DCFM – Chapter 003: Different World Bulletin Board [Country: JPN – C] 3679th

TLN: Heya guys, Reigokai here!

Here it is, the Bulletin Board chapter. I really struggled with wordpress taking the format that I had in word, but it just didn’t want to.

I am not really confident this format right now is the easiest way to read this bulletin board chapters, so if you guys have any suggestions, I would really like to hear them.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

1: Anonymous from Earth

Summary of things until now. 

1,000 were chosen. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a way to substitute with others. 

The Chosen will be starting with all of their diseases cured. Even their eyesight will be recovered to 2.0.

Your resistance to illnesses will be adjusted to the level of the locals (you won’t die instantly from an unknown virus).

43 japanese people have been selected. 

Before arriving in the parallel world, they will have to assign their provided skill points, and strengthen themselves. You can even change your age apparently. 

Everyone will be getting an automatic isekai language translation ability. They will be able to read and write as well. 

That world is apparently the very same as a medieval fantasy game. They use magic with something that’s called Spirit Energy, and it can even strengthen your body. 

The item you can bring is something that you can carry with one hand, and it is limited to one thing. A gun which is made of several different parts is passable, but you can only bring the magazine that’s already in the gun.

2: Anonymous from Earth

Is there possibly going to be a development where God themself has mixed into the group of Chosen and going all overpowered MC on us? 

3: Anonymous from Earth

That would really kill the mood.

4: Anonymous from Earth

Nanami-chan is so cutie cute. 

5: Anonymous from Earth

I am worried about whether Nanami-chan can actually survive in a world of swords and magic as a plain female high school student.

…That girl was frozen stiff the whole time in stuff like television shows and didn’t say a word. 

6: Anonymous from Earth

If I were her parent, I would be so worried I would be dying inside.

7: Anonymous from Earth

Kuh! If only I could take her place…!

8: Anonymous from Earth

As if I will let you take that…! I will take her place…! 

9: Anonymous from Earth

Everyone feels that way.

10: Anonymous from Earth

But things are developing fast. This is not a bulletin board anymore, it is more of a chatroom. 

11: Anonymous from Earth

No, today is actually on the slow side. It is real late in the night after all.

12: Anonymous from Earth

Threads have been divided by countries, and on top of that, Japan is divided even further by ABC. 

13: Anonymous from Earth

Even with that, it is still crazy fast. The A group is specially impossible to keep up with. 

14: Anonymous from Earth

There was the urban legend that if you kill a Chosen, you get the right passed onto you…

15: Anonymous from Earth

That one was completely refuted. In China, the murderer was actually given the death sentence. This is an overseas story though. 

16: Anonymous from Earth

At any rate, I am looking forward to it. So 1 more week, huh.

17: Anonymous from Earth

The internet has been all about the isekai in the blink of an eye…

18: Anonymous from Earth

There’s way too many characters that I can’t even get a grasp of them all though! 

Is there a player you guys recommend? 

19: Anonymous from Earth

Talking about ‘characters’ and ‘players’…

They are all going to be going there with their lives on the line, you know?! 

20: Anonymous from Earth

It definitely gotta be the France representative, Jean-chan! 

21: Anonymous from Earth

The popularity rank 3, Maximilian Marshal-sama, is definitely the one I am interested in.

I want him to crush everything with power. 

22: Anonymous from Earth

Sounds nice; muscles. 

He seems to be an SP on active duty, so I would like him to show the power of earthlings to the isekai natives there. 

23: Anonymous from Earth

Jean-chan is cute, but didn’t she say she was a gamer…?

Is she gonna be okay…?

24: Anonymous from Earth

You can apparently increase your body specs, so it should be okay…probably. 

Also, it is not like Jean-chan is the representative of France. 

She is simply the most popular among the french. 

25: Anonymous from Earth

By the way, are they going to show the gorey parts too? 

26: Anonymous from Earth

Maybe even what happens after you lose to goblins…?

27: Anonymous from Earth

According to God, they will be showing everything as it is.

28: Anonymous from Earth

I’ve heard that there’s people who are looking forward to seeing the beautiful ladies facing tragic situations…

29: Anonymous from Earth

We are talking about the whole world watching, so of course there would be those who would find enjoyment in those kinds of things.

30: Anonymous from Earth

I just want to see them fight some monsters.

31: Anonymous from Earth

But fighting monsters means there’s the possibility of dying. 

If you were to see that, wouldn’t it normally be traumatic? 

This is not a movie, you know.

32: Anonymous from Earth

I bet 2,000 sol that the screen will turn black when a player dies and there will be bloody letters spelling GAME OVER! 

33: Anonymous from Earth

That would be really tasteless.

34: Anonymous from Earth

There’s apparently a lot of Chosen in other countries that have begun to learn martial arts in preparation for their journey to the parallel world.

35: Anonymous from Earth

They can learn to fight against humans, but will those martial arts work on monsters…?

36: Anonymous from Earth

It is a whole lot better than doing nothing. 

37: Anonymous from Earth

Wouldn’t it help them more to learn parkour for when they have to run away and stuff? 

38: Anonymous from Earth

They can bring firearms, so a rambo mode with an assault rifle for a strong early game might be possible. 

39: Anonymous from Earth

In some countries, they are making people carry magazines. Speaking of the limit one can carry in one hand for magazines, I would say 300 rounds?

40: Anonymous from Earth

In the eyes of the people in that world, we would totally be invaders. 

41: Anonymous from Earth

Wouldn’t that plan blow up completely if the one carrying the gun and the one carrying the bullets start in different locations…?

42: Anonymous from Earth

You can’t choose the place you start at?

43: Anonymous from Earth

You can’t. You can choose from [Safe], [Normal], and [Dangerous], but it is by default random.

44: Anonymous from Earth

My utmost condolences to the guy that has to carry 100 kilograms worth of bullets to the parallel world.

45: Anonymous from Earth

I can only see a future where they safely reunite and the gun wielding one shoots the bullet carrier to death…

46: Anonymous from Earth

I am looking at the information of the players, but I can’t tell the difference between the overseas players. They must also be thinking all the asians look the same. 

47: Anonymous from Earth

No matter what happens, you would still want to root for the Chosen of your own country, and I am even smelling a representative war broiling.

48: Anonymous from Earth

But a 24 hour real time broadcast, huh…

I am going to quit my job for the sake of this…

49: Anonymous from Earth

I get ya. I also quitted.

50: Anonymous from Earth

Stop putting your life more on the line than the Chosen, lol.

51: Anonymous from Earth

What about Japan’s most popular Ikakin-san? 

52: Anonymous from Earth

A youtuber is strong as expected. He will be able to make programs that gather attention from the viewers after all.

53: Anonymous from Earth

Programs, you say…

It will be a real time broadcast, right? 

54: Anonymous from Earth

Even if that’s the case, having that sort of experience is big. 

In other words, it is basically a live stream. 

55: Anonymous from Earth

By the way, what’s that about Viewer Points? 

56: Anonymous from Earth

The one granted to the Chosen? We won’t know for sure until it begins, but isn’t it like Youtube? The kind where you get points from the bookmaker depending on the channel subscriptions and the amount of views.

57: Anonymous from Earth

Don’t call it a bookmaker.

58: Anonymous from Earth

Then that’s the Youtube style. Ikakin is going to be super strong.

59: Anonymous from Earth

Won’t it be more like an Isekai Reality Show? 

60: Anonymous from Earth

The popular players will monopolize the points, get stronger, and by getting stronger, they get more attention from the viewers…is what will happen, right? Resources are finite, and with this system, won’t you get checkmated if there isn’t some sort of lifesaving measure for the weak ones? 

61: Anonymous from Earth

You can get potions with points, right? 

62: Anonymous from Earth

Everything related to items. You apparently can get stuff like weapons, armors, and magic scrolls, and you can even increase your own abilities with points. The minute details of it have not been announced yet, but anyone can tell that the playstyle will change depending on whether you got the points or not. 

63: Anonymous from Earth

The bookmaker must have thought about something for that stuff.

64: Anonymous from Earth

Don’t call it a bookmaker.

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51 thoughts on “DCFM – Chapter 003: Different World Bulletin Board [Country: JPN – C] 3679th

  1. If its a 24/7 live broadcast then there would absolutely zero privacy and i mean ZERO. How freaky is that? Sleeping, going to a toilet, and even their sex life would be in full display for literally every human on earth to see.

    1. I’d say limited instead of zero unless it’ll be like a 3rd person view of what’s going on. Will still suck either way.

      I’d be okay with people seeing me sleep but man, if I had to take a huge dump, I’d probably constipate myself thinking of all the viewers watching me.

    2. Maybe they get censored during those times? Hopefully.
      Something like the Sims. When they piss/poop/bathe it’s censored. (Sex is under the sheets though, or in a tent)

  2. Thanks for the chapter!
    The comments on the bulletin board felt so realistic! Although ‘Anonymous from Earth’ inplies the existence of other planets with civilizations?

  3. I just read the raws. And let me tell you this is a great one. And there are several thread chapters, and some of them are fairly more interesting then the chapters.

  4. My only experience for BBS like story when reading is the Heroic BBS, so the format is fine, but can I request for underscoring the bolded words after the numbers? I feel like it looks nicer that way, but that could be just how I view it.

  5. Hello and thanks for the chapter!
    I actually went on and read the raws, so I’ll be really quiet in this comment section and never comment on future developments.
    But just one thing, Reigokai-sama: you translated the French representative as Jean. I think Jeanne would suit her better, as is a reference to Jeanne d’Arc and they’ll play the analogy a bit later on 😉
    I’m really excited to read your translation and also the comments under the bulletin board chapters!
    That seems so much like a real comment section I was impressed!

  6. So… My assumption is naomi either dies and choose our mc as replacement
    Or he is taken as an item with her and geta thrown aside

  7. Sigh*

    Humans from LN really are like this ಠ◡ಠ

    Really. But well, in others perspective I’ll be also seen like that huh.

  8. Thanks for the chapter! ^^
    Don’t know if it will be a format good for you, but there is Bulletin Board chapters in Free Life Fantasy Oline too. When beoples answer someone else post they are attached to the one they answer under and slightly to the right will new post post are with a lign away. Numbers are in the front too.

  9. Yeah this sounds about right for what you’d expect of an online thread. Of course the majority would be treating the Chosen less like people and more like objects by this point since most of them would have never truly interacted with them. Also of course there would be some sick fucks posting about how they can’t wait to see all the gorey stuff and the pretty women losing to goblins.

  10. I wonder how much privacy the victims (chosen) will have in this? Can then shower with piece of mind? Get changed? Go to the washroom? Does the stream openly broadcast uncensored r-18 content, making it illegal in Japan? This is overall a terrifying situation.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. Its the second chapter the author emphasize killing chosen people, poor mc childhood friend gonna get kill.

  12. Thanks for the chapter!
    This format does feel a little weird and different from what typical forums look with the numbers in the front(it might seem a bit more natural without them) BUT it is nice and easy to read as is with the numbers helping keep track of separate people.

    1. Dont know if you have watched it, but the anime/LN of BOFURI has sections like this too, i think is more in line with japanese website forums since that one also had like users and numbers with each

  13. I remember Yuuji andnhis dog wherein Yuuji who was supposed to be the MC always goes to BBB for advise how to do things on another world while his dog save his ass and becomes MC herself

  14. Thanks for the chapter~
    Have to say the reactions are to be expected even if it is in bad taste, can’t really bring myself to like how everyone treats the chosen like objects

    1. Hmmmm… Those people’s reactions and comments infuriate me. Why does no one actually care that lives are on the line and this is not a game? Furthermore, I honestly doubt anyways that guns and body armor would do shit in that world. I’m looking forward to seeing the tragedy happen in real time for those bastards.

      1. I mean that sounds EXACTLY like what typical humans would post online. Humans are inherently selfish and wouldn’t care if someone else gets hurt long as its entertaining to them.

        1. I would have to disagree on that part. Maybe yes, on westerners though maybe I’m biased on that part, but for half of the world, if not majority, this would invoke feelings of horror and terror. I mean not a single one of them posted something that shows they actually care when this should be something that affects all on the global scale. The fights that are entertaining are personal but if they have the potential to affect everyone, panic would definitely ensue which didn’t happen. And no one is even questioning God or his background which is fucking abnormal. The mere act of someone appearing and naming himself God should have at least caused global riots to occur which didn’t happen.

          Imagine if someone who calls himself God suddenly appears and says he’s planning to transfer people to another world. Who wouldn’t panic and think of apocalyptic scenarios? How come no one imagined this person might be lying and this is just a secret plan to eradicate all of humanity on those chats? Why? Why would you blindly believe him and not doubt a single one of his words on transferring people to another world? How come no scientist tried to explain what happened and will happen? Why aren’t conspiracy theorists flooding chats? Where are all of the religious fanatics commenting? And what major government would just accept what “God” says and do nothing about it?

          1. Idk, maybe the influence of the pop culture? Well, its more like, Japanese pop culture. Then again I’m not really complaining about something that’s slightly unrealistic like this

      2. I mean it has been five months more than five months since this “GOD” appeared, so a lot of panic and commotion can be quenched in the due time. And it’s not as if there was no panic. In the previous chapter it was mentioned, that some marked people were killed and there was some claims as to that it was a cyber prank/terrorism on a global scale and many others, which was in my mind very realistic. And keep in mind that the people who usually hang around this boards are mostly here for the genuine entertainment, not out of concern for the chosen, heck some here even showed at least a slight tension whether Nanami will survive. Of course in a real world, the panic would most likely not be able to be suppressed within 6 months but here at least the author decide to incorporate how the real world would act to a certain extent to show a slight degree of realism

      3. There were three comments that were decent. But most of them were random or saddening.

        5, 6, and 19 are the ones I saw as decent people but out of 64, 3 being good/decent is pretty horrid.

      4. You did notice this is the 3 thousand whatever thread, of Japan’s C block, right? These are probably the relatively chill, PG13, comments in a majority atheist country, and they allude to some of the riots and murders that happened already. The really off the wall shit is probably in the A section comment threads.

      5. Well, this is months after god “appeared”, so the panic-storm obviously subdued with time and people started to talk more about the upcoming event. In the beginning we already saw how religious communies branded god as the devil and how much mass-panic god created with it’s appereance…

        Obviously people got scared of this surreal situation, but all that hasn’t been showen to us in this chapter.

    2. That’s how netizens usually behave when unmoderated. If you see a forum/chat where the messages are generally PC, then you can assume that it’s moderated.

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