Yes, I have been notified about this.
Apparently, there’s a patreon that’s stealing my works and he is doing a really bad job at hiding that they are not mine.
I have a lot of quirks in my translations and I changed a few names to make them easier to the tongue, so there’s a lot of easy ways to find out if they are mine. Not only that, it is clear from the english in his actual posts and announcements that his english is not good at all. The level is just not congruent with the material he is apparently translating.
And it seems I am not the only victim, as that patreon is also taking the chapters of UchiMusume.
I won’t stop you from searching for the site, since hey, it is extremely easy to find in google, but I won’t be posting it here.
In any case, this post was simply to raise the awareness that things like this are actually happening, and it is a complete insult to the people that work so hard in those translations.
If the person stealing that job is reading this, STOP. The translating community is small in web novels to begin with, and what you are doing will not only insult all that hard work, it will destroy that motivation as they see how someone is utilizing their work in such a dirty and unethical manner, not only that, it will make new aspiring translators feel reluctant to take the chance.
Don’t be the one that destroys the chance for this community to grow.
Well, I was already planning on opening a Patreon page myself, so I thought this was a good opportunity.
THIS is my actual patreon site:
Right now there’s not much, since it is a page 100% for support.
If you guys have any suggestions in rewards and goals, feel free to give them. I would love to hear them out.
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View Comments
Have you ever tried to block the right click and the selector? I've saw it in many translators' websites and seems to work stopping the thieves.
Thanks for your hard work!
probably not, the site is hosted at wordpress
also this method may block simple users, but try
lol the wordpress site eat my command <<>>
patreon is still small enough that they will talk to individual users on their concerns, you should prbably be able to do something about them if you contact them.
What goes around, comes around.
Personally I'm more surprised that people are actually paying the ridiculous sum asked.
Lets hope Karma will bite them in the ass, HARD.
You don't mess with Latina... I mean, Reigokai-san, and live to tell the tale. Thanks for sharing this, he's going down for sure with all the reports this community is going to make xD
Well at least we who have read this since the beginning know you are the true translator.
As for that prick I hope he trips and fall HARD.
And under the fall there are tons of sharp keyboard and mouses... cuz he steals translations get it?
Joking aside... human is such shameless creature...
so did you report it already? or shall we all report it?
Yes, it has already been reported by many, but there's still no response from patreon, which let me to make this post in my page to let you guys know.
i'm sure a quick email to patreon and a few links should convince them to shut down the fake translator.
and I am now Patreon #4
Is this the guy? Burn him at the stake!!!
woah, what the hell?! that guy is a freaking thief! poor reikogai-dono. what the hell, how can he claim other's hard work of translating something as his, and making money at that!
yea, someone need to kil... i mean hack this guy and erase him... i mean annihil... i mean give judgement him/her.
Seems like it
I'll bring the napalm
There is still no response yet from Patreon. =3=