Well, I did think it would turn out this way.
At the day when there’s not much till we leave the demon race capital, I was walking infinitely inside the underground corridor of the castle, and was guided to a big hall.
It is truly wide.
There were seats at the outer circumference, so I can tell that that’s the place where people will be spectating the battle from.
For a friendly match arena, it is truly splendid.
As expected, there’s no way they would make us fight inside the pitch black blizzard outside, but I didn’t expect that they would ready such a well-put stage.
When I look up, I can see a high-ceiling like that of a dome, and at the top there’s a hole where the night sky can be seen.
And, what is happening currently is that…I am alone in this excessively spacious hall.
That’s the situation.
There’s no Mio and Shiki.
Those two that are able to suppress the High Spirits are already well-known.
‘That’s why, there’s no problem if only Raidou-dono shows his strength’, they said.
In summary, that’s what happened, and now my two followers are at the spectator seats.
The things I received were impressive after all~.
I do feel that listening to a bit of their unreasonable requests is okay, and there’s also the fact that using power on the level of a High Spirit would make the arena crumble.
Because you know, I have received a transit permit to pass freely through their whole nation, and I have also received something akin to the royal seal of the Demon Lord.
Even if I open stores in several towns, I won’t have to pay taxes.
The demi-humans are many, and the good distribution is lacking.
Thinking about being tax free in such a place of unknown marketing possibilities…
As long as I don’t fall in any unforeseen circumstances, it is manners to repay this, right?
This time it was unlucky, or more like, the natural price to pay.
That’s what I think, so I am standing here.
“Now then, I wonder who will be my opponent.” (Makoto)
The announcement that resounds through the hall signals the beginning of the friendly match.
There’s not many spectators, and there isn’t that wild enthusiasm like that of the Rotsgard fighting arena.
In exchange, there’s serious gazes as if they were gulping their breaths, being poured at me.
It feels as if every move I make is being observed.
As a lecturer, I have felt this kind of gaze a few times, and in Japan when we had meetings for archery display.
“Geh, the worst possibility from what I have imagined. As I thought, my unluckiness is still going strong.” (Makoto)
There’s four shadows walking to meet me.
From my guess, I thought the ones coming out would be the Demon Generals or the Demon Lord, but I did think that maybe all the Demon Generals would be coming out.
With how things have been going, I even thought that Zef himself would be coming out, but as expected, having the Demon Lord be defeated in front of his subordinates is just bad.
I did feel that he wouldn’t do any messing around in regards to being Lord, so at that point, I am not that surprised.
Even so, all the Demon Generals huh.
Leaving Io and Rona aside, I somewhat know what Reft can do; but the last one, I don’t know much about that one.
Until today, I have not been able to properly speak to that person, and there haven’t been many moments when I have seen that person say something.
It was an unkempt hair man wearing a white robe.
The type that would look good with tobacco.
I thought he was a demi-human, but maybe this person is a hyuman?
They stopped at a distance equal to that of when baseball players pay their respects.
“…Let me tell you this first, I am not a hyuman, Raidou-dono.”
“Ah, sorry.” (Makoto)
He noticed I was looking at him huh.
I thought I was being inconspicuous though.
“It seems like I have 1/16 of demi-human blood. I don’t know the name of the race though.”
No no no, isn’t that practically like being a hyuman?
It is like saying your parents are quarters and your grandfather a half, right?
And if on top of all that, there was only one demi-human there…and since you already look hyuman, isn’t hyuman fine?
“I see, you are just like I have heard. Blood, race, and outward appearance doesn’t matter. How interesting. Just what kind of living did you have to grow in this way?”
“Every living being is equal. It seems you already know, but I am Raidou Misumi. Please be lenient with me today.” (Makoto)
“Mokuren Kazusa. Even if this is a match, it is a serious battle. Something rude like pulling punches isn’t what I will be doing. Even if I look like this, I live as part of one of the demon race after all. The power within this body of mine, I will let you witness a bit of it.” (Kazusa)
“Hahaha…” (Makoto)
He isn’t a warrior right?
He is a mage.
And he is not like Rona who holds two posts. He gives out the smell of a pure magician.
Also…he has an atmosphere similar to someone.
That feeling is…right, an alchemist.
I can feel the scent of a researcher from this person.
…How nostalgic. Was his name Hazaru? He is probably still at Toa-san’s party doing more leveling and living thoughtlessly huh.
“I wish that Raidou-dono and I don’t stand this way on the battlefield. But today, I will do my best.” (Io)
With four arms and wearing gauntlets that one can tell are high grade at a glance, Io rises up and shows a competitive smile filled with motivation.
…The ceiling is open, so at worst, I can just throw him away with a rocket punch again.
Rona is completely silent.
She is not saying a single word.
Is what I thought, but it seems she has already formed several spells and concealing it.
It seems she is already at the brim by trying to control them, but she is playing it cool in her expression.
It feels like a lot of things will be flying at me right from the start.
“I am sorry for leaving early at the other day’s banquet. I am the Demon General, Reft. Someone like me has received the position of Demon General by the kindness of his Majesty. I am happy to have the chance of seeing your power that has been recognized by his Majesty.” (Reft)
“You are a hybrid dragon, right? I have heard that you possess a great power. I am looking forward to it.” (Makoto)
“?!! So you know of hybrid dragons. It seems you are someone of extensive knowledge. Here as well, I am looking forward to it.” (Reft)
Tomoe said it as if it were common knowledge though.
So it was rare information?!
“Then, all that’s left is to wait for the signal to begin.” (Makoto)
For some reason, the Demon Generals make a strange expression.
We did introduce ourselves and the announcement has finished, so next would be the signal of: ‘FIGHT!’, right?
“Eh? It seems like it isn’t beginning.” (Makoto)
“…Raidou-dono, today we will be fighting with you, but…” (Io)
Io speaks to me.
“Yes?” (Makoto)
“Did you not hear the details?” (Io)
“The only thing I was told by his Majesty was to lightly show my strength.” (Makoto)
“Umu. In that case, regarding the fight…” (Io)
“Yes, it is fine to just fight with everyone, right?” (Makoto)
I-Is that not the case?
“Raidou-dono, could it be that you are intending to fight us all at once?” (Io)
“Eh? That’s not how it was?” (Makoto)
Silence once again.
No well, you see, Io seems to be the strongest of the four Demon Generals, so going 1vs1 four times is just pointless, isn’t it?
“Io, the permission has come from his Majesty. It seems it is fine that way.” (Rona)
“But Rona, that’s just…” (Io)
“The person himself has the intention to do so, you know? Also, if it’s just showing a light amount of power, that’s fine, right? Hey, I don’t want to speak too much, I am concentrating after all.” (Rona)
“…Understood. Fine.” (Io)
The sigh of Io served as a signal. The Demon Generals began to move.
Io and Reft went forward, Rona at the middle, and Mokuren as the rear guard.
Io is slightly further ahead, but the formation is 2-1-1.
The announcement to commence comes out with fluster.
The words announcing the beginning of the battle between four Demon Generals and I resounds through the hall.
“Then, to begin things… [Brid]!” (Makoto)
Kicking the ground, I jump backwards while releasing fire Brids towards the four Demon Generals respectively.
They told me a while ago to not hold back, but I am not my same past self that would take those words seriously.
To restrain it, I reduced the power and speed.
“As expected, arialess as if it were natural! Mokuren, I am counting on you! Even if it’s arialess, think of Raidou’s spells as possessing their complete firepower!” (Rona)
“No problem. In terms of high speed spell deployment, I am also good at it.” (Mokuren)
As I thought, he is really a magician huh.
Mokuren treats his dagger as a staff and does an aria, and an aria that is done with the fingers…and it is arialess at the same time?!
Oh, there’s a prodigy here!
Mokuren does an aria for around 6 spells at the same time.
He creates a barrier that properly blocks all my Brids, moreover, it seems he has placed a number of support spells on his allies.
There’s still magic power revolving around their surroundings, so they probably still have something set up.
A magician similar to Ema huh.
It’s been awhile since I have seen someone like that.
Being able to do parallel arias is already impressive. The demon race is truly passionate.
“I will not leave you space to target Mokuren!” (Io)
Io accelerates with a speed that doesn’t fit his large build, and closes in with his fists ready.
It is not a timing where evasion will make it in time.
Obviously they will not tell me they are that fast huh.
I use the Magic Armor, which was forcefully named Materia Prima by a random pervert, and stop his attack.
While at it, I grab Io and restrain him. I point him towards the dark night and throw him.
Depending on the people watching, it might have looked like a master at Aikido had thrown a giant away.
…It was simple raw power though.
“The next is…Reft-san, was it? It has been a while since I have seen a spear user.” (Makoto)
This person seems to be a warrior type as well, so let’s try punching him.
“Sorry but, I will have to resist!” (Reft)
I can’t grab him.
From the place I tried to grab, the arm was thrown aside.
I see. So this is the counter expert huh.
Reft uses splendid spearmanship to parry the Magic Armor that approaches.
It is understandable why Mio tried to learn this technique.
It is on the level of art.
How interesting.
I was unconsciously fascinated by the technique of Reft, and a shock comes from my back.
It is Rona.
Ah, it seems she set up a few spells.
The first shot didn’t seem like it could do something to the Magic Armor, but the explosions continue.
As if swallowing up one spot, Rona releases a line up of her own high firepower spells one after the other.
Even so, at my very front there’s Reft swinging his spear while including the spells in the attacks. His offensive didn’t falter.
I am in a pincer situation.
Dealing with the two at the same time will be difficult.
Then I will begin with Reft.
If Rona finishes shooting her spells, she will step back after all.
“[Brid]!” (Makoto)
Arialess, around 5 Brids are shot from the body of the Magic Armor to Reft.
The spear that was swung around stopped, and the attacks from the front stop.
Well, it is a surprise attack, so he shouldn’t be able to deal with it properly.
Then, next is Rona.
“I can’t let you catch me!” (Rona)
“I was one step slower huh. Well done.” (Makoto)
Rona quickly takes her distance by kicking a part of the Magic Armor and returning to her previous spot.
She used me as a foothold! Is what I would have liked to try saying.
“Being engrossed in me is dangerous, you know?” (Rona)
“Eh? Uo?!” (Makoto)
A strong shock five times.
They were practically Shiki-class spells…wait, those were my Brids.
I see, so they were all reflected back huh.
Receiving my own spells feels fresh.
I wasn’t the guinea pig of Mio’s technique experiment after all.
“A scarily accurate attack. But on top of that…”
“No, more than that, how to say it…”
What incredible pressure!
“Too slow!” (Io)
“You returned?!” (Makoto)
“I won’t let you treat me like an idiot twice!!” (Io)
Perfectly utilizing the falling momentum into his fist, he makes contact with the Magic Armor.
A ripple spreads through the whole Magic Armor, but Io’s eyes didn’t show any signs of this being the end.
Just like that, he uses another arm to do an attack, and at the end, he adds a kick just like Rona and creates distance from the Magic Armor.
The wind and shock wave it created travelled all the way to the spectator seats.
Even though they shouldn’t be able to see it.
Are the two of them the type that can feel things instinctively?
Like this, it would be better to change it from concealment to enhancement?
“I thought that Io-dono’s type wouldn’t be able to easily fly through the sky though…” (Makoto)
“It wasn’t easy! But I was defeated in such a pathetic way after all!” (Io)
He is using ‘ore’.
He is already in total battle mode.
So you are the type of prodigy that can do anything when you try to.
“And, it is about time, right Rona?” (Io)
“Yeah, just in time. He is not that good at dealing with schemes after all, that Raidou ‘rear guard’.” (Rona)
Rona points at her own waist and smiles at me.
Something black is clinging onto the Magic Armor?!
That thing continues to expand, and as if announcing that it was time, its surface began to show dark red cracks.
It feels like a countdown.
Feeling the activation of a spell that I can’t even feel the F of friendly, I reflexively change [Sakai] from concealment to enhancement.
A strong shock and the sound of an explosion. A black and red light envelop my field of vision.
Is it a time bomb spell?
What terrifying firepower.
Big part of the Magic Armor that was shifted to enhancement was blown away.
Is this possibly the trump card of Rona?
I did think at Limia that she had some sort of ace hidden.
It seemed like more than its firepower, its ability to scrape away on magic power is stronger.
I can only try and tell from her expression huh.
I am not good at that though.
I wait for the light and smoke to disperse.
But…that was a bad move.
I feel the activation of magic power from my feet.
!! Right, there’s also the guy Mokuren.
When all four Demon Generals are together, they have a dangerous disposition.
Even though it should be an ironclad rule that the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Lord never get along!
“Taste a ritual spell. Second model, ‘Hail’ Revision.” (Mokuren)
I hear the voice of Mokuren.
The Magic Armor is scrapped off again by what looks like raging needles flying in the surroundings.
He said it is a ritual spell, right?
If I remember correctly, it is a spell that hides itself and is used in wide scale battles.
Not only is he able to do parallel arias, but he is also able to do something like that by himself.
Or more like, I am not a castle or an army you know!
I am an individual!
While I was complaining, the needles scrape off the Magic Armor, and they adhere to it and change into ice.
It can harden the movements huh.
It is harsher than the ice magic that Rona used when she was Karen.
I unconsciously remembered that.
“Now then everyone, get away. Fuh~.” (Mokuren)
He still intends to do more?
“Third Model, ‘Starfall Revision’” (Mokuren)
It is troublesome that my field of vision has still not gotten better.
Right now the Magic Armor is just partly frozen, but with enhancing [Sakai], unless something really big happens, it will be okay.
I want to see the spell, so maybe I should clear out the frozen parts of the Magic Armor and sweep the surroundings?
If that also clears away the ritual magic, it would be two birds with one stone.
I trace the places that are frozen in the Magic Armor, and add fire element to it.
An explosion that is probably on the same level as Rona’s spell, is created with me at the center.
I quickly reform the Magic Armor and confirm the situation.
The Demon Generals have shifted to defense.
At most, the heat wave that headed to Reft is being returned to me.
Well, no problem.
And now, the ritual spell of just now…
I sound out my surroundings.
Above again huh.
It was Starfall, right?
I don’t think something worst than Io will be falling down, but…
Muddled magma that has bright red stones sticking onto it is pouring down at me from the sky?!
As expected of ritual magic.
The scale is on another level.
“No matter the circumstances, to use something like these twice in a friendly match is questionable!!” (Makoto)
“Looking at you who’s practically unhurt, I can only call it appropriate!” (Mokuren)
“For you to be unwounded even when I used that, just how tough are you? At least receive a slight scald for formality!” (Rona)
Don’t say unreasonable things!
Damn it!!
“There’s no way this will end with a simple scaaaald!!” (Makoto)
I use the two arms of the Magic Armor that are most likely visible to everyone now, and grab the lava into a ball.
“No way. Without mitigating it, using a barrier, or even avoiding it; he grabbed it? A big molten mass?” (Mokuren)
It would be okay to just avoid it.
Hearing the dumbfounded mutter of Mokuren, I slightly regretted my decision.
“One, two… counter!!” (Makoto)
“That’s not a counter!” (Reft)
The moment I throw the lava ball to the Demon Generals, Reft makes a rude shout.
I grabbed it before I received the attack and am now throwing it back, so it is a proper counter…probably.
“Kuh…don’t let it work!” (Rona)
“Leave it to me!” (Io)
With those words just now, one of the four gauntlets shone brightly, and the body of Io turned bright red.
He is totally like a super robot.
Not only is he able to fly, he even has equipment that lets him do type changes huh.
Io who now looks like he is strong against fire, uses all his four arms to receive the ball of lava that has a size of around 5 meters.
Even if he has gauntlets, it is still like grabbing it with his bare hands.
It is the incarnation of a super robot.
I would like to have one of those…
No wait, the other two at the rear have already evacuated from the crashing point.
Mokuren and Rona; not only did they both step back, they also activated support magic and have buffed Io and Reft.
They are nimble.
Reft who is remaining, makes a terribly concentrated expression at the lava ball that Io actually stopped, and literally pierces it with the spear in his hand.
“Is this dodge ball?!” (Makoto)
Once again, the lava ball flies at me at high speed.
Hey hey, this won’t become endless, right?
Just like Mokuren said, avoiding it would be better.
“No no, you should fight it fair and square there, Raidou-dono.”
“Mokuren?! Just when did you…” (Makoto)
“Magicians have methods of mobilizing called teleportation. Even if I am the weakest, I am still a Demon General you see. I do a lot of things on a level where Rona doesn’t get angry at me.” (Mokuren)
“And, what’s that note that’s in your hand?” (Makoto)
I look at the space where I was going to run to, and there, Mokuren was already there. I try asking about the note that I can tell is a spell that’s about to be activated.
This is bad.
I have been confined.
“It is a spell that has its aria stored beforehand. I call it catalyst magic, but you can call it whatever you want. Now then, it is the development that we had anticipated. I will have you show us how you will be escaping from this one. ‘Starfall’ Revision, duplication.” (Mokuren)
From Mokuren, another lava ball comes.
Another pincer attack.
You demons really like flanking huh!
Can’t be helped. Let’s receive them.
The second lava comes at me with a slight difference in time.
The first one; I repel it with a backhand to a direction where no Demon General is in.
It would be troublesome if they were to throw it back again after all.
The next one is…fast.
If possible, I wanted to repel it up, but I receive it with one hand.
In terms of intensity, the Materia Prima is higher, so I ward off the sensation of being pushed back, and later, I was able to stop it.
Okay, I probably can do it.
Just like that, I make one arm bigger, and cover the ball like a baseball glove.
I feel like if I carelessly crush it, it would make a big explosion, so I wrap it all and while controlling the power, I forcibly…
“Your Majesty!!”
I was slightly surprised by the words of Io and look at the direction that the voice was directed at.
Ah, it is at the direction where I threw away one of the balls.
There, there was the shadow of one person.
It is certainly the Demon Lord.
Just where…ah, the guest seats huh.
If it crashes to the outer circumference just like that, it might create casualties in the spectators.
Now that I look carefully, he doesn’t have his mantle on.
It looks like he is intending to face it.
It might be far, but I can see Zef’s body build.
Even though he has a tough job like being a Lord, he has an abnormally toned body.
He did seem like he has been training, but his body is like that of someone whose main job is warrior.
The scary slim macho, Zef.
He draws out the sword at his waist.
I am also stopping a lava ball similar to the one that’s heading to Zef, but I unconsciously forgot about it and was fascinated.
It was a beautiful movement.
Also, he is drawing his sword and doing an aria at the same time.
The aria is continuing even when he has already finished drawing his sword, but both actions were incredibly smooth.
Those are movements that show he is able to do it multiple times.
I who has been doing that all the time, am sure of it.
That’s why I was able to nod at the confidence that Zef was showing.
Confidence that he is able to deal with it.
Since I have the chance, let’s watch the technique of the Demon Lord.
Against the lava that was approaching, Zef brandishes his sword backwards.
The length of that long sword is not normal.
The sword Zef holds is also of a high quality that’s able to handle his technique. And it also serves as a catalyst to safely activate his spell.
And then, the lava ball disappears from in front of him.
Within the things that I have seen in this world, it is the most perfected combination of magic and weapon.
What was used along with the sword was a barrier spell.
But it is a terrifying special type of barrier that vanishes anything that touches.
So the Demon Lord Zef is a swordsman that has mastered barriers or that type of spells huh.
By the time I noticed, I had already compressed the lava I was holding and had extinguished it.
It feels mysterious.
That sword might be the same as my bow.
A power that was born from breaking my heart.
A truly mysterious feeling of respect and empathy.
“That all! Raidou-dono, it was splendid. You were able to fight against all the Demon Generals and was able to fight them this well. This is certainly something that everyone here has witnessed. It was a splendid match. After this, I will present you a reward. Now then—” (Zef)
The words of Zef signal the end of the match.
But that didn’t actually tie it to an end.
“Bring divine punishment to the slave of power!!”
The voice that was heard after, had erased the words of Zef.
At that moment, the presence of something raining down at high amounts was felt. A thunderous sound and the light of an explosion envelop the hall.
The Demon Generals had begun moving towards Zef, but I didn’t understand what was happening and for now, just prioritize defense.
Soon after, I had felt the approach of Mio and Shiki.
“That’s quite the flashy entrance.”
In the arena that has completely turned into outskirts, I look around and mutter.
But I am impressed.
In an instant, the Demon Generals protected Zef and Zef had protected the spectator seats.
Of course, it wasn’t as if he was able to protect everything. It was a destruction scale that would be natural to have several victims.
There’s already no presence of spectators in the surroundings. When I confirm with [Sakai], I could tell that they have already arrived at the castle and have taken refuge.
How dependable.
In exchange, several tens of totally equipped people have appeared, and were looking at me.
It is the people that said: ‘Divine retribution to the slave of power’.
So this destruction is also their doing huh.
It is dusty, the place is filled with rubble, and it was a splendid underground arena, and yet, there’s no trace of it now.
Is this the darkness of the demon race?
The Spirit rampage was also something planned, so it may have been done by them as well.
“Waka-sama, you are okay.” (Shiki)
“With the matter of the Spirits, and this as well; the security of the demon race is actually not that impressive huh. It lets me have more job to do-desu kedo.” (Mio)
“Thanks, you two. It is certainly true that there’s more accidents in the demon race capital than that of the Empire.” (Makoto)
I thank Shiki and Mio who came for me, and I look at Zef.
Near him, there’s several that have fallen victim and one of them is injured, but Zef is not treating her.
He is fighting against the terrorists and he is prioritizing that.
In compensation, there’s Mokuren who has blood flowing from his side and carrying Rona who seems to be barely holding her consciousness.
So it was an attack that was enough to injure even the Demon Generals huh. Or maybe there was another attack afterwards against Zef and the others?
I haven’t grasped that much of the situation.
“You guys really don’t choose the place and time huh.” (Zef)
“Zef, in order to finish your tyrannical rule, we don’t intend to choose the methods.”
The representative of the armed group is talking with Zef.
This can be considered a verbal clash.
There’s not going to be a peaceful resolution now, so I think that in terms of power, Zef and the others have an overwhelming advantage.
It depends on how they will act and if they have something prepared though.
I do feel a strange flow of power after all.
I still don’t know what it is.
“This one’s tyrannical rule, huh. This one doesn’t understand. In the first place, is there a tyranny bigger than that of the Goddess for us? This one is actually ruling for the advance of the demon race’s survival and liberation though. Without any selfish motive.” (Zef)
“Don’t think that everything can be forgiven just because you do it without any selfish motive. Even though you bastard are not as tyrannical as the Goddess, the will of a God is not government. Putting it on the same level as the ruling of a person is just plain arrogance.”
“Are you saying that killing this one and accepting the Goddess will help in the survival of the demon race?” (Zef)
“Of course.”
“…What’s your basis?” (Zef)
“We are a race that was created by the Goddess. As a proof of her affection, we have lived until this day. That’s the best proof.”
Even within the demons, there’s people that even after being oppressed by the Goddess this much, forced to war, and even brought heroes to repel them; they still have faith in her.
The Earth and Fire Spirits that are more moderate, or more like the type that help out when needed, are more reasonable than these guys.
I can only call them fanatics. I can’t understand them at all.
“It is certainly true. Maybe she will give a slight speck of pity towards us. As a result, a handful of demons will be able to survive by falling into slavery to hyumans. Compared to resisting and be exterminated, it is certainly true that this way we can achieve survival. But are you guys going to guide us to such a future? Have your children and grandchildren forgive the irrationality and favoritism of the Goddess? Is that what you will order them to do?” (Zef)
Zef’s words were calm.
But anger can be felt.
I don’t know if that Bug will forgive the demon race that has killed that many hyumans she loves.
She looks stupid, so maybe if they flatter her and throw their whole faith to her, it might lead to the situation Zef has stated though.
“You were the bastard that changed the impression of us demons as an existence that brings harm to this world! The world is below the grace of God. At the very least, if we didn’t rebel, we could have had peace! You raided the hyumans, stole their land, and still continuing war! And even within the demons, you have given tacit consent to an ancient evil practice, and have crudely treated the life of many! That sin of yours has to be paid by you and your subordinates! That way, we demons will be able to apologize for our barbarity to the hyumans and demi-humans for the first time!”
“Can’t even talk to you. The will of the demon race is together with me. As a result, the path of war has been chosen. That’s all there is to it. In the first place, you say that before the war we were fine, and yet, you say we had evil practices. Aren’t your words already contradictory?” (Zef)
“Then can you call it happiness to bind people by their aptitude and abilities, and not giving them freedom in choosing their jobs?! Is it happiness to thin out the children of a certain age in this harsh environment?! Is it happiness for the strong to not even be able to choose their own partner in marriage and have them be managed by the country?! Just because they have the talent, the children are unable to live with their parents for the short amount of time they are born into this world. Such a country, can it be called happiness?! This is something you have given consent to, Zef!! Answer!!”
The darkness of the demon race huh.
I see.
“It is not consent.” (Zef)
“So you are going to deceive through words huh. As a Demon Lord!”
“You talk about consent, but from what this one knows, this is something that this one proposed and accepted.” (Zef)
“What’s wrong with putting the people in posts that are more fitting for them and be more useful for society? The children that can’t endure this environment will only reduce our food; if that means the working ones will end up starving as well, this one will take the responsibility and deal with them. This custom is not enforced in wealthy towns and the demi-humans, but the towns and villages that want to survive, this one won’t open its mouth against any. The strong leaving their strength to the next era is the obvious contribution they have to do for the country. The strong have to pay that price and carry the burden in order for the country to survive. And about the matter of children and parents, it is the nature of demons to appoint the most excelling person as the Lord that will guide the people. If you resent that, then don’t point that resentment towards this one or the demon race society; lament the misfortune that you have been born as a demon.” (Zef)
“…A peasant’s child has grown to be quite prideful huh.”
“It would have been possible for this one to continue as a peasant. You who are the child of a demon noble family and should have led us, not only have you crushed your own household, you even rebel to the country. You have really fallen low.” (Zef)
“…If at the very least, you were to hold doubts towards the evil customs, we could have taken hands together. But it is already impossible to join our wills huh.”
“Same thoughts. Being an omnipresent savior for the weak, is not this one’s ruling. It is evident that our cooperation would have ended as temporary.” (Zef)
“Just how long do you think that government of choosing the strong and leaving the weak will continue?”
“People that are intoxicated by kind words and comply to slavery, will never understand it. More importantly, you have done this much. You must be prepared for the consequences, right?” (Zef)
“Even though you knew the Spirit rampaging wasn’t our only plan… Was the source of your composure, that monster over there? But let me show you, a way of showing will that you bastards don’t know of.”
“If that’s how the Kuzunoha Company looked to you, this one apologizes. Even you guys wouldn’t want to do a foolish move that would end up destroying our whole country, right?” (Zef)
I have been called ‘monster’ a lot, so I don’t mind it that much.
Well, even if they invite me to tea, I would have definitely refused it though. You terrorists.
“That makes it even more convenient. This current demon race should be completely destroyed after all.”
“…Then that rudeness, this one will take your place and apologize. By lining up your idiotic heads, that is. Io, Reft.” (Zef)
Not only did Zef, Io, and Reft prepare their stances with those words, they suddenly charged.
They really send their heads flying, and it ended in less than ten seconds.
Io even did a stunt like using his hand as a sword.
He is truly a troublesome giant.
Skillful and diligent, moreover, has a natural constitution.
“If they can’t use what they set up, there’s no point, right your Majesty?”
“No, it seems like they were buying time with their lives on the line.” (Zef)
Something has activated.
The faint strange power that was drifting about, is now showing its contours clearly.
When I look for the location, it was hidden by the rubble, an ornamented staff that was stabbed on the ground.
It must be that.
“A staff? It seems like the activation has already begun though.” (Makoto)
“That is… the Governor Scepter? Could it be! Mio-dono, can you interrupt the activation?!” (Shiki)
“Something like that is easy…Hm? It is awfully old and strong. This…I can’t negate it?” (Mio)
“I…see. No, it can’t be helped. If that’s what I think it is, it might turn troublesome. Well, it is just a ‘might’, so I think it will be okay.” (Shiki)
Shiki seems to know something.
“Shiki, what’s that?” (Makoto)
“…It is probably a sacred treasure of Elysion. It should have been lost though. I think it is the scepter that led an army of dragons, the Governor Scepter.” (Shiki)
“Dragon Governor Scepter?” (Makoto)
“A scepter that has been heridated by Kings of Elysion, a scepter that summons dragons. It is an article that has many stories of. It was unable to protect the related country from destruction, but it possesses enormous power.” (Shiki)
Summon dragons huh.
Elysion, dragon.
Eh? Something bothers me.
“Even if powerful, the demon race was able to deal with it once and Elysion was destroyed, right? Shiki, is this really something to be agitated for?” (Makoto)
“…That sacred treasure uses immense amount of magic power or blood and lives that matches it to activate, but the result is random.” (Shiki)
“…Random?” (Makoto)
The terrorists staked their lives on this last trump card which is a sacred treasure from another country, moreover, the activation result is random, you say.
It is like coming just to receive an honorable death.
What they said was also disgusting, but I really don’t understand them.
“…You really know well. Shiki-dono really has extensive knowledge. That’s certainly the trump card of the resistance and the sacred treasure of Elysion, the dragon army’s Governor Scepter.” (Zef)
“Your Majesty.” (Makoto)
Zef talks to us as he approaches.
Io, Reft and Zef; all three of them held several heads in their hands.
“There’s no way to apologize for involving you in our internal troubles.” (Zef)
“No. More importantly, is it okay to not deal with that Governor Scepter?” (Makoto)
When I ask, Zef shakes his head to the sides.
It seems Zef knows of the dragon army’s Governor Scepter.
Not its existence, but of its whereabouts.
“It is already up to fate to decide what will be summoned. There’s no choice but to pray for the luck of the people here.” (Zef)
“By the way, what’s the worst case?” (Makoto)
It is my nature to worry about the misfortune when talking about luck.
“Excluding the Superior Dragons; it will summon a variety of dragons in this place, and in madness, they will rampage.” (Zef)
That’s a picture of hell.
No, it is better because there’s no Superior Dragon huh.
“A variety huh.” (Makoto)
“Umu. It seems like it will bring all the dragons in the world at once. Well, just like Shiki-dono says, it is a possibility only.” (Zef)
“And that’s why it is dragon army.” (Makoto)
If the chance is of one in a hundred, then… a 0.01 chance?
Nai wa~
I wouldn’t be able to bet my life for it~.
Is it a bet they would be willing to take in order to take down what seems to be an imposing Zef?
“…From what this one knows, the dragon army is the best result. This one doesn’t know of any higher than that though. As a result of our investigation, even if there’s a chance, it would truly be lower than that of a one in a hundred. It is at a chance that is close to impossible.” (Zef)
It feels like a lot of zeros would line up.
Then it is in the safe zone huh.
I’m glad.
Then if we just knock down the dragon that comes out, it will be over huh.
“This is not good.” (Shiki)
“It smells-desu ne.” (Mio)
“What is?” (Makoto)
“It is a possibility that Waka-sama might be able to draw.” (Shiki)
“Yeah. A being that a person would take his whole lifetime to search and never be able to meet, Waka-sama is the type of person that would be able to meet that being twice in a week.” (Mio)
You are part of those beings though.
…That’s true. In less than a week I met Tomoe and Mio after all.
Those chances are quite low.
They are probably joking, but when they say those things at this moment with those straight faces, it kinda gets to me.
“You two, aren’t you being a bit cruel there?” (Makoto)
“See.” (Mio)
At Mio’s words, I look at the location that her hand was pointing at.
A golden light does a straight line unto the dark sky and it cuts through that darkness.
It is been awhile since I have been bask by a strong light like that of the morning.
I open my eyes that I closed for an instant, and look at Zef who was at my side… and for the first time, he showed serious agitation.
The area between his brows had thick creases, and he is looking at the light with a grim expression.
While cladding his body with a magic power stronger than that from before, Zef looked like he was thinking of a way to deal with the situation.
Or more like, this feeling, the presence I feel from the golden light…it is that person.
It has been connected.
Elysion, the Governor Scepter, dragons; there’s no one but that person.
We hit the jackpot, no, we picked out a big miss huh.
“No way. It was a percentage that shouldn’t be possible to achieve you know? In the first place, we just assumed that there was a step higher than that of an army of dragons just for the safety of the investigation.” (Zef)
The words of Zef made my ears hurt.
From the center of the light, a shadow of a big dragon appears.
A western-style dragon.
Its body surpasses in size to that of Grount. And the wings made its body look even bigger.
Also, there’s not only a pair of wings.
The trait of that dragon was that there were three pairs of wings with different sizes.
That damn pervert.
Just what is he thinking by turning hostile?
“Root, you say? It existed? The Harmony Dragon that owns all elements. The peak of the Superior Dragons that is also called the Ancient Dragon or the Heavenly Dragon. Why is an existence that is treated in equal footing to that Goddess accepting the summoning of something like a sacred treasure?” (Zef)
Zef mutters in pain.
It can’t be helped.
I don’t know how much of the situation he understands, but a Lord has to deal with things in a realistic manner.
And to create a countermeasure for something that his trusty subordinates said would be impossible to occur, is just not realistic.
…It would have been more understandable if he were to actually utilize it to do something.
Zef is that kind of Lord.
He advances through the things he chooses, and he understands the things he will lose and the risks that come with it.
I can’t empathize with all his methods, but I can understand.
(…Ah, it has been a while, Makoto-kun. This situation, I would be grateful if you were to explain it to me.) (Root)
I can hear a spaced out voice.
It sounds as if he doesn’t have any sort of tension.
It is thought transmission.
There’s only one possible person.
(Root, did you want to fight me so much that you even came to the demon race territory?) (Makoto)
(Fight with Makoto-kun?! No no no… wait, don’t tell me…the target of the Governor Scepter is…) (Root)
(Zef and everyone below. It seems like it also includes me though?) (Makoto)
(Achaa. I have been played. To think that the summoning I placed on the Governor Scepter as a joke would activate at this moment. Hey, did you possibly make a pact with an evil spirit of chances?) (Root)
(Like hell I would do a pact that will bring me misfortune. Since the time I came to this world, I have been on a high rave of unluckiness.) (Makoto)
(…Since it is already like this, I will endure the pain, so be gentle, okay?) (Root)
Contrary to his words, Root begins to create a fiendish rainbow colored ball.
The light ball that can be seen within his big open mouth has power gathering steadily.
You, if it was against your will, go back home!
(I won’t hurt you, so go back home.) (Makoto)
(Ahaha, I can’t. This summoning is absolute. It is forcing me to do an attack with no holds barred. I was caught in my own trap you see. Your specialty.) (Root)
(Stop the sarcasm. Then at least tell me what you will do. I will do what I can after.) (Makoto)
(Ah, I might fall all over again. How reliable! It is like a buckshot blaze with a mixture of six elements. It would easily destroy the castle and the land in the vicinity.) (Root)
I want to tell him not to nonchalantly say such atrocious things.
(…You, are you going leave after throwing that one attack?) (Makoto)
(Yes. Because you know, summoned beasts are that kind of way it seems. In the game that my husband played.) (Root) <FINAL FANTASY!>
(I now understand that I shouldn’t underestimate the playful heart of a dragon.) (Makoto)
As if affirming the words of Root, the power shows abnormal rises as if there’s no ceiling to stop.
At this rate, the topography will change.
I don’t know if this situation was brought by my unluckiness, but I feel like it would be bad for the demon race capital to be destroyed by this.
Sorry, I am unlucky you see.
Is not something I can say.
I don’t intend to cooperate in war, but they have treated me well.
Even if that treatment was brought by their evaluation of my power, the truth is the truth.
“To think that such a disgrace would occur…” (Zef)
While expanding a barrier, Zef laughs.
Too bad but, even he can’t block everything.
Even if we just think of the after-effect, it would destroy at least half of the capital.
In terms of people, half might not be enough.
It is not on a level like the lava ball.
My Materia Prima can’t do the same thing.
I can take it and can repel it, but it won’t kill all the power, so it will definitely bring heavy damage to the surroundings.
Also, being a buckshot is problematic.
If I make the Magic Armor bigger, the density will decrease.
H-How troublesome.
If possible, I want to just use Azusa to pierce through that mouth of his.
If I do that, it would definitely create a giant crater with this place at the centre.
I can’t do that.
I take my distance from the Demon Lord’s group and begin consulting with the two.
“Mio, what do you think we should do?” (Makoto)
“Isn’t it fine to just take refuge?” (Mio)
In Asora, is what her eyes are saying.
It is the best place for refuge.
It would end with us unscathed after all.
“…Shiki?” (Makoto)
“…Magic is also a product of someone’s image. Waka-sama’s Magic Armor is also the same. If we go by that logic, it is not like there’s no way like Waka-sama thinks. But I also recommend taking refuge. It may be unfortunate for the demon race, but it can also be called karma. It seems like they did understand that such a factor could happen, so being prepared for it can also be called the principle of the strong.” (Shiki)
So there’s a way huh.
Then, let’s try it.
I won’t be dying from that much anyways, so even if I fail, I won’t be losing anything.
“Shiki, explain in detail. Mio, you help as well, okay?” (Makoto)
“You will do it? Then, first I will be taking permission from his Majesty. Root-dono seems to be increasing the power more after all.” (Shiki)
“If Waka-sama decided to, I will happily help out-desu wa.” (Mio)
Shiki goes to where Zef is.
If I mess up, the ones who will be facing the worst will be the demon race after all.
It is necessary to confirm if it’s okay to do it.
If we are told to not do anything, then we can just take refuge in Asora anyways.
Rona is being treated as usual, and Mokuren is carrying her all this time.
But I won’t lend them Shiki.
I will have him cooperate with me from now on after all.
“A buckshot with a mixture of six elements huh. Well, we will just do Shiki’s plan with all we have.” (Makoto)
“It will be a collaboration work-desu wa ne, Waka-sama.” (Mio)
I look at the shining Root.
The good mood of Mio slightly calmed down my heart.
Previous Chapter l Next Chapter
Bahamut is gonna use Megaflare?
It truly interesting that the sword of Zef is similar to the bow of Makoto, I want to see more about it.
“Every living being is equal” saying that while eating fried octopus… splendid!
So the Demon race was a socialist dictatorship? Like URSS or North Korea.
Another great chapter! Would love some feedback on my newest post ‘look at me now’ 😊https://malisehoney.wordpress.com/2017/05/04/look-at-me-now/
“This person seems to be a warrior type as well, so let’s try punching him.”
lol, and people dare hate this MC
The GF Attack!!
Can’t wait for next ch. Thank you!
Thanks for the Chapter~!!!
Amazing work as always thanks for the chap~
Thanks for the chapter Kai-kun.
Why do I feel like when Makoto gets married it will go like this:
Makoto: How did it turn out like this.
Bride: Please give up, Waka-sama.
Welp… Makoto you just hit the jackpot of black, reminds me of when I got a tripe one in D&D for stats : ^)
Bad luck*
It’s 2 am in the morning why am I still up
*raises hand* Ooo! I know this one!
It’s because there’s discussion to be had and a dope story to be enjoyed, right? 😀
Yeah.. It’s also Sunday in my country.
Refreshing like crazy, waiting for the ‘special patch’.
sunday too in here. but the current time right now is 4 pm
Did he really say “Nai wa” ? lol Kumo-chan is with us even in other novels
Thx for the chap
Thanks for the Chapter~!!!
this might what mio look with long hair
it glass for the rise of the shield hero the likest look so simpler
Thanks for the chapter!
Awesome to see makoto vs 4 demon generals and makoto one dangerous spell into something like a baseball its really funny that he mentioned they were playing dodgeball.
About that governor scepter I was expecting tomoe to be the one to show up but turns out its root. The Shining Root. Whats next The Falling Root?
One, two… counter!!” (Makoto)
“That’s not a counter!” (Reft)
The moment I throw the lava ball to the Demon Generals, Reft makes a rude shout.
AHAHAHA! reft making a tsukkomi here!
(Yes. Because you know, summoned beasts are that kind of way it seems. In the game that my husband played.) (Root) The hell!! BAHAMUT!!??
Also you dont have to force yourself to translate chapters if its long just add 1 day or 2 or 3 whatever day in 3 days. Its better than you burning out.
Anyways will there be a chapter this Sunday?
Thanks for the chapter!
Awesome to see makoto vs 4 demon generals and makoto one dangerous spell into something like a baseball its really funny that he mentioned they were playing dodgeball.
About that governor scepter I was expecting tomoe to be the one to show up but turns out its root. The Shining Root. Whats next The Falling Root?
One, two… counter!!” (Makoto)
“That’s not a counter!” (Reft)
The moment I throw the lava ball to the Demon Generals, Reft makes a rude shout.
AHAHAHA! reft making a tsukkomi here!
(Yes. Because you know, summoned beasts are that kind of way it seems. In the game that my husband played.) (Root) The hell!! BAHAMUT!!??
Also you dont have to force yourself to translate chapters if its long just add 1 day or 2 or 3 whatever day in 3 days. Its better than you burning out.
Anyways will there be a chapter this Sunday?
What a great chapter! Battle, new magics, betrayals, terrorists, OPness… 😀
Thx for the meal 🍻
Well, playing with kids is refreshing once in a while, isn’t it MC-chan ?
Mega flare, huh ? Forget about MC, you’d better worry about DM*A, you perverted Dragon toy ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
That’s definitely the kind of scene having a better taste when in POV !
Thanks for your work !
Thank you, kai-senpai.
Makoto is kamijo toma 2
Thanks for the chapter~
I wonder Makoto has in mind for this~
Thanks as always for the wonderfull chapter, Root seriously cracks me up, and the Demon SCARALLY SLIM MACHO DEMON LORD ZEF !!!!!!!!!! HA!HA!HA!HA! Really……
thanks for the chapter!
I was going to say in the worse case the scepter will summon root in your bed, but root was really sumoned…
Thank you ! … and good bye Reigokai (v.1.0). Will miss you but I’m sure v2.0 will work better.
*I can’t believe you did 8k wordcount alone. What insane level of concentration.
Whoa, dejá vu. Was parts of this in one of the flash-forwards or… why have I read the part about the heads being cut off?
also, ROOOOOOOT!!!
Best Dragon. 😛
thanks for the chapter… ^_^
*Gasp* Excuse you!?
Tomoe best dragon waifu. Komoe best dragon imouto. Grount best dragon Nee-san.
It’s more the matter of the tough competition, but Root is at least 4th place in my book.
….godda-stupid phone.
Post is meant to be to Senevri below this.
Then it’s fine.
Root, best dragon toy ! A perverted one, of course !
Thanks for the chapter Reigokai!
And yeah, this was a long one. I think you’d be forgiven for counting this as two chapters worth in fact. Well, since you’ve already taken measures to deal with the increasing length, I’ll say no more. When you are still translating the same amount of material, just with it all being crammed into less chapters, no-one is going to complain about the changes when it’s someone as reliable and fast as you. Don’t push yourself.
So is Root going to use Mega Flare……?
thank you for the cap
Thank you very much! An action-filled chapter!
Thanks 4 the chapter!
4 Demon Generals are not enough. Makoto is a raid boss for Demon General class.
Nai wa~
It would’ve been funnier if Mio was the one saying it. But considering Mio’s personality… yeah..
Thanks for the release!
Ahaha, when they said about summoning I anticipated something like this. For Root to be the one summoned… More hilarious it could be only if Tomoe were summoned… Nai wa…
Tomoe would be worse as she’s the dragon form of Professor X. She could trap the whole city in an endless dream . Unless she decides to test out her samurai skills.
Root watchet too many bahamut summons
i aid he need kill root i said it from the beguining =D
Nai wa!!!
Kumo-chan is among us yeahhh
ah ahh how can i wait for the next chap without losing my minnnddd dammnnnnn it
tx for chap reigokai-sama
Thank you for the chapter! I feel like Makoto took the battle lightly, he was just going around in his armor while throwing a few fireballs from time to time. I enjoyed the battle against the spider Mio more. But it was still fun to see the Demon Generals try :).
Shiny root.. lol
Thanks for the chapter !!
Just make pacth with Root and get happy ending
Que buen capitulo y tiene razon el señor demonio que ellos mismos aceptaron hacer la guerra y todo eso asi que no deberian culparlo a el exactamente esos terroristas y gracias Reigo-sama!
Thanks for the chapter.
Spoiler-san said: “Long-haired Mio is beautiful~ <3 "
Where is this Spoiler-san you mentioned?
Would love to … ‘meet’ this person.
Tell me when you finally find him, I need you to ‘deliver’ this buckshot shotgun shell to him
Found him, Jinsan. But …
Raizu you liar, he din du nothin’. I should hit you instead, I mean, send you to another world.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
it going to be in the next chapter
Seems like you need to be whale whack instead of a trout-whacked.
Long-short story, with the help from long-haired Mio who absorbed magic from Raidou) and Shiki, they can repel attack. Capital saved. Everyone praised them as heroes.
– On the last day, Demon king give one of his daughter,
You spoil too much.
*Turn on engine*
I will assist you Truck-sama.
*reloads machine gun*
I’m imagining a rustbucket pickup truck with a popping engine noise. Get him! Give him an infection!
thanks you Reigokai
leer esto mientras escucho el ost de la boss fight del alma de cenizas del dark souls 3….. UFFFF¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
thanks for the chapter reigo-sensei…
nice makoto keep show thew your op!! lol
Such speed Reigokai-sama…I was expecting a delay since you posted that previous post…love for you from me and the universe~!
What manga is that profile pic from? Looks like the one from new gate
This dragon one? It’s from “So no Mono, Kochi Ni….” or in English “that person, later on…”.
This dragon one? It’s from “Sono mono, nochi no…”or in English “That person, later on…”.
Makoto-chan luck is all about perspective. One thing I do not like about you is you only see things at face value(he does that most of the time but good thing he has Shiki) and realize it when its too late(thank the gods for that ability to see other timelines).
If we are to compare him with ‘a certain’ normal(um….not so normal) High School Boy from another JP novel who “Claims to suffer bad luck”
We can say that Makoto is LUCKY, (Blessed by gods, has a good family/company, and his encounter rate with potential profit/advantage is on another level),
That boy from ‘a certain’ JP novel had to die a billion times to ‘defeat’ a certain god/goddess,
had to fight the powerful World factions and his close friends to save that same goddess,
and days after he had to let himself be beaten up by a Yandere(whom he failed to save in the past) to save another girl he once saved(but cannot and will not remember her due to plot reasons) while he was under hospitalization,
He even had to brave Japan’s Winter while wearing minimal clothing(swimming trucks) to save “a certain emo boy’s harem” and his entire city from madness -all because a certain sociopath girl lost her dog,
and that guy survived all that, World War 3 and his misery ridden life without any Blessings from gods all thanks to his Sheer Determination, Knowledge,Experience and most importantly Character/Ideals (his power choose him because of his Character, the moment he steps away from that character his power will Consume him similar to how that power consumed a certain angel wannabe,that cyborg girl and that emo boy who was consumed his own power- which is a similar power to unlucky boy).
With all of that said,I will say it once more: Makoto(or should I say WN/LN/Manga timeline Makoto) has the best of Luck.
Who is the other one?
Kamijou Touma from To Aru No Majutsu No Index
I’ll hereby name thee comment: To Aru No Luckless Summary or A Certain Summary Of Luckylessness
Lets take the actions of the vile schemer demon generals, who are totally swinging the word “friendly match” as an intent to kill makoto.
Into a 4-koma:
Childish Io: Our match(play) isnt finished!
Makoto is looking at ceiling
Io saw Makoto looking up now trembling in joy imagining the past play what happened to him…
Demon Wannabe Kazusa: I’m a demon, so dont thin of me as a hyuman
Makoto: ….
Wannabe Demon: Im a demon!
Makoto: ………
Wannabe Demon: I’m a DEEMOOOOOON!!
Makoto: ok ok… (sheesh!)
Evil Lier Rona: (just smiling at Raidou)
Makoto: (She’s smiling, but i can see dark aura coming around her. I suddenly remembered the “rose sign” topic that time. I wonder why?)
Non-existent Reft: You may not know but im a….
Makoto: A hybrid dragon right? I’m looking forward to our fight!
Reft is now crying in joy for his existence
After Makoto fired “Brid”:
Here I come Raidou!! (Childish)
Io jumps at Makoto with a like going to do a body press on Makoto.
Makoto caught Childish Io with one arm of Materia Prima then toss him up the ceiling..
WEEEEEEeeeeeeeee!!! (Childish Io)
One of the most contributing parts of a 4-koma, in my opinion, are the little titles. So something like this:
Ever Diligent Io
Io: A match with that Raidou, is it?
Io: In that case, I’ll need to train up my offensive power more than ever before. (Background image of Makoto’s carefree face within the Magic Armor as Sophia’s wild attacks plink off)
Io: (Uncomfortable face as he flashes back to flying through the air in a rocket punch)
Io: No, perhaps I should improve my midair mobility first…
You should take into account that a 4-koma is for laughter. So you need to derail a bit of their personality yknow and what you think of them that fit Io being diligent to seems lacking in the punches in the joke sides and he’s quite active in the story
And some 4-koma dont have titles, so sorry about that cause my wild imagination just hit me. I even want to put Zef as a “Dandy Demonlord”
With those words just now, one of the four gauntlets shone brightly, and the body of Io turned bright red.
He is totally like a super robot.
Thats sounds like Gundam and trans Am.. .
Thanks for the chapter and it’s really long this time hope it didn’t effect u.
Whoooaa so long
I can understand and respect your needs as a translator to have time to go do things aside from translating non-stop.
But I fucking need these chapters you know? ≧∇≦
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to this project, and I will be waiting patiently for the next chapter 🙂
I just left a message saying thath you sould post the chapters by parts: this cliffhanger reafirms my opinion, it’s getting to the good part :3
My very favoritest part was definitely when both Mio and Shiki were like: “Nope, it’s going to summon God, 100%”
Thanks so much for all your hard work!!!!
Noble idiot used last draw skill upon death on “karma”
Noble idiot is successful
Noble idiot summoned “Pervert Bahamut!”
Pervert Bahamut now used “Ecstasy of Demise!”
Karma will now use “?” -to be continued
Oh change the Pervert Bahamut skill to “Ecstasy Flare!” Sorry about that XD
Thanks for the Chapter
What a blissful weekend I had after those exams and projects
I expected Tomoe would show up(sign)
-She used me as a foothold! Is what I would have liked to try saying.
gundam 0079 reference, when gundam fought black trinity, it stepped on one of the dom and the pilot screamed that.
(Ah, I might fall all over again. How reliable! It is like a buckshot blaze with a mixture of six elements. It would easily destroy the castle and the land in the vicinity.) (Root)
(Yes. Because you know, summoned beasts are that kind of way it seems. In the game that my husband played.) (Root)
are they talking about Bahamuth’s Mega Flare?
For all we know, one of Root’s husbands talked about that attack, and (s)he was so taken with the concept, (s)he just had to copy it.
Thank you very much for the chapter, Reigokai- onii-chan 🙈🙊🙉
I thought what reig senpai meant about a long chapt is about the fightong match but seems not, so thiz really pique my interest on why the next chapt gonna be long, BUT!! Dont push it reig senpai. Like i said, if its the usual release pace, its beter to do part by part. If its the whole package, make holler on the expected release to say two weeks at most, something like that
We’ve endured your long vacation to a grinding crawl to pass up the time. So it wouldnt harm to at least that much since we could expect s nice long chapt anyway
It would’ve been funny if tomoe is the one who had beem summoned, since it seems that the artifacts summons random being including dragons. I can see different routes of whats going to happen LoL
Im sure Mio and Shiki wouldnt mind beating a summoned shen like a boss monster, them saying its an evil dragon LOLS
Poor Tomoe is going to be the Evil Magistrate that gets defeated though.
No problem! At the end of that, it’ll end tomoe asking for help through though transmission of ending up makoto doing fake final blow or the two end up another brawl in asora lolz
Upgraded Tomoe is probably even more troublesome than Root, I imagine her ultimate attack is wide area absolute illusion mist
Take my like! Take them all!
i had a bad day
reigo compensated
redeemed by default
I once had a surgery that left me in pain, sleep deprived, and slightly nauseous.
An update from this site let me have a good day during recovery too. 😀
root joke is going too far in this chapter. I bet he doing this on purpose! that Prevert. thanks you for this chapter
Yeah… how many people in the world have luck to pull ancient dragon in 1:1000000 loterry ?
Lol @ “nai wa”
But shoot lol this cliff hanger.
Thanks for the chapter!
Thanks for the chapter!
Wonder how Makoto punish Root after this incident xP
Thank you!!!
Source of all the problems: Bug, Root…
Technically, Root made that one mantis monster…
Whoops. Shiki*
The only difference is, one screws with people because they are a naturally cruel person, while the other is just a troll that can’t help them self. At least the troll can be enjoyable to be around.
Just saying, I’d play video games with Root. Or even just watch him play something blind. Maybe watch some anime.
Bug though? I wouldn’t touch anything to do with her if she was the model and voice actor to a game character.
Thanks for the chapter
You don’t charge bahamut zero breath for joke …. damn root need some spanking
Its really hilarious how past Root keeps boning his present self.
Several Hundred Years Ago…
Root’s Husband: Are you sure this is a good idea? What you’re summoned at an inconvenient time or against something that’s quite painful to fight against?
Root: It’ll be fiiiine. That’s future Root’s problem. Besides, it’ll be funny!
Back to the present:
Future Root: *whilst “fighting” Makoto* CURSE YOU PAST ROOOOT!!!
Lol this pervert dragon is pretty knowledgable with games, quite surprising
He’s married 1-4 japanese kids from the modern era.. I bet one or two even had a psp with some games on it haha.
Root is gonna get a beating!!!
Thanks for the chapter!
Thanks for the chapter.
He is totally like a super robot.
-Makoto Misumi
total bliss T_T another good chapter…
Gyaaahahahah…I can only laugh when a damn pervert appeared suddenly…will he become a masochist after this punishment time? :v
ahahaha bring it on root! i’ll pulverize you! is what Makoto supposed to be saying to make it a bit exciting. communicating only in transmission is a no good. well i already know the outcome but, DAMN!!! i want to make this part more fun and to excite the readers more.
thanks for the chapter.
Haaah~…godsdamnit Root.😑
Why would root use the term buckshot in a world without guns
Well, he did apparently marry many otherworlders, so he’s probably familiar enough with the concept.
Not Eden. But Bahamut huh? gigiddy~
Cheers for the hardwork~
Thx for the chapter o/
“nai wa” like a certain spider godness hum~
thanks a lot
Mio appears to be happy after all she can officially hurt Root as much as she wanted with the consent of Makoto for all the flirting he/she did to him
Thanks for the chapter, Reigokai-sama!
Why do I get the feeling that the 4 demon generals( a normal party) vs Makoto (End Game Raid Boss) friendly match is like a Demo/Trailer for an up and coming MMO?
Also, they might be calling it a ‘friendly match’ but from what I see, they are utilizing about 50% of their abilities to just even try and scratch him. If this were really a no-holds barred fight, Makoto would have whipped out the Azusa Bow and launched a few Certain Hit Nuclear Bombs.
Wait, stop. That’s like using a truck to kill 4 cockroaches.
High rave of unluckiness, huh? More like blessings in disguise in my opinion.
1.) Encounter with the bug and being sent to the edge of the world. Inadvertently saved him from being a ‘puppet’ from both countries and turned him into an independent power.
2.) Destroying a gate created by the superior Dragon Shen. Normally, it would be a death sentence for everyone else, but it gained him a follower, someone who has a flair for being heroic and going with instinct and guts.
3.) Encounter with the Black Calamity. Same as above, but this time the follower is more on the usage of brute force.
4.) Encounter with Lime. What should have been a template for being harassed with low level mooks, culminated with acquiring an able-bodied person.
5.) Encounter with a Lich. Same as the other two followers, but this one uses logic and reason. His 3 followers can give him three different opinions, rebuttals, advice, admonishments, and varying degrees of high loyalty.
6.) His encounter with the Guild Representative. Gave him the chance to mature (for a bit).
7.) Encounter with Sophia and Lancer. Enabled him to develop a power capable of utilizing his magic power (even though it is a bit incomplete.)
8.) Encounter with thingmoki. Earned him brownie points with Tomoe.
What I’m basically saying is that most of the ‘unlucky’ encounters Makoto has in this world, he has gained a benefit in return. If he has that much of an unlucky trait that gave him Tomoe, Mio and Shiki, I wonder what sort of interesting and unique individuals he will get to meet in the future?
Or burning your house down to kill a flea?
That’s true. Even this current instance with Root’s summoning, one could argue that things are going to end in Makoto’s favor.
The thing is, I don’t think Makoto’s luck is really considered “unlucky” as he thinks, so much as it is….Extreme. The type of thing that’s very one-in-a-million a million times in a row.
or like certain person from To aru majutsu, unlucky hand with lots of female encounter ? (sry i really havent watch about it , only H-doujin about it XD )
Im gonna comment about 7, you shouldve added “it pushed him to gain more power”, since the time tomoe pointed out the mystery on asora’s expansion, it scared him and put down the bow training that time.
“There is a great disturbance in the Novel. We have a new enemy, Cliff-san. He could destroy us. Cliff-san is strong within the novel.” XDDD
I can’t wait for the next one… Thanks for the chapter…
So Cliff-san, Truck-san, and Common Sense-chan walk into a bar…
I don’t know if I want to hear the rest of this joke. Or let someone under the age of 18 hear it.
…so the rabbi says “Hey the duck is with me!”
I can’t help but that it will end in the rape of common sense-chan(again).
Okay, firstly, at this point it’s consensual.
My personal headcanon is that Common Sense-chan is a worldless goddess whose job is to make sure all the other world systems are functioning properly. But she’s actually a hardcore M, so whenever she meets a MC that breaks her systems, she falls for them hard and usually ends up spiritually in bed with them. Shhh….Don’t tell Miooooo…
Secondly, Truck-San is responsible for sending Common Sense Breakers her way, while Cliff-san helps her fend off really bad cases of them, so they have a bit of a Troll/Tease – Serious Girl/Tsundere – Kind Neighbor/Nii-san relationship going on. Entirely innocent.
and suddenly common sense-chan found ball-gagged inside truck-san under the cliff-san
Please stop. This is so embarassing!
Spoiler-san is occupied with his vessel’s livestream, will return to read and comment later.
Spoiler-san is back. Thank you Reigo-senpai for translating. Spoiler-san is sorry that Spoiler-san is late, but his vessel was doing a livestream when the vessel learned about the chapter being posted. So Spoiler-san apologizes.
Anyway, Spoiler-san didn’t forget about Root showing up in dragon form, that was just too much of a spoiler. As in it would summon Truck-kun. And get the higher power mad at Spoiler-san. But yeah, the next chapter is interesting. But it’s the one after that everyone should be looking forward to the most. Trust Spoiler-san.
Before anyone asks, Spoiler-san didn’t tell spoilers this time because Spoiler-san doesn’t have the right after being a couple hours late. It has nothing to do with Truck-kun or the Higher Power. This one is on Spoiler-san’s conscious. And… the fact that Spoiler-san was livestreaming a Yu-Gi-Oh game! Seriously, who livestreams that?
ahhhhh now i’m on my nerves, WHAT THE HELL WILL HAPPEN? SPOILER-SANNNNN!!!!
Found youuuuu…
Good.. good…
*turn off engine*
Oh shit! Truck-kun’s shown up in the comments!
Take care not to totally flatten him out, you crazy drived truck ! Go for it ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
And If that’s not sufficient, I’ll summon Kuriboh !
Spoiler-san thinks he should have laid down Mirror Force instead…
As if !
Magical Hats !
*Spoiler-san gets flipped in facedown defense position*
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH ! What’s the matter guy ?
There is no winning if you keep defending only !
Well, that’s fine, I shall crush you head on !
Snatch Steal on Mario !
@Sakamaki Izayoi Baka, you just lost the duel. Snatch Steal is a banned card.
“Wait a moment… YOU’RE NOT THE REAL TRUCK-KUN!!!”
Did you mean Truck-san? This one is her cousin. You mistake me for the one that hit you in the past. There are many of us, our clan is big after all… Some Truck-kin hit Spoilers, some hit Female Musicians, but most of us just choose to be Transporters. We’re well known. You know, some of us actually make it big in Hollywood. The other day, one of my distant relative finished his fifth movie.
This one is new here. Don’t worry, I won’t hit, I mean, send you to another world. Yet.
Spoiler-san doesn’t really get sent to another world, he only gets sent back to the 5th Dimension. Luckily Spoiler-san’s vessel has survived it so far. Also, Spoiler-san has been hit by all of your family except for the poor soul who died to kill a helicopter in Live Free or Die Hard.
All of them? Nai wa…
Eyy, such tenacity, such strong life force. Like a cockroach. Hahaha.
I found the real perpetrator who spoiled things using Spoiler’s alias.
Yesterday we transport her to another world. Don’t worry, she will be back by next chapter… if she behave.
Wait… you found the one who framed Spoiler-san? Spoiler-san is thankful to truck-kun, but only this one time.
@Ohmariowv… What are you talking about ?!
Isn’t it obvious, that there’s no limitations in a battle ?! Only a fool would not understand that, you, gigantic 5th dimension’s Baka.
Ah~, I’m truly disappointed, you killed my mood…I guess, I have no choice but to grope KuroUsagi now.
What’s mean Nai Wa?
It means “No Way!”.
you should read Kumo desuka to read about our lord and savior Kumoko
I don’t want that
No no no
Somewhere along those lines, it’s not directly translate able…
Alright no one panics at this theory but I think this is when Moo will die.
She wont die, So far in the novel she’s still alive.
Makoto even gets more followers
Shhhhhhh…Spoiler-san cut it down to teasers for the most part and this was already mentioned I think, but still…
Shhhh. Shush. No spoilers.
( ‘x ‘)
(‘ x’ )
Thank you, I’m now anxious about that future.😱
lol, the contrast:
Zef: Root? You mean the Heavenly/ Ancient Dragon of the legends?
Makoto: Root? That futanari pervert?
Thanks for the translation
I feel frustrated..
Thanks the chapter
looks like the demon race becoming a follower of Makoto is Imminent afterall
Thanks for the chapter and the hard work
Thx 4 the chapter
Ugh…. Fuck you cliffhanger!!! Fuck youuuuuuuuuuu!!!
I almost feel sorry for Root… Come on ><
you say it.. ALMOST xD
This is Root’s joke biting him in his scaly ass. He deserves what Makoto’s about to do to him.
Thanks for the translation!
Root Route~
Sayona Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei Dargon over here~
Thanks for the chapter~
PS Will makoto contract root?
root probably want ,but makoto ? getting molested by weird dragon that want to buttseck him !? no thank you
Thanks for the chapter as always…..
Well, I thought Tomoe that came out of dragon scepter ahahahah…….
ahahaha me too, but tomoe would cry
Thankee for the chapter!!! Looking forward to the demonic jaws being dropped as Makoto extinguishes the power buckshot with a gigantic fist xD
Root : i cast Omega Flare
Makoto : i cast FIST !
Janken pon~
Root: My blast will obliterate the castle and all the surrounding land.
Makoto: I choose Rock since it’s super effective against Fire.
thank you for the chapter =)
Thanks for the chappy!
Nai Wa~ Makoto turned into Kumoko chan lol
Tch. For the first time since I think Tomoe let Tomoki go, I’ll have to click by tongue at this story. I was so eager for an interesting new demon faction to show itself, and it turns out to just be religious fanatics for Bug. A shame. It did draw out a nice exchange with Zef though. Government-arranged marriages, thinning the young population, and controlling each civilian’s careers huh?
It’s harsh, but probably necessary. As usual, the demons are a people tempered by harsh conditions. Makoto put it very well. Can’t empathize with him, but I can understand.
So wait…there are only 4 Demon Generals? I thought there were 8 or so for some reason. Man. This fight was fun, The opponents probably don’t see it that way, but Makoto clearly had some fun experiencing both new and nostalgic techniques there. A bit of Super Robo power here, some siege magic there, and a counter specialist that did a glorious tsukkomi to a brilliantly unreasonable action.
This whole chapter was just filled with tsukkomi moments, really. It makes me want to just quote a whole mess and retort to each one individually. Well, for now, I’ll settle on the biggest tsukkomi of all…WHY DID YOU COME OUT ROOT!? ヽ༼ ಠДಠ ༽ノ
I feel like Makoto should drag Root to Zef for an apology later. By the ear. Well, I guess by a wing if he’s in dragon form.
LOL I would like to see that.. but i don’t think he can in zef case…
I hope that the next chapter is coming soon I don’t like cliffhangers
Reigokai said Sunday though? The patch will be applied next week so this week schedule is still in effect…wait…is my grammar correct? … ah for shame…I quit…
noooo!! don’t quit!!
Woah! Who is quitting?
but you said!….. o well~ forget it -.-
It seems we have a misunderstanding in our hand…well…let us just enjoy the beautiful tranlation of Reigokai-sama…
yeah sorry for the misunderstanding… and that’s exactly what I’m going to do thanks!! xD
Awesome chapter!
Now everyone in the Demon race knows how strong Raidou really is =]
(but this is not even my final form…)
Makoto vs demon generals
Just use full power materia prima and walk to the demon generals, knocked out them one by one
Thanks for the chapter!!!
Thx for the chapter.
And….another cliff..
Oh man! As soon as we learned that luck was involved with that summoning, everyone knew Makoto was screwed, didn’t they? Even Mio and Shiki acknowledge it with complete(and hilarious) seriousness.
…and then out pops Root with a “Whoops. Sorry about this. Please be gentle~♥”
To be honest, at first when the golden light was mentioned, I feared it was bug, summoning Makoto again. I did quickly dismiss it, but when the second thought went to Root, I imagined that Makoto might prefer to meet bug again.
My first thought at the golden light was that the scepter actually summoned Bug herself. That would be an amusing event, but not nearly as much as meeting Root. 😀
…Actually, I think it would’ve been funny if Tomoe came out of the scepter instead.
Oh yeah!
I did think of Tomoe as well. That would be so awesome.
These religious fanatics activate an artifact that will summon a creature capable of overpowering even Zef, and out comes this girl, who immediately turns towards Makoto and asks “Waka? I was just sorting some documents. Did you need me for something?”, “No Tomoe. But since you’re already here, let me introduce the Demon Lord.”.
That would be a really surreal experience for the Demons.
Thank for the update
…The ceiling is open, so at worst, I can just throw him away with a rocket punch again.
savage, and root is a summon, bahamut?
Bahamut would be one of the superior dragons, i think he is on the level of either neo Bahamut or even Ultima..
Thanks for the chapter.
Pie!!! And big big shiny dragon attack incoming!!!
Thanks for the chapter Reigokai nii-san 🙂
An here i’m thinking that makoto will call root and invite him for a tea
Root is cruel as ever, seriously…
He fall in his own traps…
And thanks 4 the update
Thanks for the Chapter!
Much rhanks.
Great chapter. Just full of Makoto being badass with some bits of Root being creepy. And FF summoning lol.
Root summoned
Sorry makoto-kun~
Ultima flare…..
Naiwa~(shiro-chan detected)
Nai wa~
Nai wa~
XD Poor Makoto. I wonder if he actually has some sort of tie with a malicious luck spirit.
makoto saying NAI WA !? does shiraori spider went into makoto brain !?
This damn stupid pervert futanari dragon
its not futanari, its gender-bender-at-will dragon
That’s what? The fourth time Root’s trolling has come to hump Makoto in the leg?
Pfft. Nice word choice.
You. I like your name.
is Makoto finally going to use Mio’s power (like he is able to use Tomo’s power to create the teleport mist) and consume Root’s attack?
Thanks for the chapter Reigo-san
What a quick fight… and they haven’t even seen his full potential yet. xD
Root just utterly leaves his fate to Makoto’s hands…
Where would be the fun in an instant-quadruple-KO 😀
Also, Root is just being his usual perverted self. (S)He’s a total M right now.
I bet Root could cancel the summoning, since he set it up in the first place, but after that beating he got from Tomoe and that other dragon, he was just craving some of Makoto’s tough-love.
Oh yeah…speaking of Tomoe, I wonder what she would say if Makoto asked for the scepter as a reward?
She seemed to get a little jealous of the dragon knights back in Rotsgard, so I end up picturing an amusing image of:
“Infidelity Waka!? Even though you have me…Even though you have me…”
I kinda want that to happen. Seeing tomoe get jealous and makoto having to soothe her jealous by saying there isn’t a another dragon that can replace her. That would make for a good chapter.
Well, I mean the first time it happened with the knights, Makoto already soothed her jealousy while unintentionally seducing her at the same time.
Thanks for the chapter(: man this is really getting lit.
Thanks for the chapter Reigokai-sama
Update in morning now?
Not afternoon.
(Sorry english bad)
Thanks for the chapter!
I felt Makoto in the first half of the chapter to be an incredibly stupid person. Must be just me tho
You mean with how he was playing around?
I mean, come on, there aren’t that many individuals around with whom he can spar. He’s so powerful even Root’s super-flashy attack (half-assed as it may be) wouldn’t be able to hurt him. Even without the magic armor on.
Of course he’s going to seriously limit himself so he doesn’t finish it in an instant.
I felt that Makoto truly enjoyed himself during the fight. To Makoto, this wasn’t about power, but about tactics. He found it enjoyable to counter opponents who were trying to outsmart him.
Yeah, the friendly match really was just that to him this time. I certainly had as much fun as he did during the battle.
We probably won’t get many fights like this one with Makoto.
Lol, well certainly he is playing around but the way he was playing around was incredibly stupid, but it’s not a problem for me. I enjoyed the way he handled it stupidly as it is amusing since he has incredible power which is more or less capable against a god, and I can see that he wanted to see how such generals would fair against him although the way he reacted against the generals’ attacks were a bit amusing.
No need to further explain yourself, I’m not up for stupid debates. I’m only here to enjoy what Reigokai does and react to what I thought about a chapter.
Sorry if you were triggered from the way I commented, I merely reacted to a chapter the way as a comment should be. Thank you for your reply though but it wasn’t necessary.
You, I give you a medal. And here is a baby knowledge whale for you, enjoy.
Haha, I wasn’t triggered or anything 🙂
It’s difficult to convey tone in writing, but that was a light-hearted post.
As for why it felt like Makoto went about it in a stupid way, I’d say it’s simply because he doesn’t really have much fighting experience.
Even Lucia got pissed at him for taking things so leisurely despite having so much power.
“It is like saying your parents are halves and your grandfather a quarter, right?”
I don’t know why but I feel something wrong with this sentence xD
I think “one of ur parents is born from 2 half blood and one parents is a quarter”
That will make sense, mathematically
“It is like saying your parents are halves and your grandfather a quarter, right?”
I don’t know why but I feel something wrong with this sentence xD
Is it a good idea to expose the existence of asora to the demon.
Thou they r not asshole like hyuman, who are brimming with pride over powers that dun belongs to them.
They are, technically speaking, still savengers? They fought for better land and revenge.
So, i do think they may end up scheming against Makoto and fight Makoto juz for asora? Maybe…
Well, it is still not confirm if asora will continue exist if makoto dies… But i juz get these feelings, the demons will just do their best to occupy that world, well, they are existence made by the
Oh, they may slip some guys into asora while Makoto trys to help. Well they get spotted for that?
In the first place
the reason Demon race is invading human territory is because there are no abundant lands
so i bet when the demon race is exposed to asura
they will try to join with Makoto at all cost
since they already know the power of makoto ,
I don’t think they will fight him if there is a peaceful solution of subservience though i don’t think you saying is impossible too
it might turn out that the demon lord Zef might create a pact with makoto after all
but that is still my wishful thinking
The demons already decided not to provoke Makoto, no matter what the cost. I doubt they’d do something that stupid, no matter how desperate. Doubly so if there’s a peaceful solution.
I think that it might be a good idea, with only 1 con (The bugodess would be antagonize against makoto, which lead to him smacking the bugodess).
The demons, though savage and militarian, are actually logical and only wanted some land good enough for them. In asora the land is good, and they have abundant places, although it might have some dificulties, that could work if makoto pick only some little part of demons, giving them safe haven.
It should be the other way with the grandparents being half’s and your parents being quarters
Yeah, it makes no sense at all!
Thank you ~
( ´・ω・) ∫ Thanks!
//\ ̄ ̄旦\ Nepu!!
// ※…\___\
\\ ※…. ※ ※ ヽ
Goddammit, Root! 😾
Thanks for the Chapter 😄😄 Yay
lol missed the chapter. Just saw the other post. Thank you
Woo! New chapter!. Another big one.
Error Fix (Maybe?).
“If the chance is of one in a hundred, then… 0.01 percent?”
One in a hundred is 1 percent. Or you could call it a 0.01 chance. 0.01 Percent is a one in a thousand chance.
Of course, with Makoto’s extreme luck that let him meet people with enough power to contract as his followers twice within a week, the penalty makes it practically 100%.
One in ten thousand*
Yeah se7en
Finally reload every 5 minutes is worth
Thank you!
Thx :)))
Yep thc
Early with Beard Bananas!!!!!
“Nai Wa~” *falls over laughing* Spider reference FTW!!!!!
Thanks for the chapter, can’t wait to find out how crazy this gets!!!!
Cheers for closet airheads who are treated like monsters of destruction by people around them
That reminds me.
“I have been called ‘monster’ a lot, so I don’t mind it that much.”
Makoto is already used to it…
If you think about it, you lose.
now iam curious if that was realy there or it was Reigokais doing ^^’
not necessarily kumo-chan reference. Nai wa~ is a common word to say when in shock.
does the original really use nai wa!? it would be awesome if it does
Thank u always for ur great work…
— While at it, I grab Io and restrain him. I point him towards the dark night and throw him. —
Deja vu…
— “You returned?!” (Makoto) —
He really shocked?!
— (Yes. Because you know, summoned beasts are that kind of way it seems. In the game that my husband played.) (Root) —
When I REALLY engrossed on the whole situation, s/he throw a joke, DANGIT ROOOTTT!!!
Why I completly can’t feel the cliff?
It must be cz something that Root doing…
Lol xD
It’s totally Root’s fault~
I know Makoto will survive this and make the demons… scared shitless… or maybe revere him as their new god or something~ Ooooooh~ I feel excited, but I don’t really feel like it’s a cliff hanger~ Nice nice~
I personally love it when tension is wrecked in a funny manner.
Final fantasy hahahha