Hello guys, Reigokai here!
So well, remember that about being cut off before? …Yeah, it really did happen.
For the ones who have no idea what I am talking about, here’s the post to bring you up to speed: https://reigokaitranslations.com/2020/09/19/not-a-chapter-cut-off-for-the-time-being/
The difference this time is that I wasn’t given any reason now. I was simply cut off with no explanations at all. I have now been left dry with my premium features gone but still having paid for them.
This is the last straw.
I don’t want to bring any negativity here, so I will keep it civilized.
I have already begun the slow and tedious migration process. It will most likely be taking me all my time since I am doing it semi-manually, so please forgive me for that.
What I am most worried about is that after migrating, most of my novelupdates links will die. I don’t really have the authority to do anything on NU, so I can only leave it up to the people who have the ability to change things there.
It really pains me to do this, but I have had my gripes with wordpress.com for a while now, and you could say I have been punched two times too many now.
It has been 5 years since I began using this website. How time passes.
There will most likely be people who will be leaving from this, not because they don’t like this changing of websites, but because they simply don’t keep tabs on me so often and I will simply fizzle out. That’s just how it works.
But if possible, the readers here, I would like you guys to follow me. The support, the patrons, the comments, every reader; they were all my driving force for continuing on with this fun passion of mine that is translation.
The reason why I was scared of migrating websites is because of the fear that I might be losing some of that on the way. However, this is just the type of situation where I am simply prolonging the inevitable and making it harder for myself.
I don’t know how many will be noticing this, but for the ones reading here, I really hope you guys continue following me along on the journeys.
Also, I apologize for this way too sudden announcement.
Now then, I will be making a new post about the new website once I am done. Because of this, I will be taking a “break” of maybe 1 week.
Hope to see you guys there!
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View Comments
I'm a lowly lurker but I'll be following you wherever you go lol
This is just a test comment
Take as long as a break as you need! We'll be here waiting for patiently, and i hope that whoever does have authority on NU help with regards to the will be now obsolete links
I'll support you wherever you go
Best translator out ther, great translations of great stories.
And all rounder positive nice guy,
Will definitely be following you where ever you go
(That last bit wasn’t meant in a creepy way)
You have my full support sir
Thank you always for the great work and don't worry you have a lot of supporters. Just take your time, we will be waiting.
I have been with you for too long. We will always support you : )
Lurk No.785479 reporting for duty!
I've been a fan of your translations since the near beginning of Tsuki Ga Michibuki (Wow, it's been that long).
It is ridiculous how companies handle things. There will be a change with moving, but it'll be worth it not dealing with such nonsense. Generally, people will go to whatever website to read their favorite novels so I wouldn't worry about it too much. As long as they know about the move and can find you it should be okay.
I hope everything goes smoothly.
Wordpress has not been the best for you, so you're justified in moving. I hope you have an easy transition to the new site. I just hope I can find the time to read the 5 newest chapters before they're deleted...