Chapter 135: When I incidentally look, there are several paths

WARNING: There’s no carnage ahead. Only really humane thinking about consequences and actual thoughts of the future! 😮

Oh and btw, first side story chapter has been done.
Here’s the link: Side Story 1

[Both of you, are you fine with that? I will ask once more, you don’t have any regrets right?]

“Of course. The name of Eva and the family name Ansland. If you are saying that’s the price, I will give them to you. Please do as you wish” (Eva)

Eva-san didn’t hesitate and answered my last confirmation immediately.

I thought she would be more adhered to her name. How unexpected.

“I also don’t mind. To begin with, the time I was Ruria Ansland wasn’t that long, so I don’t have any attachment” (Ruria)

Following after her sister, Ruria also agreed.

Her gaze slightly strayed from me and directed it to the stage.

Ah right, Ilumgand was meddling with her.

I think her name has already turned into a name that’s only be called when criticizing her. A name with no worth.

“Raidou-sensei, you also asked Ruria huh. What an evil disposition. What did you intend to do if one of us were to reject it?” (Eva)

“Really. You even told me to keep it a secret from Onee-chan. That kind of thing, I think it is of bad taste” (Ruria)

[If your opinions didn’t match, I would have wanted the two of you to forget that decision. But, I am glad. In a close future, ‘the moment’ will certainly come in some way. Please don’t forget this agreement. It may just be a verbal promise, but if it is broken, remember that your lives will not suffice]

For a second, I remember Rona and add words.

This time, I am the side that’s granting the wish of these girls.

There shouldn’t be much to worry, but just in case.


After confirming again that the sisters nod, that cry resounded in the whole competition ground.

The unpleasant voice was from Ilumgand. No, the former Ilumgand.

While enveloped in a sky blue light, he convulses every now and then, and all parts of his body were swelling.

His skin color also turned into an ashen concrete-like color, and was turning into something humanoid.

Currently, he looks like a 2 meter meat ball with legs.

Should I call it, in the midst of transforming?

His neck is stretched in a pretty strange way and it’s quite horrific.

“He is absorbing the magic power of the collapsed ones. From what I can tell, that necklace is a tool that efficiently absorbs magic power of things in a particular state” (Shiki)

Shiki’s calm words.

“Fumu, using emotions as its fishing hook, it ties up magic power and when the main body awakens, it will begin gathering magic power from its surroundings. If it’s able to add to its power, it would make him a monster with the magic power of 6 people. Also, if you scatter people like that around the area and one were to activate, that person can use the others as feed. How interesting-ja na” (Tomoe)

Without showing much interest, Tomoe complements Shiki.

“I wouldn’t want to eat that-desu wa ne. It looks as if he were in a drunken frenzy, and on top of that, he looks unappetizing. And filthy” (Mio)

Mio turns her head away as if treating him like a filthy thing.

Jin hasn’t returned yet.

They left temporarily to get their weapons after all. They will show themselves in time.

“Shiki, I understand how he turned that way now. And then, can he be turned back to normal?” (Makoto)

From what I have heard of Eva-san and Ruria, there are also turned variations infesting the town.

Just in case, depending if there’s a chance to return them to normal, my orders will change.

“That would be difficult. That thing is something similar to a dish that used hyumans as its ingredient. To turn something cooked into ingredients again is… there are times when it is just not possible. Even if it is really possible, it would get increasingly difficult depending on how many were affected, and I think that it would take quite a long amount of time to resolve the situation this way. I wonder if it’s worth enough to do that” (Shiki)

Shiki doesn’t seem to like the idea that much.

But as long as I am not sure if this will be targeted to people close to me, I want to at least leave a counter-measure for it.

Because in basis, we don’t have allies.

When I heard the comparison of turning cooking back to ingredients, the first thing I thought was that it was impossible. So this would be troublesome for Shiki.

“… Understood. Tomoe, call Mondo from Asora. Have him team up with Lime, make them give instructions to Akua and the others, and have them suppress the turmoil in town. I want some of them as samples for Shiki and the Arkes to research, so tell them that it is fine to use the Tree Punishment. Be the supervisor of their transportation as well please” (Makoto)

“As you will” (Tomoe)

After confirming that Tomoe nods and turns back, I tell her in thought transmission to order the standby personnel to suppress the town’s turmoil.

To call Mondo and have them listen to his and Lime’s orders.

The town seems to be in a terrible chaos, but our employees are all composed people.

In this kind of moments, they are truly reliable.

When the thought transmission connected for instructions, they already moved back all the merchandize that was in display, on top of that, they activated a defense barrier around the store and were in standby inside.

“Shiki follow-up for the students. No matter how monstrous Ilumgand turns, Shiki will still be able to handle it right?” (Makoto)

“Of course. Can’t even consider it a warm-up. But, the orders just now, with the current number of people in the company, I think it would be hard to cover the whole town” (Shiki)

Shiki must have noticed that he would end up doing something laborious from the orders I gave to Tomoe and seems to be dejected, but he nods at my question and points out the problem in my order.

“… I see. Then I will call the Mist Lizards too. It would be troublesome if they were mistaken for mamonos, so… after incapacitating Ilumgand, let’s have the students divide in 3 groups and help” (Makoto)

“In 3 groups?” (Shiki)

“Yeah. Later I will be calling the third Mist Lizard the students will be meeting” (Makoto)

“Understood” (Shiki)

“And then, Mio and I will…” (Makoto)

Grasp the number of monsters and their locations, after that, back-up everyone.

After saying all my thoughts, I closed my mouth.


What am I doing?

I suddenly remember the bitterness of yesterday and my thoughts get interrupted.

It’s true that Rona got me good.

In her perspective, it is something I didn’t ask, so she didn’t tell me. And from my perspective, I thought we were partners.

In the first place, we are not from the same camp, and making a request as if predicting her future plans, I can’t help but feel stupid.

I don’t think I will be able to easily trust the demon race anymore, and the promise I did with her, has already changed subtly inside me.

But even with that, is there a need for me to mobilize the Kuzunoha Company to suppress this chaos?

It can put Rona in check. And I can also get back at her for deceiving me.

But aside from that, what merit do we gain?

Yeah, think about it.

Not the usual where I concentrate and think by myself, but the thinking method I am familiar with until now.

Maybe because it has been long since I have used the bow alone, I have been thinking about thinks by myself, and most of the time I have reached the conclusion in that way.

But after coming here, probably because of my own limits, things have not gone well.

My field of vision is too narrow.

I should place several things in the balance, think about the future of that decision, and the things I can do.

The way of thinking that the representative talked about, the way of thinking about putting advantages and disadvantages as priority; maybe I should use them as reference.

(Tomoe, sorry. Can you return?) (Makoto)

(Yeah. No problem. Should I have Mondo return to Asora as well?) (Tomoe)

Mondo is already in the company?

No real need to return him.

(No, that’s fine. Just that, please wait for a bit before shifting to action) (Makoto)

This is something that I should probably say in person.

(Then, I will order them to continue in standby and I will be returning) (Tomoe)

(Thanks. There’s something I want to consult about) (Makoto)

Well, this is fine.

“Shiki, the previous order won’t go. You two, there’s something I want to ask you” (Makoto)

Right now, it smells like an emergency situation.

Not for the company, but an emergency situation for the town itself. In other words, it is a crisis for everyone except us.

This is probably quite the chance for us.

There’s the saying ‘burglars in fires’, and this is exactly the fire. <As in, burglars appear in chaos>

Everyone is restless and being attacked by the menace called monsters.

I wasn’t the one who caused it, so the inhumane example of arson to steal is not that accurate though.

There’s absolutely no need for me to hurry.

Because we can get through rough directions after all.

Even if it’s not to the level of theft, I can move in a way where I can take advantage of the situation.


The surroundings are getting spacious.

Because everyone has noticed the abnormality and has escaped from the stage one after the other.

Truly a panic.

If I just deal with the thing that was Ilumgand, this place will turn in a pretty safe place. Well, we are the minority in here though.

Even so, in this kind of situation, Rembrandt-san will probably be looking for me.

I did tell him my seat number, so he should know my approximate location. Depending on the content of the meeting, it could be dangerous.

“Ah, Tomoe. Sorry for changing my opinion. There’s something I want to consult you three. This situation, what do you think we should do? For Kuzunoha Company and us, which action should be the most beneficial? Shiki, what’s your take?” (Makoto)

After waiting for Tomoe’s return, I ask the opinion of Shiki.

The one that knows the most about Rotsgard and Kuzunoha Company is Shiki after all.

“How should we move, is it? Eva and Ruria are here, so I think the first thing we should do is make this place safe. In terms of benefiting the company, I think there’s the option of only moving the minimum possible. Just when needed” (Shiki)

“So, don’t act?” (Makoto)

Eva and Ruria seem to feel relief after hearing Shiki’s words.

About those girls, I don’t mind what they hear from us.

I have established an agreement with those two after all.

Of course, it is not a pact made with magic, but more of a promise.

I have also told them that they should prepare for the consequences if they were to break it.

Those two are free to interpret it in any way they want, but I don’t think they are taking it too lightly.

“Yes. Including the demands of the merchants and several other factors, the more damage this incident causes, the more time it will take for it to happen. I don’t have any guarantees of how well it will go, but there’s the chance that several companies will disappear. No matter which, I think that it benefits us better than suppressing the turmoil promptly and showing our power. If we take the initiative imprudently, the guilds that were in cahoots for trying to bring us down and the major companies might treat us as their private army, and just like how the representative clamored, they might really demand for the 90% of our profits, and to share our transportation method” (Shiki)

I see.

Even if I move through my current emotions of Rona and bring down her plans, it won’t benefit us huh. The thing about keeping the demon lord in check certainly is a dangerous thought.

I still don’t know how the guild would act after all.

I can clearly see that it will not turn into anything good, so that’s why I am here thinking about struggling but…

“Tomoe, what do you think?” (Makoto)

“Right…” (Tomoe)

Tomoe looks like she is pondering.

I thought she would agree with what Shiki said.

These two are the same in the part that they both look at the advantages and disadvantages after all.

“There’s also the choice of suppressing this turmoil anyways. Like a hero of justice” (Tomoe)

“What do you mean?” (Makoto)

A hero of justice you say.

The bad habit of Tomoe came out again?

“It may come with the demerit that the merchants will see our fighting power, but by respecting the hyuman life and not requesting for a reward, not only the store, we would be able to turn the people in this town to our side. No matter how much they try to bite us, if the residents treat us as heroes, they would need the resolve to attack us. Protecting the residents can actually become a wall that protects us from ill will” (Tomoe)

To act the part huh. In that case, it would be indispensable to resolve this in an early stage.

“Then it would be bad if we don’t move as soon as possible, right?” (Makoto)

“No, it’s still too soon. The best time is when there’s a considerable amount of damage and the residents are falling into despair. The direction is important in the play after all. If we just close the lid after 5 minutes, the gratitude would diminish” (Tomoe)

I tried pointing out this suggestion and see, but it seems she had a different opinion.

… I see.

It is true that a hero of justice, instead of coming before the person is attacked, they come after the person has already been attacked and is already in a pinch. If they were to come before the problem occurs, no one would be grateful towards them.

Tomoe is saying that we should aim for that gratitude.

I see. It is better for them to be in a pinch.

In that case, there’s still plenty of time.

Should I wait for a certain percent of the town to be destroyed, or when the defensive forces of the town clash with the monsters? I feel like that might give quite the impact.

Just that, there’s also the possibility that they will hate us for not coming out faster.

If we don’t place a good reason, it might become a double-edged sword.

“Mio, do you have an opinion?” (Makoto)

Honestly, I didn’t expect much when asking her.

She sometimes shows impressive intuitions, but in basis, she is a person that’s more instinct less thinking.

“How about using this chance to kill every hindrance? If it’s now, we can use the chaos to bring down every problematic one. It may bring suspicions if only the merchants interfering with Waka-sama are brought down, but if we kill a decent amount of them, we can cover it up-desu wa” (Mio)

Slaughter everyone that’s a hindrance. She is saying that we should kill everyone that’s close as well huh.

What a straight opinion.

It certainly does have an immediate effect. Just that, this method is more like cutting the weed and leaving the root, so I feel like it won’t resolve the main issue.

This opinion of mine is probably stemming out of my impression from that representative, but I feel like merchants are stubborn towards people that are successful, so even if we take care of the bunch that are bothering us, I don’t think that would be the end of it.

When thinking that way, I can tell how scarce of an existence Rembrandt-san is.

And I don’t know how he was in the past.

“Well then, what does Waka think? If you stopped the order from a while ago, you must have a guideline already, even if it’s vague” (Tomoe)

Tomoe turns the question to me now.

True, I do have something in mind that’s slightly different from the order I gave a while ago.

“… Well, yeah. One is that the even if we don’t do anything, the matter will resolve itself; the other one is how it will affect the future demon lord meeting if I were to save Academy Town” (Makoto)

“Hoh~, a meeting with the demon lord. No matter the form, if you plan on meeting with the Lord of the demon race, suppressing this situation would be a minus” (Tomoe)

It’s just as Tomoe said.

It will obviously not turn into a plus.

Or more like, I have already told you that before so you should know.

Tomoe sometimes schemes things, who knows what she is thinking.

In her answer just now, she might have done it just to increase the amount of options.

Shiki and Mio also gave out different options after all.

Well, right now is not the time to guess the real intentions of Tomoe.

I did feel like negotiating with the demons because they haven’t shown any direct antagonism towards us, and if we were to move now, it might turn the negotiations with them into nothing.

I have ended up defeating a few demons in the wasteland, but no one knows about that event.

What I know is that there were demons that were trying to use Tomoe.

“I at least want the area that Tomoe pointed out, Kaleneon. It is in such an inside part and it isn’t that vast either, moreover, from what Eva-san said, it was a place that didn’t have anything special and it wasn’t as if it was prosperous in resources either. It seems there were also many uncivilized places around the area, so in terms of future worth, I don’t think it is worth much to the demon race. I think it won’t be that hard of a negotiation. But, if it’s a negotiation with a hyuman that has destroyed their plan, I feel like it might become harder to ask for something or to get something. It might even turn into being unable to meet” (Makoto)

“Your guess about Kaleneon is probably right. The castle they were re-utilizing didn’t have that many soldiers, and they weren’t in alert mode. Instead of a military position, it felt more like a base to advance the cultivation of new lands” (Tomoe)

The words of Tomoe make the eyes of Eva and Ruria open wide.

Well, of course they will react like that.

Because Tomoe is talking as if she has seen Kaleneon already.

If it were from a hyuman, this is something hard to believe.

Kaleneon is in a pretty deep part of the demon’s territory, so there’s no one who knows its current state.

And that truth also served as the trigger for the foolish thing I thought of. <Something he thought of before all this happened>

“If we suppress the situation in Academy Town, no matter how well we resolve it, Rona will probably suspect that it was our deed. This would be the case if we were to follow Tomoe and Shiki’s suggestion. And, in the case we use Mio’s suggestion, we would have to totally migrate to the demon race side or there’s the chance it would cause trouble for the store in Rotsgard and Tsige, and also to the people related to me. Well that’s the worst case scenario where we don’t do anything to resolve the situation, moreover, they discover our connection with the demon race though” (Makoto)

The things to consider were steadily extending and it is becoming more difficult to predict the developments. I could tell that my mind was falling into disorder.

But I can still think of things roughly while arranging it.

I don’t want to get talked down like yesterday anymore, so I have to do my best.

Endure, endure.

I can easily reach to a conclusion when alone, and yet, when other people mix in and give out their thoughts, it feels like a foreign substance is trying to blend in and it makes it hard to put together.

In the times when I was in the modern world, I didn’t have to think about anything this seriously.

Even my future, I was the type that just thought: ‘it would be nice if I were able to live by doing only archery’.

“Related to Waka-sama, by that, you mean the Rembrandt Company and the students? Also a few adventurers in Tsige would enter the list as well, right?” (Shiki)

Shiki complements what I said.

In terms of adventurers, Tomoe and Mio are more related to them, but no doubt that it does relate to the Kuzunoha Company.

The only ones I have been directly involved with would be Toa-san and her group.

And my current connection with Lime is more like a connection through Tomoe.

Also, he already knows about Asora, so he is basically on our side.

About Rembrandt-san and the students, what should I do?

From how the representative talked, I think that if I make it as if Rembrandt-san was exploiting me, the criticism from the representative won’t be that much.

As long as the whole hyuman race doesn’t know that I am in the demon race’s side, there shouldn’t be that much to worry about.

No, even so, there’s no telling what might happen.

In the worst case, there might be the need to take them with me.

About the students, well, they are not my employees or anything like that.

Will they get implicated in this?

Even if it is discovered that a temporary teacher has been communicating with the demon race, instead of the students, it feels like the academy itself would be the one receiving the criticism.

It isn’t like I have been using dangerous medicines like that Ilumgand screaming who knows what, and the fruits of Asora underwent examinations beforehand and there were no problems.

… That they weren’t able to detect the use of medicine that transforms people into variants brings out questions as well.

Also Jin and the others did show their abilities. Many people witnessed it.

When taking that into account, there shouldn’t be anyone who would condemn them.

Thinking about how the hyumans have been until now, there should be more people who would want to shelter them and utilize them right?

I think that even if I don’t do anything about the students, they would still be okay.

Thinking about it in loss and gains, their growth may be remarkable, but currently they are still not strong enough to be considerable fighting powers.

In the worst case scenario, I can bring them with me and they will be safe, but nothing good will come out of it.


If I am prioritizing loss and gains, there’s no need to be concerned about the students.

Actually, if I am going to the demon race, they are a connection I will have to cut.

Reeled in by power, the students took my classes and grew, but in all of that, the truth was that the temporary teacher was actually of bad origins. That could turn into a demerit.

That’s about it.


If we are talking about that, if I do as Mio suggested, it wouldn’t be necessary to continue my relationship with Rembrandt-san either…

Just that, as a human being, I am hesitating.

“Waka, it seems Rembrandt is coming here” (Tomoe)

Rembrandt-san. So he really is coming.

It’s true that at first our connection was just because that’s how it developed.

But I thought I would follow his steps and become a merchant as well.

Now, I am attached too.

Should I abandon all my connections and start over at the demon’s side?

Even if there may not be many, should I treasure the people I have become close to?

My current naivety will get in the way when dealing with people in the future.

Is it okay to wipe everything clean?

I can’t brush off this anxiety.

Damn it.

There’s no time.

I have to make a decision now.

No, that’s also not right.

I can’t hurry this.

The surroundings were making an uproar a few moments ago, but it is beginning to calm down.

It’s not that it has actually calmed down. It’s just that more than half of the audience has escaped already.

First, I will meet with Rembrandt-san and rethink.


The Rembrandt couple have found us and hastened their pace. Seeing that, I try to hold down my impatient feelings.


Author Note:

Makoto’s thoughts are jumbled up.

It may be hard to read, but please do pardon me for that.

Translator Note:

Hell yeah it was hard!

You guys may not know, but I usually add things in order for things to connect properly. So yeah, translated may be easy to follow, but it wasn’t in Japanese :`(

And yeah, I know everyone wanted blood, and I was expecting it too. But this actual consideration chapter really struck me. It reminded me of how many crazy Mcs with genocidal tendencies I have read…

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0 thoughts on “Chapter 135: When I incidentally look, there are several paths

  1. “Wait.
    What am I doing?”
    I’ve been wondering about for a while now. For real, dunno what you’re even trying to do anymore.

    1. And let’s not forget that the main reason he does not want to be on bad terms with the demons is because he needs to put a portal on demon territory so Asora can have the same 4 seasons as in Japan.

      For fucks sake…

  2. This is actually good because is a growth without leave his believes. Also, yeah, sometimes one only want a blood but this development are right, though a little of bath blood sometimes would be also nice…

  3. “Is it okay to wipe everything clean?” that’s a dangerous line in between

    fantastic novel, I too liked this chapter very much, thanks translator san

  4. It’s a shame you don’t have a donate button! I’d definitely donate to this excellent blog! I guess for now i’ll settle for bookmarking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account. I look forward to new updates and will share this blog with my Facebook group. Chat soon!

  5. oops, the entire town was burned to the ground by the time MC finished his internal monologue, hue hue hue. just an alternate ending to the next chapter or whenever this incident is concluded.

  6. I think he’s overlooking another option though? He could establish a third power. Become a true third party that doesn’t pick a side and only looks after his and his people’s interesting. Not a friend or enemy of either side. He has Asora and if he gets that fallen kingdom all that’s left is creating said power.

    1. I think he did, elsyon is the form of that power.
      It’s just he didn’t have the guts to declare it’s name to the whole world, understandable since it’s just started a while ago, but there’s also his naive side that he think kuzunoha are not powerful enough to compete with two gigants. A stupidity … I know… but that’s who Makoto is.

      1. Um isnt elysium the country that was destroyed by the demons not kanaleon which he has ties to because of his parents? Also who is this truk person people on here keep talking about?

        1. Shhhhh… he is the guardian of anti story-spoiling if he find me spoiled story on early chapter he wil find me and flat me like pan cake.

          We have many role-play commentators here in reigokai, truck-kun is one of the major one.

      2. Ahs ok i was getting confused sorry and thank you. Also why not get a truck of your own ? Shouldnt that kind of prevent him from running you over?

  7. Good God! Waiting for makoto to rage out is like waiting for godzilla to show up in his own movie. There a these small moments where you are just like oooh ooooohh here it is here it i-aawwwwww man wtf was that?! I mean the fact that he actually thinks this out instead of ‘all hyumans are evil, all demons are untrustworthy, kill them all’ is kind of irritating if you truly think about it this entire time even he is thinking about playing both sides too. The fact that they implemented this first is unimportant. Yeah he was selling medicine but for every hyuman army soldier he saves with medicine a demon dies and vice versa. Yes he isn’t selling to the military but one way or another it’s gonna get to them. I want him to truly rage out, most people do, BUT! I don’t want him to go the anti-hero route. Anti-heroes are just whiny children who have abilities. They say they hate the actions of the people in power but they are no different,they just have their own agenda. He doesn’t play that card. Instead of raging out and possibly pulling a Gon rage moment (which would be awesome) he thinks to himself how can I use this to my advantage. Yes these last few chapters are stress inducing, but they a exemplary forms of writing. GG! but my heart hurts a lil.

  8. i was thinking that probably he could play ‘the devil’s’ role. well, tomoe need to suggest that and explain of course. but this is…. kinda impossible at this time.

    if i were him, to continue the relationship with Rembrandt-san, i will protect rembrandt-san family at all costs. protecting one doesn’t mean going against the demon right? then… about the merchant guild, i believe that rembrandt-san would have told them about my power.. so, i will held my action by saying ‘well don’t you want me to get out of this town?’ ahaha as in i don’t want to help you since you hate me. lol. but then if they asked me and gives good preposition to protect the city.. then, i would probably protect the city at the last minute.. as for the demon king’s meeting.. lets play a fool~.

    i would let the demon attack me and hurt me a bit, also my companion (one of them lol). so i will held a ‘self-protection’ card for my actions. ahahaha

    1. I am kind of interested to know what kind of conversation Rembrandt had with the merchant guild given that the end result was still so terrible.

  9. When I think about it, what Rona did wasn’t that bad, from her perspective. Actually, her only mistake was not telling Raidou what she was up to. “I hear what you’re saying, but I am afraid I can only comply with the letter of your request, not the spirit.”

    From her perspective, she has been planning this move for months or longer. To take out the leadership of the enemies her race is at war against. To abort the entire operation, just because one person she likes asks her to, would be irresponsible and a waste of resources.

    That isn’t to say that this won’t come back to bite her later, but just that her actions were, though unfortunate, the responsible thing for her to do.

    1. Tch that fox-woman has totally messed up !

      Actually that’s not about giving up the operation because someone you like asked you to. That’s more something like confirm the strength and intentions of those who may interfere.

      Meet an unknown guy who sells unknown exceptionnal goods, easily sees through her disguise, is followed by two over 1500’s adventurers and who don’t even looks like other hyumans…
      How can she even call herself a strategist ?!

      Hum, that’s decided ! I need to think of another name for her, the former’s outdated now !

      1. Rona has never or seen Mio and Tomoe, and the times they’ve been in the city Makoto had her pull all of her watching subordinates out of the city. And she couldn’t learn about them via the adventurers guild as Root put the hush on it so only those who spend time at Tsige are really familiar with them, let alone have any idea what country they work for.

        Makoto and his power base are so beyond what the common sense of the world says is possible that it’s ridiculous. Not only is he a third summoned hero, he’s practically a Demi-God, but all of that is a well kept secret and Rona has no way of finding out simply because they won’t let her, and are actively keeping it a secret. Or do you think Rona should be able to outwit the entire Makoto team before she can call herself decent at her job?

        Well, what if the Snake is preventing any leak of information from the guild ? Doesn’t she have spies in Tsige ? No spy in such an important town ? Ignorance is bliss they say…

        “Or do you think Rona should be able to outwit the entire Makoto team before she can call herself decent at her job?”… Yes ! Basically the job of a strategist is to think about everything even to the unthinkable. To at least bet on a way and prepare a counter measure.
        Oy, oy did you thought that strategist was an easy job ? Don’t make me laugh ! To be better than the enemy’s head, to predict his action, his previsions and what he didn’t predicted. That’s what it takes to be a strategist !

      3. Tsige important? Tsige is the absolute farthest from anywhere you can go, including the war front. All that’s out in the wastes are uncooperative monsters. the only reason she would need a presence in Tsige is of she knew a third power landed there, but even then the only place such a thing was seen was a lake in Limia.

        Additionally it’s not like she can move the entire army. A strategist is limited by heir personnel, and she has OUTRIGHT STATED that many of the ones she has to use in Rotsgard are newbies she is training up. You can only expect so much from what you have to work with, so give her some credit. No one is perfect :p

      4. “All that’s out in the wastes are uncooperative monsters”…and Dragons and Spiders and… Time for some recruitments ! Difficult you say ? Yeah, I know, that’s her job !

        Well, weren’t the demon’s side tried to recruit the orcs at the beginning ? So there’s (was) actually some spies in wasteland ?

        She’s bounded by the pawns she owns ? And then ? Of course she is ! Doing the best with what’s within your reach, that’s a strategist. Just having no limitations on your stock, that’s called a cheater (or a god) !
        That’s why MC-chan is so difficult to deal with. I’m not saying that dealing with him is easy, I’m saying that she choose the wrong option ! And that for such an obvious thing, I’m disappointed !

        You also seems to have forgotten my others points. You can’t deny that she met Raidou, someone who saw through her at first glance and have mysterious products and powers… Also, well, I’m getting bored ! Bye !

    2. I highly doubt the intended target of this was the nation leaders. It’s a simple terrorist act, one that occurs during a festival to increase the body count in attendance, and one that strikes the soft underbelly of a neutral student/academy city not affiliated with a country that still sits in the safe heart of the human world (far from enemy lines). It’s a disruptive tactic meant to terrify and distract the hyumans and show that they aren’t safe from the war anywhere.

    3. Based on the flashback chapter for the 2nd son, Ronas plan has probably been going for over a year. At this point it’s not that she decided to not stop it, it was more that she couldn’t. The effect that her drugs and conditioning had was a snowballing effect of building up into an explosion (the transformation). One to two days before the effect would trigger she is asked to pull out but her plans will complete with or without her agents there.

      She probably should have given him a mild heads up of “I’m pulling my agents but things are already in motion and will complete regardless”, instead she led Raidou to believe that she had pulled out all of her agents and nothing would happen during the festival. This results in Raidou losing his trust in her and she seemed to be doing what she could to get him to trust her to try and pull him to her side. That’s really unlikely to happen now.

  10. Thanks for the chapter desu~

    Makoto! Don’t think too hard about it and just decide already! Just do whatever you want. Follow your heart (save the town), you can still become a merchant if you do that right? So, so, first secure the stage, then save the town. Ah, but, the only one who move to save are only you and Shiki, while the others just wait in the company. I’ll give you four thumb ups if you do that!!! >o<

    1. well nvm mind i found but i have a question wasnt hasegawa the who confessed to makoto not azuma i read the manga and it was hasegawa who confessed to him so its really confusing

      1. It was an illusion based on something that happened to him. He was confessed to by both of them but he turned one down and she ran off crying instead of deciding she would fight to increase his affection for her. Its not clear what happen with the other, its possible she was just playing with him and not being serious.

        The illusion he saw of their confessions are how he would have wanted it to go in an idea world, not how it actually went when they actually confessed to him.

      2. A follow up, if you read the manga illusion scene of Hasegawa confessing to him, the point where she is about to start bawling but instead hardens her resolve and says she will try and turn his attention to her is where in reality she DID start bawling and probably ran off to cry alone somewhere. Makoto even notes that he thought she was going to start crying and was confused when she didn’t.

  11. So Makoto is changing. It looks like he is really think things through and asking other for their opinion. But he is still some what indecisions. He can Aalways try to contact Root for more information.

    I think they should use the variant to attack their store to make it look like they are also the victims. As will as use them to damage the guild a bit and some of the other merchants. Damage to the merchant guild will make it easier for Makoto but more like Rembrandt to negotiate or push their demands on the guild. Or simple leave town because the store is destroyed.

    However I believe that at he should at least fight in self defense or make it look like its self defense. And that after Company should still sell some medicine even cheaper or give it away for free to build up good will. And help in rebuilding the town. It would look good in the hyumans eyes and they could say it was in self defense to the demons. Or say something that he wanted to test his students’ strength. He could alway support in secret.

    On the “Hero of Justice” idea, maybe he can get someone to dress up in a costume. Something like the black knight or a superhero or something and fight the variants that way.

  12. At first I thought I would skip this but after marathoning Love so Life, I finally finished it after 4yrs since I first read and forgotten about it along the way. I feel rejuvenated. Ahh, youth.

    ehem. Anywho.

    After reading this now. My opinion of it is still the same. This chapter should have been a Side Story instead. Although I commend Makoto for miraculously using his head for once during the middle part where he revoked his orders, it doesn’t change the fact that nothing was accomplished this time around where he could’nt come to a decision despite having four heads with plausible options, and instead will rely on a Hyuman in the end. Why not ask tge Ansland while he’s at it. Sheesh. It was already going in a decent direction enough to wash out the pointless first part of tge chapter… he just made it crash to the ground again.
    It may just be my biased opinion but, he needs to get his priorities straight first and foremost. What the hell was he doing there in the first place. If he just wanted a place he could belong to, just live normaly. Stop bitching around playing leader. If he wants to be Neutral instead, and help people regardless of race, he can literally do it. Obliterate anyone who interferes with the country of your founding. And accomodate all those who just wants to procure your merchandise.

    He need not care about bull things like overthinking a few decision and short circuiting himself in the process leading to a system reboot like now. Even a good decision would sound a wrong one when you overthink things resulting in more branching thoughts and unnecessary options. This fool ends up irritating me just when I thought he was finally getting things done. And weren’t he supposedly avoiding the Goddess radar, or standing out? this fool just can’t make up his damn mind.

    Well, this is still the result of him finally learning from his mistakes but still. I can’t help but think he is going with his stubborn naivety again. He’s not a kid anymore.

    Thanks for the chapter.

    And more importantly,

    Cheers for reverting the comment section to how it was before.

    1. Proving that he’s not stupidly dense to his followers’ feelings because of racial concerns, but because he has always been denser than concrete even from long ago.

      Don’t you do it, Makoto, don’t you be cliche DENSE MC! You’re better than that, right?!

  13. Thank for the chappy~
    This arc like a dungeon boss battle in rpg term,at first you do everything okay and kill the mob monster easily,because of that you solo the dungeon,but you got deceived cause the boss level is 2x more than the strongest mob,you keep challenging it alone and lost many time and your exp got decreased,in the end you call your friend to form a party and somehow win the boss battle,when you kill the boss you got more exp to cover the lost

  14. You know what? Screw the war and all that! I wanna see (read) when and how Mio corners Makoto and pushes him down. Then is forced to do the same with Tomoe to keep her from pouting (since she’s senior to Mio). Then also with Emma just so she isn’t left out.

    1. I’m not sure what to feel if Mio ever pushes Tomoe and Ema down. Although i’m glad you considered Ema as well.

      1. Here’s just a friendly advice, do as you want with it… But, when you said that, I somehow felt a lot of murderous intents. Well, then good luck ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !

  15. i want to see the MC acting like Hifumi Tonho even just once. Killing anyone/anything here and there as long they obstruct his path on doing whatever he wants.

  16. I don’t really trust the librarian. In one of her first appearances, wasn’t she talking in her mind or something like that in a creepy way about MC? Was it ever revealed what was that about?

  17. thank you for the chap and the side story, i think the side story was a good complement to a chapter that left me wanting more 🙂

  18. many comments in the comment section:
    “-you can’t resolve all your problems by killing the people you don’t like
    -that’s where you are wrong kiddo”

  19. Makoto shows some admirable growth here while still retaining some of his immaturity.

    “It’s true that Rona got me good.
    In her perspective, it is something I didn’t ask, so she didn’t tell me. And from my perspective, I thought we were partners.”

    What an odd definition of partners he has. His method of ‘asking’ was the rough abduction of one of her agents to a literal torture chamber. He apologized for the ‘rough treatment’ but didn’t punish anyone for it. And he used implied threats in a request that even the author put in single quotes to indicate it was more than a polite question. (When the person you’re asking for something is restrained in your torture chamber you’re threatening them.) For that matter even the request to Rona came with an implied threat. You don’t extract concessions from partners with threats and secrets.

    So while I admit I don’t know what context might have been lost in the translation, Makoto is still wrapping himself in sophistry.

    1. All the while he keeps how many secrets? Rona knows about Shiki and the demihumans in the store, but has never seen Tomoe or Mio, knows nothing of Asora or his supply chain, likely knows nothing about the Asora fruits, and is still just getting a feel for his staff’s loyalty, vulnerability, and competence. just because you were partners in taking down the dark side of the academy doesn’t really mean you’re close friends, especially if you trust them as little as they apparently trust you.

      Though to Makoto’s credit, at least he isn’t handing out drugs to school kids. >_>;

      1. Well that depends on how you choose to evaluate the fruits and foods grown in Asora. Makoto was using his students as guinea pigs to some degree, even though he appeared to be being careful about it. So it’s probably more like saying at least when Makoto was giving out steroids to school kids he restricted himself 1) to his students, 2) to drugs he was pretty sure didn’t have any negative side effects, and 3) to doing it in a forum where he had expert medical help to keep a close eye on them to respond if anything went wrong.

        Chapter 92: “For the time being I am still accepting students, but I am not really expecting much. As for the students that remained I will do some light “experiments” without permission on a level where their health is not affected, and while at that, have them take the lectures.”

        Chapter 109: “There’s also the experiment results of the effects of Asora’s fruits, so their abilities have increased considerably, but increasing their levels can prove as a good addition” (Shiki)

  20. I honestly didnt consider the notion of just abandoning the Hyumans… forgot for a second that he isnt a “Hero of Justice” … But also a bad idea to just join the Demons side, for one they did use/trick him. Proves they arent different than hyuman, a bit of clarity on how they think(same as humans really)… But like i said in a previous chapter, he should do what he wants! if hes attached to the Rembrant family and his students, go ahead and save them. Stick to the promise with the sisters, slaughter the demons after the city gets destroyed a bit. Not just to “save” the hyumans but to show the demons that he shouldnt be taken lightly or used…. Then meet the demon king and not try to get in the (positive side) of the king. Instead it should be the demon king sucking up and obeying our MC…. If they want to continue their war its fine to do as they please as long as they dont interfere with his friends, family, and his company.

  21. Hi everybody Im new here. Thank you translator for all your work.

    There are paths
    1- Let Tomoe and Mio have a small contest to see who had got stronger since the last contest.
    2- Kill all the monsters (if some from the merchant guild get killed in the crossfire, it was by accident😉 and sorry Rona-san, i didn’t know the monsters are in the demon side because you tell me that you remove the demons)
    3- Don’t nothing except saving is allies the Rembrandt’s and the students and deal with the aftermath.

  22. Makoto was confused. Just shoot your arrow to mio so you can relieve from your stress. Its okay, will accmioaccepterything from you because she is an M. Hahahaha

  23. For me the best decision is to let the chaos take over. Even if they didn’t do something they won’t be blamed. Wait until the demons attack the shop and counter attack. After that give support to restore the town and make deal with demons. The human will respect and grateful (which I think is useless, but he still want to be “kind”), the demons can’t argue and he would still have a bargaining point for demons for cooperating. In the end make a neutral country for demons and humans to kil.. ehm coexist.

  24. He could approach the authorities and offer to deal with the problem for a sizeable reward.

    No one completely trusts a mercenary, but they at least know what they’re dealing with. As it is, no outsider actually understands Makoto, so they’ll just keep misunderstanding him based on their own preconceived notions (after all, how could anyone just want to do things fair, he must be up to something).

    He’s worried that the Demon Lord will view him negatively for foiling their plans here, but when he said he’s neutral, it can be taken to mean that he will support both sides, if they pay him enough. And it’s not like Rona ever clued him in on the plan, or even asked him not to interfere, so he can just use his “ignorance” as an excuse (one that all parties know is a lie, but pretend to believe it).

    So if he negotiates for a big reward before acting, the demons will know about it, and may be more open to negotiating with him, since they’ll know he acts for personal profit and not for a cause.

    1. What really weird is that why does he worried about the demon lord? He has as much power to become the third main power in the war, the one should be worried are the demon and hyuman as they will be cautious as they will be likely to be sandwich by both side according to whom makoto is favored to. His timid way of thinking that make him in current situation. If he still don’t think he is strong enough, he should trust the strength of his people, Mio and tomoe can easily defeat thousands of hyuman and demon army. Their level is enough to make both side run away with tails between their legs.

      1. But the both sides (Hyuman and Demons) don’t know that Makoto is the Red Devil (If I remember correctly his nickname).
        For me, Makoto is worried about the fact that the demon lord may refuse him his lands. If he can’t obtain his lands then a war may occur.

      2. that is why i said he is too timid, if he show off a bit of the strength of asura or kuzunoha, he wouldn’t be pushed around like this. Yet, he still want to get to demon lord good side? He is a merchant, being on either side is for the weak, look at the you-know-useless hero’s princess. She’s a schemer yet scared to do anything to kuzunoha due to the uncertainty of Tomoe’s strenght. He need not to show everything, silent threat like tomoe’s done to the princess is more than enough so that both side will think twice to confront them. The devil nickname is not that important, how he silent/confront others so he not being bullied is.

  25. because both side are trashes he just need to establish a 3rd faction that accept demons,mamonos or hyumans as equals….
    well I know its not that easy to create even he has too much magic power that he has more than a upper class goddess but considering merits and demerits he spoke of, it is the best decision to up

    1. Shield Hero Naofumi style~

      I dun think the demons will try and let him live long. Cuz Makoto is a good war asset, and a huge threat to boot (the company at least). To use until no longer useful, then discard. Then there is “the Devil” shit…

      Hyumans are just acting up as usual…. geez the Empire and their stupid demon eye hero the worst… not to mention the church… the otherworldly country… only the Limia seems normallish

      1. Limia are doomed to be dicks too with the whole “corrupted nobles” seed already planted in their soil. MAYBE that Union/pseudo-japan thing might be okay, we don’t know much about them.

  26. I didn’t like this chapter, the mc felt a bit out of character. You can say he is growing, but growing comes in steps not in leaps rather then a small transition as you would expect from a slow pace story, we get a giant leap this chapter felt out of place.

    1. Well, he did get like huge culture shocks from not one, but two idiots (fyi the mechant and the demon general), have to agree though, even after i read the spoilers, i would expect more of a whining session from MC and ideas from the trio rather than MC, since when he can scheme and stuff? Imo, whatever, Makoto please just grow out of your typical Jap “denser than Osmium” MC stuff, but dun turn into Hajime of Arifureta.

      Looking forward to him curbstomp the heroes, particularly the doofus dude whose name I cannot bother to remember, unlike Kouki, which stuck to me very nastily.

      1. Gonna rant at some of the commenters a bit…

        It’s not as if Makoto was an idiot or something before the last couple of chapters. Like he said, he was lulled into complacency by successes in Tsige and the fact he didn’t have to worry about profit made him pretty much neglect the business. The meeting with the dirty adult, aka merchant guild representative, shaved off some of that childish innocence of his and exposed him to the dirty world of adults. Nothing to do with the goddess, other worlds and him being ugly – it is human nature to take advantage of and screw others over. Racism is a thing in real life too, so don’t go blaming the hyumans’ oppression of all non-hyuman races on the goddess either. No, not even with the preferential treatment from the manager of the world. Ethnic cleansing, genocide and religious strife exist in reality too and considering the theme of hyumans being imitations of humans, it makes sense for them to mimic the horrible, awful sides as well as the supposedly-strong sides.

        tl;dr like TL said, this is a realistic outcome of an unprepared child stepping into serious business and getting slapped down. Blaming it on fantasy elements unique to the setting is useless.

        If the author intentionally played on the stereotypical other-world protagonists having things their way mindset and subverted it, my respect for him just rise a healthy notch.

    2. as someone who has been fucked over hard by people, it’s not a gradual change, it’s a you woke up and are seeing everything for what it is. No one is on your side, and everyone is out for themselves, to what degree is the question.

      This kid just woke up and realized there is no world power he can trust, and a few are actively against him. Personally, I ran through my head immediately everything I could take inventory of, and it killed what group of friends I thought it was gaining once I realised that only one was actually my friend… hell the fact he wasn’t anticipating something happening when he saw all the demons, i want to call him stupid for not putting 2 and 2 together and having a plan ‘in case of’ beforehand.

      It’s amazing what getting dicked over hard does to your outlook on life.

    3. well humans and hymans grow when they face a something they want to have to suppase. our MC facing something he trying to grow and advance by. someone leaps and bounds the only way to go. more so in a crisis situation.

    4. I didn’t really felt that.
      makoto reacted his usual way, but though “wait, I fucked up many time. maybe I should listen to other’s opinions” and now he can’t make a quick desision because he is out of his territory.
      that is what I felt reading this chapter.

    5. it wasn’t out of character. and it wasn’t an abrupt change either. Reread the earlier chapters, even from the beginning, he was being fucked around the entire time. He knew he was being naive since the beginning in fact every time a chapter was released so many makoto haters would diss him from being naive. He is trying to mature himself here.

  27. A bloo bloo bloo, I’m not a good businessman and I embarrassed myself, let them die.

    At least he’s trying to think these things through now anyways.

    1. Dude the thinking of that whole world is a putrid cesspoll where self interest is the main priority, just as almost everyone that isn’t from before the Goddess age has indirectly said:

      1. Honestly, it doesn’t seem that bad to me. He had some translation difficulties because of the goddess, sure, but that’s hardly the world’s fault. Besides that, what’s wrong with them? They’re all prettier than Makoto? Their military sucks at strategy? Seem like mostly decent folk, honestly.

      2. You missed the fact that there’s a lot of other races besides HYUMAN and they’re basically treating other races like shit and being extremely arrogant DUE TO GODDESS’ picking side blessing. The goddes is basically “You pretty hyumans I’ll let you do anything as you wish and I’ll even give blessings to you. Ah the other races? Screw them I make them but they’re ugly that I lost interests in them, just oppress them and corner them until the end of the world. Well now they’re retaliating, I will give you 2 heroes so you can annihilate them again, though in the first place the one making them hate hyuman is me lol.”

      3. Goddess didn’t make the other races, most of them were there before the Goddess arrived. She just modified the Hyumans to suit her taste and ignored or encouraged killing the other races.

      4. I’m still waiting for Tsukuyomi’s buddies to come and either punish the Bug or join Makoto.

        A god sounds like the perfect addition to Makoto’s band of followers actually.

      5. If my memory is right she does creates all the race in that world, though if you remember the exact passage or chapter regarding that it will help.

        Well you got that right, even other god and goddess regard this world’s goddess as inept, they do comes later and “punish” her a little bit. And they’re bringing some surprising gifts for Makoto too lol, though it’s still way long to go after this arc ends.

      6. @Naraseptya Nugraha:
        Your memory is wrong. Bug calls herself a creation god, but the only thing she ever made were the hyumans, a weak copy of humans. She struck a deal with the superior dragons of that world, that’s all.

      7. Guys, it’s unknown whether she created any race other than the Hyumans. Her religion says that she created the other races as ugly prototypes, but it hasn’t been confirmed afaik. There were definitely some beings already there before she showed up though. Iirc, the demon race was there and the dragons.

      1. I doubt it. He’s taking everything into consideration right now. He understands the consequences of what he’s thinking about.

  28. “It’s better to do something than nothing at all”. That saying has been taught to all people amd cultures, guess it hasn’t reached the author’s brains.

    Just save the cotizens to gain some plus with the town’s people then go and talk with the demon lord. It’s not like he will ignore Makoto just because of him saving the citizens. As a matter of fact, the demon lord will see it as a threat to his power and will not antagonize Makoto until he knows full well the power Makoto and company holds. He will mostlikely try to befriend a powerful person like Makoto, Heck when he sees Tomoe, Mio and Shiki he will probably cower and give that piece of land.

    STOP BEING A B*TCH AND MAKE A DECISION, IF U MADE A MOVE EARLIER, YOUR PROBLEMS COULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLVED. pleaseeee Humans are greedy people, forget about ur sentimental values of them and kill those asses merchants and guilds.. ALL HAIL THE GREAT SPIDER MIO!!!… Actually has a plan.

    1. There are plenty of situations where it is better to do nothing at all.
      When a house is on fire, with fire services there or on the way, it is usually better to do nothing than something, because something is likely to just get you trapped in a burning house.
      Unless we decide to go with a very wide idea of something, in which case everyone is doing something (breathing).

  29. He negotiate with the assumption he’s below the human or demon powers,he got everything he need to make a third power,he should just make it,then all human and demons will swarm to him trying to gain his favor,then in the future,the makoto empire will be born,
    An empire where all race can live harmoniously


  30. Thanks for the chapter!

    The choice I would make? Crush the demons and Hopelace moron with overwhelming power, make it clear that Raidou and the Kuzunoha company are not to be messed with, hold it over the merchant guild’s head that the teleportation which they use to transport goods can also be used to kill them all n their sleep and that they have the power to annihilate an army of monsters with a handful of people.

    The talk with the demon lord might be problematic? So what? Bulldoze over them with might if they are not willing to negotiate, after all it was Rona that forced Raidou to act.

    At this moment hyumans are the best bet for Makoto, simply because while he has met with some horrible hyumans and as a whole seem to be fairly unsympathetic they are *some* good people.

    Demons on the other hand? The only one we know is just as bad as the worse hyuman, Rona screwed up with this move…

    1. Actually, I think it’s best if he joins with demon or better yet be the new god or make a 3rd power.
      1st his face (ugly bases on, humans will never accept that, thus making them can’t make a wise decision (except the otherworlder country).
      2nd, the same fate with demons regarding Goddess, both Makoto and demons receive an unfair act from that bitch goddess for no apparent reason, then why bother with someone who hate you if you have someone who would welcome you.
      3rd, because FUCK THEM ALL, when you have more power, crazy strong follower, and a little bit reasoning, you could make a new world and planet

    2. I’d prefer to see some more demon characters before making judgments like that.

      From how I understood everyone’s reaction to her, Rona plays dirty even among demons, so she’s not representative of the group. Shiki seems to feel this way, at least from my interpretation of his comments,

      That said, Rona IS an actual representative of the demons by virtue of being the only one that’s held a direct conversation with Makoto. Which in itself makes her action a massive screwup and makes things almost tragic to consider. I’m hoping the Demon Lord turns out to be a more trustworthy sensible guy. He might end up saving his race entirely if he manages to make a Rembrant-like impression on Makoto.

  31. Thanks for the chapter!
    For once I can’t even imagine what choice will Makoto take and that’s the best part.I can normally predict almost every mc personality after a few chapters but Makoto is turning into an interesting character.

  32. Thanks for the update

    Hm… would like to do the ”unrelated-third-party” trick in this case. For example, having aerial bombardment to the current disaster, and said it’s the goddess doing. Not only could he profited as an allies and a merchant (he could have come to timely rescue from the disaster and the occasional stray shot), he could have neutralize the thread within the chaos by many mean. Heck, you could have a secret meeting to a demon higher-up to said you may have something to do with it, in order to grant favor to them (by having the image be ”used” to their purpose). In that way, the hyuman is happy, the demon is happy, the merchant get neutralize, everyone’s happy.

  33. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ! I was expecting something like this ! I’ll still not fall for that ! I’m gonna wait the next chapter !

    Still thanks for your work !

    1. Oy, oy, seriously ? After those two last chapters, one would obviously be dying for the next ! Hum, that’s truly a lethal trap ! Even for me, that might be a little dangerous… AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!

  34. I want them to wait and consult with Rembrandt-shi. He’ll give some insight on things related to use of power and the time to use them to get some recognition as powerful folk like what Tomoe said. I think being hasty with going over to the Demon side is not the right choice. He should consider the difficult but less troublesome path of neutrality like Root and the Adventurers Guild. Even Root will give a good insight on the psyche of hyumans in this situation based on his experience. Makoto should trust his allies more. True he’s started to consult with them now. He can always say to the Demon side that he was requested by the Adventurers Guild to provide intervention in this town. He himself profited from the work of the demons is what he should say while meeting the Demon Lord.
    Thanks for the chapter!
    Want more! It’s getting very very interesting.

    1. i agree with hearing from Rembrandt though i do not know what he’ll say or what i want him to say

  35. Why does makoto even need the demon’s trust? Especially since rona basically already betrayed his trust. She knows what he wanted, she at the very least could’ve provided info about the hyuman getting drugged. This just shows that she only sees him as a tool and never trusted him. IMO the demon’s are the ones that needed to earn makoto’s trust back.

    Makoto can do whatever he wanted since rona has said that she’s pulled back her subordinates. He can kill wholesale all the demons that he comes across in the city, just to make a point to stop playing with him.

    Instead of building a relationship based on trust, he can build one based on consequences. He could just make a contract, kalleneon territory in exchange for access to his high grade medicines(add in some high class armors, and the demons will be the ones begging to sign the contract). He’s still using his japanese mindset, assuming goodwill among the parties concerned. While he could easily get away with using american mindset, of “power makes right.” In fact, this is the mindset almost everybody in this otherworld uses.

    On a different topic, I really feel sorry for illumgand. He’s an example of buying a cat in a sack, but finding a demon instead. Had he not ever taken the drugs from the demons, he wouldn’t have acted like the noble’s he hated. At this point, only the king and his son knows his self before taking the drug. They’re the only ones that can provide makoto with information that illumgand wasn’t always the version that makoto & co knows. As far as makoto is concerned, illumgand wanted to bully ruria, while the reality is that he wanted to apologise for the things he said.

  36. The sad thing is that there are people who think that Makoto’s new way of thinking about gains and losses is the correct way just like how the mercant guild cartel thinks. Like the passage mentioned, he doesn’t need to care about the students or rembrant if its merely about his personal pros and cons.

    Being a sociopath might make a person “successful” material wise but at their funeral, people will be whooping for joy or discussing about how to divide the dead man’s money. Some might see that as success, but probably failed to see that such a person lived a life not just being a fake but also surrounded by fakery.

    1. So much of this.
      People seem to forget that it’s important to find a balance between stupidity and overefficient detachment to have a fulfilling life. I really want Makoto to hold on to his connection with Rembrant and his students.

      …Also, when he inevitably becomes a god-like entity, it’ll help keep him grounded.

  37. My preferred option?
    Eliminate and/or weaken the competition, publicly provide protection services to the people and evacuate the higher ups for a huge sum of money (and/or tax exemptions).

  38. Wha!? What did you say? Reigokai is a she/girl!? I’ve been following the series since early chapters or maybe since beginning, I’ve been assuming he’s a man……. (O.O)

    Ive just read the side story…

    Btw thanks for the chapter~

  39. i second Mio opinion …
    just kill them all.. Muawahahahaha

    or become a hero of justice like tomoe suggestion…
    costume- not yet

    THX 4d ch

  40. Thanks for the chapter~!

    Nicely done, and it shows how Makoto has several routes to go. Regardless if which route he chooses, it will still be entertaining. Also, who says he can’t mix them up?

  41. I would choose option z the one where because of having that overwelming amount of mana break the system become a ruler (which he is, he just cant admit it wtf) and become a force on itself use people more capable as administrators and destroy anyone who messes with him

    Or ask root about god magic or some such honestly all this could be avoided just by being the person with the biggest wepon ie. nuke level magic

    1. honestly its more fun for god-like characters to not use there op powers and instead use methods of borrowing others power to achieve their goal. if he did use his brute strength then he’d have no opponents and he would be regarded as a demon king/tyrant. and honestly if he just “i have power, this is mine now” then he’d have no growth and the series would end

  42. would it be possible to upload the side stories here, or is there a reason not to? i ask because it feels hard to read on other sites. it may bee just me though and i feel if its because they translated it then a timed delay would be nice if possible.

  43. i have the feeling that its most to happen that part when makoto lets his student do all the clean up
    the only thing i wont like of that party its that will be 100% that they will be taken by the 2 kingdoms
    obvious sif and yuno wont leave but its 80% jin will be taking by male hero country but 20% chance that goes wish raido to train
    amelia we all know she has her crush on shiki but unless hopelace guy be saved, she will be 100% taken by female hero country. why ? simply though it was said even if last name its same there its not connection. this kind of novels are the type that ALWAYS have a hidden child or branch family somewhere, like that amelia will be cornered to take hopelace succesion for sure SPECIALLY since she might take a very strong stance in this arc
    and the other guy i forgot its name the shield user that fought jin. that guy its 100% sure for going male hero country specially if jin doesnt go- we all know every mage need a superb tank

    aside that stuff DAMN I WAS SPECTING ALREADY EIN TO MAKE HIS APPEARANCE! haha damn i wonder how he wil lbe
    ( btw by Ein i meant the 3rd mist lizard – i dont know his real name but since he presented zwei ( 2 ) and drei (3) i thought the stronger one that he hasnt shown yet woult be Ein ( 1 ) HAHA it will be fun if has another name though

    1. Students: Jin Roan (Dual-wield Swordsman), Misura Kasuba (Tank Swordsman), Amelia Hopelace (Magician & Archer), Daena (Rogue since he uses dagger and debuffs), Izumo (Magician), Yuno (Spearman & Archer), Sif (Magician).

      Academy Branch Employee: Akua (Forest Oni Archer), Eris (Forest Oni Magician), Lime Latte (Hyuman Warrior), (I don’t know which elder dwarf works at the branch. I only know Barren works at the Tsige branch.)

      Don’t know where you found the lizards name since all I can find were Blue Lizard and Zwei.

      There’s a few names I’m still trying to figure out, such as the name of the female elf and female dwarf that Tomoe & Mio saved in Zenno (Zetsuya), and the name of the Aion King and Prince that are both propose to Sif.

  44. Oh for gods sakes just pick option 3 (which is annihlate the merchants giuild, beat the crap out of the demons, and take the land you want for yourself)….. Of course that would attract bug’s attention but then you would have to deal with her eventually anyway!!!

  45. Thanks for the chapter. :3
    I noticed one word that needs to be added.

    “well that’s the worst case scenario where we don’t do anything to resolve the situation, moreover, they discover our connection with the demon race though” (Makoto)”

    It should be: moreover, they will discover our connection with the demon race though.

    In short add the word “will” otherwise I didn’t notice any real errors. Then again I could be wrong.

    Cheers. ^^

  46. Thank you for the chapter.

    Which path will you follow ?
    – Shiki : Do nothing (neutral)
    – Tomoe : Become heroes (good ?)
    – Mio : Kill them all (evil)

    ….. Fuck it, the dice will choose for me.

  47. there’s no real answer here though. the author could take any route and it would move the story differently.

    What I have in mind is let Rona kill off some of the problem he has like the merchant guild – he won’t lose her trust, use the shop personnel to evacuate the civilian without really fighting – to gain the hero status, Once this all ends use rembrant and the church to be a major supplier of construction and medicine for the town. Civilians would love him, the King and Princess would support him, the church would get a good name and would support him and Rona wouldn’t have any reason to lose her trust as he is only doing his job as a merchant.

  48. Thanks for the chapp! I was actually expecting a rather quick discreet resolution but this chapter actually gave uh, perspective on things. Makoto’s thought process is kinda interesting which seems to lean between neutralism & extermism. Its hilarious as well that they are calm and still brainstorming after all things happening behind them.
    I was at the very least hoping he’d be able to turn Illumgand back but after reading this chap, its a gone case. I’ve to admit though that it is kinda sad considering his circumstances: unrequited shitperience. D:

  49. I was laughing because the follower’s suggestions matched up with my own ideas. Abit, they were worded more eloquently than: “Fuck those guys. They can clean this up themselves.”, “Publicity Stunt!”, and “Commit Crimes in the Chaos”.
    I’m happy to see Makoto stop and consider his options this time around. He even went out of his way to call all his followers back to rethink his plan. Gud Job Makoto!

    Personally, I like Tomoe’s proposal most of all for three reasons.
    1. Makoto gets to stay in Rotsgard without cutting off the Rembrant family or his students.
    2. So what if this weakens how demons view him? He already said that he can take advantage of Rona’s sophism(though mostly out of spite) last chapter. He has bargaining power to spare against demons.
    3. I kind of what Makoto to retain a level of “intuitive goodness” in him where he generally helps people who need help, even if it’s actually a strategic move. For all everyone has poked at his “naivety”, I want him to retain a significant measure of “kindness” as a human being.

    1. Agree with this one and I especially am in for point #3. I also think he’s become too obsessed with ‘naivety’ lately that he’s been thinking too much out of character.

    2. Oh! And props on the complicated chapter Reigokai. Thanks for all the hard work~

      Error Fix (Well, more like wording checks?):
      “Maybe because it has been long since I have used the bow alone, I have been thinking about thinks by myself”
      -> “It might be because I’ve always used the bow alone, but I’ve been thinking about things alone”

      “Shiki, the previous order won’t go.”
      -> “Shiki, belay the previous order” (Alternatively, “retract”, “revoke”, “ignore”)

      “There’s something I want to consult you three.”
      -> “There’s something I want to consult with you three.” (Alternatively, “consult you three about”)

    3. Belive me, going against the mutants and spoil the demon plan in rotsgard is the bare minimum trouble makoto will get with the demon race on this arc, but in the end he will man up so its worth it.

  50. And yeah, I know everyone wanted blood, and I was expecting it too. But this actual consideration chapter really struck me. It reminded me of how many crazy Mcs with genocidal tendencies I have read…
    Same here in a few wn make sense when they do so for defend his people or his family from a threat to his lives , i wonder how he is going to react when he knows about the thousands he killed in the war with out wanted to do it

  51. Stop playing to be a merchant, stop playing to be a teacher, stop playing to be a hero, stop playing to be a villain, and take the world in your hands or …. Not

    It is early morning and I’m drunk

  52. i didn’t really searched for blood though… i’m only searching for their way to make the representative bow to them for help… i’m expecting Rembrandt-san to give the best method for that to happen… so yeah… i’m now interested in the next chapter

    oh! thank you for the update and translations…

    since you said it yourselves that it was difficult. being able to read this with ease, thank you very much for your hard work!

  53. thanks

    demon side can’t be trusted anymore but mc can countermeasure like a hero of justice and gain Kaleneon by use bitch princess in deal.

  54. makoto, again, make a pact only with verbal promise.. Did he ever learn?
    This super stupidly annoying mc….

    1. He made a pact with verbal promise and mentioned in passing that he would erase them if they broke it. Considering the sisters can hear what the others are saying to Makoto, they probably have an idea of his power and are not likely to go against him.

      He’s a bit tired of people lying and using him so he is probably going to include threats in his future verbal pacts. Anyone that thinks they are empty threats will be in for a painful, if short, lesson.

  55. Thanks for the chapter (っ´▽`)っ. Here here are 3:45 am and was about to sleep, but now im fully awake. I really like this chapter, makoto is maturing, at least in the way he think, and that is pleasant to watch ヘ( ̄▽ ̄*)ノ. If he can show his grow with his actions i’ll be happy. I think that makoto could do everything that was suggested by Tomoe, Mio and shiki, they should be able to do it all if they want.

  56. In this case, in my opinion, nothing is right or wrong. Only choice and its consequences.

    You want to make score with demons? Sure, go on
    Be hero or whatnot is fine, do it
    Killing everyone who make fun of you in the middle of chaos? That’s also fine, really.

    Just pick what you think best and you better not regret it if YOUR CHOICE bite your ass in the end.

  57. well as i learning spoiler from someplace makoto do your best !!!!!
    makoto finally have mental development…………….

    i know a way for makoto stay netral for demon kind.. just say all of sudden nora involvement to that drug to the people he hang out

      1. Yes we use money, and discovered, that violence is the cheapest and also most expensive thing on the market, and it puts a pricetag on everything, you want someone dead get a hitman, you want to renovate get a bulldozer you want ore get a drill,

        since time immemorial violence has a pricetag for everything except not dying(bodyguards?)

  58. I wrote down shiki, tomoe, mio, makoto’s method, and found 3 variables: people respect, merchant+guild power, and demons convenience.
    why not just brainwash and kill demon heroicly so there’s a huge damage to unimportant side and merchant side?

  59. I fully support Makoto, no matter if his decision is right or wrong for me that world can go to hell, Demon race? can go to hell, poor quality human race and supercial? Also can go to hell. The heroes? regrettable yes! can go to hell. The real enemy is stupid Goddesses.

    At the end of all none of this it has anything to do with him

    1. With that, I think you have nailed the beauty of this situation, and the true bright side.

      Because every side is an unlikable asshole, no matter who wins, someone loses and that will be a plus. Though I suppose the demons losing would technically be the bug goddess winning, so we don’t want that too much?

  60. Makoto is thinking in a high rev, will the plan unfold very likely the 1 idea? Just expect some plot twist cause it will be the best part and remember your favorite merchant representative from the guild, cause hes gonna appear soon too.

  61. Thanks for the chapter. It really did pour water over the hot headed reader craning for blood. To bad the cliffhanger isn’t as strong as the previous chapter.

  62. Thanks 4 the chapter!

    If only he knows his true power and the willingness to use it. Help the town in a way that is advantageous for him. Then threaten the demon lord to give up the area he wanted if they don’t want him to actively hunt them down. Give a little demonstration to convince them.
    Hmm… That makes him sound like a mob boss.

    1. Haha I liked how you categorized all the options. Too bad I can’t ‘like’ tsukommis for now at least… not willing to register. On topic, do you think Makoto will have a 4th route? He still has Rembrandt and even if not, a hybrid of the existing options?

    2. Neutral evil is the best.
      Make the students heroes. Send Tomoe, Mio and Ninja squad to kill competition. Makoto and co. sells medicine for low price/free after the incident is finished. Complete profit!

  63. Hoooh. I am pleasantly surprised to see Makoto learning to think in a logical way and trying to get rid of most of his naivitee. Even if pure trust into Eva and Ruria can still be called naive, since he thought it through this far and since he gave them a warning based on his thoughts it’s better then before.

  64. give me a break for gods sake… ok this time was not other POV but a simply MC POV without do nothing haha that was hillarious

    leaving aside the choices he has right now NONE help as he thinks will
    in the first place the moment he doesnt do nothing in the city knowing that many ppl know his power. they easily will say all this was raido`s fault. why? simply doesnt haven have a year there he sells new exotic stuff that cant be gotten anywhere and all this problem its being caused by an unknown drug, sooner or later they will blame this incident to raido want it or not. and its ibvious that to stop that the hyumans side princess and king will want to take advantage and have kuzunoha company with them as price to stop the blames

    in all 3 choices that its sure to happen with a 100% chance knowing the ego of the hyumans unless the author say its my novel and he say wont happen as he write. thats the reality

    my personal opinion i didnt liked any of the choices also he its again thinking in a naivety way… worst case scenario all ppl he met will be blames as well? worse case scenario ? really he thinks that? in reality that would easily be the 1st scenario no wait no the first the scenario that will happen even before first… naaaiiiiive. to tell you the truth i cannot see other form to ppl not blame rembrandts becuz of raido. the only form i think its that since every merchant know already about rembrant curse problem but not wish curse was. the only way for have rembrant being cut ties from raido would be that raido do something to make others think that rembrant family curse was his doing. like that with a simply revenge an assault on the empty shop in academy city and tsige. will easily takes 90% of the distrust, reason its easy in the view of hyumans mostly would be he cursed rembr family, saved them like a hero in a really surprising and impossible way with 2 overpowered bodyguards, win his trust and use his conections to travel to a city where demons attacked? that form of false info easily would put rembrant` as a victim.

    well that if the author dont made the will happen what i want in the next chapters hahahaha
    leaving aside my hate and opinions damn i really like this novel, mind someone tell me how many chapters left till reach the lastest volume sold?

    1. very logical response. Human ha e a tendency to find scapegoat to blame and hyuman are no different, but in an era where there is a hierarchy system with corrupted merchants and nobles, that will 100% happen.

      IMO, Mio choice is the most logical. To mess up Rona plan, he can indirectly help the hyuman but making his student play the Hero role while he make uses of Tomoe’s ninja force to secretly assassinate his competition. To keep him from being suspicious, he can be giving out his store supplies for free to help the hyuman, afterall, he’s not directly disrupting Rona’s plans and it was his student that stopped it. This will as raises Mikoto’s reputation among the royals, the church people, and the citizen who has nothing against him.

    2. Personally I think Tomoe’s plan is better, screw the Demon king just tell him simply you work on profit and
      loss, that will explain your relationship, make him wary around you since he is on edge not to be
      manipulated, mislead him by asking for Rona as a liaison, and smile a lot it will reassure and unnerve him,
      try and direct the damage to the merchant guild and shops subtly of course, then take your time saving
      them act like it is tough, they know the truth but pride will clog their throat from saying anything

      All in all manipulate an misinform the world while planning to screw the goddess over, if I was there I will find a way to control the war “Shirogane no ishi: Argevollen” taught me what profits can be made just avoid getting the bad end, exhaust their manpower, resources, and energy then supply more and increase the price, create scarcity and flood the market in cycles, create a lull in the war, and when you are ready vanish and watch the barbarians club it out,

      Excerpt: my way of being a merchant in another world.

      P?S this will only work if you have something similar to Raidou and surbodinates, slaves, minions, any sentient beings serving you will do together with a large population

  65. let the situation resolve itself…. just help the civilian evacuate to the safe place, especially someone who is close to makoto (exp : rembrandt family, gotetsu) … and avoid messing with the higher ranking people (king, princess, etc)…

    that way :
    rona will still trust you, and you can safely negotiate with the demon lord
    the hyuman side wont blame you and you can continue doing business in human city
    there’s a chance your business competitor in academy town will perish, and that will be beneficial for you
    the residence will love you
    asora existence will remain a secret

    consequence :
    you lost a wee bit of your humanity
    some high ranking people will die and that have nothing to do with you

    1. Huh? How does his scenario earn the resident’s love? If he only takes care of people close to him, then it’s as if he’s standing by doing nothing while they’re in danger, isn’t it?

    2. Humanity is overrated. If you have the idea of necessary evils, it helps (I can only say this from the standpoint as a profiteer) but actively leading to loss of innocent lives is not necessary. Just act in your best interest when you meet a situation

    3. Oy, oy… What’s with that indecisiveness ? That’s exactly as doing nothing ! He could as well just escape in asora with his relatives…

    1. juzy like these chap, just let makoto say its the demons doing that killed the vp guild merchant and the others lol (too bad mio didnt include that idea of a scheme)

  66. haa…. it would be a good chpice to wipe out everythinf and hide in asora than go to the demon side, also why ask the demon? better yet… go take it

  67. And Makoto does…. Nothing. I wonder if Root is the same?

    Also way to abandon your students. >_>

    1. They’re safe and sound in the waiting room for now, and it’s not like it’s a teacher’s job to provide shelter for his students.

    1. Huh? How would you mix the ideas? Playing hero and eliminating threats, I can picture working together, but how do you “leave it to the hyumans” and “act” at the same time? Or manage the above two without offending the demon race?

  68. Ahh, really like the portrayal of the mc. Hard decisions with long term remifications. Good to see a story with a mc both having the choice and having the knowledge about the choice 🙂

  69. PLANNING TIME what is greater benefit for this CHAOS because of term EQUAL dont exist much to Hyuman or Demon much, but Makoto is really tight HOLE in his pants(indecisive). Well it doesnt matter much because problem happen around dont change on POV than result which is meaningless to Business and Merchant people.
    YOU PUT STUPID DEMAND and MESS EVERYTHING UP(aftereffect of the town) which you suffer on your own GREED. Piece of Cake was GIVING, but WAS TOSS AWAY INSTEAD; lost chance for better REWARD!!!
    Student is probably going along with Makoto is 4 out of 7, maybe?

    Suffering workload is ringing you to walk in HELL! LOL XP

  70. Surprising I actually like this development more rather than makoto going on killing spree and genocide all
    My impression for that bitch still same thought, indeed in the all the choice will have merits and demerits be it he turn completely to as***** who only care about benefit only or stay still as child with it all naivety but I think no matter what Tomoe, Mio, Shiki will still stay with him. It just i hope he stay true to himself and not become something (yes something) who will disappointed his parents, Tskuyomi, and his old acquittance in old world

    1. Completely agreed.
      I think the last development I would want is for Makoto to “grow out of his naivety” and become some kind of Naofumi(not that I don’t like that story too) type of character.

      Having a tenderness in your character is a good thing and it’s what arguably separates him from others as a human being. Even if he has to back out and think about it, I really liked that his first instinct was to fix the problem and help people here.

    2. I actually think makoto is doing great, I’m an adult and honestly, if it was me, I would’ve hold myself up in asora just lazing around living my life peacefully, or wandering around asora and trying to recreate my hobbies…don’t need to socialize with human or demons

  71. Woot! Just finished reformatting and freshly installing and updating my OS, WinRAR, Cdisplay, and CCCP. Still need to install my games and torrents but this is a much needed break! TY!

  72. Hmmm. I feel that part of the problem Makoto has always had, is not paying enough attention to what other people are doing and thinking, which dovetails neatly with his self-criticism in this chapter.

    It’s kind of odd, since otherwise he’s a very caring person…but he doesn’t like to get involved with other people.

    You have to remember, even his followers more or less forced themselves upon him. He decided to do his best to support them, but…

    Well, just my take on it. Take it for what it’s worth. Thanks for the chapter! 😃

    1. Surprisingly might be this why they care allot for him (set aside Shiki at first), but yeah his narrow view and tendency to unable says no really his bad habits

      1. I agree but if he does that shitty bitch of a goddess will try to use him along with turning him into the enemy of hyumans and since he would have used his powers against the demons they would probably hate him to and brand him as a enemy of all demons… Actualy wait, that might work! But it’d be nice he had a growth where he just starts venting out his frustration to everyone and unleashing his full power even hurting or wounding the bitch goddess would be nice

    2. Hmm. That’s probably mostly because everyone who doesn’t want to exploit Makoto, like his first hyuman kill, is someone who highly admires him and constantly pushes him to assert his power. To keep him from breaking the story, Makoto needs to be someone with high levels of denial and passiveness that ends up seemingly ignoring them.

      That might be the innate nature of stories with OP protagonists though. When you have a character with ridiculous amounts of power, you need to either temper it with humility(low self-esteem and “herbivore” mentality), disciplined confidence(risking an overly perfect character when paired with enough power to solve all problems), or just let them rampage about abusing their power to the max(forcing the story to go down a violent tyrant/revenge route).

      I don’t mind how the author did it. It’s a pretty common setup, but the story comes out good.

  73. ………..γ ̄ヽ………Thanks!…………
    …….r’-‘| O |…~……..Nepu!!……..
    …………| ,|……~…….(´・ω・`)……..
    ……..,,-/ ̄|、…………O旦と )……..

  74. Thanks fo teh chapter!
    next set of ‘decals’ :

    free, I have to love
    erotic head
    Mio had returned to your Kappa
    I Do not was.
    cat sìth
    My mother.
    gift was a bee evil

      1. They’re mistranslations from goolge translate when I “read the raws” (listened to the TTS of the Japanese text while reading the goolge text) , they’re wrong so it’s funny (to me atleast).
        To explain the ‘decals’ since posting things that will happen would be spoiler/s so ‘decals’ is a pun(?).

    1. Now for the real comment.

      Guys, I told you. And best part, the shit storm isn’t over yet. Now excuse me as I grab popcorn and watch things unravel… even if I know what’s going to happen.

      *insert the most evil laugh you have ever heard here*

        1. Do you wanna know how I got these scars? You see, daddy was a bit of a blabbermouth when it came to endings. However, he himself hated when people would tell him the ending to something he wanted to find out for himself. One night, he came home drunk and demanded to borrow my 7th Harry Potter book. I tried to tell him not to read it, he wasn’t going to like it. He asked me why and I told him Snape dies. He lashed out and slapped me. Mommy tried to calm him down, but he hit her over the head with a beer bottle. So he looked at me and said “You’re going to pay for spoiling that”. I begged him not to do it… and any more would be a spoiler 😛

      1. Daaàmmmmmmmnnnn you! Hahahaha wish i know whats going to happen.
        Didnt really care about spoilers since they them selves keeps me pumped up and expecting that spoiler is good in its own way too…
        Now for the laugh:Kihihihi😈♡😃

        1. Trust me, there’s plenty I could spoil. However, I did give spoilers on things that were going to happen around now in the past. No if you will excuse me, I forgot to butter my popcorn.

          1. *cries* if only google translator aint sh*ty……
            Well tried it once and hurts my eyes…..
            well guess got to be hype for god knows when is the next release

          2. Knowing Reigo-senpai, it won’t be for long. However… there’s a reason why I kept talking about suffering through the clumps of incoherent text, it’s not worth the headaches. Then again… I think I’m a masochist for reading through it enough to get an understanding. And trust me, it’s better to read Reigo-senpai’s translations. There are details that I didn’t understand when using Google Translate.

      2. The better part is the side dtory. Will there be someone transferring AGAIN to the new world after Makoto? Maybe two?

        Compliments of the moons? Their mission: to harm the bug goddess…? Buwhahaha!

        1. Look pal, I’m the main spoiler on this novel. Don’t go starting to spoil things, especially since I didn’t read the side stories through Google Translate.

          Also… there’s Truck-kun to worry about. Trust me, there’s no hiding from Truck-kun.

      3. *Summons a sofa and also summons a portable kitchen near the sofa*
        *Sizzling,boiling,and steaming*
        Oh don’t mind me I’m just cooking here preparing for the “situation” to reach its very own “climax”

        If you guys want to join just sit on the sofa and wait for the next chapters as I cook for the food to eat

      4. @random reader

        if anyone does get brought over from the other world to help the MC i hope it’s the MC Imouto and Nee-san and the 2 girls in love with the MC, the captain and his Kouhai.

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