Hope you guys had a great Black Friday! Was almost unable to finish the chapter by today but I squeezed it out somehow.
Anyways enjoy this chapter ^^!
As an undead, it is a high ranking existence. Its strength completely dependent on the individual. But even their highest class is far from reaching the level of a superior dragon.
What I am trying to say is…
If he makes a pact with me, it would be the pact that is 10 times less than them, the “provisions pact” which will link us together.
Flatly saying, he would be absorbed and not even his existence would be left. I was reluctant, but Lich was also pretty pitiful. Because he was told off a lot by Tomoe and Mio.
Those girls got together and said that they didn’t want “me” to have an impurity mixed in within. To be called an impurity, I can’t even measure how he must be feeling.
Because he couldn’t even make it to slave relation with his own effort, I thought that the foundation in being my follower was impossible in itself.
I don’t know what Tomoe was saying about a test drum, but maybe she has come up with a good plan to break this deadlock.
“Mngh, as expected, just like this would be difficult huh…” (Tomoe)
“Even if we call him high-ranking, it doesn’t change the fact that he is an undead after all. The magic power that proves as his life source is also little after all” (Mio)
For even Mio to have looked down on his magic power, Lich must feel his shoulders narrow from that. He had gotten off his seat and prostrated. His biggest strong point was placed in the pile of generic. No surprise.
How to say it, I feel like I’m looking at the past world’s me. The elementary school time’s I will never be able to forget, the time when I was running at a marathon competition, how moved I felt and the reactions of the people around. Yeah, that really did hit me.
After Tomoe convinced (brainwashed maybe?) Lich.
We were right now in the middle of seeing if we are able to make a pact. Even if the person itself is willing, it doesn’t mean that the problem has been solved.
The place is still my room. It already passed quite a bit of time and it was now late in the night. It’s most likely the time where someone would be sleeping deeply. I was born in the amusement era so I am not that susceptible to drowsiness, but in this world, especially the races in this wasteland, their schedule is early sleep early rise.
Inside the magic formation for pacts was Lich and me.
In the time we began looking for a solution, Lich was exultant but… the appearance of him when he was looked down upon was so weak looking that it felt like he could be blown away. Tomoe and Mio also, they were trying to clearly put out the hierarchy to the point that it makes me wonder if they were actually bullying him.
Outside the formation, Tomoe and Mio were conversing without restraining their words at all.
“Waka, is it possible for Waka to weaken your strength yourself?” (Tomoe)
Hm. Is she referring to [Sakai]?
Weaken huh. There is no meaning to it, but I can do it.
Weaken the enemy, meaning, the time when I use it in a way that I give it an effect close to a debuff.
The effects I place on [Sakai] always affect me as well. Moreover, it only activates with me as the center. When I am aware, I am able to activate it in a spherical shape, but when I am not thinking anything and activate it, it ends up dome shaped. If I try to make it smaller, it ends up with only my body being wrapped.
I think that if I use something like fire or blizzard, I would end up killing myself. I haven’t tried it though. That’s why, I am obviously unable to say for sure.
At the time when I tried it with the orcs I didn’t do it, but right now I am able to do strengthen and healing effects. Also, these were discovered by chance.
If I don’t try out a few things in the near future in order to understand my power properly, I may end up digging my own grave. It is better to increase the number of things I can do. But I feel like if I think of the lasting effects, my range of things I can try would narrow.
“Yeah, I can do it. There was no point in it so I haven’t tried it before, but I can do it” (Makoto)
“Then, please do so. I will be doing the pact link once again so” (Tomoe)
Tomoe, with Mio’s assistance, pour energy into the magic formation once again.
In the space between Lich and me, a light pillar rises and changes colors. That ever changing light was dyed once more.
Light brown. A color I haven’t seen before. The color of Tomoe and Mio was red.
That was a ruling relationship, Tomoe said that that was just barely in the line. Then does that mean light brown is no good?
“Earth colored huh. It lowers until slavery. If he becomes a doll with no self-conscious it would be pointless to have this skeleton though” (Tomoe)
Slavery. If I remember correctly, it would destroy his self and leave the person as only a doll that follows orders. Certainly, we don’t need something like that.
“Tomoe-san, isn’t this impossible? If you want to make that thing a follower no matter what, wouldn’t it be faster to just try and train him?” (Mio)
What do you mean by try? Just what kind of training do you plan on doing? Also, don’t say “that thing”.
“Well Mio, don’t say that. I have a bit of a plan” (Tomoe)
Saying that, what she took out from her breast pocket was… that is?!
“Isn’t that Waka-sama’s ring?!” (Mio)
“Umu! Moreover, it is a product that has been properly tested out. Okay, Mio…” (Tomoe)
Right on the mark! It’s the ring that absorbs my magic power until its limits. Just how many does she have with her?
I don’t know what she means with the “moreover”.
It seems that the two of them are doing a secret talk by whispering in Mio’s ear.
Tomoe’s words made Mio have a surprised look in her face. But maybe it was because she consented, or because she understood, she nodded and the surroundings became a bit silent.
Mio also has a lot of skills in her repertoire right. To be able to understand by instinct, just how much of a genius she is.
When the earth colored light settled down and the pillar of light disappeared, Tomoe entered.
And then she slowly gave the ring to Lich.
“The inquiry about it will have to be for later-ja. Okay, put on all of the 13 I gave you” (Tomoe)
13 she says, what an ominous number that is.
“Put, this on? This one only has ten fingers though?” (Lich)
“I don’t care where you put them, as long as you put on those 3 somewhere there won’t be any problem. Now, hurry and do it already. It’s easier than jumping inside a world seam you know?” (Tomoe)
“… I understand” (Lich)
Lich does as he was told and begins to put them on. There doesn’t seem to be any difference. When he puts one on, there isn’t even a pained look.
Well, those are rings that have already absorbed to their limit anyways. It was already in a dangerous state so they told me not to use them anymore and get new ones but, what would happen if the magic power surpasses what it can absorb?
At least Lich didn’t dry up the instant he put on the rings, so for now I am relieved.
When we confirm that Lich has put on all of them, Tomoe once again walks outside.
Once again the two of them continue the aria they were doing a few moments ago and the pact begins.
No, that’s not it. Tomoe is the one in charge of the pact spell and I feel like Mio is doing something to Lich.
The light pillar appears once more.
But that color was… red. No way!
“Success-ja! It’s red-ja zo!” (Tomoe)
“… Tomoe-san? Faking magic power is something we don’t understand and it is also difficult-desu, so please concentrate on finishing this before celebrating” (Mio)
If it is something you don’t understand, how are you able to do it for real?! That’s something I would definitely be unable to do!
“I know. Waka, we will begin the pact. It’s okay right, Lich?” (Tomoe)
Fake they say, meaning it is a camouflage? I don’t know what they did to trick the pact but… it isn’t something you do so carelessly!
The specs of Tomoe and Mio are scary. What is it, do these two also possess the mad scientist attribute?
It looks like they did a pretty excessive doping and were able to succeed?!
Intuition or an enlightenment. Why is it that my followers are people that should normally not have any connection with the uncouth me? I feel like the time where I can surprise them with my modern time’s knowledge isn’t something that will last too long.
“… Is it okay for me to be accepted as a follower, Makoto-dono?” (Lich)
It seems that the skeleton from the very beginning didn’t have any objections of being my follower.
Maybe it is the effect of having Tomoe throw him into despair and lifting him a bit later. After that she explained about me, and seemed like she had zero intentions of letting him escape.
Though his tension seems to be a bit low. I kind of understand your feelings.
“Don’t worry, I actually wanted a man for some time now. Aren’t you a healthy skeleton? I am expecting a lot from you. Ahahaha” (Makoto)
I right now was what they call, riding in the flow.
The red light began to envelop all the inside of the formation.
After that short exchange between Lich and me, we kept silent and stood upright.
Soon, I could tell that there was a clear connection between us. The pact has been completed huh.
Being the third, I was already used to it, or more like I was calm about it.
The blinding light slowly disappears.
The remaining ones are, of course, me and Li… ch?
It is the same as with Tomoe and Mio so it should be the case but…
The one in front of me was…
Deep dark red colored hair that stretched until his back, and with his dark colored eyes that were the same as mine, he looks at me.
There was a hyuman that was in no way inferior and his appearance was that of a young man of 20 or so.
He has frikin flesh. And also, the two over there!
“Hohoh~ I was wondering what shape you would take, so that’s how it came huh!” (Tomoe)
“Fu~, his roots were certainly that of a hyuman after all. Could it be that this is his appearance from his previous life?” (Mio)
I understand that you were interested in what appearance he would be taking but! You are girls you know?! Your appearances are those of blooming girls you know?!
He only has a robe on his shoulders, don’t go seriously staring at a half-naked man!
He is not wearing any proper clothing you know?! Only a robe on his shoulders. Even his chest was practically in full view. His lower half was bare.
Tomoe seems to be affected a little bit. I don’t know about Mio though.
When I tried to check my own state after hearing those two’s words, Lich raises his arms and with wide eyes he was surprised by his own arm.
He touches his cheeks with both hands, hugs his shoulders, and it looks like he was touching his own body to confirm.
“Warm. I can feel the pulse of life?!” (Lich)
I don’t know the definition of an undead at all, but it seems that he has obtained a body of his own.
“Eh? What happened to the rings?” (Makoto)
“Now that you mention it, he doesn’t seem to have them on. Did they merge with him when his body was being remade?” (Tomoe)
“Those rings were originally Waka-sama’s magic power cluster. As long as he is under Waka’s control, there shouldn’t be any negative effects on him” (Mio)
You guys, is it okay with just that?
After Lich finished feeling moved, he made incredibly serious eyes and with a gesture that could be seen as exaggerated, he kneeled in front of me. His robe was already worn.
Uh, it looks like a serious atmosphere.
“Makoto-sama. For you to accept me as your lowest seat follower, this one, no, I am truly grateful. Also, the power of master that I feel in my body makes me shiver in happiness, and the fact that I was late in my greetings, I will apologize with my work from now on. I am looking forward to working for you” (Lich)
“Ah, yeah. Uhm, it is fine to not be so uptight. I don’t mind if you use “This one” or “I”. I am also looking forward to it” (Makoto)
“Yes!!” (Lich)
He lowers his head deeply. Pacts don’t change personality right? Right?
“How is it-ja, Lich? You don’t have regrets right? It’s not only that you know. Your future with Waka is the time when you will truly shiver in happiness-ja” (Tomoe)
After her words, Tomoe, who was looking for the same opinion from Mio, seemed to be happy for the birth of a new follower. He is quite the research lover, so I think they will get along well.
“Yeah, there are a lot of things we have to teach you. Especially about the set rules regarding Waka-sama” (Mio)
It seems that because he is a man follower, he is not that hated by Mio. Well, even if he were a woman or a man, I am sure she would still cram a lot of stuff about rules and set things though. Even the unnecessary stuff.
My third follower is a Lich. Since he is a bearer of 13 rings, I think that I will be able to depend on him as a powerful companion that can fight.
I will hide his existence when in Tsige and have him accompany me when we go to Academy Town.
Or there is also the choice of leaving him in Asora. It hasn’t happened yet, but there is a chance that the adventurers will get violent after all. It would be reassuring if there is someone who can deal with it in the event that anything happens.
“Waka! Is it okay for me to talk about what I know to this thickheaded Mio and this once skull?” (Tomoe)
About me coming from a different world huh. Yeah, as a follower, they are friends in a ruling relationship after all, so let’s tell them. I was in a sense given permission from the Goddess to stay in this world, though it is a shame that I am not a graunt.
… It’s okay right? It won’t be like “Asora is a different world so you are actually a graunt!” right? Because I can go around without any sort of burden. What I mean is that, from Tomoe’s needless anxiety of this being a different world altogether, this possibility can appear as well.
Tomoe was originally able to control a space. She must be able to make an even wider amount of deductions and while she verifies them at the same time, she puts them together in order and tells them to me. World creation must be one of many deductions.
Possibilities, that’s right, possibilities… For now, let me prepare my heart for the time when the truth comes out.
If it is about Asora and this town it is fine. Right now the talk should be of telling Mio and Lich about me.
This isn’t something that Tomoe should be telling them. It’s something I should be telling them myself. If I think of them as family and plan on treating them as so, then more the case.
“No, I will be telling them myself. Let’s go to the data warehouse” (Makoto)
Yeah, that’s right.
What should I do about Lich’s name? I have to think about it. I should at least give him his name fast. I have a few choices so it should be fine for him to choose from them.
“!! Waka!” (Tomoe)
“Hm, what’s wrong Tomoe?” (Makoto)
“It has become a bit of a problem… Ei!” (Tomoe)
What? At the time when Tomoe suddenly made an impatient expression and was trying to tell me about the problem…
A strong light shone from the window into the room.
Previous Chapter l Next Chapter
I wonder what name he will get.
thanks for the chapter
The god come to asora?
This lich is weak alright, but what worries me the most is that makoto’s line about “wanting a man” wtf?! He has Mio and yet…
What a shitty way to introduce a male follower. He even needed to fake his stats while wearing MC’s rings in order to become a follower. Sorry but the lich doesn’t deserve to get this lucky.
thanks for the chapter…. maybe that was a sunlight illuminating in their room….
what would lich level be?
thank you for the release i cant wait for the next chapter
Thanks very much for all your hard work!!! I hope it doesn’t go yaoi (despite being a fujoshi myself! XD) because, dunno, but Makoto just doesn’t hit my senses that way? He needs a buddy! He already has too many love interests! XD Thanks so much for all your hard work!!!
I agree with you 100% on that one. It’s not that I’m anti-yaoi, it’s because he doesn’t need his harem to grow any more than it has so far. And by Harem, I mean Tomoe, Mio, girl who looks like his kohai (Toa), and Ema of course. He needs to get his love life straightened out. And as you said, he REALLY needs a buddy.
Otsukaresama deshita~!
Good job! Thanks for the fast realleses
Thanks for this chapter, he has two girls and one skeleton, now he needs a Reinder(pet), a swordsmanship, a Liar, a Robot and a cooker, ready to kick some goddess ass.
one piece FTW
LoL, Makoto is totally acting like a 0 with some of this lines. I guess some fan artist might draw them…
Btw, thanks for the chapter~~~~
I was wondering, if a contract of 80% – 20% is of master and slave, what would one of 90% – 10% ? (what is below a slave?) to turn out to “be a doll”……intresting
I made a comment about the possibilities of this form of contract a few chapters ago, but I meant it as a joke, I didn’t actually believe that could actually happen.
I’ll not a male servant yuck!
I don’t think that the ‘bug’ will appear.. Really, she doen’t care about Makoto at all.
But.. She might know of Makoto’s power. At this point, and at current Makoto’s power level, it will be no surprise if any god/goddess realize it.
The light will probably be a landscape change.
Always and always thank u 🙂
Looks like we’re getting a pretty good idea for who all likes yaoi on here.
can’t wait anymore. maybe next chapter we will see war declaration.
Thanks for the chapter! !
Thanks for your work 🙂
thanks for the chapter!
Thank u always for ur great work…
Thanks for the new chapter!
That cliff was steep
Thanks 4 the chapter!
Tomoe -> historical drama
Mio -> anime
Lich-> ?
Tomoe -> historical drama
Mio -> anime
Lich-> romance series “yaoi” lolololol :3
If he’s into yaoi that means makoto use to watch that. They’re only able to see his memories after all.
Lich -> school classes memories (mostly physics and math and so on)?
Well… now we know the risks of the pacts. Not to mention why it’s a bad idea for Emma to make one with Makoto, the Lich barely managed to do it with Makoto’s own siphoned-off magic to assist him. Still, Makoto’s inner thoughts on wanting a man did sound kinda yaoi. Overall, I can’t wait for the next chapter.
Aside from all that… I WAS RIGHT!!! Lich didn’t become a girl, LOL!!!
Crap… I got so caught up in the BL jokes and Lich becoming a male Hyuman that I forgot to mention my theory on the light.
I think the “bug” knows what Makoto’s been doing. With all of his recent power-ups and now having the Lich as a servant, not even Asora can hide him anymore.
If that’s the case, then i think that “bug” will send her chosen hero to confront makoto. That’ll be great!!😆
If you say so
I doubt it’s the bug. She might be a goddess, but even she can’t break through the power of a superior dragon and forcefully send anyone into Asora. And as far as how she intends to confront Makoto when she does find out about him, does anyone really believe she would lower herself to appear in front of someone she looks down on? Even if she does see Makoto as a threat, that makes it even harder to believe she would take care of it herself instead of sending one of her pawns to do it for her. Then getting irrationally angry at them for failing when she knows they never had a chance in the first place.
True, but there are two sides to every coin. Don’t forget, the Demon Lord sensed Makoto’s powers just before Makoto went to Asora the first time. It made him feel a fear he didn’t before. It could be him, or the bug could had snapped because she felt a minor presence from a place she couldn’t exactly pinpoint? We only seen her as her “better than you” state. We don’t know what would happen if she would snap.
Asora has gone absurd change once again with this third contract, but what short of change it would be ?
I started reading this last Monday and got hooked..
thank you for the update!
and the mc should start caring for tomoe and mio..
being affected by seeing naked guy they might leave him lol. :3
No no.. both tomoe and mio would never ever leave makoto for “that thing”!! What will happen is “that thing” will fall for makoto… maybe hehe…
Oh, and thanks for the chapter, translator-sama^^
haha. I think mio will never leave makoto (husband and food). her jealousy was shown many times. remember the 32 seconds handshake? lol.
but tomoe is just too free and happy-go-lucky. we do not know what can happen if she finds something more interesting. :s
“He has frikin flesh. And also, the two over there!”—— what does this mean?
The meaning is after makoto exclaimed the lich had flesh, he say the ‘two of them’ to Tomoe and Mio. Why? ‘Cause they stared the naked lich ( who become hyuman once again )
he say the ‘two of them’ to Tomoe and Mio. Why? ‘Cause they stared the naked lich
thank for the update
i bet that after the light the lich become woman:|
the only thing that is bad about this kind of story is you know what happened next 😐
lol i don’t think so remember back when Tomoe says the area is growing because of his magic amount is growing each vassal of his causes it to go throw a change which i bet is going to be seen in next chapter
no no no no no common sense said that in this kind of situation in light novel it would be girl
even if you made a contract whit a rock 😐
I think the light is the bug (goddess).
i think so too
Considering the novel covers I saw this dude will stay a dude.
Pity he absorbed the 13 rings. He cant be a swaglich now.
Also Mio for a calamity sure knows a lot…
At last we have the lord of the rings! 😉
And thanks for chapter.
Thanks “cough” yeah
thanks “cough”
Thanks as always for the chapter.
That cliffhanger though, I can’t wait to read the continuation.
spoiler:(not really since i didn’t read ahead)the area Waka-sama owns is about to get updated (i think with a crypt)
thank you so much! ah! that must be Asora changing again since he got new follower and a man too boot to.
ty friend
A man came?! oh well, it did say it is a “He”. lol
Thank you for the Chapter! And whats with Tomoe and Mio ? are they bullying the Lich while thinking of how to make the pact? lol
thanks for d chap
thanks a lot
“Don’t worry, I actually wanted a man for some time now. Aren’t you a healthy skeleton? I am expecting a lot from you. Ahahaha” (Makoto)
this line is so…
Inner fujoshi tingling*
“inner fujoshi tingling”….wait a tick, you mean Firo(Lazypioneer) is a girl?!?!?
Why you want to know Firos gender?
I would hope so or that would be plan weird a guy having an “inner fujoshi tingling” ….is will you know….>.>
Actually impossible because Fujoshi is the female version, the male version is something like fundoshi (might’ve misspelled it but whatever)
Firo believes that you mean to say Fundanshi
Fundoshi is what master use as underwear
yup, i wonder why tomoe and mio not angry bc those line lol
I think that people are very curious about your gender… but I think you are a girl.
I mean… pls… I sorta post wrongly…
No fair, I was about to comment how it seemed to be yaoi.
Firo already slowdown Firos reading speed because Firo encounter fujoshi material.
Not Firos fault that Firo is still faster than you.
You got me there, Firo. But it looks like I’m the first one to come up with an actual theory on the light at the end of the chapter.
Firo doesn’t care about the light.
Firo want to see a doujinshi of Lich-kun and Makoto-sama
Good luck finding it. But if you find one of Tomoe and Mio, be sure to tell me.
doesthat mean, firo is a gurl!.. i dont know any man who wants to see any form and types of fujoshi
I know a few. Not one of them, but I really do know a few
Whyt are you guys discussing Firos Gender >_<
Sorry 🙁
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it evolved again 0.o and…is that a cat head on a human body…looks weird
Why are you discriminating against cat people as Nyanta
I like the tiny-headed evolution
This one after skill taker
Nice timeing