Colorless)

“…It is a permit to enter other worlds. With this, not only me, even you and Black can come and go freely to the worlds on the other side of the ocean.” (Yugura)

“Seriously?!” (Colorless)

With such permission, Black Sis will definitely cross the ocean and try to save the other worlds.

Yugura said this Traced is still comparatively better.

There are worlds that are in the middle of developing, and there are also worlds that have fallen or on the way to.

“You are leaving Traced to that person and the humans that have inherited the syndromes, right? I was thinking about giving you something to stave your boredom in the meantime. You are going to rewind things anyways, so influence as you please.”

“…Was that an idea of his?” (Yugura)

“Umu. He said: ‘It would be a waste to leave Yugura Nariya who can shake off your control. You would be able to see as much influence as you can if you let him affect other worlds’.”

“Is that okay? It is none of my business if the ownership of all the worlds is taken away as a result of me and Black doing as we please.” (Yugura)

“Nahaha! If humans have evolved to a degree where they can do that, I would be able to get a worthy verification. I don’t mind making you a god if that happens.”

Seriously, what does this damn bastard think gods are?

He was trying to stop Yugura from resetting things with his space-time magic until now, and yet, the moment he decided trying to stop him would be a pain, he began to observe by taking advantage of this.

Hell, he is even letting Yugura influence everything.

But is it that bad of a name? I personally think it is a perfect fit though…

“No, it is not good.” (Yugura)

“Umu, not good.”

“Can you not deny me together?!” (Colorless)


Author: I wanted to write until the conclusion, but it got longer than I imagined, so the end will be on the next one.

Please tag along with me for one more step.

Reigokai: *drops dead*

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