WM – Chapter 220: The Great Demon Lord’s revival

Important TLN: Hey guys, Reigokai here.

This is already the 3rd time I have said this and it should already be common sense in any comment section of any story no matter the media.


This WN seems to have a drove of people spoiling. I don’t know what kind of high you get from ruining the fun of others, but you are not showing any superiority from it, you look worse.

I haven’t read ahead, so make sure not to post any definite Nos without clarification from previous chapters or information already available. If not, I will take it as spoilers. Same with blatant spoilers of course.

If you post spoilers, I will be banning you. This is the last time I reiterate this.

Anyways, enjoy the chapters!

“Now, let’s go.” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia grabs my arm, and we head to the Holy Maiden Anna’s Great Church. 

The objective is to talk about the plans for the future with the related parties due to the return of the Great Demon Lord.

Why the Great Church?

In the attack of the Demon Lord from before, we gathered at the Highland Castle though…

There’s also one other thing that bothered me.

“U-Uhm…Sofia-san? There’s no need to grab my hand so tightly.” (Makoto)

“No. You immediately end up at the side of some other woman after all.” (Sofia)

“No, that’s…” (Makoto)

Princess Sofia is fuming.

I look at my back.

Lucy was whistling.

Sa-san had a bitter smile with both hands together as if apologetic.

Furiae-san was blushing and averting her gaze.

These people…

Looks like no one is saving me.

Well, I am the one at fault…

“Sofia-san…” (Makoto)

She went ‘hmph’ and faced the other way.

I should wait for the princess to be in a better mood.

I was checking out the sights around while walking.

The sky is cloudy, making it dark.

I feel like there’s less people than usual. 

It hasn’t been announced to the general populace that the Great Demon Lord is resurrecting.

But I could already see the lack energy from the faces of the people.

I could see the ashen colored statue of Savior Abel raising his sword that’s at the entrance of the capital from between the buildings of the city.

-I felt something was off.

I couldn’t put it in words, but it was a powerful churning feeling.

“Sofia.” (Makoto)

“What is it? I am not angr—” (Sofia)

“That statue was always that color?” (Makoto)

“? Yeah…that’s right. It is the statue of Hero Abel-sama, right?” (Sofia)

“Eh?” (Makoto)

I doubted my ears.

Leaving aside me and Sa-san who came from another world, Lucy and Princess Sofia would call Hero Abel as Savior-sama.

That’s because Savior Abel and the regular Heroes are clearly placed in different categories.

For the people in this world, the name Savior-sama is definite.

Princess Sofia is the Oracle of a Goddess, so there’s no way she would mistake it…

“Hero Makoto, let’s hurry. Noel-sama is waiting.” (Sofia)

“Y-Yes.” (Makoto)

In the end, I couldn’t talk in detail about the identity of this strange feeling and her words, and we hurried to the Great Church.


There were already a lot of people gathered at the Holy Maiden Anna’s Great Church.

The royals of the nations, big nobles, Heroes, Oracles, well-known knights…etc.

There are familiar faces and also unknown ones.

At the front of the Great Church there’s a platform and the statue of the Sun Goddess Althena-sama.

Princess Noel and Esther-san were standing on top of the platform.

“Noel-sama is currently the Pope of the Goddess Church.” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia whispered to me.

I see, so the previous Pope has already been dismissed.

I didn’t want to meet him, so this is good.

“Takatsuki Makoto!” 

“Janet-san?” (Makoto)

A female knight wearing golden armor ran my way.

“You seem to be doing well. What battlefield are you going to be stationed at? If it hasn’t been decided, I could try to convince them to place us in the same place…” (Janet)

“He will most likely be placed in the same place as the Light Hero-sama. Noel-sama stated as such after all.” (Sofia)

The one who answered the question of Janet-san was Princess Sofia.

“Is that so…” (Makoto)

By the way, this is the first I heard about this.

“Yes, I heard this was the request of the Light Hero-sama.” (Sofia)

“The same as the Light Hero… The main force that’s led by General Yuwein then. Fufu, then it will be easy to adjust. Hero Makoto, I will fight together with you.” (Janet)

Janet-san smiled suggestively.

“Janet, I leave Hero Makoto under your care.” (Sofia)

“Oh?” (Janet)

Janet-san made a surprised face at Princess Sofia’s words.

“You won’t be against me getting close to Takatsuki Makoto, right?” (Janet)

“I won’t… I can’t go to the battlefield after all. Please keep an eye on him so that he doesn’t do anything reckless.” (Sofia)

“Right… I will follow him so it doesn’t end up like before! Leave it to me!” (Janet)

Janet-san answered with a reliable smile.

Princess Sofia smiled…and directed a meaningful gaze at me.

“By the way, the women of Hero Makoto’s party have all put a hand on him, so I think it will be hard for you to get in.” (Sofia)


Janet-san made a shocked expression at Princess Sofia’s words.

“Y-You…could it be that you even put your hands on the Moon Oracle Furiae? …Moreover, she is currently a Holy Maiden, right?!” (Janet)

“That logic won’t work on Hero Makoto… I saw them sleeping in the same bed.” (Sofia)

“What a horrible man… Sofia, you must have it rough…” (Janet)

“Janet, this is also the duty of royalty…” (Sofia)

“I am your ally.” (Janet)

“Fufu, that’s reassuring.” (Sofia)

These two are getting along with me as the collateral.

At that moment…

“Everyone! Please be quiet!” 

A Templar raised his voice, the giant doors of the Great Church made a heavy sound and were locked.

“The related parties have gathered.” (Noel)

Princess Noel speaks with a voice that travels well.

There’s space for several hundreds of people in the Great Church, but today it is close to full.

At the walls of the Great Church there’s knights lined up on alert who are most likely the guards.

There were also templars outside the Great Church strengthening the defense, so this is most likely the most important base currently.

We sat at the seats furthest back.

Janet-san sat close to us as well.

Is it okay to not go to where the Valentine Household is?

“Today we have had you gathered here because there’s an important announcement from the Goddess-sama regarding the resurrection of the Great Demon Lord Iblis.” (Noel)

Esther-san is by the side of Princess Noel…no, my eyes met with the Destiny Goddess Ira-sama. 

The next instant, the body of Esther-san shone, and massive mana filled the church.

Several light wings appear from the back of Esther-san.

Every single person in the church lowered their heads.

(She is acting as if she descended right at this moment, but that was Ira-sama from the very beginning, right…?) (Makoto)

I followed the people around and lowered my head, and I peeked at the face of Ira-sama.

Ah, she glared at me.

She might have read my mind.

…Ira-sama looks tired.

“Raise your heads.” (Ira)

Ira-sama speaks weighty words.

The people in the church look at her.

“There’s something I have to tell everyone.” (Ira)

Ira-sama continued speaking.

“You may have heard already, but the Great Demon Lord will be resurrecting after 1,000 years.” (Ira)

Murmur occurs.

“But the Great Demon Lord’s power is still not enough, and there’s only 2 remaining Demon Lords in the Demonic Continent. It is very different from the situation 1,000 years ago. On the other hand, we have prepared plenty enough for the war. If we were to fight upfront, there’s no doubt of our victory.” (Ira)

‘Oooh’, voices of relief were raised.

They have been preparing for several years after all.

The noble-looking people and the soldiers were saying brave stuff like: ‘The time has finally come…’, ‘We will defeat the Great Demon Lord and obtain true peace…’, ‘I am looking forward to this battle…’.

The morale is high.

But Princess Noel who is at the side of Ira-sama has a dark grim expression.

Is she worried about Sakurai-kun?

I searched for Sakurai-kun, and I saw him at the very front seats, at the side of General Yuwein.

“The alliance army of the human race surpasses them in national power. They have lost a Demon Lord, and the Great Demon Lord hasn’t recovered their original power. If we were to attack, it…was supposed to have been now.” (Ira)



The flow of things have changed.

The inside of the church stirs up.

When I look closely, I could see the expression of Ira-sama is grave.

“The resurrected Great Demon Lord was not without a plan… The demon lord army that is inferior in power has pulled a low move… The effect of that has already reached our country… No, it has reached the whole continent. The evil power of the demon lord is threatening the life of everyone…” (Ira)

Wait a minute, Ira-sama!

Where’s the fighting mood of before?! 

The people around were also confused from the sudden change.

“I will be clear here. At this rate, we won’t be able to win against the Great Demon Lord… It won’t even be a fight.” (Ira)

“W-What do you mean by that?!” 

One of the nobles of the Sun Country raised his voice.

“I will explain…but before that, I have someone I have to call.” (Ira)

Ira-sama raised a hand and a giant magic circle appeared.

A magic circle that shines rainbow.

I have seen it before; a summoning circle.

I may be familiar with it, but it is by no means a spell that a human can use.

A god rank summoning spell that would be impossible to activate without the Divinity of Ira-sama.

The one who showed up was a familiar tall and beautiful Goddess.

(Is it okay to come to the mortal realm so frequently…?) (Makoto)

The one who appeared was the Sun Goddess that I met just the other day.

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71 thoughts on “WM – Chapter 220: The Great Demon Lord’s revival

  1. With the changing of the Hero statue and other things I think I spoiled myself with my thoughts mmmm Shall continue to read and see if my mind is just that great

  2. Yeah I am sure Sofia is wrong there, I am 100% certain he is still a virgin. Author couldn’t have glossed over it like that, and what Noah and Eir meant was the kissy kissy, right? Just having the Great Sage around is like a plot device from the Author to keep him a virgin, isn’t it? Also, is this the third time he looks at the statue and finds it strange? Well, I find it strange as well. And how they change the adress of the Saviour. Mystery Sauce thickens, and points towars a direction that I am pretty sure of now

  3. “By the way, the women of Hero Makoto’s party have all put a hand on him, so I think it will be hard for you to get in.” (Sofia)
    Janet-san made a shocked expression at Princess Sofia’s words.
    “Y-You…could it be that you even put your hands on the Moon Oracle Furiae? …Moreover, she is currently a Holy Maiden, right?!” (Janet)
    “That logic won’t work on Hero Makoto… I saw them sleeping in the same bed.” (Sofia)
    “What a horrible man… Sofia, you must have it rough…” (Janet)
    “Janet, this is also the duty of royalty…” (Sofia)
    “I am your ally.” (Janet)
    “Fufu, that’s reassuring.” (Sofia).
    – You see it’s this kind of inane dialogue that makes Pokemon harem’s ridiculous!
    It’s slapped on, much like using a sticking plaster to try to deal with an arterial haemorrhage of credibility.
    Anyone that has been around ANY women of any age knows that this is not credible dialogue and the psychological and emotional gear changes needed to accommodate the positions taken above by Janet and Sofia in a few sentences are beyond even fantasy level.
    This is what makes the Pokemon harem trope less satisfying the deeper I get into them.
    Numbers go up and credibility goes down because no author I can remember has ever dealt with the actual carnage these situations would bring in a believable manner!
    So now this author will be forced to do what shoujo manga authors do with their reverse harem heroines and keep those harem girls spinning in the air like plates while Makoto remains virginal and goes from one to another girl (or plate) and gives them just enough attention (or spin) to keep them all in place.
    The talent is in trying to keep the larger plot going forward while doing this.
    I hope this author can pull it off, but…? ϞϞ(๑⚈ ․̫ ⚈๑)

  4. “By the way, the women of Hero Makoto’s party have all put a hand on him, so I think it will be hard for you to get in.” (Sofia)
    Janet-san made a shocked expression at Princess Sofia’s words.
    “Y-You…could it be that you even put your hands on the Moon Oracle Furiae? …Moreover, she is currently a Holy Maiden, right?!” (Janet)
    “That logic won’t work on Hero Makoto… I saw them sleeping in the same bed.” (Sofia)
    “What a horrible man… Sofia, you must have it rough…” (Janet)
    “Janet, this is also the duty of royalty…” (Sofia)
    “I am your ally.” (Janet)
    “Fufu, that’s reassuring.” (Sofia).
    – You see it’s this kind of inane dialogue that makes Pokemon harem’s ridiculous!
    It’s slapped on, much like using a sticking plaster to try to deal with an arterial haemorrhage of credibility.
    Anyone that has been around ANY women of any age knows that this is not credible dialogue and the psychological and emotional gear changes needed to accommodate the positions taken above by Janet and Sofia in a few sentences are beyond even fantasy level.
    This is what makes the Pokemon harem trope less satisfying the deeper I get into them.
    Numbers go up and credibility goes down because no author I can remember has ever dealt with the actual carnage these situations would bring in a believable manner!
    So now this author will be forced to do what shoujo manga authors do with their reverse harem heroines and keep those harem girls spinning in the air like plates while Makoto remains virginal and goes from one to another girl (or plate) and gives them just enough attention (or spin) to keep them all in place.
    The talent is in trying to keep the larger plot going forward while doing this.
    I hope this author can pull it off, but…? ϞϞ(๑⚈ ․̫ ⚈๑)

    1. Changing the term of reference from “Saviour Abel” to “Hero Abel” makes it feel like a timeline change or timeslip, also known as a ‘Mandela Effect’ for the red pilled among you?
      Thus Makoto notices the subtle change because he is outside of that causal effect because of his otherworlder status or his recent death maybe?

    1. A lot of people used to comment here, we have like 50-100 comments on a busy day, some of the spoiling people

      Then the website got resetted so every comments that still there got purged

        1. On the most existing chapters we had up to 250 comments in a single day.
          And reigokai was very proactive in deleting spoilers.

  5. Yep, they altered in some way the continent, could be a temporal change with the history of 1,000 before or a change in the perception of the people, don’t know exactly what the two could mean, although with a temporal change I can see a way in which he was ressurrected with his full power, with a change of cognition is less clear. Something almost sure is that White Loli is in this and the coffin.

    1. Could it possibly be that you have mixed up Tsuki ga Michi with Weakest Mage? If that’s the case, you can see the chapter names to tell if it is Tsuki or not.
      WM is for Weakest Mage, and Tsuki is for Tsuki ga Michi.

  6. How I imagine Sofia and Janet’s interaction.

    Armstrong hand-shake

    I’m wondering if the situation is something Isaac did before his demise. We already know that faith plays a big part in the goddess’ powers so based on Makoto’s observation and Sofia’s re-action, I’m guessing the demon lord somehow changed Abel’s faith of a savior to a hero.

    Hero’s still a big thing for them I’d take it but the difference between a hero and savior on faith is probably a big deal of power difference.

  7. Thanks for the chapter, spoilers are dangerous indeeed it made me drop a couple of series because of it. Heck if they want to spoil so bad why not create an account on animesuki.com and spoile away there.

  8. > Makoto: “I could see the ashen colored statue of Savior Abel raising his sword that’s at the entrance of the capital from between the buildings of the city.”
    The first thing i thought who might be the Hero, Savior Abel, was, “Geralt of Rivia” image first surfaced in my brain cause of the word ashen…

    > Whenever Janet would come across and talk around Makoto, its was always “Darkness” from Konosuba my brain keep generating her illustration.
    Until now, im inclined to believe she was the good and knightly Darkness…

  9. Double release day is a happy day!

    For Reigokai : I’m fairly sure Church Goddess is a typo, and it should have been Goddess Church. It’s the part that states that Noel is the current Pope.

    Ashen colored. IIRC last time it was green? Definitely something happening. Also nice catch by Makoto on the discrepancy of how Sofia addressed Hero Abel rather than Savior Abel. Lots of possible implications there.

    And Janet, there’s no need for Makoto to lay a hand on his girls, rather the girls lay their hand on him. And that’s exactly what Sofia said ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Makoto is always ready to sass, even if only mentally 😂

    1. /not a spoiler, just past chapter info
      >Ashen colored. IIRC last time it was green?
      Correct – basically the color of the Statue of Liberty
      And before that it was the color of chalk.
      To everyone besides Makoto, it was always that way.
      Now why is it Makoto remembers differently when no one else does?

      To the readers, this is foreshadowing something major. If someday you’re re-reading the story (I recommend it), you’ll pick up on a few things that you didn’t the first time. I love stories where the author thought far ahead enough to do things like this. Or in the case of FMA, the author already decided the end of the story (before chapter 1) and worked backwards, allowing well thought up secrets to unravel as the story progresses.

      1. Hmm, at first it was chalk-colored huh. I’d been wondering about what it originally was. What chapter was it that gave us the chalk color? Currently re-reading here, I might catch some more clues.

  10. If im in front of Althena and she is looking at me below, i think i will sense an excitement by her stare while acting haughty

  11. thanks for chap
    another clue about abel
    he was separated from the heroes as ‘savior abel’ now unconsciously its turning into hero abel and his statue is becoming black,arghh so much foreshadowing but i can’t put my finger on what it is.

    what was it’s original color anyone remember?

  12. Janet and Sophia getting along. It’s similar to real life, girls bond over their dislike of another girl initially or daily complaints.

    Well Sophia is not wrong. He’s low key handsome in the LN illustrations. Makes sense a number of women fall for this airy guy. Ira might be the next victim sooner or later. Makoto should be aware of Janet’s feelings compared to Furiae since she did make that proclamation.

    Also, Makoto said the statue was white now? The statue of Abel was green before, right? And it resembled the statue of liberty in the pose.

    Did we ever get into the Earth country’s arc or get any knowledge about Earth Goddess?

  13. Truck for the spoilers! Seriously, is it that hard to restrict things to speculation?

    Yo, Althena. It’s been…not long at all, actually.

    It’s pretty rough being members of an MC’s harem, isn’t it? The chick magnetism can’t be turned off.

  14. Thanks for the chapters!
    So the statue changed colour again? And what is that about hero Abel and not saviour? Makoto, you should really voice your concerns.
    And where is the Great Sage ? I so miss her! Somebody told me her name would be revealed around chapter 110 but I’m still waiting.

    I’m happy I was too busy to surf a lot through the comment sections those last few days… what is with you spoilers people??
    Please do ban them if you deem it necessary to

  15. Thanks for the chapter

    Janet and Sofia is getting along, not yet on Lucy and Sa-san closeness though. Also give her more screentime please.

    On the topic of spoilers, there have been guys giving spoilers mixed with wild predictions so the accusations would be hard to prove ever since the labyrinth arc. I only realized that after reading in hindsight, you’ll know the difference between predicting and intentionally giving mixed spoilers.

  16. If the Goddesses say something like this, I think people will panic…
    Oh but, there is nowhere to run to anyway. They’re all doomed haha.

  17. Well something is clearly up since they keep bringing up that statue and every time it’s a different color.

    Anyways I see Makoto is still dense as ever. He’s wondering why Janet is sitting with his group instead of the Valentines. Like did he forget that Janet announced her intent to marry him? Well at least Janet has gotten approval from the first wife Sofia.

    So I guess Althena will be explaining what the demons are planning. Probably will also explain why Abel’s statue keeps changing colors.

  18. Hello, Reigokai Regarding dealing people who Give Spoiler how about you use moderator like other web, sorry i can’t really explain aside the comment need go to approval, you probably need some help, especially from people who do not mind spoiler and has times.

    Or you can make this feature [/spoiler] this right iirc?

    1. The comments use WordPress, and sadly they don’t have such features like spoiler tags. So I’ve had to be extra careful of wording and what I say. Like you can forget “did the translated portion cover yet?” while my own memory is far from perfect. Trying to be ambiguous, vague, and non-definitive.

      Funny enough at an earlier chapter something I said was (incorrectly) taken as a spoiler. The subject being something I still don’t know one way or other. Being somewhat ahead in the story, I still don’t know everything. Being as the novel is actively being written and by far not everything is covered, I too can speculate while being careful about it.

      Not having read ahead though, probably makes it hard for Reigokai. How would they know what comment is a spoiler and what is speculation? And then there are non-spoiling spoilers… comments that would be interpreted differently by those who have read ahead (and thus know a bit more). Context (including the lack thereof) changes a lot. It really would be easier with spoiler tags. WordPress needs to get with the times… we can’t even do something as basic as edit a comment with their system!

  19. I always want to say thank you for the chapter but all of the spoiler scared me from going to the comment.

    Well thank you for the chapter as always~!

    1. Keeping to previous chapter info only – They Makoto originally marveled at the great chalk colored statue that reminded him of The Statue of Liberty.

      Then coming back to the city, Makoto looked at the greenish colored statue (basically now the color of the Statue of Liberty) and said “was it always that color?” to which everyone replied that it always was. Only Makoto remembers differently.

      Now an ashen colored statue of “Hero” Abel rather than “Savior” Abel. That Makoto alone recognizes the changes. This is no longer something he can dismiss as just his imagination…

      There are other things too, but I think you can speculate from there.

  20. I’m early. Thanks for the chapter!

    Janet is slowly entering the harem. Sofia gave her an approval.And Ira-sama became one of my favorite characters in the novel. She’s another useless goddess but she’s fun.

    Also it’s late to say this but Mc’ mind getting read by goddesses all the time is a really essential and good part of this novel. I wonder when Ira read Makoto’s mind did she hear everyone in the room or did she just focus on Makoto thinking “he’ll probably say something rude again”?

  21. LOL Sophia get friendly with janet. Will janet enter the harem too? Since maybe she will get approval from first wife? (wait, if furi really join his harem, wouldn’t she is the one who will be the first wife since her status higher that sofia?)

    “U-Uhm…Sofia-san? There’s no need to grab my hand so tightly.” (Makoto)

    “No. You immediately end up at the side of some other woman after all.” (Sofia)

    “No, that’s…” (Makoto)


    1. I hope so. If Mary can get local wife status in in the LN, then hopefully Janet as a wife too. After Furiae, I am shipping Janet and Ira with our boy Makoto. Sophia needs more allies that have duty in their personality lol. Makoto is airheaded and dense like an rpg player. Lucy is heavily influence by Makoto’s troublemaking ideas. Aya usually never questions what Makoto wants unless during romantic comedy scenes. Then Furiae is very similar to Aya in that she prioritizes Makoto’s opinion. So if Makoto does something stupid, the only brakes he has are Sophia and sometimes sometimes Lucy. Janet would be another brake for him.

    1. I’m up to date with raws so i wouldn’t mind getting spoilers.But out of respect to people that aren’t without sharing the actual spoiler what was it about?

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