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-3: Anonymous from Earth
What to do? What will happen here??
-8: Anonymous from Earth
Even in death, he is still a pain, that Ferdinand.
-12: Anonymous from Earth
Suddenly getting attacked by a Great Spirit.
Suddenly Fer shows up saying: “I will kill you. Celica asked me to. I am her lover”.
That Fer was suddenly sucked dry by the Great Spirit and died.
Hikaru must be mentally overloaded right now.
-18: Anonymous from Earth
He is using Darkness Fog inside the barrier and has completed a shut-in room, dayum!
-20: Anonymous from Earth
Who was the one taking the side of Ferdinand?! Show up, you wuss!
-25: Anonymous from Earth
Or like, isn’t he screwed here? Great Spirits are pretty much bosses, right?
You can’t run from boss battles.
-28: Anonymous from Earth
He has Zoom (Random Transfer).
-30: Anonymous from Earth
It doesn’t seem like a Great Spirit can do anything to the barrier anyways, and I feel like time can solve this. There’s the hidden trump card of Random Transfer, too.
-35: Anonymous from Earth
The scream of Celica when Ferdinand declared himself his boyfriend was so frikin good.
-37: Anonymous from Earth
Wasn’t there a route where he would shout ‘Onii-san!’ to Hikaru and shake hands?
-41: Anonymous from Earth
Right. There might have been such a future if the buttons were pressed correctly.
But it didn’t. Period.
Marking the end of Fer’s story, too…
-44: Anonymous from Earth
There’s no doubt he was a damn psycho bastard, but he was also a man that loved the same woman as I…
-49: Anonymous from Earth
Being placed in the same category as that guy is a bit…
I am more on the Karen side either way…
-69: Anonymous from Earth
Now now, don’t fight over that.
Most of the people in the thread are in the Nanami-chan-sama faction anyways.
-75: Anonymous from Earth
Shut up, Eye Cultist.
-78: Anonymous from Earth
Celica: “I don’t even know him!”
Karen: “That’s why I told you that it is dangerous to be a perfect beauty because people are going to fall in love with you here and there…”
-80: Anonymous from Earth
Well, they are worldwide idols now, but they weren’t like that in the past, so they might have had the power to make every man do as they please.
-82: Anonymous from Earth
They are still middle schoolers after all. So fearsome.
-84: Anonymous from Earth
If Celica and Karen were in your school, what do you think would happen to you?
-89: Anonymous from Earth
Does that mean Fer was in the same school?
-93: Anonymous from Earth
Celica: “He is someone I have not ever met before though.”
Karen: “No, we are talking about you here, so maybe you spread some flowery words?”
Celica: “He is from Belgium, right? I have not gone there though…”
-95: Anonymous from Earth
Fer is way too much of a mystery.
-99: Anonymous from Earth
That’s pretty much all stalkers.
-101: Anonymous from Earth
Dude, what’s Hikaru gonna do now? Enough about Fer.
-102: Anonymous from Earth
Let’s talk about Grapefull-chan.
-105: Anonymous from Earth
Rifreya-chan went to save her, but it happened off-screen, so no idea…
-109: Anonymous from Earth
Watch from Ozawa’s channel.
He got hissed by the cat-chan and he ran away with his tail between his legs.
-113: Anonymous from Earth
-116: Anonymous from Earth
Full-chan hasn’t been called at all lately, so hasn’t she been diving with other parties?
-121: Anonymous from Earth
She hasn’t, and she apparently has been lazing about and sleeping.
Hikaru has given her quite a lot of money, so she must have a surplus.
-126: Anonymous from Earth
There aren’t many Lynx who can dive to the 4th Floor after all.
-130: Anonymous from Earth
The cat-chan that drove Ozawa away was Moapple-senpai!
-136: Anonymous from Earth
Ozawa is such a scaredy-cat even with a gun.
-143: Anonymous from Earth
Threatening with a gun only works on Earth…
-160: Anonymous from Earth
If he were to shoot, he could kill even Moa-san (chance to be avoided), but if you do, that’s the end. You will definitely become a wanted criminal and you done goofed.
Even if not, you will receive the crimson punishment from the Crimson Vial.
-163: Anonymous from Earth
Ozawa: “I don’t want to be locked-up anymore…”
-171: Anonymous from Earth
In the first place, was this plan made by monkeys?
Bringing the Great Spirit was a fine move and all, but the person himself has gone and died, and Ozawa is being completely useless.
-173: Anonymous from Earth
The orders of Fer were pretty broad.
“It is just for the sake of a threat. If you can’t, don’t force it. I will settle it” -is what he said.
-183: Anonymous from Earth
The reality is that Hikaru did step out from the barrier just from being told Grapefull will be killed, so Fer was right.
…It is just that he didn’t understand Great Spirits well.
-190: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru was checkmated at that point after all.
-194: Anonymous from Earth
The godly intervention of the Great Spirit.
-202: Anonymous from Earth
She simply took a bite at Ferdinand beforehand because she didn’t like him, but she is totally planning on eating Hikaru.
-210: Anonymous from Earth
By the way, Rifreya-san, who went to get Full-chan, didn’t seem to be too flustered here. Wonder why.
-214: Anonymous from Earth
I feel like she thinks the Great Spirit-sama will understand after a talk.
-216: Anonymous from Earth
A Great Spirit is basically a God for the natives there after all. Even if Hikaru is eaten, she might even think it couldn’t be helped.
-220: Anonymous from Earth
That’s horror.
-222: Anonymous from Earth
Rifreya says ‘If the Great Spirit-sama says so…’ as she offers Hikaru…
-227: Anonymous from Earth
That would be the killing blow for a person with trust issues.
-230: Anonymous from Earth
Where did Ozawa go?
-235: Anonymous from Earth
He is being swept by the wave of people while trying to check the center of the ruckus.
-241: Anonymous from Earth
He really is useless…
-245: Anonymous from Earth
By the way, the Great Spirit said ‘decently tasty’ when she sucked Fer. Does that really mean we taste different from the natives?
-251: Anonymous from Earth
Natives don’t have cheats like ‘Spirit Energy Up’ or ‘Spirit Energy Recovery Up’. In the first place, bringing ‘life’ to that world is literally in the realm of Gods. That’s why, how to say it…in the end, the Chosen from Earth really are different from the humans of that world. It wouldn’t be strange for the taste to be different.
It would be like we are aliens with the exact same appearance as a human.
-255: Anonymous from Earth
Can Great Spirits taste Spirit Energy with their tongues? If you die from having it sucked out of you, does that mean the bodies of humans are made out of Spirit Energy?
-260: Anonymous from Earth
No clue. It is not like we have a microscope.
-267: Anonymous from Earth
At the very least, it is certain that they are different from the ones on Earth.
-270: Anonymous from Earth
What will happen if the Great Spirits begin having an appetite for Chosen and go ‘otherworlders are yummy!’.
-275: Anonymous from Earth
It depends on how the church moves, and if it really does happen, the sin of Fer would be really heavy…
-277: Anonymous from Earth
I am worried that the parents and relatives of Fer will be able to live on.
-280: Anonymous from Earth
Do the people overseas shift the blame to the family, too? Isn’t it only in Japan?
-283: Anonymous from Earth
It can easily happen. The more rural it is, the worse.
-288: Anonymous from Earth
But to think an elite in law school would stalk a middle schooler… That’s on the level where the family would disappear from the face of Earth…
-294: Anonymous from Earth
But Hikaru is also at fault for taking the lie of Fer seriously.
-299: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru has a serious case of distrust after all…
-306: Anonymous from Earth
Celica was pretty shocked, you know?!
-311: Anonymous from Earth
Celica: “Eh? No way… He believed something like that…? Onii-chan?”
Karen: “So Onii is the type who would accept the romantic relationships of his little sisters-nii~. I didn’t want to learn that in this way…”
Celica: “We have to make Nanami-neesan correct this… What is she doing?! What are you dragging your ass for?!”
Karen: “Celi-can snapped!”
-317: Anonymous from Earth
Even though there was a time when she was worried to death about Nanamin, lol.
-319: Anonymous from Earth
Nanami-chan-sama is pretty close now, but it will be taking a bit more time from the looks of it.
-329: Anonymous from Earth
We were completely underestimating Nanami-chan-sama, so I would like to apologize countless times for it.
-334: Anonymous from Earth
There’s those people who are merciless towards everyone aside from their close ones every now and then.
Could it be that the one with the yakuza lineage was Nanami-chan-sama???
-338: Anonymous from Earth
Isn’t it just that she can stay strong because she has Ai-chan-sama?
-340: Anonymous from Earth
Does it look like that to you?
-350: Anonymous from Earth
Nanami-chan-sama’s recap:
-Forcefully pushed the horse onto the daughter of a wealthy family, saying ‘please take good care of it. I will come check on it one day. Don’t sell or kill it, okay?’ and left.
-The incident where the store old man tried to rip her off from her Spirit Stones and taught him a lesson with the Spirit Ability of Ai-chan-sama.
-Defeated a stray goblin with a needle shuriken**.
-353: Anonymous from Earth
What was that about Nanami-chan-sama being a weak and docile highschool girl…
-364: Anonymous from Earth
Celica: “When Nanami-neesan was chosen at first, me and Karen didn’t worry too much…because it is Nee-san after all.”
Karen: “She hasn’t been accompanying Celi-can for 10 years for nothing-nii~. Living normally would be easy for her.”
-368: Anonymous from Earth
I am impressed that Ozawa managed to kill a girl like this…
-373: Anonymous from Earth
That was a surprise attack.
Even Zhang Fei** was killed in his sleep. <Zhang Fei was a military general serving under the warlord Liu Bei.>
-378: Anonymous from Earth
According to Celica, Nanamin can use the bow, naginata, throwing weapons, moreover, she even knows how to use a knife…
-379: Anonymous from Earth
What kind of highschool girl is that?
-382: Anonymous from Earth
Maybe she is Zhang Fei?
-395: Anonymous from Earth
It is becoming a Nanami-chan-sama thread.
-396: Anonymous from Earth
I got shivers when she crossed the muddy river with a Short Teleport Scroll.
-400: Anonymous from Earth
I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened if she failed…
-404: Anonymous from Earth
Short Teleport doesn’t teleport you inside a rock or to midair.
-410: Anonymous from Earth
Ai-chan-sama is truly an angel.
-412: Anonymous from Earth
A Demon Lord yet an angel!
-415: Anonymous from Earth
Don’t appear all of a sudden >>Eye Cultists.
-417: Anonymous from Earth
A fallen angel then!
-420: Anonymous from Earth
Apocalypse is about to happen here and we are all on our toes. If an angel were to appear on top of that…
-422: Anonymous from Earth
Hope Ai-chan gets there soon.
-427: Anonymous from Earth
Hello? Looking for Hikaru topic.
-437: Anonymous from Earth
This is bad, but it is not like he can do anything.
At the very least, wait until Rifreya-sama comes back.
Or more like, he can’t do anything while the Barrier Stone is in effect.
-440: Anonymous from Earth
The Hikaru POV is in darkness, so I can’t tell what’s going on. Even if it has been made possible to see outside the darkness, it is not like it is crystal clear.
-458: Anonymous from Earth
Not only has the Great Spirit come out, there’s the problem that he is in the middle of the street.
The commotion is getting bigger and bigger.
-466: Anonymous from Earth
Can’t he recover from here?
Won’t the Great Spirit give him the succ immediately if he undoes the barrier?
-470: Anonymous from Earth
No choice but to fight. He does have chaotic abilities, too.
-475: Anonymous from Earth
Aren’t Great Spirits like far stronger than Demon Lords?
-481: Anonymous from Earth
It is like a human fighting a dam.
-485: Anonymous from Earth
“Guess I will die”.
-490: Anonymous from Earth
Really gotta be Zoom then.
-500: Anonymous from Earth
Where’s Jeanne-chaaaaaaaan!!
-504: Anonymous from Earth
Jeanne-chan is still sleeping…
-507: Anonymous from Earth
The Jeanne thread is filled up with ‘is this the time to be sleeping?’. Lmao.
-515: Anonymous from Earth
Turd, do something!!
-519: Anonymous from Earth
Can Turd (Jeanne) do something if standing by his side?
-522: Anonymous from Earth
Who knows… There’s the chance the Great Spirit also eats low-quality food too…
-529: Anonymous from Earth
Ferdinand got sucked dry even when he wasn’t a Loved One.
-535: Anonymous from Earth
You guys are horrible, calling her Turd.
-538: Anonymous from Earth
The only one who can get him out of this situation might be Jeanne-chan.
-541: Anonymous from Earth
The person herself is fast asleep though…
-547: Anonymous from Earth
Rifreya should have gone to call Jeanne-chan instead of getting Full-chan who is certain to be okay!
-555: Anonymous from Earth
But there’s still a lot of time. He did get a new Barrier Stone from Fer’s stuff.
-560: Anonymous from Earth
I have work tomorrow, so please do something already.
-573: Anonymous from Earth
Isn’t Hikaru doing Darkness Fog too much?
It is finally affecting the footage, too.
-577: Anonymous from Earth
The low ‘Darkness Fog’ of Hikaru inside the pitch black screen is way too scary.
-586: Anonymous from Earth
The noise outside is horrible, too. Celica is translating here and there most of what the program is not picking up, but are they thinking he is a Demon Lord?
-590: Anonymous from Earth
He used a barrier like that in the middle of the city, and he even used a Dark Spirit Ability.
-592: Anonymous from Earth
Did he use a dark spirit ability because he is getting scopophobia from being surrounded by people?
-600: Anonymous from Earth
Most likely. He probably can’t stay sane.
I have seen a TV program a looong time ago about an entertainer being made to live in a transparent room, and it seems like it is pretty distressing.
-607: Anonymous from Earth
That’s a bit different from this, but well, it must feel like he is being stabbed by needles everywhere.
-620: Anonymous from Earth
Celica: “Onii-chan might be in a bad state here…”
Karen: “That idiot called Ferdinand has really done it now-nii~. This is indirectly Celi-can’s fault…”
Celica: “I am at fault here?! There’s no way I could predict this!!”
-628: Anonymous from Earth
Karen is pretty merciless.
-634: Anonymous from Earth
The concern that there’s too many cases where Celica is involved indirectly in the surroundings of Hikaru…
-636: Anonymous from Earth
Or more like, he won’t just suddenly choose Random Transfer here, right?
-640: Anonymous from Earth
No clue. It depends on the person himself. Wait for Rifreya-sama for now.
-643: Anonymous from Earth
Rifreya-sama really is the one who comes to save the day every time.
Believe in Rifreya-sama.
-659: Anonymous from Earth
Hm? What did he say just now?
-666: Anonymous from Earth
Did he just say ‘Summon: Elemental’?
-667: Anonymous from Earth
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Bruh this cliffhanger is killing me, wheres the next chappy? Its been almost a month!
Sorry about that, I forgot to add the next chapter button. 2 chapters are out already actually.
This chapter just increased the hype for the next one.
Anyway, greatly disappointed with hikaru for actuallly believing ferdinand.
Random transfer actually reward you with 10 point eh
Jeanne is sleeping huh. I thought she would come if the commotion was heard, but I guess she is a heavy sleeper. Nanami is also said to not be able to make it in time.
Time for the Great Darkness Spirit to save the day!