WM – Chapter 126: Takatsuki Makoto explores

I opened my eyes in bed.

An orange lamp light faintly enters my vision.

I look around.

The light entering from the blinds is weak.

There’s a number of games and manga books spread on the floor.

I make a habit of selling all the games and manga that I have cleared or finished reading.

That’s why the ones that are in my room are ones that I haven’t finished yet.

On top of my desk there’s several reference books and materials for school cleanly lined up.

A tasteless room.

A sight I am tired of seeing already.

The needles of the clock are telling me it is 6:35.

(…I should prepare to go to school.) (Makoto)

I unsteadily head to the living room.

There’s no one.

Did my parents come back yesterday?

My parents leave early in the morning to work, and they often come back well after the last train has already left.

…No, they mostly don’t even come back.

There’s an envelope left on top of the table, and there’s money inside.

That’s my budget this week.

In other words, today’s a monday, huh.

I didn’t feel like heating the bread that I don’t even remember when I bought, and simply pushed the power button of the remote and turned on the TV.

News about talents that I am not interested in were showing one after the other.

I changed the channel and watched the weather report.

It will be rainy.

Aah…what a pain.

I need an umbrella… An umbrella?

(…I don’t need an umbrella.) (Makoto)

No need for one.

I hated rain in the past, but I have come to like it recently.

Why? Because…

“Makoto! How long are you going to stay sleeping?!” 

My door was suddenly opened with a bang! 

Lucy wearing the Shinagawa Highschool uniform comes in with a rude entrance.

Oi, take off your shoes.

“Here, your breakfast. It is time to wake up—what’s the matter? Why are you making that weird face?” (Lucy)

Lucy with bright red hair and elf ears wearing a school uniform feels weird. It makes me wanna laugh.

It took me until now to notice.

Looks like I am dreaming.

“What…why are you making that weird face—Kya!” (Lucy)

I hug Lucy.

It is a dream anyways!

(That’s a relief… I thought going to a parallel world was the dream.) (Makoto)

I hug her tightly.

“How long are you going to hug me?!” (Lucy)

“Hm?” (Makoto)

An impact attacks my head, and it immediately returns me to reality.

Lucy who remained in her pose after smacking my head with an angered face, and…Princess Sofia who I was hugging and had frozen in place.

“U-Uhm…Hero Makoto, it is about time you wake up.” (Sofia)

The breath of the beet red Princess Sofia reaches my ear.

Wait, what am I doing?! 

“M-My apologies!” (Makoto)

I hurriedly raised both hands and released Princess Sofia.

“Well then, we are waiting for you at the dining room…” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia leaves hurriedly with her face still red.

This is bad. I am sexually harassing people first thing in the morning.

“Hey…how about you wash that pathetic face of yours?” (Lucy)

Lucy is crossing her arms without hiding her displeasure.

Of course, she is wearing her usual attire and not a school uniform.

(The school uniform Lucy was lewd.) (Makoto)

Even though she wasn’t showing as much skin as her usual attire.

Is it because it felt like cosplay?

“What is it, leering me like that? Did it feel that good to hug Princess Sofia?” (Lucy)

This is bad, she is in a bad mood.

“It is not that. I thought it was you, Lucy. I made a mistake.” (Makoto)

Is it really okay to make that excuse?

Isn’t that the excuse of a hopeless man?, is what I thought, but my mouth simply spoke the first thing my sleepy head thought up.

“Eh?! R-Really? …Hmph, geez, Makoto. Can’t be helped.” (Lucy)

Lucy brushes her hair as if hiding her embarrassment and…sits on the bed?! 

“L-Lucy-san?” (Makoto)

“Here, you won’t make a mistake now, right?” (Lucy)

Saying this, she wraps her hand around my neck and…

“Lu-chan, Takatsuki-kun, what are you two doing~?” 

Danger Detection! 

Sa-san holding a kitchen knife was looking over here! 

And there’s also Tsui who is yawning on top of Sa-san’s head.

You should learn to have a sense of danger…

“Food is ready!” (Aya)

“Y-Yes. Aya, don’t get mad~.” (Lucy)

“Geez!” (Aya)

“I said I’m sorry!” (Lucy)

The two girls go to the living room.

(Let’s get up…) (Makoto)

I wash my face with water magic, put on the clothes that I aired yesterday night, wear my coat, lightly clean my dagger with a cloth, and offer 10 seconds of prayer to the Goddess. 

Finished in 40 seconds.

Preparations done.

I go to the living room that’s serving as the dining room as well.

“Good morning, Sa-san.” (Makoto)

“Good morning, Takatsuki-kun!” (Aya)

Sa-san wearing a pink apron turns around with a smile.

Has she already forgiven us for before? 

Her hair is tied in a ponytail, and the apron is tied in a way that it makes a big ribbon.

It seems Sa-san was the one who made the apron.

How skilful.

“You are late, My Knight!” (Furiae)

Furiae-san was clinking her chopsticks on the rice bowl.

Where did you learn that?

It is bad manners, so stop that.


Princess Sofia looks here for a moment and then faces the other way with a red face.

I should apologize later.

(…Yeah, I like this place better.) (Makoto)

I will do my best in this world.


I get to my seat and look at the food lined up at the table.

“The menu of today’s breakfast is…” (Aya)

Rice cooked in a saucepan.

Grilled fish (White flesh river fish).

Fried eggs (there were chicken-like animals in this world too).

Miso soup.

Pickled radish.

(Is this Japan?) (Makoto)

The ingredient provider is apparently the Fujiwara Company.

Damn, Fuji-yan.

It seems like he will be opening a ramen store in the near future.

I am definitely going when that happens.

“Hero Makoto, this soup has a strange taste.” (Sofia)

“Hey, My Knight, how do I use these wooden sticks called chopsticks?” (Furiae)

“Furi, that’s tableware for otherworlders. We can just use forks.” (Lucy)

We all enjoyed this meal.

“Sorry Sa-san, having you cook our meals all the time.” (Makoto)

“It is okay. I was the one who cooked breakfast for my brothers all the time anyways.” (Aya)

I really respect that.

Also, Sa-san in an apron is two times cuter than usual.

By the way, regarding the cooking skills of the girls aside from Sa-san…

Princess Sofia (obviously) doesn’t cook.

Furiae-san hasn’t held anything heavier than a spoon (said so herself).

Lucy can only grill stuff -and they mostly end up burnt black.

Me? I have the Cooking Skill, but…I have been eating outside all the time since coming to this world and haven’t cooked myself.

(It is truly a saving that Sa-san is here.) (Makoto)

I think that from the bottom of my heart.

“Takatsuki-kun, I will make miso soup for you everyday, okay☆?” (Aya)

“Yeah, I would love that.” (Makoto)

I have rarely had miso soup in the mornings in my previous world.

A japanese meal in the morning really is great!

“…For some reason, I feel like I shouldn’t let that statement just now pass.” (Sofia)

“…I feel the same, Princess Sofia. Aya, what kind of meaning lied in the words you said just now?” (Lucy)

“Eeh~, there was no deep meaning~.” (Aya)

Aah, the soft sunlight of the morning, a warm breakfast, and a peaceful conversation.

“So healing…” (Makoto)

“The Fate Threads are twisting each other right in front of my eyes though…My Knight.” (Furiae)

“…What do you mean by that, Princess?” (Makoto)

“This is impressive…” (Furiae)

She looks at me with cold eyes.

After a while…

“Hey, Makoto, what will you be doing from now on?” (Lucy)

Lucy asks me while eating a fried egg with her fork.

By ‘from now on’ she must mean my next objective, I guess.

“I have been given the job of going to the Wood Country and the Fire Country to meet their Heroes. Isn’t that right, Sofia?” (Makoto)

“Yeah, that’s right, Hero Makoto. But there was a monster stampede, so…” (Sofia)

“I recommend you to go to the Wood Country first, My Knight. It is just a feeling though.” (Furiae)

Hmm, it is Furiae-san who can see the future, so I can’t ignore that.

When talking about the Wood Country…

“Lucy, your homeland is in the Wood Country, right?” (Makoto)

“That’s right. It is the Kanan Village.” (Lucy)

“Kanan Village. Is that the Kanan Village where the Crimson Witch is at?” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia reacts to the words of Lucy.

“Yeah…” (Lucy)

“Lucy-san, could it be that you are acquainted with the Crimson Witch?” (Sofia)

“She is my mother…” (Lucy)

The reaction of Lucy is bad.

“Hero Makoto, go to the Wood Country first! If the Wind Tree Hero, the Wood Oracle, and the Crimson Witch join our side, we will obtain reliable allies!” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia is pretty excited.

But it bothers me a bit.

“Why didn’t you say anything until now, Sofia-chan?” (Aya)

Yeah, that.

I heard that the Northern Expedition had been in preparation for several years by the Sun Country.

Aren’t those kinds of stuff supposed to have been wrapped up a long time ago?

“Uuuh…about that…we have sent envoys several times already, but they are always absent…” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia says dejected.

“Aah, they are whimsical after all. They are probably absent today.” (Lucy)

“Are you close to the Wind Tree Hero and the Wood Oracle, Mage-san?” (Furiae)

“The Wood Oracle is a Walker, so she is a relative. The Wind Tree Hero went to the same school as I did. A senior.” (Lucy)

Oi oi, Lucy. 

You actually have a whole lot of connections.

I had an inkling that she was a lady of high standing though.

“That settles it then. Lucy, I’m counting on you as a guide.” (Makoto)

“Well, I am fine with that, but…Princess Sofia, I haven’t met my mother for around 3 years, so it isn’t assured that we will be able to meet her. She is always travelling after all.” (Lucy)

“I don’t mind. Leo will be coming here in a few days. You will be departing at that time.” (Sofia)

And so, it has been decided.

The talk has been wrapped up.

“Now then, I will be going out for a bit. Princess, let’s go together.” (Makoto)

“Eh? Me?” (Furiae)


Furiae-san, who was giving the skin of the grilled fish to the black cat, turned to me with a surprised face.

Lucy, Sa-san, and Princess Sofia were looking straight over here.


“I am going to be meeting the Snake Church member that we caught. Let’s ask their objective.” (Makoto)

“Hero Makoto, about the captured church member, it seems like she has taken special training, and doesn’t spill out any information -is what the people of the church were saying…” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia says regretfully.

“That should be fine. We will probably manage. Let’s go, Princess.” (Makoto)

“Haah. Even though you are my Guardian Knight, you are one slave driver towards your Princess.” (Furiae)

“Really?” (Makoto)

Well, Furiae-san must be interested in their objective as well.

“Lu-chan, what will you be doing today?” (Aya)

“Hmm, to the hot springs, maybe.” (Lucy)

“That sounds nice! I will go too!” (Aya)

“Then, I will get ready~.” (Lucy)

The two girls seem to have made their own plans for today.

“Hero Makoto, I will go with you.” (Sofia)

“Got it.” (Makoto)

Looks like Princess Sofia is coming.

Then, let’s go.


We arrive at the Water Temple.

To the prison below it.

We greet the security guards, and have them open the door to the basement.

The stairs leading down didn’t have much light. The only source of light were the candles shining weakly at our feet. 

“Sofia, is it okay for you to come together with us to a place like this?” (Makoto)

“…If it is to get the information regarding their objective, I will be present as well.” (Sofia)

“I want to leave…” (Furiae)

Not you, Furiae-san.

We arrive at the cell. 

The captured Snake Church woman.

There’s a prison guard standing in front of the cell.

“Can I go in?” (Makoto)

“…Hero-sama, this woman won’t say anything. Make sure not to get too close.” 

He warned me as I entered.

I had Princess Sofia stay outside the cell.

“…You are the Rozes Hero, huh.” 

She glares at me hatefully… I am getting a deja-vu feel from this.

“I have nothing to tell you bastards.” 

I could feel a strong will from her tone.

“Princess, please.” (Makoto)

“Yes yes.” (Furiae)

Furiae-san carefreely approaches the Snake Church girl.

“Eh? Isn’t it dangerous…?” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia gets a bit flustered.

“Hey, you…” (Furiae)

Furiae-san crouches and meets eyes with the snake church woman.

“…Who are yo—” 

“Nice girl.” (Furiae)

She says as she lightly touches her cheek.

At that instant, the snake church woman quivered.

“Can you tell me your secrets?” (Furiae)

Furiae-san flashes a smile to her and…

“Yes~~~! Ashk me anything~~~!! Onee-shamaaaa!” 

That’s Charm Monarch Magic.

She instantly fell.


Princess Sofia and the prison guard were looking at both of them surprised.

“Hey, what should I do after this, My Knight?” (Furiae)

“Why did you have the monsters attack Makkaren?” (Makoto)

I ask the woman.

“Huh?! Anyone other than Onee-sama shouldn’t be talking to me! You are polluting my ears! Die!!” 


I have Charm too though…

Oi, Furiae-san, don’t laugh.

“Can you tell me?” (Furiae)

“Onee-sama! I am moved that you would talk to the greedy me! I will tell you everything! It was all an order from the Archbishop, Isaac! The order was to kill the Rozes Hero in Makkaren! Bring death to Takatsuki Makoto and his comrades who ruined our plans in Horun and Symphonia! The Black Dragon held full authority of the plan! I would confirm that Makkaren has fallen, and report to the Snake Church -a messenger!” 

She explained everything real fast. 

“…So I wasn’t the objective.” (Furiae)

Furiae-san mutters.

“It was me, huh.” (Makoto)

I actually had a feeling that would be the case.

Just having the Rozes Hero here was enough to increase the population of the place after all.

I would normally be the first one to be targeted.

(Archbishop Isaac…is that guy, right…?) (Makoto)

The one that made a Taboo Giant rampage in the capital of the Water Country, did a suicidal terrorist attack on the capital of the Sun Country, and called a horde of monsters.

(This guy can hold a grudge…) (Makoto)

His plan that took 10 years to prepare had been crushed, so it is not like I can’t understand how he feels.

“Sofia, let’s form our plan for the future with this information in mind.” (Makoto)

“O-Okay… I wasn’t expecting her to spill it out so easily.” (Sofia)

Looks like Princess Sofia is still surprised.

Furiae-san sticks out her chest proudly and goes ‘hmhm’.

“I will record that conversation just now!” 

The prison guard hurriedly writes a memo.

After that, we asked a number of questions more to the woman, but she didn’t have any more information.

Looks like she was pretty down in the hierarchy. 

We obtained the information we needed, so we left the prison and onto the surface.

“Well then, my job is done, right?” (Furiae)

Furiae-san stretched and was about to leave somewhere.

“Wait.” (Makoto)

I have to confirm one other thing.

“Princess, synchronize with me.” (Makoto)

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106 thoughts on “WM – Chapter 126: Takatsuki Makoto explores

  1. you know what, it just happened to comes to me but, the entire code geass is just luluch shooting charm magic. which is weird knowing cc geass is also the kind of charm magic.

    well they did say that if “if you is a witch then i am a magician.”

  2. I am pretty sure the last time he synced with her to dispel the curse at the sun capital nothing was mentioned or given from furi’s pov…………………

  3. Thank you for the chapter Reigokai!

    Wow, you really feel the apathy for the old world in the opening here. It sort of feels like even though Takki-dono loved games they were for him an escape from the world he is forced to live in. A means to travel beyond the four walls that trap him.

    FOr some reason I kind of agree with Takki-dono that it is a peaceful morning and very soothing. I mean come on, sure Sa-san is essentially offering to stay with him forever but the other two want to do the same, this may stimulate them to further their own relationships. I mean can you imaigne the adorable mess ups in the kitchen when Sofia and Lucy try to learn to cook on their own?

    As for Tsui, Tsui has a SUPER keen sense of danger. Tsui knows when the danger is directed at someone else.

  4. I don’t really like when Makoto dream with the other world, it give me bad vibes. It’s finally time to meet the family of Lucy, though I think the matter of his mother and father will be in other arc. I hope that he syncro seriously with Furiae and make her feel good.

  5. Thanks for the chapter ~

    Ayacchi with the lowkey showing of love with “serving him miso soup forever”… ♥

  6. Thanks for chap
    So many ppl want mcxfuri ship.
    I didn’t expect so many readers(the net comments) were d̸e̸g̸e̸n̸e̸r̸a̸t̸e̸s̸ people of culture.

  7. “The Fate Threads are twisting each other right in front of my eyes though…My Knight.” (Furiae)

    “…What do you mean by that, Princess?” (Makoto)

    “This is impressive…” (Furiae)

    I want a Furiae POV.

  8. Thanks for the chapter! ^^
    Looks like Makoto needs to be sleepy more often! x)
    When Lucy meets her mom and été Sées her party, it’s going to be funny like: “Seems like you have a lot of competitors… Do you need some help to get rid of them? Or are you going to get him with their help?” XD

  9. Thinking about it, is there any girl in Makoto’s group who is not a princesses? Even Aya is a sort of princess of the lamias. Princess Magnet Makoto.

  10. “Princess, synchronize with me.” (Makoto)

    A FLAG was waving so strongly right now…

    Its the moment can be called NTR (Not The Right timing) i guess…

  11. gotta purge myself of the stray thoughts in my head.
    My first thought was Makoto kissing Furiae to synchronize but then I realize they could also synchronize with something tamer like holding hands. . . . . aaah~
    Thanks for the chapter~

  12. I would be incredibly leery of any information this woman had to divulge. Why send a ground-bound ‘messenger’ to this fight? Isaac knows they have incredible information gathering powers, and I’m pretty sure he knows Furiae’s working with them. This is the type of person I’d load up with misinformation while divulging the real plan only to the hard to capture intelligent monsters like that 2k dragon.

    1. Nah going by how he acted when we first saw him and the ridiculous level of unnecessary overkill he did here just to get revenge on Makoto, I can’t see Isaac as being smart enough to set up someone to provide misinformation or even account for Furiae being able to get information out of people

      1. Well before I cite maxim 37 or point out that they did not in fact kill Makoto, that’s making a number of assumptions like “Isaac was the one who planed this attack” and “Makoto was the target”. The dragon Makoto killed was self admittedly “The immediate follower of the Dragon King, Astaroth-sama” and I would be amazed if someone like that moved direct subordinates for puny priest man’s poorly considered revenge plot. But the thing is, if you’re the dragon king and you need a messenger you use a flying flipping dragon.

        I don’t know, arbitrary pedestrian lady with no apparent powers and an actual snake tattooed on her face prepared with only the information to lay blame on priest guy using widely available information seems suspiciously convenient. Could be I’m reading too much into it. The snake church’s actions overall though seem like a divide and conquer tactics. Demon gods definitely don’t want the devilkin and humans reconciling before the great demon lord’s resurrection.

  13. Is that a pickup line? That’s a pickup line, right? Right in front of Sophia?

    Heh…Yeah, as expected, Furiae is an amazing asset to have with her charm power. Pretty much anyone’s lips are opened without the need for any torture or trickery. If even Sakurai is affected by her touch, pretty much the only people it might not work on are the demon lords and great demon lord. Also Takki, but he’s not really keeping any secrets anyway.

  14. Thanks for the update

    Yeah I don’t think that’s a good idea, charm magic that powerful maybe will turn someone to Yandere

  15. Translators, what the flip, why are you so fast! like, don’t overwork yourselves here! five days in a row…. jeez, all I can say is thanks.

  16. Thanks for the chapter! Kinda hope there’s an illustration of Lucy in a school uniform, kinda interest in that… Also I have high expectations for Isaac to be an interesting opponent for Makoto, kinda want a POV from his perspective as he watches all his hard work fall not to the legendary sun hero but from this no name apprentice mage that appeared out of nowhere~ Anyway we’ll be seeing Lucy’s family soon~ Wonder how they’ll react to Lucy’s relationship with Makoto?? Also wonder why Makoto wants to synchronize with Furiae, hope its interesting~ Can’t wait!

  17. Ha~ Boy, you have zero sense of danger or awareness. Asking Furiae to do Le Synchro in front of Sofia. I do wonder if anything will change. Last time he synced with Furi he didn’t have Charm Magic and his magic proficiency was 60 points less so in other words only 200.

    Meh Isaac is a loser. He did all of this just for revenge on Makoto? Talk about overkill. Gathering a horde of 10,000 monsters and working with an Ancient Dragon close with the Dragon King just to kill one guy and his small group of allies. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up draining the Snake Church’s resources dry in bigger and more outlandish revenge ploys and the organization just crumbles because of it before Makoto and Sakurai ever get a chances to properly confront them in battle.

    So the next place Makoto’s group will go to is the Wood Country it seems. Let’s see how Makoto interacts with Lucy’s mom if he meets her. It should be interesting. I mean she is the one who advised Lucy to just push down the one she falls in love with like she did with Lucy’s father. Anyways so the Wood Oracle is a relative of Lucy’s and the Wind Tree Hero is her senpai huh? So I wonder what sort of problems will this bring?

    1. Clearly, Lucy’s mom will just push Makoto down in front of Lucy, leading to a falling out between Lucy and her mom, which they have to reconcile before Lucy’s mom joins the expedition

    1. Maybe sync with both? Actually, can he do that? Parallel synchro? I do want to know what charm magic and moon/curse magic can do beyond the brute force attacks.

  18. Thanks for the chapter
    Isaac, to kill Makoto, an army of mobs is the worst way, the best way is a good assassin !

  19. Well it’ll be different then before since they synced in the past to dispell the brainwashing magic in Symphonia. Since like ya said this time he has charm magic and his proficiency also jumped up by 60 since then.

  20. ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
    ┃あさココ               ┃
    ┃ LIVE ver.2                   ┃
    ┃    Thanks!  HA⇗HA⇘HA⇗HA⇘ ┃
    ┃ : ∧_∧ : Nepu!….     ___      ┃
    ┃ : ( ;´ A`) : WTF?!    (・д ・)     ┃
    ┃: / つとl :      ∩∩ᑕ| と|       ┃
    ┃: しー-J :        ;¡  し─ᒍ       ┃
    ┃          ﹌        ┃
    ┃ A certain v-tuber rabbit scared local    ┃
    ┃ novel commentator after removing her ┃
    ┃rabbit ears with fresh blood on it, that will┃
    ┃be used as a gift to a certain dragon.    ┃
    ┃ 00:01 ●━━━━━━────── 1:00 ┃
    ┃ ⇆ㅤㅤㅤㅤ◁ㅤㅤ❚❚ ㅤㅤ▷ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ↻   ┃

  21. Not only, Thanks for the chapter! It’s starting to get good. Synching with Furi is going to be wild. Makoto is checking to see if it affects her or not.

    1. Well, it was explained to him that it only happens when the other party has the Water Magic Skill which complements his Proficiency.

      Also, he has synced several times with her already after becoming her Guardian Knight.

      Knowing Makoto, it is to test something related to battle, or how well he can control her Moon Magic when synchronizing with her. Probably because at the time with the horde of monsters, he wasn’t even sure of the result he could produce with it.

      1. He synchronize with her before but his skill lvl up a lot after that (in the sun country right?) so maybe will be more intense that before? Or maybe the reason was the situation about the both of them saving everyone joining their powers that will have make her conscious of him like a male and not just her guardian, that will explain why it show up the options. Until now they show up in turning points like situations.

      2. Wait wasnt that because then Makoto didnt have the same magic skill? Diferent from before he now got the skill because the guardian pact. That explain why before the options didnt show up but this time they did.
        Makoto and Sophia have compatibilty with water magic with lucy was for the Grand mage skill. And now he have the charm skill that he didnt have in Highland.

    2. He synced with Furiae once before, with no particular effect on Furiae. Isn’t it only syncing with water mages that produces The Effect?

      1. From how I understood it, they need to have something in common for it to have an effect. Lucy has the Grand Sage skill so she can use all the elements -in theory- and that includes water. Sofia and Leo both also have water affinity. I’m not sure what affinities Nina has but she must have something in common with Makoto since RPG Player activated giving the option to go the NTR route with her. Furiae didn’t have anything in common with Makoto before but now he has Charm Magic like her so there might be an effect now.

      2. @tacos1 – Nina has affinity with Earth. Remember that the old Titan Guardian thing even increased her Earth affinity even more with his blessing.

  22. Thanks for the chapter!!
    HA HA Y E S
    S YN CH RO
    What’s on your mind M a k o t o? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  23. Thank you for the chapter !
    As always, Makoto has zero situational awareness. Trying to sync with Furiae in front of Sofia ? There will be a lot of misunderstandings.

    1. Sofia is there so for sure she will stop him thus there isnt the need to show up options.It is a game like skill,he went another route in the event where he could synchronize with her so maybe he need another event to do it. Maybe will happen in the next country?

  24. Now im curious what would happen if he synchronized with the princess since both of them have the charm skill

    1. It will probably increase the potency of his charm skill. With that, Spirits will like him and will lend more of their mana. As for Undine, I think she would have a higher chance to cooperate with Makoto.

      1. Too bad he didn’t sync with Nina in the past.

        This time no question window appears so no significant change will occur

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