WM – Chapter 121: Takatsuki Makoto experiences a carnage scene


Silence ruled the room.


Lucy was frowning with her chin resting on one hand.

Sa-san is, for some reason, smiling while petting a black cat.

Black cat, since when did you enter our house?

Also, Princess Sofia with an even more emotionless face than the first time I met her.

That’s…the face she has when she is nervous.

These 3 beauties were looking at me.

My stomach is hurting.

Furiae-san was looking here all excited saying: ‘Is this carnage? A carnage scene?’.

Can you please save me?!

5 minutes ago.

“I have become the fiance of Princess Sofia…” (Makoto)

The moment I said that, the air in the room froze.

Lucy asked: ‘Why is Princess Sofia here?’, at our usual dining table, so I answered with that.

Yeah, I knew this would happen.

“Makoto, what does this mean? You are engaged a few days after I gave you my first kiss?” (Lucy)

“Haah…even though you said that you loved me since middle school and that we both loved each other since then…” (Aya)

Two burning straights hit me consecutively! 

C-Calm down, me.

Is Clear Mind running?

Crap! I can’t tell!

(N-Noah-sama! SoS! SoS!) (Makoto)

(Do your best☆!) (Noah)

My Goddess ain’t guiding me!

“…Hero Makoto, are these two your girlfriends?” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia’s expression didn’t change.

But her voice was trembling slightly.

“That’s right! WE are Makoto’s girlfriends, Princess Sofia!” (Lucy)


Sa-san and I look at Lucy surprised.

“I see… The comrades in your Hero party really were your girlfriends, huh…” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia sulks.

“W-Well…to be more accurate, it is more like Aya and I are waiting for his response though.” (Lucy)

Lucy confesses immediately.

Hearing this, Princess Sofia furrows her brows.

“Hero Makoto…you would kiss girls that you are not in a romantic relationship with, and would confirm your love for each other?” (Sofia)

Woah, my fiance is beginning to doubt that I am a piece of shit that shows no restraint with women.

“It is okay, Princess Sofia. Takatsuki-kun is a virgin. He has never had a girlfriend, you know?” (Aya)

“Sa-san?!” (Makoto)

What are you voicing out in the open?! 

“Eeh, but you always said you wanted to quickly get a girlfriend, right?” (Aya)

“That was in middle school! Moreover, I was telling that to you, Sa-san!” (Makoto)

“Eh…? R-Really? What~, I would have been given you my okay anytime, you know?” (Aya)

Sa-san wrapped her arms around my head and her face got closer.

…Eh, wait, what are you doing?

“Aya, Princess Sofia is frozen stiff right now, so do that later.” (Lucy)

Lucy grabbed Aya’s back collar and pulled her away.

“And so, what’s with this sudden fiance business?” (Lucy)

Lucy asks me.

The one who responded to that was Princess Sofia.

“I became the fiance of Hero Makoto due to an oracle.” (Sofia)

“Eh? You are becoming his fiance because of an order from your Goddess?” (Lucy)

Lucy raises her voice in surprise.

“What. Then, you two are not even going out, right?!” (Aya)

Sa-san showed relief in her voice.

Princess Sofia’s eyebrows twitch.

“Then, Makoto, does that mean this is the job of a Hero too?” (Lucy)

“Saki-chan said that, in order to calm down the people, they announce the engagement of the Hero and the Oracle, and spread the image of the Savior and the Holy Maiden.” (Aya)

“If it is for work, it can’t be helped.” (Lucy)

“Isn’t that great, Lu-chan?” (Aya)

For some reason, Aya’s way of calling Lucy has changed.

“You are also relieved, Aya.” (Lucy)

Looks like the two of them have accepted my betrothal to Princess Sofia as a political measure from the country.

“……………..That’s not it.” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia mutters.


“I-I love Hero Makoto!” (Sofia)


Lucy and Sa-san look at Princess Sofia with eyes wide open.

But they both speak out straight.

“I-I have been in love with Makoto all this time since the time it was only the two of us!” (Lucy)

“Are we competing here, Lu-chan? Cause I have loved Takatsuki-kun since middle school.” (Aya)

The three of them glare at each other while trying to hide their embarrassment.

Furiae-san went: ‘My Knight is really popular~.’.

Damn it, playing the spectator?! 

Furiae-san was having dinner on her own

No, the black cat must have noticed the dangerous atmosphere, it moved from Sa-san to Furiae-san.

“Naaau~, Naaau~.” 

“Oh? You want my fried fish? What a greedy cat you are.” (Furiae)

She says this as she shares her food with it.

Damn it, only that place is peaceful!

“And so, My Knight, who do you like the most?” (Furiae)

“Wait, Furiae-san?!” (Makoto)

The gazes of all three gather over here.

And they all connect to one point.

“Makoto…” “Takatsuki-kun…” “Hero Makoto…” 

The gazes of the three get stronger and stronger.

They steadily approached me.

By the time I noticed, I was backed into a corner.

My eyes go around in circles between the faces of Lucy, Sa-san, and Princess Sofia.

This is impossible.

Asking me to choose from one of them!

“Please give me some time!” (Makoto)

I prostrated for the second time that day.

…H-How pathetic.

I hesitantly looked up and Lucy, Sa-san, and Princess Sofia were looking at each other.

“…What should we do?” (Sofia)

“We have troubled him…” (Lucy)

“Uhm…Princess Sofia-sama, if Takatsuki-kun gets engaged to you, you will be taking him to the capital?” (Aya)

“No, I want Hero Makoto to visit the Wood Country and the Fire Country together with Leo. Even if he is my fiancee, it is not like he will be always together with me… No, he might not be together with me most of the time…” (Sofia)

“I see…that’s rough.” (Aya)

Lucy and Sa-san’s expressions showed pity at the words of Princess Sofia.

“Hey, how about you live here with us at this house too, Princess-sama?” (Lucy)

“Ah, that’s nice, Lu-chan.” (Aya)

“…Uhm, are you two okay with that? Don’t you hate me for suddenly breaking it out to you about being engaged?” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia asks hesitantly.

“Well, if it is the request of the Goddess, it can’t be helped. Isn’t that right, Aya?” (Lucy)

“Yeah. By the way, Princess Sofia-sama, you haven’t done anything to Takatsuki-kun, right?” (Aya)

“That’s silly, Aya. She is a princess, you know? There’s no way…” (Lucy)


Princess Sofia’s face grows beet red and looks away.


(This is bad!) (Makoto)

*Gi gi gi!*

Lucy and Sa-san faces look down at me.

“Hey, Makoto, what did you do to Princess Sofia?” (Lucy)

“Aah…you are the same as Sakurai-kun, huh. They do say otherworlder men are fast with their hands…” (Aya)


That was an accident! 

Also, there was that kind of saying?! 

“Wait! That was from me! …I was the one…who did that to Hero Makoto…” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia tries to refute with a beet red face.

The latter half was barely audible. 

“M-Makoto, just what happened for the Ice Sculpture Princess to look like this…?” (Lucy)

“The Princess that loves Takatsuki-kun a whole lot… This is bad, Lu-chan.” (Aya)

Lucy and Sa-san held hands and stared at me.

“F-For now, things will be as usual for a while, so let’s concentrate on Hero business and give some breathing room to calm down and think, okay?” (Makoto)

I tried to close this topic quickly.

The gazes of my two party members are still cold.


Princess Sofia regains her calm.

“Hero Makoto, I will be living together with you all until Leo arrives. Is that okay?!” (Sofia)

“…Yes.” (Makoto)

And so, a strange cohabitation began.

◇Sofia POV◇

I am now going back and forth from the house of Hero Makoto.

With the oracle of the Goddess, I am now engaged to Hero Makoto, and I used transmission magic to tell my father and mother.

In Rozes, the words of the Goddess Eir-sama are absolute.

Even my father cannot go against an oracle.

Though my father shouted threateningly: ‘What kind of man is he?! Bring him to the castle when you are back!’.

Even though my father has already met him once in the Hero recognition ceremony…

Well, they have practically not spoken with each other, so it can’t be helped that he doesn’t remember him.

I also told him to have Leo come to Makkaren.

When Leo heard that he would be going with Hero Makoto to the other countries, he was happy. 

He will most likely arrive here in a few days.

When that happens, I will be separated from Hero Makoto again.

Also, I am the Princess of Rozes.

I can’t stay in the house the whole time.

I have work in the church at noon.

And it is only by night when I can head back to the house.

The Fujiwara Company was the one that provided the household appliances.

I had the Water Templars guard the surroundings of the house.

I told them that it was okay to just have the minimum amount of guards needed, but…it looks like all of them are guarding.

I will have to go around and greet them all.

It seems like the Fujiwara Company is providing them with food and temporary lodging. 

The people of that company are really competent. 

As expected from the company that is managed by the friend of Hero Makoto.


Hero Makoto walked towards me with a black cat on his shoulder.

Only when inside the house, he would speak to me without need for formalities.

“Hero Makoto, good work on your training today as well.” (Sofia)

“I was taught about sword magic by my friend just recently, and I feel like I am close to mastering it.” (Makoto)

The usually cool Hero Makoto was speaking happily.

“But shouldn’t you rest for a bit…?” (Sofia)

The thing that surprised me the most after living together with him for one day was that…Hero Makoto wakes up faster than anyone, offers a prayer to his Goddess, and begins training.

And, he trains more than anyone for the most amount of time.

Just watching him made me worry whether he would break his body doing that.

(…Could it be that what I said to him before about ‘you should train more’ has affected him?) (Sofia)

When I spoke about this worry, I was laughed at by Lucy and Aya-san.

By the way, I have asked them to speak to me without any formalities too.

“Princess Sofia, Makoto’s training mania is a trait that he already had, so there’s no need to worry about that.” (Lucy)

“Sofia-chan, Takatsuki-kun simply finds training fun.” (Aya)

“Is…that so?” (Sofia)

According to the two, Hero Makoto’s training regimen is by his own volition.

(I didn’t understand anything about my own fiancee.) (Sofia)

The time I can be with him is short. 

Let’s try to understand Hero Makoto as much as possible.


“L-Lucy-san? What’s with that immodest attire?!” (Sofia)

“Eh?” (Lucy)

I raised a scream at Lucy-san who had just come out from the bath and was walking around with only a bath towel wrapped around her body.

“Hey, Makoto, why is Princess Sofia surprised?” (Lucy)

“She is surprised at your lack of common sense.” (Makoto)

Hero Makoto says this with a sidelong glance and an exasperated tone as he continues training.

“But when I come out from bathing, it is hot and I end up sweating, so I don’t want to wear clothes immediately.” (Lucy)

“At least put on underwear. Here!” (Makoto)

“Hey, stop handing over my underwear!” (Lucy)

“You have them lying there in plain view anyways.” (Makoto)

“It is embarrassing to have them touched!” (Lucy)

“Is that how it works?” (Makoto)

Hero Makoto?! 

Why are you so calm?! 

Also, even if they are clean underwear, handing them over like that is unbelievable! 

Lucy-san is naked below that towel, right?! 

“Y-You must not! You are showing too much skin in front of men.” (Sofia)

“Really? You may be talking about men, but it is only Makoto here, you know, Princess Sofia?” (Lucy)

“That’s not the issue here, Lucy-san!” (Sofia)

“Now now, change already.” (Makoto)

“Kya! The towel is going to fall off if you do that… Do you wanna see?” (Lucy)

“A bit.” (Makoto)

“Hero Makoto!” (Sofia)

“It was a joke.” (Makoto)

…I am getting dizzy here.

Is this how it usually is?


“A-Aya-san! Why are you trying to enter Hero Makoto’s room?!” (Sofia)

“To play?” (Aya)

“It is already late in the night! You must not enter the room of a man at this hour before marriage!” (Sofia)

“Hmm, but I am always going there though?” (Aya)

“Eh, but…” (Sofia)

While Aya-san was saying that, she slid into the room of Hero Makoto.

I hesitated for a second before entering.

Inside the room…

“Water butterflies?” (Sofia)

There were more than hundreds of blue butterflies flying around the whole room.

He is controlling this amount of water spells?

I look at the owner of the room while flustered and…

“Ah, and here I was wondering where you were. Tsui, come here~.” (Aya)

“Sa-san, you gave a name to the black cat?” (Makoto)

The black cat made a ‘nauu~’ cry as he caressed it.

“Yeah. Cute, right?” (Aya)

“Why is the name Tsui?” (Makoto)

“Its cry is nau nau, so I made her name Tsuitter. Tsui for short!” (Aya) <Obviously twitter, but the reason escapes me.>

“…I request a change in name.” (Makoto)

“Eeh, but I am already calling her that.” (Aya)

“You are the only one calling her that.” (Makoto)

(What are the two talking about…? Is that a word from their world?) (Sofia)

He is chatting with Aya-san.

While controlling several hundreds of water magic butterflies.

Chantless, without even looking at them.

I now understand really well what Leo said a long time ago.

Hero Makoto’s magic control ability is far from that of your average person.

Even I can tell that this sight in front of me is strange.

“Sofia, what’s the matter?” (Makoto)

“I am sorry for interrupting you while you were training. Aya-san, you must not interrupt him while—” (Sofia)

I look at Aya-san while saying this, and…


“Why are you lying in Hero Makoto’s bed?!” (Sofia)

“Aah, it smells of Takatsuki-kun~.” (Aya)

Guuh, what kind of smell is—what am I thinking?! 

“Haah…sleep in your own room today, Sa-san.” (Makoto)

“Yes, I will try.” (Aya)

“Please wait. What did you mean by that just now?” (Sofia)

This is something I can’t let pass as his fiance.

“There’s a lot of times when Sa-san would just throw herself on my bed and fall asleep right after.” (Makoto)

“D-Does that mean you sleep together with her…?” (Sofia)

N-No way! 

Then, they are an actual couple…

“I sleep alone on the floor.” (Makoto)

“You could sleep with me.” (Aya)

“As if I could!” (Makoto)

(So you get embarrassed there…) (Sofia)

This is the daily life of Hero Makoto.

I remember the words of Goddess Eir-sama.

“Mako-kun is uptight and dense, so you have to go on the offensive real hard or it won’t work.” (Eir)

“Real hard, as in how…” (Sofia)

“Hmm, it might be good to imitate Lucy-chan and Aya-chan. It is to the point that you would react with ‘they are so proactive, and yet he reacts in that way?!’ kinda deal, so I can understand how he can even block the seductions of Noah~.” (Eir)

“I-I see…” (Sofia)

Even if you tell me to seduce him, Eir-sama…

“Thou shall join forces with the Hero Makoto and save the Water Country of Rozes.” (Eir)

Eir-sama only spoke seriously on the last part and left.

It is true that I have no experience in love.

If nothing is done, nothing begins.

I finally managed to get engaged to him thanks to the guidance of the Goddess-sama.

I decided to act.

◇Takatsuki Makoto POV◇

“…Hero Makoto.” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia entered my room.

I was sitting on my bed, training.

Her expression was cooler than usual.

“Aah, Sofia, is it almost time for dinner…?” (Makoto)

Looks like she came here to call me.

While I was thinking I should head to the dining room…


The sound of something closing rang.

“Sofia…?” (Makoto)

“…Can I sit beside you?” (Sofia)

Princess Sofia sits by my side before I could answer.

She places her left hand on top of my right. 

My heart jumps.

The shoulder of the blushing Princess Sofia touches my shoulder lightly while maintaining an expressionless face.

“Hero Makoto…” “Sofia…” 

We were about to say something at the same time.

“To all the adventurers and soldiers in Makkaren! Gather at the West Gate at once! A stampede of monsters has shown up! The danger level is Calamity Designation Town. I repeat…” 

An urgent broadcast resonated in the whole city from the Adventurer Guild using wind magic.

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110 thoughts on “WM – Chapter 121: Takatsuki Makoto experiences a carnage scene

  1. Author to readers:
    Oh Oh did you really think both of them would have some alone time and progress this early in the story

    Us: nani masakaa !!

    Author: activating my special trap card [cockblock] the best moment

  2. Man…. seriously just this one I want to shake author half dead
    Man enough with the blockers mam😢😤😵😖😫😢🙇

  3. so what happened to their lifespans, nothing is mentioned after the initial chapters, how much do they have now and by what rate is it increasing…………….

  4. Thank you for the chapter Reigokai!

    Oh my! Fu-chan it isn’t nice to stir the pot so much and you really shouldn’t try to get your Guardian Knight into trouble- wait what am I saying?! That is precisely what is needed! Stir away Fu-chan and actively throw your knight into the fires of Harem RomCom! Everything will be far more fun that way! Also thumbs up Noah-kamisama, enjoy the show!

    Aaah I am glad Fu-chan has joined the party.

    Dear oh dear Lucy and Sa-san set the bar so high. Chin up Sofia you won’t lose to either of them. Just make sure you all get along. Oh and learn to conspire with both of them to entrap Takki-dono!

    What inconsiderate Monsters! How dare they interrupt Sofia when she has gathered up her courage at such an important time! Go explode!

  5. “(N-Noah-sama! SoS! SoS!) (Makoto)
    (Do your best☆!) (Noah)”
    While she grabs some popcorn

    Meanwhile Furi already has food as she sits back to enjoy the “carnage”
    Even throws gas on the fire
    “And so, My Knight, who do you like the most?” (Furiae)

    1. It is so good to have a character in the party that not only nurtures but actively creates new misunderstandings. Makes things so much more fun! I am glad Fu-chan joined the merry band of heretics.

  6. Thanks for the chapter.
    In regards to the cat’s name, the Japanese would sometimes tweet like “Doing something-something now(なう)”, so Aya got reminded of Twitter from the nau nau cry.

  7. Damn! Missed a chance for #1. Does this author do standup comedy? Everytime it starts to get good, we have a cock block. Its’ become a cliche’. The black cat is a beast-man transformation. I just got that feeling, that it’s another female. Anyway, he’s moving up in the rankings, improving his magic, his love life is on the rise and his life in the world should be getting extended. Thanks for the chapter, the comedy just keeps coming.

  8. Thanks for the chapter
    I’m so sorry for you Sofia…
    But on another note, I think Sofia got her best evening ever with that shuraba.

  9. Goddess EIr is teaching Princess Sofia to work out on offensive to Makoto.

    As if she was implying in the future, there would be a beach episode here showing a lot of Princess Sofia skin and of Furi-san… I can;t wait…

  10. “Aah…you are the same as Sakurai-kun, huh. They do say otherworlder men are fast with their hands…” (Aya)
    ^ Should that be Lucy? Seems odd for Aya to go on about ‘otherworlder men’.

  11. Great job as always!
    I believe the commonly used translated term is “scene of carnage” rather than “carnage scene”

  12. Is this an exploitable mechanic? Could they take Fuji’s airship on a trip over a canyon and lure the demon lord’s armies to their demise with a heavy makeout session?

  13. A Carnage~ A Carnage~

    It is funny though seeing how Sofia reacts to everything Lucy and Sa-san do around Makoto. Mary really needs step up her game though.

    There, it’s official. The cat is now your cat. It even has a name now.

    Wow talk about a monster cockblock. I wonder if Sofia is just gonna snap and take out all the monsters herself. Doesn’t she have Monarch rank Ice Magic? She had worked up the courage to do something as lewd as hand holding only for some monsters to be real dicks and attack the town.

  14. By a hair, Takki managed to avoid being jumped. For now.

    Welcome to the party, Sophia. Not the adventurer kind. We’re all kinds of unorthodox and improper here, good luck and enjoy~

    Well, it’s good that they finally all got it out there, and it’s fun seeing them compete in romance now. They each have various advantages and disadvantages, so I’m willing to say they’re all about equal. Mary’s fallen behind by a lot now though.

  15. Ty for your hard work Reigokai sama!!!
    AHhhh…. Well it’s kind of expected it’s Japanese after all….

  16. Thanks for the chapter!!
    Damn monsters, for cockblocking best girl Sofia, you shall taste Makoto’s new sword magic
    Another Rampage?? :DD

  17. Hah?! you are making fun of Ryousuke before now you are experiencing what he experienced with girls. lol.
    It would be a good laugh if Furiae fell in love with Makoto as well after all her teasing about his love problems. So if we count these three + Mary then Makoto got 4 girls, 16+ (not reaching 20, I mean, it does state that he got 20+ girls which means it won’t be 30 then there’s also Furiae) girls away from Ryousuke’s count.

  18. It’s pretty refreshing to see a harem that doesn’t just go “we like him, so let’s just all marry him” in an instant like many harem isekai stories. It’s good to see Aya and Lucy still competing for Makoto’s affection and not changing pace even after knowing about the engagement with Sofia. This kind of harem situation is nice and all but it’s not really compatible with dense stereotype. It’s sad that Makoto is a dense protagonist which makes progress impossible without major move like the kiss.

    1. It removes the weight of chosing one person since Makoto doesn’t really show affection to the girls other than basic impulse that a teenager shows in an eechi situation. The only person he shows affection to is Noah who isn’t even included to the people competing for his affection.

      1. He’s dense, but also kind of a late bloomer. He knows he holds some affection level to the girls but he recognizes them slowly. Like how he cares about Aya because she understood him the best, as an old friend, as a person that have spent the most time with him, she is the one he’s the most comfortable with. Lucy is emotional and always sides with him, mentally supports him as a partner, as a party, and as fellow mage. Then with Sofia, he cares about her seeing how a hardworker of a princess she is. Aya did said that Makoto likes to take care of others. And as seen many times, he does tend to sympathize with every people he encountered in any kind of ways. All these girls have some sort of events that led to them realizing their feelings, but for Makoto, these stuff happens way more slowly and gradually as he gets along with the girls. In a sense, this is why a harem of girls is more plausible than reverse harem. Women decisively choose their partner, while Men can love many more easily. In my opinion, a dense protagonist with an aggressive harem members actually goes pretty well. For Noah, it’s strictly a relationship between a goddess and her believer, and also a good friend. She’s the one that closest to him personally with time spent together almost all the time. It’s natural that he’s getting along really well with her. She could even read his mind afterall

  19. ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
    ┃あさココ               ┃
    ┃ LIVE ver.2                   ┃
    ┃    Thanks!  HA⇗HA⇘HA⇗HA⇘ ┃
    ┃ : ∧_∧ : Nepu!….     ___      ┃
    ┃ : ( ;´ A`) : WTF?!    (・д ・)     ┃
    ┃: / つとl :      ∩∩ᑕ| と|       ┃
    ┃: しー-J :        ;¡  し─ᒍ       ┃
    ┃          ﹌        ┃
    ┃ A certain v-tuber rabbit scared local    ┃
    ┃ novel commentator after removing her ┃
    ┃rabbit ears with fresh blood on it, that will┃
    ┃be used as a gift to a certain dragon.    ┃
    ┃ 00:01 ●━━━━━━────── 1:00 ┃
    ┃ ⇆ㅤㅤㅤㅤ◁ㅤㅤ❚❚ ㅤㅤ▷ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ↻   ┃

  20. Till now i’m still confused why he wont level up his job class. Makoto’s job class is supposed to be an apprentice mage right? If someone is apprentice, doesn’t that mean they could “graduate” into a proper mage?

    1. That will probably happen at a later date in which he will probably be told that he shouldnt of been able to that as it is impossible

    2. Apprentice Water Mage is his skill not a class. It translates to Affinity to Water spells but very little mana. In comparison Lucy is the holder of Monarch Fire Mage. Affinity to Fire, gigantic level of mana.

      1. Lucy has the great sage skill that gives her affinity for Fire, Water, Wood, and Earth. Not all attributes. (Ch 10-11)

        Only her fire magic is Monarch rank. The other ones could be intermediate rank at least.

    3. Goddess blessing from the water goddess might be what people need to graduate from apprentice water mage. Eir did tell Makoto that she would grant him Sage skill if he was willing to change Goddess.

    4. It isn’t a class, it’s a skill that allows to use magic, skills don’t “evolve” in this novel, so he is stuck wit apprentice water mage (allows him to use water magic and gives him A LITTLE bit of mana), if he levels up his mana should increase too but for unknown reasons his stats don’t grow a lot when he levels up,

  21. What a correct way to describe Makoto…

    Upright and dense…
    But, to be cockblock by monster,
    His luck is really awesome in the negative aspect…

  22. Furiae be like
    Sofia’s taking notes from Lucy & Sa-San, she should also consult with Mary at the guild for advanced courses on Makoto seduction.
    This chapter was hilarious!

    Also, damn monsters cockblock….

    1. Mary already admitted she didn’t go hard enough in her attacks. Though she hasn’t given up yet.
      Hard to say whether her failures would make her a bad example or an experienced teacher. 😜

  23. Thank you for the chapter !
    Poor Sofia-chan. She is so far behind, yet the author doesn’t allow her to advance her relationship with Makoto. She is supposed to be the legal wife.

    1. The facial expression will be unchanged but the body’s skin will flush with color. There’s only so much we can control of our own bodies.

    1. “(N-Noah-sama! SoS! SoS!) (Makoto)
      (Do your best☆!) (Noah)”
      Do ur best~~~

      “Guuh, what kind of smell is—what am I thinking?!”
      Good, goood, let’s ur inner voice come forth…

      They got BLOCKED…

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