Categories: Weakest Mage

WM – Chapter 248: Takatsuki Makoto speaks to the Destiny Goddess

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“Takatsuki Makotoooo!!” 

The Destiny Oracle Esther-sama hugged me.

The Oracle-sama was small, but she came at me with quite the momentum, so I was pushed right down to the floor. 

“Good work coming out safely! I was worried you know!” (Esther)

The Oracle-sama patted my head with her small hands while still on top of me. 

“Uhm…you are Ira-sama, right?” (Makoto)

“Fufufu, that’s right. It has been a while, Takatsuki Makoto.” (Ira)

Her stern face until now made a complete turn and Ira-sama answered me with a wide smile.

So she really had already descended, huh.

“What was that cold attitude of before?” (Makoto)

“Eh? I was so happy that I felt like if I didn’t, I would end up giggling.” (Ira)

That was because she was keeping herself from letting it out?! 

I was worried here thinking I made her angry in some way. 

“But I was relieved too. I have no acquaintances here after all.” (Makoto)

“…We have put you in quite the tough spot, haven’t we, Takatsuki Makoto…” (Ira)

Ira-sama hugged my head tightly. 

Her small breasts were pressing on my face.

It is not soft like Noah-sama and Eir-sama.

“I will also forgive that rude statement of yours.” (Ira)

“…I am sorry.” (Makoto)

It has been a while since my mind has been read.

“I am surprised you could tell that we were here.” (Makoto)

“I couldn’t tell when it came to you.” (Ira)

“Eh?” (Makoto)

“Cause you are not a believer of us Holy Gods, right? That’s why I can’t see your future. But Hero Abel is a different story. He is the Hero of the Sun Goddess and also her Oracle. That’s why I could tell with my Clairvoyance that he would be coming to the Moon Country. But in the actual history, Hero Abel was supposed to have come to the Moon Country at a much later time, so I assumed you must have been involved, Takatsuki Makoto.” (Ira)

I see… But…

“In that case, you could have contacted us sooner…” (Makoto)

A complaint ended up coming from my mouth.

“Don’t ask for the unreasonable here… In this era, I have almost no believers. Even so, I could tell that Hero Abel was coming to the Moon Country’s capital, so I was waiting for you in hiding so as to not get discovered, you know? I was walking a tightrope just by making a base here.” (Ira)

“That’s…thank you very much.” (Makoto)

I was ashamed of my own words. 

I see. We are right in the middle of enemy territory. 

Just the fact of her waiting for us here is worthy of gratitude.

“As long as you get it.” (Ira)

“For now, can you please stand?” (Makoto)

Right now I am still on the floor with Ira-sama on top of me. 

If Momo were to see this, who knows what she would say. 

“Oh my, that’s right.” (Ira)

When I say this, Ira-sama separated from me as if she had noticed just now.

I once again look at Ira-sama who has descended on the petite body of her Oracle.

There’s a lot of things I want to talk about, but…

“By the way…Ira-sama, you have the memories of 1,000 years in the future, right?” (Makoto)

“That’s right. I know about you being the Apostle of Noah and the fact that you are the Hero of the Water Country of Rozes.” (Ira)

That’s reassuring.

At that moment, one question surfaced in my mind.

“When did we meet for the first time, Ira-sama? Could it be that you knew about me before having met in the future at Highland?” (Makoto)

I remember the time when I first met Ira-sama who had descended on Esther-san.

She didn’t look like she was acquainted with me then…

“Aah…you are worried about the time paradoxes, huh. That’s not it. Our first meeting was in the Highland Castle 1,000 years in the future. Understand it like that. I can share my past and future memories, but I am simply peeking at the countless possibilities of the future. And now by sending you to the past, the actual history and the changed history are mixing. The only one who can observe all history within the Goddesses is me, the Destiny Goddess. There’s a lot of futures, and the past is not certain; the flow of time in the world is vague.” (Ira)

“I-I see.” (Makoto)

I don’t get it.

“I already told you, right? You don’t have to worry about that. That’s my job as the Destiny Goddess.” (Ira)

I decide to just accept the words of the Goddess.

Right, what I need to concentrate on is on saving the world together with Hero Abel.

At that moment, Ira-sama must have noticed something, she looked at me curiously. 

“Takatsuki Makoto…the letters of your Status are bugged.” (Ira)

“Status?” (Makoto)

“There’s parts here and there that can’t be read… Is it because I used Time Warp?” (Ira)

“Does that…have any bad effects on my body?” (Makoto)

I hurriedly check my Soul Book.

Don’t see anything weird on my side.

“Right… If I had to say anything about it, it would be that your information literally can’t be read even if the Appraisal Skill is used. Even if it is used, it will show as the Appraisal being blocked.” (Ira)

“Then, there’s no real problem.” (Makoto)

I can confirm it myself with the Soul Book after all. 

Or more like, I have only been looking at my Proficiency as of late. 

Hm? In that case, there’s something strange. 

“Wait… Mel-san and Abel saw my private information with their Appraisal though…” (Makoto)

“Private?” (Ira)

“No, uhm…the fact that I don’t have experience with a woman…” (Makoto)

I was embarrassed not that long ago.

Ira-sama heard this and snorted. 

“That part isn’t bugged. It is clearly displayed as 0 people, Virgin-kun.” (Ira)

“Can you please not state it plainly every time?!” (Makoto)

“You, even though you had that many lovers 1,000 years in the future… What were you doing? An herbivore isn’t exactly cool or anything, you know?” (Ira)


I was training the whole time and missed the timings.

Who would have known that I would suddenly be thrown into the past?! 

Ira-sama must have read my mind, she got a bit gentler. 

“Momo-chan seemed to like you, you know?” (Ira)

“I am not a lolicon.” (Makoto)

“You really get bothered by the smallest details.” (Ira)

“Age isn’t a small thing!” (Makoto)

What are we talking about here? 

We are derailing to the stratosphere here.

“Going back to the main topic. What should we be doing from now on?” (Makoto)

“Yeah, let’s return to the main topic. Thanks to you, Hero Abel is still alive. With this, we can avoid the future of being defeated by the Great Demon Lord. What’s left is the timing to attack, but…there’s already been a lot of changes in history, so the original history is not reliable anymore…” (Ira)

“Really?” (Makoto)

I take out the picture book of The Legend of Hero Abel.

I flip the pages and skim through it. 

“Uhm…is it about the timing to defeat the Immortal King?” (Makoto)

“In reality, the Immortal King should have already been defeated.” (Ira)

“I noticed that. That’s why I thought it would be best to defeat him as soon as possible…” (Makoto)

“And your comrades stopped you, right? I peeked at the memories of Hero Abel. But that’s the correct choice.” (Ira)

“Really?” (Makoto)

“How was the Immortal King defeated in the original history?” (Ira)

Being asked this, I read the picture book.

Savior Abel joined forces with many Heroes to defeat the Immortal King.

But the sacrifices were big.

His mentor the Fire Hero Olga, the Earth Hero, the Wood Hero, the Iron Hero, and the brave warriors of the forest…not one of them returned. 

Hero Abel who survived the life or death struggle against the Demon Lord, the White Sage, and the Magic Archer Johnny had to hide themselves in Laberintos in order to avoid the pursuit of the Black Knight Cain.

The legendary Holy Dragon was at the depths of Laberintos…

“This picture book isn’t too detailed. There’s no detailed explanation…” (Makoto)

“What are you talking about? The difference is written clearly.” (Ira)

“Really?” (Makoto)

I tilted my head. 

The biggest difference is that the Immortal King has not been defeated.

On the other hand, the Earth Hero-san and the Wood Hero-san are still alive. 

That’s why, in terms of differences, it would be the fact that the Fire Hero Olga-san has died but the Immortal King has not been defeated yet.

I thought that I should be the one representing here. 

“Listen here. In the original history, at this point in time, every Hero aside from Abel, and all the combatants of Laberintos aside from Johnny have been wiped out -by the hands of Demon Lord Cain, that is.” (Ira)

“Eh?” (Makoto)

“Not only that. All the Ancient Dragons of Laberintos aside from the White Dragon were killed by Cain. That’s the original history.” (Ira)


The faces of the Heroes and the Lucy-looking elf in Laberintos, as well as the Ancient Dragons, surfaced in my mind.

They originally…died?

But they are alive in the current time.

In that case, history certainly has changed quite a lot.


“The situation has gotten better…right?” (Makoto)

The Heroes are a matter of course, but there’s also the beastkin and elves that Johnny-san leads; they were all strong fighters. 

It goes without saying for the Ancient Dragons.

That’s why the current situation should have improved for the better.

…Why is she making that face?

“Uhm…Hero Abel, the Sage-chan, Johnny, and the White Dragon had a motive to defeat the Great Demon Lord… Their revenge for the deaths of their families…” (Ira)

“…Revenge?!” (Makoto)

I ended up shouting out loud. 

The legendary party was that bloodthirsty?! 

“That’s right. The grudge of having his parent figure -the Fire Hero- killed, the grudge of having her mother eaten in front of her eyes, the grudge of having his family he led be killed, the grudge of having her family of Ancient Dragons killed… That connected to them defeating the Great Demon Lord…” (Ira)

The Destiny Goddess Ira-sama peeked at me. 

“Could it be that…saving them…was a bad thing?” (Makoto)

“That’s not it! I also think it is better for everyone to be alive! …But you see…at the time when I touched them and confirmed their memories…” (Ira)

“Confirmed their memories…” (Makoto)

“They are feeling a lot more leisure than in the original history… It is like they are lacking drive…” (Ira)

“…Will that be okay?” (Makoto)

I am suddenly feeling uneasy.

“I-It is okay! I have an idea, so leave it to me!” (Ira)

Ira-sama pushes her chest out proudly. 

Feeling uneasy part 2…

“Why?!” (Ira)

“You messed up a lot of times before…” (Makoto)

“Ugh… I won’t mess up again!” (Ira)

“Is there no hidden child from the God King-sama?” (Makoto)

“I did try looking, but…there was none in this era.” (Ira)

Looks like she did try searching.

None, huh.

Too bad.

Well, it would just be troubling to have a guy like Alex showing up though.

“So you wanted to tell me that their individual stories have changed?” (Makoto)

“That’s right. That was part of it. I can’t have other people hear about the changes of history after all.” (Ira)

Well, yeah.

“By the way, is it better not to tell them that I have come from the future? I am currently keeping it a secret.” (Makoto)

“Seems so. I think it is okay to tell them that you are from the future, but…the fact that you are a believer of the same God as Cain should be kept a secret from Hero Abel. Abel has quite the grudge on the killer of his parent figure after all.” (Ira)

“…I will keep it a secret.” (Makoto)

I currently have a good relationship with Hero Abel.

There’s no need to create a crack in there myself.

“Well, all this aside, I wanted to praise you. You did well, Takatsuki Makoto.” (Ira)

That smile of hers was like that of a Goddess…right, she is one.

“I will continue doing my best.” (Makoto)

“Don’t get too impatient, okay? Your comrades are worrying about you. By the way, do you have something you want?” (Ira)

“Something I want?” (Makoto)

“Right. My power is currently low, so I can’t do anything impressive, but…we are pushing so much on you. I want to fulfill whatever it is you want if it is within my power.” (Ira)

“…Anything?” (Makoto)

You said anything just now, right?

You did, right?

“N-No…I am the youngest child of the Goddesses, so I am weak, okay? Anything too big would be a bit…” (Ira)

She must have read my mind, she took a step back.

Looks like any unreasonable request is not good.

Then…what to do?

I placed a hand on my mouth and pondered for a bit.

And then, I thought of something.

“Can I…meet Noah-sama?” (Makoto)

Those words came out unconsciously from my mouth.

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View Comments

  • Feeling uneasy part 2. I loved this lol! I love Makoto's interactions with Ira shes definatly gonna join them on their journey. Well now that Ira herself said it's fine to tell them I bet hes just gonna drop that info casually while chatting and stun everyone. So with this bit of clarification from Ira about the original history we now know why the dragons are missing and that Makoto's actions in the past aren't set in stone, theres still something up in regards to Bifron and Momo remembering Makoto from the original history but I'll wait and see what else the author has in store. Hmm if Makoto meets Noah what's gonna happen, she shouldn't know him but she might recognize her divine mark on him as well as the soul thing she used to seal his spirit king transformation

  • “What was that cold attitude of before?” (Makoto)

    “Eh? I was so happy that I felt like if I didn’t, I would end up giggling.” (Ira)

    That's it!! That's how you always had acted, Ira-chan!! Now continue been honest like that!!

    And the change in story seems really great, there are still confusion in my mind as how Momo-chan knowed Makoto and all that, but well, the story so far hadn't been much complex and detailed, so I'm gonna let pass the time paradox and so thinking that is fantasy and end.

    • It could be as simple as Makoto arrive being to a later date, like he arrived after Cain went into a killingspree

      • A group of Avengers? They would Accept any helo, plus It really is off how did Momo be part of the group without Makoto's dagger cutting the Red string of fate since otherwise Bifrons could've used Momo against them anytime

      • Hmm, that's a possibility but I don't know how well the others would react and interact with him in that situation.

    • Unlike Noah or Eir, Ira isn't shady or suspicious, so you can let your guard down with her. Moreover, she is really kind and cute. The only thing bad about her is her clumsiness, but at least you can be sure that she doesn't have any ulterior motives when she shows you kindness. I definitely prefer Ira over Noah.

      • There definitely a good justification, so is understable, and his uselesness is a vital point of his existence, so it's part of his charm.

    • It seems that while its almost confirmed Makoto went to the past before based on Momo and Bifrons reactions, from what Ira has told us theres some sort of difference between original time travel Makoto and current Makoto. So the question is what's the reason for this difference as it currently looks like Makoto going to the past is set but his actions in said past are not, the author is still hiding something from us

    • Well...damn, the eace race for the first really is tough. xD

      I don't know, I had a bad feeling with this one. I mean, Noah didn't know anything about Makoto, right?

      • Perhaps Ira-sama could bribe with the past Noah-sama about it. They are Goddesses after all, they should have some kind of way to share memories.

        • I mean Ira literally just said she read Abels memories, cant Noah just do the same to Makoto if they meet?

          • Imagine if she read it, know the future, and suddenly ditch Cain and switch to Makoto to escape punishment, like, to amend her mistake for having Cain as believer? If it is, poor Cain... 😶

  • She didn’t look like she was acquainted with me then…

    “Aah…you are worried about the time paradoxes, huh. That’s not it. Our first meeting was in the Highland Castle 1,000 years in the future. Understand it like that. I can share my past and future memories, but I am simply peeking at the countless possibilities of the future. And now by sending you to the past, the actual history and the changed history are mixing. The only one who can observe all history within the Goddesses is me, the Destiny Goddess. There’s a lot of futures, and the past is not certain; the flow of time in the world is vague.” (Ira)

    “I-I see.” (Makoto)

    I don’t get it.

    “I already told you, right? You don’t have to worry about that. That’s my job as the Destiny Goddess.” (Ira)

    Time paradox system doesn't makes much difference in this isekai huh... At least this explains how mighty the destiny goddess power that time paradox doesn't apply in her and the past and future Ira can share their memories .

    • To be frank, I've been trying to get this for a why.
      I really thought this was on a "time loop" setting, where the world Makoto lives is a direct consequence of him traveling to the past to fix what the demons (who are messing with time) are doing.
      However, now that we now the past is changing, that means 1) he never went back to the past, or 2) a third party is changing even how both the demons and him are acting.
      Makoto's interactions with Sekath, was it?, Bifrons, Momo, and even the Ice Coffin aren't actual evidence, but is to hard to believe is just red herring; in the other hand, he would never have gone to the past if the demons hadn't acted first, so maybe somebody else is really changing the past aside from them, maybe to break the loop?, who knows.

      • That's...true. There isn't an impetus to go back to the past to change things without the demon's attempt, but the jump we see as a result of that is clearly different from the historical timeline now that Ira has confirmed it.

        Perhaps, there will be two trips to the past? The one we're seeing now is caused by the demons, and another that would've happened a bit further down the line even without demon intervention. It wouldn't be until after everything's gone down and the future got bad. Doesn't explain how Bifrons recognizes Takki, but...

    • Then back then in the present the Great Sage Momo purely has interest towards Makoto, and not because she is having a memories of her and Makoto being really close in the past. But well, then i don't know why else the Author would points out that there's a coffin in Momo's house that some of us suspected as where Makoto from the past is waiting to be awaken again.

      • About the great sage: I'm thinking maybe there is something related to the fact that she has destiny magic, even if she is not good with it, plus the fact that she drinks and drank his blood?
        Because to me it is obvious that she remembers him form 1000 years in the past.
        And what about her being saved by Abel in the "original" time-line? He wasn't even near there...
        So, yeah, there is something amiss

      • Could it be that previously he had gone to the past but only met the History Gang (that is what I am calling them to differentiate them from the merry band of heretics) much later on? You know how in the picture book it says they only got stronger half way through the story, could THAT have been when Takki-dono showed up?

        ...but then how did Bifrons recognise him?

        Or could it be that history never really changed and only people’s perceptions of history? Remember Ira says she can only see the possibilities of history. Perhaps what she saw before, and took to be the real history, was what was most likely to have happened if Takki-Dono hadn’t shown up at that time rather than the actual TRUE history. Bear in mind history changing is only valid if we assume that what is described before DID actually happen as described, who is to say it did?

        Remember, Ira is the Divine Disappointment. She may well not even understand her power properly (wouldn’t put it past her) and doesn’t realise that Takki-Dono’s future lies in the past, therefore because his future is there nothing can be seen properly. And due to his (future) direct involvement in the past neither she nor any other God could actually see what would happen at the time. Plus do bear in mind that currently the Goddess don’t really know what is happening on the planet due to not having believers so they aren’t sure what is happening. I highly suspect that they use Ira’s clairvoyance to peek at the past, and what she saw in the past was what would have happened if Takki-dono wasn’t there. But he was.

        ...if that rambling half baked idea makes sense

      • Ira might as well alter her own memories later to preserve the flow of history so no, say, Eir come to know of this and try to snatch a capable believer. Or this can be the world's natural defense against paradoxes, like no observers (people who remember before it happened) means nothing happened.

      • I'm pretty sure Momo did meet him in the past but it seems theres a difference here somewhere as Ira has confirmed that history has already greatly changed, dont forget we had a time travel hint from when Makoto met Bifrons as well so theres still something we are missing

      • Yeah that's kinda piqued my interest too cause the Great sage Momo seems to be too attached it's like Makoto has been into the past but different history than the one they are right now. (・・)

        • I suspect that the present was already altered when Makoto came to the isekai. Else, it wouldn't make sense why Momo was so attached to Makoto, why Bifrons was shocked when he saw him and why Momo knew about his RPG Player skill.

  • Thanks for the chapter! Now that's the loyal believer of Noah-sama! Asking to meet her first when offered anything.

    "That’s right. The grudge of having his parent figure -the Fire Hero- killed, the grudge of having her mother eaten in front of her eyes, the grudge of having his family he led be killed, the grudge of having her family of Ancient Dragons killed… That connected to them defeating the Great Demon Lord…” (Ira)

    Oh, so when Makoto gets back to the present, there's a chance we would see a change of attitude on Great Sage Momo compared to the time before Makoto time travelled, then? Would like to see how much she would changes

    Ah, but now they are lacking battle spirit. Isn't that bad then? I wonder how would Makoto overcome this. The last time he faced off a Demon Lord, he struggles a lot that he needs the help from Great Sage Momo and Sakurai. I don't think he could easily do it the same like he faced off Bifrons back then in the wood country

    • Wait, there is something bothering me. What will happen to the people who were supposed to be killed but were saved by Makoto ? If Ira is fixing history, she will have to "kill" them, right ?

      • "A few more people living shouldn’t make that much difference." - @moridin84

        Apparently, you've never heard of the Butterfly Effect. Even the tiniest change in the timeline has effects that ripple into the future, causing more and more significant changes. And we're talking about 1000 years here. If we strictly adhere to Butterfly Effect rules, then Lucy shouldn't exist in the future anymore because Makoto affected Johnny's actions. Reproduction and genetics are tricky. If you were conceived even five seconds later, then your chromosome pairings would most likely be different and you would be an entirely different person. Or it's entirely possible that the exact sperm cell that conceives you doesn't even reach the egg cell anymore. Now multiply that by every living thing (because other living things contribute to the ripples too) and number of seconds.

        • Well, I think we're looking at the larger historical scale of things. If the people that survive and exist thanks to this are shifted into the background so their family line either ends or live inconsequential lives somewhere that won't affect major events, I think it qualifies as "not much of a difference".
          It's not that there aren't ripples, but surely there aren't ripples that can't be smoothed out over 1000 years.

          For those small things like conception and genes...Please and thank you, Ira-chan~

      • And what's happen with momo's fate string without Makoto? I think this is like "John Smith" from suzumiya haruhi..

      • not really, they can hide too

        that, or goes somewhere unknown

        remember that there's still country "outside" of the continent, and they have only promised to help when Iblis have actually resurrected

        those people might be their descendants

      • Savioroffrance san, In my opinion, I think fixing the history not really must to match past and future.

        For example, in the future you lost rice and go buy bun for your meal and you got full, and now you come back to past to change the excident of you lost rice, now you have rice for your meal and get full because of it, in the story now, it's the will affect the same fact, that you full because eating "something".

        So I think if in the will same it's okay.

        Maybe.. 😂

      • A paradox in time is an event that is destined to change the timeline from the moment that someone who does not belong to that timeline modifies some event. History is going to modify and the people of the future will never know what happened. For them everything will be as if it had been that way from the beginning.

        Ira has just confirmed that she met Makoto for the first time in the future so the past was destined to be changed by either humans or demons.
        Finally, no one who died in the other timeline will die ... honestly, no one of the good ones dies in this story, only the bad guys and the characters that never appear in history except by name.

      • It happened 1000 years ago so what's important is all the stories about what happened 1000 years ago.

        A few more people living shouldn't make that much difference.

        I mean, compared to like Anna holding a torch for Makoto...

      • They might pull a steins gate where it only needs to seem like they died from the perspective of history, after all If they decide to leave and live somewhere quite and secluded then it won't be that hard to make it seem like they perished so long as no one goes looking for the "dead" heros and their families

          • I wonder how much of history will seem the "same" and what kind of subtle and not so subtle changes we'll see when Makoto gets back

      • Who knows? Maybe it will do something similar to Fate , having them still die even though the events were changed, but from different causes.

    • So the original history is just a bunch of revenge filled mind heroes and dragon on the journey to kill the one who the reason why their beloved ones die.

      • Everyone needs a reason to fight good or bad, remember the history is always written by the winner and they always will praise how it was done.

      • Well, their journey of revenge changed the world so much that it changed the way how human lives so it can't be helped that it is written and described as kind of Holy War or something like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Feeling uneasy part 2…

    “Why?!” (Ira)

    “You messed up a lot of times before…” (Makoto)

    “Ugh… I won’t mess up again!” (Ira)

    This statement killing me 😂😂😂

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