Chapter 88: Gossip – Tomoe, Royalty and Hero

Tomoe went to the lake bank. It was wide, deep, and so clear that even in Asora you wouldn’t be able to find one like this. It isn’t marked in maps, but it is certainly something that exists in this world.

Wearing Japanese clothing that can’t be found locally, she looked at the water surface in front of her with a simple pleased expression.

This girl who came here after her master Makoto returned to Academy Town, headed further north from there and arrives at the place where her master had fought. The girl, seeing that lake and thinking what in the world happened, finds some sort of thing that was in a hollowed space and it explains everything.

She does a single breath. Tomoe, who had heard the story from her master and left, couldn’t help but laugh. Holding her stomach, she literally rolled on the floor laughing.

The nonchalant words of her master, the words that one would even ignore, seeing the difference in realities was just too funny. ‘My last attack was probably on the level of pestering’ is what her master said, but to think that one attack created a lake. She couldn’t help being happy.

When she finally managed to calm herself to the bare minimum, she returned to the lakeshore and looks at the lake with a different impression from the first time she saw it.

“To create a lake from pestering. Really, Waka is truly a person who doesn’t bore me. I would have wanted, not to see it from memories, but to experience it personally”

The person that explained her the situation was a hyuman man who was a former soldier. When Tomoe took a peek at his memories, she saw that he was dragged into that attack while he was retreating. Losing one leg and somehow managing to survive, he stopped working as a soldier and is now living his life at the lake shore that is prohibited entry for now. He, who was in his midlife, had high experience as a soldier and there were many times when he had life threatening experiences. However, after he met with that attack, he has completely deteriorated. It was like if he was carried away by religion, he left the money with his family and began living his life here.

“What did he think and how he felt. Those kind of feelings became like a diffused light and, sadly, couldn’t see anything properly”

Moreover, he didn’t look at the fired attack. Thinking about the circumstances, there’s no doubt it was her master, but the only thing he knew is that her master had appeared suddenly in the battlefield. And the being that appeared from that golden light wasn’t a hero that appeared to save the people, but a being that had come to bring judgment in stead of God. They called him “Devil” by their own convenience. No one knows who began calling him that way, but maybe because that man liked the name, he began calling it over and over. Tomoe didn’t really blame him for that. Maybe because she thought of something after hearing the words of the broken man.

“Being a person and at the same time a demon. Because he executed both equally, he was called a devil huh. I see. Certainly, for Waka no matter if it is a person, a demon, a dragon or a god; if he considers you an obstacle, he will eliminate you. He is no agent of the Goddess nor an executioner, but that name certainly defines Waka well”

After doing a monologue with an expression filled with deep emotions, she followed the orders of her master and started investigating. Just like how she spoke with that man first thing in the morning, she searched for people that live at the lake shore and hear their story, and at night gather information from people that are not hyuman. The lake was close to Limia, but Tomoe didn’t step in there, and that day she lodged at the inn of the closest village. From what she heard in the inn, they said that, even if the lake was made not too long ago, powerful mamono don’t get close for some reason and moreover, maybe because it linked up with a number of rivers, fishes have begun to move there and it has heavily assisted in the daily life of the village.

(It’s probably because of the remnants of Waka’s magic power. It may be slight-ja, but what’s left is keeping the mamonos away. Also, if there are demon beasts that were present that day, even if the magic power disappears, they wouldn’t get close. More like, for hyumans to live so close when it hasn’t been even 1 month is strange-no ja. Now then, what should I do tomorrow? I will continue what I was doing and check out the other half that I haven’t checked yet, and I still can’t get a clear idea of how to stop the Goddess power and the interference of thought transmission. This one will probably take quite a bit of time)

The next day.

The prediction of Tomoe hit in the blank. There were a number of settlements, but there was no visible progress in the investigation.

Just, this lake is inside the Limia Kingdom and it is in a place close to its capital, and yet, even if it’s in an inconspicuous lake shore, Tomoe was surprised that demons were living there. For an enemy nation to live right in enemy territory is normally something impossible. Moreover, in that place lived demons and hyumans.

They don’t seem like spies. It seems that the demons who survived that day left the army and returned to live hidden here. When she checked their memories, there was the attack of Makoto, and Tomoe was surprised. The soldiers said that war is pointless and after being entranced by the destruction light and receiving injuries, no matter if they were hyumans or demons, they began feeling something that surpasses shared awareness and began living together. It was truly a strange scene.

Also, in terms of gatherings, there’s also the appearance of the devil.

This also left Tomoe dumbfounded.

A tall beautiful woman that even with a blue coat wrapped around her body, she still exuded the sexiness of a woman. No, it was a big red coat she dragged around.

A never before seen demi-human that emitted a golden light from its whole body. Its left was blue and its right it wore a red vestment. A young man who held an unworldly beauty when naked.

There were quite a lot of testimonies. Moreover, all of them were perfectly wrong. Just with what she remembered, there were at least ten different statements on the devil’s appearance. It was to the point one would question if it was a monster with different forms.

Since she was already in Limia, she thought she might as well go see the face of the hero, but from the information she gathered, it seems that the Limia hero is currently not in the region and it was a credible source so that day Tomoe decided to return to Asora.

Just in case she used the testimony that it was a man as base and that night Tomoe made a number of questions to Makoto.

“You, what did you say I was?” (Makoto)

Is the answer that was returned. Moreover, for some reason Makoto said “it will be light” with a scary smile and Tomoe was forced to accompany him in his bow training. She felt like she was walking in hell while alive.

While dragging her body, she was somehow able to arrive at her bed. She did feel like it was unreasonable, but this was her fault.

Because the questions were like this after all.

“Did Waka shine in the battlefield, like, literally?”

“Do you like to wear a coat with half blue half red?”

“Have you been naked in the middle of a battle?”

Those were the kind of questions. So Makoto had the right to get angry.

And so, at the third day.

This day, Tomoe went to the east bank of the lake in the morning, at a place with low number of people.

“Fumu, in this place, aside from the magic power of Waka, there’s no other thing that stands out-ja na. In the end, there was no information about the ring Waka said sealed the power of the Goddess. That it doesn’t even leave remnants might be because it really just functions for a short amount of time. A disposable tool-jaro. Because last night Waka was so intense, the joints in my body still hurt, so maybe I should leave the investigation of the lake’s interior for a later time. Hmph, Waka showed no maturity. I admit that I didn’t choose my words properly, but there was no need to chase me around with his certain hit arrows. Let’s just rest in Asora for today… Hn?”

Tomoe mutters words of complain while walking into the forest of the lake bank, but she suddenly stops her muttering.

Hyuman presence. Moreover, numerous.

Tomoe changes her senses. Even if she didn’t go to the point of taking combat stance, she is now in a state where she is slightly vigilant. To meet hyumans isn’t really that much to be conscious of, but it’s because she felt a number of dangerous presences in that group.

Instead of encountering inside the many trees, it is better to…, is what Tomoe thought and returns to an open space in the lake shore. There was a nice stump there to sit on. She sits with her body and gaze facing the lake. Of course, her senses were directed at the back where she still felt the numerous presences.

(It seems that… they are wearing quite the extravagant equipment. It looks like they even have attack methods that are effective against dragons-ja. It’s hard to believe that they came here aiming for me, but let’s not lower the guard. 3 persons huh)

Tomoe silently analyzes the other party. If they don’t make contact with her, then that’s fine. However, in the case that they make some sort of contact, she was thinking of what kind of façade she will take.

The presences get closer. It doesn’t seem like they noticed her, but it was a distance where they could see her. The three presences have advanced till the end of the forest.

(Is their objective this lake? It’s impossible that they came to sightsee, but if they are here to investigate like me, I could understand. In that case, it is fine to act like an adventurer or a company employer)

After deciding how she would act, from Tomoe’s back, a somewhat high-pitched voice of a man was heard.



It was a word she was used to, but it was the first time someone called her that way in this world. Tomoe reflexively turned with a smile.


<Translator note: This part is confusing. There’s a man and women and Japanese doesn’t have words to determine gender in some parts>

“I see, you are a merchant’s bodyguard” (Man)

“Umu, it’s called Kuzunoha Company. It’s still a small place though. I serve my master in that place. I work as a guard, as a merchant; well, I do anything” (Tomoe)

Tomoe, who had introduced herself as a merchant’s follower, had the eyes of the woman turned at her as if researching her. But she didn’t mind it and just says the name of her company.

“… You are using *Washi*? From what I see, you are only in your 20’s though?” (Man) <Washi is an old way of saying I>

“Uh? Ah, well, that’s just how it is-ja. But to ask for the age of a woman you just met is quite rude you know, brat” (Tomoe)

“B-Brat?!” (Man)

Tomoe who had judged that he was clearly younger than her and called him brat, the boy clearly shows anger and his voice gets rough.

“For a merchant, you don’t choose your words” (Woman)

The woman that had her eyes as if researching Tomoe, launched words that were mixed with criticism. The small girl that was at the woman’s side probably didn’t like Tomoe’s comment and lightly inflated her cheeks and glared at her.

From Tomoe’s back, the group that appeared was one man and two women. One of the women was at the latter half of her teens, the other was at an age one could call child. The man had a young face and make’s one think that he is probably in his middle teens. Their way of moving their bodies was quite good and the personal appearance of the three was neat. Also, instead of calling Tomoe an adventurer, her appearance gave more of an impression of white knight.

“I don’t have any name to call you anyways. I saw you in the age to call you brat, but was I wrong? From what I see, you guys give me the impression of being a group of knights or nobles, but what business do you have in this kind of place-ja?” (Tomoe)

“I’m not a brat! I have a proper name, Tomoki!” (Tomoki)

“To-Tomoki-sama. Today we are travelling incognito so…”

“… Onii-chan”

“Ah, without thinking I…” (Tomoki)

“Hoh~, Tomoki-dono huh. If calling you brat displeased you, I apologize. Sorry. And so, the remaining two, who are you guys?” (Tomoe)

When Tomoe turns her gaze away from the silver<?> haired young man, Tomoki, she looks at the two girls and urges them with her words. <Maybe a typo for blond, don’t remember him having silver hair>

“… I am Lily. A person serving Tomoki-sama” (Lily)

“I am Mora. A companion of Onii-chan” (Mora)

After slight hesitation, the woman who was older, responded to Tomoe with a clear voice. And maybe because she was pushed, the girl that was hiding behind Lily’s clothes names herself.

(Lily, and also Tomoki huh. Thinking about the attributes of their weapons… It should be proper to see him as the hero of Gritonia huh. An otherworldler just like Waka. It stirs great interest but…)

On the other hand, Tomoe nods at the two’s introduction while guessing their identity. From their names and equipment, she had a general idea, but her interest was mostly concentrated in Tomoki.

“Lily-dono and Mora huh. Then once again, my name is Tomoe from Kuzunoha Company. Now then. Returning to the previous question, what are you guys doing here? I’m sightseeing this just-made lake, but from what I see in your heavy equipment, I can only think that you have a different objective” (Tomoe)


Maybe they were astonished by the fact that she mentioned their equipment, Tomoki and the others show surprise. They have a number of strong weapons in possession, but they are mostly stowed away or deactivated and in a concealed state. They didn’t think she would point them out.

“If there’s a need to move in secret from Limia it must be…” (Tomoe)

“A-Anyways! That thing you are holding there, could it be a katana? Can I look at it for a bit?” (Tomoki)

Tomoki suddenly changes the topic to the two katanas that were hanging at Tomoe’s waist.

“Hm? Do you have an interest in my katanas? Now that I think about it, you said something about samurai, right? I don’t mind you looking. There you go” (Tomoe)

Tomoe takes the short one from the two katanas and gives it to Tomoki. Receiving the katana, Tomoki’s eyes shone and quickly takes the handle into his hands.

(What. He doesn’t have any interest in the workmanship of the scabbard and the guard’s design huh. How boring. The heroes came from another world just like Waka, but it seems that even if it’s an otherworldler it doesn’t mean it will be a person I can look forward to-ja na. Like this, the one at Limia is also doubtful)

Tomoe was disappointed in Tomoki’s conduct. Since before giving him the katana, she has been feeling discomfort from the gaze this thin silver haired man was giving her. Even so, she prioritized observation and didn’t let her expression show a single clue of the impression she has on him.

His way of moving, magic power, speech and conduct.

Tomoe, who has a master called Makoto, had a bit of interest in the heroes who came from the same world as him. Not only that, from the information she has obtained before her eyes, she couldn’t help but despair at the Gritonia Hero Tomoki.

Comparing his way of moving to the adventurers in Tsige, he is pretty decent. He probably would be inferior to the girl Toa, who had accompanied Makoto once.

His magic power, not only was it lower than Makoto, it was even lower than Tomoe herself. Comparing him to her self before the pact, he would be one turn higher.

His speech and conduct are out of question. In that area, he doesn’t have any difference from the idiotic adventurers you find anywhere. That’s how Tomoe judged him.

“Eh? Why? I can’t take it out from its scabbard” (Tomoki)

Obviously. If anyone could unsheathe it, no matter how low rank it is, she wouldn’t give her weapon. It’s a katana that, though imperfect, was given to her by the eldwas. It’s on a different level from the prototypes. To unsheathe the two katanas on Tomoe’s waist, you must be the owner Tomoe or Makoto or the craftsmen that maintain it. That’s how it was made.

Also, the most important part…

Was his attitude of not even asking permission from the owner to unsheathe the weapon. This left Tomoe astonished.

“Hm? Could it be, you want to see its blade? Sorry, that is something I have made so only I can draw it” (Tomoe)

Saying that, Tomoe stretches her hand as if telling him to return the katana. However, Tomoki didn’t show any signs of returning it.

“No, there is no way! I can use any kind of weapon. That’s why, this one as well…” (Tomoki)

He hasn’t even taken out the inner part of the sword and there’s not even a slight sight of the short sword, but the boy still tried to desperately draw it.


Amazed from the bottom of her heart, Tomoe takes the katana from the boy who was holding it with both hands as if it were the most natural thing.

“Wa?!” (Tomoki)

Not understanding how the katana was stolen from him, Tomoki’s surprise was in vain.

On the other hand, seeing Tomoe’s movements, Lily strengthens her vigilance. Even she didn’t understand what Tomoe did, but Tomoki and her, and also Mora who was beside her, were surprised by the movement she used to take the katana which they couldn’t perceive. Right now, Lily regretted the fact that they didn’t have the knight Ginebia accompany them.

“Please don’t treat it so violently. It’s an important partner after all. If you want to see its blade, here, is this fine?” (Tomoe)

Tomoe, in front of the eyes of the three, at the same time as she recovers her katana from Tomoki, takes off the sheath and unsheathes it in an instant.


“What is that”


From the three of them, breaths of admiration and words of wonder leaked out.

The beauty of the sword. The peculiarity of that sword’s blade which one wouldn’t be able to find in other swords. The three of them were almost entranced by that sensation.

No matter where you look: the handle coil, guard, scabbard; there’s no doubt they were fascinated by the craftsmanship that was performed in them.

The sword blade that has not touched the water and yet looked like it was wet. That wasn’t because of the forged metal, it proved that this was a rare article that had been endowed with high skills.

Not only that. The moment it was unsheathed, the surroundings grew cold and the temperature began to lower. This increased the freezing impression it gave off, but at the same time, the three who were overwhelmed by the katana didn’t notice the spell she casted at the moment she drew her sword.

“Tto. Even though it is noon, this part is cold. Staying here too long might affect the body’s health” (Tomoe)

With a natural gesture, Tomoe sheathed her katana.

“Are you satisfied? Then, I have other things I have to do in a hurry, so with this I excuse myself” (Tomoe)

(Geez. To think the hero would only be at this level, what a waste of time-jatta na. He is like a kid who got an edged weapon that can cut well)

“W-Wait please!” (Tomoki)

“… I did say, I was in a hurry though?” (Tomoe)

Tomoe turns as if it was a pain.

Confirming that she stopped, Tomoki whispers something to Lily’s ear. Hearing what he said, the girl nods.

“You said your name was Tomoe-san right. That weapon, seems to be quite the rare article. How about it, I will ready whatever price you ask, so could you please give it to us?” (Lily)

(That trade, it isn’t done by the hero but by the woman huh. Lily, I see, she is a princess right. So that means she is the wallet in this group. But to want a weapon you can’t even unsheathe, does he have no distinction or does he have some sort of plan? Well, I don’t have any intentions of giving it to him though)

“I thought I told you this is a katana only I can use-ja. Sorry, but I don’t have any intentions of trading it for money. If you want a katana no matter what, you can go to the remote land Tsige. If you do well, you can obtain one-jaro” (Tomoe)

“… I was thinking of keeping this a secret, but guess I have no choice. Tomoe-san, the person here, Tomoki-sama, is the hero that the Goddess-sama has send. I am the princess of Gritonia, Princess Lily” (Lily)

“Hoh~, you guys are the hero and princess! What a surprise!” (Tomoe)

Tomoe shows surprise at the identity that was finally revealed. But at the truth that she already knew, she internally smiled wryly at the shamelessness.

“I will plead you once more. For the sake of the hyumans, no, for the sake of this world’s future, could you please cooperate? I may be someone who has abandoned her position, but I am still a princess. I can even help Tomoe-sama open a store for the Kuzunoha Company in our country. No, I promise you” (Lily)

Tomoe narrows her eyes at Lily’s words.

“Oh, scary scary. The moment you take out your position as princess you change into threatening? Mentioning the name of my company makes me cower in fear~. Also, even if you are a royalty-sama, to use such intonation. Just how deliberate can you be” (Tomoe)

“No, in no way did I say this with such intentions. I am already not in a position where I can call myself royalty. To lower my head to a person who will provide assistance to hero-sama is a given” (Lily)

(Tomoe, huh. This is the first time I have heard of Kuzunoha Company, but seeing how the conversation goes, it is most likely a company that has just opened a store in Tsige. That place is located at the border of the world, so it isn’t a place I can’t ignore anyways, so maybe I should investigate. That weapon, from what I have seen, it is one with quite the depth, so if there is a craftsman that can create it, I might be able to capture him and have him work in the production of guns) (Lily)

“I see. I can’t help but feel like you are thinking about a lot of dangerous things though” (Tomoe)

“… Please don’t joke around” (Lily)

“Anyways, I have no intentions of giving it” (Tomoe)

“… Then, it is fine. I don’t need the katana” (Tomoki)


“Tomoki-sama, is that okay?!” (Lily)

“Hoh~ what pleasant words but, what do you really mean?” (Tomoe)

“Just like how Lily said before, I am a hero. I am fighting for the sake of this world. Defeat the demon lord and after that I will create a peaceful world. Tomoe-san, for that sake, please lend us your power” (Tomoki)

Looking straight at Tomoe’s eyes, he makes a serious face and confesses he is a hero, inviting her to be his companion. Tomoe admired his manner for a second. It was literally a second though.

(… Just by looking at his words, it is splendid-ja. But that impolite gaze that has been checking my body for a while now and that way of handling my katana. Also… the eyes he is currently using to look at me. When I thought he was at least able to talk while looking at one’s eyes… this is the enticing type huh. How stupid. Defeating the Demon Lord and after that peace, he says. I can already clearly see his attachment to power. If I want to, I would be able to see this idiot’s memories, but he is so transparent I don’t even need to. It’s making me feel sick) (Tomoe)

When she silently takes his gaze, the enticing power that Tomoki was emitting increased in strength instantly. It was a strengthening that one wouldn’t be able to see its effect, but even so, Tomoe took it refreshingly. Lily probably noticed what Tomoki was trying to do, she watched over the situation.

A space of silence.

Mora, who was behind Lily, looked like she decided something and took a step forward.

Tomoe shifts her gaze from Tomoki and looks at Mora who had showed movement with a refreshed appearance.

“What is it, girl?” (Tomoe)

“Y-You are a dragon right?!” (Mora)

“… Hoh~, why do you think that? No, wait. I see, you said your name was Mora right. You are a person who uses dragons huh. Now that I think about it, hyumans can be born with the power to use dragons, though it is pretty rare. It is said that it will never happen with demons but… I see, so you are like that” (Tomoe)


“So you smelled the scent of a dragon in me? But too bad-ja, just as how you see, I am not a dragon. And if I am dragon, what did you intend to do?” (Tomoe)

“Lies! It’s not only the scent of a dragon, I can clearly feel the power of a dragon in you. You are quite the strong dragon!” (Mora)

(Dragon?! Mora is a dragon tamer, obviously her ability to detect dragons is better than anyone else. Moreover, she said she was quite strong. In that case, the dragons around here would be the “waterfall” dragon. Is she somewhere around that kin? Then I can understand why that sword is like that. It looked like a water element one after all) (Lily)

“Ku… Ku kuku! Too bad-ja, but I’m not a waterfall dragon princess. It is nice to ponder, but it is better not to jump into weird conclusions” (Tomoe)

“Wa… eh?”

“No matter how strong you are, if you are a dragon, you should listen to what I say! Tomoe! Become my and Onii-chan’s strength! (Mora)

At some point in time, Mora held a transparent ball in both hands facing Tomoe and voiced out words with power.

On the other hand, Tomoe had been ignoring the words of Mora and urging her to continue, but when she said, Tomoe, without any honorifics, her eyebrows twitched.

“… The dragon that is attached to this girl must really adore lolis. There was practically no knowledge in enslavement there, and not only that, it doesn’t even look like you know what you are doing. You idiot” (Tomoe)

“Ah, eh? Tomoe, just called me…” (Mora)

“Fool! How long do you plan on throwing me your stupid thoughts you lass?! I will admit your petty talent. If you have good affinity, you would be able to make medium class dragons obey you practically with no conditions, but that’s how far your talent goes” (Tomoe)

With a thunderous voice, Tomoe erases the submission urging thoughts that were being transmitted from the transparent ball. That expression was the most severe one the three of them have seen until now, and was clearly looking down on their everything. Especially the girl who was exposed to Tomoe’s cold gaze, she was trembling in fear.

“W-Why?” (Mora)

Mora couldn’t understand what was happening. There’s no helping it. If it was a dragon, no matter if it’s a stray one, she would be able to tame it and hear the wishes of Mora. The being in front of her was emitting a pronounced dragon scent from her body and was clearly a being related to dragons.

And yet, not only did she not lower her head, there wasn’t even a sign of obeying.

“Looking at you, you are probably compatible with fire type dragons. They are idiots who have uselessly big wings and are only good for flying and I despise them, but it seems like the fellow who is serving you has quite the perverted inclination-ja na” (Tomoe)

“D-Don’t speak ill of Nagi!” (Mora)

“Don’t bawl!” (Tomoe)


“That so called Nagi isn’t showing any signs of helping her master in need though? You still don’t understand? The difference in strength between you and me. Rather, why don’t I show you right here?” (Tomoe)

(Kuh, damn it. In the course of events, I have ended up angered. As expected, if I want to put my hands on the hero, I would have to get permission of Waka first. But this group of idiots, just how hopeless are they?) (Tomoe)

After accidentally blurting out words driven by anger, Tomoe thinks about her master. Makoto is somewhat mindful about the heroes. Though even if it’s said like that, it doesn’t mean in a cooperative way, but more like just their circumstances and tendencies. In truth, Tomoe, Mio and Shiki who are the closest to Makoto, don’t even know his relationship between the heroes.

If it’s just because they are otherworldlers, then Tomoe and the others wouldn’t hold back, but for heroes that were transported to this world at the same time, they couldn’t help but hesitate asking.

In the time when Tomoe was pondering, Tomoki intruded in the space between her and Mora.

“If Mora did something, I apologize. But, could you please give me your answer to my invitation?” (Tomoki)

He once again gazes at her. For Tomoe, this enticing power is only annoying.

“It’s not to the level where hero has to apologize. Also, you who are facing me with those annoying eyes, is no different from her. Is it because the visitor from another world doesn’t have that much confidence in himself? It is slightly sickening, so can you stop. Of course, my answer is no-ja. I already have a master called Makoto who I have offered myself to” (Tomoe)

“You… You noticed the demon eyes?!” (Tomoki)

“Relax. No matter if you use that kind of power or not, my impression of you would not have changed. It’s just boring. Not only do I not want to fight along with you, I don’t even want to cross blades” (Tomoe)

“Lightning Lance!” (Tomoki)


Seeing Tomoki calling his loved weapon, the two girls stiffen their bodies. But Tomoe looks at him as if looking at a pebble on the roadside, she looked at Tomoki with an inorganic gaze.

“You look like a kid throwing a tantrum-ja na!” (Tomoe)

“Shut up!!” (Tomoki)

Tomoki’s lance penetrates Tomoe’s right shoulder.

But Tomoe doesn’t show any signs of pain, and blood doesn’t flow from the wound.

At another place from Tomoki’s dumbfounded expression, Tomoe’s contour blurred, becaming small grains and dispersing.

“You can’t even tell apart if the person you are talking to is an illusion. Truly, foolish. Princess Lily, our meeting here may have been sweet, but let’s make it as if it never happened. If you don’t even understand the true meaning of this and still begin foolish actions, have in mind that, not long, there will only be one hero remaining” (Tomoe)

Tomoe’s voice reverberates in their bodies.

A mist that enshrouds till the knees of an adult.

(When did this mist… It must be an illusion type. “If you don’t understand the true meaning” huh. She probably means to not make contact with Kuzunoha Company. No, as long as I don’t get the full picture of Tomoe, I should not put my hands on Tsige. Just what in the world is her? I have never heard of a dragon that can read the minds of people) (Lily)

Because of Tomoe’s spell, the forest becomes a mist labyrinth.

Tomoki and the others who were in the middle of it, could only absentmindedly stand there.

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0 thoughts on “Chapter 88: Gossip – Tomoe, Royalty and Hero

  1. Haa, that was good, I was expecting this part. The only problem is that even though it was for a second Tomoe was “charmed” by trash, and that’s something pretty disgusting, is to the point that I want that they develop much more his magic resistance to this things, I also want that Makoto humiliate trash for try that to Tomoe. Would be also nice if Tomoe tell Makoto that Lily try to create guns.

  2. I write my comment too late but it is better than not writing
    I wished similar to this chapter that is about encounter between mio and trashmoki and also what was mio do to him 😀 😀

  3. Uooohhh!!! This chapter was so good!!! I was expecting this one for a while now. It would have been so funny to see this one with Mio too. She would have mist likely killed Tomoki in her case. Thanks for the chapter :3

  4. i just gotta say…in CN the mc goes for looking trouble to get strong ..but in JP novel..haha trouble just comes knocking(or banging?) at your door without any notice?

  5. “She does a single breath. Tomoe, who had heard the story from her master and left, couldn’t help but laugh. Holding her stomach, she literally rolled on the floor laughing.” 😀

    Tomoe and Mio are the best 😀
    That stupid hero got what he deserved. He was even trying to attack Tomoe just because he was rejected and told off.
    I’m glad that his eye power didn’t work on her. Now they have just to find a way to protect the weaker ones from Asora too (like how the princess and the royals are protected).

    Thanks for the chapters!

  6. Yo Tomoe, I lmao at
    “My last attack was probably on the level of pestering” as well 😂😂😂

    This is one of the few appearances of Tomoki that I enjoyed. Not that he wasn’t being his usual total shumck self, but it was funny instead of disgusting for a change. Lol

    Thx for the chapter 👍

  7. Looking at this again, I find myself in a possible culture gap. Is it that rube to unsheathe the sword without asking? If I myself were to ask to please let me see the sword, I would naturally unsheathe it from it’s scabbard, since that’s what I implied by seeing the “sword”. You know how in anime, they show the dude half pulling it out and bam the sword giving a glint. Maybe even completely.
    The other thing is, why is Tomoe so disappointed that Tomoki wasn’t interested in the craftsmanship of the scabbard and the guard? Or more like, why is that some sort of criterion Maybe he’s more interested in the quality and craftsmanship of the blade? It’s the blade that cuts, that is the most important part.

    1. (This is my opinion on the matter, so don’t take it as a fact. Just telling my thoughts on it.)

      Samurai’s look at the katana as not just a weapon, but a part of their being, like a ‘soul’. So, when a Samurai shows you their weapon, they are essentially letting you glimpse a piece of their soul. The characteristics of the owner can be reflected by the craftsmanship, the look of the scabbard and the guard, and what have you. Not asking for permission to draw the blade is like forcefully trying to uncover everything about the person.

      And besides, Tomoki’s only interest in the katana was to see it’s blade, or it’s performance.

      You know, like a TOOL.

      I think it’s like handing someone your gun for them to look at.

      If they loaded it with bullets, cocked it, then pointed it at you, you’ll be pissed off too.

      And that’s maybe why Tomoe is disappointed at him.

  8. A conceited, bored girl with grandiose thoughts and a perverted, power hungry coward.
    The shit heroes of this world
    Makota might as well take over as the fourth party in the war

  9. Personally I wanted Hibiki and Tomoe to meet. Considering their personalities and interest it would be a nice meeting with Hibiki commissioning a katana from Tomoe.

    1. but if mio and trashmoki meet it will be the end for trashmoki seeing that tomoe got pissed then even more so for mio.

  10. So guys, when did the POV/Heroes chapters become so fun and entertaining, while the Makoto chapters became boring as @#$@? … I just noticed. Let’s hope there will be a balance.

  11. Tomoe = The Good, Royalty aka Bitch Princess = The Bad and Hero aka hypnosis rapist dickless bastard = The Ugly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  12. The ‘horns’ at his shoulders is actually his divine level gear. In Overlord V8, there is the author’s illustrations by So-Bin showing Ainz in the bath.

  13. Off topic question. Hopefully its ok to post it here.
    Back in chapter 58 Makoto made his third contact with a Lich that could become Shiki. With the contract complete Shiki who was Lich gained a new appearance that of hyuman.
    If Makoto made a dominating contract with Ainz Ooal Gown the main character of Overlord who is a Lich would he gain a new appearance resembling that of a human as will?
    I don’t know it this was already asked.

    1. When making a ruling contract like Makoto’s where the ruler is literally 5 times more powerful than the servant, then the contract forces the servant into a human form to better match the master. If Makoto/Ainz proved to have that kind of power discrepancy, then yes, Ainz would probably be made human. if they were closer in power, then no, it would not.

        1. I do not know much about the series except for the anime version. I did have the chance to read the series when it was taking down and I was making a joke about Shiki and Ainz appearance and how they would transform. That they both had grim reaper appearance but Ainz was custom with magical accessories and horns on his shoulders. And that he was to become Makoto’s servant would the horns go with him in human appearance. If the horns are part of the accessories then I did not know. Sorry.

      1. The horns are part of his gear. If you look at the most recent chapter of the manga you will find him stripped down for the fight with shaltear. In that outfit he looks like a skeleton monk.

  14. Ha! The “hero” got what he deserved! the demon eyes only works on hyuman females though, not dragons, ark spiders or orcs so no ntr! I guess…

      1. Tomoki can’t get stronger as his mana levels will never increase when lvling up

        meanwhile, Makoto and his arrows…..

    1. I think it has more to do with the relative level of power. We’re talking god level entities versus minorly powerful humans.

  15. “Just what in the world is her?”

    I think you meant “she” but otherwise, good job! Was nice seeing the spoiled-party get flustered a bit.

    1. I think it was right to use her since the question is asking about what as in to refer to an object, which is i think was asking about her kin/races. As for the use of she would be from a question of who is she and refer to a person identity, which will be used for someone that was well known

      I might be wrong but thats my opinion, i hope it helps. 🙂

      1. As a native speaker this sounds really akward she should be used instead. While her is used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified, in this case that’s not what is happening in that line. There Tomoe is the subject of the sentence not what the verb is acting on. Examples Makoto gets mad at Tomoe. Makoto gets mad at her. Tomoe is what? She is what?

      2. What [be] is always followed by subject pronoun
        What am I
        What are you
        What is he
        What is true (just to rhyme)
        What are they

  16. Nice chapter ..
    Mora thinking (why couldn’t I control that dragon .. I can easily tame any dragon .. Negi is quite strong himself and even he obeys me..why? )
    ” Negi that dragon said u r a lolicon .. is it true ”
    ” ..”
    “NEGI u are free now .. don’t come close to me u lolicon pervert ”

  17. Even if it was a good chapter. I don’t think it was good idea to antagonizes the Gritonia group even if they desired it. Tomoe should have ignored them or or put them into the dream world.

      1. Makoto is against guns being reproduced in that world though. So when he finds out that Tomoki the dumbass that he is, is trying to do exactly that they’re gonna be clashing that’s for damn sure. I hope for it a one sided asskicking contest that BUG can only sit back and watch.

        1. If does happen chances are the Bug in some way while probably give the empire hero team and extra blessing to fight against him. Of course it could happen the way you say and that she will not interfere because there are certain conditions she can not use her blessing. Or it requires her to build her power to use it. I am looking forward to there battle.

    1. If someone unsheathed a samurai’s sword without his permission like what that lil twat did, the samurai would have been within their rights to take his head. Just sayin. Tomoe was really patient with them.

  18. This was a satisfying chapter. There are few things better than the feeling of bringing people like them down a few pegs, making them realize they’re not as great as they thought.

  19. I am more interested in Tomoe in what ways can she use illusions on her oppenents. To bad she did not experment on that hero. She probably could not harm them physcial but it did not mean she could have toyed with them with her magic.

    1. I wonder what her reaction to that would be. Would she say “Is that so?”, or would she not meet their eyes, like “whoops, do I remember that?”

      1. Wouldn’t her reaction be more like. Oh hey I am the Calamity Spider. Who am I kidding she wouldn’t even pretend to care what any of them say because she can only think about her sweet heart.

  20. Thanks for the chapter. I liked it, kinda wanted tomoe to give him a kick in the balls (The hero), hes way to drunk on his blessing. Hell, makato has stronger divine power, he just can’t use it yet. (Stated first 3 chapters when he gets tossed into the sky by the bug.) Lol, thanks again. 🙂

  21. thanks for the chapter, i liked this one. makoto is a good MC, but it’s always nice to see some of the side characters interact with each other

  22. Normally we these types of web novels where the MC isn’t the “hero”, when the MC’s companions meet the hero they end up with a disliking the hero instantly with a real reason. Thankfully that isn’t the case here. Instead, we see Tomoe starting with a slightly positive opinion and having it drop over the course of the encounter.

    Her dislike of him is caused by several reasons. All of which were completely reasonable and valid
    – Makoto’s personallity is very strange, one of the reasons why Tomoe is interested in him. On the other hand, Tomoki is nothing special. Just an immature kid with a powertrip
    – He asked for a sword but wasn’t really interested, he only cared about how strong it was. And not only did he try to draw it without permission, he was planning to steal it. Seriously!
    – And the demon eyes didn’t help any either

    The girl Mora is pretty conceited as well huh? I guess all this hero’s party members are like that.

    1. True. I like that she didn’t start to dislike them only because they are not Makoto but met Tomoki and formed her own opinion.
      Tomoki is already a lost cause so i can understand him being arrogant and conceited.
      Mora, the dragon tamer girl though is either too naive or she is really a fool. Just because till now she could tame some weaker and stray dragons now she thinks that she is some dragon queen or something. She herself said that Tomoe is a powerful dragon and then she can’t understand why her taming failed.

  23. Based Tomoe. She knew that the princess was the one in control and made it clear to Tomoki that he’s not even worth her time.

  24. So far this is my best Tomoe’s Chapter 😀

    “Just like how Lily said before, I am a hero. I am fighting for the sake of this world. Defeat the demon lord and after that I will create a peaceful world. Tomoe-san, for that sake, please lend us your power” (Tomoki)
    and he have DEMON EYES .. Lol

  25. The only thing I hate about Tomoki is that he reminds me of the Bitch’s personality from Tate no Yuusha.

  26. Thanks for the chapter!


    ( •_•)
    ( ∙_∙)>⌐■-■
    I guess someone,
    Doesn’t have enough badges…


  27. Thanks for the Chapter!

    I looked forward to reading it in english 🙂

    A small suggestion: How about using Guinevere for the mentioned female Knight Ginebia?

  28. Mora: “I’m a great dragon summoner! I command dragons with my powers!”
    Tomoe: “Er…. that dragon is actually a lolicon…”
    Mora: “…….”
    Tomoe: “And so is your hero.”
    Mora: “WAHHHH!!!!…”

    -The sound of Mora’s illusions crumbling-

  29. they are lucky enoug that mio is not coming along -_- their fate is already sealed as a bad lunch for mio if she come … well that might be better though

    btw lily is not charmed with demon eyes right and she hate the goddess… i hope in the next (faarr) chapter she can think straight and chose to follow makoto …. for the better :v at least she’ll allied with invicible (buffed) dragon, calamity spider, and overpowered lich :3

  30. thank you, Tomoe-sama. arg- don’t even want to mention the sht hero/princess combi! and wat, Mora? did she seriously have her head up in the clouds thinking no one’s stronger than her? -______-

    anyways, thank you Reigokai! (and Tomoe for the hilariousness and refeshing take with the lake and Gritonian bastards~)

    1. ahhh…but i really don’t like how Tomoe said “Makoto” out loud when she’s been thinking Waka the whole time…sets us a flag -______- ugh i betcha the princess will recall it if not the other idiots *sigh* how did you mess up this big, Tomoe-sama? T^T the meeting was likely fated to begin with though i just hope by that time *it* either gets trashed, die without many knowing/caring, completely disregarded, or simply forgotten and never brought up again…

      1. Not too much given away, she already gave them the company name before things went south, it won’t be too hard a chore to find out the owner of the company.

        She should have called herself “freelance”, but she probably thought that it was good advertising before things turned sour.

      2. I expect “Raidou” to hand Tomoki a very, very public beating if he’s dumb enough (and he is) to confront him in the Academy.

        Further more he could probably easely break his evil eye power over anyone he’s used it on he travelled with there, for that extra bit of humiliation.

      3. Un, it’s just that she said “Makoto” instead of “Waka” or “Raidou” which would be more appropriate in the case of the trashy group. i mean she even got mad at Mora for calling the name she was given without honorifics…then letting slip “Makoto” so they could call him without honorifics too? geh…seems like a mistake -____- sides she even has everyone else in Asora call him Waka so…and it’s not like he necessarily wanted to leak his true name to the heroes. at least going by the alias he created would’ve been better, but “Waka” makes the most sense as that’s how she addresses him in her train of thought anyway in the first place

      4. That’s true, unless it is a quirk of the language? Waka (Young Master) won’t mean much to outsiders and it might be strange to refer to him as Waka, something like me telling you I work at “the company” (No, I don’t mean the CIA) or I serve “young master”.

        But yeah it does sound odd. Unless she is trying to protect “Raidou”? I just remembered that the owner of the company is registered as “Raidou” and not Makoto.

        Still sounds off though.

    1. didnt you read his introduction chapter? (gossip about gritonia hero)? in japan because he was fragile and good looking all girls liked him (a fragile little cute kid), but also because of that the boys keept bullying him (they were jealous of the atention he was getting from the girls) so when the godes proposed to turn him into a “hero of justice” (or something like this) it was like a dream come true, so yes, he is a chunny and he got angry because things werent going like his “being a hero of justice” dream…… basically think of him as the same as the idiot of the bow from the hero of the shield

      1. can you blame him for getting it wrong? even i forgot about what Tomoe asked of Makoto because of the ensuing hilarity

  31. ⊂⊃     (⌒⌒)
      Thanks    ||||| 
       Nepu!! / ~~~ \  ⊂⊃
      ⊂⊃ /  ^ω ^ \  ⊂⊃



    Whew! Thank you so so so very much for this unbelievably wonderful chapter!

  33. AHAHAHAHAHA, Tomoki was not even deserving of getting rekt’d, burrrrrnn!!

    And apparently on the part where Tomoe sad “You look like a kid throwing a tantrum-ja na!” I felt that the proper tsukommi to say is, “U mad?” :v

    Anyway, thanks Reigokai! and sadly, I seem to be missing Firo-chan

  34. This was some really funny comparison! How tired and worn-out Tomoe was after “light” training with Makoto and how the whole cheat hero party couldn’t even make her bat an eyelid at them. XD too gooood! So satisfying! And omg the new land where tired people and demons live together? At least it’s not far in the mountains and hopefully no spider or Oni-kun with issues will visit~
    Thank you for the chapter!

  35. “My last attack was probably on the level of pestering”

    Using the word “spite” instead of “pestering” would probably work better. It is what I first thought when I read it in the raws. Pestering is something that a mosquito does while this was a half-hearted attack done just to annoy them. At least “spite” flows a bit better.

    Random definitons
    pes·ter = trouble or annoy (someone) with frequent or persistent requests or interruptions.
    spite = a desire to hurt, annoy, or offend someone.

    Feel free to ignore if you wish, just trying to be helpful. I really appreciate your work on this series and have been looking forward to this chapter inparticular for over a week. =)

    Feels really nice to have Tomoe treat Tomoki like the lowlevel scum he is.

    1. I think the reason its “pestering” over spite for example is because he clearly doesn’t think that it would do more than pester them, its meant to show that he didn’t know how much power he put into it.

    2. No I would say that the word pestering is more accurate in this context. If I dont remember wrong in the chapter where Makoto used his last attack, he didn’t intend destroy the area or didn’t belive that anyone would actually die or get seriously wounded. His attack was more like “Well that escalated quickly!” and he was already gone in the mist, when the actuall impact took place. So he believed that the attack only pestered them.

      1. Except if you are pestering someone you are repeatedly poking them. If he had continued to rain down the little Brids for awhile it would have been pestering, a constant low level attack. He threw a single attack with the intent to annoy them which is more an attack done out of spite, without the expectation to do serious harm.

        The main difference between the two is how long the action is done, they are both actions of about the same scale. Pestering is multiply annoying actions, while an action done in spite is a single annoying action.

      2. The sentences would become
        My last attack was probably on the level of spite. (Although, “My last attack was done out of spite” would probably be closer to normal usage)
        “To create a lake out of spite. Really, Waka is truly a person who doesn’t bore me. I would have wanted, not to see it from memories, but to experience it personally”

      3. No, pestering is more accurate in this context, he was harassing them, not actually trying to kill them. Spite is more along the lines of hatred and a lot more powerful in the desire to harm. And pester does not necessarily need to be repeated, just once is enough. I think your entire argument focuses on this point, the number of attacks, but that was not a criteria for pestering.

    3. Not quite.
      The biggest difference between spite and pestering is that “to pester” definitely refers to an action that is seen as annoying.
      Colloquially you can also use the word as replacement for “to annoy” except with an even greater emphasis on how the action is in no way really hurtful but an annoyance.
      Spite however, in most cases even, is on a much higher level of own negative feelings, up until pure hatred even.
      Mostly, it is a feeling that emerges from a reaction.
      You have a direct impulse as to why you react in a spiteful manner.

      You were insulted so you don’t answer a person in spite.
      Or you murder someone out of your spite.
      You don’t pester someone by killing him, not even if you could kill him more than once.
      So the word pester much more clearly indicates Makoto’s failing knowledge as to how much damage he would ultimately inflict, thinking it would be little.
      He did pester them out of spite, but that might also include him deliberately intending to kill the other party.

    4. That quote was from Makoto’s mouth. He is constantly underestimating his own power. Because of that, he didn’t think it would have so much impact. But you do have a point that what was pestering for him appeared to be spite to his opponents. They even thought “So, if I’m going I’ll take you with me? Is that what you’re saying?” So everyone could be said to be right, but it probably depends more on Makoto’s intentions at the time.

  36. I think his hair turning silver is probably his hair turning white from his fear of death when his blessings got disabled in that war.

      1. and i was thinking that his immortality ability was nullifying the death sentence from those drugs every month. guess it doesn’t count until he actually dies, but it might be too late then. like infinitely reviving in a pool of lava

  37. That hero is not worth saving,if you want to negotiate the limia’s hero is better,she’s more sensible,and tomoe should just kill the hero and capture the princess to interogate her.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  38. thank for the update

    An immature idiot just like i though, this world’s Yukari (Tomoe) is a bit careless though.

  39. Thanks for the Chapter Reigokai 😀

    Y’know I didn’t give not even one f*ck about Tomoki using his demon eye to brainwash those hyuman women(mostly because I don’t care about hyumans), neither did I care about him trying use it on Hibiki(female hero).

    But when this cowardly son-of-a-b*#ch tries to use it on Tomeo, I just can’t help but feel furious! 😠

    1. As I’m sure you read ahead like I do (just without using Google Translate), I knew you would be saying that. Tomoki is trash that is fitting for this trash world. You know what I do, which means like me you are holding back info.

      So you also know about his luck becoming worse.

  40. Thank u always for ur great work…

    “Because last night Waka was so intense, the joints in my body still hurt,”
    What are u doin Makoto…

    Ahahahaha, the brat got slap in the ass huh…

    1. The demon eyes are a charm ability. It makes the victims see the subject as more attractive, charismatic, and generally irresistible. Prolonged exposure for those of the opposite sex will inspire feelings of love and devotion toward the subject of the spell, and hero-worship in those of the same sex.

      1. even worse is that the demon eyes suppresses the victims’ morals, making it seem that Tomoki can do no wrong.

    2. It influences the emotions of those being looked by them.
      The girls start to develop feeling of “love” and the man feeling of “respect”.
      Basically, those are eyes fitting for a Trash.

    3. Basically, they’re a passive charm spell on anyone that makes eye-contact. Seems to work on both genders, but people with comparable magic power will just find it annoying or creepy.

      1. Mio might like it though, her tastes are a bit strange.
        “Yare, yare, someone is staring at me with such intense looks, pity you’re not Waka-sama…”


  41. The difference in power, ability, skill vs A cheat huh. Thankfully the former wins, For Tomoe is Shin the invincible. I can’t help but see Tomoki as really pathetic. Well that was my impression of him after the war, though.

    1. I’m hoping for black haired. 🙂
      I’d love to see the look on his face when she starts chewing on his “Lightning Lance” like a candy bar.

  42. I’m sorry kinda between alot of ln here and forgot some stuff so Tomoki has some hypno eye crap that he used to build his crew.

    1. He has Demon Eyes which make anyone he looks at view him in a positive light, the more he uses it the stronger it gets. He has at this point completely brainwashed his main party and used all of them. The only exception is the royals of the country he was summoned to (including princess Lily) that set up countermeasures for the eyes right after they summoned him. The eyes don’t work on someone stronger then him and people with certain blessings, the other hero and her priestess both were not affected by them.

  43. These kinds of chapters are so much fun. And based on what ohmariowv has said about Makoto meeting Tomoki I can’t wait for that confrontation. BTW ohmariowv I dig the Overlord at Work avatar for your photo.

  44. Ooooooooo someone feeling salty, oh and what’s that butthut? Aw do ya need a hug oh no wait do you want an apology? Fuck get wrecked bitch well bitches! If makoto had resentment towards the hyumans along with the goddess and the world is love to see makoto go badass without giving a fuck!

  45. It was refreshing. They just don’t know why it’d be wise to stop. I’m totally looking forward to meeting with the other hero (the girl).


  46. thank you for the chapter ~

    Good Job Tomoe!!! humiliate them more…. if Mio has been there…. she surely snap and kill them with one swing from her fan…..
    That Trash Hero Party is Really idiot to the bone….. just because have a little power…. they could do anything?
    have demon eyes he can slave everyone? have affinity towards dragon can make you slave all dragons?
    and that princess….. she thinks it easy to make a gun? do that brat know the structure and component of Guns?
    even the dwarfs can’t make Katana properly from memories alone…..
    damn…. to think they wants to conquer the world…. it like a group of brats dreams become Gods…..

  47. Ahhh. That’s the stuff.☺️ A day when Tomoki gets made a fool of is a good day. No matter what happened at work.

    If I’m right, what Tomoki tried to do with Tomoe’s sword is as rude as it gets right? Just more proof that Tomoki is nothing more than an idiot kid who’s playing at being a warrior.

    I can’t believe that Mora girl is so stupid. The demon eyes only make her loyal to Tomoki. That means she has no excuse for not knowing the basics of her craft. Nagi should have explained all of this through whichever way they communicate. She’s lucky Tomoe wasn’t able to strike against them, any other high or superior dragon that brat tried that on would have ground her to dust without a moment’s hesitation.👿 If I didn’t know better I’d say that she views her gift as little more than a way to get exotic pets.😡 She’s almost begging to be eaten at the first opportunity.

    1. instead of being “loyal” i’d say “charmed and love” as an effect of the long time they were basked in his spell since, i think his harem already did the deed with him. Remember it was told in the Hibiki chapter before the fort. So it’s only normal the loli turned stupid. Tomoki disease is infectious. It’s worse than STD or Cancer.

      Also, i don’t think Nagi is an intelligent being, more like on the level of being a pet so it probably doesn’t know as well.

      1. …True…He is probably just a lesser dragon. But from what Tomoe was talking about his preferences, it sounded like he did have some intelligence. Though, in retrospect, that could have just been Tomoe wanting to insult him cause she was pissed that his master tried to forcefully enslave her.

      2. I admit that Nagi might not be intelligent enough to know this stuff, but that doesn’t mean that she has an excuse for trying. She’s dealing with dragons for Hecate’s sake. The same rules and precautions that people use when summoning demons needs to be followed, then magnified by 5. Then you’d be ready to politely say hello to a dragon while surrounded by a battalion of elite soldiers. You say or do something to piss a dragon off, even a lesser dragon, and you’re lizard feed. I would’ve thought that was common sense, even for a “dragon tamer”. After all, everyone would agree that summoning a demon is dangerous, but only those who summon them regularly knows just how dangerous and how thorough precautions need to be.

      3. Well keep in mind that Tomoki-shit brainwashed her so she wants to do anything for him, even forgetting common sense or basic taming rules. I agree, she should know but went stupid. I thought it was useless already when ahololi glared at Tomoe, it was like one of those weird fanatic-HS girls who worship their campus idol indefinitely.

        as for Nagi, be it intelectual or not, lesser or mid… I just hope it noticed it’s masters abnormal change like how Hibiki and the other girl.

      4. I never saw anything that suggested Nagi was close to human-like intelligent, he was probably closer to a pet. As for her craft, it is very likely that she didn’t know, considering that most dragons are probably closer to pet-like in intelligence. Tomoe even said that she could get up to mid level dragons. Once she hits high level, then intelligence comes into play and she screws up. What I find interesting was Tomoe’s mention of “conditions”. Looks like to enslave a high level dragon, there might be some bargaining involved. Wonder if that was how Sophia got Lancer on her team.

  48. Thanks for The chapter, GO TOMOE, that’s the way to put the trash in its place, and for anybody who is willing to answer. Where and how can i read the raws of this novel? Thousends thanks beforehand

    1. This seems to be where the raws are coming from. The official version on the original site has been changed a lot and is not really recognizable when compared to the translated version here.

      The links don’t always lead to the chapter with the same name so navigating it is a bit of a challenge. If you want to read the raws starting from this chapter start here:

      and use 次の話 >> at the bottom of the page to advance through the series. That link is for this chapter, the link that led to it was from a chapter 5 or 6 before this one.

      Oh and be nice, don’t come back here and spoil. Google translate is going to result in not understanding anything anyways.

      Go ahead and delete this if you wish Reigokai, if you think it might lead to problems.

      1. As someone who reads the MTL raws, I don’t think this was a good idea. It took me a while to be able to get an understanding of what’s going on. I regret it because I have to keep my mouth shut on spoilers and there are things that are different when properly translated. Like instead of “Makoto”, it’s usually “FukaKiyoshiShin” or something like that. And Shiki is listed in those translations as “Identify”. Not to mention that sometimes instead of “Makoto” or “FukaKiyoshiShin”, they call Makoto (when not calling him Raido) “True”. And for Hibiki, the MTL will call her “Sound”.

        I know as it’s hard to read the MTL. For less headaches, it’s worth it to read Reigo-senpai’s translations. I refer to the MTL as like trying to see the future. Even if you can understand it, it’s foggy. Reigo-senpai’s translations are the crystal ball that clears things up.

  49. WAHAHAHA!!!! this is truly the best chapter to duke Cheapstake Baby (Fitting Nickname Hero of Tomoki), want power weapon, want more busty girls, and weep kid of hard bad look. Anyway, there no way Makoto going to help him fight along side, but just keeping alive in misery is better as cheap hero.

    Plus, the World Board have gotten WEAK as careless BUG create, but what Makoto made was really impression as STELLA(HOLY) LAKE VILLAGE. LOL

    Cant wait to see how Tomoe see the other hero as worthy to fight along side with Makoto or Mio may choose to see the other hero (kindy worry how things turn as if ugly or not)

  50. finally a chapter worth reading! Makoto turned boring that I even started enjoying a “an encounter with Tomoki-bitch” well it had Tomoe so that helped.

    i thought the story would stagnate and rot with Makoto playing Monopoly but, now I feel satisfied. Not that there’s sth wrong with what he is doing but I came here for the “dokidoki adventure” not be a teacher.

    thanks for the chapter~ I feel refreshed.

    I wonder if Mio is the one who will encounter the other hero.

  51. that hero party absolutely sickens me they first come off as a normal group of idiots who cant hide their status and intentions, they ask nicely to see her sword and shes kind enough to show it,they automatically want it so they ask to buy it, she turns them down, they threaten her, she turns them down, they find out shes a dragon, they attempt to enslave her, it fails, they use demon eyes on her to attempt to sway her thoughts/control them, she resists it/it fails, when all else fails they try to resort to force…… f***ing bastards….

  52. did she kill him???
    oh please tell me she killed him or at least rect him into nothingness
    thank for the chap

    1. Death will be taking the easy way out. I’d torture “them” for months, then kill if they answered wrongly.

      1. man I would love too see him with Mio, one bad mouthing of makoto and get digested you trash hero… so my guess is that it will be loli tomoe or is it the dragonslayer girl (tho the latter has almost 0% chances)

  53. This is truly a very satisfying chapter.

    All this time we only learn that Tomoe is a mighty dragon, but never see her true power in action. Though just a glimpse of it, I can truly feel that she is powerful and expect more in the coming chapters.

    And above all, it feels great to see the stupid hero party getting ridiculed like this, powerless to do shit about it. Serves them right. lol, hero my ass.

  54. Thanks 4 the chapter!

    Hyumans and demons who experienced first hand of Makoto’s power retired and lived together near the lake? Could be the start of hyuman-demon cooperation.

    1. Then my friend, you have a VERY long wait ahead. And I’m talking about Hibiki and Makoto meeting. It’s not a spoiler as we all know it’s going to happen eventually.

    1. I wish for the princess to go through hell when her plans doesn’t go right and her kingdom empire being rundown by demons and the trash hero being tortured every night or being turned into a sex slave for hell I care…

  55. Umu this could be the first contact of that annoying hero and Makoto’s group albeit accidentally. Good job Tomoe nee-chan for showing who is boss :3

    1. It was the first contact between Makoto’s group and Tomoki’s party. Just wait in the far future for when Makoto and Tomoki meet face to face, shit gets real. Can’t say what happens or when it’s going to happen, but I think everyone has a good idea of what’s going to happen.

      1. Knowing Tomoki’s arrogance and Makoto’s “businessman” persona, I’m sure Tomoki is going to be a demanding and condescending arsehole.

  56. Very satisfying, and answers a question I had been wondering about. Its good to know that guy and his corrupt companions have no power over Makato’s companions. Or at least Tomoe, Mio and Shiki are probably safe

      1. I’m not sure if it will be as bad as you think, even Tomoe rated Toa higher than Tomoki, so basically he has the toys but don’t really know how to use them, his base stats are low, like what happened in the battle against the demons, once his toys are knocked out, he’s pretty much useless.

        I just had a funny thought, since Tomoe power-levelled Toa and the others, maybe they are even more powerful than he is? That makes his “Demon Eyes” simply “Creepy Eyes” to them lol.

    1. Sadly Tomoki isn’t really an impostor. Poser maybe, but not an impostor. Still… I did feel bad for her. However, she’s so brainwashed that I can’t even feel bad anymore.

      1. No he’s an imposter!! I will call him Herotard! Herotard S. Gritonia
        It’s shameful for him to be named Tomoki.
        It makes Sakura Tomoki a freaking GOD in comparison xD
        PS: He may not even know the nipple song!

    2. Tomoki is an asshole who believes that anything he wished for is granted.
      He considers others as inferior to him and anyone who opposes him in anyway is obvioulsy bad (here, Tomoe refused and talked about his eyes, so he decided to attack her)
      He finds it normal for the girls to be around him and doesn’t have any problems with the fact that he is manipulating them.
      He fights the Demons without considering the fact that they are also sentient and probably have a reason to go to war (the female hero, I forgot her name, at least thought about those problems before fighting since she was forced to).
      He is an idiot who is manipulated by a noble girl who is smarter than him and can’t even see that he is being tricked.

      I’m sorry to tell you that, but he answers to the definition of a Hero as it appears in most story.

      1. “I’m sorry to tell you that, but he answers to the definition of a Hero as it appears in most story.”

        ROFL, so true!

        “You’re the hero, go fight the Demon King!”
        “Er? Why?”
        I still like the Evil God Average statistic.
        “If the Demon King is female or has a younger sister, there is a 80% chance of the summoned hero changing sides”.


  57. Wow I love how she just shows up all of them and points out their failures, It’s quite refreshing.

    I wonder if Lily will adhere to what Tomoe said, if not I don’t see good things coming her way if she decides to disregard Tomoe.

    Looking forward to the next chapter.

    1. When I first tried to read the raw via Google Translator, I couldn’t even understand the threat at the end that Tomoe made. However, things are going to get interesting soon.

      1. one thing I can say how did you survive reading a MTL… the last time I read it (tho it was only a few sentences) it gave a measles, intense headache and pneumonia…

  58. It was hard to keep my mouth shut about this chapter. Well… I mentioned it in the past before I finally got good enough at trying to understand the raws translations with Google Translator a few months ago. Tomoki is a little shit, that’s all I can say. Those eyes of his cannot work on beings stronger than him. Trust me, they won’t work on the next woman he meets either. I cannot give you any further detail than that. Well… his harem is so brainwashed that it’s ridiculous. And as it can’t really be called a spoiler, he’s an even bigger shit when he finally meets Makoto. As for when they meet, I cannot say as then it would be a spoiler.

    As we all know what happened this chapter, you don’t wanna miss the next. I’m sure that everyone has a good idea on what’s going to happen. Look forward to it XD

    1. Yeah, he’s so much of an asshole that, while reading the chapter, couldn’t help to wish for his harem to be NTR’ed in from of his eyes, and I hate that kind of stuff (I’m more of a vanilla/ elves are for cuddling kind of guy).

    2. U can’t really blame Tomoki u know as he was just brainlessly controlled by the princess
      He was just lured by sex
      In short he is just a puppet or doll
      getting angry is just a waste of time
      just think of him as an ant that anyone can easily step by

    3. Let me take a guess: Toa?

      Given his shittiness he probably plans to visit Tsige to try and threaten Kuzunoha store, and meet Toa there.
      Since Tomoe have mentioned Toa being stronger than him, his eye doesn’t work.

      Makoto should still be in Academy Town at that point…hmmm…the atlernative would be if he visit the branch in Academy and meet Akua/Eris…

      1. Look, the next chapter isn’t even about Tomoki. It will be a long time before he even shows up again. Besides, Tomoe’s mention of Toa was in her head, she didn’t say it out loud.

    4. That mild spoiler you just gave sounds like so much fun with the two I have in mind that could be the two stronger women. He better hope it’s the dragon-slayer and not the spider.

    5. Knowing sidestories to be symmetrical, I postulate that the possible “next chapter” stories will either

      1) Be about the demon side
      2) Be about Hibiki
      3) About Mio

      Since mario said it would be funny, Hibiki is a less likely probability after the losses in battle, so I estimate a 50/50 chance of the chapter being either about Mio or Lancer/Sophia.

  59. Holy crap. When this novel is at its best, it is utterly fantastic. This was such a fun encounter (and I didn’t expect it at all).

    Thanks as always for your hard work, Reigo-san.

        1. I’ve read through the clumps of text that Google Translator calls translations. I can understand what’s going on, but I can’t see it clearly. I’m to the latest post in the raws already.

    1. Lol a few times come on if you were far superior you would show how weak they were and seeing as how tomoe diss them I would have rubbed salt into their wounds hahaha btw if makoto rejected them flat out he would certainly look at them as insects and I would love to see moi wreck them hahahahaha oh the sight!

      1. I don’t know, where the hell is Firo? Much longer and I’ll just sell it to the highest bidder.

      1. and here i hope Lancer meet Shen instead. Anyway Tomoki reaction was priceless!!!

        Thanks for the chapter!

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