“Kuzunoha company’s peddling permission?”
“Yeah, he has saved my and his Majesty’s life in Rotsgard. We called him here to give our gratitude, so doing nothing won’t do. Raidou made a petition himself, and it isn’t a subject that needs any heavy regulation, so I have given him a response geared towards accepting.” (Joshua)
“I see.”
“Is there some sort of problem? A number of nobles that want him to make a store will probably be unsatisfied with this decision, but it shouldn’t be disadvantageous for us.” (Joshua)
“Yes, I think Joshua-sama’s thinking is correct. If he wished for it, it should be appropriate as an expression of gratitude.”
“It makes me happy that Hibiki says so as well. But well, the fact that this is currently the only request of Raidou makes me feel troubled though. It would actually make me feel more at ease if he were to ask for land or a peerage.” (Joshua)
A conversation with Joshua and Hibiki.
The conversation was about the Kuzunoha Company.
The promise that Joshua made to Raidou about the permission for the peddling the Kuzunoha Company did on the territory.
The two were talking about that matter.
Bredda was also there, but as of now, he hasn’t joined the conversation.
“He probably thinks he has obtained plenty enough compensation.” (Hibiki)
“No way. To say it is plenty enough when he saved the king and prince of a major power, there shouldn’t be a person who thinks in that way.” (Joshua)
“…If it’s him, it is possible. He is that kind of person.” (Hibiki)
“It is certainly true that Raidou has an uhm…a kind way of thinking, that doesn’t fit a merchant. But even he should have some sort of avarice. I would also like to recompense him a bit more. It wouldn’t be good to leave strange lingering discomfort after all.” (Joshua)
“You wanted to say he has a naive way of thinking, right Joshua-sama? That’s actually right, you know.” (Hibiki)
“Even so, that’s not a word that should be directed towards someone that has saved my life, Hibiki.” (Joshua)
Hibiki restates the words of Joshua who chose his words.
Joshua rebukes her, but there was no stormy atmosphere between the two.
Bredda was silently drinking tea.
It was easy to see that this is an usual occurrence.
“What are Joshua-sama’s thoughts about how we should associate with them from now on?” (Hibiki)
The true meaning of Hibiki’s question was not to ask the opinion of Joshua’s personal opinion only, but to include the king’s stance, and the will of the nobles.
Joshua is the advisor of the king, and the number of people that think his opinion is the opinion of the king are not few.
“He himself is someone that doesn’t hold evil intentions. The strength they have as a company and the ability of its employees can become a threat depending on the sides it takes, but in basis, I think I want to build a favorable relationship. It is clear that it is not simple peddling, and in reality, the contribution Mio-dono achieved outside her schedule in the reconstruction was splendid. It seems like they have cooperated with the reconstruction of Rotsgard as well, but from what I see, they probably have done more of their part in the work than a simple cooperator. I was about to overlook that part in the report that I had gotten.” (Joshua)
“Rotsgard has already regained its former form and is advancing to a step further than that. It is saddening, but the speed to stand back up was clearly different from the capital. There’s no doubt the Kuzunoha Company played a big part in it. Just looking at their achievements, it is truly an appealing existence, but…” (Hibiki)
Anguish shows in Hibiki’s face.
“As I thought, there’s problems too huh. In my eyes, they look like partners that can become extremely beneficial though… Then, from Hibiki’s viewpoint, how does he look to you?” (Joshua)
“Right now it is hard to put it in clear words but…there’s a few points.” (Hibiki)
“I don’t mind. Let’s hear it.” (Joshua)
“First of all, he doesn’t have an interest in the war that’s currently occurring in the world. On top of that, even though he is the Head of a power that can be considered a nation, he doesn’t have any intentions to gain more than what he personally views. It is incredibly unstable, and engaging them carelessly is way too dangerous.” (Hibiki)
“Assuming that there are a number of other people that have the same power as Mio-dono in the Kuzunoha Company, and taking Raiou-dono’s power into consideration as well, then not only a mercenary group, they would possess a military force akin to a nation. I consider it is proper to think of them to be in a nation level. But what’s that about not being interested in the war? I don’t understand the part about being unstable either.” (Joshua)
“It means exactly as I have said. He has the notable characteristic that no matter how much the hyumans, demi-humans, and demons do war with each other, he won’t care. Also, he has no discrimination towards the demi-humans, and it is possible that if asked to provide accommodations because of troubles…they would most likely sell goods even to the demon race.” (Hibiki)
“No way! That’s an act of betrayal towards hyumans!”
Bredda speaks out for the first time.
While they are doing business in the hyuman country, they sell goods to the demon race.
Thinking about it from the common sense of Bredda -no, from the common sense of a hyuman, it is an inconceivable act.
“…Even to the demon race? He didn’t look like he had such a lack of integrity though.” (Joshua)
Joshua narrows his brows at the opinion of Hibiki.
Because in Joshua’s eyes, Raidou didn’t look like a person that would sell goods to the demon race for profit.
“…It is not that there’s no integrity in profit. In that sense, I actually think he is loose. The point of beingr troubled is what plays a big part.” (Hibiki)
“For example, no matter the cause, if there’s a demon race village that was unable to secure food supply in winter and there’s a request for help, they would help them out even if it is a situation where even payment is doubtful?” (Joshua)
“Yeah. Of course, even if there’s a request for help similar to that from hyumans or demi-humans, they would most likely reach the same decision. He is…kind, after all.” (Hibiki)
“As a result, the war would grow longer…and a great number of lives would be lost, bringing ruin to the world as a whole, and yet, he would still do it?” (Joshua)
“He is kind after all. If there’s someone in trouble, no matter if hyuman or demon, he would most likely save them. Demi-humans wounded by hyumans, hyumans that were wounded by demi-humans…without discrimination.” (Hibiki)
“…I see. It is certainly true that Raidou-dono gave that kind of feeling. The part that he would choose help over profit. If in his mind, hyumans and demons are equally worthy of saving, they will become an incredibly troublesome existence.” (Joshua)
“Yes. For hyumans and demons alike, they will become an exceedingly dangerous existence.” (Hibiki)
“It is so sudden it is hard to believe, but since it is something Hibiki says, it is worth considering. If they are contributing to the demon race in the same manner as with us, it would not be good. But…even if that’s truly the case, we still have no choice but to continue with our current way of interacting. I see, so this is what’s troubling you, Hibiki.” (Joshua)
Joshua continued his words as he thought about the methods that can be taken with the Kuzunoha Company, and then, he noticed the reason for Hibiki’s heavy expression.
“…Yes. We have no choice but to have a favorable relationship with them. If they are an existence that brings benefits to both sides, we have to get involved with them as well.” (Hibiki)
The expression of Hibiki was still bitter, and it was comprehensible.
If it’s an existence that they can expect benefits in being involved with, even if they bring benefits to the enemy as well, they have no choice but to be involved with them as well.
Even if they are dangerous, as long as they don’t have a clear countermeasure for them, they won’t be able to break the deadlock, so they have to continue with how their relationship currently is.
“Fufufu, right. There’s no reason for us to throw away that benefit ourselves. And in truth, in this time’s visit, we have utilized them plenty after all. And yet, they are being taken as a threat. It is truly a misfortune.” (Joshua)
Joshua laughs in a self-depreciating manner.
The visit of the Kuzunoha Company has several objectives they have not been told about.
Thinking about that, a smile unconsciously came out.
“I will try to convince him at least. If…he were to side with us, it would solve most of the problems without doubt after all.” (Hibiki)
“It is written all over your face that you don’t think it will go well.” (Joshua)
“Honestly speaking, I don’t have the confidence. His sense of worth is already a lot more different than mine. I don’t know if we will be able to reach an understanding.” (Hibiki)
“I pray for your success. I want to continue having a good relationship with him after all.” (Joshua)
“Regarding that, I heartfeltly agree as well. It is someone I definitely wouldn’t want to be in trouble with after all.” (Hibiki)
“Someone you definitely don’t want to be in trouble with huh. Well, fine then. Regarding Raidou, I will leave the decision making to you. Well then Hibiki, you won’t mind if I advance things just as we have discussed, right?” (Joshua)
“Yes. I was meddled a bit by Mio-san, but there won’t be any problems. Let’s continue with it in one go.” (Hibiki)
“Understood.” (Joshua)
The talk finished, and Hibiki stands from her seat.
Joshua also stood up a second later, and sees her off.
Bredda was about to leave the room following Hibiki as if natural, but at that moment, he was called from behind.
“Bredda, there’s something I have to talk with you about.”
“Hah?” (Bredda)
Being in a different pattern from normal, Bredda let out a dumbfounded voice.
There have been times when Bredda has been in presence of the conversation between Hibiki and Joshua, but there’s never been something after that.
He was with the thoughts of only accompanying Hibiki, so it is an expected reaction.
“Ara, then I will be going ahead.” (Hibiki)
Hibiki didn’t show any special surprise and leaves promptly.
“Wai–, Hibiki?!” (Bredda)
The door was ruthlessly closed.
“…Seriously, what do you want, Joshua?” (Bredda)
Because Hibiki was now gone, Bredda returns to his sibling way of speaking and takes seat in a slightly violent manner.
He asks for Joshua’s business.
“Brother, I have established several occasions for this kind of meetings, but you haven’t participated in any of them properly, right?” (Joshua)
“I am present only as a knight and a bodyguard of Hibiki. In the first place, I am not in a position to say my opinion.” (Bredda)
“Because there was the will of the king as well, I have given tacit consent to brother’s attitude until now, but with the capital in this state, I can’t just leave it as always.” (Joshua)
“…Listen here Joshua…” (Bredda)
“Isn’t it time to be thinking about the ruling of the country? Not as a knight, nor a party member of Hibiki’s, but as the successor of father.” (Joshua)
“…You are talking about that? I have decided to be the shield of Hibiki as a knight. If it’s about the throne, you succeed it. If it’s Joshua, there’s no one who would be against it.” (Bredda)
“I don’t have the gift to be a ruler. In this time of war, the role of the king is to encourage the whole country, and the one who is the most fit for that role of being the king of Limia is you, brother. In the first place, I have already abandoned the succession of the throne.” (Joshua)
“It is just fine to say you want it back. In the first place, me being the decoration and you being the counsellor is not that different from you being the one directly doing things. I refuse being a simple decoration hanging.” (Bredda)
“Abandoning the succession of the throne is not something as simple as that you know. Also, if you are able to fulfill the role of a decoration, then in a sense, it can be considered a talent for being king.” (Joshua)
“But I have been telling you haven’t I? I want to be of use to Hibiki—” (Bredda)
“If you think that way, why can’t you understand that being the next king is the best move?!” (Joshua)
Bredda tried to finish the conversation in the same note, but today was different in all senses.
Interrupting his words, Joshua shouted.
At the same time, Joshua hits the table and a loud sound reverberated in the place.
“…What did you say?” (Bredda)
“Looking at the current Hibiki, you should be able to tell. She is already in a territory that a normal person can’t catch up to. That’s right…there’s already no way for brother to become the shield of Hibiki! When in the party, the most you can do is guard the priestess and Wudi, right?!” (Joshua)
Watching the mock battle of Raidou, Joshua was able to understand plenty enough that Hibiki’s strength had already surpassed the line of normal.
She clearly had a strength that went a different path from that of a strong adventurer.
The same could be said for Raidou, but it was evident that it was a different dimension from the trained strength of Bredda.
“Joshua, you…what are you trying to…” (Bredda)
“Brother will definitely become shackles for Hibiki in time, that’s what I am trying to say. Before turning into that, I am advising you to help her out in politics! Let me tell you this, you are only a prodigy by birth. Because of the king’s lineage.” (Joshua)
“Shut up!!” (Bredda)
“For example, the three of Kuzunoha Company, no matter which one of those three brother fights, you wouldn’t be able to defeat any. But if you move as the king of Limia, brother will have plenty enough power to become the strength of Hibiki.” (Joshua)
“I’m telling you to shut up!!” (Bredda)
“This is father’s will!” (Joshua)
“…It’s not that I think this way. If the capital gets attacked again, is there an assurance that the king will be safe? If he were to fall in this state where we still haven’t announced the next successor… We can’t have the current Limia fight over who will be the next successor. Something like that, even brother understands, right? Father is thinking about announcing brother as the next successor. Things like reading the heart of your own father, you should at least be able to do that without having me telling you, brother!” (Joshua)
“I can still do it. I will become stronger and support Hibiki.” (Bredda)
“I know that brother is someone that doesn’t slack in his efforts, but not only Hibiki; the priestess, Wudi, and also Naval; everyone possesses outstanding talent. It isn’t something that one can keep up with just hard work. Fortunately, brother’s defensive sword style can become a help in moments of need. Please take heed of my words.” (Joshua)
“Then what will they do about my substitute?! Yeah, it is certainly true that my strength is lacking, but is there any other person that’s able to support the current Hibiki at her side? Before talking about being me being the king, shouldn’t you first find that person?” (Bredda)
“…There is.” (Joshua)
“What?” (Bredda)
“I said there is one. We will be meeting that person after the Kuzunoha Company leaves though.” (Joshua)
Heartless words came from Joshua.
Bredda was at a loss for words, and was dumbfounded by the unyielding attitude of his little brother he had never seen before.
Finishing my plans of the day, I had returned to my room and was passing a leisure time with Lime.
He was doing maintenance to his katana that had finished recovering, in a good mood while talking about the state of the land near the castle.
“As expected, they are still far from being finished in the reconstruction.” (Makoto)
“Right. There’s also the point that Rotsgard is just way too fast though. Mio-neesan showed several things, so there’s probably going to be a request for help from the prince or maybe someone else.” (Lime)
“If it’s about helping with the reconstruction, I don’t mind helping in a permissible level though. It would definitely be a lot easier for the people that come from Rotsgard if the groundwork has been done after all.” (Makoto)
“It would be great if that much is enough though.” (Lime)
“That’s the most we can do. No matter the case, if the war intensifies once more…” (Makoto)
“The demon race huh. I don’t think they will match the conveniency of hyumans and not attack in winter, but…I wonder what they are planning. If it were me, I would immediately come to crush the weakened Limia though.” (Lime)
For the demon race, winter is a season that’s easy for them to defend in.
For hyumans, it is hard to attack.
But just as Lime says, it doesn’t mean the demons will have a hard time attacking too.
This is something that I can say with confidence after meeting them; the Demon Lord is not the type that would loosen in the offensive.
He is a person that would attack with no hesitation.
In other words, there’s a reason why he is not going for the attack.
In that case, this time where they are waiting for spring and the time they are doing their best in the reconstruction is actually a vital time for the hyumans.
Because it means that the demons are preparing a hand that is bigger than attacking the current Limia after all.
“Right. Well, when the time comes, I will move as well, so it won’t turn into the worst scenario.” (Makoto)
“Boss will move? You didn’t seem to have much interest in the war though.” (Lime)
“Hm? I don’t have any interest in the war, I also have no intentions in participating. Just that, I don’t think the demon race has much intentions of meddling with merchants and adventurers that much, so no matter what happens with the hegemony of society, I don’t think much would change in our everyday life.” (Makoto)
“…Getting along with the demon race is kind of a…complicated feeling. Then what do you mean by moving?” (Lime)
“Meaning that I will try to save Senpai at least. I don’t know about this country though.” (Makoto)
“…That’s just like Boss-ssu. Hm? Someone’s coming. This is…Hibiki-ssu ne. This late in the night, that’s rare. (Lime)
“Senpai? If she has any business, it would be with me huh.” (Makoto)
“Most likely. Well, even if Boss and Hibiki pass a night together, nothing will be happening, so it is most likely not going to end in seduction.” (Lime)
“Oh, sharp words there. Leaving aside me, from what I know, Senpai is quite popular you know?” (Makoto)
“…Well, she pretends as if she knows how to deal with men. She is the same as Boss, so she won’t be able to do those kind of things.” (Lime)
“The same as me?” (Makoto)
“Hehe, just ignore this delirious talk of a man that has travelled along with her.” (Lime)
What is he talking about?
The points that Senpai and I have in common are pretty few, you know.
After a bit, knocking comes from the door.
“It is Hibiki. Do you have a bit of time?” (Hibiki)
“Come in.” (Makoto)
Just like what Lime said, it was Senpai.
“…So Lime was here too. Can you please…no, Raidou-dono, can you accompany me for a bit? It might take a while though.” (Hibiki)
Is it something that she doesn’t want to talk about in this room?
At the very least, it doesn’t seem to be something related to the priestess-san.
I don’t think we will be visiting her at this late of an hour after all.
“It is okay. Then Lime, I will be leaving for a bit. It is okay to go rest before me.” (Makoto)
“Okay. I will do that.” (Lime)
Lime lowers his head.
His mouth was smiling, but his eyes weren’t smiling much.
Maybe because Tomoe or someone of that line has asked him to be cautious of her?
But even if he is going to eavesdrop, there’s nothing that would trouble me if he heard, so I will just let him do whatever he wants.
“Then, let’s go.”
Senpai is trying to feign it as always, but I could tell from her body that she was tense.
Just like when we talked about the priestess, I don’t think this will be a comfortable talk.
Because of the recall ritual, it has become a pretty good development for me in Limia though.
Waterfall seemed to be the sober type of dragon, but she opened the library and brought us back, so she is quite the open-hearted fellow.
I have also received the peddling permission for the Forest Oni’s unit, and as long as we are able to return without anything happening, it would be great.
But it won’t go so smoothly huh.
Ah, right.
It depends on the talk with Senpai, but maybe I should try talking with her about the recall ritual.
I think that information about returning home is important.
Yeah, that’s not bad.
The back of Senpai made a silence flow through us, and that provided me time to arrange my thoughts.
In time, Senpai’s legs stop and turns towards me.
Senpai and I were in a part of the castle, at a corridor where we could easily see all the land around the castle.
※There’s a small tidbit in this afterword, so be sure to check it out. —Setekh,…
The plan to infiltrate Vapula was set for five days later. With time on his…
“Looks like the Transcendental skill isn’t activating.” After breakfast, Pla-san looked at me with a…
Mira is a support character from the Space Library. With thinking speeds that surpass the…
Previous Chapter l Next Chapter Mira is a support character from the Space Library. With…
Previous Chapter l Next Chapter Cracks began to form in the world created by Botis.…
View Comments
Thanks for the chapter
For those of you who are following the extras on https://mousetail.mx/es/proyectos/tsuki-ga/edicion-extra you should know that it goes hand in hand with whats going on in the main story right now LOL. Aah it me saying this does not spoil anything so dw.
Thanks for the spanish extra, even when I struggling reading it via google translate it give me a new respect for Makoto.
He really is hardworking person, to think about it again he learned the common language in one month ! Goddamit to master vocab may has been made impossible by the bug, but I'm gonna assume he already mastered basic conversations for everyday life, that's no easy feats.
Anyway I still think he is not that cold, he still cares about people and it will be not fair to judge him like Waterfall does. They just don't know how hard Makoto has been training all his life, heck even master Of iai art want him to be his disciple. How cool is that.
i know their training wuth the jeep, im kind of dumdfounded when try to understand the raw, and "what?" when i understand it.
His acrhery teacher name is Natsu, and the male teacher who actually old friend of her is Gininchiro or what(i forgot), he actually didn't notice Hibiki at all you know, he seem(well they are veteran pro, so what they said must be authentic) find Hibiki is so-so/normal.
I think at some point Natsu suggesting Makoto to "try" gun, but he find it boring and tost it away.
what i want to know is extra 22/26 when it's about computer/pc i think, they(idk who) talking about RAID, so i find it amusing, but read a raw with computer context is still imposibru for me.
i think i had truck run at my face, just few cm from my nose at past. when it happened i think i find my self empty inside, but fortunately i could cross the street.
He didn't find the guns easy, he saw them as just an instrument for murder, didn't feel any appeal to them so he didn't trained with them.
Let's just say I have resolved my self to receive full blow attack from truck kun, it's hurts less when you know it's coming
You know I risk my life by telling you spoiler...
Truck-kun is eveywhere....
Joke asides I'm still in the middle of reading it, it's kinda hard to process "him and her" terms that loss in translation by google translate.
Anyway what I can tell you is :
That Makoto is trained in very hardcore way by his shishou, they imitated horseback riding archery by using a jeep, a freaking jeep ! Hitting target while moving in jeep, Makoto itself always says it's unreasonable and impossible, but in the end after much pain and training he did it, that's the extent of love Makoto has for archery.
His shishou feels like there's nothing else she can teach Makoto, so she allow Makoto to pursue anything that interest him, and as fate is always cruel to Makoto another Master noticed the existence of talentless boy that breaking through that word by simply training his best.
That was the other master I was talking about, but this one are different he want to use Makoto to reach a higher peak of martial arts, in short he want to learn how Makoto manages to change talentless into talent, and for that he prepared to teach Makoto his secret art, ditching (presumably Hibiki) another prodigy, he say he don't want a prodigy disciple, he want a talentless disciple so he can learn his secret to breakthrough the limit.
In a way the side story are so similar to One Punchman backstory, also resembles History strongest Disciple Kenichi, many master with one pupil.
It's a worth reading I cannot wait to read the proper english one.
So you are reading the first or the second extra focused on the masters? And since this is not a spoiler Truck-kun won't attack me by revealing that the second Master thats interested in Makoto is the same Master of the school of Kendo that Hibiki practices with a little twist.
can you tell me just the summary?
Oh my god!
I don't care if it's in spanish, I can just use google translate to read it no problem.
Thanks again! :D
Thanks, I appreciate your work for the spanish readers
Now I just readed the last extra posted in spanish and I have to say the author is just teasing us with Makoto skill by now, he droped two really serious hints in there that made my blood boil.
I mean the new extra
They reminds me of Red Cross for some reason.
Thanks for the chapter!
I have been wondering this for a while but makoto can probably get a lot more OP using sakai, right now he is just increasing the amount of magic power by doing the "rebirth" when training with the bow, but if he uses sakai to increase gravity he can probably simulate the enviroment of his previous world (just like training in DBZ! XD) and increase his physical strength too, and depending how it goes he can even power up everyone in Asora using this method though it seems difficult since sakai lose efficacy as the area increase if I remember correctly.
more OP? You want him to become more OP? Who's going to be his adversary? He's practically at God-level by now. What? You want him to go Godslaying next? XD
Campione has godslayers and an op slayer of godslayers
Right, that Hindu hero god (forgot his name) that has his power multiplied by every Campione in the world. Y'know, I really should've realized that he was the King of the End (or at least would be involved), considering how many times Campione are called 'devil kings' and that guy is famous for killing Ravana, one of the most infamous devil kings. It's a little embarrassing. Even I had heard the story of Prince Rama (I think?) before I even started reading manga and light novels.
I wonder if there's any stories about Godslayer-slayers?
Maybe some poor world is in trouble because some jackass came and killed their god.
He is already doing that training with Tomoe. The downside is that he stil can't create that evioroment with out her so she is forced to endure such a place while he trains. He even mentioned that since he got to that world he hasn't spend himself in training since his physical stats are so out of the chart.
Hmm.... Suggestion to Makoto: Make the gravitation even heavier than Earth > stronger body.
Wasn't expecting this to come out yesterday
Thanks for the hard work.
thanhk for the chapter
Small typo: "Raiou" --> "Raidou"
Thanks for the chapter, damn it felt short :P
Thanks for the Hard-work~~
Thank you.
I waited to binge read the two chapters only to fall for this cliff ! Tch, that's not funny !
Well, so even that Okama Princess does have a bit of gratefulness when that (Virgin)Bitchiki doesn't, even though she'd been directly saved twice ! Don't know if I should laugh or not here.
Oy, oy, that Friendzoned Prince sure takes heavy hits ! Let alone the decoration, he's gonna end up as a punching bag ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
Oh, forget that, MC-chan's little student is gonna take this role. You can just go and act all high and mighty. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
So even in this field, Bitchiki is all barks and no bites ! As expected of the great heroine(lol)-sama !
I'm having expectations for the near coming chapters, I feel that something really interesting is gonna happen, but I'm not sure of what so let's just sit and enjoy !
Thanks for your work !
I think makoto saved hibiki 2.5 times
The 0.5 is the first time she fought io, if he didnt fight sofia then the demon army would have ambushed limia and most likely kill hibiki
The 2 are at the ambush by the demons. Shiki kills lancer makoto fights io
@Blue, my comment wasn't about whether or not Hibiki should count it as a save and be greatful fo it, but was actually directed at you who said that "You" only count it as a half-save. It still happened, even if both of them were unaware of the events.
Are you kidding? You know well that it was the effect of Tomoki's charm that saved his life. Sofia and Lancer were inclined to kill those who posed an obstacle to their true objective. This was the reason why they joined the demon's side in the first place, to kill the heroes who might pose a threat later.
What? I thought Sofia joined the demons so she could kill...err...Crimson Red, I believe it was? The Lapis Volcano dragon. Sofia planned to hunt them all down so she could confront Root with Lancer.
Unless I'm forgetting something(in which case, please tell me where it says this), Sofia basically doesn't care about the heroes at all beyond a battle junkie's interest.
Joshua doesn't appear any more grateful than Hibiki. Like Hibiki, she seems to have decided that since Kuzunoha is going to have dealing with the Demons, it would be self-harming to decide not to also do business with Kuzunoha
As for saving her "directly" twice, there's that time in the Limia capital. What was the other one? Saving her from Mio is at most a half-save. (You don't get credit for cleaning up your own mess)
And what do you mean by all bark and no bite? What was the bark? What was the bite? What are you talking about?
Naive... Who would trust MC-chan in that field ? Also, I've always checked things by myself ! ...Unless you already knows that Okama and try to cover him !
"Since it’s a POV chapter, you learn that HIbiki’s actions are being motivated by a sense of duty to the hyumans"
That's what you can't seem to understand. I'm saying, that it's what she says, maybe also what she thinks. But these are not her true reasons, she's lying to herself. That's always been my point. I may be wrong and I don't have formal proves but that's what I see.
"Also, Okama are MEN who dress like women. Not the other way around.). Feel free to say Takarazuka though"
That Okama Princess seems very suspicious to me. Where are the evidences that he's not someone who likes to cross-dress in his room, and lied to MC-chan all this time ?! I'll need to check what's under that dress to be sure. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
"People thank the firefighter who saved their lives. Not the fire chief who ordered the fire men to go save their lives"
Your example is irrelevant. That Skeleton didn't saved that guy by duty, he did it because all this situation was his master's order. It would be more like thanking the one who called the firemen when he saw that your house were in flames.
"just because Makoto GUESSES that Sofia spared Tomoki because of the charm, does NOT make it true. It MIGHT be true, and that’s it."
I won't answer to that, you're just being stubborn there...
"how are you using the word “backstab”? Is she taking any action that is harmful to Kuzunoha? Raidou? Concrete examples, please. "
Actually, that one is my bad, I wanted to say : "like she would have done to MC-chan"
About your concrete examples, we still don't have any. Of course, she's aware of MC-chan dangerousness now, so she'll be more subtil I think.
"Did you read ahead and are working off events that have not yet been translated?"
Oy ! Just to make it clear before that Maniac Truck gets all heated up, I don't read raws nor use WB machine. All I'm telling are just basic deductions or hypothesis.
Umm...what? The whole point of Joshua's identity being revealed was that Makoto DID accidentally check and find something(s) that weren't supposed to be on a man.
I agree that it may not be two times and just onem but sont forget what her new power is. Peoples hopes on her power her up. So while she may not see that or know that it could happen she should feel that she is dangerous. Hibiki, makoto and tomoki all grow in an abnormal way compared to most people in this world so for her to not see that potential in tomoki or hibiki is a dangerous flaw. The rest yeah i concede on meeting root and shen.
@Sakamai Izayoi
For starters, if you're judging people more by their reasons instead of their actions, you should go re-read Hibiki's chapters around the time she's fighting Io the first time. Since it's a POV chapter, you learn that HIbiki's actions are being motivated by a sense of duty to the hyumans she chose to side with. I can respect that, even if I disagree with the side she chose.
(Also, Okama are MEN who dress like women. Not the other way around.). Feel free to say Takarazuka though.
1) You are right, in that I did forget to give credit for Shiki saving Wudi. However, people tend to give their gratitude to the person who DID the action. In which case, she would be more grateful to Shiki, not Makoto. (People thank the firefighter who saved their lives. Not the fire chief who ordered the fire men to go save their lives)
2) Joshua has had more time (months) to get used to the idea of knowing Makoto saved her life. (Remember, her first reaction was more suspicion. "I owe you something, so let's get it out of the way. I expect to be blackmailed."). Hibiki has had about 1 day, and seems to be in a state of shock from the info dump Waterfall gave her.
I don't know where you get Joshua is self-deprecating, but SO IS Hibiki. "I am a politician. I am not very heroic. I am a calculating woman."
What does taunting have to do with being smart enough not to fall for a trap? But ever since Makoto invented the Magic Armor, he's become a lot more casual and playful during fights. Look at how he talks when he fights the Earth Spirit, or the 4 Generals. He's joking around, talking about sumo, etc.
But even if it wasn't a taunt, just because Makoto GUESSES that Sofia spared Tomoki because of the charm, does NOT make it true. It MIGHT be true, and that's it.
Good point about the possibility that she might backstab. Though I would argue it's more out of a sense of duty to her role as a hero rather than doing it because she's a "bitch". Her loyalty (right now) is to the hyumans. She's probably even been friends with them longer than she has been with Makoto.
That being said, how are you using the word "backstab"? Is she taking any action that is harmful to Kuzunoha? Raidou? Concrete examples, please. Did you read ahead and are working off events that have not yet been translated?
"I see what you mean, but that’s really a small difference"
Actually that's the difference between a manipulative Bitch and someone who acts by duty. I'm the kind of guy who thinks that your reasons for acting are evenly or more importants than what you did.
That Okama Princess might manipulate MC-chan too, but she would do it because she has to do it as the head of state. Bitchiki isn't even able to show gratefulness to someone who saved her twice.
Because, that's what MC-chan did, there is no half value in it or anything else. No matter if he did so volontarily or not, he did save her life.
"Hibiki managed to survive to sometime after the Rotsgard school festival in another world."
I'm stopping you here, we don't know what happened in that world. Let's assume he didn't fight Sofia cause he was with Trashero, we don't know if Bitchiki went through the same fights in that world, Sofia's role might have been different, same goes for Io, Naval...etc
We cannot say she survived to her fight with Io even though MC-chan didn't come, cause we don't know if she fighted in the same conditions (or at all).
However, let's say that he's protected her just once. You're saying that Okama owes him more because he did not only saved her but also kept quiet about her secret. O.K but then don't forget that he had one of Bitchiki's near dead companion healed (and saved) through that Skeleton.
Not the small stuff here, right ? At least for someone who hold dear the lives of her comrades, as you always brag.
"criticizing Makoto is like criticizing Joshua." It's been stated that Bitchiki and that Okama are quite used to discuss together and are, at least, close enough to speak their mind to each other. Also, that Okama seems like an honest and prompt to self depreciate person, to me, she wouldn't hesitate to blame herself for something wrong. (like she did many times).
"While Makoto SAYS maybe Tomoki’s seed prevented Sofia from killing Tomoki, I thought that was intended more as a taunt than a Detective Conan moment." If he was the kind of guy to taunt his enemies, he wouldn't fall for little schemes to start, and his life would be way easier. But would he'd been this powerful ? I doubt it, and that wouldn't be the same novel we all like.
"do you think a politician really presents a threat to Sofia?"
I think the danger David points out, is more about the tactician (and immoral) part of Bitchiki. She would most likely gain Sofia to her cause temporarily and then back stab her when she'll understand that this battle junkie is too unpredictable to be controled and too powerful to be ignored. Just like with MC-chan.
If Sofia's instincts are that good, then she'd definitely have sensed that danger coming from Bitchiki.
One more quote:
"But my intuition is telling me to remain vigilant, this guy is still dangerous. I have to quickly kill him or I will regret it.
He tried to tell us that he’s just a bystander and just a merchant…I do not know why he was doing this.
For some reason, he kept telling us that he did not want to fight. But him doing this just made me more cautious.
My knowledge is telling me that Raidou is just a small fry…. But my experience in battle and intuition were screaming that he is the worst thing in this world.
I knew what to trust."
Also, why are you arguing about Sofia's intuition? It IS that good, at least regarding battle. Here's the relevant quotes:
"I felt an alarm ring within me; if I left him alive, he would learn how to fight a battle and how to use his abilities.
That is what I felt when fighting this guy.
I decided to use the secret weapon that the demons lent me here. I think that this is my only chance to kill this guy.
If I let him go, then he will become someone of unbelievable strength. It might also be because I was afraid of him."
I just don't think she would ever feel that threatened by Hibiki or Tomoki, Ever.
You might be right, in that politicians can be dangerous. That being said, do you think a politician really presents a threat to Sofia? Sofia doesn't appear to care about living a "normal" life, and doesn't particularly care about hyumans either (which are the only things a politician can really threaten.) Sofia is one of those people who have reached a level of power where they can destroy entire cities and can live in the middle of nowhere. And she joined the Demon's side. A hyuman politician doesn't have many options to deal with that except to ask "please don't" (They're already at WAR. What can the politician threaten to do? Arrest them? Go to War+1?) On the other hand, a politician can be VERY useful (like in finding Root.)
Also, Sofia's instincts may only be related to battle. We don't know. (We've only seen Sofia in battle situations.)
My point simply is, there are so many uncertainties that we can AT MOST give Makoto half-credit for accidentally saving Hibiki. Like Psychronia said: Hibiki managed to survive to sometime after the Rotsgard school festival in another world.
Also, your argument about Sofia wanting to get close to Makoto is too late. She didn't know that Makoto had contact with Shen, and Makoto did not know Root at the time of their first fight. By the second fight, they're already mortal enemies. It's too late to play nice and pretend to be friends. Especially since she first says she's going to kill the two, THEN Makoto reveals he knows them.
@blue if her insticts are that good then they would also scream kill her. Maybe not like makoto where its more like kill it before you cant. But more of kill it before it threatens you. After all hibiki is a tactician, a politician and those can be dangerous if they get out of control. Also if anyone had a chance to talk and convince sofia it would be makoto. He has direct contact to both mirage and myriad dragons. If her goal was to consume them get the power house that can take you on with 4 dragons on your side to be friendly with you. She is smart enough to think that far in advance dont screw up just because your instincts go out of control next to a being that for all intents and purpose is on its way to God hood.
I do agree that Hibiki's charisma is more passive, but it can also work more immediately. (This is all just speculation)
Because Tomoki's is constantly active and just a brute force attack, if you have the magic-resistance, it has zero effect on you. And if you have enough resistance, maybe you just start to like him. People have killed people they like/love all the time.
On the other hand, because Hibiki's charisma is an extension of her natural charm, she can present reasons for Sofia to immediately like her and join her side. Or at least that it wouldn't be interesting to kill her now. Sofia is also a battle-junkie, so...that's a reason that makes sense.
And again, the one example of trying to talk to Sofia bombed out. But again, her POV chapter indicates she wasn't really listening anyway, because her instincts were telling her "this guy needs to die NOW." I imagine her instincts would be saying about Hibiki "it's like killing a fluffy puppy."
You don't always need a strategic reason to taunt. Sometimes you just do it to be a jerk. Or have fun. In Makoto's case, he had enough leeway to even offer to erase Tomoki's effects on her, in the MIDDLE of a life-and-death fight.
That is some HARD-CORE TROLLING. Even if it was a sincere offer.
@blue but why would makoto taunt her? Its not like he needed her to make a mistake so he could kill her. He had enough leeway to talk and just watch her for the whole fight.
True they were weak enough that sofia would not feel threaten but they are still her enemies. If only for the sole fact that they would bear their fangs at her. And no hibiki would not be able to get sofia on her side after all hers is passive tomokis is forceful.
If I remember correctly, Makoto actually mentioned it because Sofia began praising Tomoki out of nowhere and he found it pitiful.
I was wondering if I should mention that part, but decided I was running out of space.
1) The reason Sofia was so desperate to kill Makoto was because she evaluated him as a threat. It's in her POV chapter. Her instincts, perhaps at Hibiki level, told her he was an extremely dangerous entity. All the talking she and Lancer did was just side-dressing.
2) I think it's fair to assume that Hibiki and Tomoki were much weaker back then, so they wouldn't have even tickled Sofia's danger sense.
3) If you think Tomoki's charm saved him, why not also think it's possible that Hibiki's charisma would have saved her? And in fact, since Hibiki actually persuades people (instead of just brute-force brainwashing), maybe she would have even gotten Sofia on her side? (I'm not saying that would have happened. Just saying there's a limit to how much credit you can give people for things that did not happen.)
4) While Makoto SAYS maybe Tomoki's seed prevented Sofia from killing Tomoki, I thought that was intended more as a taunt than a Detective Conan moment.
I'm a bit skeptical of the idea of Hibiki's charisma saving her. Tomoki's charm is more invasive and seems more powerful in terms of immediate output, while Hibiki has more of a gradual conversion going on.
Hibiki would certainly be better than Tomoki at verbal persuasion, but I'm also not sure how much that would work on Sofia. Makoto was definitely a unique case, but the only time we see someone try to talk to her, it didn't work.
Personally, I'm classifying that incident as Makoto inadvertently saving Hibiki because Sofia arriving at the battle with Io would probably have ended poorly.
....Then again, Hibiki seemed to have survived up until Io's assassination attempt in the "Makoto Joins Gritona" timeline, so who knows?
@blue the only reason sofia didnt kill tomoki is not because they dont always kill their enemy. Remember tomoki manage to place inside her a seed from his charm. Makoto meets her and with out knowing if he was on the goddess side she attacked to kill, even when he tries to explain that he is not her enemy. Its the seed of tomokis charm that stops her. Even makoto says it.
Even so, there's only so much credit you can give people for the consequences of their unintended actions. For instance, Makoto didn't know he saved Hibiki. Hibiki didn't know he saved her. (She didn't even know about Sofia) So what logical reason says Hibiki should be grateful to him for something NEITHER one of them know about? (It's like saying every day, the people you didn't run over with a car should be grateful to you for saving their lives.)
In addition to which, battle-freaks Sofia and Lancer don't always kill their opponents. Sofia spared Tomoki after all (sadly). So even if they did fight, Hibiki might still live.
Another example of WHY there's a limit to the credit we give for unintended actions: IF Makoto's beating Sofia saved Hibiki, we can ALSO argue it killed Night Clad and Akari. Because they lost to him, they decided they needed more strength and so killed two more Superior Dragons. (They didn't know how much strength they needed for Root.) Therefore, Akari and Nightclad should hate Makoto.
Think of it like "seven-degrees of separation." Credit/Blame for unintended consequences should be limited to 0-1 degrees of separation (I think 0 is to yourself, 1 is acting directly on someone else). 2 degrees and further just gets silly (You did something to someone who MIGHT have done something to someone else)
@Sakamaki Izayoi
I see what you mean, but that's really a small difference.
First, Joshua AGREES with Hibiki, she just has the manners (or political savvy) not to say it out loud. Also, Joshua has more feelings of gratitude towards Makoto because she KNOWS he didn't do anything with her secret.
Hibiki has solid knowledge of Makoto saving her once. (And it may not have sunk in yet. She's still in partial shock about everything else.)
Joshua has solid knowledge of Makoto saving her once, AND choosing not to blackmail her.
Second, that comment could be taken another way: Calling Makoto "naive" could suggest that saving Joshua or not blackmailing her was foolish (i.e., a bad thing). In other words, criticizing Makoto is like criticizing Joshua.
And I didn't read past your comment to David's who pointed out the same thing. Whoops. Sorry.
Actually, about Sofia sparing Tomoki, there's a chance that his charm caused that. After all, not even an hour after leaving him unconscious, she was ranting about how great he was. If it wasn't for Makoto, she'd have probably been Tomoki's slave before the sun came up.
@ Psychronia
Eh ! You still understood, right ? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
"You wanted to say he has a naive way of thinking, right Joshua-sama? That’s actually right, you know.” (Hibiki)
“Even so, that’s not a word that should be directed towards someone that has saved my life, Hibiki.” (Joshua)"
That single line shows that the Okama Princess is more grateful than that (Vir)Bitchiki. Though, as the "Prince", he might have to act differently.
As for the rest, Barko, Psychronia and Kingtempest are right.
@Blue, still though. They wanted fight the heroes. Even if Naval succeeded in saving her, Sofia and Lancer would've still gone after them, but because Makoto almost killed them, they decided to give up and power up some more.
I'm inclined to count that first fight with Lancer/Sofia as a half-save at most. Hibiki was fighting Io, and Makoto's appearance distracted them briefly. It was Naval's sacrifice that actually saved Hibiki.
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!
It's kinda hard to decipher his insistent speech pattern, but I think he's referring to Hibiki being similar to Makoto in terms of love experience.
She talks big about matters of love, like shown when she talked about Bredda and marriage with Lime, but in reality...well, it says plenty if Lime's comparing her to Makoto.
Probably referring to when the bug sent him in front of the demon army to save her hyuman army, which resulted in Sofia and Lancer trying to kill him.