Chapter 122: The Interlude’s footsteps

I want to take a small moment to thank all donators again. Arigato!

I feel like doing another fast release week or weeks. I will be announcing the moment I plan on doing it, as it is extremely time consuming, so preparations for that moment are needed.

“You are making a scary face there, Princess Lily. It looks like the face of someone having business with me. Did I hit the mark?”

“Falz-dono, why iss the head of the Adventurer Guild involving himself with a merchant like that? Can you please tell me?” (Lily)

After separating with Raidou, the person Root met was Gritonia’s princess.
Not as the head of the superior dragons, but as the head of the Adventurer Guild. He made contact with Gritonia’ princess, not as the myriad color dragon, Root, but as Falz.
After the two exchanged something resembling a greeting, Lily takes out Root as if urging him, and brings him to a place with no one around, on top of that, by making probing eyes, finally, the real conversation began.

“Heh~, you know that he is a merchant? Raidou-kun, the head of a company that opened a store in this town. It has been one of my favorites recently” (Root)

“I won’t ask you to correct that rude way of speaking this late, but that doesn’t mean I will also permit lies. Falz-dono, what is your real relationship with that man?” (Lily)

To the broke down words of Root that one wouldn’t be able to imagine were directed to a princess, Lily shows her displeasure in her face while inquiring his true motives. Her way of speaking is also one that can be scolded upon when using it on someone that has the power to affect the whole world. Maybe it’s because they can act this way and no one else would know cause of their current location, or it might be because the relationship between Root and Lily was originally like this, who knows.

“It is true that it’s my favorite though” (Root)

“Is Kuzunoha Company using the guild as backing?” (Lily)

“No way. The Adventurer Guild doesn’t belong to any country, power or noble. It’s an organization that provides support to everyone that is accepted as an adventurer” (Root)

Root speaks out one of the basics of the Adventurer Guild. Of course, there were no lies in those words.

“The woman in that company whose name is Tomoe, the hero of our country is interested in her. She also possesses strength I can’t ignore, and personally, when it comes to his wishes, I have a hard time refusing. In this occasion, I don’t mind if you just tell me information you are able to disclose. That place… is there a need to crush it?” (Lily)

“To think that your mark was Tomoe. The Empire’s hero is also an interesting lad huh. The answer for your question is: nope nope. For now, those guys don’t have interest in the general situation of the world. And while I’m at it, let me tell you something. Fighting with the Kuzunoha Company will be like waging war with demon races on both sides. Even if it’s the major power Gritonia, I don’t recommend it” (Root)

“They have connections with the demon race?!” (Lily)

“Just a way of putting it. It is certain that they are able to be at least that much of a threat after all. Regarding your objective, you have already gathered plenty enough cards. I can’t admire sidetracking that much you know” (Root)

Root gives little information of Kuzunoha Company to Lily. He probably felt something in those words of her, that ‘tell me information you are able to disclose’.

“I thank you for your warning. Even so, to ignore what’s in front of my eyes is just not fit for me. I see, so Kuzunoha’s fighting power is, as I thought, not only Tomoe…” (Lily)

While actually knowing that they have connections to the demon race, the contents of what Root said, didn’t answer the query of Lily directly. Lily also doesn’t think that the head of the Adventurer Guild is honestly cooperating with her. She wants to deepen her information even if a little bit.

“More importantly, is it okay to be here in this kind of times? It is coming soon right? For the curtains of the war festival to open” (Root)

“… You know that, and yet, you haven’t used that information as a base to move or haven’t left traces of it. Falz-dono, you might actually be pretty similar to me” (Lily)

“Ahaha, me and the princess? I am not a slave of revenge like you. Just that, I also have something I am aiming for. And in the path to reach there, at some point, the paths you and I walk will cross, that’s all” (Root)

“… Objective. I don’t think that’s just a simple ambition. In my opinion, I don’t want to turn into an enemy the person that gave me the information of Sofia’s rebellion and the demon race’s ring beforehand. And, it may be irritating to say so, but I don’t even know how much information of the Empire you have in your hands. If possible, can you please tell me that objective? There might be something I can help out with” (Lily)

Lily’s words were her true feelings. This Guild Master with a bold attitude, even when he spoke out the basis of the Adventurer Guild, he has been cooperating with the Empire’s princess. At times, giving important information or warnings. There have been several times where she has been saved by that. Just that, he is not a subordinate nor a close friend. In this current state where she doesn’t know his objective, it just gives Lily an inexplicable amount of anxiety.
But he answered by shaking his head.

“When there’s the need to, I will. It is fine for you to just continue aiming for that ideal world with the hero. As long as you are accepted as an adventurer, I intent to continue the relationship we have had till now” (Root)

“As long as I am accepted as an adventurer huh”

“That’s right. No matter who and from where, as long as that person is accepted as an adventurer and receives the guild, I will be that person’s collaborator. Well then, we probably will meet again soon but, see you later” (Root)

Without destroying the barrier that would repel several intruders at once, Root walks normally through it. Lily, who he interacted with as the Guild Master, only looked at his back with surprise.
The words of Root as well as the meaningful smile he left, changed the expression of the princess.

“No matter who and from where, he says. Not just the empire, you aren’t even the ally of the hyumans only huh. No matter if it’s demi-human or demon, as long as they are accepted as adventurers, you are their collaborator. Is that what you are trying to say?” (Lily)

Lily bites her lips.
She thinks that her interpretation of the words just now weren’t wrong. That’s why he holds information of several powers, is what he probably meant, but there’s no way of knowing.
No matter which, it is trouble, is what she thinks.

“… From the very beginning, he grasped almost every objective I had. On top of that, he told me about the ring that suppresses the power of the Goddess and the betrayal of the Dragon Killer” (Lily)

Thanks to that, the empire has been able to steer the war better than other countries, is how Lily thinks. From his position of assisting the adventurers, the act of leaking the movements of Sofia would go against what he said, but the words of him, the Guild Master, were that the actions of Sofia are a big betrayal to the Guild. She is a target of punishment, so she is not under his protection, is what he explained.
And in reality, the Empire, or more like, a country which has influences with the Empire, investigated and discovered that Sofia has not used the guild a single time since Falz explained to her. That would at least mean that one of her backings disappeared.
It is true that in the past she was opaque and, of course, wasn’t someone trustworthy though.

(It’s certain that bringing down Stella is our number one priority right now. If there are no outstanding talents by the time I am here, I will return to the Empire early. Currently, I should look at the contact of Raidou and Falz as a plus. If our interests still match, that means it would be bad to put a hand on the Kuzunoha Company. That’s why he gave me information. And also, right now I have no leeway to fight anyone other than the demon race) (Lily)

This time for sure, we will attack and succeed.
In the princess’ eyes, there was a clear strong spirit.


“Yo, have you woken up?”

I pour water on the man that is bound at the seat to wake him up.
I have the all-purpose skill called magic, so there’s actually no need to tie him to a chair or urge him to wake up by pouring water, but Shiki and Lime say that this should be the pattern.
I originally didn’t have plans on making contact with him in this kind of way, and yet, here I am doing it. Maybe I am getting influenced, and also, probably have pent-up stress too.


“I think you have already heard from Rona-san but, I am Raidou. Nice to meet you” (Makoto)

“This is… Kuzunoha Company’s basement room huh”

The blue skinned man splendidly guessed right his current location. He knows that I am Raidou, and moreover, he knew of the existence of this room beforehand. Meaning, it was a perfect guess to the right answer, but… intelligence. As a group member, that reaction was a major fail. I’m glad. If all the intelligence members of the demon race were like Rona-san, I feel like it would scrape away my nerves after all.

“And you are a demon, right?” (Makoto)

“Why… are you getting in our way? We have received orders from Rona-sama stating that we should not put a hand on you guys, and if there’s a need to, cooperate. At least there shouldn’t be any reason to receive this kind of treatment”

“No need to be scared. In the times I am here, the things you think don’t happen that much” (Makoto)

If I am not here, the danger increases in an instant though, the basement room. Maybe it is because he knows dangerous types of information, the young man with a fit body despite his small build, had his eyes blurred with fear. Even if he is a subordinate of Rona-san, he is a newcomer huh. He doesn’t give me that uncomfortable feeling that Rona-san gives out.
So he was told that by Rona-san huh.
Since the time she left the academy, no matter if in public or in the shadows, there was no instance where the demons did something to us. That’s why, even when I noticed several presences of demons, I tolerated them since they had no evil intent. That thinking didn’t change even when I saw the infiltrated demon escorts of the big-shot of Lorel, Sairitz.

“What do you plan on doing to me?”

“I want you to hear my request. It would have been fine to call Rona-san for that, but I was in a bit of a hurry. I apologize for my rough method. One of our employees got the meaning of ‘politely’ wrong you see. Sorry” (Makoto)

“Request? A request for cooperation?”

“In the time of the tournament and until it ends, I want all the demons in this town to leave. Just that” (Makoto)

“?!! I can’t decide that on my own discretion. Also, you said all, but in this town there are several demons that have different views from us. It is impossible to bring them as well”

Maybe it is the truth or a lie. If it is a lie, this is probably a means to make it look as if some of the others are outsiders with different affiliations, in order to leave several comrades here.
For now, I should have all the ones posted on us depart, and the ones who are remaining, it is fine to just be cautious. For the meantime, it is okay if the demons affiliated with the demon lord just refrain from doing anything on their own convenience.
I look at Lime. Maybe he understood what I was trying to say, he looks back at the demon.

“Waka thinks that it is fine to just have the ones posted around us withdraw. We infer that there’s 13 comrades of yours out there. That’s the amount of comrades we want you to at least withdraw” (Lime)


“You said that this can’t be decided by your own discretion, but please decided it. Right now, we don’t want to have troubles with you guys. I don’t know about the future, but right now that’s the case. If you acknowledge it, we will soon release you” (Makoto)

The intelligence member retains silence for a moment after seeing my attitude.
It took a bit after before he folded to our ‘request’ and promised that he would get in touch with them.

“It is effective when you threaten them with force, Waka-sama”

“If I knew this would happen, it would have gone smoother if I just brought the talk to Rona-san. Well, I didn’t want her questioning me so I chose this kind of method though. Hah~ why did it turn out this way?” (Makoto)

“I unintentionally said something out of my way like ‘who would be able to incapacitate him the fastest and restrain him’ and we ended pumped up. I am sorry” (Lime)

Stalking boasting, no, capture boasting? A conversation of intelligence members huh. I can’t understand how that conversation made them pumped up. It seems this time Lime won. What was wagered was the payment of a meal, how peaceful.
Since it turned out this way, I should at least contact Rona-san to say a few words.

“Shiki, I count on you for the preparations. Make sure to makes it in time by the tournament. I will go talk to Rona-san for a bit” (Makoto)

“Understood” (Shiki)

I return to my room and finish changing.
Last night I slept early and woke up early by the time it was still dark, so my consciousness is still clear. After taking a light breakfast of pan, I should talk with Rona-san, is what I thought while passing some time troubled.
Ei, not the time to be saying I’m not good at dealing with her huh.
The improvement and analysis of the Kuzunoha Company style thought transmission is now useable, but I use the thought transmission that Rona-san gave me in a memo just like it is. Until the connection is established, I have no choice but to wait soundless. By the way, the Kuzunoha Company’s thought transmission has a ‘purururu’ standby sound. This is probably also a beauty pattern in a sense. Since this has practically nothing to do with security after all.

(Raidou, I am happy to receive a call from you. Is there anything we can help you with? Or could it be, you only wanted to talk with me?) (Rona)

(Both, is what I want to say, but this time I have a request) (Makoto)

‘He wants my cooperation in something, right?’ She probably already received the report from her subordinates. Even so, she still plays as if she doesn’t know huh.

(I will listen. Say it~) (Rona)

(For a brief amount of time, until the tournament finishes is fine, I want the subordinates Rona-san has hidden in Rotsgard to withdraw. Until now, I have been able to tolerate them without problems but…) (Makoto)

(Can I ask the reason why?) (Rona)

She would obviously ask. But, what would be a good answer? If I said something about the Limia noble, there’s the chance Rona-san would take some kind of action. Well, thinking that way might be a bit conceited of me though.

(If possible, I want you to please not ask) (Makoto)

(I see. But to do it by today would hard…) (Rona)

(I can’t talk about it in detail, but part of it is for Jin and Amelia’s sake) (Makoto)

(Ara, it might have been a short time, but they are acquaintances that took the same class as me. If that’s the case, I will push myself the most I can. The payment will be meeting the demon lord once, how about it?) (Rona)

(… Got it. Someday, at a time that fits your convenience) (Makoto)

(Ufufu, I will do my best to create some time, okay? Well then, I will have all my subordinates in Rotsgard, uhm, it was somewhere around 10 right? Until the school festival is over, I will have them take a holiday) (Rona)

(13. I’m counting on you) (Makoto)

(To mess up the numbers, I am a failure as a superior. Please keep what happened here a secret from my subordinates okay? Raidou-do-no) (Rona)

(Understood. Well then, with this…) (Makoto)

(Call me again, anytime you want, okay? I will be waiting) (Rona)

… Hah~, just as I thought, this is tiring. After the thought transmission was cut off, fatigue attacked my body in an instant.
Having the conversation proceed strangely smoothly was unpleasant instead. It felt like she was appealing that ‘I am good willed you know~’ and trying to sound out my intentions. I don’t like that.
But with this, I can concentrate in the follow-up of the students. I wondered what would happen if I brought out the name of Jin and Amelia, but it seems it went better than expected. Maybe the demon race didn’t plan on doing anything in this period of time?
If it’s just meeting the demon lord, it isn’t something I can’t pay. If I meet him/her and it’s a crazy good person, I even think I wouldn’t want to make him/her my enemy.
What’s left is the Hopelace household huh. Limia is the country where the hero is, so it is hard to do anything rash. Luckily, the king himself came here, so I want to believe that he won’t do anything crazy. Please restrain yourself to a level where we can resolve it in a peaceful manner. At any rate, Hopelace huh. I feel like I have heard that before.


“To stand up in the middle of a strategy meeting. You are beginning to resemble Sofia, Rona”

“Don’t joke around. Can you please not put me in the same category as that traitor and battle-junkie? More importantly, the preparations on your side are proceeding right?” (Rona)

There’s an important meeting that’s being done all morning. This has been a regular scenario in Stella Fort recently.
The demon general Rona left her seat, something she normally doesn’t do, and just like that, without returning to the meeting, she placed an elbow on the ramparts of the fortress and looked faraway as if thinking about something.
In the top edge of the fortress walls, the place where the archers and magicians are located to attack, is also normally used as a place for the soldiers to rest. In this time when they are training, it is also a place that no one is in.
Rona has been here for quite a long time, and it is because that man has been basically living with her in that place that he was able to know her location.
The other demon general stationed in Stella Fort, Io.
After the meeting finished, he came to this place and called out at Rona’s back.

“Of course. And, it seems you were in thought transmission though?” (Io)

“How sharp sighted. Men that mind the thought transmissions of women are hated you know? It was from the person I reported before, Raidou. I thought he would have a bit of troubles in Rotsgard, but it seems that’s not the case. Rotsgard and Raidou, I couldn’t ignore those” (Rona)

“My life is devoted to my lord and the nation. I don’t care what women think about me. Will it affect the strategy?” (Io)

Hearing the name Rotsgard and Raidou, Io’s expression clouds. He is the person that Rona said in her report to be careful of, and in the upper stratum of the demon race, he is pretty known already. It was hinted that there’s the chance he could become a powerful cooperator, so a prompt decision was made that they shouldn’t show antagonism towards them.

“None. At most, I was a bit angered by the fact that he knew the exact number of people concealed. Also, the incompetency of my subordinates. I have already finished what I had to do, so there’s no problems in having them withdraw” (Rona)

Turning around her body, Rona leans her back in the place where her elbow was placed, and looks at Io face to face.

“He requested the withdrawal of the personnel in Rotsgard huh. Could it be he really noticed something? Also, it seems you accepted those conditions, but if things continue, it would go against his request, right?” (Io)

“That boy doesn’t have means to gather information from the demon race camp. Also, he only asked me to withdraw my subordinates. Even if I am here and do something, it wouldn’t go against my promise with him, right?” (Rona)

Narrowing her eyes, Rona lifts the corners of her mouth and laughs. The expression of the woman that thinks up schemes, a portion of people would find her charming, but in the eyes of a military man like Io, it wasn’t a likeable face.

“… What an unpleasant woman you are. I pity that young man called Raidou” (Io)

“I will take that as a compliment. I think you already understand this but, this will decide it” (Rona)

“No need to tell me. It’s only been half a year. I am not going to underestimate them. No matter how much Hibiki, the Limia hero, has grown, I will just crush it” (Io)

The four armed giant has an expression as if anticipating the growth of his enemy that he hasn’t met for half a year.

“And the ring?” (Io)

“Of course, it has been changed from the early stage prototypes to the middle stage prototypes. It’s about that Goddess. With this, we will be able to seal their powers again. And so, after a few steps more…” (Rona)

“The hyumans will steer clear from the wastelands for certain. By the plans of Demon Lord-sama. After obtaining the divine protection of the spirits and a rich land, we will finally be able to receive the spring of this world with enjoyment” (Io)

The ring that seals the powers of the Goddess was already perfected by the hands of the demon race. Just that, after using it once, there’s no guarantee the Goddess camp will not counter it. Because of those fears, they first manufactured a small version to seal the power of the Goddess and check if it worked. When the Demon Lord confirmed the results, he told this to the demon generals and acknowledged the development of a middle stage prototype that will negate the countermeasures for the early stage one. It is a tactic that was born by the information of the Goddess countermeasures for the early stage rings, provided by the high spirits of fire and earth.
On top of that, to make sure that they make a countermeasure for the early stage prototype, they leaked out information of the ring to a part of the hyumans beforehand and manipulated it in a way that it would reach the ears of the Goddess as well.
The trap of the meticulous demon race was about to bare its fangs.

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0 thoughts on “Chapter 122: The Interlude’s footsteps

  1. I don’t know if I should be laughing or screaming right now… they want to live in a nice land where they can exist in peace and harmony, but they don’t know that ‘Raidou’ who they are so cautious of has the solution in his own “world”…

  2. I kinda feel Io is in for an unpleasant surprise when Hibiki’s party reveal their growth from training in the wasteland with Toa and having elder dwarven equipment.

  3. Sofia and Lancer both know Raidou’s name, so Rona should already know that he’s “The Devil” if the two reported everything that happened during their battle. I guess the Dragon-Dragonslayer combo isn’t all that loyal to the Demons either.

  4. was it just me? or did it seem like there was missing time between this chapter and the previous ones. Like they walk into the venue of the tournament at the end of 120. 121 they meet The students and then walk away. 122 Suddenly they have previously seperated and Root is meeting that Sceming Princess, while they are back at Their Base introgating a demon spy who had not been mentioned…..Whats up with the gaps??

    1. They only went to the arena to meet the students and give them their tasks. The tournament start was the next day.

  5. Thanks for the chapter ^0^
    I was sorta off the lope and now I’m back XD.
    Hmm… what can this mean? I seriously hope I can read Japanese fluently…. or maybe understand more of Google translate-sensei…..

  6. Thx for the chapter!, i just started to read this series about a week ago (or two maybe ), and i notice how much your skill in translating keep getting better and better as the chapter progress, as a reader and as fellow light/web novel fans im happy for you, keep up the good work!, ^.^

  7. thanks for the chapter ..
    Rona has only met shiki till now .. i wonder what will happen when she meets tomoe and spider and the full powered WAKA-SAMA

  8. Well the demon Army is finally going to clash with Makoto since his domain is the Wasteland and there aiming for the Wasteland

  9. A lot of people are saying that the demons’ plan involves Rotsgard, but I don’t think it’ll be there. For one thing, it’s not a strategic location at the moment. Another thing is that Rona is trying to bring Makoto to the demons’ side, even the Demon Lord decided that he was worth the effort to entice into supporting them, she would at least tell him he should get himself and his people out of the city.

    1. Yep. As of now, the key location is Stella, even if they aim for Rotsgard it will be when Makoto is done with it. Which will probably never happen since he has a branch there. The Demon side, specifically Rona, like you said is trying to bring Makoto to their camp so they would know better than to get on his wrong side. And at the moment, I doubt they can afford to divide their forces, not only because of the impending siege but also due to The Devil.

    1. Rona thinks so. More for her that would be the absolute optimal result, she played with the idea and then switch to more realistic options.

  10. Thank you for the chapter.
    So Root has his own goals that may be harmful to Makoto. Hopefully it does;t audit if does it comes back to bit him.

    1. I think the goals of every sides are easy to see now
      Kingdom and empire want to get rid of Demon Lord
      Empire princess seeking to rule the world
      Demon army wants to get blessed
      MC team standing in middle of everything yet being totally neutral
      Goddess is sleepy and want to get rid of Demon army so she can sleep again
      Root putting the strings of every factions to over thrones the Goddess

  11. Thanks for the chapter. I noticed a small error.
    Its says ” provides suppwort” don’t you mean *provides support*? Its near the beginning.

    1. Not really. I think you mean, in novels that you read.

      Only if the Author wants to throw girls at MC, and lure readers who badly crave for harem. In which case, will come flooding-in in eight different directions.

      Then again, the comments here strongly wishes that every girl Makoto meets becomes a harem member.

      IMO, the two and Ema are enough. Ema~

  12. Is just me or does anyone else think his next servent might be a suductive onee-San demon lord or since he already has 2 knee-sans maybe a adorable loli demon lord that takes every chance to sit on his lap and make mio super jealous >.> also spoiler senpai u have line so u can pm some spoilers lol

  13. just though of a perfect way for trashy scum to die. have him try to use his eye power on mio. she pretends to be influenced and then when she walks up to him she kills/tortures him since trashy scum will be offguard since he thinks his eye power was successful. i’d say for her to eat him whole but trashy scum would give her a stomach ache

    1. Mio doesn’t really do subtle, she would just look at him with annoyance and kill him from where she is. When they leveled the outpost she destroyed buildings from a distance of 100s of feet away, no need to walk up to him to compress him to a object the size of a marble. Walking up to him is more something that Tomoe would do.

      I also think she would not want to eat him, he seems like he would not taste good at all.

      1. i meant it more as it would have been hilarious to see his reaction since he thinks all females other then Tomoe are affected by his eyes. his surprised face would be priceless (hahahahaha)

    2. I think that she would be too pissed to wait long enough to walk up to him and then kill him i think that it would be an instantaneous death for him and everyone misfortune enough to be within a certain radius from him without them even noticing

      1. true. but if that happens i hope trashy scum’s hypnotized followers wont be caught up in the blast. Raidou needs to do a pact with the loli dragon tamer so she can get all the other dragons to join Raidou’s harem. dragon girl harem for the win

  14. REIGO-SENPAI! Why post when I’m not paying attention? What’s even weirder is that I know I checked my mail before going to bed, and the email telling me about the update was time stamped hours before I hit the hay!

    Since I had no chance of reserving first for Firo, Spoiler-san is going to pout and not give any form of spoiler.

  15. I wonder if the meeting will become like the manga/anime “hero become mine” and she talks talking anout economics lol

  16. Let’s see whose hero will survive when they meet each others. 2 hero with a teeny blessing from bug or 1 human with 90% blessing buff from a prominence god.

    Hibiki probably hitting it off with makoto like the old time
    Trashmoki probably turned into pulp for inciting makoto wrath

      1. nope there is nothing to say that hibiki and mako is from the same school but it is heavily implied they are .tsukoyomi-sama say he may know one of them,and because we know,that tomoe already read all makoto memory and she doesnt tell him that the trash hero is someone he know soo it’s probably hibiki

  17. So going by Io’s last dialogue, all the demons want is better land (Presumably demon nation is as inhospitable as wastelands) and to get revenge on goddess? So all they need to do is invite them to Asora, then war potential becomes much significantly higher and they’d be ready to take on Goddess.

  18. Another juicy episode… nice.

    So “there” is a reason why Root gave Lily the ring that the Demon race had. Although it is unclear what his aim is, I can’t shake the feeling Root is in cohoots with the Demon Lord. Not with the demon race, just the Maou. A connection perhaps. Anyway.

    Cheers for the exciting chapter~

    1. Also, if the chapters before the tourney is like these two. I don’t really mind the Author prolonging it.

      During this chapter, it is dawn… right? So later that day is the start.

  19. Thanks for the chapter! Only a bunch of schemers this time, huh? Reach the tournament already! lol

    So, about the Demon Lord’s moves:

    1- They have cooperation from Earth and fire spirits (a race associated to the Bug, and well regarded in Lorei);

    2- They got demons in that Lorei’s escorts, and even the thought transmition methods are similar;

    3- I have thought that for a while already, but maybe it’s not merely spionage? Maybe Lorei, as a country, is cooperating with the demon race?

  20. Oh.. I somehow have a thought on this plot twist with the demons..

    Since Rona said she pull off her men, but she somehow said she already did something and will just pull the trigger.

    Wish she will and sabotage the tournament then later makoto found out that rona did something. Little Rona didnt know that Makoto has a trigger as well, since Tomoe has her eyes on the forth, He just have to say the word to thrash the place, then “bam” “bye bye IO” you’re dead against Tomoe.

    Makoto loose one point but gain extra points
    Rona looses ten points with a debt coming right away


    “No way. The Adventurer Guild doesn’t belong to any country, power or noble. It’s an organization that provides suppwort to everyone that is accepted as an adventurer” (Root)

    suppwort > support

  22. I can picture all the fireworks… Rona, Tomoe, Mio, Shiki, Root, Lily, the King… XD Good, thanks for another chapter…

  23. Thanks! A lot of talk this time, but so much good things to come from this! Really excited about the meeting with the demon lord :).

  24. Thanks for the chapter =D Couldn’t wait for the Tournament to begin >w< And the event where Makoto finally met the Demon Lord……Hopefully nothing bad happen….. =w=")a

  25. is this what people call ‘calm before the storm’?
    no battle, no action, lukewarm warning sense, vague scheming unfolded…
    this arc’s conclusion must be something big, i wonder how will the author burst the bottled up excitement built in this arc.

    so, thanks for translating this! i love you Reigo~

  26. I need to just give up on seeing this tournament anytime in the next 5 chapters and just be prepared for more build up.

  27. Thanks 4 the chapter!

    For some reason I’m imagining Makoto as a Don of a mob family that moves in the shadows.

  28. Thanks for the chapter ~!

    Wheels within wheels, author being vague, am now slightly annoyed.

    I wonder when will we see the results of all this skullduggery…

  29. i think the demons will attack the city, during the tournament,
    and if they harm makoto`s students. hell will unleash upon this earth.

    1. I highly doubt this happening. Rona isn’t an idiot to waste the already established meeting with Demon King.

      She reveres the Demon King more than any so she won’t risk the possibility of a strong ally for her King. Besides, she won’t invite an “unknown” in the castle if she’s not confident her King can handle him.

  30. I don’t like scheming women… That’s only one ofnthe reasons I hate the bitch princes (basically I reject her biologically) but still, I auite like Rona-tan.

    Also it annoys me a bit that the said Tournament never starts at all and see the bitch princess crazily biting her nails trying to recruit Jin, Amelia and co. But unable to as they are related to Raidou (LOL)

    Thanks for the chapter Reigokai!! And the EDs too!!! Thank youu!!!

    1. also even if the princess will recruit them, they will reject her for they will still follow raidou and still has many things to learn from him…. as said by jin ” There isn’t many things like we are experiencing narcotic – like fun”

      1. Yeah the narcotic part was kewl…. in the beginning I hoped for them to make an overwhilming participation but then the limits were established so now… I expect an awesome performance from them while still holding back (lol)

  31. Dangit! I thought for sure the first match of the students would begin this chapter. Guess I have to wait 3-4 more days. Thanks for the chapter!

  32. well i can’t wait for the next 20 chapter from raw that i’m reading (which i translate using google translate) is awesome but my head is dizzy from it

  33. I’ll reserve a top 20 spot for Firo, cause I’m that kinda guy.

    I’m a little surprised the demons are playing as nice as they are. I mean it is a war after all. I’m just waiting for that stupid princess to take that 1 step too far and Tomoe decides to put her down. That assumes that Mio doesn’t steal a step on her and crush the princess and Trashmoki just because they trouble the Waka.

    1. Shittonia has methods for controlling otherworlders, how is she to know that sending honey traps his way would lead to a blackhole devouring their capital?

  34. 。  Y ̄\
      r’-‘|  O | ~ Thanks!
      ’ー–\_/ ~  ∧_∧ Nepu!!
        | ,|   ~  (´-ι_-`)
      ,,-/ ̄|、    O[=]⊂ )
      ヽ__)   (__(__⊃..

      1. @judge depends on location. In tropics, it summer. In the southern hemisphere is the opposite of norther.

  35. I actually pity Lily here. The goddess is one thing, but Root has been playing this game for millennia, the best the girl can do is hope her plans don’t conflict with his.

    Poor demon kid. Didn’t know what happened to him. And Rona scored, maneuvering Makoto into a meeting with the Demon Lord.

    Thanks for the chapter .

      1. I can’t wait for Io and Sophia to meet Makoto again. Hopefully those two will try to beat him up…then find out he is Raidou xD
        What kind of face will everyone make??? If Io and Sophia mess up the meeting, would Rona lose her cool?? I wanna know so bad!!

      2. You mean Sophia and Lancer, Io is the 4 armed general that fought Hibiki and was stopped by her companion doing a suicide attack on him.

      3. It’s not Makoto she’s underestimating, though … it’s Tomoe, Root, Mio and Shiki. Though overall … Mio should be the most troublesome one for her to handle as Mio WILL take intelligent and ruthless actions if she deems them necessary.

    1. just think demon lord somehow anger makoto and make him release his aura and look at all those demons and rona’s face

    2. Thanks!
      I wonder why Rona wants Makoto to meet the Demon Lord. It’s a huge gamble that could backfire horribly. Maybe the DL is also a middle-child and she believes the two will get along well?

      1. She probably thinks that it’ll go a long way to convincing him to join their side. Don’t know how, but it can’t be too bad an idea if someone like Rona came up with it.

      2. Probably she thinks that the demon lord might be able to convince Raidou/Makoto to join their side. Seeing the loyalty of the demons towards him i think he should be a pretty charismatic and competent ruler who could give a good impression.
        Rona also deems the Kuzunoha company important enough to have them meet the demon lord directly. Not to mention that she knows that they don’t really trust her so negotiating directly with the demon lord should be more beneficial.

  36. I just want Makoto to meet one of the hero camps already. Not necessarily the heroes themselves – I imagine that’ll happen only late in the game – but someone clearly affiliated, with him actually being aware of their affiliation. I understand why the author is holding off on it, and the payoff on that has the potential to be huge, but I want it to happen already, dammit.

    My thanks to you for the translation.

      1. Oh, that would be so much FUN; I think most of us would love to see that twit get what’s coming to him.

        It would also set the stage for a very rocky meeting between Makoto and Hibiki – she’s been giving off some fairly strong “I’ll eventually follow Makoto’s lead” vibes for a while now (that or she’ll die tragically after figuring out how much of a bug the bug is), so having him be hostile when they eventually meet would allow for a interesting course for the development of that relationship.

      2. He will be fucked if he does that…. Well, if he does that, i want to see him tortured to half-death..

  37. Nothing wrong with countering the bug…but what’s this slimy feeling I’m getting from those demons… 😒

    And is it my imagination, or is the Kuzunoha company actually a front for Mafioso…? 😮

    Thanks for the chapter! 😃

    1. That would be really cool if they did end up like that. I’m picturing them in suits and hats, like that one picture of Rimuru and his followers.

      1. Well all it takes is for the subordinates to misunderstand and decide that Waka-sama wants them to wipe out a vill–, oh that’s right, that already happened, huh?

    2. i want something like an act of terror happen in rotsgard, cause she said ” Yeah, it´s already prepared, doesn´t matter if i recall my shenanigans” then “BOOM” the rournament explodes, all candidates die and as an answer Makoto goes to stallar fort and completly wipes it off the maps xD

    1. lol I just finished a bunch of other chapters for other series came to this page to check if a chapter was up, hit refresh and boom! new chapter! lol lucky 🙂

      1. .   ヾヽ
        .  (o・e・) ←Beware Of
          ノ”””” )  ) This Filorial
          彡ノ,,,,ノ   Called Firo

      2. @pollosama

        For some reason, i thought of an army of chickens and chokobos fighting an army of Colonel Sanders when I read your post.

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