Tsuki – Chapter 298: The next day was unfortunately rainy

TLN: Hey guys, Reigokai here!

Finally, after a long hiatus, the author brings Tsuki back! Just have to say, it has been such a long time, that I might be rusty in key terms, so if you find any name inconsistency or anything of the sort, do tell me. In that regard, I really do have to thank the Tsuki wiki, it helped me out telling me who some of the people were, haha.

I will be releasing the extra chapter as well 3 days from now.

Anyways, enjoy!

It could easily be imagined that today of all days won’t be a good day for the city of Kannaoi, so I would like the weather at least to be good.

That wish of mine was crushed by a downpour that would make me want to stay at home even if I had an umbrella.

“Is this the Water Spirits trying to annoy us…or is this a hindering rain?” (Makoto) <The ‘hindering rain’ refers to a song Yarazu no Ame.>

But instead of stopping the return of a loved one, it is to deny the future that has already begun moving regardless of one’s will. 

Thanks to my Magic Armor, I could walk within this rain that falls as if it doesn’t want anyone to advance, and I arrive at my destination.

Now that I think about it, when I am walking in this rain, the shape of my Magic Armor can be seen which is a point I probably have to improve.

Well, even if I say that, though it is early in the morning, it is still dark out there because of the rainy clouds, and there’s most likely not gonna be anymore successive assassination attempts against me in Lorel.

A bitter smile came onto my face from the clear figure of the Magic Armor being hit by the rain while I entered the building.

…Yup, there’s a lot of guards.

Of course there are.

This is a prison, and the one inside is the leader of the rebels that attacked Kannaoi last night. 

I had the guards, who were doing their best and staying up all of last night, sleep with magic for a bit.

I arrive at the place where Haruka Osakabe is in custody.

Just as always, they have done their best to make preventions for spies.

A tatami room where fences set in all directions reach all the way to the ceiling…a prison cell.

Haah…this is the first time I have seen a tatami room prison.

Haruka is in there.

She was in seiza, raising only her head to look at me. 

The guards may not have noticed me, but as expected, this person did. 

“Good morning.” (Makoto)

“Why…did you not kill me?” (Haruka)

But I didn’t show it in my face and give her a morning greeting.

She didn’t greet me back. 

Looking at me with clouded, or maybe muddy eyes that had lost the life in them, she asked me this.

She had her forehead stabbed with a needle made from magic power, of course the person herself would think she is dead. 

And in reality, Iroha-chan also misunderstood at first.

“You are Iroha-chan’s mother. It would be easier to incapacitate you rather than kill you and then have you revived. Also…” (Makoto)


“I failed to kill you before. Honestly speaking, that’s the biggest reason. By the way, in my personal opinion, the best way to save you would be to let you die.” (Makoto)

The charm of Tomoki doesn’t alter memories.

To be perfectly honest here, a love for another person that would lead you to do anything without a care no matter the sacrifices is something that I don’t understand at all.

It may be an emotion that you should prioritize, but placing it above all else without limitations is…you know…

But people who have been charmed will prioritize obeying Tomoki over everything else.

“‘I failed there, so I tried this’, is what it feels like you want to say.” (Haruka)

“Yeah, embarrassingly so.” (Makoto)

It is as if your life until now fades away, and Tomoki descents like a God.

The family and friends you held precious, your lover suddenly fades and loses shape, making you obtain self-satisfaction from acting for his sake. 

Betraying the trust of others, stealing fortunes, and at times killing. Gleefully performing all of this by ‘your own volition’.

To be honest, even with the charm dispelled, it is already too late.

People that have lost everything due to drugs, dragged the people around down with them, and fell to ruin; when those people get released from their addiction, just what is awaiting them?

This is just my imagination here but, many people would go back to drugs in order to forget reality, or take their own lives while they are still sane.

That’s why I killed those three without hesitation.

For those girls, death would have been salvation.

I still personally think that that was the best action to take.

Just that…taking the choice of killing ended up being an incredible minus for us.

We had to fight a strong opponent we didn’t need to fight, the Adventurers of Origin.

“…I will at least give you my thanks.” (Haruka)

Haruka-san must have read something from my hesitation, after a small silence, she lowered her head.

That action while she is in seiza strangely makes her give out a dignified aura.

I don’t remember doing anything to be warranted gratitude, so I shrunk instead. 

I am being directed a dogeza, but for some mysterious reason, I felt small.

After a while, she lifted her head and, with all of her grieves showing in her face, she looked at me straight.

Her clouded eyes had a slight light return to them.

“Thank me, huh. Are you saying that you can still find light by living?” (Makoto)

Last night, when I incapacitated her by asphyxiating her, I thought that she would choose death no matter what Iroha-chan said.

It is because we clashed blades and received her all that I was pretty confident in that evaluation of her though…

Since she thanked me, I suppose that evaluation was wrong.

That she is able to choose living even at this point is something that requires an incredible deal of mental fortitude.

What kind of hope is she looking at? I was a bit interested in it, so I tried asking.

“No.” (Haruka)

But Haruka-san’s expression didn’t change as she shook her head.



“Thanks to you stopping my suicidal actions brought by despair, I can use this life of mine to fulfill my duty. This is a thanks for that.” (Haruka)

…So living really was not a choice.

I am sorry for Iroha-chan, but I think this is something that can’t be helped. 

Even though Haruka-san is a woman in such an influential position, she was way too flashy in her actions as a prisoner of Tomoki. 

I have heard that she was a brave woman but gives a quiet impression, and yet, this time’s incident was way too shocking. 

The amount of people killed with the dagger of assassins, and the danger of their schemes, were the most threatening in the history of Kannaoi.

Judging from how she spoke, she is probably thinking about being judged by the law, and reducing -even if a bit- the amount of obstacles that will remain in the government. 

“So you are saying you will receive the punishment of the law as a rebel and accept your death?” (Makoto)

“Yes.” (Haruka)

“…For the sake of the Osakabe household?” (Makoto)

“Yes.” (Haruka)


If Haruka-san had the intentions to, I could have faked her death and have her go into hiding in a base of the wasteland somewhere via Asora. 

With that, I could have let Iroha-chan meet her every now and then.

But…her expression denies this possibility straight on.

She has completely accepted death. 

Even if we were to hide her, she would one day disappear and never return.

I don’t know how long it will take for her punishment, but she…probably won’t have a change of heart.

Did me not killing her at that time have meaning because she now has a meaning in her death? …I kinda feel fuzzy about that.

“The trial has already finished. I will be executed the day after tomorrow.” (Haruka)

“?! Done? That’s pretty fast.” (Makoto)

“Last night all the tops of the Ministry of Justice were gathered in the castle, and the trial itself wasn’t something complicated. Capital punishment was a sure thing, so what was left was to decide the day.” (Haruka)

So fast! 

Taking too much time would be questionable as well, but the judgement being given right in the night of the incident is impressive.

The fact that Haruka-san is accepting the whole blame is also one of the deciding factors of this.

What she did was basically a coup d’etat.

No matter how many underlying circumstances there were, if the things she did were lined up, the capital punishment wouldn’t shake.

Like in Japan where external pressure can push it to be capital punishment. 

“The day after tomorrow, in front of the populace, as the leader of this time’s coup d’etat?” (Makoto)

“Of course. I was a heinous criminal that dropped society into panic. I will definitely remain in the history of Lorel as one of the worst villains.” (Haruka)

The most effective execution. The way to use your life, huh. If that’s the case, her husband that’s apparently bedridden might be the one who will give the execution order. Using it as a public example. A major power like Lorel cannot show mercy since this involves their future government.


“But you have been acting like a completely different person from last night for a while now.” (Haruka)

“Eh?” (Makoto)

“Even though you were a stern young man that was unreserved and cruel to the heart of people, their way of being, and even towards their fleeting wish for death.” (Haruka)

“Uuh…” (Makoto)

Haruka-san looks at me, showing a glossy smile as she laughs as if it is amusing.

I am not good at dealing with a smiling beauty that wafts this kind of thick resolve for death.

Last night she made this type of face several times.

“Right now you look like a flustered boy that has just turned into an adult and isn’t used to society.” (Haruka)

“Haha…” (Makoto)

“Such a drastic change. Must be the talent to treat death. I couldn’t have that no matter how much I tried.” (Haruka)

“I wonder about that. I am aware that I am slightly special, but wasn’t what you lacked, Haruka-san, the resolve to face death?” (Makoto)

“I am not a new recruit that’s scared of dying in the battlefield.” (Haruka)

“It is simply that you were able to trample down the battlefields with just your violent levels of talent while still maintaining the heart of a scared new recruit.” (Makoto)


“Last night, you see, I thought about it for a bit, you know.” (Makoto)


“That you and I are a bit similar. You stay scared, I stay ununderstanding. But only the way to act in the battlefield, we can understand it without any doubts.” (Makoto)

“! How vexing. I don’t want to be lumped in the same category as you even if it is as a joke!” (Haruka)

“Is that so. That was rude of me then.” (Makoto)

“…By the way, what’s your business here? It doesn’t look like this is a visit to state your farewells.” (Haruka)

Oops, right. 

It is raining this hard, so I thought I would go back for today, is what I thought, but it is not like I came here just to see how she was doing.

I think I would be able to visit her upfront if I were to ask for it, but it will no doubt affect the trust the people of Kannaoi have towards me.

That’s the kind of voices I heard around when I thought about speaking with Haruka-san for a bit. Then, I should do so stealthily in the early morning, and so here I am.

Leaving aside the thing about the execution, I wanted to talk a bit about the charm.

“I wanted to hear a bit about the matter of the charm.” (Makoto)

“You are a person that rubs the heart wrong in every possible way.” (Haruka)

“Depending on the situation, we—ah, right, now that I think about it, I haven’t properly introduced myself. I am the representative of the Kuzunoha Company, my name’s Raidou. This time around, I ended up getting this involved due to my connection with Sairitz-san and your daughter, Iroha-chan.” (Makoto)

“…You…! …I am Osakabe Haruka. My daughter has been under your care it seems, Raidou.” (Haruka)


Looks like the timing of my self-introduction was bad. 

But you know, it would have been a bit creepy to introduce myself in the battlefield when there was no actual proper time for it.

“And so, it would be fine to have us investigate the perfume over on our side. But you broke through the charm of the hero on your own. What was the timing for it and what served as the trigger? I am personally interested in it.” (Makoto)

“So this is not you asking every single detail about how I fell into the plans of the Empire?” (Haruka)

“I am not really interested in that part. Even if I don’t ask, your relatives will come later and push you to speak, right? …It is certain that it will become a fantasy telenovela.” (Makoto)

I mutter out my true feelings at the end.

It unintentionally came out from my mouth.

“Huh?” (Haruka)

“No, it is nothing. And so, what was it? By the time I met you, you were already normal. Probably at the time you engaged your daughter, too. I see, around the time the hotel was attacked. When my employees, Lime and Levi, were buying time, or when you were pursuing them.” (Makoto)

If not, Jin and the others wouldn’t have survived.

“Aah, so those two were your subordinates after all. They were way too strong to be Kannaoi soldiers. Even though they weren’t even people to begin with, I apologize for having injured them.” (Haruka)

“It is a given in the battlefield. Don’t mind it.” (Makoto)

“Even if you are a Company that can even perform revivals, aren’t you taking it too lightly?” (Haruka)

“The two of them are not dead in the first place. Levi couldn’t restrict herself and was on the verge of death, but the other one, Lime, is a pretty calm and composed man, you see.” (Makoto)

“Impossible…” (Haruka)

“Hm? Then, does that mean it is not like you let them live?” (Makoto)

“It is true that the wounds I received in that battle dissipated the haze that remained in my heart like they were chains. I remember that while I was chasing after Iroha, there was a point in time when I was bathed in blood, and I regained my sanity then.” (Haruka)

So it is not like Lime and Levi were the ones who got her sanity back, huh.

But the wounds she received at that time were an influential factor.

Is it simply wounds, or is a specific element effective? 

When she referred to being bathed in blood, she must mean the defense elites of Kannaoi, the time when she slaughtered the Shougetsu guy and the others. 

Tomoe revived them from a leg, from a shadow, or from a sea of blood; she complained, saying it was such a pain in the ass it felt like she did it to spite her. 

The amount of blood probably has nothing to do with it.

If you have to kill several hundreds of people to come back to your senses, it wouldn’t be a charm, but a curse. 

A power given by the Goddess definitely has a worse nature than that.

“By the way, are you acquainted with a person called Kougetsu?” (Makoto)

“It is one of the close-aides serving the Ministry of Justice for a long time in Kannaoi. Of course, I have also been helped out by him before.” (Haruka)

Killing a person close to you, huh.

It sounds like that could be a trigger too.

I will investigate the battle of Lime and Levi, and I should at least investigate this as well.

“Hmm, helped out, huh. I see, thank you very much. Well then, we probably won’t meet again.” (Makoto)

I now know about the execution without even asking, and I was able to learn more about what I was interested in. 

That’s enough.

“? Are you going to leave without witnessing the execution?” (Haruka)

“It was simply a coincidence that I was caught in this incident. Our business here has mostly been wrapped up already.” (Makoto)

What’s so fun about watching a public execution?

I have no such taste.

But the words that came after had enough power to take away my willingness to leave.

“I think you should come watch. It will be the moment when Iroha will cut my head off, and rise as the new governor in front of the people after all.” (Haruka)

“! Iroha-chan is going to cut off your head? What kind of joke is this?” (Makoto)

That young girl will kill her mother? 

No no, that’s way too much of a weird personnel selection.

That’s way too cruel.

“It is by no means a joke. The head of the current Ministry of Justice, not only had his body break, but his heart as well. That person is already done for. And the one who led most of the outside cooperators that brought the situation to an end was my daughter, Iroha.” (Haruka)


“A young coming head that charged into the battlefield for the sake of this land, brandishing the famed sword of a Wise that left his name in history. Being supported by her fiance too, she slayed her mother that betrayed her country.” (Haruka)

“What’s with that.” (Makoto)

“Don’t you think there’s no better story than to become the lead of a tragedy? And it is not that wrong.” (Haruka)

“It is stupid. Even the Ministry of Justice should have their own personnel for executions, right?” (Makoto)

“Yes. Even if Iroha doesn’t have the ability to, she could order executioners to do it. But fortunately, that girl has Ein-Khalif, which is a katana that can easily cut off the head of someone.” (Haruka)

That damn katana, huh.

A weapon with a will that was made from a method that’s heavily different from the regular methods of the elder dwarves.

It likes to eat dragons, and excellent weapons and armor.

In my opinion, that’s not a sacred sword, but a cursed sword.

When we were looking away, he ate the self-defense sword of Iroha-chan, and claimed Iroha-chan as his master on his own volition…

Aah, so that’s how it is.

In other words…

“I give you my thanks once again, Raidou. Thanks to you people, I am able to finish my life in the best form possible.” (Haruka)


The family head that is bedridden because of a disease and even had his heart broken also pisses me off, but it normally would have been enough to have Iroha-chan order the execution of Haruka-san.

But because of our involvement and the fact that we solved it, the flow changed heavily. 

No, if the coup d’etat had succeeded, it might have split Lorel in two, which would have been the worst situation. 

It is really displeasing, but even though the current situation may not be the best, it is the better one.

Even if as a result, Iroha-chan will wear the title of family head to serve as decoration, and receive the best kind of environment.

“I am a doting parent, but believe me that I do feel a certain degree of wisdom in her to become a family head. It may be somewhat of a harsh lesson, but this is the last thing I can do as a mother. Iroha has accepted it too.” (Haruka)

What’s with that ‘accepted’ bullshit.

Every single bit has been the convenience of the adults. 

What are the close-aides like Shougetsu and the others doing?

It is true that Iroha-chan acts more mature than her age gives out to be, and I don’t think she is unfit as the family head, but I think this and that are two different matters.

“Izumo-kun and a teacher like you managed to train her plenty well. This is a happy miscalculation. He is not lacking at all as a fiance. Iroha seems to also like him. She will most certainly be able to overcome her sadness with you people by her side.” (Haruka)

For the sake of the family; Haruka-san and the people here’s sense of values can be summed up like that.

It feels like the Edo period.

I like period dramas, but when I witness it in person, it is painful.

Having the daughter kill their parent isn’t something you usually see even in dark period dramas.

More so because…even though Haruka-san is speaking with me in an insinuating tone like this, it is merely a byproduct. 

The core of it is that she is trying to make it look as if it is for the sake of the household, but it is actually her serious feelings as a mother wanting to leave at least something to Iroha-chan who she will be leaving behind.

And I just can’t handle that.

“It makes me want to see it even less. Well then, I will be taking my leave before the guards wake up.” (Makoto)

Before I leave, I should ask Iroha-chan if she wants to come to Tsige.

…No, I honestly already know her answer.

But just in case, since I myself want to accept it too.

“…Goodbye, Raidou.” (Haruka)


The final words of a person that is headed to their death.

I already had no intentions to return any words towards that feeling hitting my back.

“I can go with peace of mind now…” (Haruka)

She must have wanted to harden the image of Iroha in my mind as much as possible, which is what led her to say a variety of provocative things. 

It would have been easy for me to hear what she said after the ‘peace of mind now…’, but I purposely didn’t.

I left without looking back at the tatami room prison where the woman I won’t meet anymore is in.

◇◇◆◆◇◇◆◆◇◇◆◆◇◇ ◆◆

“What an unfortunate rain huh, Raidou-san? Could it be that you are actually a rainman?” 

“Vivi-san, why did you want to have a talk outside? If you had business with me, I would have gone to you.” (Makoto)

“It is our motto that when a dispatch is decided, we move the matter fast. We plan on departing to Tsige evening today.” (Vivi)

 “That’s fast! Isn’t that way too fast no matter how you think about it?!” (Makoto)

Right by the side of the Yaso-Katsui Labyrinth.

At the place where a variety of stores are gathered in front of the labyrinth’s gate, I was meeting with the top of the mercenary group.

Tomoe and Mio seem to still have a bit more things to buy; Hokuto, Shii, and Beren are also busily moving around.

And so, I accepted to meet her here alone. 

It is a negotiation where all the troublesome stuff has already been wrapped up, so there’s no problem with me alone.

“It is a request from someone who crushed us with power, and it sounds like it will be paying real well. We have gathered up the crew and we are plenty pepped up. We intend to let you have us protect or attack or whatever.” (Vivi)

“Sorry about that…” (Makoto)

It makes me remember the battle with Aznoval-san the most.

Also, Pione-san which I overdid it.

It feels as if an estoc is stabbing me mercilessly.

“Ah, I wasn’t saying it out of spite, you know. We won’t be able to bring Pione in this one, but what affected the decision the most was that I felt that it is a good time to train in the wasteland. After witnessing the power of you guys, that is.” (Vivi)

“Training.” (Makoto)

“In between work, or when the contract is done. Even if it was the party led by an active duty Wise, we were overpowered to that extent and beaten up real good, so everyone is feeling down, you see.” (Vivi)

“Uuh…” (Makoto)

“At the end, even the masters we respect from the bottom of our hearts lost, too. And so! As people living in the present, this is not the time to grow moldy in our narrow world. The morale is skyrocketing and everyone is boiling up.” (Vivi)

Saying this, Vivi-san smiles.

Since I know the deep hatred of Pione, I would really like the truth behind that smile.

But the many words, which sound like she is saying this from the bottom of her heart as if she is enjoying it, made me somewhat give up on that.

Even if she is a woman that switches gears fast, even if she is someone that’s good at wearing a thick mask, she is a person that can lead a mercenary crew of that level. 

It is natural that someone like me can’t see through her.

“Fortunately, Bia—Ginebia-san said she will be transporting us there. We might arrive at Tsige around tomorrow night or the day after tomorrow. Can I ask the Kuzunoha Company to contact them in regards to receiving us?” (Vivi)

“E-Express delivery. I see, Ginebia-san. She had a teleport-like skill, right?” (Makoto)

Something-corridor, is what I think she told me.

“It is several times easier than going the normal way. It is also because we should be quick before our mood changes.” (Vivi)

“Ahaha, understood. In regards to receiving you there, I will have us or the Rembrandt Company do it.” (Makoto)

“Thank you very much. You have finally laughed. You were making a stiff expression there, you know. I can somewhat figure out why that is though. You must have heard something about the Ministry of Justice household, right?” (Vivi)

“For someone that’s normally cooped up in the depths of the Labyrinth, you get info fast. That’s a mercenary crew for you.” (Makoto)

“You can say that. Regarding that matter, you should let things run its course. It isn’t something that you should stick your head into, Raidou-san. You have other things you have to do, right?” (Vivi)

“Tsige?” (Makoto)

“…Yeah yeah. Today is a day to celebrate the establishment of a relationship between Picnic Rose Garden and Tsige. In life, you gotta think about the plusses as you live or you will be crushed.” (Vivi)

Haah, Vivi-san went out of her way to console me there.

How pathetic of me.

“Thanks from my side as well.” (Makoto)

“No problem, no problem. In this country, the authority of men is stronger, but the scary ones are the women, you know. Like Haruka and Sairitz, and me. If you deal with them the regular way, you are gonna get exhausted, Raidou-san.” (Vivi)

She looks like she is joking around, but she seems to be worrying about me.

As expected of someone that leads a group of people with strong individual traits, Vivi-san is also pretty bottomless.

Aah, the heavy feeling I have been shouldering since morning feels somewhat lighter now.

“I’ll be careful. It would be sad if I were to get exhausted.” (Makoto)

“Yup yup, you have Tomoe-san and Mio-san after all!” (Vivi)

“…Did Rokuya-san put any weird ideas in your head?” (Makoto)

Good grief, that person calling others herbivore or late bloomer. 

I know that already. Because of that, I made Mio pass through quite the tough time after all.

“…In the case of you guys, weird ideas or not… Oh well, that’s how it is! Looking forward to working with you, Kuzunoha Company! We will have the members remaining here keep tabs on Osakabe Iroha-chan, so don’t worry.” (Vivi)

“Vivi-san… We look forward to working with you too.” (Makoto)

“There’s people like Noma or Yamato, and other dangerous folks who will be in the group going to Tsige, so no trouble will be happening. Rest at ease!” (Vivi)

“…Hm?” (Makoto)

Vivi-san waves her hand with the same smile as she returns to the Labyrinth.

It was okay till the part where we lowered our heads and said our farewells, but what was that last part?

Meaning that there’s a decent amount of people in that group who might cause trouble that will be going to Tsige? 

Well, that should be fine.

If Tsige were a calm and elegant city, it would be one thing, but that place -for good or for bad- is practically like a storm.

It is also a warring time.

Now then, they must have finished preparations for our departure.

Let’s return to the hotel.

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282 thoughts on “Tsuki – Chapter 298: The next day was unfortunately rainy

  1. That left a really fcking bad taste in my mouth ngl. After all that shit author just left Haruka to die? Hopefully not. What about Kougetsu who literally had the means to counter the charm and allowed this shit to happen? None? Gets a new life and change ways but not for Haruka? A big Fuck you author. Also, MC is so disconnected to everything, what a cunt.

  2. Honestly reading this arc was like watching a kid building an amazing lego block building. You would identify some crappy stuff the kid built and just sigh about it, but also you would find some parts in the lego building that were amazing and you will praise it. Anyways, at the end, overall, it will still be a shapeless lego building done by a kid.
    Previous arcs were fine, but this labyrinth arc was kind of meh!
    And this ending, it somewhat feels like it doesn’t mesh well. The harsh punishment of Haruka was fine, but the matricide trope (Iroha beheading Haruka) is too jarring for this context, considering we are talking about State affairs. Looks like Iroha is allowed to have an active role in politics just like that, but for the sake of the drama, than the plot. gmab.

  3. With how strong Haruka is, it’s a shame she gotta die, I feel like something might happen tho. This would be the 2nd character that dies before they can atone for what they did under someone else’s control.

  4. To be perfectly honest here, a love for another person that would lead you to do anything without a care no matter the sacrifices is something that I don’t understand at all.

    Isn’t this just Mio with extra steps? Well atleast Mio cares about food now.

    1. The difference is that Mio was always that type of person, whereas those who were charmed have their original personalities completely overwritten.

      I mean, would you say brainwashing is a perfectly okay action?

    1. I would recommend that you didnt. It gets better from here on, but I completely agree with that this arc was a piece of shit and in brings pain to the readers

    1. A victim though, she may be, but such is life. If you are unlucky and lightning strikes you you won’t be able to tell mother nature that she was unfair and you will most likely die

  5. I’m disgusted by this chapter to be honest. They were several things in play, and the ending pisses me off. First, let’s talk about responsibility. It’s not only Haruka’s fault. Everyone had a part in this, ESPECIALLY Sairitz. She knew Tomoki’s charm made their way into Lorel and did fcking nothing. She let things progress to this point. And now that everything is over, the fault only falls to Haruka? Dont fcking joke with me!

    Then there is Kougetsu, the fcker that says everything is for the Osakabe, this will get them to the top. Fak you. If you did it on your own without any outside interference, I would be ok. But no, he had the help from a foreign country and the method also destroys the clan. The author might try to portray him as an intelligent or someone that loves the clan, but fcking no. This doesnt work, at all. He destroyed the members minds, ordered an assassination of an heir, and try to get the clan up top. Tell me, does the things he did connect in anyway with his objective? AND the fact that he is still Scot free after all this is PISSING ME OFF!

    Haruka, after regaining control of her will, decides to remove Makoto and end her life. The second part I understand, youd be left with painful memories of what you’ve committed while under the influence. But die on your own. Making your daughter do the execution will raise her? Fak you. You might be right, she will get stronger. But is that something for you to decide? You’re relationship wasnt bad or estranged. Yet you’re willing to make her decapitate you, something that will scar her for life, and something that might become a trauma for her?

    And then there is Makoto. I know the deal about not “eliminating” the heroes. But he has essentially made countermeasures against the Charm power. Why cant he just distribute it to everyone? Yes some might say then the fcked up princess will make countermeasures of that countermeasure. But he can just release the old or basic version of it, while keeping the new and improved ones for Asora use. Why? Everything came to this point because he dealt with everything so halfassed.

    Also, what happened to the “I want them to know that Kuzunoha cant be touched” thing? Oh how many times I just wanted him to say it to Sairitz or anyone else that messes with him, “Screw you. You no longer have the rights to speak to me as an equal. Kuzunoha will have no relationship with people nor countries that play with the lives of my people.”. How everything could just be settled with that one sentence. He already has Tsige and Koran. He doesnt need the other Demon nor human countries.

    This arc infuriates me to no end.

    1. Tl;dr
      I will only reply about sairitz. Basically she already have a plan how to deal with Osakabe house. But the existence of Kuzunoha makes her careful with how she plays it. Moreover their meeting with a child of the house, Iroha, made it very delicate case, since she doesn’t want to do anything that can possibly displease them. The involvement of the empire also only found out when Kuzunoha already in the Kannaoi. On top of all, she also wanted to she how Raidou deal with the situation, since the case with the Rostgard(he was kinda pulled his hand until the very last moment at that time). So all she can do is to watch them, support them, accepting request from them and helping the evacuation of the citizens. After all in her mind losing a town is nothing compared to the possibility making them angry and losing several towns.

  6. And just like that, the arc ended and Pione wasn’t even worth showing onscreen. I feel sorry for her, being used as a disposable character only to induce conflict against Kuzunoha and co. Like, that’s it? At least use her properly, author.

    1. I don’t even understand how she found out that it was Makoto who killed the assassins and her friend. After all it was just Shougetsu’s group and Makoto there when the assassins attacked.

    2. It was entirely Vivi the leader’s fault. She decided to listen to Pione’s whining. They got off way too lightly, and even had to be appeased before the negotiations. I wish they’d fought that annihilation mage instead of Root and Azu.

    3. Makoto should force Pione to go have a talk with Haruka… So she experience how people felt after charm is removed.

      But it won’t happen because the whole conflict is forced from the beginning. There is just too many things that doesn’t add up with those girl, it’s hard to count.

  7. Aight, I love this chapter, why? 2 reasons. 1. I now have respect, for Haruka as she didn’t choose to run and instead face her punishment,she even thank Makoto,for not killing her! Now that’s some amazing shizz right there. Also, what a waste. She could have been a employee, for the Kazuha company. That’s what I really wanted after reading this chapter

    2. I now instead of hating Haruka I now FUCKING hate SHIT. Thank you chapter, for fueling my fucking anger at shit. The chapter that’s gonna give him a fucking trip to hell (FUCKING HOPEFULLY… NO BETTER BE!) is gonna be even more fucking amazing. Looking forward to it!

    1. Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne, trash for the incinerator, and the wood chipper, and Brazil, and then back through the incinerator, then we drop him into a bucket and punt the bucket into a black hole so nobody ever has to be near him again.

  8. I really feel bad for Haruka now, she ordered the assassination of multiple important people, killed her old lover, nearly killed her daughter, all because of a piece of trash that she didn’t meet and didn’t care about. All just one bad day, she got caught by the perfume, and her own life ended that day.

    she will be executed by her own DAUGHTER and worst of all, Trashmoki doesn’t even know he did this and still think’s he’s a pitiful boy and everyone is wrong for bullying him without caring for the damage she did at all.

    I hate people playing the Victim Card they should all be purged!

      1. Well that would break the deal between him and the goddess, you remember what happened to Mako-four when he fought the goddess back then right? he won, but everyone died.

        but of course I really wish that makoto bashes trashmoki’s face in, also funny tangent here but,

        1 : Tomoki cannot die at night, like at all. (which is the reason mako-three said he would be killing trashmoki till morning, so badass…)
        2 : At night, Makoto can cast moon magic which can destroy everything,
        immovable object vs unstoppable force, which would win?

        1. True but MakoFour didn’t have neither Creation, Tamaki nor Shiki (or Powered up Tomoe) and Bug has now a choker so there might be leeway into at least beating some sense into him without consequences

          Considering immortality, it must work like those of the AoO, meaning he can be compressed into a cube of meat by the silver arms

          1. He cannot do anything that would be disaster level damaging to Hyumans as a whole due to the contract with the Goddess the second time she summoned him.

            His side got
            No more getting summoned and used (directly) as a tool
            Makoto can now understand Common Language (which incidentally completed the Understanding Of All Things (Language Edition) Divine Law almost killing him on the spot)
            Goddess side got
            One more chance to use a walking nuclear weapon
            Said walking WMD wont turn against the Hyuman race

            As for whatever the consequences are for breaking this contract, who knows? Nothing was mentioned, but im assuming he dies and on her end if she breaks it, she…loses the management rights of a world? Iunno.

            And honestly the only Goddess that comes to mind that would be all about Beauty is Aphrodite but she isnt a Creation goddess. Just a sex addict and beauty freak. Maybe she got a boost up from the whole birthing thing being creating life so got promoted at some point?

          2. I think at that point of the story, if he goes all out he definitely can win against the Goddess (especially since she’s somewhat restrained by the collar) but it’s mostly about who’s possibly going to die. And I don’t see Makoto seeking confrontation unless he believes he has the power to win against her without any casualty on his side (SN : his “understand of all things” might be a more OP power than simply speaking all languages, there is a LOT of leeway of interpretation through that power, hence why he almost die obtaining it)

            Goddess has more or less only her and her godly powers on her side. Everything else is not noticeable enough to change the tide of the battle anyway I think

            I mean if the Bug breaks her side of the contract, the only consequence is that Makoto would be allowed to completely let loose on the hyuman race

            As identity of the Goddess, most likely candidate is indeed Aphrodite, for 2 majors reasons : 1- the whole beauty thing obviously and they never mentioned Goddess ACTUALLY creating the hyuman, we only know she favors them much more and side with them and 2- her being Aphrodite from the Greek Pantheon would also explain why Athena of all people was among the 3 gods that went to punish her. Susanoo and Daikokuten being involved cuz of ties with Makoto being Asian is expected, but Athena being in this trio doesn’t make any sense otherwise

          3. It’s been said so many times that she created the demi-hyumans and hyumans. Don’t know if this is a spoiler since I’m rereading but(I can’t find the spoilers icon) she used the creation of the demi-hyumans as practice to create her beloved hyumans.

          4. I think the bug is the God lakshmi from hindu culture. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and good fortune. And she is gold. Lakshmi is also the wife of shiva

          5. Lakshmi doesnt seem like a Goddess that would be obsessed with appearances then. She seems like one that would be all over money and gambling (proof of luck or Favor of the Goddess).
            a Goddess of Beauty seems more in line with Bug due to the massive obsession with appearances. Shes literally blessing hyumans with looks and their abilities/luck are based on their looks (granted there is another system in place that rewards hard work but damn near no one knows about it so they only work with their blessings from the Goddess).

            Dunno, Lakshmi just doesnt seem to fit the bill imo. A Goddess of Beauty and/or Creation really does just seem more likely.

          6. I was thinking Aphrodite from Greek mythology. She is born from the blood of uranos and is technically the same as a titan, is a beauty goddess who focuses on messing with people and who they love with no regards for the concequences (Helen and Troy where Aphrodite made Helen fall in love with someone who wasn’t her husband which lead to a massacre of Trojans and Greeks). The issue is that I figured she should be an eastern deity and I figured the creation part was pushing it. So for it is beauty, love/desire, and personality. Against it is creation and story origin. Either way, despite her real name we all know the best way of describing her would be trash, b*tch, and cockroach.

          7. That’s the thing, for all we know she did have creation magic. It just depends on the situation. Gods and goddesses in general are beings that have that lvl of power, but in general they can bend reality to a certain extent. That is part of the reason what makes them a god or goddess.

          8. I think the awakening he mentioned when he fought the demon Lord when he was mako4 was what his power should have been if he hadn’t made a contract with tomoe.

          9. I don’t think so, the power that Mako4 awaken/discover after he kill Zef is probably related to his Talent which he turn his heah away from and go for Archery, it was discussed in a extra chapter and I’m pretty confident that Talent ain’t bringing him anything positive feeling

          10. Hmm are you sure about that ? It’s been a pretty while since I read that extra chapter but IIRC it was supposed to be a “powerful” talent that was great enough Makoto would have been remembered in history thanks to it. (Though obviously it doesn’t mean in a positive way necessarily but it didn’t seem like that)

      2. Bro you are literally a critiziser, like I didn’t see you on the chapter where makoto fought with haruka, but i saw you every where else. Like seriously, you are only making the translator at the least discouraged. Critialky.

        1. What the hell are you talking about ? I’m not criticizing the translation (nor the story per se). Plus why would the translator give 2 shits about my comments ? Lmao

          But yeah it’s true to I’m critical of certain aspects of Makoto’s pdrsonnality/actions etc.

  9. Hmmm …. There’s a possibility of ressurecting Haruka after the excecution, but wheter it will be done or not, it’s up to Makoto’s & Tomoe’s decision.

    Execution seems necessary, at least for Lorel …. if things just sweep under the rug, lorel’s people might see their own goverment as un-trustworthy, incompetent, and gathering of useless people with fancy clothing and titles … in short, Lorel govt. Lost most, or even all of their authority …. this might spark another rebelion for this exact reason.

    Let’s see how it will turned out

  10. After that conversation with root of people choosing suicide is an easy way out, wtf? People feel guilt because of the things they’ve done? You were basically being mind controlled. What is suicide going to accomplish? Only end your guilt, nothing else. And then there’s a land of the dead as well? So….you’ll continue being guilty after death anyways? Someone as powerful as her, having her die is such bs. You wanna atone? Killing yourself and doing nothing against the people responsible, yeah, great atonement. Well, I already felt Haruka’s character was poorly written since someone as powerful as her let herself get used in a political marriage.

  11. “By the way, in my personal opinion, the best way to save you would be to let you die.”

    Your personal opinion sounds like the personal opinion of an edgy kid. Grow up.

    1. “This is just my imagination here but, many people would go back to drugs in order to forget reality, or take their own lives while they are still sane.

      That’s why I killed those three without hesitation.

      For those girls, death would have been salvation.

      I still personally think that that was the best action to take.”

      Yeah, they MIGHT have lost their will to live and they MIGHT have killed themselves… or they MIGHT have not.
      Who knows? It’s not like you gave them the option to choose what to do with THEIR life, but you still have the gall to believe that you brought SALVATION upon them while at the same time admitting that your way of thinking is just your imagination.

      As i thought, a true psycho.

  12. IT’S HERE, IT’S BACK, so glad the novel is back
    Translator-san, thanks for the hard work!

    having her executed is an inevitable sad story, and by her daughter on top of that

  13. accidentally checking this side cuz of boredom , and hell yeah its back !! thanks a ton to both the author and reigokai !!

  14. Omg its here its here its here

    So long have i waited for this release ,its been years and finally its here!!

  15. This is so stupid.. I mean, a country that almost fall because of charm spell from other country execute the strongest warrior that somehow can dispel the effect of the charm. What would they do if this happen again?

    1. Ding ding ding!
      Concisely put. It’s almost as if someone* arranged the execution to shift blame and get rid of an enormous liability.
      Well, Saritz will definitely be making a move if Makoto and co don’t. Haruka, as you pointed out is enormously valuable.


      1. You know what, you’re right. I’ve re-read the entire series and remembered that Kougetsu is entirely responsible for this. Yes Tomoki had always wanted to invade Lorel since all the way back during the Rotsgard school festival where Princess Lily met Sairitz and she mentally confirmed to herself that Tomoki was planning to invade Lorel Union but Kougetsu had been forming his own conspiracy to make the Osakabe household stronger by placing a puppet ruler as the head that he would control and he somehow got knowledge of Tomoki’s plan. Then he used that knowledge to his own advantage by pretending to be charmed by him and then using the charm perfume on Haruka and others to try to take control only to miscalculate and let them learn about Raidou which sparked the premature rebellion that he couldn’t control. Now the Ministry of Justice has sentenced Haruka to execution -by being beheaded by her 12-14 year old daughter- and not only is the Ministry of Justice led by the Osakabe -specifically the head who is Haruka’s husband and claims his heart has been broken though we’ve been shown that the guy is pretty pathetic and probably wants petty vengeance- but Kougetsu is a prominent member of it as a close aide yet he hasn’t been arrested. It really does just sound like the Osakabe and Kougetsu are just using Haruka as a scapegoat.

  16. …It is certain that it will become a fantasy telenovela. (Makoto) *Maldita lisiada intensifies*

    bw thanks for the chapter finally after a year of weekly checking this series theres signs of life :3

  17. Uwaaa~ i needed to calm down first before reading the new chapter!! Sooo happy that author-sama finally finally continued the story!! Too much respect for him coz i know continuing after years of hiatus is really tough (i myself, find it hard to write again since i almost forgot everything, even how i wrote before, felt like a rehab was needed before writing again) aww BANZAI~

    1. Aah! Forgot about it but i was wondering~ what happened to the guys revived by tomoe? Did their mana capacity increase considerably? They said that spreading consciousness and bringing them back was a condition to increase mana capacity like what makoto was doing sooooooooooo…

  18. koolaid, i guess the author finally got off his Fate Grand Order addiction or something? kek.
    thanks, reigokai-sensei.

  19. Thanks for the chapter, Reigo-senpai. I just finally got around to reading it. And… I knew a ton of people would return.

    So Haruka is going to die after all? Trashmoki needs to die. I’m sorry, but I’m not at the same time. This time he went too far. I mean, he almost caused a civil war. I know that the bug goddess will let him do whatever the hell he pleases, so killing him will not be a good option. But it’s an option that needs to be taken. He’s too dangerous for both the Hyumans and the demons.

    1. Well, let me be the ‘Devil advocate’ here and point that Tomoki was the reason for the rebellion but he didn’t actually did something, nor initiated it, I don’t remember if a message was delivered from him claiming the land, but this whole mess migth as well be an plot done by the Crazy Princess. Heck there is a big posibility the guy doesn’t even know his charm has been weaponized.

      1. No he was completely aware of this plan and that his charm has been weaponized. Anyways he would never make some official declaration of war or claim land because the princess put it in his head that since he is the hero then he can just take what he wants since he will become king and rule the world. Also one of his fuck-puppets -sorry I mean companions is originally from this country before she was driven out. Him targeting Lorel Union may just be for that girl’s sake.

        1. Ok, please refresh my memorie in wich companion of his is from Loren, really my mind is failing me on remembering that. I know he is awae they are experimenting with his charming because he wants to grow stronger to beat makato and those experiments should be working toward this goal, but has it been plainly stated that he was fully aware of what is going on.

          1. Yukinatsu is the one from there. She had many ideas that the country deemed dangerous so she was kicked out of the country.

  20. Owo, wut, Haruka need to die??!
    Ah, first, thank you for the chapter Reigokai-san!
    Ugh, idk why but i feel bitter seeing this strong (?) lady want to die that badly coz of Trashmoki, i hope he will get his punishment later, pls Makoto, pls Azumi-sensei!!!

    oh, and it seem the next chapter is already updated

  21. Que regalazo de cumpleaños el que recibo con esta salida del hiatus, tras más de año y medio de espera.

    Como así… Haruka tendrá que morir? Que desperdicio de una guerrera suprema. Pero ya bien explicado, el hecho de ya no poder vivir con la vergüenza de lo cometido bajo el encanto de Tomoki, bueno, uno medio entiende, lo pesado sin duda es que tenga que ser Iroha la verdugo…
    Solo pido entonces que Makoto merecidamente se desquite con Tomoki, pues aunque fue otro el que aplicó el encanto en Haruka, no se niega que la mera existencia del encanto ya es un incordio insoportable, que en este caso se cobra la vida de alguien que se hubiera deseado permaneciera viva mejor.

    Excellent birthday gift that I receive with this end of the hiatus, more than a year and a half waiting.

    what what? … Haruka will have to die? What a waste of supreme warrior. But already well explained, the fact that he can no longer live with the shame of what he has done under Tomoki’s charm, well, one understands, the heavy part is undoubtedly that Iroha has to be the executioner …
    I only ask then that Makoto be retaliated with Tomoki, because although others are those who apply the charm in Haruka, it is not denied that the mere existence of the charm is already an unbearable nuisance, which in this case takes the life of someone who had wanted to stay alive better.

  22. Thanks for the translation.

    I find the repetitious self-defeating fatalistic “They/I remember doing bad things while being controlled by Tomoki so death is merciful release” tiresome. Partly it feels like a really dumb excuse for attempted suicide by demigod. Partly it feels like a lot if victim blaming and not nearly enough anger being directed at Tomoki. Partly I find it tiresome because it feels like an effort to retroactively whitewash Makoto’s casual murder of mind controlled individuals. I would be so much more impressed if he owned up to having done a shitty thing instead of… not. He literally only cares because beating the friends of people he killed into submission was troublesome. They have plenty of ways to rectify things. Memory editing and resurrection magic. I wish someone would go “yeah, I was mind controlled and did some bad things and that sucked, but it wasn’t me. Can you overwrite those memories as Tomoki doing bad stuff and then let’s go kick that guy’s teeth in?”.

    The most cathartic thing that could happen in the story at this point would be for someone to slap the apathy out of Makoto.

    1. WHo gives a fuck if she was brainwashed or not?who gives a fuck about victim blaming?also it seems you don’t understand the mental state of people well I can for a fact tell you the analogy Makoto made with the drug addict thing etc is true when people mind sober up they tend to be racked by intense guilt wether good Or bad I don’t care much for stopping them if they want to kill themselves to begin with why should he show mercy to people that attacked him?it dosent matter for what reason they did it they came after his life all bets are off when you go after the number one priority boy

      1. No need to be hostile. I understand the mental state the author is pushing perfectly well. But they have memory editing magic, so ‘being wracked with guilt’ is a trivial problem to solve compared to raising the dead from scorch marks. You wouldn’t advocate for every soldier with suicidal thoughts to just die rather than seek counseling, right?

        >Why should he show mercy to people that attacked him.
        Well a couple reasons. First, most of the people under the charm didn’t attack him or others by their own will (or him personally at all). That’s not Just Haruka, there’s an army of people out there with family and loved ones condemned merely for having been ‘made to do too much bad stuff’ by Tomoki?

        Tell me, would you still think the same if Lime were charmed and attacked Makoto? Oh wait, that happened! He was under an external influence (in that he was fed a lie) but reformed himself and is now one of Makoto’s valued allies. *ahem* What if it were his students? Say Yuno gets controlled by Tomoki, kills Jin and attacks Makoto. Should he just kill Yuno?

        Now as for Haruka, technically she fought Makoto of her own volition. The main reasons to save her specifically lean more on the practical, logical side –

        – She, like Lime, is no longer hostile. Her death does not benefit Makoto.
        – She is incredibly skilled. The ice coffin ability would be incredible for Makoto to learn given his water element affinity. Also Tomoe’s a huge nerd for improving her sword technique and Haruka apparently has better classical training. Simply as a research specimen she has value.
        – A potentially valuable ally against Bug, which is the ultimate goal. Bug is ultimately responsible for Tomoki.
        – She broke out of Tomoki’s control with Wings of Saint, which should give her a native resistance to Tomoki’s charm.
        – Also Root wants to crack the guild system, someone who inherits brave powers like that is probably key. If you care about Root, I guess.

        Also Kougetsu’s just a much better person to take to the chopping block. He’s actually responsible for spreading the charm.

        Also just saying, but the drug addiction analogy is terrible. If I jab you with a syringe full of ‘flip the fuck out’ and you, under my direction, joyously murder your own family while whistling a merry tune… are you going to ask for another syringe of flip the fuck out when you come down? Is the first person you want to kill going to be yourself or me?


    Oh thank you, Reigokai! And thank myself for decided to go check even though I’m about to go to sleep, LOL

  24. Yeey, I’ve waited so long for that one. Hope it won’t go on hiatus again.

    Thank you for your Great Work 🙂

  25. Holy crap! A new chapter.

    Anyways I don’t remember much of what happened or who most people are ~_~”

    Also it seems pretty likely like Makoto will stop the execution. I seem to remember somebody recently telling him that he needs to be more selfish and assertive because he will regret it and hate himself later if he has the power to do something but doesn’t do anything. Also he does seem that he is at least taking that advice into consideration since he doesn’t want a repeat of what happened to mini-Tomoe because he wasn’t assertive enough to have confined some people once they slipped into Asora accidentally and he gave them too much freedom which got mini-Tomoe and some others killed. Here Makoto doesn’t really want Iroha to be forced to stain her hands in the blood of her mother that the country wants her to kill. Makoto can show some selfishness and assertiveness here by stopping the execution.

    The execution itself is stupid anyways. The leaders of the country all now know that Tomoki is behind this whole thing and basically this can be taken as an informal declaration of war against Lorel. They should instead be preparing to deal with Tomoki but instead they choose to execute somebody they know was charmed and is also one of their strongest military assets which would greatly weaken their overall military power. They should be punishing Haruka with doing something more productive as atonement like trying to figure out how exactly she broke free of the charm and if there is a way to replicate the results in order to combat or at least guard against Tomoki’s charm. Their country will already be losing a lot of their military might because Picnic Rose Garden has been hired by Makoto to help Tsige for an unknown duration of time.Yes Picnic Rose Garden is just a mercenary group that isn’t actually part of the country’s military forces but their strength is enough to make other countries think twice about invading. So with them gone, if Haruka then get’s executed then the country loses even more power and others might think this would be a good time to invade and go to war with them.

    Anyways Makoto could just do some theatrics with Tomoe’s help and take off some of his rings before descending on the execution location and pretend to be a god or something and either say she has been divinely pardoned or say that he will take her as a subordinate while scolding everybody else for being stupid enough to execute such a strong person as a scapegoat instead of actually dealing with Tomoki. Lorel practically reveres heroes that got summoned and chose to settle in their country and it treats them as almost practically national gods. Makoto could just dress up in clothes like from his period dramas and show up claiming he’s a former summoned person who either became a divine messenger to some god or became a god himself. The people would probably believe him and would be more likely to listen to what he says. He’s practically a god anyways so he’d not exactly be lying. As for Haruka, yes she wants to die but I think that this is only a temporary thing because she’s still in shock of what she has done. I think if she were given some time she would no longer wish for death. The only reason Makoto killed those other assassins that Tomoki charmed instead of trying to help them is probably because he knew that they had been personally charmed by Tomoki and we know how rape-y he is so it should be pretty obvious what he did to them after charming them. If he tried to help them then they would remember all the things Tomoki did to them and they’d probably be immediately mind-broken which would either be very difficult if not impossible to treat. Meanwhile from what we know, Haruka was only charmed through some perfume or something and she never personally met Tomoki and thus didn’t have to deal with that creep so she would probably be easier to treat.

  26. Thanks for the translations.. The authors seems back, and as always with a good story..
    Hopefully something other than death happens with Haruka..

  27. I think it’s worth remembering that, in Makoto’s eyes, the most compassionate thing you can do for Tomoki’s puppets is to help them die. He’s always felt that way. It’s not because they “deserve” to die, and it’s not because they aren’t worth saving. It’s because the guilt and shame and horror they feel, from the memories of betraying everyone and everything they ever cared about, will make their life intolerably painful after the charm is broken. There’s no way to fix that without basically destroying and recreating their mind, like Root did to Sophia, and to Makoto that’s the same thing as killing them anyway.

    And all the evidence so far supports Makoto’s position. He saw inside the minds of the charmed Shadowless girls, and he knows that they wouldn’t be able to live with themselves afterwards. He saw how traumatic the charm was for Akashi, even though she was charmed only briefly and wasn’t forced to hurt or kill her friends. And although he was prepared to rescue Haruka if she’d found any reason to keep living…she hasn’t. Letting her die for her family’s sake really is what’s best for Haruka. (It may or may not be what’s best for *Iroha*, but Makoto hates using one person as a tool for another person’s convenience.)

    Makoto has the power of a god, but he has the personality and philosophy of a buddha. Life is suffering; suffering comes from attachment and desire; suffering will only end when desire and self are extinguished. Barring some radical change to his character, he’s never going to force someone to live just because they’d be useful to Asora, or because “life is always worth living”.

    1. I wonder if you have to be that thorough though?

      The argument is sound except for the point about rewriting their mind. Since, couldn’t you more or less just extract the memory where they were charmed? They might lose whole years of their life depending on how bad it is, but they should be able to keep living on and just treat it as a spot of amnesia.

      Knowing what happened on paper is very different from experiencing it, so you could probably even tell them in general if they had the mental fortitude.

      1. If they *didn’t* have the mental fortitude, OTOH, you would have to not only not tell them, but isolate them entirely from their former life so they would never learn what they’d done. And it would be awfully hard to explain why you were doing that when their former life was the only thing they remembered.

        But yes, a memory extraction is certainly doable. Root would do it. But I don’t think Makoto would, especially not against the person’s will. And someone like Haruka would never ask for a memory wipe, because it would be the final betrayal of her responsibilities and loved ones.

        I’m sure Makoto will eventually encounter charm victims who do want to be saved, and he’ll figure out ways to help them. He’s already looking for the opportunity. I just doubt that Haruka will be the first success.

    2. You can call it wise or whatever but I find it stupid, he’s a human so he should act like a human, not another kind of God when he doesn’t even want to be a God

  28. Is there any way to save Haruka or maybe influence her to redirect her spirit? She really likes warfare and would be excellent fighting for Asora.

    1. Giving her hope? The fastest way would be give her the chance to pulp Tomoki till she is satisfied. And she can’t be trusted as an Asora asset since she is too loyal to her family and nation.

    2. Giving her hope? The fastest way would be give her the chance to pulp Tomoki till she is satisfied. And she can’t be trusted as an Asora asset since she is too loyal to her family and nation.

    3. She actually doesn’t like warfare, though; that’s what makes her a kindred spirit to Makoto. Haruka’s insanely skilled and powerful, but never really resolved herself to fight to the death against opponents of equal power. Becoming a pawn in the war between Makoto and the Goddess would give her no satisfaction.

      The only way to “save” a long-time charm victim, that we know about, is to completely erase their memories and all the guilt and trauma that goes with them. Makoto wouldn’t do that to someone against their will; as far as he’s concerned, that would be almost as bad as the original charm.

  29. thank you so much raigokai-sensei…
    long time not see, this chapter giving me a fresh smile… after reading the chapter looks like i still remember every character on this chapter… so i miss this piece of novel

  30. I have missed this. And thanks for translating

    Now it’s time to re-read this from chapter 1.

  31. There was something about this story or maybe the timing was as such, was always looking, double checking if a new chapter is out. then i dont know more than a year later(dont know exact time) it was on break, now again a chapter is out and looking forward to it again. Thanks for the chapter

    1. hello bro, are yous still riding this seirei genshouku…
      i read its raw, but after 199 it never get update again and on his official it already pass that on chp 215, can you give me a link to read the update raw

  32. To think that it’s been like 20 months since the last chapter…
    I had to go back to give a look to the previous chapters to even remember where the story left off.
    Thank you very much for translating this. See you in a year and a half I guess.

  33. True, true. He still is extensively modest and has a fear of living too long. I’m not sure how and when that’ll change, but let’s take bets! I bet on chapter 462!

  34. oh my god, tsuki back? thanks author!! thanks translator, now going to re-read the totalitty of the chapter of tsuki !!! 😀 XD

    It’s baaaack!
    Thanks so much for the chapter!
    It was a bit confusing at first because I didn’t really remember what went on before… Maybe I will re-read the arc 😉
    So sad anyway, really bitter…


    1- …that said, what a bad aftertaste. Instead of announcing Tomoki’s brainwashing, they simply use a victim as a escapegoat?! And call her own daughter to do it, no less?! And then Makoto leaves just like that?! Disgusting;

    2- In the end, the only good thing was the fact Makoto is getting more aware of Mio… I personally dislike her spoiled brat attittude, but that’s Makoto’s own fault for his lack of guidance/short leash, and I deslike his herbivoreness even more.

    1. Oh man I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s not happy in general with all parties involved. Everyone’s attitude towards everything just sucks right now.

      And the shyness and lack of interest has always felt weird, because he’s said himself he’s attracted to women. So it’s not like he’s asexual. But he hasn’t shown interest in anyone. If I’m not mistaken, he’s been there for at least a few years now, right?

      1. Yeah, over 2 years now. In earlier chapter, he said he was afraid of getting too close to Tomoe and Mio, and that causing his will to return home to wane… what the hell? Cant he date those two AND go back to his family? I, for one, would just LOVE to introduce not only one but TWO otherworld, inhuman beauties as my wives. The reaction of all parties involved would be priceless! 🤩

  37. Yay! TSUKIMICHI IS BACK! Oh how I kissed this but like WTF! Why are they making Iroha kill her own mother?! I so want Makoto to go tell Tomoe to create an Illusion over the whole country of Iroha killing her and him just taking Haruka back with him and putting her in a Parent contract like he did his other followers.

      1. Yeah but he does care about Iroha and I guess I just want him to do something nice like that for her. Also let’s be honest here, she only wants death to help Iroha and it can be accomplished by Makoto making them think it actually happened with an Illusion. Also Apple might intervene on her execution and either stall it or make it so that she is placed under their jurisdiction, which is way less likely to happen.

        1. Actually she doesn’t want dead to help Iroha, she wants death because of the outrageous things she did while under Tomoki charm, as soe sort of atonement, helping Iroah cement her new political position (at least for the masses) is just a bonus and the only thing positive she can find in it. Given the conversation I think she is in quite the deep depressing state. With no will to live at all.

  38. hah…I feel satisfied in a way I didn’t know I was missing. Great trasnlation as always Regokai, and I see the author still has it this novel keeps up with the same quality. Makoto still has ways to go in his maturity process but he will get there eventualy. A little sad with Iroha destiny but well as mentioned thats the best result in a shitty situation.

  39. Welcome back and thanks for the chapter

    So with that out of the way, I am satisfied with how things ended here.
    I think the only way to clean this bitter taste is to destroy Trashmoki and Grimonia, as a start. Yeah. Need to beat that dead horse

  40. Thanks 4 the chapter!

    I guess there’s a political reason not to reveal to the public that Haruka was under the influence of Charm (most of the time) during the coup.

  41. Lukewarm and heartless chapter, the details of the execution will be hard to digest for West readers.

  42. Thanks for the chapter! I had practically given up hope that the author would come back to this after so long.

  43. Thanks for translating this chapter. I really miss Tsuki.
    I hope Makoto will intervene the execution and makes Haruka his follower. Ability wise, I think she can enter a contract with Makoto.

    1. When a God-desended battle manic was BARELY able to enter a contract with Makoto about, I don’t know, a month ago. An extremely strong Hyman probably wouldn’t be able to enter a contract.

      Plus, if that actually happens, she would probably turn into a Loli.

      1. Well, maybe a follower like Lime will be nice too. I mean, she is too precious to be passed as dead by execution.
        Also, I don’t think Makoto will let Iroha executes her mother.

        1. exactly, haruka just came out in this arc, and she’s obviously strong and overwhelming, it’s a total waste of character to throw away in just one arc, if that dragon slayer can return, she should too

          1. Shopia was clearly hostile to Makoto before she ‘reborned’ by Root. So, it very unlikely that she will be Makoto’s follower.

          2. it’s not only about becoming follower, haruka planned to die, out the stage, from the story, if sofia still manage to return as another role even after her supposed death, i want haruka too, keep her in the story, not just throw her away after 1 arc

  44. Woo hoo! Finally we return to TsukiMichi!

    And where were…ah. Right. Tomoki was being a bastard with his powers without even trying, Haruka got a shit deal all around, and poor Iroha suffers endlessly.
    …Boy, what a chapter to come back to. 🙁

    Haruka and Makoto have some interesting talks, and I would have much preferred if she lived but…Makoto isn’t the type to save someone who insists on not being saved. I guess it’s exit stage left for her.

    It was a long time coming, but this arc is reaching a close and Makoto will have successfully toured the countries of the world and completed his mission of…uh…recruiting some super mercenary group for Tsige for…something.

    1. It was for the civil rights uprising, or civil war in Isige. Honestly, since it doesn’t involve Asgore, it’s easy to forget.

    2. yang menarik perhatian saya perkataan Tsukuyumi pernah bilang jika hubungan makoto dengan gadis itu apa yang dimaksudkan untuk haruka atau gadis hyuman yang saat pertemuan pertempuran root dan azoval melawan pedang dewi

  45. Wow. I thought that he would save her and have her as part of his force. In preparation for his fight with the goddess. Thought Makoto liked strong fighters. Thanks for the chapter.

  46. Thanks dude, it took a bit for me to remember what was happening before the side chapters but I eventually got it

  47. when i check the website daily for updates (no updates)

    when i dont check (updates) XD

    thanks for the translation!

  48. Isn’t Genebia the female knight that was part of the brainwashed harem of Tomoki. I checked and it was. Reread the Desert of Sandwave dragon and it is Genebia. So is it a different person or the same as the one who was going to teleport the Rose garden to Tseji?

    1. I wonder if we’re going to start prepping to fight the goddess for real now? Since she’ll make her move if Tomoki gets killed, and that might still be too much for at least Makoto’s followers at the moment.

  49. Oh!! Tsuki Chapter!!!
    Thanks for the chapter Reigo-san!

    So Haruka is gonna be executed, huh.
    Makoto won’t do anything this time?
    Having to execute your own mother, what would happen with Iroha-chan..

    1. kasus makoto saat ini sama dengan iroha apa harus mengambil nyawa seseorang yang dekat dengannya,dan saya tau keputusan itu berpengaruh pada makoto yang berhadapan dengan dewi yang menciptakan hyuman dan menyayangi bagaikan anak dan dia salah satu dari anak itu

  50. Long live Kei-san!!!
    Long live Rei-san!!!
    Thank you very much.

    Depressing topic from the get go.
    Hope they get rid gritonia hero soon.

    1. Makoto is a man of his word. He said that he wasn’t going to forgive him is anyone from his company gets charmed. So, since Tomoki hasn’t charmed anyone from Asgore yet, Makoto will not attack.

      However, the moment Tomoki thinks he can kill Makoto…In that one shinning moment, he’s officially dead…

  51. Maaaaaan, its been so long i’ve forgotten loads o things! Welp, time to start rereading from the beginning. Wish me luck, guys

    1. Your package containing “Luck” has been placed on your wishlist and will be shipped to you in two days.

      Thank you for your patronage.

      1. Congratulations! You package containing “luck” has arrived! That I’ll be 147$ please. We hope you enjoy your purchase.

  52. Yes! New chapter! Also, a sad Chapter… But I’m still happy because it’s a new chapter!

    Also, I shall write this unrelated comment, which I have been waiting to post, down below.

    Tomoe: God of strategic and war.
    Mio: God of obsession and destruction.
    Shiki: God of knowledge and mental fortitude.
    Tamaki: God of technique and secrecy.

    What do you get if you add them all together? You get…

    Makoto: God of strength.

    I like this god theory more because all of Makoto’s followers represent a different part of what being strong is, while Makoto is just strong incarnate (besides for social interactions).

    1. I like the way you put it, altough Makoto won’t be acepting any God position for the time been, but as he mature he migth change this outlook.

      1. True, true. He still is extensively modest and has a fear of living too long. I’m not sure how and when that’ll change, but let’s take bets! I bet on chapter 462!

        1. Thats true, the best thing about this chapters is that we are seeing him grow a little, so he won’t hold completely to the same considerations forever, he is bound to change them at some point, maybe one of those would be to attein Godhood, even if not for himself problaly for Asora and company or even just to make the trip home.

      1. Makoto’s fourth follower. The one that was among the gifts the gods left after visiting Asora.

        Honestly…she hasn’t done much for someone in such an important role.

  53. Thank for the chapter ^^

    Uuuu, somehow it irritated me after reading this chapter =_=;

    If he doesn’t have the power to do something is one thing but to just let it go is… Ahhhhhhh

    please punch Trashmoki again soon =*=

  54. Thanks for the chapter and your hard work. I thought for a second that my eyes were playing a trick on me when I saw the update.

  55. Thank you so much , I have been wanting for new chapters, so keep them coming 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤠

  56. Thanks a lot Rei!
    Also damn. Lorel is brutal with executions huh. Iroha cutting iff her own mum’s gead is freaking ridiculous. Also what happened to the students? I wanna know!
    But once again thanks a lot Rei. Love you.

  57. Thank you for the chapter ! Hopefully this wont be the last one and the author will pop out more ^^ hahahaha

  58. Gosh…
    Thanks reigo san.

    This is why I keep me alive till today…
    A new chapter for tsuki…

    Anw, i am not sure if Makoto will intervene with the execution (I hope he does).
    But, won’t iroha develop hatred towards Makoto?
    Well, if it isn’t Makoto, who revived her mum, iroha won’t be forced to perform the execution…

    1. Why go to all that trouble when he can simply revive her after?
      The public gets their villain killed, the officials get their justice and the girl gets her standing as not involved with her moms coup.
      All without actually losing her mom, because she is revived later.
      How I envy that girl in such an escenario

        1. Yeah, that’s pretty bullshit. “For the convenience of adults” indeed.

          I think the bigger issue, however, is the fact that Haruka simply wouldn’t comply with surviving. If he simply told Iroha ahead of time, it would probably soften the blow greatly and he could keep mom around easily-not that it wouldn’t still be traumatic.

    2. the only way i can see him disrupting it, is if he disguise himself as the Devil, mocs the Goddes publicy and kills Haruka as an insult so Iroha doesn’t have to.

      1. How does one “disguise himself as the devil when” people think the devil is female? Also, wow, I pretty if Makoto was going to disturb the execution, he wouldn’t do that.

        1. I am pretty sure the Elder dwarvs already repaired his white Armor and from a distance in the armor there is no need to confirm the sex of the one wearing it.

      2. Ah, yes, that white armour. The problem is, the devil isn’t associated with that armor. He only wore that when he helped Hibiki. Besides Hibiki, her teammates, Sofia, a random adventure, and two demon generals, no one else was there to witness him wearing the armor (and those people are either dead or now know who the devil actually is).

        The incident that caused everyone to believe the devil is female is when Makoto made the pond, and no one saw his figure then either.

        However, an illusion might work if it was perfectly crafted for every individual person and if Makoto is a brilliant actor (which he isn’t).

        1. Well now you just debunked my theory, I am stumped in how he could influence the excusion withou creatin a great backslash to himself now. Is Makoto even good at ilusion to fool everyone else???

      3. I was thinking that Tomoe could create the illusion, or maybe even Shiki. I mean, if we think about it logically, there technically is no need for Makoto to actually participate in the ruse as long as the performance doesn’t flaunt too much power.

        I honestly don’t think Makoto will interfere with the execution since there is such little merit in saving someone who wants to die. (In a fantasy setting at least. There aren’t any suicide prevention hotlines in that world, after all.) However, if Makoto did choose to interfere, using the demons that live in asgore as a diversion to steal Haruka away would probably have the greatest success chance. Though, using his citizens as pawns for his own gain, and letting the demons out of Asgore, are both thing Makoto would be against.

        1. If he were to spirit her awys, he could just force the goverment hand, by stoping personally the revelion, and resucitating some of the victim, I am sure he has Loren quite in his debt, a mere traitor, that he could have killed before should be a small price to repay such a debt. But as you mentioned he is not interested in having her avoid death, since she actually wants it.

          1. I feel like you’re overthinking the hypothetical interference a little.

            Makoto could probably switch her out with a well-made illusion’ed body double and that’d be that, considering how easily he broke in this time.
            But even before that, there’s no need for him to mess with the execution itself. If he just has Shiki and Tomoe stand by for the execution, they could collect her soul during the execution and corpse after it, then heal and resuscitate her. The best way to fake her death is to have her actually die in front of everyone’s eyes, and it’s not like bringing back the recently dead is particularly difficult for the forces of Asora.

          2. You are rigth, but as I think you already mentioned before, the only reason he would interfere would be to spare Iroha the burden of been her mother excutioner, not point on ‘abducting’ her after the did is done.

  59. Its finally back. Thank you for not giving up on the author, and thank you for sharing this chapter with us.

      1. Yay 😆 finally a new chapter. Rekogai-dono thanks as always.
        Read somewhere that the author had a death in the family, so he was taking a break and was’t motivated. But glad that we can get to read again and wishing the author and everyone well

    1. He didn’t.
      But, I remember seeing some posts on Twitter.
      One abt him entering and exiting hospital frequently.
      One abt him having to deal with many changes in life.
      One abt him entering hiatus to think abt what to do in real life.

    1. Realized I missed the moon bro chance but I now know that I am ignorant of comment deletion mechanics.

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