Chapter 241: East Gate, Mizuha

Lorel Union’s east entrance gate, Mizuha.

It seems like more than 80% of the immigration and emigration of Lorel occurs here.

It is about the same size as Naoi and Kannaoi, and the security is also quite strict.

The reason of Root’s inclination is because of Lorel’s location.

When looking at a map, it can be seen immediately at a glance. Lorel Union has a lot of places with tall mountain ranges at the east side, west side, and south side.

There’s some that are even higher than the clouds.

…From what I have heard of Sairitz-san, aside from those, there’s a lot of mountains and forests, and there’s few places that are open fields in the territory.

At the south side, even if you cross over the tall mountains, you will face the sea; at the west, you would be facing Tsige or the wasteland; and at the north, there’s the Golden Highway and the Aion kingdom’s area of influence.

The Dragon Knight unit is structured here, and within them, there’s the flying dragon unit which serves in the fighting force and the transportation aspects as well.

But the land dragons that have a more calm temperament are utilized the most.

It is that, right? Being a Dragon Knight is like a romance.

This place seems to be the home of the Japanese people’s vestiges who are known as Wise.

Honestly speaking, right now, I am pretty nervous.

Since seeing this place called Mizuha, I have been unable to calm down for some reason.

I have two reliable followers accompanying me, so I don’t need to worry about the safety part though.

But the air is kind of…different.

A strange sensation like when you head to the capital of Tokyo and cross the hilly residential parts and arrive at Akihabara for the first time.

Is it the sensation of putting my hands into chaos?

“Waka, the air here is different. Just thinking about how we will finally arrive at Lorel, I am also getting excited.” (Tomoe)

“There’s also the scent of ingredients I have not smelled before. So that’s the place where the Japanese knowledge has taken form. I am looking forward to it.” (Mio)

“I’m kind of scared here though. I feel like I will be witnessing what the Japanese people, who have been released from common sense, have perpetrated.” (Makoto)

“…Is that something Waka can say?” (Tomoe)

“If we were to line up the achievements of the Wise and Waka-sama’s achievements, Waka-sama would probably be first place-desu wa.” (Mio)

…First place?

Aren’t they placing me too high in the shelves?

I am not aiming to spread my small arms like Tomoki, you know?

It seems like that side isn’t doing well, so at present, I am relieved.

But the princess seems to be interested in gunpowder, and that makes me uneasy.

The Empire is…how to say it, pretty dark.

It felt like they were even darker than the demon race.

“By the way, Waka.” (Tomoe)


“It will soon be our turn.” (Tomoe)


Maybe because we lined up at early morning to avoid congestion, the length of the line wasn’t long and the speed it advanced was pretty good.

We probably have been here for less than 30 minutes.

“You received the promissory note from Sairitz-san, right?” (Tomoe)

“It seems to be quite an incredible one, you know. She said it is a free pass to most places.” (Makoto)

There’s no oversight in what Sairitz-san does. She really readied the promissory note quick.

Actually, I thought that a promissory note with strong efficacy would take a long time to issue, like when issuing a transition pass.

That’s why, even when Sairitz-san spoke as if it was going to take a few days, I thought it would actually take longer.

I underestimated her.

I have been shown that the Empress has an incredible amount of power in her country.

I bring out the promissory note that’s inside a pouch.

It has the shape of a shogi piece, and is made from a dull silver color metal.

Shiki says that it is made from a special alloy.

The craftsmanship at the surface part is probably a counter-measure for forgery.

It has a nostalgic writing on it, assuring the standing of the owner of it, and ‘asking’ to provide the maximum amount of accommodations in the various places inside the country.

Even I can tell that it isn’t simply ‘asking’.

Also, what’s at the surface part is a coat of arms, a family crest.

When I asked, they told me that it is the family crest of Sairitz-san, in other words, the Kahara household.

At the reverse side, there’s only her name and mark engraved on it.

When I received this from Sairitz-san, I tried asking about Izumo casually, but to my surprise, it seems like there’s 3 people in Rotsgard that are named Ikusabe-kun.

She said with a smile that the most connection she has is that she has talked a bit with them.

She easily affirmed the relationship that the Ikusabe household and the Osakabe household have.

It seems like it wasn’t something important enough to hide.

Not only that, she laughed when I told her that Izumo had spilled out a variety of things to me.

Just in case, it was I who told her, so I would feel bad if he were to receive a punishment because of that, that’s why I asked Sairitz-san to not punish Izumo for it.

If that doesn’t work, I am sorry Izumo.

But she is always smiling, so I can’t tell if she intends to forgive him or intends to give no mercy.

“What is it you want to say, Tomoe-san?” (Mio)

Mio asks Tomoe who has a pondering expression.

It is certainly strange for her to look like that only because she wants to confirm the effectivity of the promissory note.

In the first place, it isn’t something to be troubled about.

“Umu, that’s the exaggerated promissory note that was given to Waka?” (Tomoe)


“I was thinking that maybe there was no need for us to line up here. No well, we followed Waka and lined up as well, and it was fun to wait here though.” (Tomoe)


Mine and Mio’s voice overlap.

That’s true.

There was no need to line up.

With this, we can go to Yaso-Katsui without any problems.

From how she said it, it seems to be quite the strong promissory note.

The commerce permission I received from the demon race before had an effectiveness that surpassed my expectations after all.

I remember that previous ‘event’.

Showing that permission proof to the villages of the demons made them give an intense warm reception for our peddlers.

They cooked the livestock in the village that they have only a few of, and offer it just like that.

Even though we are heading there to sell food and necessities, I really have to question those actions of theirs.


While at it, I also remembered the attire of the Forest Onis and the Gorgons that are going around the demon race territory.

If they wore a beard and a winter cap, they would look like the celebrity that goes around giving presents to all the kids in the world at christmas.

That’s how much clothes they wear.

Well, it can’t be helped. The demon race territory is pretty cold after all.

“…Tomoe, tell me that sooner.” (Makoto)

“Speaking leisurely with Waka and trying to imagine how it is inside, was fun in its own way.” (Tomoe)

“It is a time of little significance anyways. Having times like this isn’t so bad once in awhile.” (Mio)

Since there seems to be no problems, we decide to receive the entry inspection in line.

“The next one, show me your permission.”

“Kuzunoha company, the representative Raidou and my subordinates: Tomoe and Mio.” (Makoto)

From the pouch, I take out the shogi piece -I mean, the promissory note, and show it to the scary-looking government official.

He has black hair.

His skin is slightly yellowish and a bit dark.

The darkish tone seems to be from suntan.

Sairitz-san’s skin was pretty white, so…she probably has different kind of occupations in her country.

“Kuzunoha? So you are returning to the country. No wait, you are entering it? Hah?!”

If we hadn’t received a promissory note and were able to enter and leave from wherever we wanted, we wouldn’t have tried to enter from Mizuha.

Because crossing the mountains would have been easier for us.

Now that I think about it, Sairitz-san would be able to tell where this promissory note has been used, so she would be able to tell our movements in the country.

It is nothing to be troubled about, and in the first place, it guarantees our standing, so this much is a matter of course.

If we wanted to do something in secret, we just have to do it without using the promissory note, and I am also prepared to have a certain amount of people on the look out for us.

Maybe people from the Ikusabe household will be tailing us in secret.

Even if we find people doing that, I intend to just leave them be.

Later, I will have to tell Tomoe and Mio to not mind them.

“As expected, it wasn’t a normal article-ja no. That woman, it seems like she splurged quite a lot-ja.” (Tomoe)

“Of course-desu wa. Because for that person, this is a chance to invite Waka-sama -a new Wise- into her country after all.” (Mio)

“Wise huh. It seems like there’s not a single one at present, but I am quite interested in what they have left behind. Maybe I can find one or two people that have the same hobbies as Waka.” (Tomoe)

“The family crest of the Kahara…and the mark of Sairitz-sama?! On top of that, a W-W-Wise-sama?!”

For some reason, this government official looked at Tomoe, Mio, and me, and has arbitrarily judged that I am a Wise-sama.

If Mio hadn’t said Wise, he wouldn’t have said that last part.

Moreover, those weren’t the pitying eyes or the disappointed eyes that are normally directed at me, but eyes filled with reverence.

This really does get me.

I feel like even a dust-cloth with the name Misumi Makoto written on it could get framed in an art museum of Lorel.

People are gathering, and gathering, and gathering?!!!


“Hahaha, how pleasant. It is quite the reception, Waka!” (Tomoe)

“It is admirable that they have gathered spontaneously-desu wa ne.” (Mio)

The two are laughing.

Not only the officials here, even the people lining at our back are gathering as well.

With this…my face has definitely been remembered.

“Raidou-sama! Please go ahead and pass!”

He lowered his head deeply…

He didn’t ask me anything at all.

And yet, I have been allowed entrance.

Moreover, he used -sama.

I am being treated as a Wise little by little here.

Do I easily enter in the common knowledge of how a Wise would look like?

Well, it is certainly true that I don’t have the face of people like Senpai or Tomoki who you would question if they are actually Japanese.

I probably would enter into the average looks.

“I will return you your promissory note!”

His head was still deeply lowered.

Just like that, he lifts both his hands and the promissory note was there.

“Thanks.” (Makoto)

“This is the third city of Lorel, Mizuha! We are mostly functioning as the entrance for the country, and we communicate with the central and local areas! Please allow me to guide you to the major establishments of our city, make the arrangements for your lodging, the departure arrangements, and all the other necessary things!!”

No no no!

Don’t joke around.

I don’t want you to do so much.

“I am grateful for your offer, but the guiding and arrangements are not needed. We want to relax ourselves and check things out -I mean, we have come here on the request of Sairitz-sama. There’s some secrecy in it, so we can’t receive your good will-ja.” (Tomoe)

So you want to go around huh.

Your real intentions leaked out for a second there.

“I will tell Sairitz…-sama that the officials were faithful and capable ones-desu wa. That’s why there’s no need for hospitality. Your consideration is plenty enough.” (Mio)

Mio somehow managed to put a -sama there.

Sairitz-san is a lot more important in Lorel than I imagined her to be.

No matter how many times I revise it, it just keeps getting bigger.

Well, in outline, the one that stands at the summit of rituals is the priestess, and the one that works as her assistant in a part of that role is Sairitz-san who is the Empress.

In my personal opinion, I thought that she was a big shot like one of the people in an Imperial Household Agency.

…In other words, uhm…she is not a bureaucrat that comes out often, and I thought she didn’t have that much influence.

I did place her a bit higher than I originally thought, you know.

Even so, she was higher than the higher I thought of her.

At this rate, she is most likely higher than the higher I am already seeing her in. Is she an unbelievable influential figure?

Figures that are specialized in politics and figures that are specialized in rituals should be divided, and yet, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Seems like, without knowing the internal affairs of the place, there’s a lot of things you just can’t simply assume.


“Idiot! Shut up!!”

In short, my two followers were telling the officers to not mind us.

And in response to that, one of the younger officers, who had offered to guide us in the sightseeing, was going to object and cling onto it, but…a bearded man that seems to be the person in charge, grabbed his shoulders and dragged him into the crowd of people.

No questions asked.

“Sorry for the inconvenience! If there’s anything you want from us, don’t hesitate to utilize us!”

“Thanks for the hard work. At that time, we are counting on you guys.” (Tomoe)

Tomoe was not overawed by it and responds to the official in charge.

“My gratitude.”

I also return some words as usual.

While feeling an unpleasant sensation, we stepped into the city of Mizuha.

With this, we have gone to all four major powers.

I hope that the prudent Wise were able to do proper follow-ups for the Wise that had their wild ideas running.


“Thanks for your hard work.”

Thanking the informant, Sairitz has him leave.

A well lighted room, decorated colorfully and attentively.

It is the office room she has in Lorel’s capital, Naoi.

(I had made preparations to welcome them in case they suddenly arrived at Naoi, but they entered from Mizuha huh. Raidou has shown reservation in using the promissory note I have given him and has come from the front.)

Depending on how Raidou used the promissory note she gave to him, she would allow him to have an audience with the priestess. In Lorel, there’s no higher honor than this.

On top of that, she has posted people in the major towns to spread rumors about Raidou being a Wise when they see him.

In other words, no matter where Kuzunoha Company planned to do the negotiation, no matter what Raidou and his companions -Tomoe and Mio- were to do, Sairitz had created a state of affair where no one in this country would be able to act thoughtlessly towards them.

With her influence as the empress, something like a promissory note can be easily issued in the same day.

The reason why she wanted time was because she needed to make preparations to welcome them ‘from the shadows’.

(In that case, they probably won’t be stepping into Naoi this time around. Considering that going through Kannaoi to Yaso-Katsui is the shortest distance…the effect of it would be…)

In reality, inviting Kuzunoha company to Lorel Union is quite the chance for her.

But she already understands plenty well that she can’t get impatient.

Limia and Gritonia had called him too, and yet, they didn’t form any sort of strengthened relationship.

Even if they were to bring out their all from the country and themselves to entertain Raidou, it would probably end up as the other two.

That was her deduction.

That’s why she decided to have the citizens do it instead.

Lorel is the one that best knows how to treat the Wise, and it is not that difficult to induce others into treating Raidou in that way.

When she investigated personally with the local feudal lords about Kuzunoha company and Raidou, 9 out of 10 deemed him as a Wise.

Sairitz herself was sure that would happen, so this was also a planned result.

On top of that…

(The ghastly mercenary group that’s considered a legendary existence, and yet, has low relations with society, Picnic Rose Garden. This is the ideal chance to bring them to the outside. If they come out, I would be able to gauge their fighting strength accurately, and if matters with the Kuzunoha company turn sour, *even they wouldn’t be able to come out of it unscathed*.)

Picnic Rose Garden is a mercenary group that the citizens have clear faith in, and are said to have first class fighting prowess.

Sairitz doesn’t doubt it.

But even when they possess such a name value, they are not returning allegiance to the country like the Dragon Knights do.

For Sairitz who has strong influence in the domestic affairs of the country, they are not an existence she finds pleasing.

An unknown fighting force that her control can’t reach.

They have been docile inside the labyrinth, so she has been leaving them alone, but Sairitz, who has now obtained the card called Raidou, has decided to put her hands on them and test him while at it.

And there’s one other thing.

(Kannaoi’s malignant tumor, Osakabe. Their confrontation with the Ikusabe has dragged other families into it, and I would want them to turn into a family that’s distinguished around this parts only for its name as an old household. Because you know, the ones that’s the easiest to utilize is the Ikusabe household after all.)

Putting it bluntly, the relationship between Naoi and Kannaoi is bad.

It is not like this is a result that Sairitz fanned.

In her view, the center of politics lies in Naoi, and the history and traditions lie in Kannaoi.

She considers it okay to have those two divided in that way.

For her, things like which is the center of the country, isn’t that big of a problem, and there’s no need to establish those things.

But the confrontation that the Ikusabe household, who has gained power in Naoi with time, and the Osakabe household that has maintained their power with their connection to the labyrinth; that stupid problem has created sparks here and there, and worsening with time.

For anyone that stands in the political stage, this is a problem that troubled many.

(Osakabe has protected the country from the labyrinth, and by exploring the labyrinth deeply, they have discovered power and riches. Then…if I have the newcomer Raidou easily make contact with the legends at the 20th floor underground…)

Several possibilities surfaced in the mind of Sairitz.

(This occasion, it seems like he has his followers that will serve as stoppers, but…it probably won’t turn into that bad of a situation. If the worst happens, as long as there’s an opening for us, we will also be moving to provide assistance. We can also show a cooperative stance as the employer house of Ikusabe. At present, the only miscalculation that has occurred is that Izumo Ikusabe, at most. Three people from the Ikusabe household were send to Rotsgard, but to think that the most promising one had gotten involved with Raidou. No matter how great of a person he has been raised into, if we were to harm the mood of Raidou, it wouldn’t be worth it. The ability of the other two is not comparable, but I will have to begin thinking about how to use the remaining two huh.)

The Ikusabe household had sent three people to Rotsgard in order to have them expand their views and increase their competency.

Within that group, Sairitz had placed Izumo as number one.

She has been in contact with the three of them equally, and hasn’t shown any signs of preferential treatment to any of them.

And that continued even when she learned that Izumo had coincidentally taken the class of Raidou. Even if she were to call him back right this instant and used him as a subordinate under her direct control, there’s no doubt that he has the ability to become her number one pawn.

She secretly had an eye on Izumo.

(My plan was to have the Ikusabe eat the weakened Osakabe, make a new grand household, and have Izumo as the head of that family though. The name would be something like Okusobe…the euphony isn’t that good though. When that time comes, it would be a good idea to have a priest give it a name.)

Sairitz had already reached the last stage of her plan and had a few candidates for Izumo’s betrothal.

There’s also a princess that has nothing to do with her plans, but within those candidates, there’s an influential princess of the Osakabe slipped in it.

For the male side and female side, it would be quite difficult to reject a marriage proposal that had the famous empress Sairitz as the referral.

In other words, it was basically as if Izumo already had wives settled for him.

(There might be unexpected points with Izumo, but…even so, depending on how I involve myself in this occasion, there shouldn’t be any losses for Kuzunoha company, Raidou, or me. The only painful part is that it is unknown how much of the good points they will touch though.)

Sairitz lightly shrugs.

She was tense because she has invited a dangerous medicine to her country, but her face was mostly filled with joy.

While secretly holding a number of schemes, the strange first visit of Raidou, who has gone to seek the mercenary group underground, has lifted its curtain.

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0 thoughts on “Chapter 241: East Gate, Mizuha

  1. Could be that Rose Picnic is actually the people of bug? The ones mentioned by Root that are supposed to be able of use a elemnt that bug itself can’t. Now that I say this, could be possible that Tamaki is actually from that? Daikokuten was surprised for his next servant but if she was send by him then he shouldn’t be surprised, his surprise could be because Makoto make one of the trump cards of bug his servant.

  2. Rereading some chapters and I’m now seeing some of the earlier mentioned comments playing out. Like Sairitz thoughts about Motoko and what she had planned during the whole school tournament thing and IO’s comment when he was fighting Mokoto about the Rose Sign and a few more…

  3. thanks for the chapter…

    again… how many times to make Makoto learns that not all peoples are nice in that world.
    just because you helped them once is doesn’t mean they will treat you as a friend. How naive….
    How can he will protect their peoples if he is always so easily deceived by others and only rely with his strength….
    Does that means he still using brute force to resolve the problems. What did he learns from Rembrand then… *sigh*
    I’m afraid he will be broken because of his own fault…

  4. So, Makoto thought that the empress didn’t have enough power to get him a passport? :/I don’t get why he makes such a big deal about this. I have high hopes about this lorel arc though :). Thanks for this chapter!

    1. It’s not a passport, it’s more like a carte blanche. Very different documents.
      He wasn’t thinking that she could not get him the document, he just thought she would have taken longer.

  5. “A power that can destroy a country with a single error is not something that must be used by mortals”
    They desist the spirits

  6. I’m surprised. I was expecting Sairitz to create a more involved plan to manipulate things behind the curtains, but her plan is pretty much like. Leave Raidou to his own devices and use the aftermath of his passage to make things happen.
    One or two things might go against her plans, due to misinterpreting Raidou’s personality, but most of her plans can be acchieved one way or another, regardless of what our MC does. Pretty adaptable to most situations.

  7. Loooooong time no write (too lazy to type on phone, but just found out how to type my mail adress LOL)!!!

    Thank you very much for all the chapters so far! Man, what’s up with Makoto’s students!

    1- Sif / Yuno: greatest merchant family from Aion;

    2- Amelia: Second greatest family from Limia (in influence);

    3- Izumo: High nobility of Lorel;

    4 -Mizura: Temple?

    5- “Karen Frost” / Rona (found out): Empire / demon;

    P.S; Regarding Sairitz, if there is a great storm coming, its fine to place basins to collect water. Her level of scheming is acceptable.

    1. I like that. Basin in the storm is an excellent way of putting it.

      I’m fine with Saritz so far because unlike anyone else, she’s both trying to benefit from Makoto and avoids manipulating him at the same time. Makoto’s path doesn’t change because of her, but she’s intentionally placing Lorel nearby so that he’ll help push her along without realizing it. A dangerous game, but Makoto’s mild-mannered so the risk isn’t as big as it seems.

      The image I have right now is, instead of going into the dragon’s den or trying to lure it into attacking your enemies, it’s more like knowing a dragon is flying towards a village and tricking your enemies “coincidentally” be there when it happens.

  8. at the end of this trip, i can already imagine that sairitz to be just thankful that her country wasn’t erased from the map…

    thanks for the chapter…

  9. Thanks for the chapter, now this one was interesting, we got to see Saritz schemming all the way, she really losed me with her plannings for Izumo, but time will tell. Now I don’t think that the interactions between Makoto and the mercenaries are goign to be as she thinks so, if they come to blows and the mercenaries are subdue maybe Makoto group will realiza her moves and put her on their black list wish will crush any posibility that she had to guet in their camp. But thats a BIG maybe there.

  10. I remember Root mentioning Makoto’s real parents to Saritz in a Side Story (or was it a POV chapter? XD) I wonder what she thought of it.. or she did not mind it at all

  11. ty for the chap
    also… i dont want to see our mc used as some kind of tool q.q

  12. So what’s the general opinion on Saritz? I’m seeing a lot of disdain and discontent, but I didn’t really feel any of that myself while reading this.

    She’s “using” Makoto, sure. So has almost every other person he’s ever interacted with. Off the top of my head, Mio and Ema are the only ones that aren’t or weren’t with him because they wanted something from him.
    Saritz is at least being prudent enough to want to keep him happy while trying a different approach from ones that already failed. She’s even apparently given up on doing anything to Izumo due to his connection to Kuzunoha.

    It’s not really fair to hold attempting to manipulate or use Makoto at all against her, since she’s the leader of a world power-class country and it’s her job, duty, and responsibility to do everything she can to maximize her countrymen’s well-being.

    1. Well she was shown now more calculative and manipulative that she has been trying to present herself infront of Raidou and others, but is not that I see her as bad or something, she is just like a politician in that aspect. but I fear that she is still understimating the consequances of Makoto actions in the world. Mybe things will play as she predicted but in case that they don’t she has no idea how all that planning can be totally useless.

    2. I really want to see if anyone call her “manipulative b****” like Hibiki. So far I deem their actions as same as each other. But I see Hibiki in better light, as she try to stabilize her new world, which inevitably involve Makoto. But Saritz want to use him on her personal interest. It is totally drag someone else into your problems, even she did it gently. Her proper treatment of Makoto also not born from respect or good manner, but borderline flattering, because she fear him. Should she underestimate him, she should treat him like other pawns, i.e. Izumo. But even then I still think what she expecting from her deed, which might give Makoto a bad feeling of being used, is not worth risk to antagonize one of great powers like him. So I think of her plan as not bad but also not worth trying as better plan should be available.
      But as she spill her plan in this chapter, it is the Flag that guarantee her surprise. Her plan to use people to appeal Makoto likely already backfired.

      1. So my feeling for anyone trying to use Makoto as an tool instead of as a person is “That Shit is going to turn out really ugly for you people”. So if her stand is that well I really hope that the result deviates completely from her intended goal.

        1. You know, if a character reveal his/her plan to reader before things start, it is DOOMED to fail, in order to make things interresting. So, I don’t worry even a bit about her plan.

  13. I always find it funny when we get a line on the schemers and they act like they are playing a complicated game of chess when come to find out its more like checkers if they are lucky and more then likely closer to tic tac toe.

  14. Besides dumbass mc rape eyes. She has to be the most careless ruler to just assume he’s going to solve everything she wants for her the way she wants it. Even if it is going to happen that way he’s going to feel used and she’ll be known as the empress that drove away a wise by trying to use him

  15. Many Thanks!

    Umu, I’m already liking this country. The atmosphere is similar to Japan? Even to Akihabara? I’m really curious to see what the other Transported and Reincarnated did. I hope that there were some hardcore otaku among them.

    Ohh, finally a city where Makoto can be revered like the God he (basically) is!

    Lorel being the country that welcomed the Japanese the most, is enough for me to root for it. I really hope Sairitz-san’s schemes will succeed, I mean that would even make Makoto a legend? Two stones with a bird.

    I also prefer her approach to Raidou compared to the other countries: leaving the citizen do all the work, as they naturally have faith and revere the “Wise”.

  16. Thanks for the chapter. Sairitz san schemes can easilly read by tomoe but tomoe will not tell makoto cause she is having fun seeing how makoto handles it. =)

  17. Bad, bad girl. Makoto likes keeping a low profile. You won’t like him when he makes noise; countries tend to disappear.

    1. You know, last time he made noise a country Appeared, though it did have to take territory from the demons to do so.

  18. You really can’t say that you are learning from mistakes, when you still didn’t make them.
    Good luck Sairitz, i pray that some of your common sense still intact so you still can agonizing of what you will have done.

    Thank’s for the chapter.

  19. Thanks 4 the chapter!

    Makoto… it’s like the pot calling the kettle black. Common Sense-chan is already running away when he approaches.

  20. Calling it now: The Picnic Rose Garden are a group of Chunnibyous that worships Chunnibyous and are descended from a line of Chunnibyous.

    They will either worship the very ground Makoto walks on, or be utterly devastated in seeing someone act like a normal person, but has powers that surpasses most Chunni-imagination.

    1. Pong-san… why are your posts similar to mine?

      *I mean something like this*

      Where have you learn it? Tell me. I won’t get mad.

      *I hope you’re not related to me*

    1. I think the main reason for that is that Saritz is firstly prioritizing preserving Makoto’s mood, and secondly just doing her job.

      Rather, I can only go “Gee~ Leaders and bureaucrats sure have it rough~”

      1. That true eh…
        If seen from side all she did because her position, that Osakabe & Isukabe feud might lead to civil war if handle it wrong and the mercenary indeed if there some sort powerful group inside you country but you didn’t know if they friend or not only cause an headache

  21. How much do you want to bet the dungeon mercenaries will end up as part of Kuzunoha company

    1. Ahahaha… Pong-san, your comments looks more and more like mine. What have I done to make you crazy like me?
      If I had not known better, I might’ve tought you are my son.


      ….. you’re not, riiight??

  22. Thanks for the chapter.

    I cannot believe Sairitz is supposed to be young. She’s playing at such a higher level than Joshua, Lily or Hibiki – and yet she’s not supposed to be much older than them, right? Her maturity places her closer to Rembrandt and Zara than any of Makoto’s contemporaries. If I were going to cast her, I might pick Shohreh Aghdashloo (age 64) who currently plays Chrisjen Avasarala on The Expanse

    1. Oi, you~ Sairitz has a seduction scene with one married man who has a very beautiful wife, has it not? If she’s not young and beautiful, that tactic would have backfired very badly.

      As for her talent in politic, it’s acceptable level in an Empress position. She’s at the same level of Empire’s princess and Grittonia King, is all~

      1. I always imagine the people in the goddess world are all good looking. Even the old ones… like… hipster grandpa kind of look.
        Sairitz must be good looking too.

    2. If you were born into a family that tosses you into the deep end, you’d mature fast too.

      It’s like the British royal family, they’re trained in PR from young.

    3. Wait!! She’s supposed to be younger or the same age as them?!!😳😳 Eeeeh?!!😱😱 From all my reading so far this I can remember, I’ve always pictured her as being late 20s early to mid 30s.🤔🤔 My imagination must not be working so well anymore…🤕🤕

  23. Thanks for the chapter!

    Looks like it’s finally time for Makoto to enter the fourth major power! Let’s hope his visit is a calm and peaceful on-PFFFFT.

  24. Well we can only hope Lorel doesnt turn into a desert, well he’s not Mako3, he’s Makoprime

      1. ah sorry, that was when i commenting using mobile phone :/ dunno why it i cant login when im using mobile phone since i usually read it on my laptop and before i was going out when im reading this chapter

      1. nuuuuuu that is me, the real me, the pervert me !! i just post that when im reading on mobile phone and i dont know where to login comment when using phone :/

  25. So she’s having Makoto act like an instigator to the thorn in her side. Schemes and plots don’t really work on makoto though since he’s basically a walking god (goddess) powered character. Not a wise level character at all.

    1. the most scary thing about his existence is his bugged LUK stat, he can draw a million in one bad choiche but still have good result in the end.
      So whatever you planned for Makoto, you should planned for the worst chance if possible with the almost non- existence chance to happen, it will happens instead. But there’s no way they could know about this, that’s why he is invincible.

  26. Thanks Reigo-san for your work.
    I can only say “Sairitz-san, be really careful with your schemes, or you will awake ‘the beast’ inside Makoto… And Lorel will pay the price”. But like anyone else, I can be wrong. I’m waiting the next chapter.

      1. Lord Oasis in Lord Desert was born dat day the only hope around that’s if you can find Lord Oasis~pong

  27. Hey guy since bug goddess is well known to other god is that bug is medusa since only love beauty?

        1. I see sorry bout that, didn’t mean to offend thought its part of your play :3

          Well.. Before it wasn’t.. It’s just on this time that it got linked to that though :3

        1. Oh wait. I just realized. When did we get Truck-kun back? I thought you died? Or was that a different truck?

          ….Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Secret Agent around anywhere…

          1. I escaped the murder attemp by Zombie. You don’t see him anymore, do you? That Agent also disappeared here but I saw her doing illegal ‘spoiler’ trade in another translation site. They won’t show their face here anytime soon because they’re afraid of retribution.

          2. H…How? It’s not hard to believe that you survived, but how did you get them to think you’re dead?

            I don’t think Trucks can pull off that “alleged death off a cliff” scene very well.

      1. i dont feel offend though i know its also a joke, beside, if ‘this’ of our father doesnt do ‘that’ with ‘the thing’ of our mother we wouldnt be born 😛

    1. My personal wild ass-theory is that The Bug is actually Aphrodite. Not only does this explain the strange involvement of Athena, but it also explains some of the personality of The Bug. Remember that Aphrodite was forced to marry the notably ugly god of the forge Hephaestus, so The Bug’s insistence that all her worshipers be really really amazingly good-looking would fall in line with this.

      1. “Remember that Aphrodite was forced to marry the notably ugly god of the forge Hephaestus”

        I hope that’s not a foreshadowing of Makoto marrying her. /cringes/

  28. So she is still scheming trying to use Makato, didn’t she learn that she shouldn’t do that. Haaah also i hope he does something about the empire getting gunpowder.

    1. So she is still scheming trying to use Makato, didn’t she learn that she shouldn’t do that.

      Not necessarily. Joshua was able to successfully use Makoto to force Lord Hopelace into retirement — via the gambit of positioning Hopelace to fruitlessly attempt to assassinate Makoto. It worked out OK for her. She even got Mio’s help with the reconstruction of the capital as a bonus. Hibiki didn’t get what she wanted from Makoto, but Joshua is not Hibiki.

    2. I know rut? She was told to be sincere and real but she’s still scheming. It’s really a pity though but I can see/imagine clearly all her plans failing in some ways. Abhh too bad.

  29. I think this wil turn bad for Sairitz not the baddest of the bad but not really what she is expecting

    1. I’m foreseeing that the Mercenary group leaving the country with Makoto, a sizable portion of the labyrinth destroyed (by Makoto or Mio or both), a large amount of skilled Demi-human population going off with Tomoe to Kaleneon, bonus trauma for Chiya, Izumo denying Sairitz’s plans and running off to Makoto, and somehow the Osakabe gaining the backing of the Kuzunoha Company (probably because Makoto feeling guilty for destroying the labyrinth and their main source of income).

      All in all, that is pretty bad; only thing that could be worse will be Makoto’s luck acting up and triggering a national incident that threatens to destroy the entire country, again.

  30. Thanks~
    Its quite funny actually my favorite parts of this novel are mostly the ones from the perspective of others instead of Makoto because those are the scenes that put his ridiculousness into perspective.

    1. Even the one-liners can be pretty amusing.

      “I’m kind of scared here though. I feel like I will be witnessing what the Japanese people, who have been released from common sense, have perpetrated.” (Makoto)

      “…Is that something Waka can say?” (Tomoe)

  31. Dang it Reigo-senpai, I had to enact the “Reigokai Rule” a half hour before my stream ended. The Reigokai Rule: If Reigokai posts an update during a stream, the stream’s on hold until the streamer (me) is done reading. Still, thanks for the chapter.

    Tomoe, she can be suck a troll XD

    I could easily tell that Saritz was up to something, but I couldn’t figure out what without this proper translation.

    If any of my viewers are reading this, the stream is back on.

        1. Don’t forget, I was also in a hurry. And I turn of my light when I live stream, I don’t want the viewers to get distracted when I play. I use a camera while streaming games.

  32.     ○ _____
        Ⅱ Thanks!!|
        Ⅱ Nepu!! |
        Ⅱ  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     (`・ω・ Ⅱ
     丶 つ0

    1. W-whew, I was scared I’d see macho Nepu here too. Crisis averted.

      Thanks for the chapter as always!~

      1. …Do realise that sayong that is a flag for their appearance.This like saying good thing it didn’t rain or something like that.

      1.     ○ _____
            Ⅱ Hail |
            Ⅱ Hydra!! |
            Ⅱ  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         (`・ω・ Ⅱ
         丶 つ0

    1. … sigh ….
      I knew up to so ething no good when Izumo panicking, but…. she is literally classic Edo political leader, comtrol this control that, seize this eliminate that, one thing she will do poorly is introducing Makoto to picnic rose garden, I will predict that rose garden actually japanese people in heart and Makoto will bond with them even more deeply than Sairitz.

      1. I’m stil wavering. Want them to have respect from the start for Makoto, or just mocking him from the start so that they can taste some of armageddon+despair from Mio and Tomoe.

      2. iget this feeling they worship a sacred text(manga) and the reason they are powerful is that they made those in the manga come to life much like some current inventions came are inspore by sci fi.

    1. Yep, I’m back baby XDDD Thanks for the chapter XDD

      P/s: Sorry if the “first” annoy anyone, I’m just trying to be “them” sometimes XD

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