Chapter 20: Ah~ is this the restaurant close to the river? It’s not!


Wow, just wow. This chapter changed my whole perspective regarding Makoto.

Important Edit: Heya, this is the translator Reigokai!

Hello there, new reader, maybe? If you are, from the other chapter onward, the grammar quality might drop a bit. This is because I am actively going back to edit it. This was my first novel and my english left a lot to be desired back then.

So please do bear with it. I am going to continue working on these old chapters to make them more comprehensible!


A *clang*clang

I, Raidou-san, am holding a knife and a fork and eating a particular meal.

Nom! Glomp!! Nom!….

Beside me, there’s an elegant Japanese style beauty that was only using a fork and was barbarically wolfing down the food in front of her.

I should teach Mio some table manners.

I need to have her ‘act’ the part in moments of need, at the very least. I seriously need to!!

Well~ we attract attention.

Aside from us, there doesn’t seem to be any adventurer-like people around.

The ones that are here are mostly guests that have come to have a meal and I feel like they are a different quality of customers compared to adventurers.

I will be repeating myself, but that damn boy. He sold us the most expensive plan.

He led us in a scared manner to a high class restaurant that, from the looks of it, could even have a dress code.

In a refugee camp, you know?!

Just how much of a luxury is this? Is what Makoto, Makoto tried to think. (In a certain younger sister way*)

I was wondering what kind of food would come out and, when I arrived at the table, I saw a knife and a fork.

Hey hey, is it ‘that kind’ of food that will come out?

And that’s exactly how it went.

So, with a meal that didn’t betray my expectations, I began checking my surroundings.

It’s filled with people that look like nobles or merchants. I don’t know if they are really nobles, but I am impressed at how they are able to wear such clothes that look so hard to move in.  This place is supposed to be the peak place for people that are looking to train themselves. It makes me question their sanity.

Even if the adventurers had the money for it, I don’t think they would come to such a stuffy place like this.

Gorgeous looking food was spread out in every part of the place, which could even serve as a refreshment for the eyes -and the black haired person beside me with her lively way of eating that I try to mind too much.

Thanks to ‘that person’ I couldn’t taste the first decent food that I have received since arriving to this world at all. Not a single bit.

Even though I want to survey without being noticed, I am in a situation where everyone is watching us intently…

Of course, I am using [Sakai] to complete my objective thoroughly. Counting the observation of Tomoe and the tailers.

In a size that enables me to pick up their conversations as well.

Well, how do I say it?

If Tomoe were here, she would most likely be jumping in joy.

The shady conversations in here are truly plenty.

About the stockpile of weapons or the profit margin of comestibles, experiments, materials, etc.

Without doubt, more than half of the people here are evil.

Saying it in a magistrate of period dramas way, it would be ‘Just how many layers are there?’

I don’t want to think that rich people = evil, but when the situation is like this, it just can’t be helped.

Could it be that, from now on, I will be coming to these kinds of restaurants in order to gather information? I don’t mind though.

“Waka-sama, this food, the taste is good, but isn’t the amount too little?” (Mio)

Even when you stop the fork, the only thing that is in your mind is the food. Just what should I do with you, Mio-san?

[Yeah, this is not the kind of food that can be taken out so easily so there is nothing that can be done.] (Makoto)

There are people watching, so I write words in front of my chest for Mio to see.

“It will be finished with just a bit.” (Mio)

Mio really looks like she is sad. The fish that was probably smeared in a butter-like substance to increase the scent of it, that high class meal, was eaten in one bite.

It was swallowed just like that.

I see, it looks like the meuniere that is used on white meats. It has a scent that can be compared to butter, but it’s probably just a ‘difference in worlds’.

[That’s why you should use the fork and knife like this and slowly enjoy it.] (Makoto)

With words showing that I was already tired of it and pressure mixed in it, the color of Mio’s face changes and she just nods.

I don’t know if she is being considerate or not. I mainly can’t understand her.

This is so complicated, or more like, Mio is clearly having a complex expression while taking that knife in her left hand.

You don’t have to practice it today though; it can be at a later time. Do you have a desire to improve yourself?

[It’s okay to slowly get used to it.] (Makoto)

I glance at the absentminded Mio.

With how this is going, I feel like Tomoe will take out her own personalized chopsticks. I will have to warn her.

The dishes are coming one after the other. It’s nice to see that this place is as lively as a pub.

We are underage, so there are no alcoholic drinks though. In the past, there was a time where I went with my friends to a pub and had a non-alcoholic party.

That is what I would call a happy and enjoyable time.


How unpleasant.

The recent conversations that I have been hearing from my surroundings…

There are some that think we are upper class people, and that feels unseemly.

It even gave me nausea. Ah~ the meal is so good. Probably. (TN: stress is making him unable to taste the food. He is going Naofumi on us)

They are really thinking we are upper class people that have lots of gold, but I could only feel sarcasm from those words.

At least that’s how it was with the ‘Incredibly rich people’ that were in my surroundings.

I don’t care if we are out here to learn about the world, but when the concept of level itself is different, I feel that that in itself will become a barrier in our learning.

The person in question seems to be having fun and it felt like an attraction. The virtue of her was not in the saving of money but in wasting a lot of it.

When I took her to eat a hamburger, she said ‘What is this clay that has flavor? Is this food?’

I felt like her eyes were glittering when she said that. They really were. (monotone)

No no, their levels are different. And they don’t even seem to pay attention to the economic situation of their friend.

They are fellows that have no influence in the economic power’s balance. Maybe it’s because they have an amount of money that makes them think it’s not important at all.

On the other hand, the people here…

They use their friends to change them for money. That’s the only thing they think.

And the one that is even higher than these ones is using large interests in order to get money to use.

No matter how I think about it, I don’t think I will be related to that super rich guy.

I don’t think so, but…

The world’s rich people all begin practically as thieves, burglars, raiders; those kinds of types. In a hundred years or so, they might obtain some dignity.


The thing called life is so deep.

The summary of the conversations the people around here had was like this.

The ones that have no money should just buy weapons and go hunt.

If he can’t get his hands on resources and raw materials, when he returns, you just have to loan him dirt cheap money with low return time and you will get a nice guinea pig. It’s as easy as baiting a kid.

If he is able to get his hands on something, you just have to invite him to a nice meal and retrieve the money. Commodity is alchemy, my friend.

I can understand the first part. If you are in the area of physical strength, then the best way to gain money is using your body. On top of that, people that come here are mostly concentrating on training their bodies rather than gaining money, so that might be a reason as well.

But a guinea pig… That’s a word that I can’t just let slip by.

They are selling weapons at a really cheap price and manipulating the people. If they bring things back, it could be sold at a high price but the food and commodities are all rip-offs. And they have to stay in expensive inns.

If they are unable to get anything, they will have to rely on loans and their end will be to become ‘guinea pigs’.

In the end, the money will return to them. Moreover, it will increase.

Furthermore, the things that work as salvation: food, opposite gender, luxury; they sadly have to live with the reality that all of these things are being provided by the weak.

A vicious circle…no, it’s a well-made system created by the ones who obtain the profit.

“Because of the surroundings, I can’t even enjoy my food-desu wa ne.” (Mio)


It still shows in my face.

It seems that Mio is at least paying attention to her surroundings. Well that’s the only thing she is doing, but I must admit that she is progressing. Yup yup.

[I am sorry, it looks like it showed in my face.] (Makoto)

“No no, I am the one that is pouring cold water in this meal we are having together.” (Mio)


Now that I look carefully, I can see that Mio has a face that seems to be enduring something.

This girl is not good at holding it in after all.

Fumu, Is this what’s called ‘silliness’?

No no no.

Let’s make conclusions leisurely.

[Well, in the end, it looks like we will be sacrificed to the hobbies of Tomoe. When I think about it, I feel a bit pitiful.] (Makoto)

Because this is the path where you go ‘divine punishment!’

Should I go ‘I struck with the back of the sword’?

First, I will be going all out.

I will straightforwardly dance in the rain of blood.

When I think about it rationally, I will probably be killing someone in the near future.

However, I have been living for many years considering this as the highest taboo, so there is nothing I can do about it.

I can’t think of doing it for real.

If I fall into panic and can’t do it, I still have Tomoe and Mio, so there should be a way around that.

I can’t get a moment of leisure huh.

Kill, kill, kill.

Stab, slash, hit and kill.

In the time of the liz, I had no intentions of doing it. It was an accident, so I didn’t feel much about it.

At that time with the demons, I didn’t know of their existence.

In the cases of Tomoe and Mio, it was me instead who was fearing for life.

When I imagine that the target will change to people. 

I laugh…no, I am surprised maybe.

That I can ‘easily’ think of a scene of me killing people… 

Though I don’t really think I won’t feel anything when I actually do it.

That shouldn’t be possible, it shouldn’t be but…

I continued my meal while thinking about that anxiety inside of me.

“Tomoe-san is wishing for conflict somewhere inside of her after all.” (Mio)

[It’s because it’s the first hour.] (Makoto) (TN: I don’t get this idiom. 一時間の〆だからね)

“??” (Mio) (TN: and Mio seems to have the same thoughts as me)

Mio didn’t grasp my words and had a confused face. This is quite picturesque. Right, it means that beauties look good no matter what they do.

That’s right. Maybe I should go for a little walk. In any case, tomorrow we will be going to the commercial area. I should get a preview of the place and learn my way there while I’m at it.

I will just have Tomoe take care of the cargo.

It also seems that Mio is drinking alcoholic stuff and is already done with the meal.

By the way, I haven’t drunk any. It’s because I don’t think this is a safe place to do that.

And I also suggested that to Mio. Though I want to know if the effects of alcohol work the same way for them. 

Oh well, let’s get going. She seems to be slightly drunk though. I also look up and fake as if I am drunk; the ‘two drunkards’ play.

If the tailers have something other than following in their sleeves, I feel that this will be time they will act.


Will an beast appear or will it be a snake?

[Let’s go out, Mio. Let’s walk for a bit.] (Makoto)

I don’t know if Mio understood the true meaning of my words, but she jumped out of her seat and nodded vigorously.


Translator Note:

Damn, so we are actually going to go that path? I am totally into that!

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39 thoughts on “Chapter 20: Ah~ is this the restaurant close to the river? It’s not!

  1. I suddenly thought, he can’t use Saikai to communicate with hyumans? With a effect like the words of the persons in Saikai can reach the other part or something like that, I see various options to try in regard to the language problem.

  2. heck, one minute he’s talking about something and the next second the complete opposite?
    sh!t, jap writers are too happy-go-lucky for my taste after all

  3. The first hour probably refers to the period drama trope that sets up the story with a conflict. It happens in the first part of the show. Then there is the MC character and his assistants running around investigating and provoking. The end is the final fight/reveal of the show. Classic Japanese TV show/ movie drama formula.

  4. Bodies? Floor? What? He has a 4ton truck sized spider that eats what we would call NATIONAL MONUMENTS…pretty sure she could find a place for a few thugs in her stomach next to some historical ruins.

    Oh so shes in human form? Pfft, ever hear the saying “There is always another stomach for sweets!” or if we want to go with a cute trio of beastkin “Meat goes in the second stomach!”?

    Ladies, Gentlemen and boys and girls of ages!!! We now have a walking dumpsite for shady shit that is NOT a spacial inventory or item box and best of all its huggable!

  5. Quick question can’t mio suck the makrou (forgot how to spell it) out of his ring he probably won’t need that excess mana (what? it’s easier) and mio would be fed though it probably would be awkward for her to suck his finger or for him to fist her (dunno how this stuff works) he can do it in their room. Plus it would save on them having to buy food for mio

  6. Error Fix: (Or more like an explaination)

    “Saying it in a magistrate of period dramas way, it would be ‘Just how many sections are there?’* (TN: Really not sure what he said. 体何話分なのかねえ)”

    I’m fairly sure this is talking about how many story parts it will take the wrap up all of the threads of villans in the town. Remember the period dramas were episodic TV shows, Makoto is trying to consider how many episodes it would take to finally expose all of the evil doers in town and make the place safe to live in again. It couldn’t possibly take a half season or more could it?

  7. When Makoto is talking about the flying monkey, he is probably talking about a character named Gin in Mushoku Tensei, which is another light novel. The character is basically a humanoid monkey. I think you would understand more if you read it. Read research for more information, but be careful you might come across some spoiler information.

  8. When he says it is only the first hour probably means that it is only the beginning and he still has time to worry about conflict with humans instead of eleventh hour or last minute.

  9. He must have heard some fucked up shit to get so depressed. So basically all the rich people are up to no good and he accepted the fact he might end up killing some people to fix the town.

    1. To quote a certain killer:
      “I am the spider that set this web.
      —Welcome to this wonderful killing chamber.”

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