WM – Chapter 246: Takatsuki Makoto explores the Moon Country’s capital

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TLN: Two chapters today! Make sure you didn’t miss previous one~.

“So that’s the capital of Laphroaig…” (Makoto)

This is the first time I have come to a big human city in this era. 

It is surrounded by not too tall walls, and it doesn’t look like the defenses are high.

“Then, let’s go.” (Makoto)

“Please wait.” (Abel)

Hero Abel grabbed my hand when I was about to move forward.

He is currently in his male form.

“What’s the matter, Abel-san?” (Makoto)

“Makoto-san, did you forget what Julietta-san said? Our comrades haven’t come back since the time they went to the capital of the Moon Country. Let’s check out the state of things first.” (Abel)

“Ah, yeah, you are right.” (Makoto)


That’s the basics of adventuring.

We should inspect locations you go for the first time.

“Eeh~, it is okay, Our King! No matter what comes, I -the Great Water Spirit- will kick their asses.” (Dia)

Dia appeared and proposed to march on.

“That’s not good, Dia-san! I know plenty well that you are strong, but it is not good to solve everything with violence.” (Abel)

“Oh my, are you giving your opinion to me, human? A weak being like you who collapsed from the mere waves of my magic—Ah! Our King, please don’t glare at me in such a manner! It was a joke!” (Dia)

“Abel-san, sorry for the rudeness of my Dia.” (Makoto)

I reprimand Dia who was saying rude things to Hero Abel.

If I had to be honest here, I do have a side of me who thinks that things will be okay with Dia.

But the words of Hero Abel are something I can’t ignore. 

Also, it should have been my creed to be careful.

When did I have such a whatever happens happens kind of mentality? 

-“Makoto, you always do reckless things at the drop of a hat!” 

Now that I think about it, whenever I would rush into things, Noah-sama would stop me.

I now don’t hear the voice of Noah-sama who guided me before.

…I will be careful, Noah-sama.

I apologized to Noah-sama in my heart.

“Abel-san, thanks for pointing it out. Let’s investigate the city for a bit.” (Makoto)

“Yes, Makoto-san.” (Abel)

We decide on observing the people coming in and out of the city.

I used my Farsight as well, but when it comes to the better eyes, the White Dragon-san and the Great Sage-sama are on a whole other level.

It would be better to ask them instead.

“White Dragon-san, Momo, how is it?” (Makoto)

“The ones doing the inspections are monkeys.” (Mel)

“What bothers me is that…there’s also people who don’t look like humans. What are those…?” (Momo)

“Must be devilkin. A mix of human and demon… Even so, there’s quite a lot.” (Mel)

The White Dragon-san answered the question of Momo.

I see, so there’s a lot of devilkin, huh.

“Devilkin…?” (Abel)

It must not be a familiar term for Hero Abel, he tilted his head.

“What will you do, Spirit User-kun?” (Mel)

“Right…” (Makoto)

The White Dragon-san asked me, but I actually know the background story for that. 

Laphroaig in the Dark Era held the banner of ‘race harmony’ between humans and demons. 

The thought that if all the people of the world were to be devilkin, peace should come.

That’s why it isn’t strange for Cornet to have devilkin along with humans. 

The reason why there’s marriages between humans and demons who are supposed to hate each other is because of the Charm of the Calamity Witch.

The demons and humans become a false married couple -a demonic city where many devilkin live in.

But for the other 3 who don’t know about this history, they must be feeling something is off.

(Nothing gained unless we enter the tiger’s den.) (Makoto)

Judging from what we have gained from observing for half a day, it doesn’t seem like there’s any big danger from just entering. 

Then, any further than this would be a waste of time.

“Doesn’t look like we will be getting any more information here unless we infiltrate the city.” (Makoto)

“Can’t be helped… If the situation requires it, I will bail us out.” (Mel)

That’s reassuring.

“Let’s go then. Dia, stay hidden till I call you, okay?” (Makoto)

“…Okay~.” (Dia)

I point this out to Dia who seemed to be dissatisfied, and decided to approach the city.

I thought about using Transform, but it is a city where humans and devilkin can freely go in. 

If I were to mess up somewhere in my transformation and it is discovered, it would just bring suspicion on me. 

I didn’t disguise myself.

We approach the big gates.

“Next ones~. Hm? Haven’t seen those faces around before.” 

The gatekeeper called us to a stop.

“1 big woman, 2 young men, and 1 little girl, huh… What’s your relationship? What’s your business in this city?” 

Rather than asking out of suspicion, it felt like he was questioning out of curiosity. 

I tell the story that we decided beforehand. 

“Al, Momo, and I are siblings. The one here is our mother. We lost our father because of a disease, and we came here looking for work. Is it okay for us to enter the city?” (Makoto)

I decided to make Abel go by a fake name because he is a Hero.

For the others, there should be no problems with our actual names.

“I see… That must have been rough.” 

The face of the gatekeeper changed to that of sympathy.

“It must have been rough raising your children alone as a single mother… The inside of the city is safe thanks to the protection of Her Majesty. I hope you can find a job. Your brothers as well, make sure to help out your mother, okay? Here, I will give you candy.” 

“Thanks, uncle.” (Momo)

Momo got candy. 

This gatekeeper is a super nice person.

“Y-Yeah…” (Mel)

On the other hand, there’s Mel-san whose cheeks were twitching.

Looks like she isn’t too into the idea of being the mother. 

She was called Dragon Mother in Laberintos, so I thought for sure that she had a lot of children, but the reality was that she is unmarried.

When I asked ‘Why are you not marrying?’, she went ‘haah?’ and glared at me with eyes that could kill.

…It was scary.

I won’t ask ever again.

And in this way, we easily got into the capital of Laphroaig, Cornet. 

“There’s so many big buildings! There’s a lot of buildings being sold, Makoto-san!” (Abel)

“Uwaah, there’s a lot of stores, Master!” (Momo)

Hero Abel and Momo were looking around the city restlessly. 

Oi oi, you are showing in plain view that you are country bumpkins, you know?

Learn a bit from the calmness of Mel-san.

“Hoh! What’s with that thing? That’s the first time I see that!” (Mel)

I see Mel-san bantering at a street stall. 

Now that I think about it, she did say that it has been several centuries since she has been in a city on the surface. 

I sigh at the 3 merry companions as we walk through the city. 

We have to secure a place where we can sleep first, so we searched for an inn. 

We found one in no time.

But we don’t have money. 

While we were troubled, we were asked ‘is there nothing you can change for money?’, and the White Dragon-san took out a magic crystal from Laberintos. They said ‘This is a magic crystal with unbelievable density. Wait for a bit’ and went deeper in. 

The innkeeper returned after a while with a massive amount of coins. 

“Is this much okay…?” (Mel)

Mel-san was flustered by this.

“Yeah, of course. We have also ranked up your rooms by one tier. On the house.” 

And we were given good rooms.

The innkeeper here is also a good person.

We left our luggage inside the room, and decided to explore the city.


We were going to leave the inn, but the innkeeper called us. 

“It seems you are new in this city, so I will tell you this. There’s a speech from Her Majesty in the morning, so make sure to gather at the front of the Moon Castle. Everyone in the capital is duty-bound to do so.” 

“Got it. Thanks for telling us.” (Makoto)

I thanked the innkeeper and left the inn.

“Heya, cute girl, wanna buy something?” 

“The handsome boy there, I have armor that would suit you.” 

“Beautiful madam, want to come check out dresses that would look divine on you?” 

“Who you calling a madam?!” (Mel)

They were attempting to pull in everyone to buy goods. 

Mel-san, aren’t you forgetting the setting we made?

Momo and Hero Abel were going around the stores merrily. 

Our original objective is to gather information regarding the Holy Sword, but we could do that by going to a bar at night. 

I bought a few skewers from a food stall, and sat at a bench in the area. 

I observe the people passing by while I eat slowly. 

The point that bothers me is the amount of devilkin there were. 

Devilkin have traits that a human wouldn’t have. 

Some would have horns.

Some would have peculiar skin color.

Some would have 3 eyes. 

But they were all friendly. 

There’s also a lot of children and elderly. 

When I tried testing it out by asking the people the way to the castle, they would answer me kindly. 

The atmosphere might resemble that of Rozes.

At that moment, Mel-san sat by my side with a big *pang*.

“I’m taking one.” (Mel)

Saying this, she stole one skewer from my hands. 

The money came from the magic crystal of the White Dragon-san, so I’ve got no complaints. 

Or more like, I felt like I bought too much.

“This is tasty. What meat is this?” (Mel)

“It is apparently Berserk Bison.” (Makoto)

“Hooh… I will hunt one next time.” (Mel)

“They apparently make it with a secret sauce, so it won’t be the same taste even if you make it, you know.” (Makoto)

“I see. That’s a shame.” (Mel)

We chattered mindlessly. 

In order to not bring suspicions from the surroundings. 

(Spirit User-kun, have you noticed? The curse that the citizens here are under.) (Mel)

The White Dragon-san speaks to me in thought transmission.

“Yeah, Charm, right?” (Makoto)

I answered in a low voice.

(That’s right. I also feel the presence of demons. The demons that shouldn’t be able to coexist with humans have made families together. The Charm magic that is covering this whole city… There’s an unbelievable expert here.) (Mel)

“The Moon Oracle…must be the Queen of this country.” (Makoto)

Deemed as the Calamity Witch.

The one ruling this country. 

(An acquaintance?) (Mel)

“No way. We will be acquainted from now on.” (Makoto)

(Again with the cryptic talk… In the first place, just what in the world are you? It seems like you are hiding the fact that you are a believer of an Old God though…) (Mel)

Being asked this, I thought for a bit.

My objective.

The fact that I have come from 1,000 years in the future.

It might be okay to tell Mel-san.

She is incredibly prudent after all.

“Mel-san, about my objective…” (Makoto)

(Wait. I don’t want to hear it here.) (Mel)


I was unexpectedly stopped.

(It is not like I don’t have an interest in your identity, Spirit User-kun, but if you are going to be speaking about it, please do so to everyone. We are a team, right? Creating a difference in information between team members is the source of friction. Don’t you think so?) (Mel)


I was remonstrated.

(The only thing I want to know the most is if we can defeat the God of Demons, Iblis. You think we can, right, Spirit User-kun?) (Mel)

“I guarantee you that.” (Makoto)

(What gives you so much confidence for you to say it so decisively…? Well, fine. I will put my hopes on you.) (Mel)

“…Okay.” (Makoto)

Those words reminded me of Noah-sama for a second there. 

The two who went to play—I mean, explore the city had come back.

We returned to the inn once, and gathered information in the bar as we had dinner there. 

But we couldn’t get much concrete information.

The Moon Country is great. 

The Queen of the Moon Country is great. 

You will be safe if you stay in Cornet. 

That was all they said.

In the first place, all the residents of the capital have been Charmed. 

They most likely don’t have any important information.

This is troubling…

At that moment, someone spoke to us.

“Takatsuki Makoto-sama…” 

I was startled. 

I was called by my full name

I have not called myself Takatsuki even once in the past. 

The only ones who know about that are the people of the future. 

When I looked at the person who called me, it was a slightly suspicious person that was covered with a deep hood. 

I have no recollection of a person like this.

“Can you please come with me? …Our master is waiting.” 

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101 thoughts on “WM – Chapter 246: Takatsuki Makoto explores the Moon Country’s capital

  1. How can he guarantee that when history has changed? This Avel/Anna could well rely too much on Makoto and not become just as strong as in the former past after all. He is rushing soo much it’s making him an idiot, not an RPG player veteran

    1. I feel like his mind has been broken to some degree a long time ago. His RPG player and calm mind skills completely remove any sense of danger and he never had to deal with the results of his own recklessness because Noah was always there to either stop him or bail him out.
      In my eyes he is just following the path of all of Noah’s apostles before him. Recklessly doing stupid things while his goddess sits on the sidelines and cheers him on while showering him with overbearing affection.

  2. Thanks for chap
    Hmmm mc really does seem to be the adult now, i wonder if mel is a spinster?

  3. Thanks for the chapter and thanks to the sponsors! ^^
    My bet on Ira contacting him.
    Would be funny if once he met her she goes on a rant about him messing so much with the timeline that it is an ordeal to fix it! XD

  4. Thanks for the chapter and double release~!
    The countdown is ticking, we’re only about 30+ chapter before we’re going to catch up with the raw

    Mel-san worrying about her age and mates. Will she ever meet one? Or will she finally found Makoto desirable and joined his harem?

    With the entire city under a charm spell, how will Makoto and co. solves this. Will they liberate it?

    Also, who’s going to meet with Makoto at the end? Ira’s followers? Moon Oracle? Anyway we meet with a cliff again.

  5. Not gonna lie, the idea of Hero Abel and the Great Sage Momo running around a city like bumpkins getting excited about everything is adorable.

    Considering this city was made to be a peaceful place that ensnared humanity and demons alike, it’s ironically quite safe. 100% protection because there’s 100% control. Well, it’ll be safe unless the queen declares this party an enemy. Then we’re in trouble.

    That speech is totally a way of refreshing the charm as well.
    Having seen the state of this era…I can kinda understand where the former Moon Oracle was coming from, actually. It’s a bit extreme, but she truly means well-and I assume is trying to find her own place in this world. Rather, this is the sort of compromise you make when you want the world to be better, but have had your will to do it the sincere way broken.

    Yeah, this person is either the Oracle of Ira, or a servant of this Calamity Witch. I’m…leaning more towards the latter, I think. Furiae had trouble seeing the future in certain points, but if anyone would be able to peek at Takki’s threads of fate, it would be the goddess who wasn’t even originally from this world.

  6. I kinda miss Noah-sama… But hey, we’re about to see the fate goddess probably soon here so that’s all good. I hope we can get that out of the way and then kill that useless Apostle so Makoto can go back to his rightful position.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. All the defenses this city has ever needed is probably just the queen’s beauty (and Charm Magic).

    Makoto, knowingly or not, is just helping Dia flex over Anna and Momo. My Dia? I suspect that at least Momo is going to be seething with jealousy over that. At least Abel/Anna is really working as Makoto’s brake here. Mel’s observation was astute, and thankfully Makoto is somewhat aware of it without being told.

    It’s curious that Mel can identify Devilkins. That’d likely mean the interbreeding of humans and demons have likely happened before, however rarely (or maybe she can just sense the intermingling of human and demon in an individual? Magic is weird in any case). One wonders what happened in those rare times, without a Moon Oracle’s Charm Magic compelling them. Also what kind of person is Furiae’s predecessor.

    Cornet! You can check out anytime you like, but you can’t ever leave! At least not unless you’re somehow immune to Charm Magic. And if you’re not, it’s not like you’d want to check out anyways, so there goes the joke.

    Did Makoto really ask her that!? I’m feeling that in a thousand years she’d ask something along the lines of “well, are you offering?” Do dragons even have a concept of matrimony like the shorter-lived races anyways? Or is Max actually Makoto’s descendant!?

    Bustling city like this is probably a true rarity outside of the Demons’ settlements, so Makoto is really the one showing himself a tryhard, not wanting to look like a bumpkin. And Mel just suddenly upgraded her disguise from just “widow” into “crazy rich widow” with an extra helping of “an eccentric keeping her riches in the form of magic crystal.” Still, there’s probably no other way to secure currency available for them in any case.

    Ain’t no problem with a widow taking issue about people calling attention to her age. Completely safe! Unless Mel decided to torch the place in anger anyways.

    Thanks for the double chapter day!

  8. Well there’s 3 possibilities of who this is. first is the Moon Oracle of the time, but I find it pretty unlikely. I think Ira is pretty likely though or one of her believers since I believe that she said that her memories was synced across time. The final and least likely option is that there is someone from his class who is also back in this time. I think they said that there were a couple of other missing students besides just Aya, So I’d love to hear about where they were at.

  9. Okay hear me out.

    Ira is the Moon God and Destiny Goddess.

    The Calamity witch it just a poor girl who can’t control her power because of Ira.

    Ira knew she F’d up somewhere but doesn’t want to admit it.

    Laphroaig fell because the charm was released thanks to Makoto. But they did not expect the country to fall in chaos. Or something similar. That or just our good old friend Cain stopped by.

    Ira had to secede her title as Moon Goddess.

    Ira was attached to Makoto because he helped fixed her title from turning into an evil God.

    Also thanks for double chapter!

  10. Hmm, the follower of the “Divine Disaplointment” (stealing that one btw), it was about time honestly.

    If Ira can send information back and forth between her current and past self, is the information transfer in duplex mode (both ways at the same time), or can she only do it in one way at a time?
    If it’s both ways, can she tell us how it’s going in the future, I can imagine that Makoto would be pretty worried about his women and Goddesses in the future, and if he won.
    But here comes the problem, if she indeed can send information both ways at the same time, the author has pretty much written himself into a corner.
    There won’t be any tension anymore, except if Ira decides to not tell them any information about the future.
    Tangent: I am currently picturing a fed up Ira who acts as a messenger between Makoto and the girls, who only send messages like “come back home my love” and “I’ll be back shortly, love you” xD
    Back on track:
    The Moon Goddess Neia(?) is also a user of destiny magic, could she have seen something?

    Thanks for the double desserts!

    I am writing this at 5 am in the morning, and on the phone, so I am expecting my sentrnce structure to be pretty horrendous, but eh, too sleepy to care. G’ Night.

  11. Thanks for the double release

    i bet you its ira since she said they would meet later on though i might be wrong and its someone else from the future

  12. > The Speech of the Queen on the Capital, i think it was meant to recharge the charm magic on each individual to maintain the status quo.
    Makoto, as usual will not be affected and then the Queen will surely notice it.
    In this world, maybe, the queen will resemble so much about Furi-san but really thicc version of her…

    > Ira-chan was her in the City as well?
    Well, not like i dont want her to, i like her to act lovey dovey to Makoto to annoy Momo and Anna

  13. I’m betting its Ira or Moon Oracle, if it is Ira though do you think she’ll screw up and be the reason the others learn Makoto is from the future instead oh him telling them? I do hope it’s Ira though as Makoto really needs someone he can talking with freely and not need to hide or be vague about his words.

  14. Well most of the chapter went as expected until that twist at the end. Damn cliff. Is it Ira’s follower? Or does the ever mysterious Moon Goddess has a method of knowing the truth about him? She’s supposed to be different from the other holy gods after all, so there’s no telling what she might be capable of. Is it going to be a good meeting or a bad one? Would the Moon Oracle be friendly considering what’s supposed to happen to her country? It’s pretty tense here.

    Thanks for the translation!

  15. Momo – Lucy
    Anna – Sophia
    Dia – Sa-san
    Mel – Furiae

    Furiae used to call everyone else by their titles or roles like Mel. Anna is like Sophia with her bashful behavior around Makoto and role in stopping his reckless plans. Dia looks cute, but is the most dangerous like Sa-san. Momo is similar in some ways with Lucy, but Lucy wins out massively in appeal and curves.

    So what I understood is that all the girls are virgins too. Mel a mother lol. Why do the dragons call her mother? We need a side story about that.

    Is that Ira’s representative right there or Eir’s?

  16. I guess Dia will be filling in the Yankee girl slot in Makoto’s harem. Always quick to want to use force. Meanwhile Mel fills in the Onee-san slot but she needs to learn how to Ara Ara and not be bothered about things like her age.

    Uh they’re not exactly the most stealthy when it comes to infiltration huh? All the girls are just looking around like their country bumpkins and drawing attention.

    Anyways I agree with Mel that Makoto needs to tell them about who he really is. Though I think they won’t find out about him being from the future until they encounter Iblis.

    So who is the one who wants to meet Makoto? They know his full name. The biggest possibility is Ira who shares her memories from the past and future. The only other possibilities I can think of are either whoever the Snake Church sent back in time or the Calamity Witch who is a destiny magic user.

    1. I think he will tell them earlier then their meeting with iblis. Maybe already next chapter, or will he risk to hear that useless goddess (Ira) to unintentionally reveal it in front of everyone? ^^

  17. Considering the Appraisal should be “normal” to know his full name, anyway, I already want to see what come, and I specially hope that the Moon Goddess is showed.

  18. Thanks for the chapter!

    Uh oh, someone that knows Makoto’s full name. That should be someone from the future as well, or at least having shared memories that comes from the future. The demons could be one of them i think, and it would makes it more interesting in its own way.

    Also, Makoto stopped calling Helemmerck as Mel-san? Why though, it’s cute xD
    And Makoto is getting closer with Anna-san now. Well, why are we surprised. He’s a woman magnet after all. Seems you won’t really get back to the future without having new wife / wives, Makoto~

      1. If that’s the case, then in a sense Mel-san skipped time and reappears in the next 1000 years. If that’s the case, where is she currently hiding in the Sakurai era? Could it be that she is hiding back to the Deepest Laberintos? Wait… Aren’t Aya and Lucy currently exploring it again? Well, hope there won’t be misconception when they meet or else it would be really really bad xD

      2. @Holow: No they aren’t. Ancient Dragons still exist in the future. Like the one that attacked Makkaren and that one adventurer whose name I forgot that is from Makkaren had encountered another one in Laberintos. Also there were probably multiple ones in the monster armies Makoto has faced in Highland, Spring Log, Laphroaig and the battlefield where he rescued Sakurai and helped defeat Zagan 2.

      1. Now that you mention it, Ira-sama said that she shares her past and future memories. But why is she in the Moon country though.

    1. Makoto should be kinda inmune Cuz RPG player Skill since Not even Furiae can see his future, at least not perfectly

      1. It’s not that they can’t see his future, Furiae isn’t very good at seeing anything more than tragedy immediately around her, so she has trouble seeing anything specific other than his death, but even when Ira sees Makoto’s future, he doesn’t follow the script.

    2. The person was trying to hide ….If his master is the Moon Oracle why he need to do that, it’s probably Ira .

  19. At that moment, someone spoke to us.

    “Takatsuki Makoto-sama…”

    I was startled.

    I was called by my full name.

    I have not called myself Takatsuki even once in the past.

    The only ones who know about that are the people of the future.

    When I looked at the person who called me, it was a slightly suspicious person that was covered with a deep hood.

    I have no recollection of a person like this.

    “Can you please come with me? …Our master is waiting.”

    New flag has been risen up. So who’s the master will be is it someone from the snake church or the Moon oracle herself?

      1. If it’s Ira the probably the current (past) destiny oracle has got the news from Ira-sama who’s got the message that a person from the future has come to the past to assist in taking down the great demon god.

    1. 50% ira IMO, she’s the only one who know about makoto in this timeline. Or maybe the moon oracle? since she is an expert of moon magic maybe she would knows about him via magic?

    1. I’m glad to have two chapters, but that also takes us closer to despair in the form of translating all the chapters available, and having to wait for the author to pop out the next.
      But that might give us more tsuki ga michibiku chapters.
      I think there are 40 chapters left or so I read somewhere.

          1. That works, too. I’ve been wondering why we don’t have Chris illustration for a while. Did she get cut off on the LN version?

      1. Newest chapter is around 279, just dropped 2 days ago

        That gives us around 30+ chapters to work with, before we inevitably have to face reality that this will only drop once a week, bar the author inconvenience

        1. A conundrum.
          Will it be better to have fewer chapters a week to make them last?
          Or continue as we are and have and catch up with the author?
          Unfortunately, unlike the author we can’t look so far ahead. We should have stock to 3 chapters a week, but then again that would just delay the I inevitable

    1. ““There’s so many big buildings! There’s a lot of buildings being sold, Makoto-san!” (Abel)
      “Uwaah, there’s a lot of stores, Master!” (Momo)
      Hero Abel and Momo were looking around the city restlessly.
      Oi oi, you are showing in plain view that you are country bumpkins, you know?
      Learn a bit from the calmness of Mel-san.
      “Hoh! What’s with that thing? That’s the first time I see that!” (Mel)”
      Lol, no discretion at all. Even Mel isn’t calm.

      “I see Mel-san bantering at a street stall.
      The only ones who know about that are the people of the future.
      When I looked at the person who called me, it was a slightly suspicious person that was covered with a deep hood.
      I have no recollection of a person like this.
      “Can you please come with me? …Our master is waiting.”
      Who could it be ? Who could know Makoto’s full name ?

      “The Moon Country is great.
      The Queen of the Moon Country is great.
      You will be safe if you stay in Cornet.
      That was all they said”
      The Moon Country sounds like a dystopia…

      ““It seems you are new in this city, so I will tell you this. There’s a speech from Her Majesty in the morning, so make sure to gather at the front of the Moon Castle. Everyone in the capital is duty-bound to do so.” ”
      That duty is really suspicious.

      ““It must have been rough raising your children alone as a single mother… The inside of the city is safe thanks to the protection of Her Majesty. I hope you can find a job. Your brothers as well, make sure to help out your mother, okay? Here, I will give you candy.”
      “Thanks, uncle.” (Momo)
      Momo got candy. ”
      How cute !

      1. I’ll bet the master is either Ira or Moon Oracle, as for the morning speech I’m pretty sure that’s for the Moon Oracle to maintain her charm magic on the people

      2. Well, with all world in ruins, with this being probably the only safe city, ye, anyone would pretty much be a country bumpkin~

        Mel-san is an unmarried lady on an adventure trip~ she is thrilled~

        Yep, who might that be, I wonder~ Kinda missed that useless loli

        Off an Utopia in hostile world needs mandatory OBEY broadcast brainwashing. Why else would it work?

        At least this friendly guard A didn’t try to pick up our Mel-san~
        I am genuinely intrigued if Mel would travel with Makoto into the present. Or, more like, help him sustain himself until he can travel. Like a dragon guarding our “sleeping princess”
        I genuinely doubt Makoto will “bring” only Momo-chan after this trip

      3. It’s gotta be Ira and her believers, right? she said something about how her memories were synced up across time, right?

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