-443: Anonymous from Earth
I imagined it, but everyone is having it rough.
-444: Anonymous from Earth
The food…
The japanese probably are on the advantageous side in that.
We are the type that can eat most of anything.
-445: Anonymous from Earth
There were too many Chosen who would go “I can’t eat something like this!” and would push the sandwich button.
-446: Anonymous from Earth
I feel a bit bad for the ones who can’t eat things because of their religion, but I also feel like they are a bit too strict on themselves right now given the situation they are in.
-447: Anonymous from Earth
There’s pretty tasty-looking stuff too…
There’s also the hygiene issue, so I can’t really say for sure it is safe though.
-448: Anonymous from Earth
In the end, modern people like us have to go to big cities in the isekai and buy expensive food.
-449: Anonymous from Earth
I didn’t imagine there were these many people who can’t eat grilled fish.
-450: Anonymous from Earth
It might just be an issue of their cooking though. If they had done it meuniere or frit, they would have eaten it…probably.
-451: Anonymous from Earth
It is apparently turning into a trend to say “That’s not pig, it just resembles it. Pigs don’t exist in isekais” to the people that can’t eat due to their religion.
-452: Anonymous from Earth
Aah, true. There’s no way they are the same.
We are talking isekai here.
-453: Anonymous from Earth
Spirit Stones come out from inside their bodies after all.
-454: Anonymous from Earth
Do Spirit Stones come out from the body of the Chosen too?
-455: Anonymous from Earth
Most likely. It should be safe to assume that their bodies have been remade to conform to the world there at the time they were transferred. They are getting powers using points, so their bodies are being modified in real time.
-456: Anonymous from Earth
How are the vegetarians doing?
-457: Anonymous from Earth
They are maintaining their vegetable diet decently well. There’s a good amount of edible plants there after all.
-458: Anonymous from Earth
There’s an abundance of food.
The survival difficulty is a lot lower than I thought.
-459: Anonymous from Earth
Most of the ones that got Random Transferred died though…
-460: Anonymous from Earth
That’s because they are idiots that jump into danger themselves. Idiots don’t survive. It was simply natural selection at work here.
-461: Anonymous from Earth
They are beginning at level 1. No matter if you are a warrior, mage, priest, or martial artist, you have to take it slow. Why can’t they understand that?
-462: Anonymous from Earth
There’s no cure for idiocyyyyyy!
-463: Anonymous from Earth
You are all flaming the hell out of them, but you had to use 30 points to avoid the random transfer, so I feel like it can’t be helped that they would think there’s a chance it will be okay. It seems like 30 points was the bare minimum you could get after all.
-464: Anonymous from Earth
It is not like it is assured that you would get thrown into danger.
-465: Anonymous from Earth
The reality is that random is chosen by default, and if you want to transfer safely, you had to pay 30 points. Having 30 points and being taken away 30 points feels completely different.
-466: Anonymous from Earth
Even Ikakin said that there might be people who ended up with the random transfer because they didn’t have enough time to think and were too flustered…
-467: Anonymous from Earth
God really is scary.
God is the Devil.
-468: Anonymous from Earth
From the people that seemed to have been randomly transferred, only 4 survived, you know?
-469: Anonymous from Earth
In just a few days after the transfer, 41 people died already.
That’s a pretty scary number…
I am impressed that Hikaru survived.
-470: Anonymous from Earth
There should be a number of lucky people who chose random transfer but were sent to safe places, but we won’t know until the person themselves tells us.
-471: Anonymous from Earth
In the books distributed to all Chosen, it was clearly written there: ‘the most important thing is where you are going to be transferred. If you can choose, make it the highest priority to take safety’. On the contrary, why were there that many people who chose random despite that…?
-472: Anonymous from Earth
By book, do you mean the one that was issued by WHO, the UN, or whatever?
-473: Anonymous from Earth
That’s right. The isekai key notes created by gathering well-informed people.
Rumors say even japanese light novel writers participated in it…
-474: Anonymous from Earth
Well, even if you distribute books, there’s some who won’t read it.
-475: Anonymous from Earth
God should publicize where the points were allocated for the Chosen already, damn it.
-476: Anonymous from Earth
Totally that. I wanna know the secret to Jeanne-chan’s strength.
-477: Anonymous from Earth
By the way, there’s apparently a lot of viewers who have their attention on stuff like the High Heal Scroll and the Rejuvenation Scroll.
-478: Anonymous from Earth
It is the dream of humanity after all > rejuvenation.
-479: Anonymous from Earth
The High Heal is also a dream item. It can even heal lost parts.
-480: Anonymous from Earth
I think the option of the Chosen returning to this world will appear eventually. When that happens, the important part is whether God will allow ‘souvenirs’ or not.
-481: Anonymous from Earth
If spirit magic can be used here, it would be strong.
-482: Anonymous from Earth
We got no Spirits, so it would be impossible.
-483: Anonymous from Earth
There’s no scrolls and spirits, so there’s a high chance they won’t have any effect here.
-484: Anonymous from Earth
That’s possible.
-485: Anonymous from Earth
If healing magic and scrolls work on the same principles, there’s no chance.
-486: Anonymous from Earth
What about potions?
-487: Anonymous from Earth
Even that could be a concentrated liquid of spirits. There’s no knowing.
-488: Anonymous from Earth
If it exists in liquid form, can’t it at least be possible to affect the body in some way?
-489: Anonymous from Earth
We don’t know if spirits are harmful for earthlings, you know?
It is an absolute foreign substance, so you could die instantly at worst.
-490: Anonymous from Earth
But the Chosen are okay.
-491: Anonymous from Earth
The theory of the Chosen having their bodies remade to adapt to the isekai is strong.
-492: Anonymous from Earth
I can’t tell whether this topic is full of hopes and dreams or not…
-493: Anonymous from Earth
Who is the Chosen you are the most interested in right now?
-494: Anonymous from Earth
That’s really sudden there.
For me, it would be the amnesiac german superman.
-495: Anonymous from Earth
Obviously Hikaru.
-496: Anonymous from Earth
-497: Anonymous from Earth
-498: Anonymous from Earth
The Great Dark Mage Hikaru-kyun.
-499: Anonymous from Earth
It gotta be Ikakin.
-500: Anonymous from Earth
Maximilian Marshal-sama.
-501: Anonymous from Earth
The romanian twins.
-502: Anonymous from Earth
Jack Alexander Fox-kun.
-503: Anonymous from Earth
Watching Jeanne-chan really does feel good. A beauty that gives that powerhouse feeling is the best of the best.
-504: Anonymous from Earth
That time when Jeanne-chan defeated a zombie with a log was crazy exciting.
-505: Anonymous from Earth
Her mental strength is on another level too. She doesn’t slack on her training either. It is on the level where I am questioning where such a talent like that was slumbering in.
-506: Anonymous from Earth
Jeanne-chan not showing any interest in Spirit Abilities is too strong.
Physically and mentally.
-507: Anonymous from Earth
There’s theories that say Jeanne-chan took the debuff of ‘No affinity with Spirit Magic’.
-508: Anonymous from Earth
-509: Anonymous from Earth
Having the courage to take something like that in a world where everything is solved with the power of spirits -that’s amazing.
-510: Anonymous from Earth
When talk about Jeanne-chan begins, it just doesn’t end, so please bring that talk to her exclusive bulletin board.
-511: Anonymous from Earth
Anyways, there are a lot less people than I thought that go to battle.
I thought there would be more people who would turn into fighters.
-512: Anonymous from Earth
There’s a lot of mages though…
-513: Anonymous from Earth
Aren’t there way too many Chosen who get bored of spirit magic as soon as they learn the amount of times they can cast it isn’t that high?
They lack the spirit to try hard and go the slow and steady route.
-514: Anonymous from Earth
In the end, that’s what you get when you are not someone who holds admiration towards an isekai.
They have their hands full with just living.
-515: Anonymous from Earth
I don’t find much amusement in the Chosen who became bread store trainees and farmers…
-516: Anonymous from Earth
It can’t be helped that the viewers would gather at the few berserkers.
The large majority of the skills of the Chosen are combat oriented.
Rather than the will of God, it is more like the design of the system of God is bad.
-517: Anonymous from Earth
When it comes to that, I really gotta respect Ikakin.
Even though he is scared shitless, he still braves himself to do battle.
-518: Anonymous from Earth
I want Hikaru-kun who is shut in to do his best too.
I am sure he would be super strong if he were to fight.
His spirit magic is crazy.
-519: Anonymous from Earth
*Spirit Ability
-520: Anonymous from Earth
You guys all talking about battles being the best, but you are all watching the ero channels too, right?
-521: Anonymous from Earth
Of course.
It would be rude not to!
-522: Anonymous from Earth
So cool (not).
-523: Anonymous from Earth
I remembered this after the talk about food, but it seems like you can survive even after eating a Spirit Stone.
-524: Anonymous from Earth
The only one who would do that would be the indonesian monk…
Previous Chapter l Next Chapter
Ero Channel??!!
Wait nononono, screw Indonesian monk and jeanne and everyone except hikaru, i wanna learn more about this ero channel.
you can eat pig if there is no other food avaible though
the Indonesian monk?
Pencak Silat bro
Ero channels… is it really showing sex just like that?
Maybe it works like if the person is willing?? That would be crazy
well .. . . .we know a certain isekai’ed dude that making a living by making potion. and his daily mostly consist of making potion and then go to brothel~
Hey my country men is mentioned
But honestly have no clue as to what is an indonesian monk…
Hinduism and theradava is pretty big there. i think?
hmm not really
You’re thinking about Bali. That’s the only place in Indonesia where Hinduism is huge, most other Indonesians are Muslim.
maybe some debus acrobat
kang santet
that one is Shaman instead monk, monk is physical fighter aka pencak silat
kang santet in different world
he probably mean “Pendekar Pencak Silat” sometime they eat glass right to showcase their power
I hate these forum chapters, they feel like a waste of a chapter.
Eating the Spirit stone, That’s something I missed in the raw !
I guess it could be something interesting
It might be more of a loss on the Fiery Ape’s stone, depending on what impact that has. Well he had to do it to survive the moment.
Also we (readers) probably don’t want him getting too powerful, too fast. Eventually, yes but not from the start.
Thanks for the chapter, well its good to see that Hikaru has its own fan club.
Thanks for the chapter! ^^
Eating a spirit stone, foreshadowing?
Thanks for the chapter.
I like that they actually name and/or reference a few different transferred people on the board.
Only four people survived the Random Transfer, huh. I wonder if that means most of the world is dangerous or if God was manipulating the randomness.
Thanks for the chapter!!
So seems like people are starting to realize that the god made a shitty design for this isekai. Most people are being forced to spend their points on sandwiches because they can’t eat the food of that world for one reason or another like because of religious reasons, hygiene concerns or they don’t know how to cook. Then they talk about how already 41 people died within a few days of coming to the world because most of them picked the Random Transfer option and then they discuss that it costed 30 points to pick a safe transfer area and that since the bare minimum of points the Chosen start out with is 30 it makes it sounds like it’s too expensive of an option because you could wind up with zero points if you happen to be one of the ones who only started out with 30 or you might not have enough points left to pick that option after designing your character sheet. The god didn’t even advise them about their starting location being important, Earth’s governments are the ones who had to do it in a book and it obviously wasn’t some compulsory thing that the Chosen had to read. Well even if they choose a safe transfer area it seems like it’s only safe in terms of that world. I remember in a previous BB chapter they said the French girl picked to transfer to a safe area but they also said she was still having to fight enemies.
Thank you for the chapter !
…ero channels huh. I guess that means the chosen will never get privacy to have a lover to themselves.
Thanks for the chapter!
Seems that he at least has some JP supporters.
Thank you for the chapter !
Thank you!
TY for the chapter!
Finally an author that mention my birthplace, indonesia 😀
Kayanya Biksunya penganut ajaran hitam bisa makan Spirit stone gitu.
Dukun mungkin wkwkwk bukan biksu
Yg aku tangkep, serasa kayak “gelas kaca pun dimakan” ha…haha
Thanks for the chapter!
Thanks! Nepu!
( ・∀・)^)゛
∪ ノ
人 y′
Thanks for the double!
Thank you for the chapter!
Thank you very much for the chapter
I’m still working damn it🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Good luck in work
Thanks for the chapter
There are so many chosen ones mentioned on this chapter. The viewers only interest on the popular sin which were ero and death battles.
I can sense that these popular battle chosen ones will thought thqt a high level darkness creature is creeping around dungeons and cities, albeit no harm done, will be engage with them sooner cause the onenin charge in the teritory needs to sooth the peoples fear and tension over unknown things like MC darkness ability.
Confrontation with them against another chosen one is inevitable
Thank u always for ur double great work…
— The only one who would do that would be the indonesian monk…
Will they really eat it?
We usually turn it into ring. Only the oddest of odd would eat it….. or for some kind of ritual
A ring? Thats quite interesting…
Some indonesian eat glass thought, then maybe if they go to isekai then they going eat that
R that a habit or custom or something else?
Eating glass is an attraction of ‘black magic’ by professionals. Idk whether it is a real glass or not, and whether they’re actually eating it or not (like magician eating swords). But, making stones into rings is a thing. Some likes it because the aesthetic and some believes it contains magical power
That quite intriguing….
Thank you for the chapter !
Thanks for the chapter!