DCFM – Chapter 001: Day of Descent and the 1,000 Chosen

TLN: Hey guys, here we have it, a new story!

If you want to hear some of my thoughts about it, I will leave the link here: https://reigokaitranslations.com/2021/04/21/not-a-chapter-a-new-journey/

Anyways, hope to see you all in this new isekai!

This darkness was comfortable for me. 

Hiding in the dungeon filled with silence and death, I would strip the equipment from the now voiceless corpses of the explorers, and sell them to the black market. That’s how I somehow manage to get by in my meals. 

At the burial chamber that’s intimate with death…

Cloaking myself in darkness, I curl up and hold my breath today as well.

So that no one sees me. 

So that I don’t gather the attention of anyone. 


So that everyone forgets about me…


From amongst the earthlings of various ‘births’, ‘upbringings’, ‘genders’ and ‘ages’; God has chosen 1,000 people to be sent to a different world —an isekai— that’s like the embodiment of swords and magic.

This madness, that enveloped the whole Earth and still continued to do so, began one morning in June when I was finally starting to get used to my high school life. 

For me, Kurose Hikaru, this event will be a turning point in my life. 

No, to be more specific…it would be the ‘incident’. 

A humanoid shape that could only be described as a light silhouette suddenly appeared in ‘all the unused displays’ around the world and stated this…

[I am God.]

At that time, I was in my classroom, in the middle of my first class of the day.

The first one to notice what was displayed in the big TV of the classroom was a female student, and the next instant the sudden scream surprised everyone in the class, the words of ‘God’ had resonated in the weak speakers of the television.

[Descending in this manner must have been surprising for you all. I have been waiting for my dear children to grow, you see. The time has come.]

It was a tone of voice that felt as if it were seeping deep inside my heart. 

A voice that could be taken as male or female. I couldn’t pinpoint an age from the voice either. 

Even the female student that screamed had a dumbfounded face as she froze in place. 

The teacher doing the class until now was suspecting it was some sort of prank or a malfunction, so they tried to use the controller to operate the TV, but ‘God’ didn’t disappear, and it was the same even when plugging it off. 

The teacher went to check the state of the neighboring classroom, and it seems like that class as well had ‘God’ displayed on the screen of a smartphone someone had taken out. 

[I have chosen 1,000 people from amongst you all. Selected people from the countries around the world mostly blindly. Of course, with no distinction between male and female either. Those that have experience in society, those that could still be called young boys, those at an advanced age; a variety.]

By stating 1,000 people, it confirmed that this phenomenon was not only happening in our school. This school doesn’t even total 1,000 students after all.

Even so, it is saying that this encompasses the countries around the whole world from all races and nations. This must be happening in the whole world in the literal sense of the word. It doesn’t feel real, but there’s no way something like this would feel real in the first place. To the point that I am even suspecting if I fell asleep in the middle of class out of boredom and am dreaming now. There were even students who pinched their cheeks to confirm.

[I will have those 1,000 people go to that ‘one other world’.]

Those words of God stirred up the class.

Another world.

Meaning, an isekai. 

[By that one other world, I mean a different world that’s outside from this one that’s within my jurisdiction —a parallel world. To be more precise, ‘the one other world that was made reflecting your likes’.]

The classroom grew noisier at those words of God. 

But I myself couldn’t get that excited. 

Because if you think about it calmly, the likelihood of getting chosen, and the likelihood of someone in this school getting chosen, are like the chances of winning the lottery. 

Babies and elderly are most likely going to be excluded, but there’s 7 billion people on Earth.

1 in 7 billion. If put in terms of the lottery, it would be like drawing the winning ticket in 1 or maybe 2 tries. On top of that, if there’s division between countries and races, the more disadvantageous you are if the population is high. It is on a level that you could even consider the chances to be 0.

1 or 2 japanese high school students might get chosen, and it is not like I am not interested at all in a world of swords and magic though…

[I will have the transferred people live their lives in that other world as they wish. There will be no demanding or forcing from us. You are free. However, the price of freedom is that there’s obviously the chance of death.]

Looks like this is not a story where they tell you to become a hero and defeat the demon lord.

I can’t tell what’s the aim of this ‘God’, but it can’t be helped to think of it as a being that’s outside human intellect. 

[Of course, I don’t intend to have you go just like that. I plan on providing you with ‘Gifts’ that will help you in surviving.]

By the time I noticed, everyone in class was silently listening as if they had been entranced by the words of God. 

When I glanced at my childhood friend who is sitting diagonally in front of me, she had a shocked expression just like everyone else, and had her eyes nailed at the television.

[I have also prepared entertainment for the many who will be left here. You will be able to watch the adventures of the ones who have journeyed off Live…in real time broadcast and cheer for them. I have created a specially set up site that everyone can access through a computer. Your support will directly become their strength. Isn’t that fun?]

This was the first time a sign of emotions was shown in the words of God.

By specially set up site, they must be referring to a website. 

God is utilizing the internet to make a website? 

I thought at first that maybe it might be God, but now it sounds like an ill natured joke. 

Anyways, I am on the side that doesn’t want to go to a parallel world. 

I can’t even function properly in this world, so I am not such a mature person that could live a fun life thrown in a world I don’t know anything about. 

[The Chosen that gather specially high attention will be getting a variety of benefits, and will be assisted in ways that will make things easier for them. If you want to know more in detail about this, please check the specially set up site… Now then, about those most important 1,000 chosen people, I have placed a mark on them in a part of their body so that everyone can tell it is them. It is something that cannot be replicated with your technology by any means, so it should eliminate the possibilities of fakes showing up.]

The moment God said this, the whole classroom grew noisy in an instant. 

A mark somewhere in their bodies…

I feel like it is devious how they didn’t even tell us the shape of it, but it is most likely something that you can tell it is that once you see it. 

A number of the male students were even taking off their shirts to confirm. 

[You are asking why I suddenly appeared and thought of this plan? Fufu, actually, I thought of this from the very beginning. The moment your civilization reached a certain level, I was thinking about giving you an interesting service, you see. For you people, a being like me with transcendental powers existing must be driving your religions mad, but…anyways, I don’t mind you considering this a reward from me to you. Enjoy it to its fullest. If you have any requests, I will receive them on the special site. I say that, but I am not taking requests to become a Chosen, okay? You might have suspicions of foul play in regards to the selection of the Chosen, but I swear to God that it was random. Fufu…get it?]

Despite calling itself God, it has quite the friendly personality.

Or maybe it is just acting that way. 

Even while God was speaking, my classmates were searching for the ‘mark’ that might have shown somewhere on their bodies. 

I knew the probability of me being one was close to zero, and most of all, only mood riders that get easily influenced by the atmosphere would go along with a sudden event like this, so I kept it to just flipping my sleeve a bit to confirm. 

I am the type that doesn’t stand out in class. 

The so-called anti-social guy.

Showing myself getting super excited from hearing the word ‘isekai’ would be ‘way too fitting’ for me.

[Right right, I forgot to say something. The mark is at your palm.]

Those added words made everyone -even the teacher- look at their own hands to confirm as if by reflex. 

I also gave it a good amount of time before confirming myself. 

(…Well, figures.)

There was no mark on my palms. 

The probabilities were as low as winning the lottery in one try. The chances of not a single one in this whole school, or maybe even in this whole city being chosen are higher. 

That’s how it works when it is on a scale of 1,000 in the whole world.


I am sorry for my classmates who are all excited here, but that’s why I thought not a single one of them in this classroom…no, in this whole school would be chosen.

—That is, until I saw the face of my childhood friend.

That girl -Souma Nanami- was looking straight ahead, placing both her hands on top of the desk as if she were hiding her palms. 

Even though she was facing ahead, she wasn’t looking at anything —it is the face she makes when something unexpected happens and her brain blanks out. 

And then, she turned my way as if making a *gigigi* sound.

A pale white face as if her blood had been completely drained from it. 

With eyes on the verge of tears. 

“Hi-chan… I…” (Nanami)

Within this still noisy classroom, there wasn’t anyone who was paying attention to Namami who was the same plain type as me. 

That’s why there was no one who noticed her slowly raising the palm of her left hand this way, that has a mandala-like geometric pattern that was constantly changing its colors and even its shape as if it were alive. 

God had, at some point in time, disappeared from the television.

Next Chapter

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89 thoughts on “DCFM – Chapter 001: Day of Descent and the 1,000 Chosen

  1. Only read the first chapter but almost like an isekai Hunger Games (cause of random chosen but they get isekai’d). Also, the mass get to watch the chosen live as well.

  2. I have a deam…. to punch every gods existed in their face then eat their soul(not including their ego)~

    So basically, I want to become a god eater~

  3. Seeing how I came to love Weakest Mage even though I was hesitating at first, I will surely read this, just the exsistence of forum board is enough to make me read this. That said, I though I was still reading the synopsis, until I notice that it’s chapter 1 lmao.

  4. Surprise! God’s name is Ehito. Heh. Jk.

    Welp, I hope the mood doesn’t turn too sour in the next few chapters.

    Excellent translations as always. Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the chapter! ^^
    Wonder if Kurose will be dragged in the other world because the gift of his childhood friend will be a sumoning one?
    Let’s depart for a new journey. 🙂

  6. thanks for this first chapter!
    at least the childhood friends doesn’t seem too cocky or prideful, i like the premises!

  7. So it could be another novel with trashy God, like Death Mage or Tsuki.
    It may be fun. but I will wait for more chapters to read this.

  8. Thanks for the chapter, the next one is really important to know the style of the author, I mean here we have her going to be pluck from the life she knows, how will she react, how will her enviorement react? An interesting setting, hope its not to complicated for the author to play it rigth.

  9. Hmm this god gives similar vibes to another trancendant being who did pretty much the same thing in another story, I wonder if his reason for doing this will also be similar

  10. Thank you for the chapter.

    Yep, that god is suspicious as all hell.

    He’s probably bored to the point of juat destroying everything and starting anew, or he’s already done that a few thousand times and just wants to see the world burn.

    I don’t know about you, but I would hate the feeling of EVERY single action you take to be broadcasted.

    To sum it all up because I don’t have enough time to do a chapter dissection:

    * God wants to see the suffering of the people as his enjoyment, and it could be that he isn’t the one that created them, but just someone that was given jurisdiction over them.

    Off to work for me.

  11. Thanks for the…new series?
    Damn, it’s a bit unexpected, but a welcome one.

    Anyway…Kurose Hikaru…
    The protagonist’s name already had some contradictive. 😂

  12. The first things I thought of as I was reading about the deal… I’d kill myself if I knew the whole world could peep on my private time (bathroom activities, bedroom activities, etc…)

    I wonder if this gets addressed.

    1. If it happen to me, I’ll make my purpose of life to kill the God simply to stop the streaming. That just f**k up to show these ‘chosen’ people in despair to the people on Earth.

  13. Thanks for the Chapter and new project (´-﹏-`)
    I feel like this God is so carefree lol.
    And it’s a bit sad to think that MC’s childhood friend will die in isekai, i hope some events happens and his childhood friend back to life by his power or smt… he’s dungeon master right?

  14. While the story is admittedly interesting I am sad it’s not a Makoto. So will he become the captain of her cheer squad or will he pull the cliche “latching on to her” and get transfered with her. If there was 1 major disappointment is that you picked up this novel while it’s still a baby of less than 100. I hope author has mad world-building skills.

  15. Its seems interesting. The.power up from bbb support were like a divine prayers power up from Noah’s perspective if she got many believers and followers

  16. Nice start. I geniunely hope we get an interesting Mc like Takatsuki Makoto. His commentary and everything made him one of my favorite WN/LN characters of all time for me. Wouldn’t want to be this Mc to be the stereotypical anti-social dense mc. But i kinda have high expectations from Reigokai’s choice of novel

    First thing comes to mind is they will able to turn off their broadcasts right? I mean they need to have some privacy after all. Broadcast thing reminded me of “Live Dungeon” and “Impenetrable demon castle” and i wonder how that will effect the story since these characters will be in a different world from the audience this time.

    Thanks for translation as always

    1. This was the first time a sign of emotions was shown in the words of God.

      By specially set up site, they must be referring to a website.

      God is utilizing the internet to make a website?

      I thought at first that maybe it might be God, but now it sounds like an ill natured joke.

      Finally some isekai where other people will see the struggle of the people who transported

    1. [I will have the transferred people live their lives in that other world as they wish. There will be no demanding or forcing from us. You are free. However, the price of freedom is that there’s the chance of death.]

      Meh sounds suspicious, I kinda expecting something like arifureta or mushoku Tensei here.

      Anyways the MC surely will have to save his childhood friend and forcefully got into another world even though he doesn’t get chosen. I hope he doesn’t get instant OP power like another beta MC. That being said the premise is interesting indeed. I’ll add this to my reading list

      1. Like another beta MC, you say? Bold of you to assume that he isn’t an alpha 😂😂😂. Though if he does get instant OP powers, it’s most likely related to the darkness (due to the title of the novel).

      2. I think that the “God” is a higher plane entity who just wants to have fun by watching the “Chosen Ones” getting killed, falling in despair, etc.
        It reminds me of ORV.

      3. Nah I don’t mind about OP MC, it just that it’ll be boring if the author gives a sudden boost to the MC without any development and because of some kind of shitty reason (like some kind of novel). Ah and please no more edgy type MC. At the very least MC, I’m hoping that the MC Growth is interesting to watch just like the weakest mage. And we’ll, even if he’s beta/alpha it’s still better than Omega for me

        1. Oh, considering these types of novels, the MC won’t get his super duper OP powers instantly but rather experience something tragic first. Unless the author betrays all expectations and gives MC powers outta nowhere. These kinda MC’s also doesn’t have the capability to be beta, apparently.

      1. I don’t think so, seeing that the web novel version currently has ~100 chaps, according to novelupdates.

          1. That’s quite fast, almost on par with the “I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning” web novel (which is a fun read but be sure to bring about 100 boxes of insulin, you’ll need those).

          2. Uhhhhhhhh I’m not sure if we’re talking about the same novel but it does have mermaids, dragons, and liches so make of that however you will. Maybe you were talking about “Buy the Land And Cultivate in Different World” which is a different novel but idk.

          3. I came unprepared, ngl. I died quite a few times reading that without insulin stock.

          4. Isis doesn’t even deserve to be called Death King lol. And Serious-senpai just can’t seem to die permanently, author keeps reviving her.

          5. I thought that name seemed familiar, turns out I had started reading it quite some time back when it was newly translated, thank you for reminding me it exists! Looks like its time to binge

      2. Well that novel is an embodiment of diabetus, I’ve got enough sugar with isis alone, and there’s a lot of best girl waifus there

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