Chapter 194: Arrival at Academy Town where his students await

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From the other side of the door, a voice saying: ‘Come in’, sounded.

The woman that guided me here confirmed this, and after bowing, she leaves.

Compared to before, she is a bit dry.

That Root is down on bed, so it should be easier to work though.

Now that I think about it, Rembrandt-san and Morris-san would open the door just like that and invite me in, and then, they would enter themselves as well, but it seems here is different.

“I was told that he would be in his office, so I thought that it wouldn’t be that impressive, but as always, you go one step above my expectations.” (Makoto)

In the past there was no bed in the office, and yet, there’s one now.

The position of the sofa has changed as well.

He probably intended to have the people that visit him use that.

…Well, if it’s this excessively spacious office, using it as a sickroom is not impossible.

The security seems to be decent, so one would be able to relax.

After a moment of being lost for words, I called out the owner of this room, in other words, Root.

At Root who is at the bed that’s temporarily there, and who is already in a costume like that of a wounded person.

“Thanks for visiting, Raidou-dono. As the Head of the Adventurer Guild, I am sorry for showing you this pathetic shape of mine.” (Root)

What kind of laudable things are you saying this late in the game?

In the first place, what’s this about being wounded?

Root’s whole body is covered in bandages. And his left foot is plastered like how they classically do when one has a bone fracture; lifted up and hanged.

It is true that he looks like a picturesque wounded person.

It even looks grave.

But from what I have heard, the reason why he is down is because of the after-effects of using blaze, in other words, exhaustion.

“Doing something stupid in a divine form, and when you return, you do a cosplay of an injured person? You must be betting your life in this joke.” (Makoto)

“How rude to call it cosplay. These are all real wounds, Raidou-dono.” (Root)

“I heard that it was exhaustion and that it will take one week for full recovery though.” (Makoto)

“…Raidou-dono, that information is old. A while ago it would have been true though. From what I see now, it will take around 1 month to recover.” (Root)

…What’s that about ‘from what I see’?

Have a doctor look at it.

Now that I think about it, in this world, there’s no big hospital.

There are small places for medical examination, but I don’t see a place that has a good amount of beds and medical staff.

It will mostly be done with magic, and it is true that there are many medicines that show their effects in a really fast manner, but…a doctor huh.

Treating dragons would be a special case, so excluding that point, yeah…a veterinarian, or a demi-human doctor, it might be good to try raising one.

Well, even if I say that, the one who will do the actual raising will not be me, and the one who will be thinking about the curriculum and producing it will not be me either.

I will just be telling and leaving everything to others, so I can’t just carefreely tell them to try it and it is also unknown if it will actually give form.

Well, it would be good if it serves as some sort of impetus.

“Did you make a diagnosis by yourself?” (Makoto)

“Of course, Raidou-dono. Even if I look like this, I am confident that my medical skills are better than those of the doctors and priests around.” (Root)

For a while now he has been going ‘Raidou-dono, Raidou-dono’.

What he is saying is also normal, so maybe today he is scheming something.

It is a saving grace that I don’t have to hear the thoughts of a pervert, but this is eerie.

He always calls me Makoto-kun.

He calls me Raidou-dono only when he is acting as the Guild Master.

But right now we are inside the office, so there’s no need to do that.

“And? You are quite distant here. What are you scheming today, Ro–?” (Makoto)

“Raidou-dono!” (Root)


How unusual for him to cut off my words.

“It seems like you get along pretty well. There’s a lot of mysteries regarding him, but it seems like it has increased by one more. Well then Falz-dono, please rest properly and have your body recover. About the matter of the representative, I have understood the situation, so it is fine now.”


“I am sorry for not being able to give you much hospitality and has ended up all being talk about work, representative Zara. In the meantime, I will be counting on you.” (Root)

“Between us, visits are a pretext. Don’t mind it. I see, Falz-dono and him, both have a lot of secrets. Maybe that was the motive to how you get along? Then, maybe I should have secrets myself and see how it goes, hahaha.” (Zara)

“Please don’t joke.” (Root)

“The cooperation of you two was a big help in the recovery of Rotsgard. Being in good terms with each other is something to be happy about. I might have been a bit jealous. Now then, see you later.” (Zara)

“Yeah, you as well, take care of yourself.” (Root)

W-Why is Zara-san here?

I should have activated Sakai.

In the first place, Root should tell me with thought transmission.

Ah, in this room you can’t use thought transmission.

It seems to be the prided technology(self-proclaimed) of Root.

(Raidou, when you finish the visit, lend me your time. I will be waiting, not at the merchant guild, but at my store.) (Zara)

As he passes beside me, he whispers.

Without hearing the answer, Zara-san leaves.

Ah, my next plan has been decided.

My plans were to eat, check my store, and then go to the Academy though.

It is bitter that all of those plans are postponable.

It is hard to refuse a person that has been taking care of me in this town.

“Root, aren’t you cruel?” (Makoto)

“I thought I was doing a good enough follow-up for you to notice though.” (Root)

After Zara-san left, I immediately voice out my complains.

“In the first place, if you have a visitor already, it is alright to just have me wait. From what I see, the conversation was over already after all.” (Makoto)

“Makoto-kun too; I thought that since you are standing in this stage, you maybe would be able to manage, and wanted to try it out.” (Root)

“Do tests in tests. Don’t suddenly go for it in crucial moments.” (Makoto)

“If I remember correctly, in the olden days, Zara got very good at erasing his presence. But it isn’t something that can’t be sounded out. Wouldn’t it be good for Makoto-kun to be able to do something a high ranked adventurer can? It seems like you have magic that specializes in searching, but do that without relying on it.” (Root)

“Guh.” (Makoto)

“Also, just like what I said before, I am currently gravely wounded.” (Root)

“I did hear. It will take 1 month to recover, right? Weren’t you only tired because of using blaze?” (Makoto)

“…While I was down on bed, I had visitors you see. Two women with fiendish smiles.” (Root)

“Women huh.” (Makoto)

There’s still brave people out there that can do this much to Root huh.

“Those women entered this room I was resting in, and in an instant, they flipped me out of bed, and while laughing malevolently, they assaulted me with punches and kicks.” (Root)


We are talking about this pervert, so there’s no doubt he has bought the grudge of many.

But to invade when he is weakened and assault him while laughing…

Your daily actions are important.

Lately I haven’t taken care of my students, so maybe there’s a need to be slightly gentler with them.


“Karma, what a deep word, isn’t it?” (Makoto)

“…Words that have no trace of sympathy towards me. Even though one of them was the samurai otaku of your place though.” (Root)


“Even though I was so exhausted that I couldn’t make a single move, that samurai otaku and that middle-aged desert lizard woman brought blunt weapons and came to beat me up!” (Root)

Tomoe, just when I was wondering that she was strangely kind when speaking of Root, it wasn’t because she was bribed, but because she had already been refreshed.

I remember the words of Tomoe a few days ago: ‘Even if he is like that, it is true that he has been taking care of us, so how about going to visit him at least once, Waka?’  

When I look at this terrible spectacle and look back at what she said, the meaning changes into having a loyal dog showing its hunting results to its master.

Leaving aside if she is actually a loyal dog type.

In that case, the other one is Sand Wave, Grount-san?

Regarding her, I was told that she doesn’t leave the White Desert so I had to bring the egg to her.

If she can come to Rotsgard to beat up Root, shouldn’t she be able to come get the egg?

…Or could it be that this pervert is that much troublesome even within the superior dragons?

“I see.” (Makoto)

“In the first place, isn’t the original reason for it because you brought out that possibility from the sacred treasure? Just what kind of luck you have, Makoto-kun?! And yet, that Tomoe said: ‘You went all the way to a demon race city to stalk Waka? It seems like Waka has collapsed, what will you do about it?’! And Grount was Grount, the only thing she said was: ‘Hohohoho!’! That’s scary!” (Root)

“?!! That’s wrong isn’t it?! You are the main culprit for setting up a stupid attack that would make you drop for 1 week! In the first place, I wasn’t the one who activated it, it was the demon race people! Do you know how much trouble I had to go through to stop that genocidal weapon by the name of blaze?!” (Makoto)

“For some reason, I am absolutely sure that it wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t there! It troubled me as well you know?! I was in the middle of seducing my new secretary in a restaurant with good atmosphere, when I was forcefully summoned! Thanks to that, she thought I suddenly ran away from her, and because I have been bedridden, it is incredibly difficult to do a follow-up!!” (Root)

“Like hell I care! Here I nullified all of those buckshots and the thick one that came after, and collapsed from that! Even so, one of the attacks fell to the far mountains, and things turned hectic. I later received a report that there were no casualties, so I was a bit relieved though! There were several tens of deaths at the city, so don’t turn defiant!” (Makoto)

“I set it up with power enough to cause a hole on the level of a country after a—,wait, several tens?” (Root)

There were probably more, but as far as I know!

“That’s right! Because of the roar that came before the blaze, severals tens of deaths appeared, mainly within the children and old ones of the demon race! If we were to count the other injured ones, the digits would increase by two you know?! Reflect on what you have done, reflect on it!” (Makoto)

“Eh, isn’t that place in cinders, or more like, didn’t it end up with a deep hole? I heard the place of Crimson Red was safe, but the demon race settlements that were around the area were wiped out, right?” (Root)

“No way. I received it all and nullified it. The price was that I collapsed though. You made me feel the stifling sensation of having my magic power deplete, something that I would have prefered not tasting it ever. Why did I have to collapse from taking care of your own blunders? Remembering it, even now I…yeah, Tomoe did good! That’s how I feel!” (Makoto)

“…Makoto-kun.” (Root)

“What’s up, suddenly going quiet.” (Makoto)

“How did you make it disappear?” (Root)

“I had Mio gather it, and then, I received it and extinguished it.” (Makoto)

“With magic?” (Root)

The atmosphere of Root changed.

How to say it, it was as if a mass of curiosity was reflected in those eyes.

His eyes being blank was also kinda scary.

“By changing my Magic Armor, or something like that. I had Shiki provide support, so I actually don’t know the details well.” (Makoto)

I felt like it would be better to not mention Creation, so I decide to play the fool.

I explain by mixing in some truth and make it hard to discover.

“A change to Materia Prima…That…can you do it now?” (Root)

“You really don’t listen to what others say. Didn’t I tell you that I had Shiki provide support? I can’t.” (Makoto)

“…I see. You were able to, in essence, stop it by yourself without having casualties in the surroundings…I see…” (Root)

It seems like he has begun muttering by himself.

That’s new.

Just that, in Root’s case, the new facets I see of him are all disappointing.

“Heey, are you alive? While I was in this visit, I was thinking about receiving the candidates list of the adventurers that can go to Kaleneon; you can do it, right? Hellooo~” (Makoto)

“…Makoto-kun, I am hurt.” (Root)

“If you are saying that, use the word wounded, or maybe, ‘I have been wounded’, would be more accurate? No wait, listen to what I am saying.” (Makoto)

“That’s not it. Those two wounded my body, but Makoto-kun has left my heart in shambles. That’s why saying: ‘I am hurt’, is correct.” (Root)

“…You know, I am sorry to say this but, that goes for both of us.” (Makoto)

“That’s why, please leave for today. If it’s about the list, I have left it with the girl that guided you here, so you can just take it. I may be in this state, but I haven’t cut corners, so don’t worry.” (Root)

“Ah, I see.” (Makoto)

“That’s right. A few moments ago, Zara called for you, right? Go there already.” (Root)

How cold.

That helps me a lot.

“Understood. Take care of yourself.” (Makoto)

“I am waiting for you to creep in my bed at night.” (Root)

“Yeah, I will tell Tomoe and Grount-san that message.” (Makoto)


“Well then.” (Makoto)

I have already gotten used to his sexual harassment.

Now then, let’s go to Zara-san’s store.

If I remember correctly, the brothel…I mean, the real estate store.

When he is speaking about ‘my store’, he means that place.

Publicly, Zara-san doesn’t touch brothels.

I give a backward glance at Root, and head outside to receive the tube that has the list inside from the reception lady.


“Have you been doing outside work lately? Since that incident, your popularity has increased, and beginning with the major powers, the other countries are also calling for you, is how things are going?”

“…Just as you have surmised.” (Makoto)

Arriving at the store of Zara-san, I was acquainted enough with the reception and the employees to exchange greetings and be welcomed, and was allowed inside the room of the representative.

It seems like there’s pretty few merchants brought into the room of Zara-san instead of his office, and the first time I was allowed to the room, there were eyes of surprise and doubt directed at me.

And so, Zara-san is in the middle of seeing through the outside work I have been doing recently.

“It seems like you have done a bad management in your visits to the places…is what I want to say, but there’s no way you would be able to refuse Gritonia and Limia, so well, there are times when people have to taste busier times than others. This can’t be helped.” (Zara)


I thought he would get angry at me, but he is being kind of nice.

Because of his looks, I feel around 50% more kindness.

“You are always absent in the Guild meetings, but the representative is properly coming out, so there should be no problem. I was surprised that the representative was not Shiki-san but a demi-human. After the incident, this town has lessened its discrimination towards demi-humans. There have been many survivors that were saved by demi-humans after all. I don’t know how long this will last, but it seems like it still isn’t that time.” (Zara)

“That’s a good inclination.” (Makoto)

“The Church doesn’t seem to like this much, but the tops of this town’s church are good willed. The current head at that place may not look like it, but she is a good listener.” (Zara)

The only thing I remember about her is that she has a nice voice, but it seems she is somewhat exemplar.

For people that are dispatched to other towns, it is a necessary ability.

“Your representatives are also doing their part, you know? Those girls…Akua and Eris, was it? Those girls have given a number of sharp opinions and interesting proposals. There are people that say it with a joking tone but with serious eyes that they would prefer to have them attend more instead of you.” (Zara)

“…I would prefer if you were to just mention the joking part.” (Makoto)

“Idiot, learn of the atmosphere. Every time, there’s someone that proposes those two to start a business, but they always immediately reject it. I don’t know why, but you were blessed with good subordinates. Treasure them, and make them useful for your own growth.” (Zara)

“Yes, I will do my best.” (Makoto)

“Since the time Rembrandt told me of you, I have been watching you, but it seems like it is not that you are messing around, just that you haven’t caught up, that’s all. Despite this, your surrounding environment and the goods you have are so extraordinary, that you are steadily increasing your position. That’s close to terrifying.” (Zara)

Totally true.

…Like seriously true.

I didn’t expect that Zara-san would be the one telling me this though.

“I am still inexperienced, and I’m lacking a lot.” (Makoto)

“Yeah, really. If we are to seriously raise you as a merchant, I think it would be best to cut you off your surroundings and have you work at a branch store of some random town. If it were me, I would do that. But in your case, you are a ‘fighting merchant’ after all, no, an ‘army merchant’ would be more fitting, maybe? It kinda feels lukewarm. ‘Annihilation Merchant’, ‘Landmine Merchant’…it somehow isn’t coming out well, but it is around those types. There’s no precedents.” (Zara)

W-What cruel comparisons.

Moreover, the word merchant totally feels like an extra.

“Uhm, and so, what business did you have?” (Makoto)

Being teased more than this will make me sad, so I decide to hear what he has to say.

My stomach doesn’t hurt from just meeting him anymore, but after this, I want to go to the Academy.

I want to finish the irregular business as soon as possible.

“Hm, yeah, I have two. The first one is regarding the cooperation for the future reconstruction. The other is about Ester.” (Zara)

Leaving aside the reconstruction, the place of Ester-san?

Something to do with the brothel?

In that case, it must be about ‘those girls’.

I haven’t been told about any problems.

I would be able to understand if Ester-san has opinions she would want to tell Zara-san but, I wonder what it is about?

“Cooperation for the reconstruction, is it.” (Makoto)

“Yeah, currently, you are leaving the reconstruction to your employees and your students. It has been quite helpful. And about that, there’s something I want to confirm but, can we continue the cooperation in this pace?” (Zara)

“Of course. There’s still areas that haven’t been reconstructed, and the places where the last variants rampaged, are still in shambles. I heard that that place will be serviced as a park, so it should be the first to be constructed, right?” (Makoto)

“That’s a great help. Honestly, the cooperation of Kuzunoha Company is so crucial that it is influencing the pace of it. The two big trees that suddenly appeared have enough presence to become the symbol of Academy Town in the future. I can’t increase the priority in construction, but I would want to work in that area.” (Zara)

If the variants are able to provide a restful place for the people of this town in the future, it isn’t a bad place to die.

The park may not be high priority, but if we are able to maintain the speed of reconstruction, it is not a far off future.

“And so, was there some sort of problem in Ester-san’s place? They are girls that are inexperienced with the outside world, but I thought that they didn’t cause any problems though.” (Makoto)

“…No problem has been caused. Raidou, you, where did you kidnap those girls from?” (Zara)

“…Zara-san, that’s not a funny joke. I just purely worked as an intermediary. I just tied the girls with a place to work in.” (Makoto)

There’s no way I would be trafficking hyumans.

Kuzunoha Company won’t do business that I don’t want to do.

I am already in depression because of the matter of that demon, Sari.

It seems like no matter what, trafficking slaves is not fit for me.

“Fuh, it is a joke. But I didn’t think that you would bring women when I gave you that free pass to the brothels. And it seems you haven’t ‘used’ it, not even once, Raidou. Ester was sad that you didn’t come.” (Zara)

“Please spare me from that. I don’t have the time to—” (Makoto)

“Time to embrace a woman is something that can be created even if busy. If you really wanted to embrace one, that is.” (Zara)

“In the first place, Ester-san is not a prostitute but the store manager, isn’t she?” (Makoto)

“Manager and prostitute. If she likes the customer, she will accompany them. She must have proclaimed herself as a prostitute when she spoke with you, right? Well, in truth, the amount of people that she likes can be counted with the fingers of a hand, so you can brag about it, you know.” (Zara)

“Brag about what. Then there’s no real problem with those girls, right?” (Makoto)

“In general, no. If I had to say one, it is that I was asked if I can increase the numbers more.” (Zara)

“Numbers?” (Makoto)

“You presented them as demi-humans, but in reality, we are able to put them out in the store as hyumans to the customers. It is quite popular. There are customers that have become addicted already.” (Zara)

If I called them mamonos, they wouldn’t accept them, so I told them they were demi-humans. And yet, at some point in time, they were beginning to treat them as hyumans huh.

It’s not turning into a problem, so oh well.

“As a hyuman? Well, there are no special traits that can be seen in their outward appearance after all.” (Makoto)

“That’s right. There are no few amount of idiots that only take hyumans within the customers, but if they don’t notice it, it doesn’t matter to us. If they don’t like it, they should notice it. In that case, we show them as hyumans in good faith.” (Zara)

In those parts, I don’t have that way of thinking.

The kind of thinking that it is the customers’ fault for not noticing what the goods taken from the store are and fool them.

By the way, in this world, it is quite normal for customers to request connoisseurs, so people that have a standard of only using genuine articles like me, are in the minority.

“About the popularity, is there no envy from the other girls?” (Makoto)

“In that aspect, Ester is properly holding the reins. And so, the reconstruction is going well, and the customers, the men from town, workers from outside, guardians of the students, and a variety of other people have been increasing. There’s been talk about creating a new community building. And, I was asked if there were other girls from their village that can come here. Ester-san has been pestering me about it.” (Zara)

“I see.” (Makoto)

I think I heard something about the guardians of the students, but I ignore it.

“Just like you told me, I have not investigated the backgrounds of those girls. That’s why I am asking you in this way. How about it?” (Zara)

“…If it’s a few, I think there will be some that will want to. In a near future, I will have someone from my company give you the details of my answer.” (Makoto)

Actually, it is limited to the Gorgons that have been able to somewhat control their petrification ability though. I have been sending a few of them to the brothel of Rotsgard.

Regarding this matter, Zara-san is also referring to those girls.

It doesn’t seem like they have been causing any real problems, so it looks like it is going really well.

When I got the free pass, I thought it was a waste of a treasure, but I am happy that it was able to work as a plus for the Gorgons, Zara-san, and me.

But the petrification control is a bottleneck, and it isn’t something that all of them are able to do.

Right now, unless they are quite the strong Gorgons, they are unable to leave Asora.

From within them, half of them have been sent to the brothel, and half have been placed around the company and as clerks.

“I am counting on you.” (Zara)

“Here as well, I am grateful to have them working.” (Makoto)

“…I am truly relieved that it didn’t come to having them die without me noticing and ending up in a dispute with you. They are able to suppress the violent customers as well after all. They are truly priceless treasures. Please tell them from my part that they can come work at my place anytime they want.” (Zara)

“Got it.” (Makoto)

“Also, it seems like those girls are sleeping at your Kuzunoha Company but, are you okay with the rumors? If you want to, I can prepare a place for them to live in. If they have some sort of custom that makes it hard to live together, it doesn’t have to be in the brothel, I can prepare a house for them if necessary.” (Zara)

“You are really rating them highly.” (Makoto)

“I like people that are positive and talented at their own job after all.” (Zara)

…I am positive, but I don’t think I’m talented, so…

Let’s just honestly accept the acknowledgement he has given to the Gorgons.

They are also working diligently in the company as well, so I am grateful.

“I will tell them. If business here is done, I will be taking my leave now.” (Makoto)

“That’s all I had to say. Just, this is something I am curious about, so I will ask. Raidou, do you intend to do something at the sea this time? From here to the sea, it is quite far, but you smell like salt, you know? Even if you are working outside, the sea was unexpected. In winter, the sea gets rough, so it doesn’t serve as good business.” (Zara)

“Ah, this is…” (Makoto)

“If it is related to your business, there’s no need to force yourself to tell me. I don’t think I will hear it. Actually, I want to scold you to keep it to yourself.” (Zara)

“…Thanks for the lecture. It is related to a business that I might have in the future, so I will be keeping it to myself.” (Makoto)

“Good. That sincerity of yours, hide it when doing business here. It is ideal, but the places where that can be used are few.” (Zara)

“Yes, well then, I will be taking my leave.” (Makoto)

“Sorry for having you come all the way here. Be careful…well, it might not be necessary for you, but there’s unnecessary trouble littered anywhere. Tread smartly.” (Zara)

How to say it, every time I meet with him, it always ends with a lecture.

As I thought, I am no good with him.

Ehm, add in my schedule: ‘how many of the Gorgons can currently go outside’.

When I return to Asora, I was planning on having the Winged-kin bring a few people related to the sea.

I was thinking of having the Gorgons tag along with that, but it seems like that won’t do now.

In the first place, I am having those girls do something close to stock-farming in Asora, so it is fine to leave it like that.

It is going well after all.

Now then, there will soon be new residents, so it is not a pressing matter.

It is close to noon, and in this time, the store gets quite busy, so it will be better if I don’t go.

The business I have left now would be, contacting Limia, and the Academy.

The contact from Limia will be sent to the store, so first is the Academy huh.

Right now it is lunch time, so it will be easy to find Jin and the others.

When they are in the middle of classes, I would have to leave messages, and it will increase the trouble.

I will have to do a follow-up since they have been working hard in the reconstruction.

It is proper to tell them that classes will be beginning for real.

About the applications for new students, it will probably go smoother if I first head to the office department.

Just that, it will be troublesome with the Academy Principal and the teacher faction.

While feeling my feet slightly heavy, I head out to the main street that has completely returned to its original state.

Now then, next will be the Academy.          

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0 thoughts on “Chapter 194: Arrival at Academy Town where his students await

  1. “Treating dragons would be a special case, so excluding that point, yeah…a veterinarian, or a demi-human doctor, it might be good to try raising one.”
    A veterinarian LOL. That was rude af.

  2. I cannot remember who ester-san is. Is she a Gorgon or are there other species that need a sperm donor, or group that needs the money for a better life that Makoto bumped into?

  3. Ty ty ty ty Zara for pointing out what I have been feeling for far to damn long in this story…….Even if your busy…If you want to….You will find the time to embrace a woman….I’m seriously starting to think that he’s gay it’s always shiki shiki shiki…..Hell he’s been in that world how many years now??? His lack of drive is just getting old

  4. just take root already makoto!!!

    wait, did makoto send girls for those brothels? since when? i remember he help with the reconstruction but he send girls to prostitute themselves?….

    well unless they want it, but that sounds so wrong. the gorgons probably wants it themselves though, did he send other race?

  5. Fraction of the ss 22 in some of the history before the visit of the gods

    Athena: “And that girl really has a great talent and predisposition as a medium … It would be very interesting to teach him several things, and also the young Makoto in panic is also quite fun to watch. This is a complete bargain. The name of the girl is the same as one of my acquaintances. Fufu, Eris, you really listen to me. Listen well, from now on you will become a Magical Girl, an existence capable of overcoming casualties, and I will teach you about the sacred knights that seem to serve under my command … if you serve this young man well I will reward you. “

  6. Thanks for the chapter. So he’s letting the Gorgon’s work at the brothels to take care of their need for men of other races to have children?
    Goddamit Makoto, I don’t hate on your character like some (ex-)reader do, but the apparent asexual thing you’ve got going is getting on my nerves. Wasn’t there one time you got sexually frustrated enough to begin making mistakes, until you had to kill that female adventurer after the explosion on Asora and cool down? Now you have an entire race of beautiful women ready to have your babies and yet you’re casually sending them to get knocked up with random men and don’t seem to be even surpressing any dirty thoughts!
    I’d be fine if he indicated that he was still a teenage boy and was struggling with sexual desire, even if his morals made him wait for “the right one”, but the fact that he never even comments on being attracted to a girl or having sexual desires in the first place anymore is making it hard for me to relate to him.

    1. I think that Makoto does occasionally actually mention finding some girls to be his type or calling them attractive. The real problem I think comes from Tomoe and Mio being the jealous possessive type. Remember the time he almost went to a brothel, they almost raped him. I’m guessing he has a bit of a trauma.

      1. Oh I totally know that Tome and Mio are the main problem and that the reason the Gorgon’s haven’t shown up in his room at night is likely because they were too afraid of those two to try or because they actually did try and faced the consequences with him being none the wiser. I know it’s not his fault there.
        And I know he’s mentioned some women being his type in the past too. It’s just that it’s been soooo long since he mentioned any interest in a member of the opposite sex, Mio and Tomoe have both been family-zoned and any hint of him having any kind of relation like that with a girl seems so far away that I’m feeling a little frustrated. If he at least showed that he was still interested and was feeling a little frustrated himself, I’d feel a bit better.
        That’s all.

      2. Im sure that makoto is really holding back, and remember the time he killed that moron woman, after that, he started looking differently to the hyumans, snce all of em ahve an unnatural beauty, also, Mio speciially, when talked with tomoe after the party celebrating getting kaleneon, told her that she wouldnt allow any subpar women,then the incident with the proposals in Academy, where lots of girls just wanted his money and assets and become 3 to x girl, not forget the one he told if she became first one would get anything and she just ran away, poor makoto has been blueballed left and right, im sure he has become tame due to that, tho i expected some gorgons goind behind him, but nicely in lates chapters he has addressed that problem of finally being time to decide what to do

    2. Remember if Tomoe and Mio wont get the first try, nobody will and I doubt these two will share, and remember those dreams he have especially the one at where both Mio and Tomoe disappear, Tomoe said they are too clingy and jealous for another follower but maybe if it was a male, they would have thought otherwise

    3. Yeah, pretty weird how he can last so long without doing a girl. At his age he should be going from door to door and has 3 beautiful women next to him willing to do anything + more if he would offer. He’s being too uptight.

      1. I’m not saying he has to do a girl as soon as he can, it’s fine if he wants it to be special or whatever.
        I just want him to show that he’s actually is holding back.

  7. Oh the Gorgond are finally back 😮
    I remember tol that the author did said that a problem would appear with them too. Also didn’t Makoto was like “you must raise the children with the father if possible in the futur” or something like that ?

  8. ‘Annihilation Merchant’ is a title way better than “A god who bring down little girls”. Makoto’s ‘Devil’ title fits him more though . His ‘Devil’ title is also on par with “Chaos Creator”, a title a certain slime has.

    And now that he(Makoto) is near godhood
    I wonder what title he will receive from the gods themselves
    A god has to have his/her own ‘title’ or ‘aspects’ which represent their being

  9. Thank you for the chapter!!!
    I was really confused when it brought up that whole him bringing in girls for the brothel. Did he talk about it before or is this new information.

  10. So Root falls prey to the meme of “men cannot stand up to the righteous anger of women, no matter how overpowered.”

    I’m just not sure whether Raidou’s crushing of his attack is going to lead to even more passion for his babies, or lead to a new enemy.

  11. I’m sure that Jin and the other’s will be upset when they hear that makoto is thinking to take new students, kouhai’s that try to take their place… jajajaja, silly, if they where to now that makoto have some really fun clases… im sure they are dying to know, and when they know… they would’be dying to have never know…

  12. ‘Annihilation Merchant’ ! Good one, Representative(lol)-sama, AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !

    Eh~ So, you broke that Perverted Snake ? Hum actually, that samurai and that oba-san did it before you. Let’s just say you finished the work, MC-chan !

    Don’t know what to say about the gorgons… Well, if they agreed for it, that should be fine !

    “the gardians of the students” What is this weak lazy bunch up to again ?

    Thanks for the chapter !

  13. Hello, i am not sure i have reading well (not really good in english ^^) Makoto say that some gorgon work already in the brothel? and he planning to sent more? it’s creepy when you know he’s japanese and have the japanese moral.
    did I misunderstand? i hope 🙂

    1. Is that you have to keep in mind that the gorgonas need a man of another species, that you can not ask a Makoto if they could arrange men to reproduce. Showing this and the theme of the brothel so it is easy to understand that Makoto proposed them this option and they accepted, I do not see anything wrong if it does not force them, it is more beneficial to the gorgons.

      1. Gorgonas need a man of another species to reproduce? I forgot this so… ^^
        But i remember that in another chapter the narrator say that a problem will happen with the Gorgonas and that it will be related to something like that. (but just to be sure, some gorgonas work already in the brothel?)
        thx for your reply 🙂

      2. their trouble is none wants to do it with them just to be accidently turned to stone, even if they are more beautiful than Hollywood actress … so they number were decreased to bottom end .
        i think Asora higher up trained gorgons or fixed them to avoid this happen
        without brothel plan, Gorgon would likely disappear from the list of endangered species

      3. just like you say @notocarcom it is more beneficial to the gorgons, and like @evarench to their problem is no one want to cuz of fear stoned, but now some of them can control it with power or tools like ‘megane’ or lens, they(gorgon) must be good looking.

  14. Oh~~ widdle root is hurt cause he/she didnt see makoto’s growth on that fateful day, plus he/she got pummeled on supposed to be loving night on a bed by two mad smiling onee-sans with murderous weapons(like one of those movies where the scene is black and white, and a woman taking a bath where she gets killed on the shower) LOL

    1. Wonder whats that rumor supposed to be?

      1. Waka-sama is the best(goal) of all
      2. Waka-sama is our master(pimp)
      3. Waka-sama is love (prey)

  15. To bad this is Japanese.. with a No touch theme to girls…
    MC well forever be VIRGIN lol

    MC was like what well I do with my free pass to a brothel…

  16. The title is a lie damnit

    Was looking forward if the missing student returned to get supplementary lessons on common sense breaking magic, but I guess that’ll only happen if asora exists IRL

    Wait, it does—//killed by a yokai from a higher dimension

  17. I don’t really get Makoto’s actions when to comes to woman and sex.

    Despite being a teenager he seems to have no interest in it whatsoever. It’s not like he’s shy or uncomfortable about the subject, he just dismisses it offhand.

    He used to make excuses (to himself) about Mio and Tomoe based off of their original appearance but he’s not even making those anymore. And those don’t apply at all to Ester or any other girls that are interested in him. He could make excuses like “Mio would kill her” and those would work but he doesn’t.

    He did seem to show some interest towards Hibiki so perhaps he is unknowingly suppressing his desires towards non-Japanese women?

    1. No, ive had a feeling when they are conversing that time, makoto is like always scratching he’s head being embarrassed caused of inferiority, cause of hibiki using the kouhai-senpai relationship

      1. From chapter 173

        “Senpai really is pretty.
        Even in this world, she’s considered a beautiful woman.
        Given that, the other hero is probably attractive as well.”

        “When Senpai smiles, she really is beautiful.
        I somehow remember our social statuses back on earth, and am pressured into simply nodding by the power of her smile.”

      2. If thats the truth, im gonna feel sorry for the two senpai’s that confess to him cause their much more gorgeous than hibiki yknow?

    2. I always just assumed that he was thinking those reasons you mentioned and it’s just stopped being shown.

      We already know Makoto hesitated to touch his followers because of their original forms plus family-zoning them. He also has a grasp on the type of person Mio is. So why hammer it in with repetitive thoughts if they don’t contribute anything?

      Although, after dream 3, I think he’ll eventually start having changes in his feelings.

      Also, with Ester and all the other normal level girls, I think he really has just been too busy to consider it. Zara say you make time when it comes to this, but Makoto’s inexperience and upbringing keep those things from happening too.

  18. I thought it was weird that Makoto didn’t take the hint, because he’s been getting more clever lately, but then I realized he just has absolutely no guard up against Root. Also, Makoto complaining at Root is cute, so I have unconsciously begun to ship them.

  19. Feels like I’m expecting a youtuber video lol “Root Reacts to- Makoto-kyun’s defense”

    Anyways, I want to see another race selection like last one!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  20. I wonder if Ester ask the Gorgons things about Makoto for sedu*ahem* research . Then the Gorgons look like a PTSD victim telling her to stop that thought……they could read minds. Mio probably warn them the tragedy that might fell to them if they try to bed him.

  21. Thanks4theChapter Reigo-kami😘

    Why in the hell the author raise the hype for:
    •Sari reaction of Asora
    •the in-coming 4th contract
    •God’s bow
    •Tomoe & Mio bikini appereance
    And leave the readers like this with chapters and chapters for explaning other things…like who cares about the gorgons works in brothel?!? About half of this chapter doesn’t have a meaning for the main story

    I’m a huge fan/lover of this novel but sometimes I think that the autor is bullying us…a real and huge “S”….!!!

    1. Really? I’m not sure if I’m just used to it, but that stuff doesn’t faze me.

      Why would a 4th follower, a god’s bow, or a beach episode be in this chapter?

      A 4th follower would need a 4th follower canidate to appear that has all his/her sempai’s approval on top of Makoto’s to happen. There’s no way you’d just do that when the plan was very obviously to return to daily life in Rotsgarde.

      In the same way, a beach episode needs sea residents first and a god’s bow needs…the god with a bow first.

      I’m actually glad to hear from the Gorgons again and am eager to see the students again. Then again, I was apparently one of the few people who enjoyed the school arc…

      1. I actually like that arc too, but we can see that returning to the carefree academy days is somewhat impossible for Makoto now. The story progress beyond return since the variant outbreak.
        He’s WAS a teacher, but now the Merchant of Doom, demon tribe’s hero (forced title), destroyer (of earth landscape) and creator (of lake and power gauntlet). He cannot be a teacher after all that. It’s too OP. Too… Godly.

      2. No no I liked the school ark too…I’m just saying that instead of using a whole half chapter to say “the gorgons works in Zara’s brothel”, the author could use that space for something else…like Ester complain directly to Raido: ” Why don’t you come visit me in private???” Or some comic like event…

        Half chaper for gorgons (they don’t have even a main heroine like Orcs~Ema, MistLizar~Zwei and so…) it’s a little bit….boring

      3. Wonder if the school fun fest gonna return?

        I’d like if makoto turn the fun into more despairing play like:

        1. Have ongroup battle of 5-6 mist lizard.
        2. Just summon Tomoe
        3. Just summon cute Komoe :3 (i wished this would come true)
        4. Summon variable mamonos in a group battle.
        5. Use Shiki (he has the least impact cause its likely wont happen)

        1. Oh man. Komoe would be awesome. This adorable little thing just crushes their pride.

          The students probably haven’t truly graduated fighting even a single Mist Lizard yet. I’d like to see them eventually work their way up to beating one at 100%. Then they can start fighting one that has equipment instead. 😀

          Ooo…and maybe some sort of training exercise that involves multiplying gravity with Sakai.

    2. Partly I think that’s due to the “tick / tock” writing style the author has chosen for this serialized web novel. He’ll advance the story in one direction, put that thread on hold a bit, and switch to another direction for a while. I think that style can make sense for the web novel format, but likely doesn’t port over to the Light Novel format very well. Does anybody know whether the LN’s are written in a tighter manner?

      That being said, what the past couple chapters hammer home is that everyone who is anyone now recognizes Makoto as an Outside Context Problem (as coined by Iain M. Banks). We know how Zef has decided to deal with this, but it’s not clear the various hyuman factions other than, maybe, Sairitz, even have a strategy yet.

      1. I’m actually quite looking forward to the hyuman responses now that we’ve finally gotten plenty of juicy demon side interactions.

        Will the hyumans muck it up? And when they inevitably do, what’s going to happen? 😀

      2. Sairitz has been terrified of Makoto ever since the variant incident. I think she’s more or less taking the same position as the demons, while slightly leaning closer to roping him in peacefully. Lily wants Makoto gone, I think, like Hibiki. She views him as too dangerous, but hasn’t realized how dangerous and so believes that Tomoki can gather enough power to take him down. Limia is the only kingdom of note that still thinks Makoto can be easily swayed and controlled, I believe. Except for Hibiki of course. I’m not certain how the church views him. They’ll be the only hyuman power of note, after the kingdoms.

  22. “I am waiting for you to creep in my bed at night.” (Root)
    “Yeah, I will tell Tomoe and Grount-san that message.” (Makoto)

    I guess Root is up for another beating XD

    Thanks for the chapters 🙂

  23. Thanks Regokai sensei I hope you re well rested, as always great chapter this line – “….But in your case, you are a ‘fighting merchant’ after all, no, an ‘army merchant’ would be more fitting, maybe? It kinda feels lukewarm. ‘Annihilation Merchant’, ‘Landmine Merchant’…it somehow isn’t coming out well, but it is around those types. There’s no precedents.” (Zara) – Man it made my day. I knew there was a reason why the author didn’t kill Zara-san. by the way Makoto how long do you pan of holding your V-card you got tons of posibility to guet rid of it.

    1. Hey, it’s the kind of thing where you’d make time for it even if you’re busy. C’mon, Mio! Tomoe! S…Shiki! You can’t use “it’s busy” as an excuse! Get to it!

      Speaking of which, it seems that Ester is pretty interested in Makoto? So extended harem +1?

      1. I know I know, but at that time the adventure chick was stalcking him, and didn’t have good intentions toward him, I think he felt that. Now this one is merely trying to thank him, and she is the manager, you know that to reach that position she ain’t only good with the books. i’m pretty sure she will give him the ride of his life!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Darn.
    Reigokai one-up me this time. Rei really answered my challenge and give us Sponsored chapter as per usual Sunday… AFTER he collapse for doing that humungous 8k word chapter.
    The only explanation? I guess Reigokai didn’t really drop out of Ninja School, since he’s to be able to use Bunshin Justsu and make an army of himself (himselves ?) to do translation non-stop.
    You Monster.

    1. Can we agree that Makoto and Kuzunoha Company can now be given new name? As suggested:
      Raidou the Merchant of Doom and his company ‘Destroyer’ Kuzunoha.

    2. Here:
      (Humongous) Sponsored Chapter and Regular Chapter The promised chapter that’s four times longer than normal!! As written above, this is a 52 pages long chapter with 16k words.

  25. I had forgot the Gorgans wanted opposite gender accompaniment. I was kind of bothered by Makoto there.. until I remembered the was one reaeson the Gorgons were so happy they were fixing the vision thing there..
    That and the prostitution set up isn’t the same as this world’s style. which is good.

  26. Late to comment, but I wanted to wait until I had PC access.

    Good to see Root showing the results of the Dragon Onee-san duo’s punishment. Is this the same one or a second beating, I wonder? Since they brought weapons and evil smiles, I’m assuming this was an opportunistic round 2.
    I’m really coming to like Grount after imagining her slapping Root repeatedly with an “Ohoho.”
    And I can’t help but have an adorable image of Tomoe looking super proud while presenting her prey to her master. It gives off the feeling of a cat more than a hunting dog though.

    Man, Root’s had this karmic retribution coming for a while though. It seems Lancer and Sophia was just another two grudges against his pranks. I wonder…if the other superior dragons weren’t all out of commission, how many would have come to help beat Root up when they learned he was bedridden?

    1. im with you on this thought will she be in a state of not esepting the world a round her “yep im not in paradise” or the ever classic so shock to see what in front of her and there the psebilaty of her reacting the “what this” song from nightmare before X miss “another world virson”.

    2. Honestly Ive always wondered why hasnt Makoto just spirited away the whole demon race to Asora and solved so many problems in a single moment, you know?

      The place is huge by now, it would surely be large enough for them, and then the war would instantly cease. Well, its a bit hamfisted but it makes sense

      1. well the demon’s are well to put it nicely schemers so bringing them all to a unclaimed land might hae some problems also the goddes might wonder why all the demons just disappear and might find Asora witch at this point the other gods don’t want her to find it.
        also Makoto might be trying to keep Asora safe remamber the ring insadint with the three adventurers and time that by 50 to 100….not a good thing right?
        so if some the demon’s want to move to Asora they need to have Makoto tell them about it then fill out there pass port and what in line like the rest the only reason Sari got in is that she found a temp lope hold and exploit it before it was found and fixed.

    1. I agree. While it does make a lot of sense, so they can reproduce (they’re an all female race that needs males from other races to breed with), and while it is a way better method than raping adventurers, I dont remember it being mentioned anywhere before that they would start working on the brother.
      Again, it makes sense as it becomes a win/win scenario for everyone involved, but I dont remember when it began either

  27. Oooh~

    Beaten Root~

    Poor Makoto, he’s going to suffer the Root route sooner or later now that Root has fallen even harder for him~

    Anyways, Thanks for the chapter~

    PS Could you write Iok Kujan on your Death Notes? Thanks a Bunch~

  28. Thanks 4 the chapter!

    I’m not surprised that the gorgons are popular in the brothel. They can make men hard as stone after all. 😛

    Sorry! I’ll walk my self out.

    1. Maybe those are still in work-in-progress?
      I can understand that it could take time, considering that i doubt there is any concept of Contact’s in that world.
      So, first they would have to develop the Contact’s technology, and then later work on enchanting them to counter the petrification effect. Also they would have to enchant the lenses in a way that, the enchantment on the lenses can be turned on/off when needed (since that petrification ability is also a weapon for the Gorgon’s).

      1. If on/off is an issue, why not just make them normal glasses? It seems Makoto’s helping them control the ability itself, but glasses could be an easy-to-make alternative and extra safety net.

        The on-off isn’t really that hard to begin with, I don’t think. Since all they have to do is hook it up to Makoto’s mana supply for “on” and cut off the supply for “off.”

    2. They have glasses for that, but it is a bit dangerous to rely on that for outside of Asora, I mean what if an accident happens and everyone discovers they’re mamonos? Not only would they be persecuted but Makoto would lose a lot of trust he had slowly accumulated up to now. So the desicion of not leting a Gorgon out until she can control her petrification ability is certainly the right one both as their ruler to protect them and as a (Anihilation) Merchant

    3. IIRC they already wear glasses (Makoto’s idea), which stops their petrification power.

      As for contact lenses, they’re more complicated to make than glasses, and Makoto probably doesn’t even have any memories of how they’re made, so they can’t just extract the knowledge from him and would have to start the development from scratch.

      Considering that glasses are good enough for everyday use, and that Gorgons are able to eventually learn how to control their power, the lenses are not going to be a priority.

      Not to mention that it’s easier to take off glasses than to remove contact lenses, should the need arise to use their power.

      With glasses they can take them off and put them on again in rapid succession, allowing them more control over their power, which would be important in a fight if they want to minimize collateral damage.

      1. @Psychronia . He wear glasses but he could still see enough but he is super accurate during archery practice with glasses but mainly doesn’t use them if people are around during practice.

      2. Contact Lenses would be some what more useful for the Gorgons who are working as prostitute.
        I mean, even if we consider the glasses fetish for some, its not like every male customer would want that. Also its really hard to sleep while wearing glasses (speaking from experience). So, for those Gorgons who do the night-duty (aka., sexual work), they would have to sometime remove their glasses which could be dangerous.

        1. It’s mentioned in this chapter that only Gorgons who learn to control their power are allowed to work outside Asora. That implies they don’t need glasses.

  29. Root blamed Makoto for what happened, saying that if he wasn’t there, he wouldn’t have been summoned. I don’t think he was wrong. Makoto’s just got that kind of luck.

    1. While that’s probably true, isn’t it also kinda unreasonable?

      Just at face value, “It’s your fault for being there when you have such extreme luck.” Especially since Root was the one that programmed that summon for fun to begin with.

    2. This could actually also be argued the other way, in that Root was going to be summoned anyway, but Makoto’s luck is what ensured he was at the right place at the right time.

      So Root wasn’t summoned because Makoto was there, but Makoto was there because Root was going to be summoned.

      1. Now thats an interesting way of putting things, but if you asked one of the Norm about it they will only tell you that Makoto is a cheater, HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!. Read the extra chapters to understand.

  30. The first half was making me laugh so hard.. Roots is so stupid sometimes, and annoying too.. that beating is so well deserved.. And Grount is scary, even more than Tomoe, perhaps at Mio’s level of scary? Beating people while hohoho-ing lol

  31. Can someone explain the gorgons… So they want to be prostitutes? I guess I missed something are they just trying to get pregnant ?

    1. Most likely, yes. That would be the best method to get pregnant if you’re just trying to have a child, and don’t care about the partner, which seems to match their culture and their only methods of survival. I mean, if my only choices were prostitution or kidnapping and raping men, I’d go for the one that didn’t end in an angry mob wanting to kill me.

      Marrying the men isn’t really an option for them either, considering the outcome will always be a gorgon. The father would either be turned to stone the first time his daughter looked at him, or know that he slept with a Mamono and has a child with her. Considering most hyuman opinion on demihumans, I doubt that would go over very well with even the most open minded hyumans.

  32. “…While I was down on bed, I had visitors you see. Two women with fiendish smiles.” (Root)

    Hahahahha as soon as Root talked about this I knew this was going to be hilarious 😂

    1. I mean, Gorgons apparently “attack” men of any other race to reproduce-to the point it’s slightly ingrained as an instinct already.

      This kinda works out for them.

  33. Firstly, Root’s right about Makoto needing to get his sensory ability up to snuff. He relies on Sakai too much, he should’ve known Zara was there.

    Secondly…Root started masterbating as soon as Makoto left the room, didn’t he?😑

    1. Yeah, Makoto’s detecting ability is kinda weak without Sakai. It would’ve come in handy in a number of places, but that visit to the church a long time back comes to mind.

      What do you mean “as soon as”? 😛

      1. Well, Makoto didn’t notice (or at least, didn’t comment), and Root probably needed a few seconds to digest the fact that Makoto managed to erase his attack. I actually think the news put him into shock, which is why he was suddenly acting rude like that.

  34. Zara was getting close. I’m partial to “Last Boss’ 17th Form”, but Annihilation Merchant is a good suggestion…

  35. He needs to contract Root already. Keep her on a leash. A one-sided contract would do wonders in keeping problems away. Its like letting a dog free-roam digging and burying stuff your lawn. Who knows what you’ll find.

  36. lol from bedridden of 1 week into 1 month because he got SMACK DOWN by tomoe and grount, serve your KARMA RIGHT you damn perverted root !
    and damn ! makoto become a pimp of the gorgons now that’s something that im not expecting


    I never thought the Gorgons would work for a brothel, well I thought they were looking for a partner/husband.. so are they just doing in for the babies or what?

    1. mostly i think that since the gorgon can be conceive with any kind of race and since the powerfull one can surpress their petrification i think it also for them to try for search of a husband

      1. Culture-wise, that’s probably their only way to survive, short of kidnapping men. As long as they don’t hate it (and from what I would guess, they actually enjoy it) I don’t think there’s a problem. If they didn’t like it, Makoto would’ve stopped it, that’s just the kind of guy he is. Plus they can take care of themselves, they are Mamonos from the inner areas of the Wastelands, after all. I doubt any hyumans can hurt them in any way, let alone any from a safe area like Rotsgard.

  38. Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

    Spoiler-san said: “The Raidou’s students will consider their future, even they are unable to resist temptation to apply for work on Kuzunoha Company.”

    1. Haha top three. Anyway I saw something interesting there was someone name truck-San over at guru tranlation for slime wn.

      Thanks for the chapter.

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