Hey guys, Reigokai here!
Some may not have noticed yet, but this is already the new website! No, there’s no new link. It is still the same reigokaitranslations.com without the .wordpress. part. I tried to make it as seamless as possible, so it might have been hard to tell apart.
For the ones wondering ‘hey, isn’t this still wordpress? Didn’t you say you had a problem with wordpress?’. Let me rephrase it properly since I really wasn’t clear there. I have a problem with the webhoster ‘wordpress.com’. I don’t actually have an issue with wordpress itself. That’s why I switched to a new webhoster, Dreamhost. I can already feel an increase in the freedom of things I can do from this switch which I will elaborate below.
With the increased freedom, I can now add plugins. This allowed me to add the long requested dark mode button which I tried my best to make it as unintrussive as possible, added a search bar that is at the site in PCs and at the bottom in mobile. Also some other small things on my side.
I have been asked to add stuff like a Font Size Changer. Unfortunately, it seems it didn’t work on my page. Also, to make the links more visible. For that one, I will just have to make them more visible myself by changing the colors, so it would be a manual endeavor.
I am also thinking about applying disqus for the comments which seems to be a pretty requested thing. I myself haven’t grown fond of it yet, but I will try it out for now and see how it goes.
Feel free to give me any other suggestions you have in mind. Note that I am not a tech wiz and I am pretty monkey brain, so I will try my best (my brain almost fried when I was trying to change all my URLs to the new one). I am always reading the comments, so if I didn’t implement your change, just think of it as me having tried, but failed miserably.
As for the comments and likes, I managed to migrate them as well, but some chapters came as 0 comments and 0 likes despite them having hundreds of comments. Yeah, it will look awkward for newcomers, but I can’t do anything about that.
Anyways, I didn’t want to post a chapter all of a sudden. I wanted to first hear you guys out on what other suggestions you may have and if you see any problems, post them here.
As for the new chapter, I will most likely be posting a new chapter on wednesday. All this migration business drained me tremendously and work is not over yet.
And so, I will be waiting for your suggestions and for any problems you might encounter.
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make a discord server, there are probably some people in the community which can help you improve the website
One thing I noticed is how much screen space is wasted. It did so a little before, but because there are all the links on the right side. Now the content/text/comment space takes up only half the screen. It remains the same if you zoom in (which itself is mandatory with how small the text is). Another way to put it, looking at it from left to right I see -
content (1/2 screen), links (1/4th screen), blanks space (1/4th screen).
So what I think is happening there is it is set for a particular resolution (and not a very high one at that) rather than taking into account whatever horizontal resolution the user has. Maybe that's another plugin, bleeding you dry to get basic functionality LOL.
It may be annoying, but I won't really complain more than this - just this comment to make you aware. I can definitely live with it. Though if this can be fixed (without you needing to spend extra money or too much time), I'd very much like that.
In case it matters in particular, I'm using
FireFox 89.0.2 (64-bit)
Screen resolution: 1200 x 1600 (4:3)
It is nice though if you at least have more options. Another thing I'll point out, you have a no-spoiler rule which was obviously unavoidable before. But unlike before, there is proper spoiler tag functionality now. So could you clarify if that rule has changed? I'll respect whatever you say on the matter of course.
Awesome!! Thank you very much for this!!
I'm a simple man: hand over the chapters and i'll be happy, even if it's an audiobook on pornhub
I recommend up publishing chapters on the old and new websites for a couple of weeks.
Just put something at the top of the chapters saying that you've migrated to a new website.
If that's too much work, maybe leave the old website up for a month? Well, that would cost you more money so...
You know, I wonder who puts chapters up on novelupdates? I actually assumed you would have done it.
Congratulations on the new site.dark mode is a nice and welcome addition.
Oh wow, now comment box use disqus, i like this...
By the way, thankyou for all your hardwork's rei-san...
Glad it's (mostly) all sorted out now!
now my eyes could safe and i don't need to use Forced Dark Mode again. Pretty Neat ngl