Tsuki – Chapter 358: Towards Independence ①

The Weitz Orphanage was receiving dawn as usual. 

As if reacting to the brightening sky, the children were coming out to the garden.

It is because it is gymnastics time which has become a custom in the early mornings.

It was begun in order to get the children to have the minimum amount of physical strength to endure the training. 

“Hey, the war is going to begin today, right?” 

“That’s right. We are going to crush the Aion Kingdom.” 

“Everyone will be made fillet by Lime-san.” 

“If I become a soldier, will I be able to eat tasty stuff like the ones the Kuzunoha Company brought the other day?” 

“It would be better to join a company and become a merchant to eat tasty food!” 

The voices of innocent children were resonating heartwarmingly from here and there.

For some fate or another, the Rembrandt Company, the Kuzunoha Company, and recently even the Bronzeman Company were showing up at the Weitz Orphanage. 

Even if they have no intention of having them hear it, the conversations from the adults would leak bit by bit, and leaving aside just how much they understand of it, they were able to make conversation in this way. 

Well, the children are energetic. 

They were adapting to their new lifestyle at outstanding speed too. 

Their environment as orphans must be serving as a plus, because you could tell even from the side that they are doing their best at studying and training. 

Of course, there’s those that are good and those that aren’t, and children are children.

There’s those who tend to get tired, and those with a limit to their concentration.

There’s no doubt the ones dispatched to be teachers were having a tough time.

But the number one problem at present isn’t that. 

It was the staff team that were mixed with the children and had somewhat fatigued expressions.

Due to them being thoughtless adults, their speed to absorb knowledge and technique in general is slow. 

It takes them their all just to deal with the sudden changes happening everyday, and most feel like they have no leeway to concentrate on the skill ups.

Reaching the conclusion that even the young and passionate staff members like Seina and Tigu would be breaking in a few days at this rate, they cried about it to Tomoe who is their window to the Kuzunoha Company. 

They are being required to be like elementary school teachers; know and teach all subjects to a certain extent, and be able to answer questions. 

Because of that, their training is combined with actual practice which is slightly brutal, but as people working in an orphanage, the treatment they receive is unbelievably great. 

Seina and the others supplicated to have the expected line for them to be having the knowledge of a middle schooler or high schooler, for their specialization to not be high and limit it only one subject per person, but…Tomoe laughed it off. 

Regarding the list of equipment and the money request they brought in addition, she just skimmed through it and signed it. 

‘So lukewarm. Do it.’ 

Tomoe had managed to keep a fixed smile from beginning to end as she accepted or rejected.

Because of all that, the staff members had tired expressions.

The reason why not a single one of them has run away is because, even if they were to excuse themselves, they felt that there’s no way there would be a job offer out there that would surpass the conditions here, and they also have a desire to somehow maintain this environment where the expressions of the children have made a clear turn. 

They were pushing on by sheer  strength of will.

“Hey, Seina-neechan!” 

“…Whaat?” (Seina)

Seina, who was doing gymnastics by pure inertia and was dreaming about being able to sleep a bit more, reacted to the call of the child. 

The bags below her eyes are beginning to get hard to hide, but she doesn’t forget to smile.

“There’s someone there.” 


‘There is someone there’, those words made Seina open her eyes wide. 

Right now there hasn’t been any incident where the Weitz Orphanage can be dealt direct harm.

However, since they have obtained this good luck, they shouldn’t lower their guards.

After the reconstruction, there have been propositions from many companies. 

At the same time, the director Kimaro has warned all the staff members to keep their eyes peeled and not get swept under to make things even better. 

He has seen and experienced many quarrels of varying sizes between companies as a relative of the Hanza Company, and he has been careful so that the Weitz Orphanage doesn’t see that since its beginnings.

Seina is one of the employees that works sincerely. 

If it is someone that brings harm to the children, they must act at once.

“Eh?” (Seina) 

Seina looked at the place where one of the orphans pointed at, and she ended up letting out a dumbfounded voice. 

It couldn’t be helped.

They are currently at a height that could be considered that of the 3rd floor of a building, and the place they pointed at was at a far off place, where the city’s outer wall is at.

“…Is that…a person?” (Seina)

The shoulder and up was peeking out from the horizon. 

A backfigure. 

It was clearly gigantic.

She hasn’t seen a giant before, but according to what Lime has told her before, there’s no giant that could be seen from the other side of the horizon.

“What what? Aaaaah?! There’s someone there! Hey, over there! There’s someone!” 


“It shone!” 


The attention of the children was fully on the giant at the horizon now.

“It must have to do with the war. Definitely.” 

“Must be. Lime must be over there… Don’t die. Seriously.”

“I thought for sure that today we would be getting a free day and we would be on standby, and yet, we are operating as usual. If that giant is going to make today a free day, tell me.” 

“From what I heard, the Aion army has a big army of 500,000 or 1,000,000 people. Will they be okay?” 

The orphans were super excited, but the mood of the staff members was going down the dumps. 

Tsige was surprisingly peaceful.


“…What’s this?” 


The war will finally begin.

I was watching the live broadcast of the battlefield in the store of the Kuzunoha Company.

The Aion Army requested for a Blessing from the Goddess, and Tsige would be competing for that Blessing with a war of words…is what I thought would happen, but the Blessing was one-sidedly given to the Aion army. 

Is it because the Apostle of the Goddess is on their side?! 

Is what I thought for a second, but when I observed properly, Tsige didn’t try to obtain the Blessing in the first place. 

Of course the Blessing would go to the Aion army. 

I couldn’t tell what kind of battle it would turn out to be, and while I was watching the situation from my desk, Rembrandt-san had appeared in good timing around the outer wall. 

However…as a super gigantic projection. 

An illusion spell. 

I can tell that, but I don’t understand the reason why. 

There’s already no war of words, and the side the Blessing will be going to has already been decided.

Isn’t the only thing remaining to do a raw war with a clash of bodies?


The projection of Rembrandt-san waved his arm widely. 

It had a truly strong presence despite being an illusion that can’t create wind or mow down enemy soldiers.


Aah, I was thinking something was strange. There’s light of many colors lighting up from below…no, those are called SE lights? This thing has a production value like that of a concert. 

It still isn’t completely bright outside, so the effects of light and sounds are still present. 

…It really is giving the atmosphere of a live concert. 

“A speech.” (Makoto)

If you want to attack us, feel free to do so.

The battle has already begun.

With that as the opening, Rembrandt-san begins to speak things that were a given, and began to talk about the justification of the independence of Tsige.

The movement of the Aion army seems to be slightly dull.

In the first place, I feel like they are way too close.

The emergency stores of the towns on the way, the damage of the Golden Highway, and the supplies that don’t match the amount of soldiers that have been sent near the outer walls. 


Or more like, even in the time Rembrandt-san was talking, Tsige has also shrewdly begun moving.

Ritual magic, huh.

…Leaving aside whether they will be allowed to shoot it or not, it is effective in stopping some of the enemy mages from doing anything else, probably.

That’s a large army move though?

Tsige is losing in the numbers department, so no matter how effective this is at lowering the enemy numbers…I feel like stopping the movements of the same number of enemies from the other side is a bad move.

“It is kinda impressive. It shines, and it makes noise…noise? No, this is close to singing? Isn’t this a war? …Ah!” (Makoto) 

Tsige was activating fire ritual magic.

A giant fireball that shone brilliantly white was shot at the Aion army and was easily erased. 

Of course.

But what surprised me was what happened after.

With the time that they bought (I think) with the ritual magic exchange, at the moment when the first wave of enemies rushed and finally got close to the wall… Tsige once again began their aria for ritual magic.

Moreover, this time it is 8 shots. 

You normally have to take distance from each other when using ritual magic, or it will interfere with each other and not activate -that or it self-destructs. 

Moreover, they would mostly be countered or erased like the one of before.

If the opponent has countermeasures for it, they can even interrupt them mid-aria and move to the next action.

Even with that, Tsige shot them.

And they once again began to chant the next one.

Utilizing the wideness of the wall, they created plenty of distance when they positioned the mages to their respective locations, huh.

And…they all began their arias.

Are they activating many at the same time to increase the chances of one hitting?

But the counters can be set close to their own camps, and they have already gotten a grasp of all the mages.

In that case, isn’t this actually pointless and pretty fatal in terms of time?! 

“4th ritual magic volley attempt. Rembrandt-san was preparing something like that?” (Makoto)

Fire, water, wind, earth, light, darkness, neutral; there’s 1 ritual magic for every element. 

At the place where Rembrandt-san’s projection is showing, right in front of the Aion army, there seems to be a new ritual spell. 

…Hmm, fire element. 

It isn’t a new element, but more like a second ritual spell of that element has been developed or discovered.

It is not like I am sharing my senses with the location I am watching, information about the ritual magic deployed and their aria is being sent to me with a slight delay. 

The winged kin, Tomoe, and Ema were making this broadcast possible with the resolve of getting stressed by the work it entails. 

It will help them out in their future experiments, so they were all really motivated.

Just that, even if it was expected that it would be a bit delayed…this is still a bit slower than that. 

They are most likely doing something at the battlefield.

“So they are interfering with thought transmission on that side of the wall, huh. A powerful jamming that even lags us a bit…hooh.” (Makoto)

The message I received was from Tomoe.

There’s absolutely no problems with conversing in code and signs, but there’s a powerful jamming that lags us slightly when we try to communicate by speech.

They are sealing the opponent’s thought transmission to lower their communication speed, huh.

There’s a limit to how far a voice can reach, so if the other side doesn’t have a countermeasure for it, it would be effective. 

However, against a large army like that, it isn’t rare for there to be users of magic that allows them to amplify their voice and have it reach further. 

On top of that, they have already experienced thought transmission jamming recently.

In Rotsgard. 

Rembrandt-san was there, so it must have piqued his interest. 

It is true that in the variant incident, they couldn’t waste much of their numbers to fight back the influence of the demons, and Rotsgard could only fall into great chaos. It connected into a great tragedy. 

Will it be okay?

There were big shots of the four major powers at that time as well.

They faced quite the hardships there as well, so there’s no doubt they have also grown wary of those kinds of moves. 

Even the 8th ritual spell, it is certain that they have read that it is a fire element attack, so even if they can’t manage a perfect counter, they can reduce the power by quite a lot. 

“They are going to reach the walls already. This looks like a bad development.” (Makoto)

I was talking to the broadcast in my office room all alone.

Fortunately, there’s no plans for visits, so even if I am seen, it will be by one of the Asora people, so I don’t mind. 

The Aion army seems to have returned to its normal state, they have begun to charge at quite the speed without minding the projection of Rembrandt-san.


The unit that was at the forefront has finally reached the walls. 

Tsige has not left any defensive units at the other side of the wall.

What are they thinking? 

That’s like telling them to do as they please with the wall. 

There’s archer and mage units that are shooting barrages of arrows and spells to keep them from approaching. 

But numbers are numbers and they are unable to stop their charge at all. 

The attack against the wall begins. 

When that happens, it will be difficult to shoot attacks due to their proximity to the wall. 

“Eh?!” (Makoto)

The assault unit has…

Passed through the wall.

With no preparation to attack. They simply passed through it.

Crossed the wall?



I don’t understand! 

“I will say this again. Tsige won’t entrust their destiny to a god. This is the path we chose, and we are already resolved to walk it.” (Rembrandt)

Rembrandt-san must be intending to finish his speech, his tone got stronger, and he pushed his right arm forward. 

Ritual magic overlaps with this action of his. 

The lighting and the singing as well.

The people at the place must be…really heated up by this. 

One of his intentions must be to raise morale. 

Ah, he plans on making it look like he is shooting the 4th shot from his right arm?

It really looks like a performance…

No no no, what about the wall?! 

That’s what’s important! 

“Now, my comrades! Let’s march on together! This will be the hammer of judgment towards the fools that block our path, the welcoming of our newly born nation!” (Rembrandt)

Matching the words of Rembrandt-san, the giant crimson fire became a tornado and was shot ahead from his projected right arm.

At the same time, the seven other ritual spells were shot along the fire tornado towards the Aion army, which depending on how you looked at it, it could be seen as a celebration. 

All 7 known ritual spells that any specialist in that area would know, and the new fire element ritual spell. 

It was a majestic view. 

But…ritual magic won’t be effective against an army. 


“Why?!” (Makoto)

No way! 

The result I thought would happen didn’t become a reality. 

Not only that, they all landed cleanly on the Aion army. 

They were showing their destructive power perfectly… I don’t know what’s happening anymore.

Witnessing a battlefield where all norms were broken, I could only watch with my eyes nailed on the screen.

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86 thoughts on “Tsuki – Chapter 358: Towards Independence ①

  1. With this Makoto has finally became a God. “He is sitting in his chair, and watching two Hyuman Nations fight each other.”

  2. Witnessing a battlefield where all norms were broken, I could only watch with my eyes nailed on the screen.
    well,thats rich coming from you makoto

  3. I want Makoto to fight the apostle, now! Man, just because I basically know he will do that, it makes me want to rush the rest of the war…

  4. “Hey, the war is going to begin today, right?”

    “That’s right. We are going to crush the Aion Kingdom.”

    “Everyone will be made fillet by Lime-san.”

    The voices of innocent children were resonating heartwarmingly from here and there.

    Sounds like sweet children indeed

  5. I think that ritual spell is the result of Seiren’s investigation that’s why I was in Zara-san’s office

  6. Aside that the magic combined to increase the attack or changed so they can surpase the defense I don’k what could have happened, and the new ritual magic I don’t have idea whocreated it. A ritual magic of moon sounds good.

    1. Me too, I bulldozed through 357 chapters then now I have to pathetically wait for new chapters… you know what, I’ll just re-read the whole thing.

  7. @Hide Freek (sorry google translate)
    yes he can do that … but his two daughters know that if they answer their doting father will come to check the content of the course himself and withdraw them because it is too dangerous.
    his daughters not answering (or lying) he can copy nothing.

  8. if tsigewon, wont the aion kingdom offers their princess to not further the conflict with tsige, and might give directly to makoto, and makoto will put her intohis territory and work there together with demon princess while sighing everyday

  9. rembrandt uses money
    its super effective
    aion counter measure failed

    aion general face must be *oof*

    thank you for the chapters~
    stay safe and healthy everyone!

  10. Rembrandt is a merchant and the merchant will not let any clue slip through their sight.
    He can ask his daughter what Makoto teach them in class and do it himself.

  11. It seems pure madness is the reason how Tsige will win this war.
    Now three more chapters and then finally boss fight in this arc.

  12. “the supplies that don’t match the amount of soldiers”
    Wait, did Rembrandt just trick BUG into committing an own-goal blessing by placing forces in the Aion supply train?


    1. From how it sounded in previous chapters, it sounds like Aion was looting the settlements they pass by which is probably why they have more supplies than soldiers. They were just using the coming war as an excuse to rob people of everything they own out of their own greed.

  13. Thanks for the chapter.
    Buying the anti-ritual magic group of the enemy army…
    This move will go down in this world history books.

  14. Aw I’m sad. When they said there was a giant appearing behind the wall I thought it was finally the time for Asora’s mechas to be introduced and for Aion to receive a grim reminder. Turns out it’s just a giant hologram of Rembrandt. Boo!

    Apart from that I have no idea what the hell is happening.

  15. thanks for chap
    lmao he stole their army ,
    both the mages in charge of defense and the vanguard has defected.
    this is gold comedy.

  16. I’m amused that remembrandt san is giving Makoto the same uwaaaa face that Makoto is usually responsible for. GJ remembrandt san. Proceed with the making Makoto less rascist against hyumans plan.

    1. @Dood
      >less rascist
      Cringey political words pls get out, no one wants the liberal verbal contagion spreading here of all places.

  17. thanks for chapter.

    wow the chapter is quite funny, when the children at the orphanage said there was a big person outside the wall I thought it was colossal titan XD.

    1. same lol thats the first image that comes to mind when u think of a gaint wall and a giant person standing outside it.

  18. Thank you very much for the chapter

    now if the massacre begins. I hope several hyumans die they need to clean up some garbage urgently in that world.

    I am the only one who sees those children from the orphanage as more trash, so far the only decent girls are Iroha and Toa’s little sister.

    These kids are disgusting how they worship lime, while makoto ……

    Seriously, this author does know how to create repulsive characters.

    1. umm what?I mean mc barely even spent a day with them while lime grew up there and has been supporting them for years .Also children usually take famous ppl who are strong as cool,mc is famous but as a merchant not a warrior like lime(at least the hyumans dont know).
      Also the trash here should clearly be gritonia under the trashmoki, aion nobles and limia ppl ,this time both sides have almost none of the trash,so at least them dying will not ‘clean up’ the world.

      and yea i guess only u and the person who liked your comment see those children as trash.As for ‘decent girls’? asora has loads of them and among hyumans there is amelia,rembrandt’s older daughter,the girl from mc’s home nation…

      and tbh i would find the children more repulsive and disgusting if they idolized mc suddenly and forget lime,

    2. This better be the setup to a Trevor’s Axiom attempt, because it’s a really bad trolling attempt otherwise.

      “Why isn’t every character in the story sucking the MC’s d***? Aren’t they reading the same thing that I am? They’re such bad characters.”

    1. What a letdown…I thought Aion would have put on more of a show. It is unforgivable that they let down Waka-sama’s expectations by so much, now they deserve to all be wiped out cleanly, including the Apostle.

  19. Thanks for chapter!!!

    I know I already said this, but the author does aa great job of getting me to think that Aion potentially has a chance to be a threat. However, by the end of the chapter they have proven themselves utterly incompetent.

  20. Thanks for the chapter. Read episode of Tsukuba ga on mangakakalot a day or so ago that explained a supernatural healer cut his ability to use heal and wind.

    1. wrong without healing Makoto will die in his original world and without the user of the wind element increases Makoto’s perception, it’s just that Makoto uses it unconsciously and is always active without Makoto realizing that because of that 3 Goddesses from Norn mythology who manage time and fate call it cheating because they can escape from death and the bow gained from solving problems constantly coming to him

  21. Thx for the chapter !!!

    Makoto… As Rembrandt always interact with you… It’s expected that the war will become out of norm you know…

    I thought for second that singing just like Macross do, until I remember that they do chant for ritual magic

    1. I just finished reading manga Tsuki Michi Chapter 58, it seems I missed something when reading the novel, it’s about the reason Makoto can’t use wind and healing elements, because Makoto as a child he was very weak and often sick, then when he met someone supernatural users, to heal it and grow healthily, the supernatural user cuts the Makoto’s wind line and healing line.
      Is that true?

      1. That’s actually on a recently posted extra chapter (still hasn’t been translated yet) I read the raws with the help of google translate but unfortunately only got around 70% of what they were actually saying

      2. nah u didnt miss ,manga has details that WN doesnt and vice versa.Eg. early manga chaps(forgot which) they tell that mio(spider of calamity that time) is the darkness spirit but novel has no mention of that part.Similarly mc’s experiments with language is more detailed and logical in the novel than the manga

      3. wrong without healing Makoto will die in his original world and without the user of the wind element increases Makoto’s perception, it’s just that Makoto uses it unconsciously and is always active without Makoto realizing that because of that 3 Goddesses from Norn mythology who manage time and fate call it cheating because they can escape from death and the bow gained from solving problems constantly coming to him

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