“Kuzunoha company’s peddling permission?”
“Yeah, he has saved my and his Majesty’s life in Rotsgard. We called him here to give our gratitude, so doing nothing won’t do. Raidou made a petition himself, and it isn’t a subject that needs any heavy regulation, so I have given him a response geared towards accepting.” (Joshua)
“I see.”
“Is there some sort of problem? A number of nobles that want him to make a store will probably be unsatisfied with this decision, but it shouldn’t be disadvantageous for us.” (Joshua)
“Yes, I think Joshua-sama’s thinking is correct. If he wished for it, it should be appropriate as an expression of gratitude.”
“It makes me happy that Hibiki says so as well. But well, the fact that this is currently the only request of Raidou makes me feel troubled though. It would actually make me feel more at ease if he were to ask for land or a peerage.” (Joshua)
A conversation with Joshua and Hibiki.
The conversation was about the Kuzunoha Company.
The promise that Joshua made to Raidou about the permission for the peddling the Kuzunoha Company did on the territory.
The two were talking about that matter.
Bredda was also there, but as of now, he hasn’t joined the conversation.
“He probably thinks he has obtained plenty enough compensation.” (Hibiki)
“No way. To say it is plenty enough when he saved the king and prince of a major power, there shouldn’t be a person who thinks in that way.” (Joshua)
“…If it’s him, it is possible. He is that kind of person.” (Hibiki)
“It is certainly true that Raidou has an uhm…a kind way of thinking, that doesn’t fit a merchant. But even he should have some sort of avarice. I would also like to recompense him a bit more. It wouldn’t be good to leave strange lingering discomfort after all.” (Joshua)
“You wanted to say he has a naive way of thinking, right Joshua-sama? That’s actually right, you know.” (Hibiki)
“Even so, that’s not a word that should be directed towards someone that has saved my life, Hibiki.” (Joshua)
Hibiki restates the words of Joshua who chose his words.
Joshua rebukes her, but there was no stormy atmosphere between the two.
Bredda was silently drinking tea.
It was easy to see that this is an usual occurrence.
“What are Joshua-sama’s thoughts about how we should associate with them from now on?” (Hibiki)
The true meaning of Hibiki’s question was not to ask the opinion of Joshua’s personal opinion only, but to include the king’s stance, and the will of the nobles.
Joshua is the advisor of the king, and the number of people that think his opinion is the opinion of the king are not few.
“He himself is someone that doesn’t hold evil intentions. The strength they have as a company and the ability of its employees can become a threat depending on the sides it takes, but in basis, I think I want to build a favorable relationship. It is clear that it is not simple peddling, and in reality, the contribution Mio-dono achieved outside her schedule in the reconstruction was splendid. It seems like they have cooperated with the reconstruction of Rotsgard as well, but from what I see, they probably have done more of their part in the work than a simple cooperator. I was about to overlook that part in the report that I had gotten.” (Joshua)
“Rotsgard has already regained its former form and is advancing to a step further than that. It is saddening, but the speed to stand back up was clearly different from the capital. There’s no doubt the Kuzunoha Company played a big part in it. Just looking at their achievements, it is truly an appealing existence, but…” (Hibiki)
Anguish shows in Hibiki’s face.
“As I thought, there’s problems too huh. In my eyes, they look like partners that can become extremely beneficial though… Then, from Hibiki’s viewpoint, how does he look to you?” (Joshua)
“Right now it is hard to put it in clear words but…there’s a few points.” (Hibiki)
“I don’t mind. Let’s hear it.” (Joshua)
“First of all, he doesn’t have an interest in the war that’s currently occurring in the world. On top of that, even though he is the Head of a power that can be considered a nation, he doesn’t have any intentions to gain more than what he personally views. It is incredibly unstable, and engaging them carelessly is way too dangerous.” (Hibiki)
“Assuming that there are a number of other people that have the same power as Mio-dono in the Kuzunoha Company, and taking Raiou-dono’s power into consideration as well, then not only a mercenary group, they would possess a military force akin to a nation. I consider it is proper to think of them to be in a nation level. But what’s that about not being interested in the war? I don’t understand the part about being unstable either.” (Joshua)
“It means exactly as I have said. He has the notable characteristic that no matter how much the hyumans, demi-humans, and demons do war with each other, he won’t care. Also, he has no discrimination towards the demi-humans, and it is possible that if asked to provide accommodations because of troubles…they would most likely sell goods even to the demon race.” (Hibiki)
“No way! That’s an act of betrayal towards hyumans!”
Bredda speaks out for the first time.
While they are doing business in the hyuman country, they sell goods to the demon race.
Thinking about it from the common sense of Bredda -no, from the common sense of a hyuman, it is an inconceivable act.
“…Even to the demon race? He didn’t look like he had such a lack of integrity though.” (Joshua)
Joshua narrows his brows at the opinion of Hibiki.
Because in Joshua’s eyes, Raidou didn’t look like a person that would sell goods to the demon race for profit.
“…It is not that there’s no integrity in profit. In that sense, I actually think he is loose. The point of beingr troubled is what plays a big part.” (Hibiki)
“For example, no matter the cause, if there’s a demon race village that was unable to secure food supply in winter and there’s a request for help, they would help them out even if it is a situation where even payment is doubtful?” (Joshua)
“Yeah. Of course, even if there’s a request for help similar to that from hyumans or demi-humans, they would most likely reach the same decision. He is…kind, after all.” (Hibiki)
“As a result, the war would grow longer…and a great number of lives would be lost, bringing ruin to the world as a whole, and yet, he would still do it?” (Joshua)
“He is kind after all. If there’s someone in trouble, no matter if hyuman or demon, he would most likely save them. Demi-humans wounded by hyumans, hyumans that were wounded by demi-humans…without discrimination.” (Hibiki)
“…I see. It is certainly true that Raidou-dono gave that kind of feeling. The part that he would choose help over profit. If in his mind, hyumans and demons are equally worthy of saving, they will become an incredibly troublesome existence.” (Joshua)
“Yes. For hyumans and demons alike, they will become an exceedingly dangerous existence.” (Hibiki)
“It is so sudden it is hard to believe, but since it is something Hibiki says, it is worth considering. If they are contributing to the demon race in the same manner as with us, it would not be good. But…even if that’s truly the case, we still have no choice but to continue with our current way of interacting. I see, so this is what’s troubling you, Hibiki.” (Joshua)
Joshua continued his words as he thought about the methods that can be taken with the Kuzunoha Company, and then, he noticed the reason for Hibiki’s heavy expression.
“…Yes. We have no choice but to have a favorable relationship with them. If they are an existence that brings benefits to both sides, we have to get involved with them as well.” (Hibiki)
The expression of Hibiki was still bitter, and it was comprehensible.
If it’s an existence that they can expect benefits in being involved with, even if they bring benefits to the enemy as well, they have no choice but to be involved with them as well.
Even if they are dangerous, as long as they don’t have a clear countermeasure for them, they won’t be able to break the deadlock, so they have to continue with how their relationship currently is.
“Fufufu, right. There’s no reason for us to throw away that benefit ourselves. And in truth, in this time’s visit, we have utilized them plenty after all. And yet, they are being taken as a threat. It is truly a misfortune.” (Joshua)
Joshua laughs in a self-depreciating manner.
The visit of the Kuzunoha Company has several objectives they have not been told about.
Thinking about that, a smile unconsciously came out.
“I will try to convince him at least. If…he were to side with us, it would solve most of the problems without doubt after all.” (Hibiki)
“It is written all over your face that you don’t think it will go well.” (Joshua)
“Honestly speaking, I don’t have the confidence. His sense of worth is already a lot more different than mine. I don’t know if we will be able to reach an understanding.” (Hibiki)
“I pray for your success. I want to continue having a good relationship with him after all.” (Joshua)
“Regarding that, I heartfeltly agree as well. It is someone I definitely wouldn’t want to be in trouble with after all.” (Hibiki)
“Someone you definitely don’t want to be in trouble with huh. Well, fine then. Regarding Raidou, I will leave the decision making to you. Well then Hibiki, you won’t mind if I advance things just as we have discussed, right?” (Joshua)
“Yes. I was meddled a bit by Mio-san, but there won’t be any problems. Let’s continue with it in one go.” (Hibiki)
“Understood.” (Joshua)
The talk finished, and Hibiki stands from her seat.
Joshua also stood up a second later, and sees her off.
Bredda was about to leave the room following Hibiki as if natural, but at that moment, he was called from behind.
“Bredda, there’s something I have to talk with you about.”
“Hah?” (Bredda)
Being in a different pattern from normal, Bredda let out a dumbfounded voice.
There have been times when Bredda has been in presence of the conversation between Hibiki and Joshua, but there’s never been something after that.
He was with the thoughts of only accompanying Hibiki, so it is an expected reaction.
“Ara, then I will be going ahead.” (Hibiki)
Hibiki didn’t show any special surprise and leaves promptly.
“Wai–, Hibiki?!” (Bredda)
The door was ruthlessly closed.
“…Seriously, what do you want, Joshua?” (Bredda)
Because Hibiki was now gone, Bredda returns to his sibling way of speaking and takes seat in a slightly violent manner.
He asks for Joshua’s business.
“Brother, I have established several occasions for this kind of meetings, but you haven’t participated in any of them properly, right?” (Joshua)
“I am present only as a knight and a bodyguard of Hibiki. In the first place, I am not in a position to say my opinion.” (Bredda)
“Because there was the will of the king as well, I have given tacit consent to brother’s attitude until now, but with the capital in this state, I can’t just leave it as always.” (Joshua)
“…Listen here Joshua…” (Bredda)
“Isn’t it time to be thinking about the ruling of the country? Not as a knight, nor a party member of Hibiki’s, but as the successor of father.” (Joshua)
“…You are talking about that? I have decided to be the shield of Hibiki as a knight. If it’s about the throne, you succeed it. If it’s Joshua, there’s no one who would be against it.” (Bredda)
“I don’t have the gift to be a ruler. In this time of war, the role of the king is to encourage the whole country, and the one who is the most fit for that role of being the king of Limia is you, brother. In the first place, I have already abandoned the succession of the throne.” (Joshua)
“It is just fine to say you want it back. In the first place, me being the decoration and you being the counsellor is not that different from you being the one directly doing things. I refuse being a simple decoration hanging.” (Bredda)
“Abandoning the succession of the throne is not something as simple as that you know. Also, if you are able to fulfill the role of a decoration, then in a sense, it can be considered a talent for being king.” (Joshua)
“But I have been telling you haven’t I? I want to be of use to Hibiki—” (Bredda)
“If you think that way, why can’t you understand that being the next king is the best move?!” (Joshua)
Bredda tried to finish the conversation in the same note, but today was different in all senses.
Interrupting his words, Joshua shouted.
At the same time, Joshua hits the table and a loud sound reverberated in the place.
“…What did you say?” (Bredda)
“Looking at the current Hibiki, you should be able to tell. She is already in a territory that a normal person can’t catch up to. That’s right…there’s already no way for brother to become the shield of Hibiki! When in the party, the most you can do is guard the priestess and Wudi, right?!” (Joshua)
Watching the mock battle of Raidou, Joshua was able to understand plenty enough that Hibiki’s strength had already surpassed the line of normal.
She clearly had a strength that went a different path from that of a strong adventurer.
The same could be said for Raidou, but it was evident that it was a different dimension from the trained strength of Bredda.
“Joshua, you…what are you trying to…” (Bredda)
“Brother will definitely become shackles for Hibiki in time, that’s what I am trying to say. Before turning into that, I am advising you to help her out in politics! Let me tell you this, you are only a prodigy by birth. Because of the king’s lineage.” (Joshua)
“Shut up!!” (Bredda)
“For example, the three of Kuzunoha Company, no matter which one of those three brother fights, you wouldn’t be able to defeat any. But if you move as the king of Limia, brother will have plenty enough power to become the strength of Hibiki.” (Joshua)
“I’m telling you to shut up!!” (Bredda)
“This is father’s will!” (Joshua)
“…It’s not that I think this way. If the capital gets attacked again, is there an assurance that the king will be safe? If he were to fall in this state where we still haven’t announced the next successor… We can’t have the current Limia fight over who will be the next successor. Something like that, even brother understands, right? Father is thinking about announcing brother as the next successor. Things like reading the heart of your own father, you should at least be able to do that without having me telling you, brother!” (Joshua)
“I can still do it. I will become stronger and support Hibiki.” (Bredda)
“I know that brother is someone that doesn’t slack in his efforts, but not only Hibiki; the priestess, Wudi, and also Naval; everyone possesses outstanding talent. It isn’t something that one can keep up with just hard work. Fortunately, brother’s defensive sword style can become a help in moments of need. Please take heed of my words.” (Joshua)
“Then what will they do about my substitute?! Yeah, it is certainly true that my strength is lacking, but is there any other person that’s able to support the current Hibiki at her side? Before talking about being me being the king, shouldn’t you first find that person?” (Bredda)
“…There is.” (Joshua)
“What?” (Bredda)
“I said there is one. We will be meeting that person after the Kuzunoha Company leaves though.” (Joshua)
Heartless words came from Joshua.
Bredda was at a loss for words, and was dumbfounded by the unyielding attitude of his little brother he had never seen before.
Finishing my plans of the day, I had returned to my room and was passing a leisure time with Lime.
He was doing maintenance to his katana that had finished recovering, in a good mood while talking about the state of the land near the castle.
“As expected, they are still far from being finished in the reconstruction.” (Makoto)
“Right. There’s also the point that Rotsgard is just way too fast though. Mio-neesan showed several things, so there’s probably going to be a request for help from the prince or maybe someone else.” (Lime)
“If it’s about helping with the reconstruction, I don’t mind helping in a permissible level though. It would definitely be a lot easier for the people that come from Rotsgard if the groundwork has been done after all.” (Makoto)
“It would be great if that much is enough though.” (Lime)
“That’s the most we can do. No matter the case, if the war intensifies once more…” (Makoto)
“The demon race huh. I don’t think they will match the conveniency of hyumans and not attack in winter, but…I wonder what they are planning. If it were me, I would immediately come to crush the weakened Limia though.” (Lime)
For the demon race, winter is a season that’s easy for them to defend in.
For hyumans, it is hard to attack.
But just as Lime says, it doesn’t mean the demons will have a hard time attacking too.
This is something that I can say with confidence after meeting them; the Demon Lord is not the type that would loosen in the offensive.
He is a person that would attack with no hesitation.
In other words, there’s a reason why he is not going for the attack.
In that case, this time where they are waiting for spring and the time they are doing their best in the reconstruction is actually a vital time for the hyumans.
Because it means that the demons are preparing a hand that is bigger than attacking the current Limia after all.
“Right. Well, when the time comes, I will move as well, so it won’t turn into the worst scenario.” (Makoto)
“Boss will move? You didn’t seem to have much interest in the war though.” (Lime)
“Hm? I don’t have any interest in the war, I also have no intentions in participating. Just that, I don’t think the demon race has much intentions of meddling with merchants and adventurers that much, so no matter what happens with the hegemony of society, I don’t think much would change in our everyday life.” (Makoto)
“…Getting along with the demon race is kind of a…complicated feeling. Then what do you mean by moving?” (Lime)
“Meaning that I will try to save Senpai at least. I don’t know about this country though.” (Makoto)
“…That’s just like Boss-ssu. Hm? Someone’s coming. This is…Hibiki-ssu ne. This late in the night, that’s rare. (Lime)
“Senpai? If she has any business, it would be with me huh.” (Makoto)
“Most likely. Well, even if Boss and Hibiki pass a night together, nothing will be happening, so it is most likely not going to end in seduction.” (Lime)
“Oh, sharp words there. Leaving aside me, from what I know, Senpai is quite popular you know?” (Makoto)
“…Well, she pretends as if she knows how to deal with men. She is the same as Boss, so she won’t be able to do those kind of things.” (Lime)
“The same as me?” (Makoto)
“Hehe, just ignore this delirious talk of a man that has travelled along with her.” (Lime)
What is he talking about?
The points that Senpai and I have in common are pretty few, you know.
After a bit, knocking comes from the door.
“It is Hibiki. Do you have a bit of time?” (Hibiki)
“Come in.” (Makoto)
Just like what Lime said, it was Senpai.
“…So Lime was here too. Can you please…no, Raidou-dono, can you accompany me for a bit? It might take a while though.” (Hibiki)
Is it something that she doesn’t want to talk about in this room?
At the very least, it doesn’t seem to be something related to the priestess-san.
I don’t think we will be visiting her at this late of an hour after all.
“It is okay. Then Lime, I will be leaving for a bit. It is okay to go rest before me.” (Makoto)
“Okay. I will do that.” (Lime)
Lime lowers his head.
His mouth was smiling, but his eyes weren’t smiling much.
Maybe because Tomoe or someone of that line has asked him to be cautious of her?
But even if he is going to eavesdrop, there’s nothing that would trouble me if he heard, so I will just let him do whatever he wants.
“Then, let’s go.”
Senpai is trying to feign it as always, but I could tell from her body that she was tense.
Just like when we talked about the priestess, I don’t think this will be a comfortable talk.
Because of the recall ritual, it has become a pretty good development for me in Limia though.
Waterfall seemed to be the sober type of dragon, but she opened the library and brought us back, so she is quite the open-hearted fellow.
I have also received the peddling permission for the Forest Oni’s unit, and as long as we are able to return without anything happening, it would be great.
But it won’t go so smoothly huh.
Ah, right.
It depends on the talk with Senpai, but maybe I should try talking with her about the recall ritual.
I think that information about returning home is important.
Yeah, that’s not bad.
The back of Senpai made a silence flow through us, and that provided me time to arrange my thoughts.
In time, Senpai’s legs stop and turns towards me.
Senpai and I were in a part of the castle, at a corridor where we could easily see all the land around the castle.
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After mulling it out for a while, I actually agree it’s best for Makoto to go home to Japan. He is obviously homesick and well… the world of the bug goddess , I feel like that world is inevitably headed toward it’s own destruction.
POV- Akua 2 IS OUT!!!
Makoto gave Athena a serious run for her money and was still human. Waterfall and Hibiki wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell if he got angry or one of his people got hurt. Sari is a minor character so far, doesn’t mean she won’t get more play later on. The rite she performed isn’t like the other 3 at all. She took a piece of his hair and performed the rite on her own. She alienated herself from the rest of the demons to be close to him. Don’t think she would be able to keep him from doing in the Demons if he chose to go after them. But, the Demons have treated him better than the Hyumans he’s come across; except a few exceptions( the family he saved,the Rembrandts, Rinon and her sister,etc…. ) I believe he believes in honesty and truth, dignity and honor above all else. Not being betrayed, that kind of thing.
Thanks for the chapter!!!!
Really like makoto personality(especially Mio-sama ❤)
Once again thanks fpr the chapter
Your impression of Waterfall is wrong Makoto-kun. Be careful of her, and Hibiki. Thanks for the chapter desu~
I mean…as careful as someone should be with a…mosquito anyway.
Reigokai-san!! Thank you for the chapter!!!
Thanks for the capter!!! <3
Guys, I was reading manga, and watching a scene that reminds me of the nature of Makoto
It shows a somber attitude, in relation to the situation that arrives to be interesting
Oh, I liked that moment !
I wonder if this is the face that made Athena shiver ? It sure looks fun !
Thanks for the chapter. I am guessing the guy they will be interviewing to replace Bredda, will most likely be Misura. That’s the reason ehy they are waiting for Raidou and Co. to leave first.
Who was MIsura?
One of MC-chan’s student. The one that Samurai Snake took a liking to.
The tank with heal magic that Tomoe specially train a little
By the way, thanks for the chapter. Does anyone besides me hate scheming B$%^&*@?
Let’s see. Hibiki gets saved twice by Makoto and still doesn’t see him as being benevolent? What kind of person doesn’t show gratitude? Not only that, but he saved the King and Prince of Limia. Shouldn’t these people be grateful? He eliminated Sophia. Shiki eliminated Lancer. Through proxy,Makoto has defeated their most clear and present dangers.If Makoto wanted to get more out of this, it’s not like he couldn’t ask for it later. I don’t like the character of Hibiki, she’s very twofaced and so was Waterfall. Someone in one of the other comments said something about Suri not having a chain, she did a separate ceremony that was completely different to the one done by the other three.
I’ve got a question. Could that crack in Makoto’s neck not represent Sari? She did try to kill herself by stabbing herself in the neck and that left an impression on Makoto, plus she used an eerie ritual that connected their lives together.
Not to mention that she hates hyumans. So, could that thing not represent Sari?
It’s just that it’s kind of strange that Sari isn’t shown, since his other followers are still represented through a chain in the vision and Sari whose life is tied to Makoto’s isn’t shown at all.
The crack in the armour could represent Sari who is currently inside Asora right now and whose curiosity is at its max right now, since she’s in an unknown place that she can’t comprehend.
I really doubt Sari has anything to do with this.
Firstly, she’s not an important character at all. I don’t see why she’d have enough value to show up in something that’s an observation of Makoto’s soul.
Secondly, Sari’s contract only binds herself to him, without any particular relationship otherwise. I’d sooner believe Ema or Makoto’s students have an appearance than Sari.
Lastly, Sari’s suicide made him uncomfortable, but I don’t feel that it left any particular impression on him. The fact that Makoto chose to be soft and save her is the most significant part of his knowing her, and that’s almost the exact opposite of a “crack in a pure white shell”.
I hear ya, it’s just that I think someone contracting themselves to a person in such a way would form more of a binding relationship with the other party even if it is unwanted by the other person, especially since she used some of his dna and it would reflect in some way as a part of him.
The nature of the vision itself is still unclear. They said it reflected his true self, but what does that mean? Is it his personality? his personal connections? or multiple things? Even if Sari isn’t important to him, she is still directly connected to him through the contract.
The impression I meant was a bad one. Her actions made him dislike the demons’ way of treating their own lives and those of others of the same race, even those close to them. That action changed some of his impressions of the demon race.
Well, I didn’t say that the impression itself is what caused the crack in the shell. I just said that it could be what represents Sari, since Sari is currently inside Asora, hence the reason why it showed something inside the cracked shell. Sari has some sort of blood contract with Makoto it wouldn’t be suprising that the vision showed it was a part of him.
It could be one of the reasons why the author made that contract, to fuel Hibiki’s anxiety towards Makoto after hearing about that vision.
But yeah, it’s only speculation on my part and one of the theories I came up with.
i don’t think Sari, herself, is responsible for that crack, but she is most likely indirectly the cause of the dream Makoto had where he was inside a place where he couldn’t see and was receiving mental damage from the killing intent of his alternate world self. perhaps that god’s gift doesn’t just show him alternate futures, but may also leave something behind inside him.
Chiya’s description of that crack does match exactly with how Makoto experienced it
Shiva explained that the case of his last alternative Makoto the reason he felt and didn’t see was because that Parallel world resonated to mutch with Makoto so he felt like that one instead of been an observer.
Thanks for the chapter
For those of you who are following the extras on https://mousetail.mx/es/proyectos/tsuki-ga/edicion-extra you should know that it goes hand in hand with whats going on in the main story right now LOL. Aah it me saying this does not spoil anything so dw.
I mean the new extra
Thanks, I appreciate your work for the spanish readers
Now I just readed the last extra posted in spanish and I have to say the author is just teasing us with Makoto skill by now, he droped two really serious hints in there that made my blood boil.
Oh my god!
I don’t care if it’s in spanish, I can just use google translate to read it no problem.
Thanks again! 😀
Thanks for the spanish extra, even when I struggling reading it via google translate it give me a new respect for Makoto.
He really is hardworking person, to think about it again he learned the common language in one month ! Goddamit to master vocab may has been made impossible by the bug, but I’m gonna assume he already mastered basic conversations for everyday life, that’s no easy feats.
Anyway I still think he is not that cold, he still cares about people and it will be not fair to judge him like Waterfall does. They just don’t know how hard Makoto has been training all his life, heck even master Of iai art want him to be his disciple. How cool is that.
can you tell me just the summary?
You know I risk my life by telling you spoiler…
Truck-kun is eveywhere….
Joke asides I’m still in the middle of reading it, it’s kinda hard to process “him and her” terms that loss in translation by google translate.
Anyway what I can tell you is :
That Makoto is trained in very hardcore way by his shishou, they imitated horseback riding archery by using a jeep, a freaking jeep ! Hitting target while moving in jeep, Makoto itself always says it’s unreasonable and impossible, but in the end after much pain and training he did it, that’s the extent of love Makoto has for archery.
His shishou feels like there’s nothing else she can teach Makoto, so she allow Makoto to pursue anything that interest him, and as fate is always cruel to Makoto another Master noticed the existence of talentless boy that breaking through that word by simply training his best.
That was the other master I was talking about, but this one are different he want to use Makoto to reach a higher peak of martial arts, in short he want to learn how Makoto manages to change talentless into talent, and for that he prepared to teach Makoto his secret art, ditching (presumably Hibiki) another prodigy, he say he don’t want a prodigy disciple, he want a talentless disciple so he can learn his secret to breakthrough the limit.
In a way the side story are so similar to One Punchman backstory, also resembles History strongest Disciple Kenichi, many master with one pupil.
It’s a worth reading I cannot wait to read the proper english one.
So you are reading the first or the second extra focused on the masters? And since this is not a spoiler Truck-kun won’t attack me by revealing that the second Master thats interested in Makoto is the same Master of the school of Kendo that Hibiki practices with a little twist.
Let’s just say I have resolved my self to receive full blow attack from truck kun, it’s hurts less when you know it’s coming
i know their training wuth the jeep, im kind of dumdfounded when try to understand the raw, and “what?” when i understand it.
His acrhery teacher name is Natsu, and the male teacher who actually old friend of her is Gininchiro or what(i forgot), he actually didn’t notice Hibiki at all you know, he seem(well they are veteran pro, so what they said must be authentic) find Hibiki is so-so/normal.
I think at some point Natsu suggesting Makoto to “try” gun, but he find it boring and tost it away.
what i want to know is extra 22/26 when it’s about computer/pc i think, they(idk who) talking about RAID, so i find it amusing, but read a raw with computer context is still imposibru for me.
i think i had truck run at my face, just few cm from my nose at past. when it happened i think i find my self empty inside, but fortunately i could cross the street.
He didn’t find the guns easy, he saw them as just an instrument for murder, didn’t feel any appeal to them so he didn’t trained with them.
They reminds me of Red Cross for some reason.
Thanks for the chapter!
I have been wondering this for a while but makoto can probably get a lot more OP using sakai, right now he is just increasing the amount of magic power by doing the “rebirth” when training with the bow, but if he uses sakai to increase gravity he can probably simulate the enviroment of his previous world (just like training in DBZ! XD) and increase his physical strength too, and depending how it goes he can even power up everyone in Asora using this method though it seems difficult since sakai lose efficacy as the area increase if I remember correctly.
He is already doing that training with Tomoe. The downside is that he stil can’t create that evioroment with out her so she is forced to endure such a place while he trains. He even mentioned that since he got to that world he hasn’t spend himself in training since his physical stats are so out of the chart.
Hmm…. Suggestion to Makoto: Make the gravitation even heavier than Earth > stronger body.
more OP? You want him to become more OP? Who’s going to be his adversary? He’s practically at God-level by now. What? You want him to go Godslaying next? XD
I wonder if there’s any stories about Godslayer-slayers?
Maybe some poor world is in trouble because some jackass came and killed their god.
Campione has godslayers and an op slayer of godslayers
Right, that Hindu hero god (forgot his name) that has his power multiplied by every Campione in the world. Y’know, I really should’ve realized that he was the King of the End (or at least would be involved), considering how many times Campione are called ‘devil kings’ and that guy is famous for killing Ravana, one of the most infamous devil kings. It’s a little embarrassing. Even I had heard the story of Prince Rama (I think?) before I even started reading manga and light novels.
Wasn’t expecting this to come out yesterday
Thanks for the hard work.
thanhk for the chapter
Small typo: “Raiou” –> “Raidou”
Thanks for the chapter, damn it felt short 😛
Thanks for the Hard-work~~
Thank you.
I waited to binge read the two chapters only to fall for this cliff ! Tch, that’s not funny !
Well, so even that Okama Princess does have a bit of gratefulness when that (Virgin)Bitchiki doesn’t, even though she’d been directly saved twice ! Don’t know if I should laugh or not here.
Oy, oy, that Friendzoned Prince sure takes heavy hits ! Let alone the decoration, he’s gonna end up as a punching bag ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
Oh, forget that, MC-chan’s little student is gonna take this role. You can just go and act all high and mighty. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
So even in this field, Bitchiki is all barks and no bites ! As expected of the great heroine(lol)-sama !
I’m having expectations for the near coming chapters, I feel that something really interesting is gonna happen, but I’m not sure of what so let’s just sit and enjoy !
Thanks for your work !
Joshua doesn’t appear any more grateful than Hibiki. Like Hibiki, she seems to have decided that since Kuzunoha is going to have dealing with the Demons, it would be self-harming to decide not to also do business with Kuzunoha
As for saving her “directly” twice, there’s that time in the Limia capital. What was the other one? Saving her from Mio is at most a half-save. (You don’t get credit for cleaning up your own mess)
And what do you mean by all bark and no bite? What was the bark? What was the bite? What are you talking about?
Probably referring to when the bug sent him in front of the demon army to save her hyuman army, which resulted in Sofia and Lancer trying to kill him.
It’s kinda hard to decipher his insistent speech pattern, but I think he’s referring to Hibiki being similar to Makoto in terms of love experience.
She talks big about matters of love, like shown when she talked about Bredda and marriage with Lime, but in reality…well, it says plenty if Lime’s comparing her to Makoto.
I’m inclined to count that first fight with Lancer/Sofia as a half-save at most. Hibiki was fighting Io, and Makoto’s appearance distracted them briefly. It was Naval’s sacrifice that actually saved Hibiki.
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!
@Blue, still though. They wanted fight the heroes. Even if Naval succeeded in saving her, Sofia and Lancer would’ve still gone after them, but because Makoto almost killed them, they decided to give up and power up some more.
“You wanted to say he has a naive way of thinking, right Joshua-sama? That’s actually right, you know.” (Hibiki)
“Even so, that’s not a word that should be directed towards someone that has saved my life, Hibiki.” (Joshua)”
That single line shows that the Okama Princess is more grateful than that (Vir)Bitchiki. Though, as the “Prince”, he might have to act differently.
As for the rest, Barko, Psychronia and Kingtempest are right.
@ Psychronia
Eh ! You still understood, right ? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
Even so, there’s only so much credit you can give people for the consequences of their unintended actions. For instance, Makoto didn’t know he saved Hibiki. Hibiki didn’t know he saved her. (She didn’t even know about Sofia) So what logical reason says Hibiki should be grateful to him for something NEITHER one of them know about? (It’s like saying every day, the people you didn’t run over with a car should be grateful to you for saving their lives.)
In addition to which, battle-freaks Sofia and Lancer don’t always kill their opponents. Sofia spared Tomoki after all (sadly). So even if they did fight, Hibiki might still live.
Another example of WHY there’s a limit to the credit we give for unintended actions: IF Makoto’s beating Sofia saved Hibiki, we can ALSO argue it killed Night Clad and Akari. Because they lost to him, they decided they needed more strength and so killed two more Superior Dragons. (They didn’t know how much strength they needed for Root.) Therefore, Akari and Nightclad should hate Makoto.
Think of it like “seven-degrees of separation.” Credit/Blame for unintended consequences should be limited to 0-1 degrees of separation (I think 0 is to yourself, 1 is acting directly on someone else). 2 degrees and further just gets silly (You did something to someone who MIGHT have done something to someone else)
@Sakamaki Izayoi
I see what you mean, but that’s really a small difference.
First, Joshua AGREES with Hibiki, she just has the manners (or political savvy) not to say it out loud. Also, Joshua has more feelings of gratitude towards Makoto because she KNOWS he didn’t do anything with her secret.
Hibiki has solid knowledge of Makoto saving her once. (And it may not have sunk in yet. She’s still in partial shock about everything else.)
Joshua has solid knowledge of Makoto saving her once, AND choosing not to blackmail her.
Second, that comment could be taken another way: Calling Makoto “naive” could suggest that saving Joshua or not blackmailing her was foolish (i.e., a bad thing). In other words, criticizing Makoto is like criticizing Joshua.
Actually, about Sofia sparing Tomoki, there’s a chance that his charm caused that. After all, not even an hour after leaving him unconscious, she was ranting about how great he was. If it wasn’t for Makoto, she’d have probably been Tomoki’s slave before the sun came up.
And I didn’t read past your comment to David’s who pointed out the same thing. Whoops. Sorry.
@blue the only reason sofia didnt kill tomoki is not because they dont always kill their enemy. Remember tomoki manage to place inside her a seed from his charm. Makoto meets her and with out knowing if he was on the goddess side she attacked to kill, even when he tries to explain that he is not her enemy. Its the seed of tomokis charm that stops her. Even makoto says it.
I was wondering if I should mention that part, but decided I was running out of space.
1) The reason Sofia was so desperate to kill Makoto was because she evaluated him as a threat. It’s in her POV chapter. Her instincts, perhaps at Hibiki level, told her he was an extremely dangerous entity. All the talking she and Lancer did was just side-dressing.
2) I think it’s fair to assume that Hibiki and Tomoki were much weaker back then, so they wouldn’t have even tickled Sofia’s danger sense.
3) If you think Tomoki’s charm saved him, why not also think it’s possible that Hibiki’s charisma would have saved her? And in fact, since Hibiki actually persuades people (instead of just brute-force brainwashing), maybe she would have even gotten Sofia on her side? (I’m not saying that would have happened. Just saying there’s a limit to how much credit you can give people for things that did not happen.)
4) While Makoto SAYS maybe Tomoki’s seed prevented Sofia from killing Tomoki, I thought that was intended more as a taunt than a Detective Conan moment.
I’m a bit skeptical of the idea of Hibiki’s charisma saving her. Tomoki’s charm is more invasive and seems more powerful in terms of immediate output, while Hibiki has more of a gradual conversion going on.
Hibiki would certainly be better than Tomoki at verbal persuasion, but I’m also not sure how much that would work on Sofia. Makoto was definitely a unique case, but the only time we see someone try to talk to her, it didn’t work.
Personally, I’m classifying that incident as Makoto inadvertently saving Hibiki because Sofia arriving at the battle with Io would probably have ended poorly.
….Then again, Hibiki seemed to have survived up until Io’s assassination attempt in the “Makoto Joins Gritona” timeline, so who knows?
@blue but why would makoto taunt her? Its not like he needed her to make a mistake so he could kill her. He had enough leeway to talk and just watch her for the whole fight.
True they were weak enough that sofia would not feel threaten but they are still her enemies. If only for the sole fact that they would bear their fangs at her. And no hibiki would not be able to get sofia on her side after all hers is passive tomokis is forceful.
If I remember correctly, Makoto actually mentioned it because Sofia began praising Tomoki out of nowhere and he found it pitiful.
I do agree that Hibiki’s charisma is more passive, but it can also work more immediately. (This is all just speculation)
Because Tomoki’s is constantly active and just a brute force attack, if you have the magic-resistance, it has zero effect on you. And if you have enough resistance, maybe you just start to like him. People have killed people they like/love all the time.
On the other hand, because Hibiki’s charisma is an extension of her natural charm, she can present reasons for Sofia to immediately like her and join her side. Or at least that it wouldn’t be interesting to kill her now. Sofia is also a battle-junkie, so…that’s a reason that makes sense.
And again, the one example of trying to talk to Sofia bombed out. But again, her POV chapter indicates she wasn’t really listening anyway, because her instincts were telling her “this guy needs to die NOW.” I imagine her instincts would be saying about Hibiki “it’s like killing a fluffy puppy.”
You don’t always need a strategic reason to taunt. Sometimes you just do it to be a jerk. Or have fun. In Makoto’s case, he had enough leeway to even offer to erase Tomoki’s effects on her, in the MIDDLE of a life-and-death fight.
That is some HARD-CORE TROLLING. Even if it was a sincere offer.
@blue if her insticts are that good then they would also scream kill her. Maybe not like makoto where its more like kill it before you cant. But more of kill it before it threatens you. After all hibiki is a tactician, a politician and those can be dangerous if they get out of control. Also if anyone had a chance to talk and convince sofia it would be makoto. He has direct contact to both mirage and myriad dragons. If her goal was to consume them get the power house that can take you on with 4 dragons on your side to be friendly with you. She is smart enough to think that far in advance dont screw up just because your instincts go out of control next to a being that for all intents and purpose is on its way to God hood.
You might be right, in that politicians can be dangerous. That being said, do you think a politician really presents a threat to Sofia? Sofia doesn’t appear to care about living a “normal” life, and doesn’t particularly care about hyumans either (which are the only things a politician can really threaten.) Sofia is one of those people who have reached a level of power where they can destroy entire cities and can live in the middle of nowhere. And she joined the Demon’s side. A hyuman politician doesn’t have many options to deal with that except to ask “please don’t” (They’re already at WAR. What can the politician threaten to do? Arrest them? Go to War+1?) On the other hand, a politician can be VERY useful (like in finding Root.)
Also, Sofia’s instincts may only be related to battle. We don’t know. (We’ve only seen Sofia in battle situations.)
My point simply is, there are so many uncertainties that we can AT MOST give Makoto half-credit for accidentally saving Hibiki. Like Psychronia said: Hibiki managed to survive to sometime after the Rotsgard school festival in another world.
Also, your argument about Sofia wanting to get close to Makoto is too late. She didn’t know that Makoto had contact with Shen, and Makoto did not know Root at the time of their first fight. By the second fight, they’re already mortal enemies. It’s too late to play nice and pretend to be friends. Especially since she first says she’s going to kill the two, THEN Makoto reveals he knows them.
Also, why are you arguing about Sofia’s intuition? It IS that good, at least regarding battle. Here’s the relevant quotes:
“I felt an alarm ring within me; if I left him alive, he would learn how to fight a battle and how to use his abilities.
That is what I felt when fighting this guy.
I decided to use the secret weapon that the demons lent me here. I think that this is my only chance to kill this guy.
If I let him go, then he will become someone of unbelievable strength. It might also be because I was afraid of him.”
I just don’t think she would ever feel that threatened by Hibiki or Tomoki, Ever.
One more quote:
“But my intuition is telling me to remain vigilant, this guy is still dangerous. I have to quickly kill him or I will regret it.
He tried to tell us that he’s just a bystander and just a merchant…I do not know why he was doing this.
For some reason, he kept telling us that he did not want to fight. But him doing this just made me more cautious.
My knowledge is telling me that Raidou is just a small fry…. But my experience in battle and intuition were screaming that he is the worst thing in this world.
I knew what to trust.”
“I see what you mean, but that’s really a small difference”
Actually that’s the difference between a manipulative Bitch and someone who acts by duty. I’m the kind of guy who thinks that your reasons for acting are evenly or more importants than what you did.
That Okama Princess might manipulate MC-chan too, but she would do it because she has to do it as the head of state. Bitchiki isn’t even able to show gratefulness to someone who saved her twice.
Because, that’s what MC-chan did, there is no half value in it or anything else. No matter if he did so volontarily or not, he did save her life.
“Hibiki managed to survive to sometime after the Rotsgard school festival in another world.”
I’m stopping you here, we don’t know what happened in that world. Let’s assume he didn’t fight Sofia cause he was with Trashero, we don’t know if Bitchiki went through the same fights in that world, Sofia’s role might have been different, same goes for Io, Naval…etc
We cannot say she survived to her fight with Io even though MC-chan didn’t come, cause we don’t know if she fighted in the same conditions (or at all).
However, let’s say that he’s protected her just once. You’re saying that Okama owes him more because he did not only saved her but also kept quiet about her secret. O.K but then don’t forget that he had one of Bitchiki’s near dead companion healed (and saved) through that Skeleton.
Not the small stuff here, right ? At least for someone who hold dear the lives of her comrades, as you always brag.
“criticizing Makoto is like criticizing Joshua.” It’s been stated that Bitchiki and that Okama are quite used to discuss together and are, at least, close enough to speak their mind to each other. Also, that Okama seems like an honest and prompt to self depreciate person, to me, she wouldn’t hesitate to blame herself for something wrong. (like she did many times).
“While Makoto SAYS maybe Tomoki’s seed prevented Sofia from killing Tomoki, I thought that was intended more as a taunt than a Detective Conan moment.” If he was the kind of guy to taunt his enemies, he wouldn’t fall for little schemes to start, and his life would be way easier. But would he’d been this powerful ? I doubt it, and that wouldn’t be the same novel we all like.
“do you think a politician really presents a threat to Sofia?”
I think the danger David points out, is more about the tactician (and immoral) part of Bitchiki. She would most likely gain Sofia to her cause temporarily and then back stab her when she’ll understand that this battle junkie is too unpredictable to be controled and too powerful to be ignored. Just like with MC-chan.
If Sofia’s instincts are that good, then she’d definitely have sensed that danger coming from Bitchiki.
@Sakamai Izayoi
For starters, if you’re judging people more by their reasons instead of their actions, you should go re-read Hibiki’s chapters around the time she’s fighting Io the first time. Since it’s a POV chapter, you learn that HIbiki’s actions are being motivated by a sense of duty to the hyumans she chose to side with. I can respect that, even if I disagree with the side she chose.
(Also, Okama are MEN who dress like women. Not the other way around.). Feel free to say Takarazuka though.
1) You are right, in that I did forget to give credit for Shiki saving Wudi. However, people tend to give their gratitude to the person who DID the action. In which case, she would be more grateful to Shiki, not Makoto. (People thank the firefighter who saved their lives. Not the fire chief who ordered the fire men to go save their lives)
2) Joshua has had more time (months) to get used to the idea of knowing Makoto saved her life. (Remember, her first reaction was more suspicion. “I owe you something, so let’s get it out of the way. I expect to be blackmailed.”). Hibiki has had about 1 day, and seems to be in a state of shock from the info dump Waterfall gave her.
I don’t know where you get Joshua is self-deprecating, but SO IS Hibiki. “I am a politician. I am not very heroic. I am a calculating woman.”
What does taunting have to do with being smart enough not to fall for a trap? But ever since Makoto invented the Magic Armor, he’s become a lot more casual and playful during fights. Look at how he talks when he fights the Earth Spirit, or the 4 Generals. He’s joking around, talking about sumo, etc.
But even if it wasn’t a taunt, just because Makoto GUESSES that Sofia spared Tomoki because of the charm, does NOT make it true. It MIGHT be true, and that’s it.
Good point about the possibility that she might backstab. Though I would argue it’s more out of a sense of duty to her role as a hero rather than doing it because she’s a “bitch”. Her loyalty (right now) is to the hyumans. She’s probably even been friends with them longer than she has been with Makoto.
That being said, how are you using the word “backstab”? Is she taking any action that is harmful to Kuzunoha? Raidou? Concrete examples, please. Did you read ahead and are working off events that have not yet been translated?
I agree that it may not be two times and just onem but sont forget what her new power is. Peoples hopes on her power her up. So while she may not see that or know that it could happen she should feel that she is dangerous. Hibiki, makoto and tomoki all grow in an abnormal way compared to most people in this world so for her to not see that potential in tomoki or hibiki is a dangerous flaw. The rest yeah i concede on meeting root and shen.
“Since it’s a POV chapter, you learn that HIbiki’s actions are being motivated by a sense of duty to the hyumans”
That’s what you can’t seem to understand. I’m saying, that it’s what she says, maybe also what she thinks. But these are not her true reasons, she’s lying to herself. That’s always been my point. I may be wrong and I don’t have formal proves but that’s what I see.
“Also, Okama are MEN who dress like women. Not the other way around.). Feel free to say Takarazuka though”
That Okama Princess seems very suspicious to me. Where are the evidences that he’s not someone who likes to cross-dress in his room, and lied to MC-chan all this time ?! I’ll need to check what’s under that dress to be sure. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
“People thank the firefighter who saved their lives. Not the fire chief who ordered the fire men to go save their lives”
Your example is irrelevant. That Skeleton didn’t saved that guy by duty, he did it because all this situation was his master’s order. It would be more like thanking the one who called the firemen when he saw that your house were in flames.
“just because Makoto GUESSES that Sofia spared Tomoki because of the charm, does NOT make it true. It MIGHT be true, and that’s it.”
I won’t answer to that, you’re just being stubborn there…
“how are you using the word “backstab”? Is she taking any action that is harmful to Kuzunoha? Raidou? Concrete examples, please. ”
Actually, that one is my bad, I wanted to say : “like she would have done to MC-chan”
About your concrete examples, we still don’t have any. Of course, she’s aware of MC-chan dangerousness now, so she’ll be more subtil I think.
“Did you read ahead and are working off events that have not yet been translated?”
Oy ! Just to make it clear before that Maniac Truck gets all heated up, I don’t read raws nor use WB machine. All I’m telling are just basic deductions or hypothesis.
Umm…what? The whole point of Joshua’s identity being revealed was that Makoto DID accidentally check and find something(s) that weren’t supposed to be on a man.
Naive… Who would trust MC-chan in that field ? Also, I’ve always checked things by myself ! …Unless you already knows that Okama and try to cover him !
@Blue, my comment wasn’t about whether or not Hibiki should count it as a save and be greatful fo it, but was actually directed at you who said that “You” only count it as a half-save. It still happened, even if both of them were unaware of the events.
Are you kidding? You know well that it was the effect of Tomoki’s charm that saved his life. Sofia and Lancer were inclined to kill those who posed an obstacle to their true objective. This was the reason why they joined the demon’s side in the first place, to kill the heroes who might pose a threat later.
What? I thought Sofia joined the demons so she could kill…err…Crimson Red, I believe it was? The Lapis Volcano dragon. Sofia planned to hunt them all down so she could confront Root with Lancer.
Unless I’m forgetting something(in which case, please tell me where it says this), Sofia basically doesn’t care about the heroes at all beyond a battle junkie’s interest.
I think makoto saved hibiki 2.5 times
The 0.5 is the first time she fought io, if he didnt fight sofia then the demon army would have ambushed limia and most likely kill hibiki
The 2 are at the ambush by the demons. Shiki kills lancer makoto fights io
Say, can we discuss war theory for a second?
Would Makoto’s impartial support actually ultimately increase casualties in a war? I feel like we need to look at this both in a “from one side” and a “overall” perspective.
The impression I got was that things like taking prisoners and other rules of war ultimately reduce the death toll. Or is it just a different story this time because it’s a race war to the extinction?
yes, I think they will hunt each other into extinction, and Makoto helping both side make sure none become too weakened, thus the opposite side don’t have any opportunity to give a decisive blow, and the battle stay balanced, both side keep making sacrifices in stagnant battles, and when one finaly take the ascendance on battle, they will have suffered more casuility to win.
that’s how I see this war.
It depends on the nature of the support he offers and the direction the war takes, but overall, it’s hard to say.
For instance, a prolonged war can end up resulting in just two sides coming to terms with snarling at each other across the 38th Parallel. But part of that requires both sides be able to live with that. A race war in which both sides are determined to wipe the other side out, probably can’t reach that level of compromise.
Also, if the support Kuzunoha offers is in the form of peaceful things like supplies and medicines, he is insulating both sides from suffering from things like nature, famine, disease….allowing both sides to continue fighting another day. This probably benefits the Demons more, by virtue of their territory (inhospitable, difficult to travel, etc.)
On the other hand, if Kuzunoha offers superior weapons, each conflict becomes potentially more deadly. So, fewer survivors, more casualties.
On top of which, as a race war, it’s fair to assume the war is won when one side is wiped out. So in a quick war, the casualties = your casualties + the total population of the enemy side. But if the war is prolonged for a long time, then it is possible for the total casualties to span multiple generations and may even exceed that initial population number (think Hatfield and McCoys.)
There’s a lot of factors, and in the end, the best answer I can give is: Bug knows. (Or maybe not. She doesn’t seem like a deep thinker)
Hmm…in that case, from a single side’s perspective the best case scenario would be for Makoto to keep from helping either party so that the winner of the war has the least casualties.
On the other hand, the best end from an overall standpoint would be for Makoto to support both sides(in peaceful matters) to drag the war out until both sides get tired of it and give up on genocide. It’s not like they can risk offending him no matter how much he obstructs their war efforts.
…Pfft. Now that I think about it, it would be amusing if Kuzunoha assisted in reinforcing both defenses so that neither side can do anything to the other.
Well, this is all assuming nothing happens to Makoto’s attitude regarding the war and Bug doesn’t do anything, both of which are really big ifs.
The thing is… did kuzunoha wanted to become a Military supplier? When it comes to war what comes to mind is mass production and Kuzunoha is more like a speciality shop and I can’t seem to imagine Makoto agreeing to mass produce weapons, and the medicine they sell while better than most product and cheaper is not exactly a super performance enhancing drugs.
Yeah, that’s why Makoto’s support doesn’t really harm either side beyond “making more enemies survive”.
I kinda like this stance, since Makoto doesn’t particularly care about either side. If he doesn’t want to use brute force, this would be one of the better ways to obstruct a war.
Well as long as Kuzunoha don’t sell weapons and sell medicine only to civilian It will no troubling very much To both sides
Oh yeah. I completely forgot about that aspect.
Makoto limits his supply and only really targets the poor civilians, so the military divisions might not be able to get that much supplies to begin with.
Well, the demon race also reap more benefit out of this, since their civilians’ labor are optimized by the country.
Demon`s technology and military is vastly superior to hyuman’s, if Makoto supplies demons with food hyumans are done for. That’s exactly what Hibiki and Joshua fear.
@db: i think if kuzunoha supplying demon with food or food processing technology etc it can lessen the cause of war or at least the supporter for war faction will diminish in the long run.
though just like sari said it isn’t easy to accept peace….because the grudge was already deep.
Wasn’t Makoto only supposed to support the civilians that had nothing to do with the war? Zeff already made peace with not being saved, because their objective changed to revenge and only asked for Makoto to take care of his people (the ones not involved with the war) so that they won’t become extinct.
Makoto is staying neutral so he won’t be given any armies weapons and supplies, only helping the civilians.
Well from what I got for the chapter the influence of the company is prolonging the war, creating a stalment since he is not letting either side decimate the other slowly, the war will only end if one side makes an out of the norm attack to the other forcing a surrender (or so far total anihilation) or if they spend each other so mutch that the call a cease of fire. (Sorry for the bad english)
I read all the comment below (or above this now) I need to say you guys overthinking things.
What Joshua means by prolonging the war are simply because if kuzunoha heal the wounded soldier/village that village/soldier will be rearing to go back to war. It’s goes both way though, and what can be worse than war of attrition?
Let’s think it like this in normal conditions hyuman HP bar and Demon HP bar are not going to have self-regen attributes, but with kuzunoha supplying medicine they will be regenerated at stable rate, in worst case they will reach stalemate because their HP neither decline or increases.
Hmm hmm….will this talk be a medicine or a poison? This’ll be interesting. Also, it feels like Makoto is more and more emotionless as time goes by…..
thanks for the cap
Thanks for the chapter. They say he’s prolonging the war which is sort of true, but without him Hibiki would be dead and they would’ve pretty much lost already. I seriously hope that in the next chapter they have a talk for real and he will realize that Hibiki is not his friend.
“I said there is one. We will be meeting that person after the Kuzunoha Company leaves though.” (Joshua)
It’s Misura.. shield swordsman . Poor guy, probably gets brainwashed by Hibiki at some point…
some cliffhanger… maybe on the next chapeter Hibiki decides to join Makoto now…
Next chapter is juicy. Very juicy.
pretty sad he doesn’t miss his sisters for which he went along with the summoning in the first place for, it is currently the biggest plothole in the story till the author remembers or explains his lack of any lingering feelings for his family
He does miss them though. The three visiting gods mentioned Asora seems Japanese specifically because Makoto is homesick.
And I could argue that Makoto is projecting a desire for his family on his followers.
thank you very much! very good read and very fast release! haha found this weeks ago and now im at arc4 :)) im gonna catch up soon!
“No way! That’s an act of betrayal towards hyumans!”
I am the only one that is not shocked by his reaction?
In a war of that scale, I don’t see it strange that there is an embargo on trade with demons.
the war is indeed hymans VS demons, and makoto is on hyuman’s side (physically on territory under hyuman rules), so Makoto trading with demons (helping the ennemy) can be seen as a betrayal.
how many spat on Lime when he helped hibiki even though he wasn’t helping an “enemy”, makoto see hibiki more as an ally.
I am actually shocked that they assume Makoto is a hyuman though they know he come from Hibiki’s world. Even then Makoto is effectively a foreigner doing business and establishing a branch of company in their territory so to call it a betrayal is like declaring the foreigner betrayed them because he also have a branch company in their enemy territory.
Rather than assuming Makoto is a hyuman, it’s more like 2 out of 3 people from Earth are on hyumanity’s side. And Lorel tried to collect and assimilate the Wise.
Historically speaking, people from other worlds were still on hyumanity’s side.
Yeah that is true, though it’s still strange they assume Makoto on hyuman side when he is very blatant in being neutral.
makoto cut his ties with japan, the only thing that remain is “native from japan”, but isn’t affiliated to the country of japan.
Makoto came in Rotsgard to not be affilated with any country, but that town still fall under hyuman’s rule, making him on hyuman side.
even if his real home is now asora nobody now it, officially his home and main office are in Rotsgard, making him affiliated to Rotsgard.
If you rule over a country, and one of your merchant that isn’t born in that country, but now part of it, start doing business in the backstage with the neighbor country that is trying to wipe out your people, you will probably see it as a treason. because, you know, one of your countrymen is helping your enemy.
Actually that was probably assumption on the hyuman side that he was on their side and I can see where they come from. But it’s still a strange thing to blurt out when they at least know Makoto is neutral about the whole war. Maybe they just can’t accept the fact that a hyuman is willing to do trade with the demons and the demons with their own prejudice actually accepted.
Far from not being shocked, my reaction was more along the lines of:
“Oh. It’s about time we had this conversation. Let’s see how good they are at reading Makoto.”
All things considered, Joshua and Hibiki did well.
agree, once they knew he is the devil, they should remember the devils action, especially shiki(larva)’s behavior when he didn’t care about hyumans and gone as far as take hibiki’s party member hostage to keep her from moving.
The more I think about it the more I approve of Hibiki’s stance here. She’s not against Makoto because he’s strong, but because he’s almost unnaturally indifferent. I hadn’t thought it weird at the time, but Makoto didn’t bat an eye when he turned that Liz into paste with his foot. He had no qualms about murdering Shen if he had to, either. That’s not super normal.
@Dyneamaeus who ia Liz?
Its a dog monster, thats the name of the species, it was the first monster that he encountered in that world and saved Emma from.
Gyyyyaaaahhhh! WTF with dat cliffhanger!!!! Just when it was becoming interesting…
Thanks for the chap
You know what happened? The same thing that happened to Dean Kamen. . . Cliff-san~~~~
Hibiki: Makoto do y… do you see all this, all this I want to protect, all that I hold dear.
Makoto: err yes I do and I also see that woman being mugged and that prostitute being dragged into an alley.
Hibiki: …
Makoto: …
Hibiki: Makoto do you see this, this I hold dear and must protect. If given more time I would very much have had shown you even the ugly side of this capital.
Makoto: erm.. Hibiki aren’t you going to help them?
Hibiki stares in to the distant with a heavy expression.
I guess even she has stuff she doesn’t want to talk about.
Well not that I care so I shouldn’t delve too deep into it.
Hibiki: Lets go to a room nearby, after all I would like to speak to you for quite a while.
Makoto: Yes about that I do have things i’d like to say to senpai too, so lead the way.
Hibiki once again walked in front but this time she seems to be shaking her buttocks.
Maybe this is what lime meant about seduction but I shouldn’t delve too deep into it.
dafuq did i just read !?
Inner heart one..
Except when he discussing a serious matter in long sentence, it changed into charismatic one.
…. you know….
since you change your profile picture to that, I always read your comments in ainz tone…….
which tone ? the ‘charismatic leader’ or the ‘inner heart’ tone
Thanks for the chapter as always, the last couple of chapter had been so intense that this one feels bleack, but we got more info and clearly see he other side point of view and why Hibiki, and Waterfall came to such a decisions with Kuzonoha, I have to say I never though of the conclusion that Josua came up with, totally understandable. Lets see how this conversation between the 2 compatriot will develope, this here must be what the author has been working towards since the moment they bumped into each other in Rostgard.
Tsuki ga michibiku x kumo desu ga
joshua:i already brought your replacement brother, his name is…..
black armored man: kuro…..
joshua: y..yess..kuro-sama, i heard from the goddess that he was sent here after losing his home and loved one..
kuro: urgh……
bredda: oy..oy is he will really be okay?!
joshua:yes don’t worry brother, the goddess said he’s stronger than superior dragons
bredda: really?? i doubt that, if he’s really stronger than superior dragon that means he can beat the calamity spider right?
bredda:e….ehhh.. yes spider….
a certain black spider: Magical Girl(spider) raising project desu-wa~
a certain white spider: nai-wa~~
and suddenly spider-man randomly spawn to that world when he was trying to collect the shard of Siege Perilous with the web warriors
“My Spider Sense is tingling~~~”
– Spiderman
Poor dragon, can’t get away from those gluttonous spiders.😂
Thanks for the chapter kai-senpai!
I do not know why I hate Hibiki (she thinks she’s fuc **** in the end is the weakest of 3) wanted our friend Makoto to get a foot in his ass soon.
In her ass?
I dun want it to ever happen.
I think she is stronger than tomoki.
Her hope powered power generator is OP
Uhm.. I think the only option hibiki has is seduction :v
Yeah right. Then get killed by Mio and Tomoe later. Or worst get ‘trained’
Will she ask Makoto to teach her to sharpen her sword as well ?
Thanks for the Chapter~!!!
they gonna kidnap Lime xD
Don’t get why the Hyuman side considers it a betrayal of Makoto were he to supply the demon side. They haven’t really done jack squat for him and he has literally saved their country and hero from ruins when he also considered at this point a neutral party. They should take what Mio said and shove it and not get in the way. Specially consider it a pain in the ass that Hibiki still sides with the Hyumans and still consider herself a force of good when their side is mostly causing all the problems or should I say the Goddess faction which controls it. Genius my ass if she still can’t see how bad the Bug bitch is.
It’s because the hyumans are “suppose” to be united under the goddess in the fight against the demons. Supporting the demons would be supporting the enemy. Makoto sees no difference between humans, demi-humans, and demons. Hibiki and Tomoki don’t know the true face of the goddess. Their only interactions was from the summoning and nothing further. So their image is based nothing more on the image the hyumans have of the goddess. We as the readers see both sides of the story (though a bit more skewed towards Makoto’s POV), so we can truly understand its the hyumans by their teachings from the goddess that are misguided, and that the demons are not necessarily evil but do what they must for the survival of their race.
I’m actually starting to see the goddess as a tsundere. And if you read the specials about Makoto’s parents, you’ll understand, a little bit, why the goddess abuses Makoto.
And, this was explained in a previous chapter, if Makoto alone was summoned as a hero in the hyuman society, he would turn dark faster than the current Makoto. so IF the goddess knows that and intentionally summoned other heroes and sent Makoto to the wasteland rather than a powerhouse country… Wouldn’t she the biggest tsundere?
Yeah, I don’t buy it.
Firstly, Bug doesn’t have that kind of foresight. Secondly, she was still being a spoiled brat in the side story. Lastly, as far as any of us know, she didn’t know anything about Makoto and the first two teleports could be seen as attempted murder.
Well, his mom did mention, “She is more like tsuntsuntsuntsuntsundere.”
So. . . Maybe? Though, I don’t think the Goddess is quite that good. She’s trashed Makoto pretty bad every time she’s ever met with him.
Well considering that the goddess didn’t gave him the ability to communicate with hyumans and dropped him in the wastelands where hyumans presence is scarce i don’t think she was being tsundere at all.Also she didn’t know it was Makoto being summoned until he was already sent there so i don’t think she was planning to preserve him or guiding him considering she didn’t even want him on her world
@Psychronia who knows. she might have know through the other Makoto’s. Although bratty, she still did help Makoto’s parents. And actually, if she didn’t help them, Makoto would have never been born. She did more than what was in their contract. Those attempted murders, though this seems shit, but Makoto has some sort of obligation to comply with the goddess as he is already a property of the goddess. Remember in the first chapters? Makoto was set as a compensation, by his parents, for the help of goddess in transferring his parents to another world.
@Ascending Flame well, I never said she’s good. I do really hope that she has a dere side :v but it will be a tough wall to break since she’s a tsuntsuntsuntsuntsundere.
@lynnerst she was actually stunned why Makoto wasn’t able to talk in common language when they met before she sent Makoto into Limia. As far as I can remember it has something to do with Makoto’s capacity being full and shiz. Can’t quite remember. The goddess knew that one of the Misumi will come.. Well there can be a lot of speculations, but long story short, The goddess is quite irritated at Misumi bloodline since it’s the clan that has forsaken the world she had put in so much effort.
The only reason she made that deal with Makoto’s parents was so she could force them back to their families when they failed. She didn’t think that they’d actually succeed, and if it wasn’t for the fact that gods can’t go back on their words, she wouldn’t have done it.
It is a betrayal since he’s also a hyuman. Just imagine, you’re in a company and you learned that your sister company is secretly having a deal with your rival company.
Even if they take the warning of Mio, is there any guarantee that the Kuzunoha co. will not do anything to Limia? Kuzunoha may not have a reason as of now, but what if in the near future they change mind?
Hibiki is not doing the hero thing for some self-righteous reasons. It is more of sense of duty?
She is doing it for fun.
Well, she did decided to come to this world for some worthwhile obstable in her life, because she is “blessed” in the modern world.
Anw, i agreed to ur analogy but disagree with the rebuttal using analogy to explain why they think makoto is betraying hyuman.
It is true that makoto is, genetically, a hyuman. However, he was not someone born in this world and spend his whole life in it.
Given that they know his background, why do they think that hyuman will naturally band tgt to deal with “external” threat.
Would u think that someone who is new to the company A will cut off their “secret deal” with the rivalry company B juz because he/she r just hired by A?
They already know that he is someone from another world… So, why did they want to confine him in their views, standards.
Besides, Limia had/intended to exploit kuzunoha/makoto in the first place. So, they shldn’t blame on his act if their own intention is impure to begin with.
That’s only make Limia just being self-righteous…
I will agree that Hibiki originally came to the world for fun. And she might even be enjoying it now. But I also think she’s come to have feelings for at least some of the hyumans, and so she takes it seriously.
And we should all be so lucky to have a job we enjoy.
That being said, I don’t think it’s self-righteous what Limia is feeling. It’s about solidarity. (Hyumans vs. Demons). To say that they were hoping to “exploit” Kuzunoha is basically a business relationship (You do a favor for me, I do a favor for you).
Well if you only consider hibiki and joshua’s side. How about bredda and other nobles, or maybe the majority? As i remember even in rostgard they view makoto is allied at the demon race before the attack of the mutants.
Think about his work force they are almost all dimi-human who he considers friends and family then add hyumans insulting, looking down on, and the abuses carried out against those dimi-humans not under the kuzunoha banner he sees it as a possibility that they will be treated badly when he is not around that was the point of Tomae’s boot camp
I have enough of the “dem white people are evil” mentality.
they won the past wars, and that’s it.
they are the ‘winners’ of history.
nothing more.
Why siding with hyumans make you evil?
Why siding with hyumans make you stupid?
Why “good” people have to side with demons?
Why smart people have to side with demons?
Why demons are so better people than hyumans?
they took their land from other demi-humans, to be sure they wouldn’t come back, they slaughtered every single person of the country. they slaughtered every children like fucking pigs. and now they intend to do the same thing again with hyumans.
In what way do you think they are so much better than hyumans?
what make you think hibiki should betray hyuman to side with demons and slaughter hyumans?
What make you think without hyumans there would be no wars?
you reproach hibiki to judge hyumans as good and demons as evil (when it was already proven that she didn’t fought in this war for “justice” or “moral” but because she cared for limia’s people), but you judge hyumans as evil and demons as good.
You reproach hyumans to have prejudice against other races when you have prejudices against hyumans.
Fucking hypocrisy and fucking “TOLERANT LEFT” mentality
I think most people see it this way since makoto is from a different world he should not side with humans since they view things differently then him. I persoanlly think makoto should just go and be a third party and bring both sides into a peace treaty. He has enough power for it and this way also benefits both sides since it will stop their views of total annihilation for either group and bring them to think we best not piss off the dude that can wioe out both sides for being idiots.
I were talking about makoto here but the unfunded hate hibiki and tomoki receive for helping hyumans.
So you want makoto to come and threaten all country to wipe them out if they don’t follow his orders. Okay.
Now, what do you think about tomoki theatening other country with his nuke, if they don’t come under his rule?
(pretty much what he intend to do and what he did in the ‘dream’)
you better not be part of the people criticizing the heroes for not acting “heroic” enough and be to authoritarian and extreme, because “that can wipe out both sides for being idiots” is very extreme and closer to ‘villain’ than ‘hero’.
Im not. I dont like hibiki because there is not much of a good character there for me. Tomoki had the perfect setting to be my favorite character but the princess has corrupted him too much. If he was neutral then yeah threaten them. But he has gone crazy thanks to the princess. 😧
dunno, the only think we know about tomoki is that he was bullied for looking good.
tho the “imperfect” part is interesting, since it will permit him to straighten through hardship.
First, the details of how Makoto saved Limia and Hibiki might be unknown to the people.
Second, the moment the Buggess summoned the heroes to “her” world, not only did tell them the circumstances in her point of view, but also bought them with weapons and powers, showing them her “good” side, so unless something really fucking bad happens to them, they’ll not be aware of the wickedness of this world.
Lastly, the reason why hyumans would see the act of helping the demons as a betrayal: Even if the Buggess created all of the hyumanoids life forms of “her” planet, it was decided by her that ONLY the hyumans will be the dominant race, making the other races slaves of the hyumans, so they see the demi-hyumans in general with despise and would see whatever good interaction with them as preposterous, invidious, etc. Like how the Egyptian royalty saw the slaves… In any case, the origin of the hyuman-demon war, was because a young and inexperienced priestess of the Buggess, who was also the fiancee of a Crown Prince in some K-kingdom, got infatuated with some male demon, the people in the temple and the novelty got furious, they captured the demon, killed him, declared war against the demon race, and almost executed the priestess, if not for the Prince, reason for the other cities ordered the destruction of the K-kingdom, only with the couple been the sole hyumans survivors. As what they did after… That’s for another time.
Thanks for the chapter!! 🙂
mmmmmmmm interesting.
the one that is going to replace bredda is… MISURA, you poor kid
(i think he is going to)
nah, it’ll be interesting to see what his interaction with his teacher’s senpai would be like
It will be even interesting when he learned that almost all his party member splendidly employed by Kuzunoha
I’ve already found out who it is from someone’s spoilers, hehehe…
can i know the chapter which its said on? of course i’m asking the raw
This was something I read on animesuki, but from what the person said, it was one of the most recent raw releases.
Also, Makoto will have another battle with someone strong in the future. Don’t know when though.
the existace of Makoto is more and mor become a threat, toward not just godness and the Hyuman faction, but aslo to the other side as welll.
But i should remind you, he only hold grude gainst the Godness( specificly the bug)… so he always try to drag as many people out of his fight as possible before it turn into a cluster f*ck of chaos, like his previous self on the other timelines…..
Well Hibiki… I agree that Makoto has prolonged the war after all without him Limia probably won’t need to worry about the war anymore.
Because limia would be destroy.
Thats y, limia and hibiki are focusing on the cons they acquired and forgotten the benefits they had acquired
Not only Limia would be destroyed.
The plot from the demon people, where they used the staff to call Root, would still be used. They seem to have planned that for a long time, and the plan would come to completion more or less around the same time as it did in this time-line. (Maybe when the demon-kind celebrate their victory over Limia?). The only one capable of stopping it, however, would then not be near. That would be the end of the war, and demon-kind. Moreover, people would probably claim it was the goddess who interfered, since none would be alive to say they saw a dragon.
The summoning might have gone ahead without Makoto, but it is unlikely they would have summoned Root if not for Makoto’s presence.
He’s just that kind of lucky, pulling the one in ten million chance lot.
Am i somehow thinking that, there might be a story of an unusual summon, since theres a story that it randomly happens, and the one that will be summoned will be either or both the two lovely top onee-sans.
vinzzz007 no the staff was used BECAUSE makoto was there and not otherwise, the mock battle was the oportunity the rebels needed to get all the generals toghether and distracted/weakened because of it, also the destruction of the OLD capital wouldnt mean much since they have a newer one, the demon lord also wouldnt have died since he could protect himself from it so the demon leadership would be safe, the diference would be that any posible suport for the rebels in the populance would be gone and they would be captured faster instead
So let’s see what will happen if the MC didn’t do anything:
– the academy city would be destroyed
– the heroes would most likely be killed
– the capitals of the countries would be razed to the ground
– the authorities attending the festival would be in danger
– no one will be there to stop Sofia
And considering all of that, she has the gall to say everything about our MC…
act of betrayal to the hyuman side? are they serious? like what the hyuman gave him?
thank you!
one of the greatest hypocrisies of humanity: how dare you treat me how i treat you!?
Its something like ‘I could kill a dog but I cant kill humans?’ Kind of a thing. Forgot what the actual line was but i think someone had said somethig about this idea already.
How people think He woudnt betray hos own kind kind of a thing when he wasnt even given any real rewards.
It’s not that surprising, really.
First off, hyumans are in a race war with the Demons. You know how a common enemy forces people to join together? Same thing. That’s why Limia/Gritonia/Lorel, even though they don’t like each other (and may fight each other in the future) are teamed up now and now backstabbing each other.
Second, Limia hasn’t seen Makoto being mistreated. He’s a prominent Lecturer at a prestigious university, he has a thriving business, and people love his store. So they don’t have a concrete reason to think that Raidou has grudge against hyumanity.
Yhea. Just hyuman pride and naivity at its finnest. Even hibiki is becoming something akin to the hyumans who didnt even know tactics
Yeah especially when mio has been giving her too many hints and can’t get the message given to her. Its like talking to an unintelligent being
Or rather she cant even comprehend the bloody hint.
They really made a naive mistake in that… the reason why the MC can, in their terms, easily betray the “hyumans” is because he doesn’t see himself as one. That’s why he could look back and see all of the races equally and without any bias…
Thanks for the chapter.
I don’t think that Joshua will send Makoto’s students to war.
I suspect about Ilumgando genius brother.
… are you sure… ?
She’s a prince that prepared to sacrifice herself for her country, don’t you think she will also sacrificing her people for victory ?
In character with high pride like her, usually they will also carry a calculative mind, if the price for whole country is one tiny soul, I don’t think she will even hesitate.
Thx for the chapter o/
Thanks for the chapter..
Hibiki & Makoto: How about we recall you back to earth..
Hibiki & Makoto: Eh!?
Hibiki & Makoto: Jinx!
Hibiki: Don’t you wanna return? Don’t you miss your family? friends?
Makoto: I don’t have any lingering attachments there already.. How bout you? Don’t you wanna return.. Since it’s technically my fault why you guys are dragged to this world
Hibiki: I like this world… And personally I don’t wanna return (damn it.. Why wouldn’t he return..)
Makoto: Oh.. Ok.. Same situation then.. Ok.. Bye-bye (Back to world domination.. Ehem peddling.. teaching.. mindbreaking..)
*run for your life!*..
Oops… Wait.. Run for my life!!!!
*hides on refrigerator-kun*
Y’know, it’d probably be more effective if you hid inside refrigerator-san.
Now that you said it.. I think so too.. Huehue
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I feel like having some cheesecake. Oh, look, there’s some sitting on top of the fridge. Yum.
Nooo!! That’s worse must run!!
*uhm onto that shiny red box! Surely they won’t find me there*
My favorite part is next chapter! Hahahahaha cant wait!
This is funny XD . I felt like cheesecake is a sacrificial lamb in these part lolx
Random Red Box appears…
Thank you Cheesecake!
Thank you so much!
!!! Must keep quiet…
I see… Truck-kun was bribed by Cheesecake by using part of theirself as sacrifice..
thank you for the comedy xD
These gave me the LOLz
Report month X day O:Truck-san almost got me. Good thing I left a cake in front of the door…
It’s not Makoto’s fault they were summoned, he was summoned later by a couple weeks to “help” them.
It’s whats on makoto’s mind
Cheesecake sacrificed poor Chocolatecak-kun T^T such an evil cake kuh! I must bring justice for chocolatecake-kun! (*not really im just craving for my fav cheesecake)… hahaha
Im not y-yummy at all!!
*runs to the oven haha! They’ll never expect a cheesecake on an oven!*
…Oh, hey. Who was baking cheese tarts?
*must be truck san* kufufufu farewell
This chapter left me hanging…8D
I can only say it well be kinda satisfying, how Hibiki reacts about Makoto’s plans
thankx alot =D so now we can cleary see that e need do something about lime he has the betrayer signature =(
Are you talking about the new tank ?
Calm down, it’s almost certain that it’s not lime.
90% chance it will be Makoto pupil from rostgard academy, remember he also summoned to Limia for employment ? Makoto got here earlier because the power of Asora dokodemodoa, if you need to travel by foot of course it will take a longer time.
ty for the chap
I love this story and crew translating it as well. Thanks
Thank you for the chapter!
Thank you reigokai. We appreciate the chapter.
This is also what peeves me ever so slightly about Hibiki, she thinks she knows Makoto, but on the contrary, given all the information, from both Mio, Waterfall, and the fight with Io, she should realize that Makoto isn’t as much of a good samaritan (spelt correctly?) as she thought. He honestly doesn’t care much about life in general, as long as they aren’t truly connected to him, like Asora and his followers.
Sure he is spreading some medicine on the cheap side, but I think that was more for his conscious mind rather than express good will. Just take a look at what he does during all his battles, he tries to reason with them, but when it comes down to it, he kills outright since that is the best option. He also doesn’t go around saving everyone. He knows his limits and only saves those who have qualified – in his eyes – to be saved, or those he has made a promise with, for example the two sisters in Rotsgard who have a connection to his parent’s birth location. (Forgive me, there are a number of names I cannot remember)
To be fair, compared to the inhabitants of Bug’s World, Makoto is probably quite kind. And the kindness Hibiki is referring might refer to discriminating based on race or appearance.
The rest, about giving food and aid, I figured was more of Hibiki’s way of trying to tell Limia that they shouldn’t be depending on Kuzunoha for the war.
Ah yes, I nearly forgot about that. Sorry. Yeah, if you look at that, he is quite kind, but then why contradict herself that his morals are out of wack. Is it just me that relates morals and kindness together? No, wait. Got a new image, my bad guys. I was, somewhat wrong in my speculations.
She wasn’t criticizing ALL his morals. Just the one about killing. Even then, she believes that he won’t kill for no reason. But given a reason, he can kill with no hesitation or remorse.
Yes, that is why I said I was wrong. I have been so busy lately that my mind has forgotten some key aspects about the story here.
I guess we could call them both grey, however in her eyes Makoto would probably be a lighter shade of grey.
The biggest problem about Hibiki is that she is too smart, and she know she’s smart.
She ended up comparing other people with herself as the templates, for example :she agrees to become a hero, which in turn she will expect that she can do a good deed and be revered as great persona, carving her name in history, in her eyes the risk to become a hero are equal or less than the benefit that she will reap.
What importance that is ?
It’s very important, she then will expect a goodwill of Makoto has something hidden behind them, Makoto goes both way saving human and demi-human alike, what will Makoto get out of it ?
She cannot accept a simple answer like “because it’s the right thing to do” “because I want to do it”
But if you say “because one day I will rule the world” I think she will gladly takes that answer at face value.
It’s because the gain are far more outweight the trouble.
Sometimes I pity the smart people way of thinking, they just can’t accept dumb answer.
I’m reminded of a philosophy I learned as a child. Summed up, it goes:
“If a genius compares the people around them to only themselves, they’ll live in a world of idiots. If a normal man compares people to only the worst example of idiots, they’ll live in a world of geniuses.”
Makoto is kind, in a way, but what Hibiki and Joshue miss is that Makoto’s kindness is largely a cultural artefact of his upbringing.
He will help people who are right in front of him and when it does not cost him anything, but he is not going to go out of his way to aid people, and is perfectly willing to let people suffer if there is benefit for him in it (ie, letting the mutants rampage when he could have stopped them instantly), and even cause that suffering if it is in the best interests of his people.
I would not even call Makoto kind as such, it’s more that he is polite, and it is polite to help people when asked.
Makoto is weak against politeness judo, he simply does not have it in him to be rude most of the time.
Makoto’s students have given me an idea. They are proof of potential of hyumans, ignoring the absurdity of Makoto’s training and absurd abilities they gain from that. The students have a big difference between them and regular soldiers. Real Life battle/ practical experience. This level of practicality is only ever found in adventurers at the borderlands, where its survival of the fittest. Even in the tournament professional magicians stood still casting spells. Out of all the heroes, Makoto is the only one making these talented individuals, while the “real” heroes are only taking them away to die in the war. They are pulling away at a precious resource without giving back to it. In fact Hibiki’s dead comrade and adventurers of Tsige who Hibiki also got killed are the best of the best in terms of hyuman ingenuity and they are all dead. Even the rest of Hibiki’s and even Tomoki’s comrades although talented in different fields don’t hold the experience of those now lost adventurers
Makoto is pretty much Celestial Being on the viewpoint of the world at this point lol
And hibiki embrace makoto and started passionately kissing him over over again. If u join limia i will give u a quickie…. lol i seriously doubt she will try to cut off his head or maybe she will try to force him into a pact but became the slave hahahaha. For the knight most likely its his student. Anyway it seems like joshua is kinda in love.
It was said she is desperate but I doubt she could handle japanese black c***. So not that desperate.
if that happen… after the quickie the hero will be found dead with the stomach sliced apart and gouged out while a black kimono woman standing there with scary face and lightless eye laughing maniacally
Lol that would be soooo cool. But that cliff really leaves u wondering. Hope we can see the 4th servant soon would be cool if it was cloud san or the battle junkie from the ocean
maybe i just too much seeing Yandere things… and also i really want to play School days game since i havent finish the damn game because of my laptop broke and cant play it anymore (its mac goddamnit)
Thx for a nice morning suprise! :3 🙂
Thanks for the Chapter
Its quite funny both sides(Hyumans and Demons) deny each other.
Its ‘Us vs Them’ politics all over again.
That is why Makoto should just save those worth saving and let them(fools) kill each other.
I kinda realized that this story is very similar to Undertale
Genocide,Pacifist, and the Neutral route, which do you prefer?
Oh and the talks on attaining Peace, What is Peace?(hahaha Sevens all over again)
It lies on the west, covered in greenery its called vinland, its full of peace
*Sees a Cheesecake
Now that is peace
I wonder what she’s up to?
Heroic age? I shall like your comment good sir!!!
I just posted that! Also hurray another that understands the greatness of Age and Belcross!
Although whether or not the princess was in love with him wasn’t really elaborated, just a scene at the end where he comes for her.
Nah I’m pretty sure she fell in love with him during his stay on the Argonaut
I agree with momongamymonga, unfortunately I cannot like at this point in time.
I do have one thought, though. I have friends now! (If you would so like to agree on that concept based on our mutual like of Heroic Age)
I also agree that the princess was in love with Age. I don’t know about you, but would you drop absolutely everything, run into water instead of floating over it, cry and smile, when you see someone you don’t love but haven’t seen in a while. At most that will amount to is: oh, long time. Not, dear Belcross! I missed you! Never leave me again!
I just wonder whether they left the planet together to follow the Tribe of Gold and Tribe of Silver.
yeah but what I meant was the end scene proved that she was in love but counting that jealous guy on board that was the only hint we got that she was in love with him.
Thanks for the chapter.
thanks for the chapter ^^
Thank you Reigokai.
Didn’t expect this chapter to come out today at all. What a nice surprise.
Pleasantries aside, the cliff this time is quite steep. I tried imagining what Makoto would say to Hibiki next chapter but I lack imagination. I’ll leave it to you guys to give ideas.
My favorite theory so far is “Please give me your son(Lime)!”
More likely, a further exchange of ideas with Hibiki subtly trying to plant a little more favorable images of Limia in Makoto.
Your second theory is actually foreshadowed, is it not? the chapter title does indicate that something will fail, and massively, with regards to the heroes.
The chapter titles have done something similarly in the past as well. So I opt for the second one.
The problem is that we have no concrete idea what is going to fail.
Makoto’s pleddling business?
The ‘Recall’ spell?
Thanks for your hardwork. Heroes are always troublesome.
Awesome speed! Thanks for the chapter!
Thanks for the fast chapter!
“… Yeah, I understand that. Because I felt the same way as those Mist Lizards. Lime, it would be nice if the time you can tell your wish to Waka-sama comes near” (Mondo)
“That depends on Tomoe-neesan. It’s that kind of promise after all. Well, I will just wait patiently. I have received the time to do so. No need to hurry” (Lime)
This is from chapter 145 which is indirectly saying Lime has feeling for Tomoe. Anyway the cliffhanger people are saying is barely one since we know Hibiki wants to know Makoto a little more and find out what he truly is trying to protect. That part about Lime smiling with his mouth but not with his eyes when Hibiki came in gave a chill down my spine, is Lime aware of Hibiki’s schemes and is mad?
Joshua’s way of speaking is confusing.
“He himself is someone that doesn’t hold evil intentions. The strength they have as a company and the ability of its employees can become a threat depending on the sides it takes, but in basis, I think I want to build a favorable relationship. It is clear that it is not simple peddling, and in reality, the contribution Mio-dono achieved outside her schedule in the reconstruction was splendid. It seems like they have cooperated with the reconstruction of Rotsgard as well, but from what I see, they probably have done more of their part in the work than a simple cooperator. I was about to overlook that part in the report that I had gotten.” (Joshua)
Is she speaking with common sense-chan in mind which is basically thinking like Limia is a major power or she is genuinely want to keep a good relationship.
About the Lime and Mondo talk.
I didn’t feel that way when I read it that time. But, before and after that I had this itchy feeling that something is certainly going on with Tomoe and Lime. It may just be because I read too much NTR genres but, ever since Lime joined Kuzunoha I have been feeling that way. I’ve been washing it with LimexHibiki but seeing someone with the same speculation as mine just made it worse.
Ahem that is errm… certainly one way of looking at things. You do know that Tomoe loves Makoto and I haven’t said this before and noone has mentioned it (at least from what I see) , Tomoe is in that kind of “onee-san” love with Makoto. Although she doesn’t say it but is seen in other anime (manga ln) Tomoe should be saying things like “leave everything to onee-san” and tries to shoulder everything, like she already does but since she is tomboy-ish don’t expect her to do anything but drink sake and mumble things and take the “lead” when the time comes. Btw ntr is… well I don’t understand why anyone would go for that and you shouldn’t really delve deep in to it either bro.
Wait. I think you misunderstand something there. I wasn’t implying that someone ntrd who. I meant, I was led to suspect something was up “due to me reading too much ntr stuff”. In no way I think there’s something that extreme that happened in the background.
About the relationship between Tomoe and Lime, it just feels those two are a bit closer than the normal lackies. Like, Tomoe mostly rely on Lime and that she firmly believes he won’t part from Makoto. There were some instances that urged me to think they have this certain bond that the rest doesn’t have. Although I understand he is a direct subordinate of Tomoe, what could possibly prevent Lime from having yearning Tomoe.
And actualy, it was your quoted lines that made me remember again. If Lime indeed have feelings for her like what you have inferred, then during the talk between Root and Tomoe sometime after the talk about the Time Space Continuum. Tomoe mentioned something like Makoto only sees them as family and would not see them more than that. So she decided on herself that she would then on just oversee him as a guardian and protect his lifestyle. Im not so sure about her exact words so ill have to check on that.
well, looking at the lime povs they give, you can pretty much sum up his dream of seeing a new world ruled by an absolute power – this is just my assumption though. It is also different with Tomoe. Have you seen their interaction with anyone other than Makoto? It is extremely indifferent. It is almost like Mio, Tomoe, and Shiki honestly couldn’t give a damn about anything, they just want to be with Makoto. Shiki has changed though, albeit only recently.
Do note, however, this is merely my speculation.
I also want to ask, what is there to like about ntr, as someone who actually likes it. I mean, i honestly get so nauseated by the idea, similar to rape, harem, etc, that I want to vomit, so what exactly is appealing in it to you – take it as an honest question from someone who has experienced it. Why?
Also, I doubt that will happen, sure Makoto wants Tomoe and Mio to be happy, Shiki as well, but we have seen in previous chapters that he has started seeing them as women, instead of family members, so, given enough time, he will most likely make a move on them. I do, however, hope the author does that after he attains some form of immortality due to his magic power, etc, or even godhood, so that Mio and Tomoe can have both children and a long time with Makoto.
Oh sorry for the misunderstanding and by the way that “guardian” thing is weird when she is trying to offer up her body lol. Can’t remember what chapter but I remember that Mio recognised Tomoe as a worthy rival while shiki was exhausted on the floor after a beating.
@momon, unfortunately I have no recollection of those words by Mio so I can’t comment on that. As for Tomoe, I think that was on the earlier chapters before Shiki existed? I could be wrong.
@Garred, ill be honest… that was a weird question you threw there and way off-topic. Well, to answer it I don’t like ntr. Never did and never said I do. It’s just, I don’t have to like it for me to read it and in fact on the earlier stages, I couldn’t sleep properly. As for why I read it, just think of it no different than why Eve took a bite of the apple. It also stimulates something dark… I guess? Other’s go for “best fap material” though. And it’s mostly fiction so… I’d probably get jailed if it happened irl.
But let’s see, if I were to say a “good” part of it, if you can even call it that… it would be seeing the Male Protagonist’ despair. Being dense, clueless, ignorant, self-righteous, and all that crap when the partner is swallong their shame to advance their relationship while protag is being a saint. Shying away from a kiss or holding hands.
that’s it for that! Back to topic.
“we have seen in previous chapters that he has started seeing them as women”
it’s true for Mio but doesn’t mean the same for Tomoe. I remember his drunk monologue when he asked Mio for what she wants as a prize for winning the competition, saying he could probably see Mio as a woman. Still hasn’t been confirmed for Tomoe. We just don’t have much screen time for her ever since the Academy arc begun. It’s like the 2-man act by Tomoe and Makoto at the beginning never hapened. It was fotgotten material and lost.
Yeah, I forgot the like part, but that was my assumption, sorry about that. In any case, I know it was both off topic, but also something I was curious about, and what greater place to learn than from someone who actually reads the stuff. I think I read a proverb somewhere once. It goes like this: “If I walk with three wise men, I will try to turn two of the three into teachers to learn from, and one into someone to talk to”
In any case, I do agree that a lack of Tomoe has been going on, but in that chapter, I do believe there was enough information about that factor, as he wasn’t exactly dense. He could see and can still see their attachment to him, and he has just gone to the point where he will reply, at some point. I honestly ship Tomoe and Makoto more than Mio and Makoto – if we work on a monogamy front here. In any case, I don’t see anything wrong with him taking them both on, considering their current situation, but for me, I just feel that Tomoe is a better fit for him with regards to personality – this is not based on fact, just hunches. I do agree that Mio is a better candidate with regards to love though, if you look at her dialogue though. You can see her be the wife that supports him through everything, whether he is an evil god, a mass murderer, or a saint, she will always be interested in him. That is attractive in and of itself, but isn’t the point of having a partner having someone who will eventually better yourself in the long run? This is just my bias, though, so please, don’t shun me in front of the firing squad.
I have to reread most of it though, but I do remember him opening up more to the thoughts of them as being women, instead of mere family members and pact members. Still, I may be wrong.
Well about Tomoe’s screen time that is… well she isn’t needed in the academy nor at Rotsgard and her job is overseeing asora’s day to day things while leaving most of it to ema (about food culture etc) and focusing on military stuff and taking care of kuzonoha’s affairs such as taking out pesky people or expanding, so I get why she she doesn’t have much screen time. About what @garred said about how the 3 followers interact with other people besides Makoto, that is how they feel well, we know Mio the yandere only sees ants, Shiki potential, Tomoe… well tomoe is kind of weird to understand in a way. Remember when shiki talked about Amelia and how Makoto should treat her better than any other student and when the topic went to her getting in to the kuzunoha bussiness and dying tomoe said said something along the lines of
“In the first place, Waka has no interest in Amelia, so if that woman wants to work, it would be okay to just have her stay somewhere close to you and the problem would be solved.” (Tomoe)
“But then it would end up as Amelia dying a pointless death… Waka-sama will probably…not give her a special treatment.” (Shiki)
“True. But what’s wrong about dying pointlessly? Isn’t it just one woman, who doesn’t know her place, dying?” (Tomoe)
“Wha…” (Shiki)
Which shows Tomoe could not give two shits lol. About shiki’s view like is said “potential”, he evaluates people’s skills but as a lich he doesn’t care for them unless it’s Makoto and in the future maybe Amelia.
I agree @momongamymonga, however, what would you say Tomoe’s overall objective is?
We can go out on a limb and say that she honestly just likes him because he is interesting and will have no further interest in him once she sees all his memories about the period dramas and whatnot.
Then we can say that, like root, she got so bored with eternity she is just using him to pass the time.
Then we can also say that she truly started loving him, although, I do find that quite doubtful in and of itself. Just look what she did with Asora and the Orcs once she and Makoto returned. I find it that she has some sort of motif, sure it is to possibly make Makoto a better person, but I also somewhat doubt that. She seems too grey to me, but I would like her to stay a love interest, for Makoto’s sake.
I can’t understand why people would have a problem if it started as the first two. There were a lot of people not liking Tomoe early on because of this. Firstly, she’s immortal. Sometimes we do stuff just to kill the boredom, so what do people think immortals do? Secondly, so what if it started as mere interest in his memories or a way to kill a century? How else is a relationship supposed to start? Is it supposed to be love at first sight? Take that nonsensical warg shit back to Disney. Honestly.
Not saying that’s how you see it, but I felt it should be said.
@coatl45 sorry, there is no direct reply button.
I don’t really give a damn about how it started, I also don’t want a Disney love, as some realism would honestly be appreciated in today’s novels, but I guess that is where things go when ideals and fantasy are better than reality.
In any case, all that bothers me in that regard is that Tomoe is too grey. Personally I hate dancing to someone’s tune, but I am removing that from the equation when I say she worries me. Makoto… Let’s face it. He is an eggshell. If Tomoe ends up screwing things up horribly, something even more horrible than Planetary destruction might happen. Once again, this is only a what-if scenario, but you get what I mean. I fear for Makoto as a character, exactly because he is so full of his “Willful Ignorance”.
It is good to not think, but it is also not good to think too much. However, not thinking much is also not so good – and currently that is where Makoto is on the spectrum.
I am not entirely sure whether or not my point came across, though?
@garred I don’t know if you will see this since there is no direct reply button. Anyways interesting points but aren’t those saying that Tomoe is like Root? Believe or not Root actually wears the wedding ring as a necklace and the show hasn’t said anything about him being a widow. Root just from person to person because of lack of interest and Tomoe really does not seem that way, although I admit at the start making a pact out of nowhere was to stop the fight and see more of his memories and where he will go. And now she would jump in front of a bullet to save Makoto and I hope the author really shows this (not the bullet part).
I fear she may become like root, I read a few spoilers about her, but those are only about in when they are in Lorel. Still, I was somewhat disappointed in her as a character. It may just be my bias, but still.
In any case, I get that too, but once again, she seems too grey to me @momongamymonga. Sure there is love, but what form will it ultimately take, as we all know love can kill if you ignore it for far too long, especially in Tomoe’s case. She is trying to act like his older sister, and in some cases, like his mother. Sure, Makoto doesn’t really mind that, but that is just because at this point in time he doesn’t mind much overall. I mean it is Makoto we are talking about.
Were Tomoe to take the Makoto route it would end up good, but i guess she might be pushing for immortality for that very reason. Sure Makoto doesn’t realize it, Mio might, but that is another story. I just can’t see through her, and that worries me a bit. Mio is easy. She can be described by the words Yandere. (Crap, just think what would happen to trashmoki if his charm elevates to the position where he can affect them, that is another thing which I hope doesn’t happen, as we do know that lily is pushing to have his charm upgraded.)
That was slightly off topic, in any case. Yes, Tomoe will make good ground as a lover, as would Mio, I will also stand by my decision that Tomoe will eventually be a better life partner for Makoto than Mio, based on my previously stated reasons, but still. I just feel she is too grey. I don’t know if we will have more of her further in, but that is something that bothers me. It is almost as if she has a whole other agenda than she tries to give Makoto. Sure, having his children could be it, but… it doesn’t seem correct in this case. I guess I will just have to wait and see.
The author already has though. Tomoe from Makoto’s dream died for him, and even left behind an illusion to assure him that she had no regrets.
I agree, but we also know that is on a different timeline, one where he did not meet Shiki I believe. We also see that he finally saw her a women at that point in time, which means all hope is not lost. The problem I think might appear is that that timeline no longer exists. Thus all things are still possible. It might be that Tomoe end up on the loner route in which she “leaves because it is better for everyone” or “destroyes what is held dear covertly so that she can extend their time”.
Do note, however, I find nothing truly wrong with this, I just fear for the characters at this point. I feel like a father – as horrendous as it is. However, isn’t this what makes a novel worth it? You can feel things you may not have, you may think things you may not have, but ultimately whether you wish to push your ideals onto someone, you will find that the path has already been laid out for you – as you read- which then prompts you to but accept it. This, however, doesn’t stop you from thinking wishful thoughts, does it?
I think what Lime has towards Tomoe are not to the extent of love, though I wont deny future development, I think what he has for Tomoe and Makoto alike are admiration, he said it himself that he leaving the A.guild because he finally find something to look up to.
About his wish, it can be anything you know ? I really don’t know if love can be implied to this sentence but that probably has something to do with loyalty pact, maybe he wants to have blood brother pact with Tomoe Co.
But I don’t know to tell you the tryputh I already forgot that conversation.
Tomoe had a talk with Root about Makoto’s very limited life-span and having a child with him. Root just told her to deal with it etc. Root implied that there is a method in doing that but it just his human/hyuman mind is not built for living that long. Maybe Tomoe was being a bit detached because of this she’s scared of investing her emotions on someone who’ll be a very small fraction of her entire existence.
What chapter was it again? 😀
@garred If such a thing happens I shall @ you here immediately!!
Aah don’t worry the author will give her the spotlight like Mio in this arc and I agree with you about not seeing through her because to me she doesn’t have much development and I have questions like did she have lovers in the past? All in all I hope some of my questions get answered in later chapter. About Trashmoki’s charm you do know that for someone that couldn’t possibly defeat the demon king (or charm) charming the second strongest superior dragon is… and another thing Lily seems like she has a charm repellent and since he was able to charm Sophia (allitle) then the true repellent is her madness lol.
I agree @momongamymonga, however, just think of the possibilities of the charm, and of lily. It is quite terrifying, in another sense. I mean, one option is Makoto going batshit crazy killing everything to start over from scratch, I mean he has been able to Create, so his madness might just instill in him the thoughts of “Everyone is better off dead, then I can create new ones! Mwahahaha!” You get it?
I just entertained the thought a bit. Also, she is given more screen time, Tomoe? Nice. Can’t wait for that.
@garred wow Tomoe would definitely leave if it becomes too unberable if Makoto were to find a lover and she said he might get two (maybe hinting), anyways killing? Is that what you meant about her killing anyone that could interest him. Wouldn’t call her a saint so she is capable, question is how long would she be able to keep it from Makoto until she can’t anymore, although she would feel nothing killing whatever woman that tries to get in the way.
Somewhat @momongamymonga. It is a possibility, but once again, that is only if she has reached her limit. I just don’t think what she is currently doing is all that good for her. Well, she is thousands of years old, but being thousands of years old doesn’t mean you are mature. It just means you live longer and have lived longer.
In any case, it is a small concern of mine.
She can also get away with it for quite some time, it just depends on how she approaches things. In the end, she could even have a wonderful puppet on her hands – if you know what I mean in that sense
Thanks for yet another chapter!
Thnx reigo
Thanks for the chapter
Wew i curious what would they talk about
And who is the new shield of hibiki?
And and where is the 4th servant candidate, its a girl right? Another harem member right?
this is not spoiler, just speculation.
Hint : Rostgard
Someone from Rostgard academy, someone…. special.
taking into account the various students and their possible routes, you are correct. Remember Amelia, the Rembrandt sisters, and also Jin decided to stay with the Kuzunoha company, not that Makoto actually cares.
There were, however, some students who declined the invitation from Kuzunoha company, as they have families, or other things which bind them to a certain country.
they not decline it, it just because they have some circumstance that they cant join the kuzunoha company even though they want to join it for the experience (since makoto didnt do anything to invite them, they simply the one that wish to join him)
Thanks for the translation
Thanks for the chapter Reigokai!! ^^
Thanks for the chapter, Reigo-senpai.
Peeps, I cannot tell you what’s gonna happen. Not just because Spoiler-san’s away or the fact I’m doing this from my phone. This is something that you must read for yourselves. Not to mention… I read this from nearly impossible to read translations of the raws.
Yeah.. like that one time i tried to use GT on a chapter and I was almost confident that Chiya saw Makoto wearing beautiful armor. Turn out it’s just a smooth white figure. *oh, that was the precious chapter* A lot of people got thrown off by this mistranslation.
Well, better not post wrong spoilers than giving wrong one , right?
I wonder… what runs over Truck-kun when he gives spoilers?
A space truck of course
I assume either a council of Elder Trucks or just another race like Train-kun.
Vehicles usually don’t give spoilers because it causes trainwrecks.
In case truck kun fall into darkside. First we need to dismantle his wheels and I will summon excavator 288 sama, that should be enough to run him over.
😨 Oh… the horror.
if that still not enough, call the Imperial armada from Warhammer universe to purge truck-kun in case he fallen into the dark side (chaos) and become a heretic
I can do it, though ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
To be honest, with this cliffhanger, I’d rather wait for 210 and 211 to be released together… Godamnit 🙁
Thanks for the chapter as always!
Dont do anything silly Hibiki!
Oh please god, don’t tell me she’s going to use the “See this city, it’s something worth protecting, right?” trope.
If Joshua planned for Lime to join, it’s gonna be funny when he refuses
unless…. they make makoto snap and it become “See this city ? not anymore”
That’s legitimately frightening.
Expressing hostility using the absence of a large location or people.
“Do you know of the Lapis slimes?”
There’s nothing like pointing out the absence of something that you destroyed to drive home a point. There’s a book series that I like called Good Intentions, where basically, Alex, a normal guy from Seattle, interrupts a ritual where a bunch of sorcerers were going to bind an angel and a succubus to their wills. He accidentally got the magic cast on himself. There’s three books, with a fourth being a collection of shorts, and those three have killed three lords of Hell, every werewolf in the Pacific Northwest, and the oldest vampires in America. They’re at the point where if a demon bothers them, they can just say “Have you seen Baal, Azazel, or Sammael recently? No? Exactly.” I would recommend the series. Saying that there’s a lot of mature stuff is stating the obvious, considering the succubus, but there’s a good theme of redemption in those books. As well as how much love can change a person’s life. It should be noted, that there are beings of myth with little or no resemblance to established religious canon (including an angel that cusses worse than a sailor), demons quoting a certain song about the devil when they introduce themselves (and getting their asses kicked in the ensuing brawl), and every character is above the age of 18 (except a little girl with her cat stuck in a tree, and a cat that may or may not be the reincarnation of an ancient European warlord, that second one gets sketchy). Sorry for the long advertisement. I wanna make a recommended reading page on my site, but I don’t know if I should use the space to write out the series’ synopsis. Cause I do think reading the synopsis as soon as you hear of it is important to deciding if it’s worth your time, but some of those things are long as hell, especially the ones with multiple books in the series.
You really should include authors name (Good Intentions by Elliott Kay) when recommending series, makes it easier to find.
That said, sounds pretty interesting, need to add these to my list of books to get my hands on.
You should also check out the Daniel Black series by E.William Brown. Daniel has the worst week of his life. Gets fired, finds his wife has been cheating on him, gets blamed for her actions by said wife (she’s a real winner, that one), is arrested because the wife called the cops and said he tried to hit her when he left the room so he wouldn’t hit her, is informed that he won’t get the house in the divorce, and is broadsided by an asshole who runs the red light. So when he’s laid up in bed with broken bones Hecate approaches him, willing to give him magic and power in return for being the body guard for her last worshipper in a world that’s going through Ragnarok. It’s a pretty good story. There’s medieval politics, war with gods (especially when that psycho bitch Gaea gets involved), and Daniel gets a reputation as a war wizard with a penchant for overkill (he has a tendency to do massively destructive shit when he gets pissed). I’ve got a lot of good recommendations that I think some of the people on here would like, but I can’t think of the best way to advertise them on my site.
I’d say you should just start some sort of recommendations series, complete with a table of content that lists the various titles.
Specific posts with the details, and a bigger list to connect everything for people who want to browse.
Of course, the exposure of a single comment here is probably one of the biggest among these options…
That’s an idea. And yeah, your probably right about exposure being greater on here.
Thanks for the chapter. And those comments, I read them all this timr before they multiply again. Hibiki, lets see what you are planning you better not trigger mio ‘s wrath or there will be no more limia left. Makoto is still commited to his promise to tsukomi (forgot the name of the god but it sound like that I think). =)
Secret to dealing with comments is to keep on top of them regularly.
Yeah… I failed to do that for chapters 207, 208 and 209. I went through 207’s hundreds of comments after the fact, but I wasn’t able to make myself enough time to do the same with 208 and 209. It just didn’t add up with my schedule… so I haven’t read most of the comments on 208 and 209, and I’m not sure if I will(if there are some that are REALLY worth reading in 208 and/or 209, please tell me, it would motivate me to go through those chapters’ comments.).
I say, just skim it if you can. How much you’ll like the discussion depends on your preferences.
ok, then another question. In the comments of chapters 208 and 209, are there comments concerning lovecraftian stuff, the market of souls, etc? (I really like the discussions I’ve had with you and coatl so far)
To be honest, the comments are just a blur due to how huge the chapters are.
I think there’s some mention of Makoto’s egg/eldritch image, but most of the stuff in that vein is more about godhood.
208 and 209? I don’t think I said too much on those topics. Mind you, those comment sections are thick, so it might’ve slipped my mind.
Tnx for the update
That expression when you know what they are going to talk about and imagining people reactions
nooo.. tsk, we’re going to wait four days but you already know??????????djasbcdkncbvdnlkscdbnkasncjxlasnxkasnxskcaskcscnsacnkasclslkcascncnal
ok… I’m fine now.. at least you didn’t spoil it..
you want to hear it?
godamnit that face really really scary
Want to see scarier? click it..i dare you
What the hell was that goofy face you were making? Why’d you post a selfie?
nah i have a full collection of these ridicoulus photo for situation like these
Thanks !
Thank you for the chapter!
Makoto is just so laid back… He truly will only act based on how he feels or wants to.
The princes when it came to hearing that Makoto would willingly deal with the demons… the perception that demons are the “enemies of hyumanity” are so prevalent that they fail to forget some people (esp. a merchant or someone separated from the war) would not necessarily see it that way.
Thx 4 the chapter.
Damn it all, a cliff!!!
Thanks for the chapter!!! ∑d(゚∀゚d)
I wonder if the substitute of bread or whatever he’s called is one of Makoto students. Also, I wonder that’s all that about having been using Kusunoha company and there being more reasons to invite Makoto to limia…
Honestly, I hope it’s not something bad. So far, my opinion about Joshua is good, so it woukd be regretful if it were to change now…
Thank you Rei-dono
There won’t be any different even if there’s Makoto and Kuzunoha or not. If there’s no one who win between Demon and Hyuman, the war will go until one side or all extinct. If one side win, then the next is war between same race until there’s no one life in that world. And they must thank Makoto because when he save all the race without discrimination or prolong the war is equal to prolong the exsistance of all that races. Hibiki is stupid because she got the knowledge of earth that without one common enemy, humanity will be killing themself directly or indirectly, sooner or later. Even to much peace will bring world to the end because overpopulate. Hero is not there to make one side win, but to maintain status quo.
You, my friend, are looking at it from an adult’s point of view – mostly. Remember, Hibiki and trashmoki are still students. It is also common in Asian cultures to shelter the children, and only have them focus on their work, or future prospects. it is mostly the parents that decide where the children should go – that is if it is still the same. In any case, thus both of them don’t really know that much.
Just look at how trashmoki acts around lily. I always thought that he was too dependent on her, almost like he sees his mother in her, but that then honestly means he has serous mental issues – but don’t we all.
Hibiki is a bit different, she was the student council president, thus she is used to taking care of others, but once again, a president can only take care of the upper stratum of their corporation, what goes on underneath is mostly untouchable, just take a good look, since they aren’t really given as much freedom as is needed for those major reforms, so it is either Hibiki not realizing her own actions, or realizing them, but still doesn’t realize she has enough strength to actually change the lower stratum.
While I agree that the war between Demons and Hyumans will continue until only one race survives, I do not agree that (assuming hyumans win) a war between Gritonia and Limia will continue until “no life is left.” If that logic held true, humans on Earth would have been extinct thousands of years ago. (And what if the Demons win? They seem to have a solid grasp on their people.)
Well, I didn’t mean it in a short time. When there’s no chance the war will end, human will keep avenging and avenging until there’s only one and his/her life end. Even if the war end, there will always be a fight among human afterall. In Earth, they stop war but still fight with different method, and it still kill people and make people want to avenge. So, it’s just about ‘how much time’ and ‘if the war end or not’. Earth is just trying to prolong the process
why trying to make peace when war will still come?
why healing people when the will still die one day, lel, amirite?
Thanks 4 the chapter!
*aiming sniper rifle at Cliff*
That aside, I wonder who will be Bredda’s replacement candidate.
O_O that’s no good~pong Nyan!
I wasn’t going to fire it… REALLY! I was just scaring Cliff who keeps hanging around in the end.
What are you doing?! Take the shot! Cliff must die!
Shoot the Cliff.
And steal his notes.
Thanks for the chapter, and I found it really funny that Hibiki has zero romantic experience.^^ Too bad for that that her first love(Lime) prefers Tomoe and Makoto over her.
Makoto best grill.
I feel like Lime ~pong~ might actually conquer ~pong~ her on accident tho…~nya~
Thanks for the chapter.
Considering what joshua and hibiki is talking about makoto, doesn’t that make makoto have more hero quality that both hibiki and trashmoki.
Since both of them just care for what is within their reach and beside’s them and discriminating the demon like their b**ck or something rather than trying to understand both side like a HERO should, like what makoto is doing. Not discriminating
Because they follow a simple route. Someone told them the other side is evil and follow that unquestionably.
well…. real traditional hero is usually quite dumb also so maybe
“Since both of them just care for what is within their reach”
poor choice of word considering makoto too care only for what is within his reach, it’s just his reach is different than the others.
“trying to understand both side”
demon don’t only want to survive but take revenge too. supporting their is like supporting “white people are evil! they all must die for what their ancestor hundreds years ago did!”
hibiki initially didn’t discriminate, but she do what limia’s people want for now, either if she keep her words of changing the discrimination or not can only be seen after the war.
Tomoki, I don’t think he discriminate, he probably see all race as equally worthless, all people are toys for him.
And it was said previously that makoto had an anti-hyuman discrimination…
so fast Thanks for translation!
I finally realize what was annoying. It’s either us or them but no equality. Which is stupid and manipulative because they don’t view each other as equal but as someone who must have superiority. They are evil because someone say they are evil.
The demons want land for the descendant while taking everything by force. The hyumans think they are superior because the goddess favor them. While makoto is neutral favoring all life despite appearance and action.
They are simply stuck with the thought of not co-existing. Hibiki method of doing things is first finish this war then change it. Tomoki is simply going down the destruction route. Makoto is simply powering up enough that he becomes the absolute power to change everything at once. He’s basically believe in equalism at the moment but they don’t understand the concept or don’t want to accept the concept and simply seek dominance. Poor demi-hyuman they’re just there.
So wait the modern Japanese culture believes in peace through dominance?
Juz curious, how would u explain makoto’s “human discrimination” that was mentioned by Tomoe?
Does it fit into the “equalism” that Makoto believe in.
Makoto lacks interest in hyumans so apart from those he considers friends nobody matters, that’s why Tomoe said “discrimination” quote marks included in the original.Unlike someone we now full-blown hate Makoto has simply taken to much shit from hyumans to really care about them.
As DB AV said, he doesn’t really discriminate against hyumans. He just don’t seek a connection like he use to when he first arrive. At first they viewed him as a monster because of his huge mana outburst. Then they judged him as weak, and then there was the bomb incident of the greedy fake prostitute that killed mini tomoe 1, and the list goes on. Only a handful of people helped him or treated him with respect.
Now he’s trying to seek more hyuman to join his company too. It’s more selective than openly take everyone. He is still giving everyone a chance but just the mamonos/other race appreciate it more than other people.
His “dangerous” view of “help us is friend, betrayers enemy” is cause by people not only try to take advantage of him but actually hurt his friends/family.
the monster here isn’t makoto but its reigokai who can translate chapter with long text with little amount of time
Thanks for the chapter!
Argh… I can’t wait to know what she want from makoto and will he meet with that chibiya-cwan.
Thanks for the chapter.
Thanks for the new chapter~
Spoiler-san reminder: “Don’t trust the heroes in this title. Both of their ideal is contain madness on it.”
Sound good to me. If they’re really power mad, one day people will realize it and Makoto will have a stronger reason to send them back to Japan. Cut out the problematic bunch, the cancerous ones, and the world will be at peace again.
I pretty much guessed who will be the one will be replacing breaddings, the one who LOLed who will be swimming against the current while having a foaming face and Makoto laughing at him LOLZ XD . Oh poor him, ill bet he wont be able fo deny it the forced join party XD . I cant stop laughing already seeing him ending up this way XD
Who is it? Please tell me ( ̄ω ̄)
The only one who came to mind is the shield guy who’s makoto student
Much thanks.
thanks for the chapter
Thx as always😊
Was it misura Joshua is talking about?
Thank you very much Rei-senpai! Couldn’t stand the curiosity and ended up reading the raws, but just 70% of it is understandable to me <:c
woaw fsat!!
and a damn cliffer!
A short, simple chapter. Not too much to speculate on. Thanks for the work.
Right! So something interesting I learned from Lime this time around.
…Apparently Hibiki has as much experience in love as Makoto. That’s…kinda amusing to think about. So for all the scheming and charismatic leadership she has, she might actually be struggling with her first crush in terms of her interaction with Lime?
Haha, Lime? Her first crush?
It’s so ridiculous, but funny if it’s true, right?
I’m usually pretty strict with Hibiki but I think she has a crush on Lime, I won’t deny part of it is for the info she could get about Kuzunoha.When she realized Lime resisted her “charisma” she got angry and frustrated, weird since she normally avoid showing her feelings.
And goddamn why did the ship sunk fast, wished it was obliterated
Wait. I thought that was made apparent back when Lime separated with Hibiki though? She’s always putting up a front, but I doubt she’s the type to back down and let the man do all the work. So that’s one thing a bit different with Hibiki and Makoto in regards to love.
Was that detail mentioned? Hmm. I need to go reread it.
No it wasn’t directly mentioned. More like, it was showed in her reaction. Her minute cues, and how she still somewhat gets smithen unconciously when she’s talking with Lime despite knowing he fools around with women and more. Not to mention, in one of her monologues, she find Lime’s back dependable. If it was any other man than Lime, she wouldn’t even bat an eyelid. That’s why, poor Bredda.
Ah well, it maybe that or not. Maybe it’s just me reading too deeply between lines. But usually, that’s how women are in fantasy.
Ah. I see.
In that case, what I mean here is the explicit confirmation that Hibiki is an amateur in love and probably ended with a crush on Lime she didn’t know how to deal with, so she unconsciously turned it into “asset acquisition”.
Before, it was just good chemistry and fun flirty conversations.
Wasn’t it mentioned? Something like, the first thing that Hibiki genuinely wanted was taken away. When Makoto killed the purple cloud.
Accurate line is “The first person that Hibiki wished for the most, had slipped from her hands”
Makoto rejected two beautiful people in his world. The captain of the archery club and the other person. That is why it is a traumatic memory for him.
He did the rejecting and he’s the one who had a trauma? from what? isn’t it the other way around?
I guess since he talked about having a womanizing friend, being stuck with someone like Trashmoki (Tomoki) as his only friend.
Probably because he feels bad for being at the center of a love triangle and ended up hurting both their feelings.
in other words he’s never ever getting a woman? because in this world not only two but, Makoto has three women waiting for him. T-M-R
Who’s “R”?
For a nice guy like Makoto it is trauma inducing as he didn’t want hurt them and rejecting sure does and there is no better way to reject them. Just imagine a soldier who are forced to kill his fellow soldier because said soldier is being mind controlled.
@Lemies, but he rejected them nonetheless.
And did you just compare it to what I think it is?
@sancturillore, Superior Dragon’s top dog and Guild Master.
I doubt it is what you think I am refering to since its a common trope in fiction not only being mind controlled.
Actually one of the side stories explains why Makoto rejecting the 2 girls was a “wise” move.
No, in terms of the big picture, it might’ve been. But somehow I don’t think Makoto really minded it too much.
If he legitimately liked either girl, I’m pretty sure he was the type to pursue a relationship no matter the obstructions.
Ah no. I was referring to you comparing it to soldiers killing each other. Although love kills, I doubt such extremes applies to that situation of Makoto. He doesn’t want to hurt them but he did. Instead of saving one, he chose to abandon two. But well, if he doesn’t like any of them nor had any interest in love. He can do whatever he likes, like he always does. But having trauma from that is just doubtful.
Thanks! Reigo-san
“I said there is one. We will be meeting that person after the Kuzunoha Company leaves though.” (Joshua)
I wonder who the heck that will be? In terms of strength against Mokoto and his crew it may not matter but it’s still worrying.
Correct me if i am wrong.
Could it be that Makoto is actually thinking of sending Hibiki back?
If not, there is no point for him to ask Hibiki abt it rite?
My assumption is that he’s just letting her know as a fellow otherworlder.
The way he thinks about it is probably something like…When you’re stuck on a remote island with a couple other people, and one day see a passing ship or some other way off, it’s only natural to call the other stranded residents, right?
Nice guy if u ask me.
Thanks for the chapter!
I guess it’s the descendants of the goddess or the descendants of the hyumans she had blessed long ago that are going to make an appearance. I think they were foreshadowed before. I might be mistaken.
They might be the ones being set the task of being Hibiki’s shield. I get the feeling they might be like Tomoki or like Nointo of Arifureta.
Hibiki should just be truthful with Makoto. Makoto is likely to be more receptive in that case.
Thanks again. Makes me want to read more asap.
No, its misuzu.
The shield guy under makoto’s guidance.
Misuzu, was that how his name was spelled (•ิ_•ิ)?
Im not really sure but I think its misura
oh? Might be. But wouldn’t the Goddess play covert ops now that she’s being kept at bay. It’s the best time for her to be discrete right now.
ughaaaa, cliff….
Thankee for the chapter!!! :3
It’s probably Lime, huh. If Hibiki asks this of Makoto personally, there’s a high chance he’d approve since he doesn’t think much after all. By “think” I mean plan. All the schemes and planning ends up to his subordinates, and if he doesn’t consult Tomoe, he’d easily give up Lime with a condition of keeping Asora with utmost secrecy. Since Makoto’s mindset is geared towards protecting his Senpai.
If not Lime, then maybe Toa or maybe even a united front… Hibiki and Tomoki(in a quest to obtain his Tomoe). Or maybe wrong again. Welp.
Cheers for the chapter~
To be honest, it’s probably not too bad an idea to leave Lime as sort of a contact between Kuzunoha and Hibiki’s party, especially if Makoto plans to keep saving her if she ever gets into trouble.
The main risk is Hibiki’s charisma, but I’m sure there’s countermeasures for it.
…..Regular, Shiki and Tomoe countermeasures, by the way. Not Mio’s sort of countermeasure.
Lolx, nice one at the end.
Anw, i dun think it is Lime.
Coz thry did mention AFTER Kuzunoha left.
Maybe Misuzu
Unless Hibiki gains mind powers like Tomoe, then blockading the memories concerning Asora and other crucial infos they don’t want leaking out of Lime it would probably suffice in addition, Shiki would probably pitch in with a failsafe. If those are still not enough… then Lime will be the next ingredient of Mio’s dish.
Spolier said lime leaves limia and it isn’t toa :).
F*ck your spoilers.
Woah calm down I would rather grab a hot knife with my bare hands than click the mouse towards the raws of this Ln. Just wanted to see spoiler-san come out 🙂
i think joshua will bring tomoki. because no matter what lime or misura decide, kuzunoha will know. but Toa is a possibility too though
Well you should know that Toa is actually in the wasteland for a reason and they would be no point of secrecy if it’s Misura and Trashmoki would rather spit on a dead granny than join forces since he’s tryna settle a debt. Given all that it is definitely someone they trust about their background so maybe goddess side or who knows. Damn you author!!!! Ahem sorry author-chan?
still searching for the Ritual Knife of her clan ? that moment when you non-stop farming to find the rare drop and RNG-sama still not fkin drop the item
thanks for the chapter reigokai-sensei…
not much to say but wow, now i know what they mean dangerous a reason is they will make the war giong to prolong because the kindness they make… hope that my opinion goes wrong XD
i always cek this novel, couse i really waiting for surprise update… pardon me sensei translator
Thanks for the chapter. If Hibiki did not say that Makoto was kind person it might have ended up as Makoto was helping both side in order to make a huge profit from the war.
After that sentence I was like
“awww so you did view him as kind afterall”
Then she add yeah they will be dangerous existence for hyuman and demon race alike
I was like …
“Seriously ?”
I guess that just showing how petty our mind is, you just cannot trust kind people, if they want the war to be short then please have overwhelming power first, if you hate war please don’t push others into the edge of the world, try living there for once and you will understand why they mad at you.
Damn selfish human.
apparently peace treaty and cease fire agreement is impossible in this world
Damn cliffhanger
Thanks a lot for the chap, can’t wait for friday, well because it’s friday!!!
NO!!, the chapter … so short, my heart … hurts … my abstinence …….. Arghhh!!!
(Thanks to chapter !!!!)
To be honest, I kinda like the more modest-sized chapters like these. Firstly, Reigokai can pop them out faster, and secondly, it’s easier to digest in the comments.
I don’t mind the size….
the cliffhanger is another story…..
Oh no…. the seizure has started…. h..hel..p…
That’s a serious case of addiction, my friend.
Pssh. That’s not so bad.
No joke, I once had a dream that played out speculated events of the next chapter, which changed before my eyes whenever I realized something was out of character or didn’t make sense.
I think it was pretty early on too. Chapter 50s or so.
You can think of it this way. Longer chapter provides more closure. Short chapter faster read while leaving it slightly open.
Those who read books won’t mind or might like longer chapters. It can be more fulfilling than reading a short chapter leaving you hanging.
thanks for the chapter
Holy shit, Makoto knows everything already, then why…..really why….I mean he heard all of the conversation of waterfall and thought whatev’s
that last few sentences basically blew my mind
Makoto is truly awesome he figured out everything and is nonchantly gonna talk to her about
wait is that a power Sakai, he can use it to hear the conversation of other people
well its Makoto nature, he just dont want to think it deeply
Makoto didn’t realize Waterfall’s subterfuge and is only interested in somehow realizing the recall spell. He felt that Waterfall was much more laid back than the other superior dragons and opened the library to him. No statement was made that he knows anything about what Waterfall asked of Hibiki.
no he clearly knows all of that stuff, if he heard about the ritual then he heard everything else, and now that I think about why would he trust a superior dragon other tomoe, he does not trust Root or Grount, so he already had countermeasures if he did get stick in that place, that is why he said Waterfall was nice enough to let us out……Mind Blown(mine)
Makoto did not heard about the ritual, Waterfall purposely handed him a book about the recalling ritual and let him go to her library to read more about it.
yes that it, makoto didn’t know about conversation between that 2 girl……… maybe, just hoping
Ok… some points.
1. He not actually “heard” the ritual, he read it in waterfall library. And because of that he feels really grateful towards waterfall.
2. Makoto is Makoto…. a typical polite japanese boy, he is not being nice on purpose, he is nice by habit.
He is actually the one who didn’t really change that much in personality compared to two heroes, sure he grews on power, sure he is apathetic towards life, but who can say he didn’t feels like that in our earth ? The author purposely leave that part blank.
remember, it is a library, therefore there is a possibility, once again, a possibility, that some information about the recall was placed within the library which Makoto read.
I think this is all that @zerotaku81 was implying, that considering it is Makoto it would be best to assume that, rather than think he actually eavesdropped.
In fact, I believe Waterfall specifically tells HIbiki that she was giving Makoto a book about Recall, because she wanted to get Makoto interested in it.
I think the assumption is less that Makoto overheard them and more that he found the Recall ritual Waterfall talked about and plans to share that information with Hibiki, being the good guy that he is.
He probably doesn’t realize that both heroes actually like it here. Well, maybe Tomoki.
i want my mind back
@ken, Makoto doesn’t know what Wfall and Hibiki talked about. I suggest reading that part again for clarity. He knew about the ritual because that was what ia in yhe library. The books he got was about the recall.
oh really then I want my mind back
Well you can’t have it! It’s mine now!
ho on, i t’nac klat tuohtiw ym dnim
sA gnol sa ew nac etacinummoc, s’ereht on melborp.
i wonk tub ot klat ekil siht si driew, i t’nod tnaw ti
toN sa driew sa rehto syaw.
Sedi ygrl.
☻╔ ┼↔╪▼.
01001111 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00101110
7hI5 I5 0K4Y 7H0U9h.
If I’m not mistaken, that’s an order to start an eldritch army invasion. That, or you’re ordering pizza. It could go either way. Oh, if it’s pizza, can you get elf bacon and fae hamburger? I love that!
Come now. It’s not that hard to decipher.
It’s just a normal reply.
In three different dialects of insanity. Or oversanity. Jury’s still out on my qualifications.
Ooo. Can I get a bit of that? I could probably use that in my Fae Soul -racket.- A legitimate business.
Sure thing.
Oh, so we now have a new method to extract the souls of the Fae. Making them insane by slowly taking their mind away, thus lowering their resistance. This then leads to making it easier to extract the soul since it doesn’t have the mind to defend it anymore.
We’re gonna have a feast!
What? No. This isn’t a mind extracting method, it’s just a mind.
I was just gonna install it in a golem so that it can perform mana flow calculations in my place…
A Fae got too strong a while back and broke out because I got distracted by Mio goodness. I…had to move my test site after that.
…And I lost all the profits I’d accumulated in the bribes to cover things up. ;-;
Well, that’s a shame. If you want, I can lend you some familiars who are quite good at combat until everything is in order again at your place.
That’s fine. The issue isn’t with security so much as management. Hence, the mana-regulating mind.
…Hmm. I wonder if I could create an anti-fae that eats any that get too large… *Mad science mutterings*
And he’s bwing poisoned already with the recalling ritual, and of course there will be many who will be angered by this in a form of removing Makoto in this bug world. And why the hell would Makoto still try to save HiBItchKi, who’s now turning into a damn f*ker
That Hibiki and Joshua…. what s(he) planning….
It’s better not something like “hopelace hospitality” all over again, Mio has stated it clearly, no matter who did it, Limia kingdom are Limia kingdom, it won’t make any difference where she decides to put her wrath.
He promised to tsukuyomi to take care of the heroes
the promise is ‘to take care as not let the heroes die easily’ it doesnt include the people in that world, heck even if he destroy those hopeless its nothing to care about unless the hero attack him, he can just immobilize them with his power
they were chatting cheerfully inside his sakai range after all (he spreaded up it to check the space spell of waterfall)
Bredda’s subtitute ? Who is it ? Is it waterfall ?.
Oh good. Tomoe will kick her/his ass…
Most likely Misura. one of makoto’s stundents.
Waterfall = female
Sandwave = female
Invincible = female
Nightclad = male
Crimsonlight = male
Lancer = male
Myriadcolors = ???
lol, just felt like listing them XD
I’m pretty sure Myriad Colors counts as “Other”.
oops.. welp, better than assuming genders (apparently that’s a landmine nowadays…
Gender is like the twin tower there used to be too but now its a sensitive issue.
Yeah, root is an other, as per Makoto, she is more easily classified though, but for this I have to avoid truck-san, so I will stay away.
I take it @gatekeeper, you are a person not from Europe or the USA? I ask because, in my third world country, we are still struggling to even get to that point so I honestly don’t know what is wrong with assuming genders, I mean, we are merely A.I. with organic percepts which are used for indications. So we naturally must assume a great many things.
Anyhoo. Yeah, can anybody inform me about the great threat of gender assumptions?
@Garred nah, rather than in public, I mostly encounter it on the net…
… and I’m regretting bringing up that nonsense in this community… sorry
why can’t we edit our comments? XD
What is done, is done, my friend. Don’t worry about it too much.
I was honest though, in my enquiry, but for now, I’ll leave it aside. it was merely curiosity.
Oh, i didnt read ‘she openend library’ , ahaha. thanks for info
so, root is an Attack Helicopter? quite fiting
The answer’s Hideyoshi
Whats hideyoshi? I heard it a lot… but i dont know anything about it
Hideyoshi is a character from Baka to Test. He’s the ultimate trap. It’s so unclear what his gender is that everyone’s just decided that he’s neither, and is a “Hideyoshi”.
Oh yeah… I remember that guy… he made the mc and the photo guy nosebleed a lot…
Yep. For some reason, I thought he was from that abomination, Boku no Pico for a moment. *shudders*
I don’t think Root qualifies as a Hideyoshi though. In fact, they might as well be opposites in the same way male and female are.
A Hideyoshi means you’re confused about whether it’s okay to feel….something and it’s a big question mark.
A Root has given a pretty definitive “pervert” feeling to us so far. It’s fine to designate him as a “both”, actually.
By the way, there’s also a third type where the gender is explicitly neither.
I’m still working on classifying the gender of a person that varies by alternate universe or timeline, but it’s kind of a pain…especially if one of those varied genders don’t qualify for male, female, Hideyoshi, OR Root.
I’ve heard of that actually. It’s not too far fetched, considering one of the premises of string theory is that the making of a choice creates multiple different universes, and the genetics that dictate sex and appearance are random as it gets. Although I can’t imagine why anyone would classify genders for that. Even if the base genetic material is the same, the subjects in question would be two different people, so there shouldn’t be any need to create some classification for their gender. Abyss, I can’t believe I’m actually putting serious thought into this. What in the name of the Concordenax am I even talking about?
Fufufu…Let’s just say I have a reason for needing to be able to classify the genders of people who are multiple alternate entities.
To be honest, I’ve been trying to wrap my head around a lot of multiverse theory stuff and it’s getting annoying.
For example, what units of measurement would you use to define a finite area within the infinite branches of the multiverse? One is most likely time but what’s the other? Number of timelines? But they’re infinite even on a small scale! Gaaaaah! XO
Be careful, you might fry your brain thinking about that stuff. I get the same way when I think about time travel.
I actually prefer talks like these, even if they are in a comment section.
In any case. You do know there are many other theories as well?
One written by a very little known person I know is one in which she states that, if humans, and thus any other animal, makes a decision based on only two factors: emotions and knowledge, it is then essentially impossible for a multitude of different parallel universes to exist, but that then begs the question, how could they build a quantum computer? This then leads her to believe that the only way for any organism in that point in time to make a different decision is to have the world itself them be created differently. This then leads her to further conclude that if the soul does exist, then you could see it as some sort of circuit that exists outside of the cosmos – the infinite grouping of multiple parallel universes – in which it is effectively connected to all different parallel universes, but only a fraction is used by every single organism.
Taking this assumption into consideration then means that we are all, in fact, a Root.
Weird, isn’t it?
Also, why do humans want to generalize so much? I think it best to stop at generalizing up to the point where it doesn’t affect you anymore, for example, one world. Any further and it becomes too tedious to actually use the theories and terms you create. Yeah sure it is interesting to have, but you should also understand that things just aren’t always that convenient.
About making decisions, only in extreme situations are there only two choices. That’s why crossroads and forks are so popular when depicting the making of choices. After all, choosing to do nothing or turning back is a choice as well. But taking the theory that everyone knows to the extreme, every little choice a person makes creates at least two universes (I.e. which tie do I wear to work, red or yellow?), that choice triggers another event (the boss noticing the yellow tie, but not the red) which leads to another choice or random chance that makes more universes. I wasn’t saying that one choice could make a hundred universes, but a day of choices and random events could easily create a thousand.
Now that soul theory is very intriguing. If I understand that right, then a single person’s soul (and I do believe in the existence of souls, I’m not sure why, but I do) is connected to every concurrent iteration of said person across the multitude of timelines within the multiverse, correct? This is very interesting. Perhaps the consciousness is the fraction of soul that’s present, while the subconscious is the connecting point to the greater mass that is the soul. This is a fascinating theory.
I agree, that is one of the reasons I have a copy of her work. If anything her work is interesting.
Let us just use her theory of souls as an example. That then means that gods are one two things – the gods we know – beings that are still like us but have more things on which they can exercise their will on, or beings which have accumulated part of their soul from other iterations
The latter actually sounds similar to the Buddha. A being that accumulates the parts of their soul of all their iterations, and in doing so realizes the truth of the universe (or multiverse if you will) there by achieving ‘enlightenment’ and gaining the power of the divine as well as transcending from the multiverse. This occurrence, of course, would be the rarest phenomenon that could occur. It couldn’t even happen if you had luck that could pull a one in ten trillion lotto. I can’t even imagine what it would take for such a phenomenon to happen.
In response to your Buddha theory, I am not entirely sure of that as I don’t really know that much about it. However, I know her theory doesn’t really include those possibilities.
However, were we to think and extrapolate a bit, we can get it to a rough estimate. However, it is much smaller than even a trillion. First we need some events which might spur on this change, or else the possibility remains at zero. Thus we first need a catalyst for that to happen.
Y’know, it just struck me that we might be going into some dangerous territory with this. I mean, my first thought after reading this comment was “What would this catalyst needed be, and how would it be used?” Even if it’s just wondering what would be needed, that would indicate the willingness to experiment with this catalyst if it was found. To experiment with something that might create a god-like being…does that make me a bad person? Or is it the fact that I’m not certain I would refuse the chance to perform the experiment, that would make me a bad person?
That is a very suggestive question, but one I would be glad to answer.
It all depends on you actually, in many of the cases. Let us go back quite a bit and assume that there are two main cases. The first case states that there is a god. The second case iterates that there is no god.
In the case that there is a god, you will inherently be evil if you try to become a god, whether the second case’s logic applied or not, as those who are gods are those who determine what is right and what is wrong.
In the second case, you being bad as a person entirely depends on you. If you think about it, scientists have concluded that our innate sense of good and evil is merely what we have established is good for a good pack. Thus morals and rules are essentially just that which will help make us a good pack and live successfully. IF you think any further it means that “all things are allowed and nothing is forbidden” to quote, albeit slightly incorrectly, Assassin’s Creed. Thus it depends entirely on your reasoning. Thus, if you abide by the morals and you then create a god-like being, yes. You are a bad person, considering how much trouble you will have to go through, how many of your rules and morals you will destroy in the process. If you do not follow such rules, well, then you are not classified as a bad person, since there is nothing which binds you to the species which formed you.
Whether society will view you as bad… That is an entirely different question, and one which is entirely dependent on the result. There will always be people who are against you and always be people who are with you. Thus in the beginning you will be both good and evil/bad. Which is not much of a difference from your current status as a human being any way.
Later on, if you were to create a god-like being, your issue about being bad or not is entirely dependent on his/her actions. If they decide to destroy humanity or act like a tyrant, you will forever go down in history as the mother of all bad guys – you and your colleagues. If he is good, in in the history books you will be revered as a genius and a saint, perhaps even an apostle, which then makes you good.
This all in all just relates back to my first assessment. The answer is highly suggestive, but is dependent on your point of view the most.
I don’t think it’s strange at all to consider the idea of causing a catalyst for this. Firstly, it’s fascinating stuff. Secondly, isn’t something like “creating an event that causes a soul to evolve into a higher existence” such a worthwhile concept? In fact, I wouldn’t be able to actually do it, but assuming we live in a timeline that’s just one of the infinite universes, and all our souls are connected with all the other versions of ourselves, then it seems like an objectively profiting trade to sacrifice an entire universe of just a single timeline (since we have infinite of them) to push just a single soul into apotheosis(which under this theory is an absurdly rare and special event).
The reason you’re uncomfortable is probably because you’re putting more effort than most people are too afraid to into conceptualizing an ethically gray idea.
I’m distinctly reminded of a certain content creator’s exploration of a Cult Tycoon game. He gave so many logical pointers (you don’t bribe FBI, you spend that money on lawyers, instant conversion isn’t realistic and it’d be better to have to pick out recruits with “high compatibility”, etc) that the comments were 90% talking about how he was a little TOO good at running a cult.
Then why not add the new gender Root to the equation. I don’t know exactly how far you have come with your progress with it – and honestly I don’t really care that much, too much of a pain (this is coming from a game designer, mind you). Thus the spectrum is:
and a Root.
It is then male,
Does that make things a little easier then?
God please no… to be honest… boku no piko’s gendbend mc is pretty cute, but the way they deliver his character is… ugh… how can I say this without offending anyone… hm… I give up! Can’t find the word…
Back when I was really getting into anime, my friends tricked me into watching some of it. I hope they go to hell for that. 👿There are just some things that should never be seen, and things that can never be unseen.😨
True… true… there are some shit that would love to forget as well, like… ah shit… I remembered it…
To add more to the Hideyoshi, there is one episode where Hideyoshi is an established gender – something which cannot be determined and everyone has a problem with. Some people see him for his actual gender, a male, and thus recommend he uses the male changing room and male bathhouse area, where a multitude of boys then object saying he should go to the girl bathouse side, and use the girl changing area, as he is obviously a boy. This leads Hideyoshi to such a poor state of affairs he is effectively deadlocked from making any action whatsoever. Some Yandere women also despise him for that fact and forbid him from bathing with the one they are interested in.
Thus the brunt of the comment comes from the fact that there are so many opinions of him, regardless of what he actually is, that it is better to reclassify him as something entirely different to such save everybody the trouble, even at the expense of buying entirely new material to construct an entirely new bath house area just for one person.
See where the joke comes in?
Ah… I see… I guess I better rewatch the two seasons of that anime then… after all my tests are done… so I got two things that I absolutely have to do, read hp lovecraft, and research baka to test… next year are going to be hectic…
Sthap… don’t push my comment even lower…..
Thanks for the chapter
No no no no…. don’t stop there…. the story… push it a little….
Dammitt… this gonna spell another seizure from cliffhanger
What is with this erotic (kinda) comment!?
Thanks Regokai, that was pretty fast, I love your translations they are awesome 😉
Thanks for the chapter. Let me read it them come back to comment.
thanks for the chapter!
Am I the only one who curious about the next new party member of Hibiki?
Maybe it is one of makoto students
thanks a lot
Hohoho!! I once failed on smelling new chapts, but never again on the new reig ver 2.0 XD XD
Serving as decoration is a talent for kingship, huh? Haha…Does that mean Makoto is somehow being a better ruler than Bredda at the moment? I didn’t expect him to be so…what’s the word…bratty?
Gee, I wonder who his replacement is? I’m not sure whether I want it to be Misura or not. On one hand, good for him and he might be around to see Makoto kick ass in the process of saving the hero in the future. On the other, I kinda want him to stay under Raidou and keep investing points in his [Common Sense Buster].
Probably the waterfall dragon
this bitch of dragon specialise in healing/support, it was empire dragon that specialise in defence. … so probably Misura or what he was called. That they will meet him after Makoto and Co leave kinda proves it.
spoilersan : “waterfall obasan will get rekt.”
thank you for the translation.
thanks for the chapter(:
Thanks for the chapter!!
Lol as usual; while world powers are struggling, Makoto stays so casual.
On a side note, Limia feels a bit like a late-Medieval/early-Renaissance European kingdom while the demon country feels like an post-Industrial Revolution empire.
Dam I consider this a cliffhanger.
Thnx for the chap..
Hibiki’s whole obsession with Makoto is like what happened with the US during WW2. He holds considerable military strength, and despite how often he says he’s going to keep a neutral stance, they just can’t help but keep worrying about him. If they keep poking the hornet’s nest, eventually, something’s going to happen, and Makoto’s going to end up being involved in this war. The question here is whether or not he’ll be an enemy or an ally.
I don’t think Makoto cares either way. In his eyes he’ll always remain neither enemy or ally. The world powers are literally like insects to him. Then again, Makoto’s actual enemy IS the greatest insect of them all.
Her obsession stems from her true feelings rather than her facade as a hero.She must control Makoto whatever it takes or he might shine more than her, a rational person would avoid stealing the tiger’s cub.
Nowhere do I see any indication that Hibiki wants to control Makoto because she is afraid of “shining less” And we’ve had a number of Hibiki POVs, so we actually do know what she is thinking.
If you could provide an example, that would be great.
Right now we only have small hints, if the author is really trying to create a purity-sue then we are fucked but I think he is trying to make somewhat realist complicated characters. Taking that into account Hibiki fits the “mastermind” role, Waterfall mentioned Hibiki has seen “both sides” of Bug world and she’s still spouting that nonsense about equality between races means she’s tricking demi-hyumans as well.
I don’t think I’v ever seen a person in the “mastermind” role who managed to both deceive us the reader and himself (with the exception of Light from Death Note, and that’s because he hypnotized himself).
Also, I feel like we took away different things from Waterfall’s meeting with Hibiki. Waterfall is clearly the realist Superior Dragon. (Unlike Tomoe and Root who are apparently the thrill junkies). So I read that scene as saying that Waterfall approved of Hibiki’s intended method of changing Bug’s society: gradually and through persuasion (a politician’s method), instead of burning everything to the ground. (a warrior’s method)
Again, any example of the hints you mention would be appreciated.
There are lots of hints out there marking Hibiki as a dangerous politician and almost everyone reading this novel has found some.We lack evidence as she is still in the preparation phase but most fans (myself included) think she’s going to move soon.
Bug considers demi-hyumans and demons as inferior races, people said Hibiki didn’t now that and now Waterfall proved she knows everything (Both sides Bug’s world). Talking about peace and equality while knowing a LIVING GOD won’t allow it tells us she is trying to kill Bug(don’t think so) or is clearly lying to demi-hyumans and plans to enslave or kill them all for “peace and justice”.
I’m tired of repeating myself so thanks for the debate.
I apologize if you think I’m hammering at you, but since November of last year, I’ve lost a lot of patience for people making statements without backing it up with something concrete.
I’d like to see the hints of seeing Hibiki as a “dangerous” politician. Has she been advocating for WORSE treatment of demi-hyumans? Has she been telling Nobles to trample over the common people? What?
I don’t know if Hibiki KNOWS Bug considers demi-hyumans and demons as inferior (though I would not be surprised. The author has set her as a very intelligent person, after all.). I certainly agree that she know HYUMANS consider the others inferior.
To say that Bug would NOT allow equality is to once again ignore Tsige, Zetsuya, and Rotsgard. In at least the first 2 places, demi-hyumans were treated fairly (Io even tells the Adventurers that’s why the Demon Lord leaves them alone) even BEFORE Makoto was there. And Bug didn’t do anything to change that. (It is possible that might change, but there is no proof of that so far. And there are signs Bug would tolerate it.)
And there’s no point to lying to the Demi-hyumans. The ones living in most hyuman territories are ALREADY being treated as second-class citizens and living with it.
And while you’re tired of repeating yourself, I’m tired of seeing arguments and statements which I suspect are based more on speculation in the comments and not what the AUTHOR wrote, or are self-perpetuating “facts.” (Example: Trump says election is rigged -> News says Trump says election is rigged -> Trump says he heard in the news that election is rigged.)
And I do appreciate you trying to keep the discussions objective enough to be fair.
After all the recent talk about Hibiki, I think the bottom line is that her worst mistake is not being as effective with achieving her goals(mostly the social reform stuff) as she could be.
It’s sort of like someone you’re working with doing their best to help-which does help to some extent-but ending up getting in the way of someone who could do even better.
Or more relevantly:
Someone probably didn’t like Hibiki in her first appearance, not liking the privileged girl who was bored with life. So they say she’s a “bitch.” From that point forward, everything she says and does is viewed through the lens of “she MUST be a bitch, so what’s the secret agenda?” And then by continuing to spread that point of view through comments, people start to take it as gospel truth.
Who knows, (having not read ahead), maybe they’re right and maybe you’ll be proven right. But IF so, you got the right conclusion for the wrong reasons. (“What is 5×5?” “Well, Jupiter is ascendant and Venus is in decline, so … 25”
I don’t think the Hibiki-hating comments really started appearing until her chapters with Lime, actually.
There was some “you can’t keep up with Makoto. Haha you suck” type of comments in the appearances before that, but that’s when they really kicked off.
hmm… so, moral of the story, if you don’t have 100% chance to achieve the perfect result, do not even try? got it.
I know you are talking about those irrational haters spewing venom because Hibiki isn’t on Makoto’s harem, but realize that you are turning into Hibiki’s fanboy yourself….”charisma” works even on RL.
Those two cities are EXCEPTIONS, I’ve told this before but that “equality” was thanks to Makoto and Rembrandt who are non-believers and “small fish” compared to nobility and kings, right now bug is chained so she can’t act and those cities are small and close to the border.
I remember a cat beastman from the slums saying that this “equality” was also temporal and that hyumans will forget about it some time later.
I don’t think this is really fanboying or anything. Blue is defending Hibiki because the arguments against her don’t make sense to them. They’ve made pretty good points as far as I remember.
As far as those exceptions go…yeah, I’m pretty sure they only came about due to the nature of the location. It seems to be mostly in places where ability is more important than position (thus places where those in power can’t get a strong foothold).
I admit to liking Hibiki. She strikes me as the most NORMAL person of the three Earth folk, and I have yet to see anything indicating a darker side. (The closest thing I’ve seen so far to her looking down on someone is regarding Tomoki. And c’mon, that’s justified)
I agree that Zetsuya and Tsige are exceptions, but not for the same reasons you do. I don’t think Makoto had anything to do with it, but rather that the citizens were living in harsher environments and so were forced to get along, eventually prioritizing ability over race. Even in Rotsgard, the university prioritized ability over looks (which is contrary to Bug’s position), accepting Makoto as a lecturer before they knew him and treating him equally, even though (in their eyes), he’s as ugly as a demi-hyuman.
This is also why I point out what Io said to the adventurer from Tsige. If Rona’s POVs are accurate, the Demon Army had very few or no agents in Tsige by the time Makoto was around (which is why they didn’t know about Kuzunoha). And yet, the Demon Lord had a policy in place to leave the Adventurers from Tsige alone. That suggests the policy was in place BEFORE Makoto’s arrival. (And that policy was BECAUSE the Adventurers of Tsige treated demi-hyumans fairly. Unless you think Io was lying.)
They HAVE to worry about Makoto, because even if THEY don’t poke the hornet’s nest, what happens if someone else does? (In this case, Tomoki’s a very likely choice. Or Hopelace.)
I don’t quite see the title… Who’s plan went astray? 🤔
Thanks for the chapter! 😄
i think Hibiki’s plan of using kuzunoha to support potion for the army and also the equipment of eldwas since they have the info about kuzunoha company equipment in Tsige which have higher specs than their usual equipment and also possibly , to ask Kuzunoha cooperation in war by utilizing Tomoe and Mio combat power
This my friend is something that neither Spoiler-san nor I can reveal.
Because you don’t know?
No, because it’s something that people should see for themselves.
Hey, if you don’t know, you should just say it. There’s no shame in it.😏
I see what you’re up to. Ya can’t goad me into giving spoilers
I have no idea what you’re talking about. 😐*whispers* Damn he got me. Imma have to kill that broker who gave me the bad info that he was easily tricked.😠
I’ll give a hint though. Hatred runs deep. Don’t bother asking what I mean, you’ll see.
I think I get what you mean… and I don’t want what I think to be true…
I can’t answer if it’s true or not without spoilers
I’ll calmly wait for the truth… spoiler san… and if what i think is true then… I will shout… well… not that you can heat me if i shout anyway…
Its lovelace isnt it?! He will try something stupit and get crushed by mio or makoto!
Im just here for the comments …. I’m actually not reading the chp until i have more than 10 before continuing. …ty for the chp btw
Thank you~
What can they be talking about? Possibly she want to ask for Lime’s hand.
probably asking for them to give Lime to the hero party
“Give me Lime!”
“Of course, it won’t be for free. You can have Bredda.”
“Not this again…”
She just say to Joshua She is gonna try to convince Makoto to become their ally……
hooray another chapter. Thank You Very Much
Top 15 thank rekogai sam
Thanks for the Chapter!!
Thank you for the chapter
Aww man.
I knew a chapter was coming but I was hoping to get my work done first.
……………………….I guess I’ll be back to read it later…
burn your work ! read first ! 😀
I lied. I immediately went up and read through the whole chapter. i’m not sure whether I regret or not yet.
“…they won’t be able to break the deadlock, and continue with how their relationship.”
I think there’s a word or two missing at the end here. I’m not sure what the original text says, but I assume it’s something like:
“how their relationship currently is.”
No regret, no regret! Reading this chapter was worth it! I can’t stop the hype for the next chappy!
(il´‐ω‐)ヘ Thanks!!
∩,,__⌒つっ Nepu!!!
still naked !? have you no shame !?
Rusaku:「FREE TO BE NA―」
Rusaku:「I-It’s not what you think iy is!」
Rusaku:「NOOooooooo!!!!! orz」
repent thyself o naked one, repent thyself and purge thyself by the flame of nepugatory
Nepugatory! The world where naked beli burns~!
I mean Nepu not beli
Thanks Reigokai!
Say thanks before reading it.. Thank you
Thanks for the chapter Reigokai! Nya~pong~
3rd ………..
I confuzzled now @-@
Here’s catnip~ don’t think too much neko-san~ don’t think! Feel~!
Uh…how do we dispute this?
Simple~ mine is first~
Simple~ mine is first~ nyahaha~
A suprisingly extra chapter, sweet! Thanks!!!!!
Freaking cliffhanger……………
*walks off* Where did I put that detonator…..? I gotta find out if the charges I left in preperation are still functional…..
Thank u always for ur great work…
faster than that damn fat filorial
that damn fat filorial has been hit by truck-san… so she cant come
Which Truck-san? I’ll visit him and grant him an audience with my spiked metal bat…
NOOOOooooooooo firoooooo~poooong~NYaaaaaaaaaa!
You need to work for jimmy johns. HAHA
I think he is Barry Allen fastest man alive
Barry Allen barely fastest in his own universe…..