WM – Chapter 261: Demon Lord Battle 1

◇Momo’s POV◇

“Uhm, M-Master Makoto-sama, is it really okay for it to be only the two of us?” (Momo)

I asked with uncertainty in my voice. 

The Demon Lord Castle where the Immortal King Bifrons is at.

Only two are heading there.

The White Dragon Master, Anna-san, Julietta-san, and the other warriors of Laberintos are going to be coming later. 

Even so, I still feel uneasy with just the two of us. 

The one that’s waiting for us there is the Demon Lord that rules over this continent after all.

“We took a good rest in Laberintos, the weather is nice, and there’s no monsters showing up. There’s nothing to worry about, right?” (Makoto)

The central piece that is Master Makoto-sama was looking hatefully aloof as he responded. 

He is the person I love, but…can’t something be done about this difference in perspectives?

“What part of this is nice weather? …It is raining heavily, you know?” (Momo)

The sound of the rain is noisy and the field of vision is bad.

I can’t understand how he can call this good weather. 

“I as a Great Water Spirit am the one who is making this rain fall, you know, Shrimp.” (Dia)

“I know, Dia.” (Momo)

The one who appeared by the side of Master Makoto-sama was the Undine, Dia.

She has a big attitude, but her overwhelming strength is proportional to that. 

Even the White Dragon Master-sama said ‘I can’t match that’.

Not even a spec would remain of me. 

But I don’t like that she makes a cocky expression by the side of Master Makoto-sama. 

“Master Makoto-sama, why are you making it rain?” (Momo)

I wrap my arms around his, and Dia does the same on the opposite side.

“Well, I will explain once we are there. It is basically a preliminary move to clear the Demon Lord Castle.” (Makoto)

Master Makoto-sama seems to be having fun.

In other words, the same as usual.

Even though we are going to be fighting a Demon Lord…he is the same as usual to a baffling degree. 

“Muuh… Well, I understand that. But I can’t agree to the part about me not being allowed to fight!” (Momo)

I complained with a strong tone for this one.

That’s right. Even though I trained that much, I am being told not to participate in the battle against the Demon Lord. 

That’s unbelievable! 

“It can’t be helped. According to Ira-sama, if you were to approach  Bifrons as a vampire, there’s the fear of you falling into his control again.” (Makoto)

“But…even if that’s the case…” (Momo)

“If you were to become an enemy, Abel-san, Mel-san, and I won’t be able to fight. At the very least, I wouldn’t be able to. That’s why, be a support for this one, Momo. If there’s any who can’t fight anymore, I want you to carry them outside the battle area with Teleport.” (Makoto)

“Uuuh… Got it.” (Momo)

I nodded dejected. 

If he says it like that, I have no choice but to obey. 

“Fuh! I will take care of Our King, so there will be nothing for you to do, Shrimp.” (Dia)

“What’s with you?! Talking all big here even though you were completely useless in the Deep Sea Temple!” (Momo)

“T-That’s…! Everywhere aside from the Deep Sea Temple, I am super useful, I will have you know!” (Dia)

“Hah?! Even I know that the Deep Sea Temple is the place that Master Makoto-sama wants to go the most!” (Momo)

“S-Shut up, you shrimp. Talking all big with that seedy-looking body.” (Dia)

“Wa?! Says the body of water! You can’t do anything with that!” (Momo)

“Fufu, if I synchronize with Our King, we can do this and that…” (Dia)

“Even I could do it if I were to try…” (Momo)

“Alright, stop. Monsters have appeared, you two.” (Makoto)

Master Makoto-sama covered the mouth of both me and Dia who were arguing. 

I hurriedly direct my gaze to the front. 

There was a gigantic oni undead there. 

But he had turned into a frozen statue

Looks like Master Makoto-sama froze him. 

“Don’t make too much noise.” (Makoto)


We silently nodded after being scolded. 

I glanced at the frozen monster. 

There’s something I don’t understand exactly because I have been training in magic under the White Dragon Master. 

How is Master Makoto-sama activating his magic?

You normally need to prepare before activating magic. 

First is an incantation. 

The ones who are not used to magic can activate the spell by chanting an incantation.

It is after countless repetition that you can skip the trouble of chanting and gain chantless magic.

I am at that stage. 

I gather mana, set a target, and activate the spell.

That takes 2-3 seconds. 

The White Dragon Master praised me saying: ‘to think you would reach that stage in half a year, you are a once in a century talent’. 

I was happy. 

I thought ‘with this I can be of use to Master Makoto-sama!’. 

I look around.

A downpour fell from the sky. 

And yet, the water was not hitting us

The big drops of water were avoiding us as if they were living beings. 

The ground was the same. 

Even though it is this muddy, only the footing below me and Master Makoto-sama is easy to walk on. 

No, it is more like the water itself is carrying us. 

It was a strange situation. 

But I know the reason for it. 

Master Makoto-sama is controlling the rain and water with water magic. 

That’s why we are not getting wet from the rain and can walk the muddy ground swimmingly. 

Not a single drop of the water raining indiscriminately was hitting me. 

In the first place, this rain itself is the spell of Master Makoto-sama. 

Rain clouds as far as the eye can see. 

Till how far is Master Makoto-sama’s magic? 

I can’t tell. 

What does one need to do in order to reach this level?

However, there’s one thing alone I can tell. 

I don’t feel like I can do the same…

“What’s the matter, Momo?” (Makoto)

Master Makoto-sama asks worried. 

“It is nothing… Anyways, what’s the name of this water spell that’s making this rain?” (Momo)

“Hmm, don’t think there’s an actual name to it. If it is just making it rain, even you should be able to do it, right?” (Makoto)

“At this large of a scale is impossible! Also, such a complicated magic formula that makes it so that only we don’t get wet…” (Momo)

“Something like that, if you just think ‘don’t hit me’, the water will avoid you by itself, right?” (Makoto)

No good, I can’t understand. 

The concepts of magic that the White Dragon Master taught me are crumbling. 

It becomes as you will with a simple thought? 

Is that still a spell humans use? 

Isn’t that the miracle magic of Gods? 

I look at the back of Master Makoto-sama that’s by no means big but is the one that gives me the most comfort in this world. 

(…I have to follow, so that I won’t be left behind.) (Momo)

The thoughts of the person I love that I can’t understand at all. 

I want to try my best to understand them. 

◇Anna’s POV◇

It has been 3 days since Makoto-san departed with Momo-chan. 

We head out from Laberintos. 

The mist is thick, and the vision is bad. 

We carefully advance inside that. 

The one leading is Johnny-san who is the leader of the dungeon city. 

There’s Volkh-san, Julietta-san, the Iron Hero-san, and the warriors of Laberintos. 

On top of that, there’s Helemerck-sama and even her comrade Ancient Dragons. 

There’s close to a thousand of us. 

There’s no doubt this is the biggest fighting force there has been. 

I have never acted together with a fighting force this well put out. 

We have always been hiding from the eyes of the demons and moved in small numbers. 

But this time it is different. 

We have taken plenty of rest, arranged our forces, and can face the Demon Lord. 

We can face the Demon Lord in perfect condition. 

(Fire Hero Master…this time for sure, we are going to defeat the Demon Lord.) (Anna)

I heard a conversation from the side while I was silently strengthening my resolve.

“The mist is thick. With this, there should be no worry about being found by demons.” (Mel)

“The Water Spirits are happy. The Spirit Magic of Makoto-dono is the same as always.” (Johnny)

“I was worried about how we would be approaching without having the demon lord army notice, but…to think he could create mist that can cover all of the Great Forest…” (Mel)

“But this is a good move. It is a move that can only be done by Makoto-dono who can freely control the weather though.” (Johnny)

“He is the only Spirit User who can control the weather on this scale.” (Mel)

“There’re a lot of Spirit Users within the elves, but…Makoto-dono is on a whole other dimension.” (Johnny)

It was the conversation of the White Dragon-sama and Johnny-san. 

They are both praising the magic of Makoto-san. 


“Uhm…are you two not worried about Makoto-san and Momo-chan? They are heading to the Demon Lord Castle by themselves, you know?” (Anna)

I actually wanted to go too…but Makoto-san didn’t let me. 

‘Your role is to fight the Demon Lord, so go with everyone please. Make sure not to fight on the way. Rely on the White Dragon-san and Johnny-san, okay?’


Makoto-san normally doesn’t say anything detailed when talking to me, but this time around, he warned me with a stern tone. 

Why did he say that much to me? 

Is he worried…?

No, the ones who should be worried about are Makoto-san and Momo-chan. 

The monsters close to the Demon Lord Castle are strong. 

There’s the off-chance something might happen. 

“Worried about the Spirit User-kun? That’s pointless.” (Mel)

“I can tell by looking at the Water Spirits. This is like a walk in the park for him.” (Johnny)

The White Dragon-sama and Johnny-san were not worried about Makoto-san at all. 

They instead warn me to worry about myself. 


I really should have gone with them. 


A few days after…

A black and towering castle came into sight. 

The castle of the Demon Lord Bifrons. 

The last time I came, the party leader that was the Fire Hero was killed, and we were captured while we were shaken. 

Makoto-san saved us just before we were about to be executed. 

But this time around…

I take a deep breath, feeling nervous. 

“Wa?! What’s that…?” (Julietta)

“Oi, Julietta, you are too loud.” 

“Hooh…so this is the doing of the Spirit User-kun, huh. So this is what he meant when he said he had a plan.” (Mel)

“It is the basics of attacking a castle, but…that’s a bold thing to do.” 

I could hear the other people growing noisy. 

Did something happen…? 

I approached the people that were talking.

I focus my eyes at the direction of the Demon Lord Castle and…

“Eh?” (Anna)

A dumbfounded voice came out from my mouth. 

Y-You must be kidding, Makoto-san…

What was there was…the Demon Lord Castle that had been submerged in a gigantic lake.

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128 thoughts on “WM – Chapter 261: Demon Lord Battle 1

  1. I don’t think so. In the Fire country capital Noah show him a hint of miracle magic that gods use. And no normal magician can use it only because they have some experience with magic. And firstly Makoto only copied this roughly but with a long trainings he is now able to use it intuitively. Momo who learn magic for 1000 years can’t do it. Moreover without spirit magic no one has enough mana in the mortal world to control weather of whole region.

  2. Basic when challenging a boss: Change the environment to your advantage.
    Makoto’s basics for conquering DL Castle: Submerge the whole castle.

  3. makoto is already messiah level from the very beginning. not only he walks on water he is jet skiing in water like a boss.

  4. Dang, Makoto has reached the proper level to control the weather freely now

    1-1 fight against Sakurai wouldn’t be too bad since he can simply block the sun

  5. thanks for chap
    yea right as if u broke just a pipe in some small room and had it flood,

  6. Hmm, don’t think there’s an actual name to it. If it is just making it rain, even you should be able to do it, right?”

    “Something like that, if you just think ‘don’t hit me’, the water will avoid you by itself, right?”

    Makoto my dude, I’m not trying to be nitpicky here but you have LITERALLY changed part of your body to become what essentially amounts to the concept of water itself. You can’t just act like your water magic is the common baseline to aim for my G and honestly I think it’s an insult to your intelligence for you to not be able to understand this difference in perspective.

  7. Seems like Anna has already given up pretending to be male and has embraced her natural form (and her love). Sayonara, Abel-kun. We’ll miss you~

    Typical Makoto. He needs to be more considerate toward Momo. She’s already developing an inferiority complex over his power and he just has to breeze along making it look effortless. And not even noticing. His common-sense seems to have died quiet and alone, unnoticed by anyone since well before he went back in time. RIP Common Sense-chan. F.
    Just creating a lake where the demon lord castle it? Typical Makoto.

    Thanks for the translation!

  8. “Something like that, if you just think ‘don’t hit me’, the water will avoid you by itself, right?” (Makoto)

    No good, I can’t understand.

    The concepts of magic that the White Dragon Master taught me are crumbling.

    It becomes as you will with a simple thought?

    Is that still a spell humans use?

    Isn’t that the miracle magic of Gods?

    Makoto is definitely approaching the status of heroic demi-god.

  9. he just straight up drown it, as expected of Makoto. and it will be funny that this is a Lake and the misty forest near Makkaren

  10. Dang. I mean, as expected at this point, but still. Dang.

    Takki really took Noah’s crash course to heart. “Just will things, and let them happen.”
    He’s mastered things to the point that he doesn’t even need to be actively thinking about controlling his magic anymore. They’re an extension of his body, except more powerful and probably responsive at times.

    When we first started this series, Takki was a skilled waterbender. By the time he entered Laberintos, he was a master. At this point, isn’t he already a minor water god?

  11. Wouldn’t it be funny if the reason Makoto’s entire class got summoned
    was because Makoto alone had super-high-affinity for the lake and
    forest next to the water temple? Just like he ended up where he did
    when he went to the past because of his affinity for that area.

    The rest of the class got dragged along because of what it required
    for Makoto to be brought there.. (and I wonder if Noah was somehow
    involved in this.. or maybe Naia after what he did in the past and
    what happens with the Moon Oracle back then that we do not know

  12. Thanks for the chapter! ^^
    From what I understand, Makoto is now using magic more like a spirit than a magician. Magicians build their magic through formulas while spirits simply willed their magic the way they want it to be.
    So the spirit magic at its core must have been using an element with the help of spirits as a medium (not only a power source) to create the intended phenomena before the Holy Gods tweaked it to nerf it to hell and beyond to make it look like regular magic with poor efficiency.

    And Makoto really changed history. He went from a strike team to an actual army confronting the Demon Lord, I wouldn’t be surprised if by killing Bifron and his subordinates he enticed the Moon Country Queen to join force with them to fight against the demons or at least go neutral. ^^
    Maybe the logic of the Queen at the time was that: “If we share the same blood we won’t need to fight each other”, and went for a twisted way of doing that despite her good intentions?

  13. I wonder if the lake in the future/present time the one where the water capital city is, I mean they did say it was because of hero able there if I remember it correct

  14. Thanks for the chapter. Wonder how the Bifrons battle will go this time around. Will Makoto seal him like what happened originally or will he introduce another major change in history by destroying him, thus making more work for poor Ira?

  15. There is something bugging me for a while, didnt makoto kills bifron before using his knife and the sacrificial technique? Why this time they need the light hero to kill it?

    Lucy-mama said that his knife is enough tho or makoto needs abel to kill it to enhance the light hero skill in the future, i dont know, please people whom knows this question answer me.

    Thanks for the update

  16. Thanks for this lake moment chapter!
    To everyone thinking about the deep sea spell: a lot of bifrons subordinates are actually undeads, so he should more crush them like some cans than kill them, to disable them… and don’t forget we should see some interaction with Seketh too: he couldn’t see Makoto last time, nor hear his name, and we all thought that was fishy

  17. Imagining momo and dia were fighting each other while showing off their proudest chest at the front of makoto, later will be anna

  18. Thanks for the chapter~!

    More of the awesomeness of Makoto. He’s completely ascended by now, controlling spells by will. This might be the anima everyone keeps talking about. And since his body didn’t glow in 7 colors, it’s clearly not divinity.

    Another Makoto made a lake! Also, will this lake be the one as in the water country capital? Maybe after Bifrons is defeated, this’ll be the place, and his remnants were to be sealed in another place.

  19. Momo and Dia sure do get along well huh?

    W- well flooding the enemy base or castle is an actual accepted tactic in siege warfare. Anyways looks like this Makoto finally also created a lake like the other Makoto. Now he can use all that water to use Deep Sea and crush everything. I doubt it’ll kill Bifrons but it should at least kill everybody else.

  20. You know how most of isekai mc with great power usually would be reserved in using their power, or their partner/friends/nakama power. Even though they are capable of destroying anything.
    Whenever i read something like that i feel like it’s such a waste of talent. Such a shame. Really.
    But here we are. Our mc drown a castle as if it’s just playing with fish in the fist tank.
    And Dia being Makoto partner must be pretty satisfied with her freely using all her power.

  21. “Something like that, if you just think ‘don’t hit me’, the water will avoid you by itself, right?” (Makoto)
    Errr, Noah-san? You, with your casual “clear up~” ended up teaching your apostle how to cast miracles, you know?
    F-i-n-a-l-l-y, a good use of spirit magic.
    Submerge into a lake and DeepSea10000 therapy.afterwards you can make it an ice grinder inside, or simply freeze it forever.
    Free control of water is way more dangerous and versatile then your anywhere fireballing. Drowning enemy by flooding his lungs, freezing his feet in block of ice, then drop another block of ice onto him. Breaking locks, changing topography. Eh, sky is the limit. More so when you are madly loved by an Undine

  22. Damn, he submerged the castle in a newly formed lake, isn’t this basically game over for the demons inside the castle? He can basically use his “deep ocean pressure” spell or however he calls his technique, and crush everything

  23. Before I forget! Thanks for the chapter!

    So I just reread every chapter, and there’s tons of foreshadowing! I can’t wait to see Makoto’s next move!
    Also… What kind of promise did he make with Cain? Betray the demons? Somehow fight together against Ibliss in the future? Leave tons of descendants to make a Noah Church the moment he comes back to the present?

    The possibilities are endless right now~

    1. At minimum “stop hunting heroes”, that’s for sure. Maybe “go help heroes, and by that promote Noah’s popularity” like that classic ‘dark hero’s help out of nowhere’cliche.
      Also I am Very interested in current Moon Queen. In history she disappeared when Abel defeated Iblis. So probably she went together with our hero.

  24. Makoto is likely concerned that he won’t be able to focus all his magic enough to defeat the demon king.

    Or perhaps he wants to “level up” Anna because he has those concerns about the great demon king.

  25. Thanks for the chap.

    Since it’s submerged already, using the deep sea magic could literally obliterate the castle. It might not kill the Demon lord, but his servants and soldiers are.

  26. I’m seriously wondering if there’s any need for the heroes to gather at this point.
    I mean, he probably won’t be able to beat the Demon Lord on his own, but just a spell to clear out the mobs and clearing out the clouds to provide Abel/Anna with mana, and hey presto!

  27. It just puts into a greater context of the Great Sage’s reply in the present to Makoto before he left to the past saying she doesnt care. She already knows he can handle it and had probably not fully forgiven him about his secrets.

  28. Well now we know why future Bifrons was pissed at Makoto. He attacked the demon lord with flood damage! Evil. Nasty case of mildew, that. All those coffins will need to be replaced.

    It’s not like NO light reaches the surface through the clouds, right? Up until now Makoto has been defeating the cloud cover with brute force, but I bet he doesn’t even need to punch through it. A large enough array of ground based ice mirrors and prisms could be used to supercharge Anna. The surface of a lake should be plenty enough area to work with.

  29. Thanks a lot for the chapter!!!

    No good, I can’t understand.
    The concepts of magic that the White Dragon Master taught me are crumbling.
    It becomes as you will with a simple thought?
    Is that still a spell humans use?
    Isn’t that the miracle magic of Gods?
    I look at the back of Master Makoto-sama that’s by no means big but is the one that gives me the most comfort in this world.
    >> You know Momo-chan, Makoto had stop become a human once he turned into Spirit King. So, he’s practically a monster in its own right.

    A dumbfounded voice came out from my mouth.
    Y-You must be kidding, Makoto-san…
    What was there was…the Demon Lord Castle that had been submerged in a gigantic lake.
    >> Makoto is technically turn this away battle into home battle. Submerge the castle in a lake is where Makoto get an upper hand with his high water proficiency. That rain before probably was for this lake. lmao

    1. His level of denseness is about the size of the complete Stonehenge circle. Otherwise, it’s the same old Makoto. No common sense at all.

  30. Ah, Good old lakeomancy, first time I have seen it was on the Pratical Guide for Evil.

    Thanks for your hard work

    1. Ah, I actually forgot that Sasaki is only a few years old. Then yeah – me as the sane man I am will definitely say that it’s weird. What’s even worse is that if they eventually have children, they’ll be half-breeds. Now, I know this is a fantasy story, and saying anything against half-breeds will bramd me as a racist and what-not, but in reality the mixing of genes of different species will cause will cause SEVERE complicacies for the child. Even a cross between different breeeds of the same animal can create hereditary issues – take the scottish fold munchkin as an example.

      And what I really feel disgusted about is that eventually Makoto will probably accept Momo. “But she’s a 1000 years old in the future….” That’s NOT supposed to make it OK dude. Hooking up with someone more than 2 feet shorter than you is just…. blegh….

      1. As you said, this is a fantasy. Those severe complicacies can be dealt with by magic or even science, if you’d like. Plus, Makoto is technically not human anymore, he’s part spirit (not a spirit king, since he can’t turn into that at the moment but he can turn parts of his body into a spirit’s). Well, to each their own, I guess. Idfk. Still, Momo is officially a legal loli so Makoto won’t get reported to FBI.

  31. LMAO, he just went ahead and drowned a main BOSS dungeon. GG Makoto, you make JRPG bosses cry.

  32. Idk, does no one else feel creeped out? A 10/11 year old is talking about loving a 15/16 year old teenager. Was it really necessary for the author to give in to the JP loli culture? Honestly all this sends a disgusting chill down my spine.

    1. At this point, Makoto has been isekai’d for multiple years now, I think he’s about ~20? As long as he doesn’t reciprocate, I don’t see it as problematic. Thinking you’re in love with someone much older than you, isn’t that normal for kids? The way Makoto treats her is literally like an elementary school kid confessing to their teacher and the teacher shrugging it off as a joke. I’ve read American books with similar scenarios, I don’t see this as selling out to Japanese pedos, whatever that means.

    2. How about that one certain Lamia Queen in his party, Sa-san? She’s around a year old or two. Is that not weird? I know you’ll say it isn’t because she reincarnated as a Lamia or something like that but think of the age, man. If that isn’t weird, then Momo loving Makoto isn’t weird as well! (Bad logic, I know. Just accept it, mate XD)

    3. Wow, so you still hold common sense even after coming here eh.
      Believe me. A few more years and you’ll see it’s normal no matter what.

  33. Goddamn, this manga never fails to entertain.

    I mean, having the entire enemy castle submerged? What the hell kinda spell is that?! xD
    Makoto, you crazy magnificent bastard!

    1. Wait, I’m stupid.
      I’m too used to reading manga that I subconsciously referred to this as ‘manga’. Silly, silly me. Please pay it no mind, everyone.

  34. Thanks~ Damn too busy reading other Novel and i almost forgot this one

    as always Momo and Dia fighting like a cat and dog, they really get along with each other~

    “Worried about the Spirit User-kun? That’s pointless.” (Mel)
    “I can tell by looking at the Water Spirits. This is like a walk in the park for him.” (Johnny)

    Eh walking in the park? Well, just like when a comet is about to crash to the land.

    “Eh?” (Anna)
    A dumbfounded voice came out from my mouth.
    Y-You must be kidding, Makoto-san…
    What was there was…the Demon Lord Castle that had been submerged in a gigantic lake.

    Well, he did create a Sea before so this wasn’t much. Also Anna, I advise you to increase your SAN level or your mind and common sense will be blown away if you keep seeing Makoto doing his stuff

  35. “Something like that, if you just think ‘don’t hit me’, the water will avoid you by itself, right?” (Makoto)

    No good, I can’t understand.

    – Isn’t this magic? I mean, if you had to follow a process to make it happen like Momo is asking for, it just becomes science…I’m siding with Makoto on this one.

    Ohhh, Momo is straight out saying that she loves Makoto. Makoto is close to earning the title, “The one who brings down Lolis”?

  36. Ok, so now the question is when is Makoto to become officially a god, he control the water at his will like a god, but he use spirit magic instead of the anima from the gods, so I wonder when and how he is gonna obtain the anima, a deep explanation about the anima would be good.

      1. No he definitely killed Alex. Althena had to resurrect him. It’s only after he killed him that Eir stepped in to kill Makoto since he was out of control. Well at least he got to motorboat Eir as an apology.

    1. Seems like anima is just controlling mana with thoughts. Remember the meteor case? What Noah taught to him is just using spell by thinking. Rather than complex formula weaving, it’s just done entirely by will.

      Makoto didn’t kill Alex at the time, but he can. He just decides to torture him infinitely instead of finishing him off.

      1. Hmm, it wasn’t said that humans use mana and gods use anima? If that’s the case then seems like they are different things, and from the word itself anima I believe that anima is their will itself, Makoto still use mana, it’s pretty weak compared to a god and there is the limitation that without spirits it’s “useless”, the Titan gods are powerful even without spirits and they are the ones that use the spirits.

        No, he wanted to kill him but he couldn’t as far I remember, and even if he really killed him he needed several days, so yeah, that level of power seems to little compared to a god.

        1. I believe mana and anima isn’t a completely separate existence

          he can
          that last paragraph is Alex monologue. that’s why there’s remarks that he can be killed anytime with the dagger, even though they’re both regenerating infinitely and pretty much immortal

          1. Ah, the dagger, but the dager is not obviously counted, I mean, the dagger is not his power itself, and the dagger is made with parts of the previous god king, it’s something in a different league, but with his powers alone as a Water King he couldn’t kill Alex, at least without various days of fight.

  37. Yeah I half expected something like this from Makoto, i wonder if hes keeping Bifron busy since I doubt he would have simply sat still as his castle was flooded

    1. I wanted a tsunami to come and wash them away but bringing fort a flood… nope a flood seems to be lacking.
      We need something with a bigger punch, maybe if he freezes then all up again or uses “deep sea magic” to crush them all up would be fine

      1. Well, he’s got it completely surrounded by water, so he can freeze it into a giant hockey puck and have Dia and the other Undines play a game against the Dragons. With Anna blasting it occasionally with solar prominences.

    1. “What was there was…the Demon Lord Castle that had been submerged in a gigantic lake”

      Hey hey Makoto. Why are you treating the demon lord castle like an anthill?

    1. “He is the person I love, but…can’t something be done about this difference in perspectives?”
      Did she realise that Makoto is a bit too crazy ? I think so.

      ““Fuh! I will take care of Our King, so there will be nothing for you to do, Shrimp.” (Dia)
      “What’s with you?! Talking all big here even though you were completely useless in the Deep Sea Temple!” (Momo)
      “T-That’s…! Everywhere aside from the Deep Sea Temple, I am super useful, I will have you know!” (Dia)
      “Hah?! Even I know that the Deep Sea Temple is the place that Master Makoto-sama wants to go the most!” (Momo)
      “S-Shut up, you shrimp. Talking all big with that seedy-looking body.” (Dia)
      “Wa?! Says the body of water! You can’t do anything with that!” (Momo)
      “Fufu, if I synchronize with Our King, we can do this and that…” (Dia)
      “Even I could do it if I were to try…” (Momo)”
      Dia and Momo are clashing as always. Also, they are talking about doing lewd stuff with Makoto? Makoto, what did you do when you synched with Dia !?

      “The concepts of magic that the White Dragon Master taught me are crumbling.
      It becomes as you will with a simple thought?
      Is that still a spell humans use?
      Isn’t that the miracle magic of Gods?”
      Makoto is leaving his humanity behind…

      “A dumbfounded voice came out from my mouth.
      Y-You must be kidding, Makoto-san…
      What was there was…the Demon Lord Castle that had been submerged in a gigantic lake.”
      He finally did it guys ! He created a lake ! Just like Misumi Makoto !

      1. Well, considering he managed to create a fucking sea I don’t think it’s really hard for him to create a lake in the sky. Now I wonder how much his current magic proficiency level, it must be above 1 thousand right? He’s indeed become more broken of character

      2. I am back to my original theory that the authors of these 2 WNs are either close friends or the same person.

      3. Bruh, probably the same he did with Sofia😏 Both Dia and Sofia ended up experiencing a new pleasure for them. Both ended up becoming more restless and falling for the source of pleasure.
        …We were foreshadowed by term Anima… And Noah-chan’s “clear up~”
        Makoto=Lake. Second example.
        Also, lake in itself has a profit, it is counted as a “natural” water already, so it shouldn’t be dispelled.

      4. @Zenmate: No he is still stuck at 999 proficiency. They’ve implied that there is a major change that happens at 1000 proficiency besides being able to normally call and sync with great spirits. There’s no way he’d reach 1000 proficiency offscreen if something special happens when doing so. Also I’m pretty sure he was still pretty recently trying to ask people advice on how to reach 1000 proficiency.

      5. I’ve been wondering for a while, why do you guys copy the whole chapter when commenting? Is it so the goblins that are camping to get first comment don’t have to scroll up to read it?

      6. The limit of what the soul book can show is just 999. I’m sure Makoto has already gone even further beyond that level of magic proficiency.

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