WM – Chapter 249: Takatsuki Makoto’s desire

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“Can I meet Noah-sama…?” (Makoto)

Those were the words that unconsciously came out from my mouth. 

This loneliness that I have felt this whole time since coming to the past. 

If only I could get a glance of Noah-sama…

“Figures…” (Ira)

Ira-sama looked at me as if pitying me. 

I can’t tell if this request is difficult to grant. 

As far as I could see from Eir-sama, she seemed to be able to easily come in and out of Noah’s place. 

“…Takatsuki Makoto, about your request…” (Ira)

Ira-sama crossed her arms and made a complicated expression.

What will it be…?

I could feel my heart beating faster as I waited for the answer of Ira-sama. 

“…The Noah of this era is…scary.” (Ira)

“Eh?” (Makoto)

An unexpected response came back.

That kind Noah-sama is…scary?

“No, she is only kind to you since you are her believer… The Noah of the future has become a lot less thorny to an unbelievable extent, and Eir-oneesama nonchalantly goes there to hang out, but…unless I have some business there, I definitely wouldn’t be going to the Deep Sea Temple… I had to go no matter what despite not wanting that time before though.” (Ira)

“Ah, now that you mention it, you don’t get along with Noah-sama, right?” (Makoto)

I think I heard something like that from Eir-sama.

When I said this, Ira-sama made a hard to describe expression.

“You really said that straight to my face… That’s right. I am the youngest child of the Olympians, and everyone would spoil me, but when Noah is present, they would all go to her… Even though she only has a good outside mask, but her insides are the worst…” (Ira)

“Uhm~…Ira-sama?” (Makoto)

I stop the Goddess-sama who is mumbling dark stuff. 

“…I was talking to myself there. Forget about it.” (Ira)

“Okay…” (Makoto)

“Well, you could say we don’t get along, but the Divinity of Noah and I are completely different. Noah is on the same level as Althena-oneesama, so I would be no match against her.” (Ira)

“I see…” (Makoto)

It doesn’t click with me, but is she saying that Noah-sama is stronger?

“That’s right. In this era, Noah is on the side of the Devil Gods, so if I were to make contact with her thoughtlessly, it might turn around with her sending Demon Lord Cain and wiping us all out.” (Ira)

“…I wouldn’t like that.” (Makoto)

“If you want to talk to Noah, you would have to bring Demon Lord Cain into your allies, but…Hero Abel wouldn’t allow that…” (Ira)

“All routes closed off…” (Makoto)

So I really can’t contact Noah easily, huh…

There’s no other choice but to go directly to the Deep Sea Temple then?

The moment my shoulders drooped…

Ira-sama approached me and brushed my cheek gently. 

“Takatsuki Makoto…if you so wish, shall I grant you the title of the Destiny Goddess’s Hero? Not only that, I would put my whole heart and soul in supporting you as my Apostle.” (Ira)

“I-Ira-sama…?” (Makoto)

I was flustered by the sudden change in her tone, and tried to take a step back.

But the hand of the Goddess had wrapped around my waist, and she pulled me onto her. 

Her warm breath was hitting my ear.

“It must be lonely in this era, right? I -the Destiny Goddess- am the only one who understands you, you know?” (Ira)

“That’s…” (Makoto)

That might be true. 

I am a foreign being in this era. 

An irregular that came from a peaceful world. 

In the first place, our sense of values is different. 

Even when I say we should defeat the Great Demon Lord, most people wouldn’t even take me seriously. 

That’s why I always felt isolated. 

“You are doing well by yourself. But aren’t you already reaching your limit? Don’t you think it would be better to rely on someone?” (Ira)

“…That’s…” (Makoto)

Until now, I had Noah-sama, Lucy, Sa-san…

Comrades that would help me, and friends that would support me…

Having come to the past…I feel a bit lonely. 

“Hey, Takatsuki Makoto…how about you change from Noah to me?” (Ira)

Those words sounded like sweet honey. 

“Y-You must not! Our King!!” (Dia)

A flustered voice resonated.

The sudden interloper was Dia.

“Oh my, the Great Water Spirit Undine. You were here?” (Ira)

“G-Get away, you Goddess! O-Our King…there’s no way that you would abandon me—” (Dia)

“I won’t. Ira-sama was simply teasing me.” (Makoto)

When I said this, Ira-sama let go of her hand that was wrapped around my waist, and took a step back from me. 

“Good grief. Here I am going so far to tempt you… At least be a bit flustered.” (Ira)

“Sadly for you, Noah-sama is my only one.” (Makoto)

“…Kuh! That Goddess!” (Ira)

So she really was joking there. 

Even so, Dia, who normally takes a haughty attitude, is being docile in front of Ira-sama.

Ira-sama must have read my mind, she speaks.

“Must be a memory of the Divine Realm War. The Spirits can’t deal with Holy Gods.” (Ira)

“I see~.” (Makoto)

“I-It is not that I am scared! You must not lend an ear to the cajolery of this Goddess, Our King!” (Dia)

Saying this, Dia disappeared.

It looks like she really can’t handle Ira-sama.

“Please don’t bully Dia too much, okay?” (Makoto)

“I know. Well, it would have gone smoother if you had converted to me, but put this on instead.” (Ira)

Saying this, she gave me a necklace that seems to be made of something that looks like silver.

Now that I look closely, it is like a clock…wait, it IS a clock.

“What is this? Could it be that I can stop time if I wear th—” (Makoto)

“Sorry to inform you, but that’s not the case. That’s a communication device to me.” (Ira)

“Communication device?” (Makoto)

I tilted my head for a second at those words that didn’t suit an isekai.

A communication device…huh.

In other words…

“I can talk to you whenever with this?” (Makoto)

“That’s right. I can’t go together with you, so if there’s any problems, contact me with this.” (Ira)

“Oooh!” (Makoto)

That’s reassuring.

It is the support of the Destiny Goddess that can see the future after all.

“I look forward to working with you from now on.” (Makoto)

“Yes, same here, Takatsuki Makoto. It is about time we go back to your comrades.” (Ira)

“Okay.” (Makoto)

Ira-sama and I went back to the worship hall where the Great Sage-sama is at.


“Master! Look!” (Momo)

“…Ooh.” (Makoto)

Momo tottered her way here with a rustic robe and jingling magic tools.

“Isn’t that hard to walk in?” (Makoto)

“Is it…?” (Momo)

The dejected Momo looked cute, so I ruffled her hair. 

“Makoto-san, did you finish your talk?” (Abel)

“That was long, Spirit User-kun.” (Mel)

Hero Abel and the White Dragon-san came over too.

They have also readied their equipment decently.

“I have finished the talk. Abel-san, did you find a good Holy Sword?” (Makoto)

I ask for the situation of our original objective that is securing a weapon. 

But Hero Abel was finding it hard to talk.


It seemed like there were a variety of magic weapons within the things that Ira-sama prepared.

“Spirit User-kun, the magic weapons here were all the top of the top, but there was no Holy Sword.” (Mel)

“I have taken a magic sword made of mithril. It is far better than the weapon I had, but as the White Dragon-sama says, it is no Holy Sword.” (Abel)

“I see…” (Makoto)

I look at the sword of Hero Abel.

In my eyes, that thing looks like quite the strong magic sword though… It is apparently lacking for a Hero.

I see. This is troubling.

But right now we have a strong advisor.

“What should we do?” (Makoto)

“Hmph, leave it to me.” (Ira)

Oracle Esther -who has Ira-sama inside- pushed out her chest with confidence.

“Head to the Ascraeus Sacred Mountain. The summit of the Ascraeus Mountain is higher than even the Pitch Black Clouds; at that place that’s the closest to the heavens, there’s a Sun Temple. At that place, you can hear the voice of Althena-one—Althena-sama. If you do that, you will be able to obtain assistance to defeat the Demon Lords.” (Ira)

She said solemnly. 

Hero Abel, the White Dragon-san, and the Great Sage-sama were listening seriously to it. 

But I got a bit worried there.

She was about to say Onee-sama there, wasn’t she?

(…Ira-sama, your actual personality is leaking.) (Makoto)

I looked at Ira-sama with narrowed eyes.

(Ignore it.) (Ira)

Were the kind of eyes she glared at me with.

Is this really going to be okay?

Believing in the words of this airheaded Goddess…

I sighed lightly.

Well, even with that…this is a lot easier on me than the time when I was completely alone in this era.

Looks like our objective has been decided.

“But how are we going to leave the city?” (Abel)

Abel asked while we were packing up.

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113 thoughts on “WM – Chapter 249: Takatsuki Makoto’s desire

  1. Okay, I’m a rereader so I’ve been thinking about the time paradox of this WN for a lot. Don’t worry, there are no spoilers. Every word I will type in here will be all speculated from the past chapters.

    It is said that Momo joined Hero Abel’s party 1000 years ago, but judging on how it went Makoto saved Momo, preventing her death. She later on had the sage skill because of her transformation as a half-vampire.
    So the thing I’m getting at is… How did Momo survived in the original history if she was captured earlier in the WN.

    Yeah it’s clearly stated before that when Makoto went back to the past the heroes were trapped in a cage that wasn’t written in the actual history, but the focus was on Hero Abel and not Momo. Meaning to say, Momo’s past never changed when the Great Demon Lord decided to change the past, only Abel’s past change. You can say it is all because of how Momo told the story and changed the characters, but no. Ira stated it that in the “original” history, all of them were fighting for revenge. So I am confused, how did Momo survived the original history when she was about to die without Makoto, and without the sage skill and half-vampire attribute?

    This seems like a huge plot-hole coming from the Author

    1. My english is bad but there is my theory with no spoilers:
      There was a concept in time travel plot that states that even the slight change in some part of the world has a reaction in the whole history, so what was the change here? Iblis ordered the capture of the light hero, in the original history he wouldn’t know Abel was his worst enemy then with that in mind Bifrons ordered all demons to capture the heros instead of killing them so there is the caged heroes scene.
      Now, for Momo it was stated that she was saved by Abel but we don’t know how so most posible situation is that she was saved by an enraged party of Abel, Johnny and Mel when they “killed” Biffrons since she was saved after being converted, and the fact that she was saved earlier by Makoto means that the story was changed earlier and as i said every change has a reaction in the story so what could happened here? In the original timeline Momo was never chased by demons and was converted by Biffrons and made a maid in his castle but when the story changed she had the chance of run away from the human farm, got chased by those demons and Makoto saved her, thus fixing the timeline ’cause if he weren’t there then Momo would die.

  2. It is confirmed that Makoto is suffering here. He never really thinks about it or talks about it, and he tends to downplay his own suffering, so we don’t really get to see it much. Especially since we see it from his perspective

    Anyways, I would’ve 100% accepted it if Makoto became a believer for Ira instead. That hug before he went 1000 years into the past, and his other interactions with her are just too much for my heart

      1. Atleast a cloak with fire or cold resistance or something. Doesn’t have to be heavy.

  3. thanks for chap
    then didn’t they come for nothing?

    but wow again their history makes me think that they might’ve even made mistakes in blind rage

  4. That “hard to describe expression” seems to be a running motif here. First, Sophia, Furiae, Janet, then Ira all made that exact same expression when they fell for Makoto from his character. Ira has fallen!

    Noah and Eir, two schemers being friends while complaining about Althena over tea and snacks.

    Makoto is letting out his inner chunni with the clock necklace. Za Warudo! Time Stop!

  5. Thanks for the chapter and thanks to the sponsors! ^^
    Weren’t they supposed to speak about him being a time traveler?
    Wonder if in the revenge timeline Abel wasn’t able to go above the clouds with Mel’s help and trigger the power up of the sun, and that they didn’t did it in this one because Makoto’s low stats prevented them from going higher and fast. x)

  6. Thanks for the chapter. Makoto and Ira’s interactions are pretty cute, to the point where I wonder if the author intends for her to become a heroine.

  7. It’s the solitude of the strong :'(
    hang in there, Makoto. Always set Clear Mind to high value lest you be crushed by your own destiny.

  8. Nice interaction with Ira and she even tried to tempt him. I knew it would never happen though. Shame we didn’t get contact with Noa. I’m guessing he won’t be able to speak to this era’s Noa until Cain is defeated and she’ll probably be pretty resentful. I’d love to see Makoto try to get through to her like that. I have a sneaking suspicion that the future Noah knew him already and was just acting otherwise. Might be wrong though. Ah well. Goddess contact deets, get. Even if she’s not as reliable as Noa she should still be helpful to put a little restraint on him. Now I wonder if Althena will know about the whole arrangement or if it’s just Ira?

    Thanks for the translation!

  9. Im sure if would be happened but I would to see that Makato is the reason why Noah changes from her old self to the self that Makato knew. I really think that he would told his new party the truth about his mission.

    Just asking but would somebody other than me like a spin off or a special that has Momos PoV? Like the “first” Meeting of Makoto and the great sage or what she didn’t in the time that between the time travel and the present?

  10. Thanks for the chapter

    Sneaky Ira tries to snatch Makoto while he’s lonely. Oh well, now Makoto has someone to retort to every of his whims. Their actions to each other were honestly cute.

  11. Thanks for this funny chap!
    I also can very well imagine Noah being scary… brrr
    Better for Makoto to wait a bit and maybe go directly to the water dungeon?
    Anyway, waiting to see how they will exit Cornet, the city you can’t leave…

  12. Ira-chan seriously taking advantage of a lonely Takatsuki and flirting with all her might~
    You did your best, scatterbrained goddess.

    Noah of this era is…scary, huh? …Yeah, I believe it. Though I still kinda wanna see Takki meet her, just so they can talk. He won’t go nuts and he’ll be able to warn her about the betrayal. Most importantly, she’ll be so embarrassed when they meet back up during the present time~

    So we’re going to climb above the clouds, huh? Sounds like a plan. Sounds like “Anna” is gonna do that Holy Maiden trial and Abel will soak up some rays.

  13. To be honest the goddesses including Ira and the other countries blew off Makoto by not making him a believer just because his status was the weakest so he has every right to refuse their offer to convert when Noah herself was the only one who truly reached out to him when he was alone, seriously these goddesses are way to selfish.

  14. Heh Makoto being tempted to become Ira’s believer is all like: I need an adult!

    Sure Ira may not have been entirely serious but I think on some subconscious level she means it and if she keeps trying to seduce him, eventually she’ll realize that she means it.

    Well I can understand Noah being scary in this era. She’s been imprisoned by that man whore douche-stain Jupiter for who knows how long and Typhon suddenly showed up and has promised that he’ll free her if she joins his side with her Apostle Cain.

    Heh it’s kinda cute that Dia who acts like a delinquent is scared of the Ponkotsu Goddess Ira. Finally Ira has found someone who won’t bully her. I want to seem more of these two interacting with each other.

    Oh so now Makoto has gotten an item to communicate with Ira. That’s good. I was missing Makoto having a goddess give him snarky tsukkomis. Meanwhile now they also know their next destination where they’ll be able to get a holy sword and assistance from Althena. Since it’s above the Pitch Black Clouds maybe Makoto will be able to converse with Althena and maybe Eir.

  15. My goodness notifs what happened to you? 2 hrs after posting? Really?

    Thanks for the chap anyways! 🤣🤣🤣

  16. Thank you for the chapter 😀
    Cant they just…
    Fly above the clouds?
    Makoto AND the dragon can fly, so why not do that to charge Abel’s batteries?
    I mean not immediately but later

    1. My guess is that Makoto’s low stats prevent them from getting higher. x)
      Or that crossing the dark clouds can be dangerous, and that the pik above the clouds with Althena’s temple may be special and have some sun magic opening up the path through the clouds around it.

  17. Omg, Ira is actually trying to seduce Makoto.
    But thou shalt no falter, Makoto… She might be a goddess but her body IS illegal.

  18. I figured that the past Noah was a lot different than present Noah but for Ira to be scared of her……(I thought they were like rivals for the attention of other gods, Noah with beauty and Ira with loli cuteness) now I’m even more curious to what a serious evil Noah is like and what will be her reaction to makoto

  19. Makoto is seriously charmed….
    Probably same how Sakurai still ended up being charmed by Furaie, just few magnitudes higher.
    So, is it Makoto who ended up mellowing Noah? THAT similar to SakuFuri encounter, really?
    ….Divine Disappointment seriously wants Makoto for herself. This bullcrap of “she was joking” ain’t gonna work on me. It’s just subconscious help for her to escape the awkward situation(rejection), for their both’ sake.
    So, is it just me who sees a grand jinx in last lines?

  20. Now I have high hopes that this arc help to increase the position/relaptionship of Ira-chan with Makoto so she officially become part of the harem, now that Noah isn’t there is the perfect timing for other goddess.

  21. I wonder how future would look when makoto returns back. It will be interesting to see just how much has he and great demon lord changed compared to how it was before.

  22. So she won’t follow them but atleast we will still get more Ira Makoto with that watch, unless they can hear both sides Makoto’s gonna get some odd looks while using it I bet. So i know they both treated it like a joke but I’m pretty sure Ira was half serious about seducing Makoto there, I’m also kinda curious about “scary” Noah from this time period

  23. nice. Ira-chan is really nice~ i thought ester will become their member, but he got a clock instead. well….. now its not Noah-sama era! from now it will be Ira-chan era! all hail destiny airheaded loli goddess!

  24. “What is this? Could it be that I can stop time if I wear th—” (Makoto)
    “Sorry to inform you, but that’s not the case. That’s a communication device to me.” (Ira)

    Damn, I ‘m disappointed too Makoto. No ZA WARUDO for you( unless you get your hands on some time spirits, then get ready to do some JoJo poses)

  25. But the hand of the Goddess had wrapped around my waist, and she pulled me onto her.
    Her warm breath was hitting my ear.
    “It must be lonely in this era, right? I -the Destiny Goddess- am the only one who understands you, you know?” (Ira)

    Is this a Goddess Seduction😏😏😏.

    1. Her seduction is really cute and good. She was just joking. RPG Player didn’t activate after all. However, I think that Makoto would have been treated really well if her offer was serious and he accepted it.

      1. Probably, Ira do it half-heartedly of her seduction, just like Eir doing it on makoto. But she didn’t take seriously cause you know she would be rejected. If she do it seriously, so yeah an RPG screen would pop out like Eir😂

  26. Hero Abel, the White Dragon-san, and the Great Sage-sama were listening seriously to it.

    But I got a bit worried there.

    She was about to say Onee-sama there, wasn’t she?

    (…Ira-sama, your actual personality is leaking.) (Makoto)

    I looked at Ira-sama with narrowed eyes.

    (Ignore it.) (Ira)

    Were the kind of eyes she glared at me with.

    Is this really going to be okay?

    Believing in the words of this airheaded Goddess…

    I sighed lightly.

    Makoto and Ira-sama convos always makes me smile

    1. ““…The Noah of this era is…scary.” (Ira)
      “Eh?” (Makoto)
      An unexpected response came back.
      That kind Noah-sama is…scary?
      “No, she is only kind to you since you are her believer… The Noah of the future has become a lot less thorny to an unbelievable extent, and Eir-oneesama nonchalantly goes there to hang out, but…unless I have some business there, I definitely wouldn’t be going to the Deep Sea Temple… I had to go no matter what despite not wanting that time before though.” (Ira)”
      Really ? For which reason did she change so much ? I suppose that Makoto is the reason of her change ?

      ““You really said that straight to my face… That’s right. I am the youngest child of the Olympians, and everyone would spoil me, but when Noah is present, they would all go to her… Even though she only has a good outside mask, but her insides are the worst…” (Ira)
      “Uhm~…Ira-sama?” (Makoto)
      I stop the Goddess-sama who is mumbling dark stuff.
      “…I was talking to myself there. Forget about it.” (Ira)”
      So Ira is like the number 2 beauty in of the class that got her position stolen by Noah ? Well, Noah was born way before Ira though.

      “(…Ira-sama, your actual personality is leaking.) (Makoto)
      I looked at Ira-sama with narrowed eyes.
      (Ignore it.) (Ira)
      Were the kind of eyes she glared at me with.
      Is this really going to be okay?
      Believing in the words of this airheaded Goddess…
      I sighed lightly.
      Well, even with that…this is a lot easier on me than the time when I was completely alone in this era.”
      So Ira is the one who will guide Makoto from now on. It should be interesting. Also, she is still the same airhead as ever. It also means that they would have more chances to converse.

      “Ira-sama approached me and brushed my cheek gently.
      “Takatsuki Makoto…if you so wish, shall I grant you the title of the Destiny Goddess’s Hero? Not only that, I would put my whole heart and soul in supporting you as my Apostle.” (Ira)
      “I-Ira-sama…?” (Makoto)
      I was flustered by the sudden change in her tone, and tried to take a step back.
      But the hand of the Goddess had wrapped around my waist, and she pulled me onto her.
      Her warm breath was hitting my ear.
      “It must be lonely in this era, right? I -the Destiny Goddess- am the only one who understands you, you know?” (Ira)”
      Wait, Ira tried to seduce Makoto ? She should have pushed him down ! He is weak to assertive women after all. It is a shame that Ira was just joking.

        1. They are really playing around. Every conversation between Makoto and Ira is funny. At this point, although Makoto and Ira probably don’t notice it, they are really close to joke like this and casually dissing each other.

      1. I think…Noah change after she got deceived by the Demon God and defeated by the Heroes. So, she probably contemplating in the Deep Sea Temple, what had gone wrong that she had to taste this awful experience… 😂

      2. Makoto Has to be the reason. And Author probably hinted on this since beginning(how she knew that Makoto will be ok with her showing up in real body)
        Nah, Ira has a more childish jealousy for family affection.
        Airhead Guide GET: +100% chance for random encounters, +100% loot quality.
        Ira’s pride as a female was greatly hurt. And it is regularly poked where it hurts by Makoto. Was Ira just joking? Such a great chance to get over Eir and Noah at the same time, getting Makoto for herself. “Push down” is not a way to help her regain her pride, it will just lower her self-esteem and bring future trouble. Makoto has to say Yes himself, else it would just count as him being a victim.

        1. As you said, Makoto is definitely the reason why Noah changed so much. I can’t possibly think of another reason.

          Well, as for family affection, it is was written that Ira hated Noah because Jupiter is deeply in love with Noah and Ira loves her father a whole lot (though I don’t understand why she would yearn affection from a father like this), so she ended up being jealous of Noah. I think that she is still a child in some places as you said.

          Ira is probably frustrated but I don’t think she is really bothered by Makoto rejecting her offer. Ira was not serious and she was in Esther’s Body, not in her own body, so her pride as a woman should be less hurt.

    1. So he can’t meet Noah. Quite understandable but couldn’t Ira just introduce Makoto as her future Apostle? She should understand then right?

      “You really said that straight to my face… That’s right. I am the youngest child of the Olympians, and everyone would spoil me, but when Noah is present, they would all go to her… Even though she only has a good outside mask, but her insides are the worst…” (Ira)

      I don’t think Ira’s claim is baseless. We should probably start getting worried about Noah’s true personality. Will Makoto still help her with all the possibiities that might happen?

      “Must be a memory of the Divine Realm War. The Spirits can’t deal with Holy Gods.” (Ira)
      “I see~.” (Makoto)
      “I-It is not that I am scared! You must not lend an ear to the cajolery of this Goddess, Our King!” (Dia)

      They seem to be traumatized. Are the Holy Gods that powerful? If Noah, the youngest Titan, is as strong as Althena, I can’t see the reason as to how they would lose. This begs the question on how did the Titans lose the war.

      “Head to the Ascraeus Sacred Mountain. The summit of the Ascraeus Mountain is higher than even the Pitch Black Clouds; at that place that’s the closest to the heavens, there’s a Sun Temple. At that place, you can hear the voice of Althena-one—Althena-sama. If you do that, you will be able to obtain assistance to defeat the Demon Lords.” (Ira)

      This is probably the location of where Noel took the Trials of the Holy Maiden. Training montage and 100+ sun magic proficiency for Makoto next?

      “But how are we going to leave the city?” (Abel)
      Abel asked while we were packing up.

      That’s a flag. Is the Calamity Witch going to move now?

      1. Well, Makoto knows that Noah is not as as good as she claims it to be. However, he doesn’t do anything despite this.

        Perhaps the Holy Gods and Devils joined force to defeat them ? Traitors from the Titans Gods ?

        1. I’m getting worried that Noah will betray Makoto someday. The flags seem to point that way but Makoto does nothing. I think it’s because he has a secret plan or he really is just airheaded to think that this may not happen or he doesn’t care and just trusts her unconditionally for helping him the first. Quite dumb if you ask me but he doesn’t exactly blindly trust her. He did not follow her when his friend’s lives are on the line to escape or save his life first. Maybe he’ll do the same if Noah proves to be dangerous but it’ll be too late then I guess. I’d like to lean towards option 1 though. It makes it more spicy.

          I think so too. Maybe the Gods from other worlds helped as well? Naia and her world may have had a hand to bring down the Titans.

          1. I think so too. Like I said in the previous chapters, Makoto seems to have a policy of trusting Noah and not betraying her until he is betrayed. He is doing something really dangerous right now.
            Noah’s hatred towards the Holy Gods is really deep. Her hatred could potentially cause a war between the Gods and destroy the Mortal Realm as a result. As for Noah’s potential betrayal, she could use her Divinity in the arm of Makoto and control him at will and dispose of him after.

            If the author doesn’t want to make Noah a vilain, maybe Noah will change her mind at the last minute and makes a plan that will not destroy the Divine Realm, not betray Makoto and fullfill her vengeance against the Holy Gods.

      2. Here’s my prediction, Calamity witch will try to charm Makoto, but become infatuated with him once she finds that he cannot be charmed.

      3. Chill. Noah can be bitchy or cruel inside. But as long as she falls for Makoto – it will be ok. Yanderes are not that bad if you handle them properly. Probably Noah is one, but her “knife” is her affection. You know that it can be used Very differently.
        …. As for loss of Titan Gods – check Greek mythos. Chronos was a Titan God King, with help some trickery and betrayal Zeus ended up winning, and so Olimpians came to rule.
        It can be another reason, but guys tell me this was the case.
        +100 Sun proficiency would unlock Light Spirits? Kinda useless with Black Clouds, but still…. Time Spirits would be more useful, but it feels like this is endgame content.

        1. Is Noah a yandere? I don’t know all of the deres but I think she’s a kamidere. Well she is a “kami” but is very arrogant when compared to other Goddesses IMO. We don’t want to deny the possibility of her being a villain because of the amount of flags.
          Falling in love with Makoto maybe the only salvation for humans then. Their future rests on Makoto seducing her.

          Zeus using trickery wasn’t the primary reason why Kronos and the Titans lost though. Ouranos cursed Kronos to be killed by his son just like what he did to him. It was basically destined for him to lose that’s why he became paranoid and ate his children. Read the creation story on Greek myth for more info. Ouranos in this novel may be the Creation God mentioned at the beginning of the stroy who left the world. Maybe he’s related?

          He could just train both of them at the same time. We still haven’t seen what he can do with beginner Sun Magic so I thought it’d be appropriate for it to be the next target of Makoto since they are going for a mountain peak next. I agree that Time Spirits would be more useful in his case though.

          1. So to save the world, he must seduce the prettiest girl in the world ? Sounds legit and incredibly difficult. Let’s our date (war) begin ! 😆😆😆

      4. Noah and Althena are about equal because they’re the same age.
        The Titan Gods were by far the most powerful, individually, due to being the oldest. However, not only were they fighting pretty much every other offshoot pantheon in the universe, there just weren’t that many Titans, relative to these massive pantheons gods like Jupiter could create by sleeping around with mortals. Doing the math, even excluding his massive harem, one stray demigod every fifty years becomes twenty thousand demigods every million.

        1. Fighting every pantheon hasn’t been confirmed. Only the Holy Gods vs Titans part. It is highly possible that they (other gods) interfered and helped the Holy Gods. Titanomachy happened way before, around 15 million years or more. Jupiter being able to procreate with mortals and gaining his massive harem must have also happened after the war itself since Greek myth doesn’t have stories of that until after the war.

        1. Newborn Spirit King can threaten a god, true. Probably like a child with a knife. Should an adult be afraid of one? Nope. Should he be wary and take away the knife, and while at it scold the child to never ever play with knives? Definitely.
          Same here, Makoto won against child demigod, but lost against teen god.

      5. Eh I mean all the goddesses we met have all been like that more or less so what Ira said doesn’t really mean much. I mean remember how both Noah and Eir said that Ira has a really bad personality yet the humans all see her as a cheerful idol?

        1. Does Ira have a really bad personality? I mean for sure Eir and Noah have some dark spots while we haven’t seen enough of Althena to really classify her like that too but Ira is just a clumsy, tsundere Goddess in my eyes. Her rude personality is only against Noah and her believers since she hates her so…

          If we define the “bad” personality like seeing human lives as games or worthless and being manipulative, does that apply to Ira? I think she differs from the other Goddesses tbh. The Diving Disappointment is just rude and arrogant but not bad in ways like Eir or Noah are, based on what she shows us so far.

          If we are going to make a conjecture, Noah’s actually the biggest threat since she has good reason to kill the Gods which may involve the Mortal Realm, destroying it in the process. The Holy Gods doesn’t exactly do that so we shouldn’t be getting worried on them but to Noah instead.

      6. I don’t think it’ll be that serious. That remarks by Ira might be about Noah’s usual conduct rather than outright malice. Like instantly using time spirit along with some sort of charm when she first descends. Also, Titan and Old Gods probably loves humanity way more than the Holy Gods.

        Ira’s word’s seems to stem from jealousy.

    1. Just how are you all even able to do it? It goes above my head.
      But a scary Noah-sama, i would like to see that. What did she actually mean by that. Like what kind of scary?🤔🤔

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