Translator Note:
Just wanted to say, thanks for all the donations and support, you guys are awesome!
And wow, 400 comments in a single day, talk about impressive! O.o
“Just as it is big, the speed isn’t much to consider huh!”
Dodging the fist that the magic power body punched out, Sofia jumps to close range.
She came at me with several attacks using her red light cladded sword.
But, it didn’t reach me.
“Well, I am not a master in martial arts after all. At any rate, those are quite the strong attacks. It doesn’t even compare to last time” (Makoto)
“… That’s obvious! This is—” (Sofia)
“The power of dragons huh. Taking into account the aria, did you borrow the power of another superior dragon?” (Makoto)
“How about this?!” (Sofia)
Not even an answer.
The figure of Sofia disappears.
It must be her prided teleportation.
Just that, it is slightly different from before.
At that time, she was exchanging her position with swords, but it looked like she is currently using a different method to teleport.
Is it the power of a shadow dragon or something?
Diagonally to my front, at mid-air, I feel her presence.
As if shouldering her back, she prepares her sword and around her chest there’s a red sphere.
A long distance attack?
Sofia swings her sword diagonally and leaves a trail.
At that moment, the red sphere turns into something similar to a laser and heads towards me.
I reflexively use the magic power body’s hand to stop it.
Crush it and erase it.
“Hmph~ it was like a laser. Is that the power of the fire dragon that you mentioned in your aria? When talking about a fire superior dragon, it would be the crimson fire dragon “Crimson Light Akari” huh” (Makoto)
“… This didn’t work either. Crimson Light is the one that holds the strongest attack power among the dragon race though” (Sofia)
The Dragon Slayer that landed glares at me with intense eyes.
“I don’t remember being hated by a dragon though” (Makoto)
Actually, I am being liked way too much by a dragon that has both sexes and it’s even troubling me.
“Ara, don’t worry. It is not like Raidou is being hated!” (Sofia)
Without learning, she charges at me again.
While repelling, I also launch my own attack.
The fist is evaded once again and, from the surface of that fist, a magic formation expands. From there, a laser type of attack like the one Sofia used, was shot.
But… Tch.
It was a surprise attack, and yet, she was able to block it with her sword.
As always, she has crazy intuition and an unbelievable sword.
But there’s no need to care about that.
This magic power body also serves the purpose of strengthening my spells.
Actually, that’s its main purpose.
I contain the magic power that has come out from my body in my surrounding.
Set [Sakai] at perception.
Because if it’s her attack power, there’s no need to use strengthening even if her power increases by double after all.
“How about, this?” (Makoto)
I look at where Sofia has taken distance, and make a short aria.
Several ripples appear from the front part of the magic power body.
Balls the size of fingers detach from the human shape and float.
“Is that, a defense mechanism?” (Sofia)
Maybe she understood what I intended to do, Sofia mutters as if groaning.
“It is not only that right, Sofia?” (Makoto)
Immediately after the balls trembled slightly…
An attack similar to the laser from before was shot in several small lines towards Sofia.
Bundles of light that were no fewer than hundred were heading at Sofia, but she uses her usual teleportation to evade it.
But that’s futile.
Her teleportation isn’t the type that lets her escape into a different space.
She is just moving to a different location.
On top of that, from what I have seen, there’s quite the limitation in distance.
There she is.
With [Sakai], I find Sofia hiding under cover.
To all the lights that were heading against a wall because they lost their target… I tell them her location.
“They curved?!” (Sofia)
All of the lights changed their direction and lunged towards the mountain of rubble that Sofia was hiding in.
Curving a laser type attack.
It is one of the dreams of men. Natto missile is also good.
The voice of Rona that I heard from the back was dyed in surprise.
Homing trait isn’t that unusual of a thing though.
What I did just now wasn’t homing but something close to adding a new input. It doesn’t look that different though.
An explosion.
I can’t tell the location of Sofia.
There must have been some damage there.
I turn to my back.
Io and Rona were looking at me.
“Io, you should release that dangerous stance. If you are going to get in the way, I will be taking proper steps” (Makoto)
“I think that our fight is still in progress though” (Io)
“I see. I did warn you, okay?” (Makoto)
“Raidou, that thing there, is it all your magic power?” (Rona)
“Rona, I don’t have any intentions to answer that. But I will give you an advice. Quickly pull back your personnel from Stella. It looks like I will be finishing this soon” (Makoto)
Io was facing me and showing a stance.
He is the same type as Sofia, so doing a joint front is difficult.
And yet, he is still trying to join into my fight with Sofia.
“Ah, right. You did have such an attack right, Raidou?” (Sofia)
From inside the smoke, Sofia was standing.
I thought that she wasn’t unscathed though.
“You are practically like Io. Did you learn regeneration? How about calling Lancer?” (Makoto)
“I am calling him. It doesn’t seem like he is listening though. Looks like your servant is not letting him go, you know?” (Sofia)
“Ah~, I see. Then let’s finish this already, Sofia” (Makoto)
“… 4 superior dragons” (Sofia)
“Hah?” (Makoto)
“It is not only Mitsurugi and Waterfall like last time. I was elated by that time with the lake, so I also ate Darkness Clad and Crimson Light” (Sofia)
She didn’t obtain the cooperation of the superior dragons?
“I noticed, the ability to eat the power of the dragons and assimilate it. I can brag about being the strongest among adventurers, but adding to that, I have also obtained the power of 4 superior dragons. I have enough power to destroy even a country” (Sofia)
A country?
With only this level?
“Next would be the Sand Wave Sazanami and the Invincible. If I kill those two, I would be able to reach the stage where I can devour Myriad Colors as well” (Sofia)
From the superior dragons I know of, those are all of them huh.
Among the 7 superior dragons, 4 are already within herself, and yet, she isn’t able to touch me. It must be quite the shock for her.
Also… Root.
Looks like her objective has something to do with Root, but… do I have to carry his destiny as well?
I will complain to him about this later.
“How exaggerated. You are able to destroy a country with only this level of power?” (Makoto)
“Plenty enough. That Io over there as well. He is able to destroy a small country. An army is just a power that weaklings flock to. For you and me, those kind of things just serve as targets. The power of individuals, that itself is national power” (Sofia)
Is that, how it works?
No well, I thought that individuals would be powerless against a flock like an army though.
When looking at this town’s situation and the progress of the battle, I did think: ‘Is this all they have?’.
Even if it’s a surprise attack, I wondered if this is the extent of armies and knight corps.
This world might be a lot ‘weaker’ than I originally thought.
“Seriously. Having scales coming from my skin is just unsightly. How dare you” (Sofia)
Sofia’s power increased a step higher.
The 4 colored powers that were residing in her body as well as her own power, it looked like they were merging and turning into some sort of marble pattern.
The color of her skin darkens slightly.
Just like how she said, I could faintly see scale-looking things.
Her nails lengthened and her eyes changed like the ones of Tomoe which were close to the vestiges of a dragon.
Instead of a Dragon Slayer, she looks more like a Dragon Kin now.
“A transformation? I don’t know about Graunt, but I don’t think you would be able to defeat Shen and Root” (Makoto)
“?! Shen and Root. It seems like the things I will have Raidou open his mouth for have increased” (Sofia)
“For you, that will be impossible” (Makoto)
“Leaving aside the Invincible Shen, the name of the Myriad Color superior dragon is known by practically no one. I will have you tell me a lot of things. Before you die, that is!” (Sofia)
“I see. Lately, I have been eating quite a lot with him though” (Makoto)
“Just how long can you keep that condescending tone?!” (Sofia)
Sofia touches the magic power body.
Just how many times will you do the same thing?
She touched the human shape without holding a sword.
At the same time that I was thinking what she was intending to do, from Sofia’s hand, a pitch black mud-like darkness was spouted out.
I could tell that the darkness that was sticking to the magic power body was declining its strength at those portions.
The sword of Sofia that shone remarkably stronger, accurately makes a flash at the black marking.
While raising my voice, I include an attack against Sofia.
Making several magic compositions, I fire it off from the human shape.
Spear spheres.
Firing off several attacks, they also did hit the target, but…
She didn’t stop.
Maybe she activated an instantaneous healing magic, she is cutting and cutting and cutting at me without caring.
While covering only her vitals and her right hand, she recovers everything that injures her.
It seems like she has judged that this is the moment to decide the battle.
At this moment Io is coming too huh.
I can tell that Io is charging at me from behind.
I have [Sakai] expanded with perception, so I can stop surprise attacks.
It seems like Rona is trying to stop him though.
Like Sofia, Io must have thought that this was the chance.
“Raidou, don’t think bad of m—” (Io)
“Io, why don’t you return? I will kill you, you know? Last time was advice, this time, it is a warning” (Makoto)
I firmly look at Io and tell him this.
The binded Io.
He is being grabbed by the hand of the human shape.
A third arm.
“Just because it is hyuman shaped, that doesn’t mean it will only be restricted to 2 arms. Even you have 4 arms after all” (Makoto)
Facing the starry sky, I lift him up.
After an advance notice that I will kill him if he returns.
Well, he will most likely not return though.
“Rocket Punch, just kidding” (Makoto)
“Uoooo?!!!” (Io)
I cut off the arm and shoot it out at high speed.
The grabbed Io was unable to shake it off and while still struggling, he disappeared into the starry sky.
He was slightly valuable to kill, so well, no matter where he falls, he will most likely be able to repatriate.
I did release him towards Stella so there should be no problems.
“Don’t look away!!” (Sofia)
Along with Sofia’s words, she makes a swipe with all her might.
Ah, this one will be hard to maintain.
It has black markings placed here and there after all.
An ear-piercing sound.
The human shape broke.
“With this-!!” (Sofia)
I never said that I can’t reconstruct it though.
The reality that what she destroyed had appeared in an instant again and blocked her sword; without letting escape that moment of disturbance by the reconstruction, I grab Sofia with the hand of the human shape.
“I wonder, just how good is your defensive power in that form?” (Makoto)
The fist that grasped her tightly, releases heat along with light, and explodes.
A serious scream of pain.
This is the first time I have heard the voice of Sofia sounding like this.
Looking at the fight occurring right in front of me, I felt fear.
An emotion close to pure terror.
Io who saw as if Raidou was being pushed back, decided to join the battle as well.
But, he was dealt with in an instant.
The strongest general from our prided army was.
It was something that happened not too long ago.
The hyuman shaped magic power of Raidou grew a third arm from around the armpit and grabbed Io, and just like that, it separated from the body and flew to the sky.
Io is unable to use teleportation.
I see. From a realistic standpoint, he has been shut out of this fight.
If Raidou uses a hand like that, Io has no way of doing anything against it. <Hehe, hand>
If I go look for him, it might be possible to rejoin the battle, but it is a reality that 2 demon generals are unable to compare in any way.
It is simply a bad situation.
Just one thing, what I am hoping is that, Raidou’s trump card is that magic power body.
It is certainly true that that thing is troublesome.
It’s a mass of magic power that can even put spells to use. With a simple aria, it can activate the spells in an instant.
Moreover, as long as he has magic power, it seems like it can even regenerate.
Just by being able to construct such a magic power body, it is proof that he possesses an amount of magic power that rivals the scale of a country.
It doesn’t seem like it is a pure object, so I don’t know about the conversion performance, it might even be slightly better than the one I know of. But the truth is that, this is a literal threat.
“From the demon race experiments, a normal magician would have to use all its magic power just to make a single grain of sand. He is able to make such a mass and materialize it strongly enough to defend against attacks of a Dragon Slayer. In that case…” (Rona)
There’s no doubt that it is an amount of magic power that she doesn’t even feel like calculating.
But in the end, it is magic power.
If it is with my trump card, it is quite good against it.
Even if it’s Raidou, there should be a way to fight it.
If it’s now, I can also expect the support of Sofia.
That is exactly the reason why I am still here.
For the demon race, the Dragon Slayer and that boy will become a threat the moment they turn into enemies.
That’s why, if I can eliminate at least one…
That’s how it is.
It is originally a special attack of mine that needs the permission of my Lord before using, but as expected, right now I have no leeway to fill the forms.
I begin my preparations.
I connect my aria and without the two noticing me…
“Rona, I don’t know what you intend to do but, if you continue forming your spell… I will crush you” (Makoto)
That guy, at this distance…
Without even turning this way, he warned me.
Now that I remember, when we were confronting each other for fun at the academy, he was strangely able to predict my attacks.
Different from the other students, my habits shouldn’t have been read, and yet…
I feel a cold sweat running down my spine.
Just a few days ago, the last time we talked and I thought he was as naive as always, in just that small amount of time, did something happen to Raidou?
I don’t understand.
But, the reality that he made such a change is important.
At the very least, he is not someone that can be rolled in the palm of my hand at the battlefield anymore.
I send saliva to my dried throat.
It’s completely dry.
I can feel the fear that I hadn’t felt for so long swelling up inside me.
It wasn’t the time to be concerned about this.
As if hiding the fact that I have yielded to fear, I began to line up several reasons to negate the antagonism towards him.
With thought transmission, I am able to grasp the general location of Io.
He has quite the distance, but it isn’t at the level where I can’t go look for him.
It is the time to step back.
If what Sofia says is true, she has the power of 4 superior dragons and has released the power to the point that her hyuman shape has begun to change.
Blade Dragon’s sword, Fire Dragon’s flame, Water Dragon’s healing and support, Shadow Dragon’s special ability.
It is certainly true that it is power that could bring down a country.
But with a fresh face and with literally no sweat, Raidou was confronting her.
He is also…
No, he is way too much of an unknown number.
At the very least, I have been underestimating him way too much.
“It was a joke, Raidou” (Rona)
“Ah, I see” (Makoto)
“… Your conditions were to give up on the hero and Stella Fortress, right? Okay. I don’t know about Sofia, but Io and I will accept those conditions. We will withdraw” (Rona)
“And the condition is?” (Makoto)
Raidou looks at me.
While confronting Sofia, he has the leeway to look away as many times as he wants.
To think it was to this extent…
“There’s no condition. You will meet with Demon Lord-sama, right?” (Rona)
“Of course. I do want to talk with that person at least once after all” (Makoto)
“Then that’s plenty enough. That girl is a vice-general, but doesn’t lead any army. I will be leaving her here but, you don’t mind, right?” (Rona)
“… I can’t assure you her safety” (Makoto)
“Okay. It seems like she doesn’t intend to stop fighting even after hearing this talk, so I will just accept it as an outcome of the battlefield” (Rona)
“Then go ahead. Let me tell you this just in case. If you intend to place a hand on the hero, Shiki is also outside” (Makoto)
“I am not so stupid. Well then, excuse me” (Rona)
Leaving the place and heading to where Io was, this single thought surfaced in my mind.
Raidou is the Devil.
Even if it’s not a name he called himself with, it is a nickname that truly fits him.
This is what I thought as I was finally able to wipe the sweat off my face.
“… It looks as if the sword is adhered to your hand though?” (Makoto)
“This is originally like the crystallization of Mitsurugi’s power. The stronger I release my dragon power like this, it turns closer and closer to fusing” (Sofia)
In the audience room that now only she and I remain, Sofia once again stands up, clads herself in blue light, and heals her wounds.
In those eyes, there’s still fighting spirit.
“You know, why don’t you leave that fighting style of slowly shaving off your cards to someone that is weaker than you? Or are you thinking that I won’t be killing you?” (Makoto)
If that’s how it is, Sofia would be the naive one.
Because I do intend to kill her.
The moment she reacted to the name Shen, she revealed the intentions of devouring Tomoe as well.
Even if her ability is insufficient, there’s no reason to let her leave.
“I am not in the age where I dream about fighting in a battlefield without being killed. You as well, aren’t your attacks lacking in power more than the Empire’s hero?” (Sofia)
The Empire’s hero?
Why did his name come out so suddenly?
It seems like she let him go though.
“Who knows. I have never met the Empire’s hero. And there’s no need to decide the fight in one attack, right? Go ahead and utilize each one of your cards” (Makoto)
“… Just because you are in an advantage… you are being sarcastic… As I thought, that kid there was at least cuter than you” (Sofia)
“That kid’s attack was incredible you know? Shadow dragon and Water dragon; I was somehow able to endure it by utilizing two dragons at full power. It wasn’t to the point that I had to use this form, but it was higher than you though” (Sofia)
“He does think about his companions, and he also had the resolve to shave off his own life in order to reach his objective” (Sofia)
“If I was asked who I wanted to work together with—” (Sofia)
“I see. The Empire’s hero is surely impressive” (Makoto)
“What?” (Sofia)
“He was even able to use his charm power against an out of standard woman like you. On top of that, even if it was somewhat, he firmly left an impetus. If he meets you a number of times more, it may even reach perfection” (Makoto)
It was as if she didn’t notice at all. Her expression dyes in surprise.
“Hahaha, you didn’t notice huh. It seems like you were unable to completely resist it, you know? Iya, as expected of a hero. If it were me, I wouldn’t even think about making you a companion” (Makoto)
Finding a fragment of magic power that was confined inside of Sofia, I felt admiration.
To think that he was able to charm Sofia.
That Empire hero, he doesn’t care as long as it is a beautiful girl?
I should properly make countermeasures so that it doesn’t create victims at Asora as well.
If it’s a power that can work even against Sofia, it is quite the threat.
“Ch-arm? Me? You, what are you…” (Sofia)
“You overlooked it huh. I wonder, maybe the true reason you didn’t kill the hero was because you fell in love with him? Fufufu, a Dragon Slayer did” (Makoto)
“As a sign of pity, that charm, want me to dispel it for you?” (Makoto)
Even if she is charmed, it doesn’t affect my battle with her.
Seeing her flattering the Empire hero at random, she looked like a buffoon.
Sofia is not a threat that I need to stay cold to deal with.
Is it conceit, or maybe confidence?
I just felt pity for her.
“… Shut up” (Sofia)
“Sorry. I won’t do anything strange. How about it, can you let me eliminate that charm? Dispel magic is safe magic you know?” (Makoto)
“… I told you to shut up” (Sofia)
“And it seems like it is already something you can’t do by yourself after all. Even if you wait, it won’t turn into an advantageous development for you, you know?” (Makoto)
“That mouth of yours…” (Sofia)
“Hey” (Makoto)
The moment I was about to continue my words…
The back of Sofia burned.
No, it isn’t burning.
Flames shaped as dragon wings were spread.
“Shut it up!!!” (Sofia)
Her figure!
No… it is not!
It is simply at a speed I can’t catch with my eyes.
I look above.
A red trail as if drawing a line.
It is moving freely from left to right.
High speed movement.
So she still had such a card in hand huh.
She really does have a lot of tricks up her sleeve.
From several locations of the magic power body, the marks of cuts and black stains were being left.
Sofia who talked a lot, at this moment, she continued her attacks without saying a word.
“… Fuh~”
“When Mitsurugi returns, you are done for” (Sofia)
Hm, she talked.
But, that’s off the point.
No, maybe the ‘others’ are just way too out of standards?
“Mitsurugi -Lancer – won’t be returning. If you who has the power of several superior dragons is only at this level, then… our Shiki is a lot stronger than that Lancer” (Makoto)
That’s right.
While receiving the slashes I can’t see, I held confidence and answered Sofia.
At the same time, I told Shiki who has been sending me thought transmissions several times to ask for permissions:
‘Do as you wish’
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Why you spoil me like this. I’m in university now man, can’t be spending all day acting all fidgety and absentmindedly anticipating a new chapter every night. You know what you are? You’re an enabler. How do you expect me to get better if you keep feeding my addiction like this?
Op Susanoo too OP, plz nerf to avoid crushing demon race’s spirits XD. Dicks out for fallen demon generals.
#AllAmbitionsMatter2016 #TupacStillAlive
Don’t forget this is all leading up to a 2 month hiatus, or atleast a temporary side translator which wont be this fast ,p
The withdrawal symptoms are gonna be bad after this week of chapters haha
Yep. I hope he doesn’t hold back and kills her finally. Ironic though, Sofia is pissed at Makoto and telling him to shut up when every time we see her, she does absolutely nothing but swing that sword and flap that mouth of hers; not letting anyone else get a word in edgewise. No prob though she won’t be able to talk at all soon enough, even if she wanted to.
now thats how an op character should be
Sofia got burned! both inside and out! I couldn’t stop laughing when makoto pointed it out hahahaha!
Thank you for the chapter!
Finally Makato is willing to conciously dirty his hands by killing instead of haning other people do his killing, but it is also due to the fact that all his previous kills were people that no longer conscious and turn into killing machine plus there’s no way to revert the effects, so he gave up trying to save them.
He makes so much execuse not to when the other side is already willing to sacrifice their life to kill Makato. I mean it is a different story when it works like it it did on Rona, but he gave Io so many chances. At least he’s slightly better than the mc from Death March.
Actually, there was that time he killed that adventurer girl who was blinded by greed and caused the first ring explosion in Asora that ended up killing Mini Tomoe 1.0(God rest her soul).
oh right, I totally forgot about that part. thanks for reminding me of it.
Don’t forget the poor demons at shen’s shrine who got caught in his magic training. They were his first humanoid kills.
Don’t get your hopes up. He killed nobodies by himself, now he sends his people to kill more nobodies. Meanwhile, the major characters get to live for the most inexplicable reasons. Plot Armour at its finest.
Well I don’t have much hope for most MC of JP novels in general. I find the other characters interaction more enjoyable to read. My favoutite arc is the Hibiki interaction with Mio. Also, I love the comedy antic cause by Makato’s servant and the Asora residents.
Yeah, the parts where everyone is just chillin’ are the most enjoyable. It’s when the author tries to raise the tension that the writing falls flat (and I get crabby).
Recent chapters are awesome .. will be waiting for Shiki to beat lancer ..
Haha sofie wants to eat tomoe and root .. if it was Mio she would have eat her instead .
Hmm. I wonder if any of the other dragons had contracts.
I think Lancer and her have one, Tomoe obviously has one, and Root had a couple with hir many lovers.
oh man you`r awesome!!!! thnx 4 the chapter. Safe trip.
Dat rocket punch XDXDXDXD.
So what should it be called?
A stand? An oversoul? An avatar? Or some drill power that will pierce the bug ass?
My god…I just realized.
Makoto going from the White Ranger suit into his Stand technique is like a henshin hero going into his mech!
well the White Ranger suit was use to hide his identity from the hero and the kingdom
That’s susanoo alright.
Charm Sofia already man!Save her! I wants Sofia in the harem now. More like i don’t want her with that charm bastard. I absolutely hate that guy. Loath him.
Thanks for the chapter!
I don’t like Sofia she is too obsessed with power though I’m curious on her goal
Wouldn’t it be funny if her goal was to gather up all the power of the superior dragons to slay the goddess?
She has some issues with the goddess. It was mentioned before. but I want her away from that bastard(sorry for swearing). Plus I’d like her to at least be an ally if not lover.
Not when she’s looking to eat Tomoe. If she doesn’t want to give up on that, then she needs to die.
charm in cant trust her judgement right now.
also we never got to listen to her side of the story aside from battle time. she probably needs saving though shes super-strong.
Noooooooo… no more illumgand-style side story for sophia. Hu hu hu hu
Wow! Thanks for another chapter!~
Well, got to hand it to Raidou. Io was about to give a helping hand to Sofia, but he got his ass handed to him instead. Then Raidou lent a hand for his departure.
Rona didn’t even realize during her brief time as Raidou’s student about his capabilities, huh?
She really needed the reminder. Good going, Raidou.
And I really want Sofia to die. Like in the next chapter. But since it will likely show Shiki vs Lancer, I’ll make an exception and wait for a few chapters.
I mean, she just mentioned about “eating” 4 superior dragons. And Shen/Tomoe is on her list next.
Don’t think about killing her and just KILL her, Makoto. Don’t beat around the bush and just END. HER. LIFE.
At least she served one purpose for Makoto.
Being the messenger on Trashmoki’s charm power.
When Tomoe was gazed by those eyes, she didn’t even feel anything other than mild irritation. And considering her state until now, the charm still hadn’t had an effect on her.
Sofia, on the other hand. got hit by the charm power when Trashmoki extensively trained it. The reason being Tomoe not being affected in the slightest. Meaning during the time Sofia first laid eyes on Trashmoki until she told Lancer to leave him alone, she was already charmed.
The clue was her calling him “Tomoki-kun”.
And further cemented by the fact that she continuously praised Trashmoki when she compared him to Raidou.
Which begs the question:
Was her response at the end due to her being embarrassed that she was charmed in the end?
Or was it due to the charm powers effect, basically telling her that:
“Hey, that guy is badmouthing your prince. Are you going to let him get away with it?”
Meanwhile, since Makoto has the capabilities of dispelling curses( like the Gorgon’s Petrification) and being immune to curses( like the Tree Punishment), he can reasonably be immune to Trashmoki’s charm power too. Then he can just get the help from the eldwarf’s and craft some countermeasures against Trashmoki’s charm power for his followers and for the residents of Asora. Since Princess Lily’s people were able to make those countermeasures as well, the eldwarfs should have no problems making superior versions of the countermeasure.
Better to be safe than sorry.
Anyways, on to Makoto’s Magic Power Body or Stand.
Since he can reconstruct it and even make multiple arms grow, he can make other things grow right?
*Tentacles come to mind*
Lot of potential right there. I don’t think Mio would mind either. IYKWIM.
It’s like a Whatever Color Lantern Ring.
And Makoto could potentially double his use of Sakai, couldn’t he?
Since he applied a double application of Healing during the “Ring explosion incident”.
So he could potentially apply 1 Perception Sakai and then 1 Strengthening Sakai.
To protect against sneak attacks and Make it harder for Sofia to weaken his Magic Power Body/Stand.
Wait, wait, wait. If he can apply two different types of Sakai, what’s stopping him from applying 3, 4, or 10 different applications of Sakai?
Perception, Speed, Strength, Debuff/Curse Immunity, Elemental Resistances, Magic Strengthening, Physical Strengthening, Reflector, Accuracy, Invisibility.
He really needs to experiment the possibilities of the power given to him by Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto-sama.
Well, better get ready for the inevitable Shiki vs Lancer battle/curb-stomp.
Really, what the Eldwarfs really need to make is equipment that somehow draw siphon power from Makoto’s equipment.
And maybe a few machines that just run on magic power to do useful stuff.
Yes… Make Makoto into the God emperor.
the clothing Eldwarfs made dose just that not only it drans his magic directly but also from his ring’s as well but they need to find out what to use the power of a fully charge ring like say……pull some of the power of it and add it to something to give it power.
With the magic body he don’t even need armor now (poor Eldwarfs). They should just go and trie to create a bow strong enough to support his full magic power (a kind of hunter bow even if the prey is the bug).
you got my interest from the “Change the model into tentacle form to play with Sofia” part
Gracias por el capitulo, con suerte llegamos al final de este arco antes de que se valla Reigokai-sama !!!!!! “(O;.;O)”
I think Raidou have a Ph.D on sarcastic communication and language.
That’s the kind of OP MC I want to read.
Thanks for the chapter
Thank you Reigokai San for the hype train. Take good care and enjoy yourself on the 2 months trip.
Makoto haven’t use his bow, so that is still not his serious mode yet.
If he used his bow, he can one shot Sofia.
Thanks for the super fast releases!
God I hope Makoto kills Sofia to protect Tomoe… She is his 1st companion after all.
Two chapters in one day amazing.
Thank you!
Holy shitballs batman! This is awesome! Thanks so much for the translations!
frikin a
the badassery continues
cant wait for the next chapter
my blood is pumping and feels I took a shot of adrenalin
Thank you very much for the chapter.
I hate the Empire’s hero.
Sofia was burned so much that she grew a flaming wing on her back.
And i forgot to say… don’t incite your fan’s too much… there are some who can talk more than 1000 post in a single day… 😉
Thanks for your time translating it… this make my day! 😀
And i like to view the expression of Rona, when she got to Stella Fort for Io, and have the nice news about the surprise attack of Kaleneon…
Ah, I am remembering The Princess’ Bride.
thanks for the chapter :v
Many words of appreciation are still not enough, but I will try with at least saying Thank you as a start.
Aah, how far along you’ve come~. I remember the days when I used to wait for you to catch up to my reading of the RAWS~ . So much has the story developed already and you’ve gotten better at it all too
Just wondering, how many more do you think until you catch up?
yah the long time fan of reigokai knows that he sometime do a long hiatus.. and it take’s him so long too make a charpter, and now his liike a goddd!!!! ^_^ hahahaha
his like making pancake and slappinng us with it, hahhahahaha we are hungry for more…..
Nice! We will see Shiki in action once again! Thx for another awesome chapter!!!
Love you!!!
“Do as you wish”
shiki!!! go ! go ! goooo!
Thanks for chapter
Makoto is being all kind of badass here. Are you not entertained?
Sofia being charmed is some funny shit tho. That’d ought to knock her off her high horse.
Thanks for the chapter
thanks for the chapter.. awesome chapter btw.. I wonder what’ll sofia reaction once she knows that shen is in a master-slave relation with raidou
remember root also wanted a master slave relation he knew makoto its over him by far as well haha
I wonder if Sofia even has the qualifications to enter a contract with Makoto. I kinda want the exact circumstance and follower reaction as Shiki’s contract to happen with her, only Makoto vetoes it after that as well.
Well when makoto contracts shiki, he use alot of rings in his fingers to suppress his power. For sofia, maybe she will be death or become slave doll
well seeing sofia is turning into something simuler to a Dragonewt a contract might be possible…..that is if something convents Makoto and his follower’s to do that for we all know Makoto follower’s have a bone to pick with her.
Well as far as I know only demi-humans and mamonos can enter a contract, human to human contract is invalid. (Forgot which chapter this is stated tho.)
if mamonos can make a contract i would’ve like to see ema forming one like an inflated lich called stuffed pig XD. But im sure she’ll be like a wow onee-san type again with blond looks ♡
Poor Ema probably has less screen time than Rembrandt by now.
And yet we still remember her sweetly.
Damn, Makoto with the harsh language. That was a series of burns so deep and true that they actually made Sofia burst into flame. Words so cruel they could only be called hate speech.
so here wants some amputated Sofia.. anyone anyone? Okay I let my self out now
Thanks for the chapter !!!
sofia want to kill tomoe?? its like Root>Tomoe>Mio>Shiki=>Sofia>Lancer
Its like delusional battle junkie woman who thinks she is already powerful to a country level (lol what a joke), well on sofia vs hyumans thats definete possibility she can destroy a country with effort that is
not sure if sofia is shikis equal since you wont be able to tell anymore
Well, yeah. She can pretty much destroy a country without much effort, but that’s still low when comparing her with Makoto&Co
Yeah, Raidou have more magic power than the goddess itself and able to create a new world altogether.
It’s not the scale of a country anymore, and shiki also have been given a shred of that power, so yeah it’s futile to even compare it.
She’s not a very good battle junkie though. It’s interesting actually-go back and reread all of her fights. At the beginning, she talks like she enjoys fighting, but if the fight goes on or her opponent is stronger than her, she starts getting irritated, starts complaining, and tries to end the fight quickly. A battle junkie wouldn’t be that excited about ending the fight quickly. Every time she screams “die!” She uses one of her “sure kill” moves then complains about it when the enemy survives. Sofia is a very half-hearted, petty individual.
Well, she’s the sort of war monger that loves fighting strong enemies not because they’re strong, but because they’re worth a lot of exp.
True battle junkies would praise those who could beat them. Heiron(death march) , Salvatore Doni(campione) etc.
hmm..after reading that she basicly wants to be stronger it brings up a question….why?
why do’s she wants to be stronger? she all ready the strongest human “not including the OP MC” in the world why dos she want to get stronger?
is it her greed to be the strongest thing in all existence’s or do’s she have a end goal?
if it turns out she want to fight the goddess then that will be quite a plot twist there.
That’s a good point. She’s just a psycho killer trying to pass herself off as a battle junkie at this point. Io is understandable. He loves to fight, but as general, he has a duty to his king, so he was willing to kill himself in order to end the fight with Makoto quickly. I can see that, but Sofia should’ve been more like Heiron or Doni and be enjoying this fight if she was a true battle junkie.
Sophia? Why? For the glor… *cough**cough*
Anyway, Ive got this feeling we’re gonna read about it soon and hopefully it doesnt take more than one chap. I reckon its gonna be something pointless like Ilumgands bg story chaps. So its prolly like draw out like this… you’ll get her story, making you either feel touchyfeels or some sort or maybe grow some horns…. and then? she dies. But i hope my prediction’s wrong. Still, no more illumgand-style sad sad story for Sophia.
I mean, if I had to guess, I qould
I mean, if I had to guess, I would say that Sophia suffered at the hands of the goddess early on. Something like Lily’s madness happened to her too, and instead of becoming a chessmaster, she decided the only way to slay the goddess was with the power of an “individual”.
But you know what? It doesn’t matter. She pointed her sword at the Waka-sama, she bared her fangs at Tomoe, and she’s threatening to become the scummy hero’s asset. She can be taken down and I won’t really feel sorry about it. It’s not like with Illumgand because Sophia is clearly in control of her violent actions here (minus the charm), is going to ally with Tomoki instead of Hibiki, and has the potential to become a threat. I’m hoping this ends with her dying.
Bug>Makoto>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Root>Tomoe>Mio>Shiki>>>Sofia>Lancer, 4 little dragons
Sofia should be a little stronger than shiki for now. At least until he can unleash several more ring simultaneously.
Between tomoe and mio how could u say which one is a storonger ?
lol to think that sofia would crumble that easily, I tought that they would fight a little more before sofia starts losing her cool….for her to become that scared when she realised that she was a little bit charmed, I wonder if she had a bad experience with charm before
well i think you might be piss of to when after you thought “that charm spell will not work on me” but haveing some one who is op points out “hay look’s like you bin charmed there” and offers to D-spell it for you even tho your fighting him with all of your might and he not even out of breath.
Thanks for the chapter.
I’m so excited to see what happens next I could just pee myself in anticipation.
gracias por el capitulo
Well, it was fun while it lasted Sofia-chan…
Thank you so much for the chapters!
ughhh. . . . that charm power really disgust me. pig and bug huh? they really need to be eliminated. thabk you as always
Thats true. I hope both of them get a painful death, or just turn tomoki into vegetable
I’m more impressed with how powerful it is, but yes, he needs to go, immediately.
Thank you, ill miss you and love the updates
Great Chapter, This explains why she went against her character and didnt kill the Hero, and even obeyd his wish to move his friends away !
thanks for the cap
f***************(ck yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! i love reig-senpai doing triple kills XD thank you!!!
A Susanoo that can reform itself after destroyed? That’s something Madara would sell his kidney for
….Okay, I gotta ask. What do you think you could do with Madara’s kidney?
I’m imagining either a super drug ingredient, a bizarre weapon, or just an extra organ that gives you some silly extra jutsu.
lol WTH hahahha SUPER!!!!
Stop this gone be naruto NV
You say that like kidneys aren’t delicious when fried.
You say that like just eating it wouldn’t be wasteful. What if this superkidney could do something cool? This is a world where eyes can be transferred through palms, so what can the kidneys do?
It’s been over three years now, and that comment still shines like polished gold.
orochimaru amd kabuto has a tonne of kidney and other organ to be shipped you know
Nah, before uchiha born, there was joestar bloodline.
And before there was pile of eyes stocked there was pile of corpses stocked by a man that have seven stars on his chest.
And what makoto do is not some special tech or what, he just making shapes with his overflowing magic power.
Everybody can. The major rules speak. The cost is just a drop of his mp lol.
No limited bloodline, no sealed thingies, etc2.
*just like a stand, an embodiment of life force and makoto, an embodiment of magic power.
Just give naruto or kisame sharingan, so they can create regenerative susanoo..
Holy mother of pinked colored carabao! Thanks for the update Reigokai-sama!!!!!
Why are dragon is identified by their colors? Aren’t they some power range?r
they’re identified by their colors mostly base of the element that suite their power
First time to comment here just to say that this chapter is Effin Awesome!! damn!! when reading can make your heart race for every sentences, that’s when you know it’s a good read.
thank you Reigo san for translating.
So Shiki’s about to bring in the pain huh?
If makoto measurement sofia is lot weaker than shiki than she can’t defeating tomoe..
Not her weaker than Shiki so to speak, but more that if Sofia has 4 superior dragon’s worth of power at her level then Lancer will get stomped by Shiki.
well, he did casually warn her that she can’t defeat Shen.
Well, I think the act of “Eating the dragons power” is just her misconception of the contract that Tomoe, Mio, Shiki did with Makoto. After all, Mitsurugi known as Lancer is still alive so I think she is a bit in a situation where she is being used.
I know right?!? Unnnnghhhhh can’t wait for more pure epicness. REIKOGAI-SAMA, THANK YOU!
Miss dragon slayer is being tsun. she won’t admit she fell in love with the hero and when it is pointed out she gets all mad. hehehe
Thanks for the chapter!!!!
HAHAHA Sofia is charmed by trash moki! Thank god the battle getting more interesting.
Your spoiling us…. THANK YOU!
yeah really that was interesting..
thank you for your hardwork..
i hoping for your best..
I want it to be Shiki’s….
Thanks 4 the chapter!
Don’t burn yourself out to make up for the 2 months you will be gone!
If Io and Sofia can destroy countries than Makoto can destroy worlds.
Reigokai sama, thanks for the translation. I think I can help you translate during 2 months you are away. The release probably just around 1 per week. I don’t really have a my own site tho. So if you’re okay with me, Can you tell me your email address? from the donations page.
Thank you!
Oh shiiiiiiit! Is this the Makoto everyone’s been wishing for all this time? Sending Io flying, truly freaking Rona the f*ck out, and breaking Sofia’s confidence down. This was great. He finally gets to play the “Devil” and what a devil he is. In fact, this couldn’t have gone any better, with Rona retreating with Io to safety while leaving behind the one I want taken down no matter what.
On the topic of Sofia…Wow. So she’s been “eating” superior dragons this whole time? Firstly, how did she even start doing it, and secondly, why am I so offended by her plan to eat Tomoe’s power? Is that all her aforementioned agenda was, or is it just a means to the end?
The other matter would be Tomoki’s charm on her. Wow, that was actually pretty funny. We can’t even properly say Sofia wrecked him now, because he totally got the last laugh. I wonder how she’ll feel about it if Makoto breaks the charm for her, just to make her stop rambling about him like an idiot.
*salute* Thank you for giving our MC a warning regarding the charm power Sofia. You’ve served your purpose excellently.
And the big cliffhanger we leave off on is underdog Shiki getting the re(venge)match against one of the two bastards who f*cked up Makoto’s shit last time. I don’t even mind if the next chapter cuts away from Makoto to Shiki after he’s been given all the permissions.
“Releasing Restraint to Level 0.” “Show them the power of Nazarick!” Uh….”Let’s get dangerous”? …I’m drawing a blank right now for some reason. Someone help?
I never would’ve thought that a brainwashing charm magic would’ve saved someone’s ass in combat, but I’ll be damned, I’ve been wrong before.
“The Bird of Hermes-” should only be used by Origin Vampires in my opinion. Considering what Shiki is, I think “The Might of Nazarick” is best here, properly changed to Asora, of course.
Releasing restraining order into level zero
come thousands, ten thousands , hundred thousands souls
dye red the army wearing the white uniform
dye crimson the army wearing the black uniform
annihilate all of those who stand in your path
The Bird of Hermes is my name……
I devour my own wings….. That is how i was tamed….
Hellsing much ?
Thanks for the chapters I really appreciate it!
Thanks for this wonderful going away gift Regio-Sensei!!
Sophia doomed herself when she said that she was aiming for Shen. Makoto might not have minded her going after Root, but Tomoe is a deal breaker. If not she would have had a similar fate to Io (dismissed and ejected). I like how he dealt with Rona, which was to not deal with her, just state his requirements and any resistance would incur his wrath. For someone like her, any other method would invite treachery. It should prove interesting hearing her report to the Demon King/Lord about how she turned a potential ally (against the Bug) into a potential enemy against Demonkind.
well Makoto is a neutral party he will not attack nor aide ether sides of the war how ever if provoked he will fight and my friends Sophia provoked him with the biggest stick she can find and now is suffering from her actions.
I think Sofia provoked us all with that particular stick. And Rona’s report should say that he’s still open to negotiations, as he obviously could’ve killed Io and herself before turning his full attention back to Sofia.
Gracias en serio! y por cierto este Makoto es un cabron, la trata como un insecto XD jajajajajajaja, me encanta XD
No sólo eso, la humilla diciéndole que al final, Trashmoki la encantó, lo cual le tocó un nervio sensible a ella, creyéndose la hyumana más poderosa.
Sólo puedo decir “JA-JA, das pena Sofia”
Thank you Reigokai for the chapter. Remember to no over work.
Makoto saw a little bit of magic residing within sofia that is foreign energy,and sofia kinda praising trashmoki proves it. -_-
I just wanna say Thank you for your efforts, stay well on your hiatus
thank you for the chapter
in the end… Sophia is just ordinary Girl like many out there…. she say she resistant to charm… but she got charmed after all… but don’t even want to admit it…and express her embarrasing delusion about “How Cool is Tomoki” to Makoto like little girl who seeing her Prince…..
Extraordinary, my many thanks master translator-san
Also, best part ever with sending IO flying with the rocket punch, hahahah
Hear hear! More offerings to Reigokami-sama prepared as we speak. Hail dragon slayer Makoto.
I guess the term devil coins perfectly Makoto: if following current jewish-christian concepts, Lucifer – the devil – really stands for that aloof behaviour.
Living at his own rhythm, sparing when he wishes, killing when he wishes. No need for too much morals, just his own is enough.
holy shit. Rapist-san has managed to charm even her, huh. It’s a good thing that Tomoe was boosted by Makoto, or she would have been vulnerable too. And that would have been horrible for him in the sense that Makoto would have likely ignored everything else to go murder the fuck out of him for such audacity.
Well, no. Back then I doubt his charm would’ve worked on Sofia. It’s because it didn’t work on Tomoe and Hibiki that he started training his charm power up some more.
…I’ve noticed we’ve stopped calling him Trashmoki as much. Why is that? I guess the nuke chapter really did earn some of our respect?
With the Nuke he’s not ”trash” as that is rather powerful, yet there isn’t respect… Does he know the meaning to do a nuke in his kingdom? How stupid one has to be to use something that will screw up the lives of the one’s supposely have to protect? With Makoto was a different case, he was lost and confused, and his attack was planned to ”annoy” a bit (meaning, the destruction he caused was accidental, product of his low self-esteem), yet the Hero (Tomoki) knew exactly what he was doing, and that’s not a reason to respect someone (Neither Makoto for what he did back then, but at least you can’t blame him for the destruction, unlike the Hero)
He is still trashmoki. Only That he is irelevant to the current chapters but remains a trashy personality regardless of powerup.
Gasps, his charm ability is so op, it’s affecting even the readers on the other dimension!?
he’s still a technical rapist, therefore Rapist-san
Nah even if Tomoe got charmed Makoto would notice it instantly as nothing can hide on the Perception of Sakai
damn dat epic battle!
thanks for new chaps!!
Makoto and his crew is like the Devil and the devil’s army
frigging awesome!!!
thanks for the chapter
Thank you for the chapter
Zu’u kogaan hi dii fahdon
AWESOME another daily chapter 😀
Next chapter is shiki’s fight with lancer.
Don’t burn yourself out reigo san.
At least finish the fight on this arc (I think another 2-3 chapter?), you don’t have to finish the arc.
These recent chapters is like a cookies
I cant get enough
‘Narcotic cookie’
Thanks bro….
but im worried about you.,
please dont over do it…..
3 days in row for the release chapter…..
(seems unusual, and u already working, right?)
please take care of your self…
how reckless that girl,??
just only can destroy a country wanna fight someone that can built his own world ..pooooorr girl ..
Hey, it’s not like you’d expect your supposed rival to be a world maker.
fufufu, Roketto Panchi !!!!. A Man Dream.
Thanks a lot for the new chapter!
I wonder what happened to the other 3 supreme dragons, whose power she “ate”. Maybe they will be freed after she dies, and join the Makoto faction? Don’t know if I would like that or not…
I do wonder if the other dragons are still alive. They either died when she ate them or just lost their power, right?
its cristmas ! thanks for the chap
Hurray for new chapter!!! °.*\( ˆoˆ )/*.°
Thank you!!!
This doesn’t make any sense. Makoto can kill her at any given time and chooses not to do it. I wish he would just kill her and both of the god awful terrible examples of heroes and idiot woman named dragonslayer.
I wrote about it too.
As it seems, he doesn’t want to kill Io at all, he want to have him alive as much as he can (since he’s more on the demon’s side in this occasion, he’s complying with the bug’s condition). And kinda the same with Rona and the Hero (Hibiki).
About Sofia, i think there are a few reasons: As he said in the prev chap, he’s trying to overcome his trauma, hence he’s teasing Sofia. 2nd, he doesn’t seem to realize how fast he can kill her if he wants, as he has the power to complete obliterate the whole place (it doesn’t matter that much since the town is destroyed anyway, as long he avoid doing friendly fire to Shiki and the Hero it should be OK). 3rd, he’s testing his defensive and offensive abilities, steadingly blocking all the attacks to him and attacking back (Sofia would have been normally dead if it weren’t for her regeneration abilities thanks to the powers of the dragons she ate). And probably… even if he has more cool and calm when fighting now, his mentality hasn’t changed much. He doesn’t like to attack, and has a rather defensive demeanor when battling.
I see tomoki as aweful and terrible for a hero too, but I don’t see it for hibiki. the only big flaw I see in her is that she keep failing (calamity spider, Io in stella, Io in the capital) and being weak is a major flaw for a hero. but personnality wise, she as the trait of a hero in my opinion.
I guess we’ll be seeing Shiki gain the dragonslayer title real soon.
That’s your focus? I’m more eager to see a zombified Lancer in his original dragon form.
damn, how can I have same idea with this one…
Reigo, you are amazing. Pumping out chapters almost daily, that’s an amazing job and dedication.
Thank you for the hard work and for actually caring about us.
Thanks for the translation!
I want to comment but I don’t know what to say beside Thank You reikogai :/
Rei_San ..
‘ Do As You Wish ‘
thanks a lot
Uwaow your on the roll these days Reigokai-san and i like that… Thanks for the Chapter
Oh my heart! I can’t take consecutive cliffhangers!
Even through the pain and melodrama: Thank you so much for the chapter!
It seems Makoto misunderstood the nature of the corrosion caused by the “Nuke” as a charm of sorts, maybe her words, “He was a cuter boy” struck a deeper nerve than we thought, letting him jump to the words of Tomoe, leading from her rather lavish praise. But, after all, he did perform admirably, even if unsightly. Achieving his objective in a rather stupid fashion, but even I can’t help but think that Sofia was charmed at that instance. It would make sense as to why she would take such a foolish recourse on the pitiful hero, the target is unkillable, but that leaves little reason to leave his allies alive. Kill his allies and weaken the kingdom, surely, she can’t suddenly be so caring to random folks that are so obviously enemies but lead assaults against humanity. Well, what do you think comment section. Sofia charmed, or Makoto misread? I think this question won’t be answered in the following chapters, or at least until Sofia meets that stupid male hero again.
He didn’t misunderstood anything. Sofia just didn’t notice that the charm affected her or that Tomoshit even have that kind of skill that is why when Makoto slapped her with the truth she got pissed.
She’s definitely charmed. when she was speaking about the hero she gave a monologue praising him (the attack may be impressive, but… we know how he is, he’s even capable to abandon one of his girl to save his skin, Sofia doesn’t know much about him after all).
For the little time she spent with the Hero, she’s suddently put him in the conversation praising him way too much, about his attack power, that he’s ”cuter”, that he will ”shave off his live for his objetives” and the worst: ”if i were asked who i wanted to work with…” Isn’t that what he asked her? Why would she purposely started speaking about that when she has no intention to work with either of them? Makoto was silently hearing she praising him, so she had no reason to compare them more than for their attacks (thing that she didn’t do, she continued praising him over Makoto).
Sure, he did an attack with lesser ammount of damage, yet he did it almost instantly and with no preparation, and both Sofia and Lancer noticed that at the time, yet the Hero took his good time to prepare the nuke, Sofia just let him do it. Remember too, that she has no brake to kill a person, so she shouldn’t have problem killing the Hero’s companion, since she determined that he IS a potential menace.
Plus, she even blushed when Makoto said she was charmed, and lost her composture (her behavior was different of her usual character).
PD: There are sure more points, but i got a bit lost over here, and forgot what i was talking about xD
PD2: Considering how Makoto is, if the ”cuter” part would have affected him, he would have awnsered back before than he did. She saying that she would prefer him as companion was totally out of context, and makes painfully obvious that she was charmed, hence he offered her dispeling it, since he felt pity looking at her acting like a buffoon.
Nope, Sofia got charmed, read the part where Sofia flattered Tomoki, when Makoto pointed it out she wasn’t even conscious of it herself, and was in denial. About the trace of magic power inside Sofia, remember she healed herself of the Nuke’s effect, so its either the charm (big chance) or the left over effects of the Nuke (small chance)
Heh. That touch a nerve~
what is this
thanks reigo <3
R.I.Pcs lancer XD.
and here I even want Sofia to be a companion of Raido since they have mutual enemies
and the hero guy
“He does think about his companions, and he also had the resolve to shave off his own life in order to reach his objective”
didn’t he try to abandon one of his girls when he was in a pinch?
Guess what happens to perception when one’s in love…
That’s why Makoto offered Sofia to dispel the charm, it’s just pityful hearing her
with Sofia geting mad at Makoto i can’t help but think that she basically doing that high school girl’s “i dont love him you moron” bit but i cant what to see what happens next.
can you tell me which chapter is that?
Thanks for the chapter! I’m guessing next chap is Shiki vs Lancer
i like that he isn’t being a scaredy cat and can fight normally, yet i feel he need a lot to do. He’s being way too defensive, and since now he knows that he’s the Devil, he should realize how much firepower he has.
He’s talking too much when he had many chances to incapacitate Io and Sofia, in a scenario where he can complete the mission easily without killing either of them.
As how the battle is developing, he’s just teasing Sofia (to overcome the trauma), as well a seeing how much his defence has advanced (He’s barely trying to attack, letting her the chance to regenerate (he can just… wipe her in 1 shot, she’s weaker than Mio and Tomoe yet in his and Mio’s battle they’re just fooling around. This doesn’t really make the image of Makoto being OP really, even if he is)
well he dosent want to destroy the town or the vary lest lunch a “big attack” for the hero might get hit by sead attack and the reson why he didn’t do any thing up until now is he did want the goddess to know ware he at but now as long as the hero is safe and he bring down that fort she leave him alone…..for now sints you know she going to do something to pull him to somewhere.
As much as I have that feeling that Sofia will EVENTUALLY become another member to the harem, despite Moki-boy doing that charm attempt on her.. It pleases me to see her basically having an humiliation train run on them from how useless her attacks have been with Makoto in comparison to last time. Plus the fact she is aiming for Dragon waifu Tomoe is also a no no in my book….And Root as well I guess. /D
But yea, thanks for the translation! 😀
Don’t. Sofia is better off dead. She wants to eat Tomoe so it’s a big no. But I guess she’ll always escape death and become a thorn on the side constantly annoying our OP MC, like a recurring mid-boss in RPGs,
Unfortunately you might be right, and I don’t even know which would be a worse choice; Harem candidate or Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain/Mid-Boss? I hope she does die and STAY dead to be honest, but I wouldn’t put it past the author.
Thanks for the chapters again!
This story continuously surprises me with the developments that occur behind the scenes.
I knew Sofia and Mitsurugi would not take Raidou lightly, but to think they would hunt down 4 of the Superior Dragons, that’s really something.
I wonder if the author did that because he figured (“Eh, I made too many dragons.”)
That made me feel a combination of awe and horror. Sofia turned out to be a bigger deal than I thought. She’s basically a personification of the superior dragon race, right?
Of course, I’m more eager to hear what Tomoe’s thoughts on her doing this are, as well as whether or not Makoto’s going to actually kill her.
there is a chants she killed them but ate a part of them….again “a chants” we just have to what for it to be confirm that she did or didn’t kill the other dragons.
Actually, I think she said that the first time they met, she had only eaten two, including Lancer. She ate the other two to prep for this fight. It obviously wasn’t enough.
Thank you!
Heheh, Tomoki got the Dragon Slayer, too…
I think people need to stop concerning themselves with Reigokai’s “condition” from the rapid releases. he just wants to leave with us really good memories of him before he “leaves us” :sad face:. THough we shouldn’t be sad about his departure as we all hope he is going on to a better place (no matter what you believe) Fight On Reigokai! You will not be forgotten! (Unless the person/s that is taking up your project manages to do A LOT better than you, so much so that you are in fact completely forgotten and then when you ask to have your project back, everyone ends up hating this new strange person that is trying to steal the project from the awesome new translator that took up the torch from the long forgotten person that did it before them!)
I hope this series won’t suffer the same fate as the forgotten Konjiki no Wordmaster
Konjiki no Wordmaster is starting to get some chapters translated but at a slow paste here take a look This guy continued translating it.
Idk why your comment felt NRTish… (hey, it’s just a way to compare). And hey! It’s just 2 months, not forever. With new translator or now, we’ll still miss him and wait for when he’s back. So until he’s actually back, we can just wish him to be well, and if possible to enjoy the trip and rest a bit from translating, as how tiring it can be.
Actually, here’s an idea. How about everyone preps for the return by finding a triumphant “Welcome Back” song and we post that instead of “Thanks for the chapter” while vying for the illustrious position of “First”?
On that note…do you just paste the video link into a comment to do that? I’ve never done it before myself.
That would be a good idea, yet i don’t know if it’s actually viable to post a link of a video (normally it has to be moderated, and that’s not a good thing if it’s like that because Reigo would have to look and approve every single comment, taking a lot of time)
….Oh. Then how about pictures?
If not, we’re just going to have to learn the Nepu’s art of the text.
Nepu army? Count me in!
That’s a great idea, just imagine 100+ comment with that + the chapter comment, that would be beautiful
Sounds great, nepu! Let’s do it, nepu! Damn, nepu! I thought I was rid of it, nepu!
WHOOO!!! another new Chapter! Thanks Reigo! I know you’re on fire and everything, but don’t burn yourself out! Remember! Stop, Drop, Roll!
Yay! Makoto is finally showing off his power!
I want to see what Shiki is doing now, though. Is he also one-sidely beating back Lancer/Mitsurugui?
Thanks for all the chapters Reigokai!
He would kill Mitsurugi as Makoto’s follower would get stronger to as he himself gets stronger on his training
For sure he is very happy beathim Mitsurugi, in Rostgard he was left disapointed tough. After all he is who hurt makoto before.
Most likely the next will be a POV from Shiki and Hibiki.
omg the 2 months hyatus is going to be hard
soo… is all the other dragon dead?
Well she said that she eat the power and mitsurugi told that like mount the crimson will be enough so maybe what she eat was the power of them only.
They may be able to reincarnate the way they usually do once she’s dead, but until then, they’re out of the picture.
I wonder how will Sofia react if Makoto tells her that he and Shen is in a Ruling Contract and that Root is trying to f*ck him.
seeing how she was eating the other dragons and getting there power so after she discover the last two is ether in a Contract and have the hots for him she might try to eat him….. i know that mess up but you know it true.
come on, have a cliche like they end up accidentally kissing during the fight and sophia joins team raidou
Let me add to that scenario a bit. After the fight, she follows him wanting to join Team Kuzu-Sora, but ends up being (willingly) bullied by all three of her harem sempai. And Makoto also generally doesn’t want to be near her.
Stupid musclebrain doesn’t deserve Makoto.
i woode of say that will not be possible but seeing how she turning more and more inhuman there might be a chants……to he just up and kill her ether way she still going to lose.
[…] Chapter 159: Realizing he is the Devil […]
Thanks Reigokai~
I am loving these chapters.
Thanks for the chapter
No, you’re awesome!
thanks for the fast releasing chapters. The exchange with Sofia about the charm magic was gold.
WoW, another chapter… Reigokai… You’re great. But take good care of yourself. 🙂
Thanks for the chapter. I’ve been expecting this release. Refresh and reload every now and then just as usual. Thanks for your hard word. I am wondering if he will remove the charm and not kill her she is same as mio and tomoe both battle maniac she will be a great part of asora if ever another S type trainer. But never expected her to be effected by the charm. Thanks
NO! I was all for it before, but if she’s aiming to eat Root and Tomoe, then I say, put that rabid dog down now!
Lol, Makoto’s power is like a final boss fight. A huge humanoid with crazy powerful hands that can fly, grab, shoot lasers. XD
i wanna see em get rekt……. so bad. ty for tl
thx for the chapter o/
Reblogged this on Moriah Clan Headquarters and commented:
dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!! O.O
talk about rapid fire translation. on a roll =D
not to put down reigokai’s efforts(which are amazing) but did you ever follow Wordmaster back when there were like 6-8 different groups translating for it and we were getting anywhere upto half a dozen new chapters a day.
It was also annoying since they all had their own separate blog my data was limited and yet I had to constantly reload the ToC on Blazings site to find the next chapters honestly, I dropped it just cause of that
Hey now, that’s not fair. That’s like comparing a bunch of guys with pistols shooting at once vs one guy with nothing but a good trigger finger.
You are forgeting the Golden Age of Tate no Yusha where we had 8 chapters a day and there were only 2 translators at the time… that was a translation god
nope don’t remember that, maybe because I never finished tate. At a certain point I couldn’t continue with the story, I didn’t like the direction it went.
THAT was rapid fire translation lol
it was also an ungodly mess. that wasn’t well coordinated or sustainable. ultimately all the groups involved stopped working on the series, the group who were essentially the main directory with which to find the chapters, changed their site and made a mess of that too :S a completely new group works on konjiki now, a their own pace.
at least with reigo, his rapid fire is just because of a time constraint and that they didn’t want to share just the 1 chapter with the announcement no more will be coming for a while.
Makoto hasnow enter the realm of demonlord not the of the demon race but of true meaning in heartless demon. Those who saw this progression from the beginig say “I”
he surpassed the demon lord back in arc 1. he has been in the realm of “Minor God” for awhile now.
Yeah he was powerful from the beginning its just that he didn’t have any sort of control to be able to utilize that power at that time
lol in case that you had forgotten Makoto is already describe as powerful as a group of demonlords walking at the first hyuman encamptment and that was before he even increase his magic power two times more and more each time he is training his bow
also dont forget he still wearing those rings and clock that sucks his magic just think what will happen if he takes them off in this fight….”one punch man” have nothing on him.
Santo cielo esto se pone cada vez mejor y más interesante!
Gracias por el capítulo!!!
I came
I lol’d at rocket punch
por cierto hablo español no muy bien ingles xD
Ya te acostumbraras :p
OMG thx of chap
> If Raidou uses a hand like that, Io has no way of doing anything against it.
Makoto’s hand is yakuman hand…
Thank you so much for this chapter! As grateful as I am, I’m also kinda scared by the speed.
It’s surprising that Sofia still got affected by the charm and Makoto’s cough Susano’o cough is even more broken than I originally thought.
Seriously, she’s the last hyuman I thought would be affected. If she’s vulnerable, why is Chiya not affected. Hibiki is safe because she’s also got the goddesses blessing, and most of the people of Asora are probably safe because they aren’t hyumans and they already more or less worship Makoto, but if Sofia can be ensnared, it should be impossible for any hyuman to resist it.
Well, no. What happened was that Tomoki trained his Charm skill to a higher level after it failed to work on Hibiki and Tomoe.
Apparently, his training really paid off. We don’t know what would happen if he tries it on those three that previously resisted it.
Tomoe should still be safe. Her contract with Makoto should prevent any magics that would tamper with her loyalty to her master, the other two, I don’t know.
Charmingly refreshing. I check this site 490 ties a day now
you change your tie everytime you check this site? 490 times a day? is that a different tie each time? or are you just rotating. cause the former would be seriously fancy!
I’m guessing different ties, but only in a few styles. So no ties are reused, but you see the same 4 or 5 ties throughout the day.
Thanks for the chapter!
six yey
Ps tnks and do your best where ever you go
Even thou these last 2 chapters haven’t finished anything, they are immensely satitisfying. also helps that they are back to back daily releases >_<
You know what’s even more impressive than 400 comments in a single day? Two chapters translated in a single day. They weren’t particularly small ones either.
Don’t ignore your feats Reigokai. You’re not Makoto or Satou, as badass as that would be.
That said…WOO HOO! ANOTHER CHAPTER! Thanks for the chapter~ 😀
you must be in a weird timezone, been a single chapter a day for me.
Eh. Barely within 24 hours(maybe slightly skewed by my actual reading times). I decided to exaggerate.
Thank you for the chapter! I hope you aren’t burning yourself out with all these releases
nah, hes not. hes doing a marathon to get as many chapters as he can out before he goes on his 2 month or (60 days) or ((1440 hours)) or (((86,400 mintues))) or five million one hundered and eighty-four thousand second vacation, where unless someone else steps ups (hopefully Light Bastion Novels) we wont be getting any more releases. so even if he does burn himself out with this marathon that we are all truly grateful for, he will have plenty of time for “the itch” to return.
You know, I’m almost wondering if Reigokai should hold off on this content despite his rushing so that we’ll have it uploaded on a schedule during the hiatus. It’s probably more efficient, for how much I love the current streak.
your assuming he gunna have internet access where he is going, or has a means to do those releases. he might just be doing this on a desktop PC and wont beable to bring any translations with him. Im sure if he had a laptop and an internet connection to beable to do that, then maybe he would be able to do translating on his trip and wouldn’t be doing this rapid release marathon.
WordPress has a schedule function so it’d be possible.
ohhh. new.. chap.. tears won’t stop
Damn son! Don’t overwork yourself! Thanks for another release btw. God Bless!
∧_ ∧
(`・ω・) Thanks!
,ノ^ yヽ、 Nepu!!
ヽ,, ノ==l.ノ Pudding!!!
/ l |
Thanks for the chapter! 😀
“Actually, I am being liked way too much by a dragon that has both sexes and it’s even troubling me.”
I laughed very hard at this line. 😉
so he know both of them wants his D
It’s nice to finally see Makoto let loose
top 20?? Thanks for your hard work~~~
New chapter.
Do take care of ur health reigo san
Burning everything you got I see…
We on the red log yet?
Thanks For The Chapter, Reigo-san!!!
I think we need a chatbox here..
Probably a chatango, so we can keep in touch each other even if Rei is on the trip
Woo hoo!! Thanks for the chapter!! <3
Thank u always for ur great work…
thx for the chapter
Top 5? Jk, thanks for the translation
Spoiler-san didn’t even need to spoil that Sofia was going to lose her cool. And this fight.
Sofia lost this fight the moment she didnt believe him at the previous battle
and her head .
I love you!
You are always early
not recently, Reigoukai has been posting when I’m out to dinner and cant seem to wait for me to get back 😛
Hi and ty
Omg first? I never though of get a first comment here xp good holiday and don’t overwork^^
yeah… I had to waste like 10-15 seconds windows tabbing out of a game 😛
congrats tho