Tsuki – Chapter 352: Plus One

TLN: Woah guys! This is massive!

An anime of Tsuki ga Michibiku has been announced, and it is looking pretty damn nice. It has been years since we started this journey, and we are soon going to be seeing them moving. Hope it will be looking as sweet as the trailer shows!

The meeting room after Raidou left.

There was a hard to explain atmosphere.

A person in front of them had opened up, and yet, it was an atmosphere as if they would get severely burned if they were to retort to it. 

That’s the kind of atmosphere there was if we were to explain it in words.

“Hmm, it is a happy thing that we were able to obtain new information regarding the Mist Town without expecting it, but…we now have to finish this annoying war faster. Even though everyone has a mountain of work already. Man, this is troubling.” (Rembrandt)

The only one who was acting all playful was Patrick Rembrandt.

The reason he purposely acted like this was to show the others how close the Kuzunoha Company and the Rembrandt Company are.

He is appealing to his surroundings that he isn’t shocked by the information that he revealed, and that he is already seeing ahead of that so there’s no need to grieve.

“…This is just to confirm, but they are definitely still hiding something unbelievable. The relationship between the Kuzunoha Company and the Mist Town is still a mystery. Even while knowing this, you are still smiling like that, right, Rembrandt-san?” (Muzo)

“Of course, Muzo-san. But right now Raidou-kun is the only method we merchants have to know about the will of the Mist Town. Also, the precision of the information he brings. This is in a sense also pretty fearsome, but…from the information he has reported to me and Tsige, there’s not a single one that has been wrong.” (Rembrandt)

While they were listening to the explanation of Raidou, the first thing that they felt was the strangeness of the contents.

He was explaining internal information about a place that they couldn’t get any information about as if it were natural, so it was normal for the people around to feel it was off.

Also, compared to the information that they slowly obtained from the adventurers, the details and the depth of it was on a whole other plane. 

The representative of the Muzo Company grumbling to Rembrandt, right after the person in question left was also a natural thing, and the response of Rembrandt was fearsome.

“Right. Even the party of Bir-kun I have been getting close to lately, according to what Raidou-kun has said, are still in a pretty shallow part of the place. A town that is divided by several walls, an arena where they compete in their strength, the abnormality of many races living together in harmony, and the existence of a lord. Honestly speaking, that boy knew too much. It was as if he were saying ‘this is all I can tell you, but I am still hiding a lot more’. If I were to be done something like that on purpose, I would be impressed, but…Raidou-kun is most likely doing it unconsciously.” (Couple)

“What, so the lady of Couple had an eye on Birgit, huh. Then it would be better if we didn’t go too far with them…” (Bronzeman)

“Oh my, don’t worry about it. The weapon he uses is special, and it is really important for adventurers to have a relationship with skilled craftsmen. Let’s get along and support them together.” (Couple)

“Sorry about that. He is a katana specialist on a whole other level, you see. He is a good reference for how to maintain the katanas and learn how they are used. Thanks.” (Bronzeman)

The representative of the Couple Company noticed that Raidou was not revealing this information because he had a plan, he was simply speaking from the heart, which slightly amazed her and troubled her.

As a result, it was a situation where no one could retort, which could also be attributed to how excellent the brain of the Kuzunoha Company is, but they also felt slight danger from it. 

The one who reacted to the name of Bir was the representative of the Bronzeman Company. 

Bir Sheet.

Having the bitter experience of returning safely from the complete annihilation of three parties while in the middle of a request, managed to reform his party, and is one of the adventurers that has been on the growth rise recently. 

He has a rare job called Samurai, and he has taken the katana as his favored weapon, and when he needs to maintain and improve his katana with a blacksmith, the Bronzeman Company greatly benefits from it. 

It wasn’t strange for her to request the Bronzeman Company to raise their ability so that he can live for longer. 

Several big companies supporting one party isn’t seen often, but this time around, it is rare to see that there wasn’t any dispute and was wrapped up just like that.

“He wasn’t aware that they were  flickering their military power to tell us it is a bad idea to mess with them. You are getting along with quite the dangerous person, Representative Rembrandt. Man, I don’t know if to call you a person with a really big heart, or a daredevil.” (Batoma)

“I assure you that he has no bad intentions. But it is not as if I don’t understand how you feel, Representative Batoma. If people like us who are a bundle of distrust were to hear something from people like him, we certainly would also fear the potential power that the Kuzunoha Company has.” (Rembrandt)

The Batoma Company’s representative was complaining about the way of acting of Raidou with a bitter expression.

For him who managed to climb all the way up the food industry from one food cart, he was the kind of person that despised settlements that would assert their dominance through violence. 

That’s why he joined forces with people of the same trade, and by prioritizing connections from the side, he created a system called a company alliance.

He had the guild acknowledge this, and put a long time in his efforts to develop the food industry in this city into one that doesn’t bend to violence. 

Even if unconsciously or without any ill intentions, it couldn’t be helped that he would feel displeasure towards the contents of what Raidou said.

Rembrandt is aware of the background of the Batoma Company, and so he cuts it off by labeling it as distrust. 

“Don’t bully the Batoma-kun place too much. Hey, Rembrandt-kun, the reality of things is that only the Kuzunoha Company can obtain a stable supply of goods from the Mist Town. Has he opened up in regards to the distribution method of that? That’s what this old lady would want to know~.” (Couple)

“For our place, it would be the outrageous weapon making techniques of the craftsmen there. They are clearly holding back, and yet, their techniques are several times better than ours, which is just tough to swallow. They call themselves with the name of an ancient species like the elder dwarves, but leaving aside whether that’s true or not, their ability is without doubt on that level. Regardless of if that’s the results of the Mist Town, or that was how skilled they were originally, I would like to have them take disciples if possible.” (Bronzeman)

“As for the Muzo Company, there isn’t anything particularly special we are seeking from them, but…regarding the Kuzunoha Company that can make such a show of presence in this place, shouldn’t we be accepting them officially into our ranks? I assume Rembrandt-san has been thinking about this a long time ago.” (Muzo)

The requests for each company for the Kuzunoha Company were flying towards Rembrandt. 

The reason why they didn’t do so when the person himself was present was purely because they were scared.

Everyone was appraising him to see just how much contact they could have with him.

It is also because they felt instinctively that, depending on the situation, it might be dangerous.

Within all that, the Muzo Company didn’t have any special requests, and just proposed the idea of acknowledging the Kuzunoha Company as one of the top companies of Tsige. 

Of course he has a reason for that. 

The Kuzunoha Company has become an indispensable trading place for the Muzo Company. 

Regardless if it is a material that they need urgently, or a material they need that originates from the Mist Town, he is aware that he has asked for pretty difficult requests from him.

Of course, he is requesting in quite large sums, but if he were to request the same amount of things in other places, there’s a good number of times when they wouldn’t be able to manage.

A miscellaneous store in a sense puts its hand in all the industries, but the Kuzunoha Company is able to coexist with the Muzo Company until now without any animosity. 

For example; at the latest, the Batoma Company seems to be on the verge of getting into a dispute with the Kuzunoha Company, but the Muzo Company has decided to take the side of the Kuzunoha Company if it ever comes into a confrontation between both sides.

That’s how much of a sense of duty he feels towards the Kuzunoha Company.

If he had done so, Raidou would have admired it as an action that laid the groundwork for the future. 

The saddening part is that his urgent request is being treated as a pocket money job given to Akua, Eris, and Komoe. 

Of course, the Forest Oni Eris, who is a competent and loyal employee, has formed a positive connection with the Muzo Company with her deep scheming vision, and there’s no doubt that she has maintained like so because of this. 

Anyways, Raidou has left it in their hands.

“…I wonder about that. You all may have your own thoughts regarding this, but he is the type that doesn’t find it appealing to be given a post and be tied down by a single city. I don’t think there’s any need to push him to be a part of this committee.” (Rembrandt)

“I think that’s a wise decision, Representative Rembrandt.” (Batoma)

“Thanks, Representative Batoma. I don’t want to be hated by him either, you see. I always think I want to be a sincere friend to him. Right… Raidou-kun is an important friend of Tsige, and I think he is someone that must be a +1.” (Rembrandt)

Those words made the place fall silent for an instant. 

“…I see. I will keep that in mind.” (Batoma) 

“A sincere friend, huh. I too will be more careful now.” (Muzo)

“That sounds good. Maybe I should surprise him next time by going to his place with tea and snacks?” (Couple)

“At that time, bring me along too, madam. I want to peek at their workshop once.” (Bronzeman)

Understanding the way to interact with the Kuzunoha Company, every company representative gives their own opinion.

They immediately understood what the Rembrandt Company’s representative meant when he said that he doesn’t want to be hated.

Even if the relationship worsens, think of how to fix it. 

For a merchant, for a company, this is an important thing to know. 

It is not like there are changes of ownership in the places that they have business trades with.

It is extremely important to know how to fix the mood of the other party. 

If you know how to, there’s times when you can utilize the emotions of the other party to obtain information and proceed transactions in a more advantageous position. 

In a sense, you could say it is his weakness.

However, the representative of the Rembrandt Company, that could do most of anything in this city and would still be given a pass, clearly stated that he didn’t want to be hated by them. 

He was talking in the sense that he would like to be a true friend, but he also understands how the people around him would take it as.

He is an evil man.

In other words, Rembrandt is the one who has had the longest and deepest connection with Raidou, but he still doesn’t know how to fix their relationship if it were to ever turn sour, so he is afraid of being hated.

He knows that this is how his surroundings are going to take it as, and so he purposely used the word ‘I don’t want to be hated’.

“Well, he was pretty surprised about the Neo Tsige plan that we spoke of after, so let’s just say that both sides got their own share of shocks.” (Rembrandt)

“…It seemed like he was already on the know in regards to the walls though.” (Muzo)

Rembrandt suddenly changed the topic, and the Muzo Representative retorts calmly. 

“That surprised me as well. Just what kind of information network makes that possible?” (Rembrandt)

“I heard that one of the materials used for the wall was provided by the Kuzunoha Company. Don’t you think that might be the reason why?” (Couple)

“Couple-san…the idea of using that in the defensive wall, I honestly think it is quite the brilliant idea even for me, you know? Why was it seen through in a single go?” (Rembrandt)

“That’s a rare material that was brought by the adventurers from the Mist Town at a point in time, right? It is similar to asbestos, but its performance is clearly on a whole different dimension -even when compared to the trial product that we are making utilizing glass and several other materials mixed. When I got only a handful of it and analyzed it, I felt like I was going crazy. But you thinking about putting that in all of the outer walls of the city makes you pretty crazy yourself.” (Bronzeman)

“Right. ‘If we could get a stable method to obtain them in large quantities…’, is what I thought when I stealthily gave the request to the adventurers, but…when I saw the reconstruction of the Weitz Orphanage, Raidou-kun’s place was already using them in large quantities. I barely managed to endure it, but I felt as if my jaw was going to drop there. It is a material they apparently created to recycle the jewel waste remaining after being used as a catalyst for magic.” (Rembrandt)

‘No, you are also crazy yourself’, is what the representative Bronzeman retorted with, but Rembrandt didn’t show signs of minding.

Its origin and way of making it, he leaked it out clearly on purpose.

“Seriously?! That talked about orphanage was made from such unbelievable material?! …Eh? Oi oi, you just nonchalantly mentioned the manufacturing method, didn’t you?!” (Bronzeman)

“They have a garden on the third floor after all. Was it called a sky garden? …I think that if the people of the orphanage were to accept visitors, they could get quite the profits from it. It seems like they have also set an elevator for Kuzunoha Company’s use which is vexing.” (Rembrandt)

“Oi oi, are you serious?! You are quite the nice guy today! Alright, the Weitz Orphanage, right? If we use a number of our craftsmen to provide regular maintenance…hehehe. If we were to tell them that it will be at the astounding price of free, the orphanage won’t refuse.” (Bronzeman)

The Bronzeman representative puts both of his fists together and, with the face of a craftsman and a merchant, he thinks about how to move in the future. 

“Oh my, they have a garden like that too? I heard they made something incredible, but that sounds wonderful. The Weitz Orphanage, was it? I will prepare gifts and pay them a visit someday.” (Couple)

“I am sure it will be a good experience, Couple-san.” (Rembrandt)

“Now that I think about it, Rembrandt-san, that Ginebia-san person, you had her cooperate early on and we have managed to secure the transportation route for the supplies till the walls without any issues, but…” (Couple)

“…Yeah.” (Rembrandt)

Right after the peaceful statement, the eyes of the Couple Representative had a sharp light show up in them as she looked at Rembrandt.

Eyes that weren’t fitting for an old lady.

The reason why some people would say that she is a wolf in the skin of a granny. 

“There’s quite a lot of supplies being sent there, right? I will take responsibility in transporting them with certainty…but there’s medicine, clothing, and food; and in quite the large amounts at that. I am from an already past generation now, but…I despise people that are wasteful with supplies, you know.” (Couple)

“I am aware of that.” (Rembrandt)

“It is okay to continue transporting the goods in that same pace and amount, right? There won’t be something as pathetic as having the things stolen by bandits at the location, right?” (Couple)

“Of course. I understand that it is a worrying amount, but it is exactly because they are all necessary that we are moving them.” (Rembrandt)

“…Is that so. Sorry about that. The age is really getting to me. I have become a worrywart.  It is rare to see Rembrandt-kun being so into a job, you see. You are the type that mostly just crushes the other side with plenty of leeway after all -that’s why.” (Couple)

“I am just showing as if I have a lot of leeway, Couple-san. If you were to peek inside, you would be able to tell that I am not as big as people think I am.” (Rembrandt)

With a smile that shows a lot of leeway, Rembrandt scratches his head.

“That’s surprising. I feel a lot more relieved now. In that case…maybe it is about time I resolve myself and bring out from my own pocket too?” (Couple)



Only the smile of Rembrandt remained on his face. 

His eyes changed into those of someone looking at a business competition. 

The other three companies seem to still not understand what the Couple Representative meant, they showed their confusion.

After all, in the crazy proposal of the Neo Tsige, Rembrandt was the instigator, and Couple was the first to ally. 

Unless she reveals it with some sort of intention in mind, the people here won’t be able to know about the planned layout of the future Tsige. 

The ones looking at the goal, the ones who are looking further ahead from that goal, the ones who can read it to a certain extent, and ones who are still feeling that this is all dreamtalk; you could clearly feel that difference here.

“The Rembrandt Company is putting out an outstanding amount of money, right? Honestly speaking, it has surpassed what I predicted a long time ago. It seems like you still haven’t fallen into debt, but it is to a degree that I think you intend to release all the power you have been accumulating.” (Couple)


“Whether it be the abnormal amount of goods, or the purchase of the jewel wool; it is on the level where you can buy several countries.” (Couple)

The other representatives nod at this.

They have done the suitable amount of purchases to call themselves merchants of big companies and central figures of the Merchant Guild.

But the Rembrandt Company has not only surpassed that by a mile, but has shot straight up. 

Even if there’s mercenaries and hired adventurers from the companies in the strategy front of the war, the one with the most influence in this is without a doubt the Rembrandt Company. 

They are the ones putting the money, so the weight of his words is strong. That’s in part the reason, but he has also brought out novel plans that are powerful and effective.

At present, he is a merchant but also working as a governor. 

Why Rembrandt is putting out money: For the sake of his dream, for the sake of the city; ignoring all profits…was by no means the reason. 

He knows about the thing called war to a certain extent. 

If you are going to do it, you have to win by any means; that’s war. That resolve is one of the reasons for not being frugal about the money. 

However, Rembrandt was already enacting the method to regain it all for certain.

“And so, I thought for a bit. Hey, even if we were to gain independence and gain the territory all the way to the new walls…what will happen to the ownership of the newly gained land? What do you think of doing, Rembrandt?” (Couple)

“…Of course, if we were to do something complicated, or were to bring out something unfair, no one would agree. In this new rising of a City-State, there’s obviously no need for friction. Leaving aside the adventurers and soldiers that fought, shouldn’t it be okay for us merchants to divide the land purely according to the war expenditures they have shouldered?” (Rembrandt)


“It is a method that everyone can agree with, on top of that, it is the method that you would benefit the most with, and even if we wanted to complain about it, we wouldn’t be able to. You really are one scary boy.” (Couple)

The Couple Representative sighs. 

If Rembrandt continues with his crazy expenses, and Tsige manages to gain independence, most of the rights from the newly acquired land will go to him. 

The price of the land in Tsige that endlessly rises in value.

The one here who has the most knowledge in real estate is Rembrandt. 

He hasn’t allowed a single company to line up or surpass him in regards to real estate and financing.

In Tsige, the ones in that industry are mostly absorbed to other places or fall before they can reach the doors of success. 

Even in the know-hows, there’s no group that surpasses that of the Rembrandt Company. 

In the case that the land is divided from the good places first, all the close locations will be in the hands of the Rembrandt Company, and the other places, they would have to buy them at a high price if they needed it, or make it work with a piece of land that is far away from the current city. 

“If we don’t win this war, it would all be pointless; a mere illusion. It is just one possibility of the many. It would be unfair if we didn’t properly divide the sweet rewards of victory by the efforts and money contributed. For merchants, the contribution would be money. I think it is a truly simple and easy to understand method… Don’t you think so too?” (Rembrandt)

“Yeah, I heard you have already discussed this with the Adventurer Guild. That Tsige and the Merchant Guild will by no means do something as use and throw away a cooperator and that they will be properly recompensed. Your fame is incredibly high. It is completely different from the time when your family was in a vortex of misfortune.” (Couple)

“I am simply acting for the sake of the city. If we were to be swayed around by one’s own personal interests, it wouldn’t be any different from the times when we were under the ruling of Aion. Isn’t that right, Couple-san?” (Rembrandt)

“It is incredible that I can’t even say that statement of yours is a lie. Now, I have to make some money. At this rate, Rembrandt-kun will be taking it all. Even if I were to try to get in his way, we will be the first ones dying if we were to lose. I don’t know at what point in time it was, but we have been smoothly pulled into it.” (Couple)


The members of the meeting understood the situation and had cold sweat running down.

It is true that, even if they were to create a gigantic city, how would they divide the newly acquired land? 

It could temporarily be under the ownership of the newly made city management, but they are going to create a city that will be making all that land into its territory. This is a thought that hasn’t been seen before, and the city that will serve as the root of it will continue to own that land. 

There’s no one who knows if how the nations have been doing until now about their way of handling land ownerships is the right way or not. 

If the war is a victory, even if they were to dispute and object about it postwar, the current activeness of Rembrandt could bring even the adventurers to his side, and if he were to put out the proposal of dividing the land to provide ownerships that at a glance seem like the fair method, will it even be possible to bring out another proposal that can overturn it? 

If handled poorly, even if the war is won, their lives might be at risk.

Right now, the most effective way to protect themselves is to not spare any money in winning the war for the sake of Tsige.

(That damn hag. I was thinking about cutting off the idiots that just watch all carefreely and were aiming to simply sip on the sweet fruits of victory without actually doing anything… No, maybe she began to worry about me running out of money after investigating the expenses I was taking? It is possible. With this kind of threat, the people here will without doubt take out money from their own pockets too. Tch, I was thinking about having people like Batoma fall off the ship with this one, but…maybe it would be less of a pain if I were to have him owe me one?) (Rembrandt)

Rembrandt was silent. 

But he was internally spitting out quite the good amount of poison towards the Couple Representative, and he wasn’t hiding the fact that he was appraising the other companies.

(Oh my, oh my. Could it be that he still had leeway in his pocket? Then I might have done something a little bad there. It is just as Rembrandt-kun says, there’s no point in any of this if we don’t win the war. If everything goes well, all of this can actually happen, but…just where is all that confidence from this boy coming from? What with the Ginebia-san person that could use a massive transportation technique that felt as if it erased all disadvantages of teleportation, the fact that the top of the Adventurer Guild has come to this city…just how long has it been since my blood has boiled this much? Aah, if only I was younger, I would be more…) (Couple)

The Couple Representative was once again showing the face of a wolf licking its lips below her mask.

She still hasn’t reached the reason as to why Rembrandt feels complete confidence in victory, but she has decided that, from today on, she will be going all in on the independence of Tsige.

“Hahaha, what are you saying? Let’s aim for the independence of Tsige together. Doesn’t that make us partners, Couple-san? I will do my very best. I believe that everyone will also be doing their best as well.” (Rembrandt)

“Right. I will think of this festival as my last bloom in life and do my best. I will be in your care, everyone.” (Couple)

“What are you saying? You are still plenty young. Hahahaha.” (Rembrandt)


Unbelievably dry laughs reverberated in the place, and eventually dissipated. 

There was no announcement to disperse, but with someone standing as the signal, the five of them exited the meeting room.

Aside from the two who were showing carefreeness as they left last, the others were not smiling. 

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148 thoughts on “Tsuki – Chapter 352: Plus One

  1. What couple doesn’t know is that Tomoe and shiki did a script for Makoto to memorize so no he didn’t say anything unconsciously.

  2. Rembrandt is too scary…
    He probably already thought of this the moment he declared Tsige’s independence.
    Rembrandt is too scary and his vision and goals are far ahead others

    1. Rembrant greedy and optimism is close to hibiki, but the difference is rembrant still have openly trust to someone (makoto) while hibiki hide everything inside herself alone (according to root statement)
      While hibiki want to know everything when it’s come to dealing her problem, rembrant just simple ask help to kuzunoha without asking what kind of methods used to deal with the problem itself. He just trust him 100%

  3. I love this chapter. I was waiting for a game of cards between the top merchants. But there wasn’t any to begin with. It was already over when Rembrand declared war. Truly scary.

  4. it’s really interesting how these guys didn’t think that even though this division and all those other things happen, they didn’t think of a thing who has more power and is number 1 in Tsige (with a lot of connections) is in a way Raidou himself that , be it for the fact that tomoe has been training the adventurers which in a way makes the adventurers will have a connection with her or also for the mio foods that also have the affection of people as well as Tomoe in kaleneon and tisige being so so from both sides Raidou has more power and with that even if he doesn’t want to rise to power there will still be people who will support him as well as maybe also the person he supports

  5. Nobody:
    Couples: “Why is he so confident?”
    Rembrandt: “So anyways, I’m best friends with a walking Nuclear Bomb”

      1. Tomoki’s attack is not that strong to be called a nuke. It doesn’t even come near to an actual nuke. His attack can destroy half of a normal city. And if you compare makoto when he created the lake and to tomoki tomoki could make a bigger crater but makoto created a crater, freezed people around it and filled that full crater with water

    1. Yeah not just a Old tipe nuke, but literally tactical weapon that have no bound of distance and 100% sure hit Precision 🤪

    2. You mean a doomsday weapon. Cuz a nuke is nothing compared to Makoto. As stated here he created a lake from a Single target spell. Yes that arrow has almost zilch AoE damage (I got from the WN and manga that Water magic has great single target damage yet little AOE power). His attack was more similar to a tungsten rod dropped from orbit than a nuke. Yet there’s a lake.

  6. Just imagine if Rembrandt learned that Makoto is ‘The Devil’. Makes you wonder how he would react to knowing he is literally playing The Devil’s Advocate like…24/7.

  7. Everyone seem fired up? Big OOf for Rembrandt thought, and that couple lady seem dangerous indeed, and in middle of it there’s Makoto Kun what a thing

    Thanka for the chapter

  8. Btw Makoto voice is reallyyyyyyyy cool , like those handsome MC. Here I thought he gonna have some Side character like VA, guess I wrong

  9. Thanks for the chapter desu~

    Does Kuzunoha have no intention of acquiring territory for themselves? I don’t know Waka-sama’s response to this yet.

    Nonetheless it shouldn’t be a problem for us as we have Asora.

    [Bir Sheet.]

    Bullshit with an accent lol

    [If I were to be done something like that on purpose, I would be impressed, but…Raidou-kun is most likely doing it unconsciously.]
    * done —> doing

    [“…It seemed like he was already on the know in regards to the walls though.”]
    * on —> in

  10. I just reread manga ch 4, there is a female senior in archery club named azuma, and this woman who looks similar to toa and toa is the descendant’s of aznoval brother…
    am i overreacting?
    has anyone previously think or comment like that?

    Sory if my english is suck >__<

  11. Finally it’s here! Let us pray so they don’t fuck up this adaptation.
    Btw guys. Do Reigokai translations have discord?

  12. 4 años desde que empecé a ver un manga isekai ahí no mas para pasar el tiempo, un manga que en ese entonces con tan pocos capítulos, me obligó a ir a la novela, que tenía varios capítulos traducidos, y al ponerme al día y entre hiatus, soñar con el cómo se vería animado …
    Hoy ya sabemos que esa espera duró un lustro, y que el premio a tanto hiatus es saber que ya habrá anime … gracias a Dios (tsukuyomi, no a la perra diosa)

    4 years since I started to see an isekai manga there just to pass the time, a manga that at that time with so few chapters, forced me to go to the novel, which had several chapters translated, and when I caught up and between hiatus, dreaming about how it would look animated …
    Today we already know that this wait lasted five years, and that the reward for so many hiatus is knowing that there will already be anime … thank God (tsukuyomi, not the goddess bitch)

  13. I can say to those three that left speechless were stupid.
    One of them even want to dispose the Kuzunoha Company because it overlaps to his food industry business by using his standing over this committee.
    The Blacksmith guild wants to hog the special technique of the mist town which were the fruit of pains takenly extracted from the memory of Makoto to digest that technique and incorporate at the current technique of the elder dwarves.

    I hope, someday, they dont had a time wherein the will confront the Kuzunoha and reverted back at them using the Gundam build of those mecha guys in the early chapters…

    Of course, this meeting was being recorded i believe, while Mio is chewing fried chicken at the background, that i really hope so.

    Going to the future.
    I really believe they will claim victory over the independence,
    But i think Rembrandt or Couple san is committing mistake here, that believing that the adventure’s guild specially Root and the PRG will side to Rembrandt.
    I think they are guaranteed to side with Makoto, because all of them had connections which is the Goddess.
    What i mean connection is they had the understanding of the same circumstance of directly monitored by the Goddess, and had the skills set to protect themselves, which is originally they were not her subjects.

    There will be time Mist Town will be correlated to Asora as the Kingdom behind the Mist Town, in which they will found out Makoto were the sole King over that realm.

    Also, they dont know they already had connections with the Demons, not just merchant connection, but military as well i believe.
    This series of hidden accomplishment of Makoto will surely bring them pissing off their pants of how high is Makoto’s standing over them since the first time they met them…

    Every Citizen of Makoto was a battle junkie.
    Who wants to cheat them right?

  14. woah this is indeed massive news . hope they make the anime better.
    tomoe’s voice is abit ok but mio’s voice is kinda not right. we need more desu wa ne~
    and hope makoto retorts nicely.
    thanks for the chapter and for the massive news.

  15. Tsuki anime, I don’t have much optimism for it. Here is hoping it at least got decent quality animation. Also I think there is a high chance that other than the story being highly compressed they might gave it an Anime only original ending and those usually tend to be disappointing at best.

  16. Thanks for the translation, this chapter was gold, Rembrandt is a devil I tell you thank Tsuki Makoto has him as an ally instead of an enemy. The guy was going to own the new city and no one would be able to say anything about it since he is the one putting himself in more of an risky situation that the rest. That trailer send a tickling down my spine, the way Makoto create that vow at the end was just……. I hope they don’t paint him as dependent on Mio and Tomoe while figthing to much as the trailer despicted.

  17. Thanks for the chapter.
    Rembrant probably know but for the other one, I wonder why they still haven’t thought about Raidou being the lord of mist town ? Maybe they ditched thought just after thinking about it.
    Because even with a little reasoning from the information they already have the could reach that conclusion :
    – They know from the adventurer that Mist town base prestige out of strength
    -> maybe the lord is the strongest then
    – From the dusk street incident and the fact they still don’t help with independence conflict, they know despite being insanely strong, they are pretty pacifist.
    – Raidou has a special relationship with mist town.

    Maybe they don’t know the last element :
    -Raidou IS insanely strong…
    Because if you have the last one, it is only natural to have the following thought :
    Maybe Raidou is the lord of mist town.

  18. Thanks for the chapter!
    And yay for the anime adaptation!
    Honestly, I hope it will be a lot better than the manga… I don’t know if it is that on mangadex they put up some low quality scans but it’s a bit confusing and I can’t really read it.
    During the fight with Sophia she started calling him Kuzunoha: wtf?
    So, yeah, let’s hope in the anime!

    As for this chapter, I agree:time to leave the world building for some plot developement! Waiting for the war🤩🤩

    1. As awesome as always and thanks Rei-san.
      I liked this chapter as we’ve had a few chapters of Rambrandt being immature or on the silly side and readers getting annoyed with him, showed how scheming and dark he can be (already plotting to have most of the benifits before they won the war).

      VA wise i was thinking Makoto to be voiced by Araragi from bakemonogatari or Hachiman (a little), reason being they play sarcastic characters very well.
      Tomoe i thought was gonna be Kawasumi Ayako (Artoria) as thats who they have in the game. Personally i was thinking she would get someone like Mordred (Fate Apoc) as shes the bubbly and aggressive type.

      Mio i was thinking VA of Rory Mercury or a more suductive voice/sounding VA

  19. thx for the news and chapter Reigokai-sensei
    anime will be 12 episode and it will most likely to come in winter or spring and i hope they dont mess up.

  20. Well the animation looks good but I am extremely wary that this will end up being another 12-13 episode series. Usually those series that are 12-13 episodes long they try to cram in like 3-4 entire volumes worth of story and they end up cutting out a lot in order to fit it into a small number of episodes and the series ends up suffering for it. I’m just worried that they’ll cut out a lot of this since this series starts out really slow and then there’s the bonus and extra chapters which often have relevant plot points or information that has to do with the main story and I’m not sure if those would be animated either.

    Now on to this chapter, there’s not really much to say. They’re just discussing about how little they actually know about Mist Town and are speculating about Makoto some more which they’ve been doing for a long time now anyways. Anyways why aren’t they discussing Bia? Rembrandt gave her a mission to bring back Toa and Alpine yet she’s up and disappeared along with Toa’s group. You’d think they’d want to find out what happened or at least mention it to Makoto so he can go track her down and bitch slap her for the bullshit she’s trying to pull.

  21. How was Rembrandt planning to hold anyone to this rule of “highest contributor reaps highest reward” if they weren’t even informed in the first place? A ruthless merchant could amass a personal army and sweep into power after Rembrandt and Aion exhaust each-other. Well, if you ignore the fact that Makoto or Root could obliterate a personal army by rolling over in their sleep anyway.

  22. With all the news and stuff about anime copyright being strictly regulated for next year I just hope I can still watch it free.. But this is great news! I only knew it has the same director as Log Horizon but I dunno the studio which is on utmost importance-ja! I was thinking Makoto might be voiced by either Hanae Natsuki or Matsuoka Yoshitsugu or Uemura Yuuto. Guessed it right! So thrilled! Maybe the fact that they were able to hire Hanae-shi was telling us they can splurge?? xD

    Anyways. I dunno if Couple-baachan cant read the mood or is really just sly. Seems Rembrandt is properly scheming to monopolize Neo Tsige. It’s interesting tho. Who knows if Batoma can actually gather funds since they are currently in a desperate position already. If it was Makoto he can easily take out gold coins even when buying a 1 copper coin item and blurts out “keep the change.” xDD Or asked for 5 big pieces and instantly think its 5 golds instead of 5 silver. x”D

    Awesome translation as always~ Thanks for the chapter! ♡

    1. A web novel is not the same thing as a light novel. Light novels are the ones that can be serialized. Even if Tsuki’s LN gets serialized, it wouldn’t affect the translation since this is the web novel version that is being translated.

  23. This is pretty good, i’m quite happy since i always wanted a anime from this serie, since it’s one of my favorites, however my expectations were pretty low, since the story is too slow paced, it’s not a serie that would make success with a lot of people i think, so this is quite the gamble that they are taking and i’m betting that the story will be quite rushed as well in the anime.

  24. Owaaa didn’t notice an update of Tsuki.. Thanks as always for your hardwork, Reigokai !!!!

    This month have many good news for Tsuki, man.. the release of LN vol 15 and manga vol 8 then anime adaptation news. Hope the adaptation will do the justice for Tsuki. Curious who will be VA of Shiki and Ema.

    Poor Muzo… His urgent request thread as mere pocket money for Eris and co hhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  25. Blast it all, I’m at the point in life where watching anime feels like it’s taking too much time where I can read more webnovels, books and manga in half the time. While I am happy about it getting an anime, I just wish it came earlier in my life.

  26. As always, thank you Reigokai for your great work!
    Read it as fast as I could!
    For those who were wondering why is Makoto is interested to leak information to other parties, I hope this chapter will enlighten you!
    And I see another face of these information leaks with this chapter. The information leaked scares the shit out of people! I would expect them to be mad for him leaking the info and wanting them to learn more and more. But I realized that the humans are in the same boat as the demons! The demons were terrified when they suspected the truth about Makoto, seems like Tsige people will be the same!

  27. hope they didnt skip the most IMPORTANT moment when he was with Tsukuyomi-bro….

  28. Oh yes finally the anime

    I never thought it would be possible

    I heard rumors that the game was a failure and since the author did not continue to publish the light novel, I thought that I would never have anime

    Tsukuyomi is very beautiful

    I like the voices of the actors, especially Tomoe

    We have 2 options

    1st anime is short and have to cut several parts to cover as much as possible


    2nd Make it a totally different adaptation to the novel.

    Preferably I would choose the 2 option

    To be honest, most isekai want oppais, fights, and funny moments. For the novel, it would be better to attract the public so that I can have more of tsuki ga from the author, it is enough for me to have the anime ask it to be as epic as the novel is impossible unless there are 24 episodes something that I doubt very much

  29. Thanks for the new chapter. News about the anime is great. However, usually, they butcher the series. Or cut a lot of the scenes that make the book work or something similar.

  30. Entiendo que Rebrant se benificiara mediante la venta de bienes raices pero no entiendo la pelea entre Rebrant y Couple.
    Estoy tan contento del nuevo anime y sin censura, solo espero que no salten a personajes como Lime, Lancer (ya que no aparecio en el trailer), las chicas forest unis, etc.

    1. En si es simple, ya viste como Rembrandt busca cortar a todas las otras compañías, por tanto couple intenta sobrevivir podriamos decir y de paso dio la info a los demas por tanto no podrá eliminarlo tan facil Rembrandt, dentro de lo q cabe le cago los planes y sobre el trailer bueno, no pueden mostrar mucho obviamente, sino va a ser como los op de one piece esos si q son spoiler papa

      1. El problema es que ya es tarde para quitarle la ventaja a Rembrandt, al momento el es quien mas ha apostado en los preparatios para la guerra y como si ellos ganen las remuneraciones van a ser proporcionales al investimiento en la guerra al momento el es que tiene mas para ganar de la victoria, y lo mejor es que su imagen no se va a ver afectada entonces va a tener el apoyo del pueblo, los aventureros y los unicos que podrian ver malas intenciones en sus actos son los mercantiles que no van a poder oponerse a el. Realmente el practicamente los tiene ya en jaque mate, el solo necesita ganar la guerra.

  31. Thank you for the chapter!

    Since Sophia was in the trailer, I think it will be up to their fight with lancer. So I think it will be 24 eps. Probably.


    Seriously, I’ve been memeing about “but when is Tsuki getting adapted” every time I see a new isekai anime announced, and I can’t believe all that finally paid off. I’m hoping it gets love like Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken has, because both series deserve it. I’m a little put off by the voices for the main trio, but that might change with an episode or two since I’ve just been reading this so long that I had a good picture of what I thought all the different characters sounded like.

    I’m already hearing Overlord music, which is a plus in my books. Katayama might not be the best anime composer as opposed to Sawano, Sagisu, or Kitamura, but I think the Overlord vibe fits Tsuki a lot when the ball gets rolling. The art is extremely reminiscent of Slime’s adaptation to me with a few differences, which is hard to fault, and the animation seems pretty good – honestly, animation quality could be mediocre for most of the series and I wouldn’t mind. Tsuki isn’t exactly an action series, anyway.

    Fingers crossed the anime goes long enough/gets a season 2 or 3 and we get to see the reclamation of Kaleneon. That is still my favorite arc by far, only possibly rivaled by the mini-arc of the confrontation with Picnic Rose Garden.

  33. seriously waiting for author to move the story, this part of the world build has become too slow.

    and about the anime, does it seems that is going to be animated till the final battle with sofia?

      1. had the same thought but looking at the vid, makoto doesn’t have the missing fingers in his left hand when facing her, and the fight doesn’t look in the open place when they first fight, which makes me hope that it will be the final battle with sofia.

  34. I’m super excited that this finally got an anime adaption. since it’s one of the first novels I started reading, it’s been great to see it get more recognition. I just hoe that they decide to make several seasons of it, because there’s so much great stuff in the series. have you seen an increase in traffic on the site due to the announcement with people starting to re/read it?

  35. Chapters like this are the worst… there is about a single paragraph or twos worth of plot, than the rest is either small talk between nearly non existant characters, or conversations that are completely vague, lacking in context to the point they become pointless, not even useful for building up said non existant characters.

    1. Considering Rembrandt-shi is in this chapter and we were just made aware of a little ploy of his as well as the ideas of his compatriots/competitors among the merchants regarding both that ploy and Makoto’s ties to the Mist Village, I’m amazed you consider this chapter to be any of those things.

    2. That is only a viewpoint! Most of us know this LN is really slow paced and implies a lot of world building! I for instance love it! Because it reveals the true motives behind the author’s choices! It isn’t something like: The see each other, they liked each other, and then they kissed! He develops the entire world! But that maybe is just me loving it!

      1. That’s why I didn’t expect much with the Tsuki anime project. Since Tsuki’s story was a slow type, they would cut a lot of parts.

  36. I have a lot of felings about the news of the anime. Most of the isekai series are always bad adapted mostly because they want to fit them in 12-13 chapters thus they cut combine or even change parts of the story or even skip things. (Youjo Senki, Hachinan, Overlord) Tate no Yuusha was one of the few decent ones. Sadly the start of Tsuki is pretty slow so for sure they are going to skip and cut parts unless they make the anime 24 chaps( No way ).

    1. Yeah they would most likely cut a lot of scenes… Also I noticed that Shiki is not shown in the video at all… It kind of made makes me worried what kind of cuts would they make…

    2. if the anime follows the LN or Manga storyline and only adapts it to vol 4 it might still be good with 12 episodes because Tsukimichi has quite a lot of filler episodes that can be cut like parts like Asora Ranks and when Tomoe trains toa goup and lime.

    3. Yep, i dont wants to be like Misfit to demon King academy what was lately on TV where they made 3 arc (100+ cheapters) in 13 epizodes and it became crap because they shortage everyfing to maximum

  37. That Couple person is dangerous… at least in terms of perception.
    The other people seem kinda like chumps in comparison.
    Well, Muzo’s already allying himself to Makoto, so that’s good.

    Anyways, so the anime is coming out huh? I’ve got until the first episode to decide whether to watch upon release or binge after completion…

  38. Thank you kami-sama.
    In honor of the anime ill be reading my stacked chapters (27). Im fine with Tanjirou (expected natsu) and im ok with tomoe (coulda chosen better) but mio’s va doesn’t fit my image of her. Well thats my opinion.

  39. It’s October 22! You know what happens!
    . ∩ .∩ Thanks Nepu!
     .い_cノ / ̄>O Merry
    .c/・ ・っ (ニニニ)△△  Christmas
    .(”●” ) .(・ω・ )[∥]  And A
    O┳Oノ)=[ ̄てノ ̄ ̄]  Happy
    ◎┻し◎ ◎――◎=3   Nepu Year!

      1. The WN describes her as having blue hair, but the LN cover Rei featured alongside her introduction in chapter 74 shows her with red-tipped white hair. I guess it was changed in the LN version?

      2. Maybe the time with the variant incident will also be covered in the anime?? Maybe she changed hair colors when using the power of the other superior dragons

      1. Siiiiiiii
        Al parecer las oraciones si son escuchas jaja jajaj
        Estamos de celebración


    1. Ayaneru + Sword


      Has blue color plate


      Honestly Ayaneru tone in that particular scene as Tomoe is very Summer Musashi
      Not that I hate it
      More Ayaneru the better

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