LS – Chapter 362: Thus, despair

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Have people with talent recognize that I am above them, and have the ones they thought below clinch the victory. It is indecisive despite myself, but it wasn’t a bad fight.

A defeat after a hard battle. That provides a certain sense of satisfaction, but I feel like everything went to the gutter in an instant.

I am the biggest threat in the world: the Colorless Demon Lord.

I would have felt fulfilled in a way if I were to die while basking in that feeling. Or more like, I feel stupid for whispering parting words towards Black Sis just now.

“What are you trying to pull here, Yugura?” (Green)

Green Lord directs a cold gaze at Yugura who showed up all of a sudden.

Everyone aside from him and Haiya are making faces as if they can’t believe this. It seems like they had a faint inkling that this might happen.

I personally thought he would come help me a bit sooner, so I had given up a pretty long while ago.

Aah, damn it. My brain is turning here, and yet, I can’t move a single finger.

Makes sense. There’s no bone unbroken, there’s no organ not crushed. My brain has been automatically recovered, but my mana ran out at the stage when it was regenerating the 5 senses.

My sight and hearing are comparatively normal, but the little bit of voice that I squeezed out before made my throat into just a piece of meat.

“What am I pulling here? I just came here to retrieve Tedoral.” (Yugura)

“…Wasn’t the agreement that you won’t get involved in this war?” (Green)

“—Puh! Ahahahahahaha!” (Yugura)

It seems like Yugura found that funny. He laughed out loud like a child. It seriously clashes terribly with the atmosphere around.

It is on the level where I don’t care anymore about me being gravely injured.

“…What’s so funny?” (Green)

“Aah, yeah. Sorry, sorry. Right. There was that talk, but who did you hear that from?” (Yugura)

Yugura wiped the tears that came out from laughing out loud and looked at me.

Well, it was me.

It is not like I was hiding it, and it is already a known fact that I told them through a clone. But Green Lord probably understood what Yugura was trying to say here, he moved his brows slightly.

He must be pretty pissed internally.

“It was way too hilarious that you would just blindly believe the information of the enemy that is mercilessly trying to kill you. War isn’t a sport, you know? Also, even if I were to directly declare that promise to you all, who can stop me? Who is going to punish me?” (Yugura)

It is true that Yugura promised this. The condition was that that man wouldn’t get involved in this war and Yugura himself would only do the groundwork and not get involved one bit.

But that was just a verbal promise.

There was no contract magic, and no penalty agreed. He simply said he would do it.

“…You plan on breaking your promise with that man?” (Green)

“Don’t be so scared, Green. It was just a bit of deviousness. I have no intention of having Tedoral get involved in this war anymore. In that case, it won’t affect the result of this war at all even if I were to retrieve Tedoral here, right? Tedoral has already played enough after all. I will have him go back to help me out.” (Yugura)

Yugura nudged my body with his leg.

Oi, stop it. Don’t inspect my body with just the tip of your toe.

The inspection spell that is flowing in one go is making me want to puke.

“Playing…huh…” (Green)

“It is. The result of this war has nothing to do with me and won’t affect me at all. I seriously don’t care at all. Losing Tedoral for something like this would be a waste. He won’t nail it no matter how cool he tries to act, and he is a man that can only bring out a passing grade no matter how much effort he puts in. But he is a valuable talent for me that can reach that passing grade.” (Yugura)

Oi, the way you put it. Don’t make me feel moved in such a half-baked manner, you idiot.

…Speaking of which, this guy planned on having me return to the past with him. So he was serious about that.

“…Do you think we will accept that one-sided opinion of yours?” (Green)

“You guys don’t need to accept it. What I did just now was simply an explanation to ‘him’ who is watching this fight. Also, it is partly an excuse for Black. ‘I retrieved him when it was settled that he would be dying, so this is a corpse. I will be burying the corpse of my friend at least’.” (Yugura)

Don’t treat someone else like a corpse! I am so tattered even a corpse would be more alive than me though!

Also, don’t go announcing it if you are going to be burying me! You are definitely going to do it!

Aah, damn it. It is so vexing that I can’t retort here, oi!

“You really do whatever you want. As expected of my dad.” (Haiya)

Haiya comes to the front.

He was born from the same genes, so it really does feel like they are related by blood when they are facing each other like this.

A parent and child looking so similar would actually be traumatizing.

“Ya, Haiya. This is the first time we talk face to face like this.” (Yugura)

“This is the second time for me as someone who was spoken to by your memories.” (Haiya)

“So this would be an emotional reunion for you. Want me to hug you?” (Yugura)

“Right. Then, without reservation.” (Haiya)

The thrust that was unleashed by Haiya all of a sudden was stopped with a sword like natural by Yugura.

Well, leaving aside Yugura who took out a sword from a pocket dimension, what’s with that speed, Haiya?

That was several times faster than when he fought me.

That’s a speed that surpasses what a living creature should be allowed to bring out, oi.

The barrier that was forcefully undone when Yugura showed up has been reactivated too.

Is he seriously planning on fighting Yugura?!

“Heeh, you adjusted it so that only you can freely alter things in this environment where alterations are sealed to this degree. That’s underhanded.” (Yugura)

“And then there’s you who managed to stop it purely with reflexes, huh. You truly are a bundle of talent.” (Haiya)

“So, it may be weird repeating your words here, but what are you trying to pull here?” (Yugura)

“‘He’ is not the only one who can make plans. Yugura Nariya, I was expecting you to show up here. That’s why I made preparations. In order to get the opportunity to stop you from turning everything to nothing with your space-time magic!” (Haiya)

The next attack he unleashed was blocked by Yugura with perfect timing, but he lost to the pressure of that sword and was sent flying.

Yugura was smashed onto the wall, but he immediately fixed his posture and prepared for the follow-up attacks.

But Haiya is already faster than my vision can perceive. The heart of Yugura was pierced from the side by the time I noticed.

Countless curses spewed out from the sword of Haiya.

That’s not only magic. There’s also curses that were created by altering the laws of the world.

He has physical strength that doesn’t lose to Scarlet Beast, and his fighting style that utilizes the alteration of laws is also in a pretty high standard.

Hm? Could it be that I would have been in trouble even if my powers weren’t sealed?

“Kafuh… Man, to think you would aim for my life. But what have you been watching? Did you forget that I blew up the plants of Green when I came here? Just a few hundred barriers will just—?!” (Yugura)

“There’s no way I would forget about you. That’s right, we are talking about you here, so we have made fitting preparations.” (Haiya)

The barrier that was set in the room swayed and their numbers increased in one go.

There were still these many barriers that they set but hadn’t activated yet?!

Moreover, each and every single one of the barriers were resonating with each other, and were automatically creating a synthesized barrier?!

I overlooked such a big scale seal magic setup? No, they only planted the seed and finished all the preparation in one go once Yugura showed up here.

Damn it, so Green Lord making Yugura talk and asking in such a weird fashion was in order to buy time for this…!

The hundreds of barriers turned into thousands in an instant! Is he planning on making this room into a world of its own?!

It is true that Yugura is on a whole plane of his own, but that’s because his ability to alter the laws is far beyond ours. There’s a limit to the powers of Yugura when that ability of his is sealed.

If they have Haiya, who is on the same level as me when it comes to altering the laws, a ray of hope can be seen.

Don’t joke around. Are you telling me I was just bait to lure Yugura…?!

“So you multiplied the close to thousands of barriers with the mirror theory. 9 million in total. There’s a limit to pushing with numbers. Moreover, this sword has some horrible curses imbued in it. Are you aware that you were made as a substitute for a hero?” (Yugura)

“It is exactly because I am aware of it that I am paying back here. These curses contaminate the soul. If your soul is not in a normal state, even if you were to resurrect with resurrection magic—” (Haiya)

“Yeah, that’s extremely pointless.” (Yugura)


The world changed.

Even though my skin could feel what happened and what was done, I couldn’t understand it at all.

I am acquainted with the techniques to alter the laws of the world, and yet, I am still like this.

What I could understand was that this room has returned to just being a stone room, and the sword with curses that Haiya was holding didn’t have any of the curses anymore.


Yugura slowly stretched his hand towards Haiya’s head. Haiya immediately pulled out the sword and took distance.

There’s already no composure in his expression.

The face of Green Lord has turned grim too.

Everything they prepared in order to defeat the monster in front of them was turned inexistent in an instant. Of course they would make faces like that.

I would be making the same expression if the muscles of my face were working.

The wound that Haiya dealt was also gone a long time ago. Only the hole in his clothes remains, but that’s probably because the person himself is unconcerned with his outfit.

“Please don’t make yawn-inducing questions like ‘what happened?’. I simply dealt with what you did.” (Yugura)

“There’s no way… The seal certainly activated and you shouldn’t have been able to alter the laws…” (Haiya)

“That crumbled the moment nothing changed to existing. There’s no perfect seal. That’s the same for curses. If there’s harm to be done, there’s an inner working to it. It is simple to undo it if you carefully disassemble every single one of them. No need to even alter the laws.” (Yugura)

“! …That’s why we created countless barriers and curses. So that you can’t deal with the—” (Haiya)

“Haiya, you can move your right and left hand at the same time, right?” (Yugura)

Yugura said this, raised both hands, and laughed.

It is as if he were talking to children. As if he were teaching children who don’t know common sense.

“What are you sayi—” (Haiya)

“You can also move your left and right leg at the same time, right? Can turn your head as well. Open your mouth. Then, you can also dismantle 9,144,576 barriers and 645 curses at the same time, right? That’s basically how it is.” (Yugura)


It is true that Yugura’s ability to alter the laws was sealed like me.

I could have dismantled the barriers one by one. But Green Lord and Haiya would have been faster in creating new barriers.

It is faster to increase the locks than it is to dismantle them after all.

But Yugura managed to grasp the number of barriers and their inner workings in an instant and dismantled them.

That was not an application of law alteration, but a feat accomplished by his own talent.

Talent to grasp space, talent to analyze structure, talent for parallel thinking, etc. He has all of that talent to a level beyond human comprehension, and they all elevate each other. A feat that can be achieved exactly because he is Yugura.

“Haiya. Hey, Haiya, Haiya, Haiya. I went out of my way to give you the origin of talents, the talent to alter the laws of the world, and yet, you didn’t increase your own talents to the very limit? You could have increased your talents to as many as you could think of. You didn’t try to make it all possible by thinking ‘it would be nice if I could do that’?” (Yugura)


Haiya has tinkered with his own body with that power. A normal person would see Haiya as quite the abnormal being already.

“Hey, why is it that, despite having my appearance, you still tried to be human? You couldn’t overcome the fear of stopping being human after obtaining an infinite amount of talents? Hey, why is it that you thought of standing in my way when you couldn’t even cross that last line?” (Yugura)


Even so, the opponent is bad.

What’s in front of them…is an incarnation of madness that can tinker himself and shut up even that piece of shit…that God.

There’s no way someone with a brake and conscience can break that and advance forward.

“Haiya, match me!”

The one who ignored this despairing atmosphere and dashed in towards Yugura was Arcreal.


No, he must have realized that’s the only thing he could do.

Haiya and Green Lord have been swallowed by the overwhelming power of Yugura.

He realized that an idiot who can’t grasp the situation correctly should be the one pushing himself here.

The sword of Arcreal was stopped easily.

There’s no way the normal swordsmanship of a person that wasn’t in retaliation would be able to reach Yugura.

But Yugura showed a bit of a happy expression, seeing Arcreal who rushed at him with reckless abandon.

“Hoh, an Illegitimate with the talent to counterattack. It is a pretty good draw when it comes to pure battle strength. But that’s no good. That’s a power that allows you to overcome the hardships that come your way. You won’t be able to put your power to full use if you jump in yourself, right?” (Yugura)

“Then, have me in your vision as well! You have been ignoring me for a while now! I have wanted to clash blades with the hero once, so tag along with me!” (Arcreal)

“Alright. This is a challenge from you. I promised to not get involved in the war, but I can still brush away the sparks that come my way.” (Yugura)

Yugura waved away the sword and Arcreal took distance.

Yugura readied his sword with an amused expression and walked towards Arcreal.

There’s no stance. He is walking naturally as if there’s no sword in his hand.

Being able to land any hit means that there’s the chance to have any attack be returned.

People who have walked the path of the sword would see the walk of Yugura as approaching death.

But Arcreal has been given the talent to face all adversities. If it is in a plain match of the sword, maybe…

“My body tingles even from this distance, huh. You really are the best!” (Arcreal)

“By the way, just how far can you cut? Can you cut space? Results? Laws?” (Yugura)

“What are you sa—” (Arcreal)

“What. So you really are just on that level.” (Yugura)

An ordinary person like me was not allowed to see the trail of the sword, and could only learn of the result.

The upper body of Arcreal collapsed.

His body was sliced in two horizontally from the trunk. His face I saw briefly at the end felt like he was smiling faintly.


“…Correction. You were somewhat better than I imagined.” (Yugura)

Yugura said this with the sword of Arcreal lodged in his neck and a sliced off arm.

Yugura took out that sword as if nothing happened and threw it at the feet of Arcreal.

The wound Arcreal left disappeared without a trace in the time I was looking at that.


Author: An overpowered guy with only one skill maxed against an overpowered guy with all skills maxed.

The Black Demon Lord-san is probably watching this with an extremely bored expression.

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One thought on “LS – Chapter 362: Thus, despair

  1. This is seriously a problem. What can they do now? I bet Nameless MC know this will happen.
    What does he have cooked up this time?

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