Greetings readers, Reigokai here with a new update!
In this patch notes, we will be revising the faulty system that our noob translator has made.
With the quality feedback obtained from our users, I (Reigokai 2.0) have devised a new system that will likely be a lot better than my inexperienced predecesor.
-3 day schedule. –New: 4 day schedule.
-45$ sponsored chapter. –New: 65$ sponsored chapter. Previous Stacks will remain.
-Chapters whole –Add: Extension depending in length.
This patch will take effect next week. So next sponsored chapter will still come on sunday.
Okay, with this, I might survive the onslaught that the author has presented me! I hope you bear with this foolish system of this novice translator.
As always, I am open to any new suggestions and changes are always welcome!
"It was only recently that earthquakes like these began." (Bacchus) Bacchus rose from the sofa,…
Previous Chapter l Next Chapter The car's high performance was astonishing. Despite driving, there was…
Previous Chapter l Next Chapter "Sweets buffet, sweets buffet-deshu! I’m sho excited. If I take…
Previous Chapter l Next Chapter A little girl. No matter how you looked at her,…
Inside the dungeon elevator heading to the 200th Floor. The sequence of events after arrival…
Previous Chapter l Next Chapter A large crowd was bustling in and out of the…
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Conforme a Clínica Mayo, existem muitas jeitos muito pesquisadas para
evitar impecilho da ejaculação extemporâneo, sem recorrer aos medicamentos que podem
ter mais efeitos colaterais do que entrave antidepressivos para ejaculaçao precoce em si.
Estes são os métodos mas comuns que são práticos, ou
por outra, e também você não precisa de um médico ou psicólogo para explicar esses métodos.
So how will sponsored chapters work?
just translate at your convenience mate! it is cool!
waiting for [REIGOKAI 3.0]...
Thank you Rei-san!! we are grateful for your translations, so dont worry!!! just take care of your self more >_< we can wait for chapters!
Probably a lot more people have said it already above, but every vote counts ofc.
4 days,5 days , 6 days , a week and etc. is always better than no chapter at all, the worst thing is the translator to burn out and just drop the project/story. Make sure to have time to yourself,for rest,for entertainment and keep being awesome.
im glad our community, place first of things, reigo san sanity, above translation speed, so you see, reigo we love u buddy, just do it at ur own pace :d
i'm suggesting you're doing a recruitment for an editor because well i know that translating,proofreading,Editing it's taking a toll (Cuz i already done translating and Editing in the past)especially when you just said this is your first time translating a WN so i'm recommending you're recruiting 1 Editor to ease up the exhaustion
Plz Take care of your self. We're fine with 1 chapter per week if it's too long.