Chapter 273: Intermission – At times, the misfortune gathering of Makoto is useful

“Even though I was mounted, I was knocked down by a humanoid living being. So there’s still new experiences to get huh.”
“Azu-kun. Aznoval… It is the real one, it is the real thing!!”
“No well, I don’t think there’s been a fake of me though… Root, from what I have heard, weren’t you living as a man?” (Aznoval)
“That’s right. It is true. But as the memories I passed with you guys revived, my body returned to that one too. It is definitely because of that! I didn’t notice I turned into a woman until you told me after all!” (Root)
The one that is enjoyably conversing while mounted is a tall woman with long straight silver hair.
A woman that would nail anyone on the ground when they catch a sight of her, golden proportions.
The shirt that is not the correct size was producing a strange sense of erotism.
And the one who was being ridden by such a shocking beauty was a knight that has armor covering his whole body.
It was a heavily unbalanced situation.
“Looks like you are quite the unstable living being, Root.” (Aznoval)
“This has its own fun. Fufufu, hey, that one there, that’s the mysterious abandoned boar that was on top of Azu-kun’s head at the time we separated, right? To think you really raised it. As expected of a being with finite span. With one glance, I can tell that it can even trample on illusory beasts.” (Root)
“I had…infinite time after all. It is until now that I was able to properly ride it and am able to communicate with its heart though… Oops, this talk would end up being long. Let’s stop it. As you can see, it is one of my trustworthy companions now.” (Aznoval)
“You really don’t change. You are just like how you were in the past.” (Root)
“You too. As beautiful as ever. Also, I go out more frequently compared to the others, so this is something that I can tell…” (Aznoval)
“What?” (Root)
“It seems like you are doing well…with the Adventurer Guild. Even though it was a mere verbal promise… You have my gratitude. That’s why Rokuya-san, Haku-san, and Bia-san as well; we all decided on this. If anyone of us were to meet you again, we would represent everyone by telling you our gratitude. Root, thanks.” (Aznoval)
“…Aren’t you actually…holding a grudge on me?” (Root)
The words of Aznoval matched something that Root has always thought of in a part of her heart.
That both sides hold much gratitude.
Of course, within the possibilities that Root had hypothesized, the gratitude is classified in the types that are incredibly convenient, and in truth, most of her thoughts were that they may have a grudge on her.
However, the knight was acting as the representative of the Adventurers of Origin and told Root about their gratitude.
Root looks back at her conversation with Makoto.
‘Did you do that knowing how much pain comes with immortality -with eternity?’, and ‘Do you really think they have accepted it?’.
Being told what her heart was feeling, even Root was doubting the certainty of the promise Root had exchanged with Aznoval and his group a long time ago.
That was the reason why words of anxiety came out from her mouth towards the knight that she had a friendly relationship of shouldering each other in the long past.
“Grudge? Are you talking about the matter of living eternally?” (Aznoval)
“Yeah.” (Root)
“It is true that I have a grudge on it, and I hate it as well.” (Aznoval)
“…But, it is not towards you.” (Aznoval)
“It’s the part about not thinking deeply of the meaning in dragging even Rokuya and the others. Regarding that point…I regret to the utmost my naivety at that time, and I also hate it. Of course, even now and for eternity.” (Aznoval)
“What do you mean by that? Guild Verse is a link skill between all of you. That’s why…what are you saying?” (Root)
“It is true that it was a linked skill. But the one that was actually able to utilize the various skills was me, and the others were simply on the standing of obtaining its benefits. In short, it is because I coincidentally had the Master rights –or at least that’s what I thought at that time. Obtaining immortality, obtaining eternity; I thought about using that time to begin researching and make it so that I am able to hold this skill by myself.” (Aznoval)
“No well, even I have been unable to clarify the skill of you guys all this time, and transferring the user rights to an individual is just…” (Root)
Root had completely returned to his female way of talking and speaks of Aznoval’s thoughts.
The knight nods with unhidden self-derision towards the bewildered Root.
“Yeah, just as you say. Even when I researched for several centuries, even when I searched for several centuries, the situation where I was basically trying to grasp straws didn’t change at all. That’s right. I intended to shoulder that myself…for eternity. And yet, this is how it ended up as. Acting so much like a knight, and yet, in the end, I have dragged all of my companions and have been unable to save a single one of them. If I could, I would want to kill myself.” (Aznoval)
“Well, that’s how it is. And so, we are now here. Just as I said before, I have no grudge towards Root who has raised the guild into a healthy and neutral organization, and has maintained it that way. I am simply grateful for it. It makes me feel that there’s point in me still being alive.” (Aznoval)
“Azu-kun.” (Root)
“Also, just as promised, we haven’t taken the side of a political force, and haven’t raised a country either. Existences that can’t be seen at the front stage of the world, existences that don’t exist. No problem, right?” (Aznoval)
“Yeah. But I didn’t think I wouldn’t even be able to search for you guys, you know?” (Root)
“I was determined to do a thoughtless research. I also didn’t want to bother you in the time when the guild was in the very moment of beginning to move. It is not like I hated you.” (Aznoval)
“You see, actually, I wanted Azu-kun and the others to cooperate by becoming the top brass of the guild and the strongest direct corp, you know? I even prepared the seats for that sake… A lot happened… I wouldn’t have let you be bored. Even if the name of the Adventurers of Origin were to disappear, it would be safe to leave your name as the top brass of the guild.” (Root)
“Sorry. But don’t you have young and reliable ones now? Was it Sofia? She has your blood, right? It looked like she was doing her job with pride. Isn’t that plenty enough?” (Aznoval)
Aznoval brings out the name of the adventurer he just met and praises her.
But  Root shook her head to the sides in sadness.
“That would never become a substitute for you guys. Yeah, such a person doesn’t exist to begin with. It is because it is you guys that I wanted to welcome you. The most Sofia can do is…be a proxy.” (Root)
“How strict. I do think pampering parents are questionable, but if you don’t at least recognize her achievements every now and then, she will be sad, you know? And, by the way… can you please get up already? I have to return to Lorel after all.” (Aznoval)
At some point in time, their bodies were sticking to each other, and Aznoval and Root were conversing as if having a lover’s talk.
Aznoval who was at the bottom, placed both hands on Root’s shoulders and lifted her body up.
“Eh? You intend to return now? After living for 2 thousand years already?” (Root)
“I haven’t lived so long! I haven’t reached the millenniums yet. Well, I did think for a second about having a meal together at least.” (Aznoval)
“In that case—!” (Root)
“No. The moment I saw you trying to take off the buttons of your shirt, I once again remembered what kind of person you were. I am not the type that likes doing it in the outskirts. I will skip all those kind of adventures.” (Aznoval)
“Then I will properly endure until we go to a room somewhere!” (Root)
‘What’s with that ‘then’?’, the uneasiness that the knight had was correct in a sense.
“It reminds me of the words of Munemori, good grief. You haven’t changed at all. Your appearance, and the inside as well.” (Aznoval)
“That person’s words?” (Root)
“He said that when you are together with us, you are either a disappointing beauty, or a full score slut. You can call it a true bullseye there.
“…There was no ‘perfect beauty’ or ‘wife’?” (Root)
“There was. When you are together with other people, you are close to that. But there’s no fun in that, so he said that he liked you the w—no, that’s fine. Seriously, what a lovestruck guy.” (Aznoval)
“He said something like that? I see…” (Root)
Skillfully moving Root who was immersed in the memories of the man that she had raised her love with, Aznoval lightly pats away the earth on his armor.
When he stood up and stretched, he looked at his companion Greenblue.
The wild boar, that was silently resting as it watched over the course of events, received the gaze of his master and lifted its body.
“Whatever the case, I was glad I met you, Root. Until the day destiny brings us together again—?!” (Aznoval)
Aznoval was trying to one-sidedly give his farewells, but both Aznoval and Greenblue suddenly turned their faces to a certain direction.
Root also did the same a second late.
However, different from the perplexed face of Aznoval, the face of Root was showing distinct displeasure.
It could be said that the thing where they are gazing at was outside the boundaries of understanding.
“I didn’t know at all that the royal family of Aion was connected with them, but I see. The reason they were able to turnaround the situation when in danger was because of this huh.” (Aznoval)
“As expected of Azu-kun. You can already grasp their identity huh. Hah… It is true that it is because I was expecting this turn of events that I am here today in Tsige though. Being ruined this long awaited reunion that can be called a miracle… It really pisses me off.” (Root)
“Such a dangerous bunch have allied with the Aion kingdom which is the lowest within the five ma—no, the four major powers. Just when did they form an amity?” (Aznoval)
“It was pretty recent. Adding to it, there’s one mixed in the Limia hero’s party. It is extremely rare for two swords to have come out in the present day.” (Root)
“The swords of the Goddess huh. Thinking about their raison d’etre, that’s a valid point. The people that caused the coup d’etat in this country were an organization that had antecessors of a religion of a half God after all.” (Aznoval)
“Azu-kun, for someone that declares to have the acting principle of using muscles over brain since a long time ago, you really don’t move imprudently. Your information gathering and intelligence; I don’t know how you do it, but it is incredibly precise. Don’t tell me, are you actually only faking being a knight?” (Root)
“Stop it please. It hurts quite a lot being told that. I am putting my life on the line in being a knight.” (Aznoval)
“It is coming from the mouth of a woman that was rejected, so I won’t stop~. At any rate, the half God church, no matter how many times it is crushed, they dive underground and come back. It hurts my head. But this is also within expectation. This is my job huh. It is fine Azu-kun, I will be talking with that. I won’t let it touch one finger of Tsige.” (Root)
Letting out a small sigh, Root encourages Aznoval to leave.
It seemed like she had some sort of idea about what the existence approaching is.
But that’s the same for Aznoval.
It looks like they already had a grasp of the circumstances surrounding Tsige and Aion, and also the one that is at the back of it.
‘Then, I will leave this to Root and head back to Lorel’, is not what the unmoving knight did.
He stepped half a step to the front of Root, and seemed to be prepared to confront the existence that’s the Sword of the Goddess.
“Azu-kun?” (Root)
“In Tsige, there’s the descendants of the Hiiragi household living there, you see. Most of the reason why I came to this town was because of this. It is impossible for me to pass by such a dangerous thing of unknown objective.” (Aznoval)
“Hiiragi… Ah, if I remember correctly, within the group at the Adventurers of Origin, there was one of the hyumans who was named Hiiragi. I remember now, Adusa Hiiragi.” (Root)
“Yeah. Adding to that, that person died before the agreement with you and the guild. The place where my hopeless younger brother got engaged with was the Hiiragi household.” (Aznoval)
“Brother… Nagi-kun?! Then could it be…that Toa is…?!” (Root)
“It is already a diluted blood, but well, yeah. Really, I am a useless person who just can’t save the people that I really want to save no matter what. However, I am impressed that you could tell Toa was a Hiiragi. She is an undisputable top quality adventurer that came to the wasteland on her own volition and got back the Blue Oni dagger, Lapis.” (Aznoval)
“Actually, the one that is soon coming here also has business with that girl. And that Lapis is the underlying cause of it.” (Root)
“That’s a dagger that was synthesized with the guild skill and has a power close to the Desire Sword of Munemori, but the evolution of it was only brought out a few moments ago, you know? What’s this about ‘underlying cause’, Root? If she is involved, I definitely won’t back down. Please tell me.” (Aznoval)
“Desire, you say… Was it such a monstrous dagger? No, the problem is not the power of the dagger. It is because of the reason of how Toa got it back.” (Root)
“I heard that she obtained the cooperation of her companions and the town though.” (Aznoval)
Aznoval recalls the conversation he had with Toa.
From what he remembers, that’s what she said.
It definitely wasn’t on her own.
“Yeah. And within those people, the one that lended the most assistance was the Kuzunoha Company. They guided her into the way to get back the dagger, or you could say, they directed it that way. Depending on how it is explained, it might create a crack between the relationship of the representative there and Toa.” (Root)
“If we are talking about guiding, then it would certainly be considered cooperating, but when you talk about directing it, it is not always the case. Hmph, and in truth, didn’t that company do something quite gray there?” (Aznoval)
“I won’t negate that. But the Kuzunoha Company’s representative, Raidou -or Misumi Makoto-, is a Wise that was kidnapped to this world on the whim of the Goddess, and his roots aren’t those of a villain. And at present, he is becoming an irreplaceable existence in this Tsige lined together with the Rembrandt Company. I can’t have the relationship of him and Toa, who is becoming adventurer-like, to crumble.” (Root)
“So it might become a hole in the ant’s nest that could lead to the town’s destruction huh. Wise… a japanese person. This person that’s calling himself Raidou, looks like he is quite the naive type. To think he would become such a spark in this kind of situation by his own volition.” (Aznoval)
Root didn’t say anything about Aznoval who connected the word Wise with a japanese person as if it were natural.
The circumstances of Makoto are different from the others, and while he is hyuman, he is a Wise, and he is also Japanese.
And in turn, it would make the interpretation of Aznoval slightly wrong, but Root didn’t show any signs of explaining at all as she continued the conversation.
“It is not completely his responsibility though. I won’t deny that he is naive either. Because of it, his guard at night is thoroughly tough and it is troublesome.” (Root)
“…For some mysterious reason, my impression of Raidou has improved. Or more like, I pity him. You are already trying to make a pass on him? Keep it moderate.” (Aznoval)
“Anyways…so that means, within the plans to crumble Tsige -which is practically akin to a firm rock- from the inside, the one that has the highest chance by stirring up distrust and anger between Toa and Raidou. The Sword of the Goddess that’s coming here seems to be the strategist type of magician after all. In my personal opinion, when it comes to Tsige and the Kuzunoha Company, I am a bit biased, so I came here in secret.” (Root)
The words of ‘moderate’ from Aznoval were ignored by Root and she continued explaining the current situation.
“On top of that, in this kind of important situation, it is the type that moves itself huh. Is it because it is lacking in trustworthy subordinates, or maybe because it is the type that doesn’t trust anyone aside from itself; whichever it is, if they plan on utilizing Toa in their conspiracy, I won’t forgive it. You are also here, so let’s swing my sword in a level where it is almost stepping onto the front stage. What do you think about that, the person over there?” (Aznoval)   
The words of the knight were send to a direction different from Root, and in the place that resonated, there’s a woman who was dressed in lightweight mage equipment.
A hyuman.
There’s no companion with her, and from looks alone, it seemed as if she was a magician wearing a robe as casual wear and holding a staff.
But looking at it carefully, you could tell that that equipment is made of high grade materials.
If she were to fight with a dragon as she is, she would be able to. At the very least, that’s the level of preparation she had, and the two of them could tell that in an instant.
“Is that your assessment of me? Or is it regarding you fighting with me?”
“Oh, sorry about that. I would be grateful if you were to forget about my assessment of you. I am a very ordinary knight you can find anywhere, name’s Azu. It would be great if I were to know your name, Sword of the Goddess.” (Aznoval)
“…I repudiate disclosure of information. About your assessment of me, the former was exactly right, and the latter was practically all correct. I only have one dependable companion, but that one is currently acting separately. Also, regarding you fighting me, do whatever you want. It all amounts to who crushes the other after all.”
She doesn’t introduce herself.
The woman ignores the question and voices out her displeasure of being called the Sword of the Goddess by the knight.
“Having contact with Toa is not something I can agree to, personally and as an ally of the adventurers, Alte Barrett.” (Root)
“…Falz. Turning into a woman, turning into a man; you really are a hectic person. What’s this about? I am under the orders of the Goddess-sama and am going to save Aion, and subjugate the rebels. It is true that she didn’t say anything about Tsige, but they are trying to go independent from a country, that also falls into the area of a coup d’etat, and it is not something proper to do. Is it wrong to do what I have to do in order to make it properly return to Aion kingdom?” (Alte)
Being called her name by Root, she clearly made a displeased expression.
Her face, her neck, and her arms and legs that are sticking out from her equipment as well; they were all pure white and beautiful as if saying that suntans are evil.
Her blond hair was shining to the point you would think it is actually made of gold.
The woman that’s apparently named Alte Barrett is without doubt a hyuman that possesses beauty the Goddess would like.
And that beautiful voice that came out from her was also filled with faith to the Goddess, and was not holding a single doubt to her own actions.
Aznoval leaked a strained laugh probably as a substitute to his impressions about that part of her.
“About fighting with you, I am neutral to the end. But I am simply saying that I don’t like having the adventurer Toa utilized in your plans. That’s why, if you are not going to rethink this, I will personally be getting in your way.” (Root)
“And for me, Toa is one of the people I have to protect. Just means that, I can’t overlook this as a knight passing by.” (Aznoval)
Aznoval continues to the words of Root and makes his standing clear.
Unsheathing the japanese sword-like greatsword of wide width on his back, he takes a stance with it, and chants something. When he did that, the width of the sword in his hand increased, and settled into a truly strange shape.
It was too big to be called a katana, a shape that lacked balance.
If we leave aside the point of the size, it would be a sword that’s similar to the short sword Masamune.
“Wow, you suddenly bring that out. Azu-kun, as expected, you really do understand.” (Root)
“I am counting on you for support. If we rampage to an extent where it would be a disturbance, this person will understand that this is not a fight she should take.” (Aznoval)
“Are you saying this will become a battle of attrition? It is a peculiar sword, but that doesn’t matter for me. Falz –no, Root probably only wants to pester me with words anyways.” (Alte)
“Now, I wonder about that. At the very least, if I were you, I would drop that thought about defeating him quickly, Alte Barrett.” (Root)
“Unless it is the Goddess herself, that’s impossible.” (Aznoval)
“Not only me, but even the Goddess. That contempt of yours, learn it with your own body, low life.” (Alte)
At the outskirts of Tsige, several pillars of light, thunderous sounds, and magic power flew about.
In this pressing situation, the emergency adventurer team of Tsige moved promptly, and they arrived just a few moments after it began.
It was truly a fast response.
However, the place had the remains of a battle, but the concerned party was not there, and not even a corpse either.
The next day, the investigation came out with a truly foolish conclusion that it was a battle where there had to be at least a Superior Dragon and several High Spirits fighting.   
The staff that was doing the investigation was truly skilled, but…the reality of things is only known by the three that were at Tsige that day.
The connection of Toa and Makoto had brought a legendary knight and the oldest Superior Dragon to Tsige in this day.
The day the related two will learn that this had secretly saved the town will be in a far future. <in real time>

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0 thoughts on “Chapter 273: Intermission – At times, the misfortune gathering of Makoto is useful

  1. Yeah, well. It’s all ok that the Adventurers of Origin don’t hate Root since no one forced them to accept immortality. I wonder about Futsu tho.

  2. Japs will keep being disgusting cucks, author is fucking losing it, and the people who like the whore has never loved anything

  3. was it? Cheeky Reigokai you.

    Seems like the Hiiragi household in general, Aznoval and his little brother specifically, are related to Nukumi somehow. That’s at least the only explanation I can think of on why Toa looks like Nukumi.

    And considering that a Sword couldn’t end a fight with just Root and Aznoval decisively, they probably don’t actually pose much combat threat to Makoto. Non-combat however….

  4. 1. Munemori is in lovestruck with Root 😲
    Wtheck!! Are you really ok with that Root being a slut, are you really a Wise?🤣😂

    2. Thanks for the chapter Reigokai-san

  5. ◘Munemori? lovestruck? that’s a disgusting cuckold

    ◘”there’s one mixed in the Limia hero’s party”
    OMG a Sword in her party, who’s it, I bet it’s a new companion. otherwise, there’s no need for summoning Makoto every time Hibiki was in a pinch

    ◘”within the group at the Adventurers of Origin, there was one of the hyumans”
    very confusing, Adventurers of Origin aren’t Human otherworlders only? and if she died before the Adventurer guild formation how is she considered of the Origin? the author’s explanation about this part is very lacking

    ◘”it might create a crack between the relationship of the representative there and Toa.” (Root)
    sounds forced from the author

    1. ”it might create a crack between the relationship of the representative there and Toa.” (Root)
      sounds forced from the author

      I think this is not forced because it is from the root POV.

  6. Makoto: So you work for the Goddess?
    Alte: Yes I love her.
    Makoto: Good! The. I won’t regret killing you.

  7. So much for wanting Makoto’s child and all… like Azu said “He said that when you are together with us, you are either a disappointing beauty, or a full score slut. You can call it a true bullseye there.”
    Heck i don’t even how her husband could love a slut that would go fuck other men. Maybe he was into NTR xD

    1. I also feel like her going to Azu rather than Makoto was like a branching tree in the plot. Heck she prefered to go sleep with another dude rather than trying to make thing better with Makoto.

  8. Just finished reading all available chapters. Thanks for your continous efforts, Reigokai.
    Also, I just wanted tosay that a description I imagine fitting to Root is the one that a character from another story has: Matara Okina from Touhou. Both of them are so old and powerful they have connections in the most unexpected places, and they will tell you about them. That is, if you specifically ask about those connections or info.

  9. Very appropriate chapter title. Ironic coincidence that’s troublesome but usefull. True to Makoto’s luck indeed.
    But i wanted to see the massive battle of those three!!
    Thanks for the chapter

  10. Looong time no see! Thank you for these last chapters! Now, about the reasons for Raidou x Toa break up.

    1- Tomoe is Shen: That happened so far ago, and Toa herself said it was a stupid endeavor. Weak.

    2- The dagger is a replica! It was mentioned several chapters ago! Toa came to the wasteland and found her familiy’s dagger… except she didn’t. It was all lie from Kuzunoha, which got the real dagger from the orcs! Knowing your generations old achievement was made up… would make anyone irritated, right?

    1. Is it a replica, though? The story of her retrieving the dagger is shown in an extra chapter and (if I read that wall of google-translated near-nonsense correctly) it’s implied that Tomoe returned the dagger through her illusions after giving her some trials. Though I might be entirely wrong due to the fact that the machine translation is better at giving me a headache than any form of clarity.

    1. “This is it. The final test.”
      The final obstacle is front of us, the Great Cliff. People call it that but nobody knows how it came to be. It has always been there and a  single rope went across one side to the other. Our goal is on the other side and we can only reach it by using that rope, a.k.a cliff hanging.
      It’s okay. I’ve got enough experience.

      “I can do this ! Go….. !!”
      I start my engine and rushed forward, full speed. My engine roared loudly until …

      *a falling sensation*

      I felt the wind against my body. Feels light. Everything is dark, hot, silent. The air pressure…
      How long has I been falling like this?
      “What on earth happened?” My voice echoes.
      I tried remembering while free falling in the air.

      I passed out shortly after we rushed forward. My gear box jammed and tires blew. Clearly someone sabotaged me. When I jumped over the cliff, I threw hooked ropes that my friends gave me before. The ropes snapped… some ‘good’ quality ropes they gave me huh? The hook however, was truly superior quality ones, it bounced against the wall and splendidly hit my head. It was hard. I passed out. Well… maybe the rope snapped because I’m too heavy. Because… truck.

      I looked below and saw nothing.
      Too dark. Too quiet. I’m afraid.

      …To be continued…

      (Next time: Truck-kun reached the bottom. The truth is revealed?)

  11. So the battle was skipped, well it is after all an adventure or origin, boss of the superior dragon vs like what a cult of the goddess?

  12. from what I can get here:
    Aznoval is displeased with the way Makoto / Kuzunoha Company act. In which Makoto (Kuzunoha Company) instead of protecting / becoming forces that defend Tsige, they went to dungeon in Lorel.
    Why not just sent subordinates to visit Lorel but Makoto himself directly go there?
    When Tsige need Makoto protection, where is Makoto?

    While Root is unsure if Makoto wants to support Tsige or just a bystander/third party. But I think root more inclined to think the later (bystander).

    While Makoto think Tsige place where adventures hang-out so that if Tsige wants to be independent from other country then Tsige people must at least can protect themselves. Makoto / Kuzunoha company can’t always protect Tsiege and Makoto isn’t even level S adventurer. Those Tsige adventurer people probably would laugh/disbelieve if they saw his guild card (Level 1).
    Even when Makoto already the beyond of abnormality where he can defeat dragon, He think Tsige adventurer is not ready to say learn from him.
    So Makoto opt to find the Adventurers of Origin in Lorel dungeon. At least those people already being that people worships.

  13. Many Thanks for the hard work!

    Although we’re lacking Makoto in this chapter, I’m happy, or rather quite amused, to see how the colorful perverted trans-gender old lizard behaves. His… Her description as full score slut is quite fitting I see, I mean trying to “ride” one as soon as you catch him? I might be biased because I’m on the path to reach the status of Grand Sage myself, but I’m on Makoto’s side. As in, I think he… she’s a little too assertive (not that I dislike it though).

    But perversion aside, I’m quite suprised by the “Sword of the Goddess”. I was sure it was referring to the heroes, yet we get a whole new character/entity? Or am I forgetting something? Well, as usual, I’m looking very forward to the next chapter.

  14. @xxharu:
    (Their conversation happened while they were moving towards where Alte is, at that time Aznoval still wasn’t sure who they will meet so he used “he” or probably a gender neutral term in japanese.)?

    There Root already clearly mentioned to Aznoval :
    1. The “Sword of the Goddess that’s coming here” seems to be the strategist type of magician after all. (Root)

    2. In my personal opinion, when it comes to Tsige and the “Kuzunoha Company”, I am a bit biased, so I came here in secret.” (Root)

    Sword of the Goddess that’s coming here. (Goddess. Goddess. Goddess.)
    when talk about Goddess, people would always refer or think of it as “woman/female”. Because Goddess refer to “female deity”.

    Then replied by Aznoval:
    3. “On top of that, in this kind of important situation, he is the type that moves himself huh. Is it because he is lacking in trustworthy subordinates, or maybe because he is the type that doesn’t trust anyone aside from himself; whichever it is, if they plan on utilizing Toa in their conspiracy, I won’t forgive it. (Aznoval)

    4. You are also here, so let’s swing my sword in a level where it is almost stepping onto the front stage. What do you think about that, the person over there?” (Aznoval)

    Number 3 is Aznoval reply refer to “Makoto (he)”.
    Number 4 is Aznoval reply to “Sword of Goddess”.

  15. Thanks for the chapter. When reading this Alte is going to have or team up together with Toa to fight Makoto in the future. This sounds like some sort of plot from “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi”. Where the emperor is trying to manipulate Luke to join him and be one with the darkside. Alte with the power of the Goddess(Bug) will manipulate Toa to come to her side.

    “Yes, feel your beauty and become one with the Goddess(Bug)”. (Alte)

    What I wrote was idea that came from the “Return of the Jedi” of the emperor talking, it is kind of creep but I have no idea what sound better to make her the Goddess evil.

  16. Too many problems and evil are converging in one area and Makoto just breaks it all shocking and surprising the Immortals, giving nightmares to the Half God religion and once again giving a lesson to that stupid Empire’s hero in which he never learn somehow as somewhat his mind is filled greed and disgusting ideas.

  17. “On top of that, in this kind of important situation, he is the type that moves himself huh. Is it because he is lacking in trustworthy subordinates, or maybe because he is the type that doesn’t trust anyone aside from himself; whichever it is, if they plan on utilizing Toa in their conspiracy, I won’t forgive it. You are also here, so let’s swing my sword in a level where it is almost stepping onto the front stage. What do you think about that, the person over there?” (Aznoval)
    can someone explain this part to me???
    it says he and i thought that they were still talking about Makoto, but further context says that this part is talking about Alte, so… wot?

    1. Their conversation happened while they were moving towards where Alte is, at that time Aznoval still wasn’t sure who they will meet so he used “he” or probably a gender neutral term in japanese.

      1. There Root already clearly mentioned to Aznoval :
        1. The “Sword of the Goddess that’s coming here” seems to be the strategist type of magician after all. (Root)

        2. In my personal opinion, when it comes to Tsige and the “Kuzunoha Company”, I am a bit biased, so I came here in secret.” (Root)

        Sword of the Goddess that’s coming here. (Goddess. Goddess. Goddess.)
        when talk about Goddess, people would always refer or think of it as “woman/female”. Because Goddess refer to “female deity”.

        Then replied by Aznoval:
        3. “On top of that, in this kind of important situation, he is the type that moves himself huh. Is it because he is lacking in trustworthy subordinates, or maybe because he is the type that doesn’t trust anyone aside from himself; whichever it is, if they plan on utilizing Toa in their conspiracy, I won’t forgive it. (Aznoval)

        4. You are also here, so let’s swing my sword in a level where it is almost stepping onto the front stage. What do you think about that, the person over there?” (Aznoval)

        Number 3 is Aznoval reply refer to “Makoto (he)”.
        Number 4 is Aznoval reply refer to “Sword of Goddess”.

  18. I can see that the author is starting to branch out his style of writing to include multiple xanatos gambits…

  19. Translate the missing extra chapters. The other page takes months to translate one. There are only 12 out of 33 out there.
    Why could not Reigokai translate them now that the main story is up to date?

  20. thanks for the chapter!

    “He said that when you are together with us, you are either a disappointing beauty, or a full score slut. You can call it a true bullseye there.”

    So, the strongest hyumans that root spoke long ago doesn’t seem like apple but the ‘goddess sword’.

    Toa being the descendant of a ‘wise’ may explain why she looked like a the other girl from the archery club, maybe she was from the same family as nagi and aznoval

    the ‘japanese-like great sword’, is it like a nodachi or odachi but with a thicker blade because of fantasy world?

    funny thing, look like Alte was requested to suppress the revolution because it was made by a cult hailing a demi-god, but took the decision to suppress tsige’s independence at the same time since it fall under ‘coup d’état’. look like it wasn’t the goddess order, but her own volition, and I am reminded of the talk between makoto and sari when makoto said it didn’t matter the purpose, if the action look bad it’s an enemy.
    And I am thinking, that maybe Alte just brought makoto in a war against the goddess because of her own decisions.

    1. about the immortality, I reread a bit of ‘hunter x hunter’ and in it it’s called “deceiver of hope, endless despair; The immortal sickness”

  21. Thanks for the chapter, Reigo-senpai.

    Well guys… damn. Now the countdown’s at “1”. I’m late because I caught some kind of bug. Anyway, I am wondering what the next project is?

    I hope to the high heavens that it’s Janitor-san!

  22. what is this?
    “On top of that, in this kind of important situation, he is the type that moves himself huh. Is it because he is lacking in trustworthy subordinates, or maybe because he is the type that doesn’t trust anyone aside from himself; ”
    This Aznoval surely haven’t met Makoto/Raidou plus subordinates at all that he can say like that. He even let let Shen watch his memory.

      1. >”She doesn’t introduce herself. The woman ignores the question and voices out her displeasure of being called the Sword of the Goddess by the knight.
        “Having contact with Toa is not something I can agree to, personally and as an ally of the adventurers, Alte Barrett.” (Root)”he is the type that moves himself huh. Is it because he is lacking in trustworthy subordinates, or maybe because he is the type that doesn’t trust anyone aside from himself; ”<

      2. (She doesn’t introduce herself. The woman ignores the question and voices out her displeasure of being called the Sword of the Goddess by the knight.
        “Having contact with Toa is not something I can agree to, personally and as an ally of the adventurers, Alte Barrett.” (Root)”)

        Alte is a woman. If it refer to “Alte” it should be “SHE”.
        Aznoval mentioned “HE” so it refer to Makoto.

        1. like xxharu said, they didn’t know the sword of the goddess was a women at that time, that’s why the use of “he”.

          after that she said
          “About your assessment of me, the former was exactly right, and the latter was practically all correct. I only have one dependable companion, but that one is currently acting separately.”
          it a reply to
          “he is the type that moves himself huh. Is it because he is lacking in trustworthy subordinates, or maybe because he is the type that doesn’t trust anyone aside from himself”

          1. Yeah, that’s right. He was talking about Alte there. There’s no gender specification in Japanese, so I normally use ‘it’. But in that part, I genuinely thought Aznoval was talking about Makoto.
            I will fix it now into ‘it’.

      3. ^Their conversation happened while they were moving towards where Alte is, at that time Aznoval still wasn’t sure who they will meet so he used “he” or probably a gender neutral term in japanese.

      1. (She doesn’t introduce herself. The woman ignores the question and voices out her displeasure of being called the Sword of the Goddess by the knight.
        “Having contact with Toa is not something I can agree to, personally and as an ally of the adventurers, Alte Barrett.” (Root)”)

        Alte is a woman. If it refer to “Alte” it should be “SHE”.
        Aznoval mentioned “HE” so it refer to Makoto.

        1. ≤he is the type that moves himself huh. Is it because he is lacking in trustworthy subordinates, or maybe because he is the type that doesn’t trust anyone aside from himself> Thats mentioned before the gender of the Sword is introduced, so is vage.
          ≤She doesn’t introduce herself. The woman ignores the question and voices out her displeasure of being called the Sword of the Goddess by the knight.> This is after the sword is intoduced so we know the gender. There is not need to keep things vague anymore.

  23. Thanks for the chapter Regokai, well this one truly delivered a lot of background info in there. So Toa is an distan descendant of Japan, problaly Aznoval and his brother have a family tie with Makoto kohai that confessed to him. “It was pretty recent. Adding to it, there’s one mixed in the Limia hero’s party. It is extremely rare for two swords to have come out in the present day.” – So who is the sword of the Goddes thats involved with Hibiki???? So why did Root leave Aznoval have the wrong impretion of Makoto then, it seems that he is the so called Leader that the pair who helped Iroah is looking for. So is the fact that Root is only using Sofia what is truly bothering Makoto about the hole reincarnation with memories tempering situation???

    1. I hate those kinds of character that can’t internalize their arrogance? If she thinks that she’s more superior, then she should just shut up and do what she has to do… then again, moving in the shadows most of the time might have made her want to let out some

      (overall yep, she gave off a bad impression)

  24. Thanks for the chapter
    So … this is…. the final chapter of my favourite frenzy ln release ?
    So sad…. but I will patiently wait….
    maybe someday the author decides to write a whole book at once.

    1. He has already written whole books of LN.. but Reigokai only translate from the WN, partly to evade copyright infringe.

      Btw, the WN are on the latest update. So.. more time needed if you want to read the whole novel.

  25. Thx for the Chappy ~!
    It’s been a GREAT translation Reigokai-chan~
    This BadLuck is on a SPREE!!!
    It wouldn’t stop till it gets Makoto!~
    I’ll be waiting for Makoto to NOT ignore everything~~

  26. Thanks for the chappy~
    Ahem… Makoto had the power to kill the goddess ever since his fight with athena, and hes been doubling that for, a month now? Asnoval and the sword of the goddess fought, ok. If makoto and the sword fought, im guessing that area would become another crater/extension of the wasteland.

  27. Damm, I can’t sleep since you update, anyways today I made some snacks instead of food (I’m sleepy and can’t hold my kitchen tool whiteout getting a cut on my fingers)
    First my roasted potatoes recipe (this time I properly made in a stone oven instead of using my flamethrower), also have my blue cheese mini-burger, my toritos bravos (a capped jalapeno filled whit tuna), fried octopus whit white sauce and my facorite snack, sautéed asparagus wrapped in bacon (I can’t have enough of these, the flavor of the butter I use to saute and the salty bacon made a perfect match whit the mango sauce i use to accompany this snack)
    Since the snacks are mostly made whit meat, a wine taste good.
    And I don’t forget to my good friend Truck-kun, in fact I have a special snack for that time that you rush for the sake of run ove…. isekai someone. Introducing one of my original recipes, three cheeses empanada, sound simple? One of these cheese are made by mixing milk whit peepers and fine herbs, the other one is made mixing some meat and the last one is a special spicy cheese (light spicy, even little children’s can eat it) inside a special bread that don’t let thoso cheeses enter in contact whit each other, making a full tour to the salty empire, the sweet kingdom and the bitter teocracy in a single trip. (First time I give so many details of one of my recipes)
    Enjoy the snacks, I’m go to get some sleep.

  28. Dont get it. Wasnt toa parents killed by orc. And doesnt toa know about the illlusionary town of demi human and orc. And isnt raidou shopping kinda having orcs attendant? I dont see how much that would affect her. Its seems more like she just wanted it back then going for revenge. Plus u cant blame the orcs or makoto. One is protecting their home one jjst became their god?
    And who is that half god cult? I tot it was talking about makoto lol.
    Anyway now we know who princess joshua chan called to help ikibih.
    Just when went tot bug was getting she went and get more terra formars 🤦

  29. Aww. I really liked seeing Root and Aznoval (Azu-chan) interact here. It’s not so kid-friendly, yet also has a sort of child-like energy to it.
    Aznoval seems like a pretty nice guy, and poor Root seemed genuinely relieved when he reassured her that there was no particular bad blood between her and the Adventurers of Origin.
    In this case, it’s on Makoto for stoking her inner fears, not that it wasn’t justified.
    And I gotta appreciate a good epic battle, even if it was largely off-screen. I just have a soft spot for the atmosphere of long-retired badasses stepping up to the plate once again.

  30. Hmm…So I’m slightly confused on the details. There’s apparently an opening for a rift to form between Makoto and Toa, but I don’t quite understand why.
    I also don’t really get the exact objective of the Sword. It’s obviously a hostility to Tsige, but apparently it’s tied with said estrangement of Toa and Makoto?
    All I know for sure is:
    “This cult keeps coming back no matter how much we try to stuff it out. What a headache.” -> “Challenge accepted.”

    1. To the first question it wasn’t really made clear how or why this rift would form or why it would really matter much from Makoto’s point of view(though I could have missed this while skipping over)
      And second the Sword sees Tsige as rebeling against the kingdom so she came to end

  31. And I thought Makoto would appear and bring his Godly aura to suppress all three of them. Sigh really, from what I can see the author really don’t want Makoto to move or learn any important event when something important is happening around the world even if that event is very close to his backyard.

  32. Honestly the goddess is poking a bear that already doesn’t like her. I can’t imagine what Makoto would do if he found out that she had one of her minions directly hurt the town he was helping to build. I think one of his nuke arrows special delivery right to the eye would be a good start. At least that would be my best guess but that’s probably not nearly good enough to vent his anger.

  33. finally the fanatics made an appearance ~
    imagine if the two of them is not there…. Toa would become Puppet for that Fanatics because her relationship with Makoto….
    bet he would destroy the Aion Kingdom….

    1. there need to be a holy war down the road.
      Tsige, Lorel, Asora and the demons following their god Makoto
      Gritonia, Limia, Aion and Godess fanatics
      it would be pretty Epic.

  34. so not only is bug a cunt but all her servants are cunts.
    at least Makoto can use this ‘sword of the goddess’ chick to send a message to bug. maybe tell her that if she doesn’t tighten the leash on Tomoki hes going to kill him (hopefully he still kills him).

  35. Could someone explain what Root and the knight were talking about concerning Makoto and Toa. Why would there be a crack between them. What exactly would the cause be? I did not understand that part very well.
    Thanks for the translation.

    1. It seemed like they just dance around it without really giving solid reason for it
      though I admit I skim read so I could have missed it.
      (Even when I think about it i don’t see how this pose any problems for Makoto)

    2. No clue how they would do so other than to use Trashmoki’s power on her and since it is said the bug cult followers are entrenched in various factions including the empire and in the current Aion rebellion, it would be safe to then assume they would have a way to stir things up. Granted it will end unsuccessfully when Makoto hears the fucker’s plan and then proceeds to nuke the fuckers into a deep fucking pit as a mere warning to the bug that if she wants a bloody fight she will damn well better be prepared for anal rape on a cosmic scale.

  36. Thanks 4 the chapter!
    I wonder if Toa and her sister is related to Makoto’s junior that confessed to him.

  37. Lol i pity anyone trying to pick a fight with Makoto, its lose/lose that woman Alte would piss something that even the bug should fear hahaha…

  38. Thank you Reigokai.
    New chapter released just in time for my lunch. Like a treat !
    Everyone, the impending Ragnarok is upon us. ONE more chapter left … and we’re on our own after that. Whatever happened at the Grand Cliff, know that I’m with you. You jump, I jump.
    THREE more days.
    ONE final chapter.
    27,424,368 transfered people will fall.

  39. So I’ve been sniffing around what is the author doing as the update doesn’t really come fast since last year. There is a browser game of this novel released back in April this year!
    Also does anybody know the parts vol 11 cover?

  40. She’s a new character, right ?
    Because I can’t seem remember having heard a woman called Alte.
    But anyway, the title implies that the misfortune of Makoto sometimes brings a benefit. In this case, was it because this Alte woman halted her plan to put a distrust between Makoto and Toa since Root and Aznoval were there ? Hence, they unintentionally saved the city ?

      1. Not bad luck. Misfortune. Makoto’s luck creates “extreme” events, which become good when they’re overturned.
        It happened when he woke Shen up from her nap. It happened when he attracted Illumgand’s ire from saving Ruria. And it happened when Root was summoned by the dragon septer.
        It was bad luck to the extreme, but became an equally great boon when it got overturned.

      2. There’s a thin line between BadLuck and GoodLuck.
        They are basically the two side of the same coin. They are always near, can never be too far or too near. It’s just there.
        The finest example is ; when Iroha is in trouble, Makoto came it’s troublesome for him.
        See? Iroha ; GoodLuck, Makoto ; BadLuck.
        They are always near.

  41.   ∧,,∧
      ( *¯ㅿ¯* )
      U   U Thanks..
    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ Nepu…..
    |二二二二二二| Now……
     |    |  Working…..

          1. Ick. My sympathies.
            It’s my personal theory that a mandatory year in customer service would make the world a better place by virtue of letting everyone know what a bastard the typical human being is.

  42. Next chapter is the last chapter?
    But there have been spoilers about the Goddess’ Sword for a long time….what’s the author’s publishing schedule?
    This chapter reminded me of a discussion I had a while back, I think my position was that hyumans have no reason to really doubt Bug because she’s generally on their side and doesn’t care what they do.
    And then someone said that she sent one of her swords to Tsige to stop them, and I couldn’t respond to that.
    It’s nice to see some more information on that (in that Bug apparently didn’t choose to send her Sword there. Doesn’t care, but didn’t send either.)

    1. to summary :
      root found aznoval -> process to pounce on him and ALMOST RAPE HIM ON THE SPOT
      piggy buhi buhi
      both.. err… i mean all three of em sense hostile unit and proceed to analyze it
      beautiful women is enemy
      proceed to FIGHT
      Tsige adventure guild check the fighting area , did not find anyone in the aftermath
      all of it because of Makoto’s Bad Luck

  43. Seems like this munenori chap is someone who likes getting ntr’ed. What a good hearted fellow. Hahaha
    Well no matter how strong they are, i really don’t see how they could compete with makoto who not only have his own domain but also able to force the goddess to comply.

  44. Thank you as always for your hard work Reigo-san
    gentlemens…. its been truly a honour for me to fooling around with you all for all these times commenting and act crazy with everyone in this web novel that Reigokai translated
    and damnit Root, so you really are a freakin nympho that pounce anyone that already in your strike-zone…. RUN MAKOTO !! RUN !!

  45. You know, when I see the battle of others and compare their power with that of the Makoto, I know it, I feel like the ants are fighting my foot, so futile, as if their world was so small and fragile … and Thank you for the chapter 🙂

  46. Good grief, finally some battle! All this discussion is giving me a headache. Just what is happening here? They fight and then vanish? Thanks for the story, but there’s no way this story finishes in the next couple of chapters.

    1. If you reread, it is actually mention various times before and during their encounter with alte that their are more of them. They are a cult centered around the bug after all.

  47. THE HECK….
    Why did the author stop at this point of the story.
    This is where things get interesting.
    anw, thank for the new chapter, Reigo

    1. rather than kill she tried to make Makoto and Toa relationship worse, right now Toa can be considered as top adventure if she step back from supporting Tsige Independence this might affect others adventure, as for how this possible maybe because of Tomoe, remember her household practically destroyed by shen

  48. Thanks for the chapter.
    Next chapter is the last, eh? T-T
    What should I do without my weekly Tsuki ga Michibiku?
    Anyway, I’ll looking forward for your new project^^
    I hope it’ll be “that” novel. *wink wink*

  49. ………Dammit! I can’t hate Root now! 😫
    Actually, did I ever hate Root? I can’t remember now… But, what a great chapter, huh? And a new class of enemy appeared! Um, she doesn’t seem to measure up to Makoto, though… 😅

    1. Well I truly hate Root form the moment she/he appear, now I hate the Origin people too. :v. I really want to know more about Futsu and wish to become part of makoto creed. :v

    2. My impression of Root has been pretty much the same from the start.
      “He seems like someone that’s lots of fun to hang out with and is in general a pretty comedic character.”
      If I were ever to slip into an unknown fantasy world, I can’t think of many people I’d enjoy spending my time with more than Root.
      But at the same time, “Her reasons are her own, as is her side. Never confuse kindness with caring or friendliness with trustworthiness.”

      1. Well there is at least a long time to do it in since we will have nothing to do but wait for the author to release more. I mean, it’s not like anyone here has jobs in real life. right?

  50. Newcomer here, wants to apply to F5 sect.
    And thank you, Reigokai, for your work on this. Get some sleep.

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