POV Chapter: Meeting with the demi-human, Beren

“Impossible. For such a thing to come to this place!”

I was running.

At times, I would look back…at the dark menace that was mowing down trees as it closed onto me.

It’s not like there is someone who would help me ahead.

The only chance for me is that this bastard gives up on chasing me.

No matter what, I can’t bring that thing to the village.

That’s why I can’t run in the direction of the village.

If I did that, that thing would joyfully devour all of my friends.

Black Calamity Spider.

That’s what that thing is.

I don’t know if it has a name as an individual.

There are rumors that, deep in the forest, there are strong monsters called Arkes that live in it. Its upper body is hyuman while its lower is a spider. They say it’s a grotesque-looking pairing, but it’s not a sure thing.

What I know is that it has existed since long, it suddenly appears, and that it is scarily hungry to its utmost limits.

The name Calamity really fits it.

Not only us; in this entire world, there is no one who it wouldn’t detest.

Living things as well as objects.

Anyways, it will eat anything.

We can’t communicate, so there is no way to negotiate.

If we could gravely injure it, we could defeat it, but we sadly don’t have that sort of fighting potential.

“Why did this thing appear when I was alone?!”

I only curse my bad luck.

When we got out of the forest that was filled with obstructions, the distance between that thing and me reduced in a breath.

It seems my time has come.

I really don’t think I can outrun it, and I can’t feel that thing will give up.

Giving up on running, I straighten my back, and wield the giant axe that I was carrying. I turned around to face the spider.

My chances of winning are practically none.

Anyways, even when I took out my weapon to face it, this spider showed no signs of stopping.

Damn it!

“Don’t underestimate me!”

I divert the large body of the rushing spider by swinging my axe sideways.

Even if I went to the forest with an axe, it didn’t mean that I am a lumberjack.

The handle was long, large, and double edged; an axe that shined a marvelous red.

It’s one of my masterpieces.

I thought it was good enough to enchant it, but when comparing it to the true great ones, it’s still not comparable. I can’t approve of that.

When I get out of this, I will do closed training from the very start.

The spider retreated slightly from my attack.

But, soon after, its fast legs came at me.

It may be a monotone attack, but the attacks were numerous.

Moreover, what I had in my hands was a two handed dual headed axe.

Even if I went on the defensive, it was clear it wasn’t apt for it.

“You bastard, this… Will it always be your turn?! Damn it.”

In the joints of the legs, I can see multiple textures that didn’t seem hard.

I can see it, but the important attack won’t reach.

Even when I shift to offensive, I get repelled by the hard shell, and I am unable to do proper damage at all.

I should have practiced the way to use the weapon a little instead of solely concentrating on being a craftsman.

No, I was not mistaken.

If I can’t even make proper weapons and I begin worrying about how to use them, no matter how much time I had, I would never be the best!

Not to slice nor to mow down.

I positioned my axe like a lance and pointed it at the spider.

“Take this!!”

I shout the moment I activate it.

From the tip of the axe, flames began to swirl, and it soon covered the whole body of the spider.

Yes, it’s settled!!

This time for sure, I will hit the aimed spot, and…


A scene I couldn’t believe.

Inside the swirling flames…

The spider was eating it.

Making its mouth bigger, clearly splitting open to the point of amazement.

The flames of the axe that were still being produced; it ate it as if it were drinking water.

The flames were already not permeating its body.

It was only gathering at its mouth now.

Is this thing really a living being?

Not minding that my plans were crushed, I thought about such a stupid thing while being dumbfounded.

Without even noticing that it was already in front of me.

A high pitched sound echoed through my ears.

A dull and large impact shook both of my hands.

The spider was closing its mouth full of vigor.

The distance between it and me was super close.

That thing was chewing on something.

I soon discovered the reason for the impact I received, and the reverberating sound.

What was on the top of the handle I had in my hands… disappeared.

It was eaten.

That spider ate my axe.

The sound of metal being crushed felt disturbingly loud in my ears.

The inside of my head went blank.

No good.

This thing is no good.

My spirit to resist was broken to the root.

I felt the energy in my legs drain.


I pushed my waist that felt like it would fall out with my yell.

This is not for the sake of fighting.

Throwing the axe that had only its handle left, I ran at full speed.

It’s not an opponent I can win.

On the contrary, I will without doubt be devoured.

Now that I think of it, it’s the conclusion I imagined.

Seeing my weapon get eaten in front of my eyes, I was pushed to run by my fear.

In these moments, reason will not help in anything.

I already knew what would happen when I turned my back to escape.

Even when I knew all that, I still chose to run.

In terms of time, it may have only been a few seconds, but the moment I felt shivers run down my body, I was flung forwards by a strong impact from the back.

However, what can I do? What I should do will not change.

If my legs can move, I run.

Even if for only a bit, I will escape from that.

I didn’t feel like fighting that thing again.

Flung away and falling many times over, my consciousness was beginning to grow hazy.

If I stop moving, I will die.

To think that so much strength was sleeping inside of me. This realization made me try even harder.

But the end came.

I couldn’t move properly now, and the spider came rushing at me, showing me its sharp teeth.

No good, this is scary.

I am already a well-aged old man, but I resigned to look at it.

Closing my eyes, I waited for my end.

But suddenly, my body felt light.

Even so, I still stayed there with my eyes closed.

I couldn’t move after all. I had no choice.

My whole life has ended.

There’s no way to be saved.

But I couldn’t feel the presence of the spider closing in.

What’s happening?

Slightly opening my eyes, I see that someone is carrying me.

Was there a shadow of a person?

Well, I didn’t have the time to check my surroundings.

Could it be that someone saw and saved me?

Can such a convenient thing happen?

“It would be fine to do it with a young lady, but to do this with a bearded old man like you just makes it feel gross.”


Opening my eyes properly, I check out the person that is carrying my body.

It’s a young woman.

A hyuman?

She had a slim body and was dressed in a strange outfit. A blue haired woman.

Though she clearly despised me. She looked at me with cold eyes that seemed to scorn me.

The reason was probably because I had my eyes closed and was simply waiting for whatever it was to come.

She said so a moment ago.

“Hearing that it was noisy outside, I checked it out, but to think I would meet with such a thing. Black Calamity Spider, huh.” (Woman)

“Y-You are?” (Old man)

“You? Watch your mouth. Fumu, but a spider huh. It might be the perfect opponent for Misumi-samas’ training . That kind of grotesqueness and simplicity is just right to build resistance to.” (Woman)

What is it? She was talking about something I don’t understand.

But, what happened to the spider?

Somehow moving my neck, I tilt my head.

My body stung from just that.

The spider was in a somewhat faraway place from where I am, and it was struggling violently, trapped by what seemed to be a hazy something.

Is that something she did?

“Did you save me?” (Old man)

“It seems you are a person that doesn’t know etiquette. I can just throw you away, you know? Wait, are you…a dwarf?” (Woman)

Does she know about us?

At any rate, is she telling me to mind my words in the state my body is in?

Well, it is true she saved me. In this situation, I should do just that.

How tiresome.

“I am named Beren. An elder dwarf.” (Beren)

“Hoo! As I thought, a dwarf! Fumufumu. Fine. You have good luck. I shall save you.” (Woman)

Where is she getting all that strength in that thin body?

A woman with a haughty attitude was easily carrying me.

In a princess carry.

“It hurts!” (Beren)

“Fuu, it’s not a fatal injury. Try to endure a bit. I will heal it later.” (Woman)

“It would help me a lot.” (Beren)

“It’s fine, it’s fine. It’s a reward for bringing an interesting thing. Fufu, spider, huh. Hey, if you want to come, then come. My master will take you on.” (Woman)

That woman declared so to the struggling spider. We entered a hazy something that seemed to be created by her while carrying me.

This hazy feeling that entered my nose… Is this mist?

Anyways, I am probably saved.

From that totally hopeless situation.


“It looks like you are all fine now.” (Woman)

“Thanks to you, I have escaped with my life. Once again, my name is Beren. I live in the volcano belt that is somewhat far away from where you saved me. I am an elder dwarf.” (Beren)

“I am Shen. I still haven’t received a name yet though. You have already seen him, I am Misumi-samas attendant.” (Woman)

“Makoto-sama? So that’s how it is. He overwhelmed that spider.”

It’s not like I remember everything.

I lost consciousness in the middle of it. What I remember is that, while I was being carried by the woman that called herself Shen, that boy was fighting the black spider.

The spider that I couldn’t even lift a finger to, that boy fought well against it with just a dagger.

Cutting away its legs, no matter how many times it regenerated, he continued without minding. In the middle of it, he used magic and brought it to an advantageous position. That fire arrow must be his specialty.

I was still conscious until that point, but if right now I am receiving treatment. That must mean he managed to defeat the spider and send it home.

I see, so his name is Makoto.

Not only does he have the strength to fight against the black spider alone, Shen even uses –sama to refer to him. I should be calling him Makoto-sama as well.

I better add a –sama on Shen as well.

“Umu. It was a bit unexpected for me but, in general, it was resolved without problems.” (Shen)

“You were able to scare away the spider, right? That’s great.” (Beren)

“Scare away is…a bit different. It’s more proper to say we crushed it and made it submit.” (Shen)

“Wa?” (Beren)



“Misumi-sama left that spider completely beat up.” (Shen)

“Beat up?” (Beren)

“When I thought it would begin running and was about to chase it, that spider, I don’t know what it was thinking, but it began to snuggle on Misumi-sama.” (Shen)

“Snuggle?!” (Beren)

“Then, when I thought it went crazy from hunger, before I knew it, its stomach was completely filled.” (Shen)

“Stomach filled?!” (Beren)

“Undoing a long time curse, it became a person.” (Shen)



“Geez, even though it’s only been a while since he made a contract with me. For even a pervert like that to be attracted to him. What a troublesome person Misumi-sama is.” (Shen)

No No.


“Y-You said it became a person. To be attracted? Um, could you please explain it in a easier to understand way?” (Beren)

Unable to bear it, I ask for an explanation.

It’s because I have already given up on thinking of it with my head, so I have no choice.

“It’s just like how I told you. That spider was released from its hunger and became a person. And then it was, from the bottom of its heart, attracted to Misumi-sama. Therefore, the Black Calamity Spider will not appear anywhere in the world anymore.” (Shen)

There’s no spider anymore.

That thing that could be counted as a calamity in the world…

That thing has become attached to Makoto-sama?!

“Wait, wait.” (Beren)

“Now, you seem to be able to move already, so let’s go greet Misumi-sama. Hey, come.” (Shen)

“Wawawawawawait!” (Beren)

“What is it? So noisy.” (Shen)

“Wait a moment please! It’s the Black Calamity Spider, you know?! Even if you defeat it, exterminating it is impossible. Leaving aside its strength, it is the most wicked calamity, you know?! It is impossible, too impossible!” (Beren)

“If you can’t believe it, you can just see the girl that was once a spider beside Misumi-sama. Let’s go.” (Shen)

“Nonononono! Before that, I don’t know anything about you guys. I wish you could explain it to me a bit more before meeting Makoto-sama. Anyways, where am I? It must be some kind of teleportation, but I haven’t heard there was such a plentiful green place in the vicinity!” (Beren) 

Anyways, I continued to ramble.

It’s because I didn’t understand what was happening at all.

It could be possible that even if I was explained, I wouldn’t be able to understand it.

But this kind of situation and then suddenly that boy. I know that it is bad to meet Makoto-sama.

Because he may be a ridiculously dangerous company.

“I have been explaining it to you since a while ago. I am Misumi-sama’s servant. Making a Ruling pact, I became a servant. Name’s Shen. And Misumi-sama is my master. This place is Asora. Me and master’s land. That spider is a new servant that has now come to serve Misumi-sama. The end.” (Shen)

“It’s not ‘The end’! I still don’t understand anything. Moreover, a ruling pact is not something that could be possibly done with more than two people!” (Beren)

“Of course. I am not a person. I told you I am Shen. Do you know? The mirage controller, Shen. It’s a name that many people should know in this wasteland though. Did I sleep for so long that I was forgotten?” (Shen)

Shen-sama seems to be a bit depressed.

A ruling pact; it’s one of the contract spells that is used by the proprietor to make a pact with a demon beast or a mamono or even a low level spirit.

It’s certainly supposed to be a contract that is most beneficial to the magic user.


That’s right, Misumi-sama is called Makoto-sama.

She repeatedly said that he is her master.

In other words, the one who is under control is Shen-sama.

And this woman is not a person.

Maybe because of the contract, she became a person.

Based on this…


The mirage controller, Shen.

The existence that everyone in this vast wasteland knows.


Hahaha, there is no way.

Is that possible?

“The mirage controller, Shen? Sleeping too much? !!!???? Don’t tell me you are the Mirage Mist Dragon, Shen?! A Superior Dragon; the “Invincible” Shen?!” (Beren)

“What? You actually know me. To have temporarily tried to lie to me, you have guts.” (Shen)

“T-That’s not it! No way. Why is something like a Superior Dragon making a ruling pact with a person?! -a RULING one!” (Beren)

A ruling pact with a Superior Dragon?!

Eh? Eeeeh?

“Hey, Beren. You…!” (Shen)

Im…at my limit.

“This bastard, he lost consciousness.” (Shen)

This is a normal reaction, is what I retorted to Shen-sama as my consciousness faded away.


“What I have told you is all true! This is…this is an unprecedented opportunity!” (Beren)

I had returned to the elder dwarf village.

Afterwards, I recovered my consciousness and, with a calmer mind, I requested to meet Makoto-sama.

Makoto-sama is a person that has an incredible amount of magic power seeping out of his body; a gentle person.

I could feel a sense of immatureness. He seemed like a boy who wasn’t that old.

In that bountiful place they call Asora, I tried to request him to let us migrate to it, and practically all were positive answers. I felt like he was a person that I could get along well with.

But the ones beside him: Shen-sama and that black haired woman, the Black Calamity Spider.

Without doubt he wasn’t a normal existence. He is someone that had made those two serve under him.

And I was shown his ability, if only a bit.

I was sufficiently convinced.

When I regained my composure in the middle of the conversation with Makoto-sama, I began to have an interest in their equipment.

The moment I get interested in something, I become unstoppable.

Those three great existences, even though they were strong, they were clearly not using equipment that was suited to their strength.

Makoto-sama seemed to be using a relatively good dagger, but when I asked Shen-sama, she said that his specialty was actually in using a bow.

He was able to defeat the spider without using his weapon of choice.

Just how much…

No, I should stop thinking about this stuff.

That’s not important right now.

Anyways, the specialty of Makoto-sama -the bow- he only carried sorry looking ones at hand.

With repayment also in mind, I proposed that I would be making equipment for them.

They even accepted the migration, so it’s also a thanks for that.

I am not the head of the village or any such thing. I know the circumstances of our village.

We, elder dwarfs, create numerous strong equipment.

We just give the equipment to the appropriate people, but since the moment they know of our existence, there will be people who will covet it.

Just like how hyumans and demi-humans do, living in a bountiful place in the middle of town was too big of a risk.

For us, there are a number of places that fit our requirements.

First, a place where we can get good quality materials.

The other is a place where the owner will protect ourselves and the equipment.

Lastly, a place where we can live.

After all, we are not living by making armor. It has to, at the very least, be possible to hunt to an extent where we can sustain ourselves. Those conditions were not that serious.

We are looking for that kind of place that can provide us this in a balanced way. When we stepped into the wasteland, we began living our lives as hermits.

Only staring at armor.

But, the chief sometimes talks about the most appropriate place and the ideal place we should be aiming for.

I remembered those words and, somewhere inside my heart, I also agreed to them. In a way, I didn’t have a single doubt in asking Makoto-sama to migrate.

Let’s say…the equipment we make with all our power finally attracts a strong settlement.

The strongest settlement is the ideal place we should be aiming for.

I could understand his feelings.

But I thought of it as only an ideal.

Because, at some point, we had to limit ourselves and make weapons that could fit the person.

Ignoring the user and making a weapon that surpasses the potential of the one who uses it; there are some who do that, but I just have to question those actions.

But…if it’s those three…

It could be possible that they may be able to master even weapons that are so strong it ignores the user’s commodity.

No, not only that. We would have to enter the hard route of making a weapon that would correspond to them…that’s not it. This may be the route of supreme bliss.

That’s right.

I can’t mess up this negotiation at any cost.

“But Beren…that you could escape from the spider was luck, that you were saved is a thankful thing, so making that your compensation is fine, but to believe in your words immediately is a bit pushing it, don’t you think? After all, do you really think you can make a weapon that is suitable for them?”

“Wait. For now, I will be inviting everyone for the sake of repaying them.” (Beren)

“Fumu. It’s no good if it’s only me and you?”


“It’s reaaally an incredible place, you know?! Moreover those 3 people I spoke about are strong enough to make you laugh. To make equipment for the strong, isnt that the goal we were aiming for?!” (Beren)

“The settlement of the strongest ones, huh. That is certainly what I said.”

“Then, please look at this!” (Beren)

Judging from the attitude of the chief, it seemed like that would not cut it. At this rate, I won’t be able to reach the conclusion I am expecting.

I take out my trump card.

“T-That is…!!!!!”

“To prove that what I said is true. A Superior Dragon; the scale of the dragon, Shen.” (Beren)

“Unbelievable!! Umu, I havent seen a scale of Shen, but this is not a scale from any normal dragon. That much is something I can understand. It is not something that coincidentally fell in a place nearby, right?”

With dirt filled hands, the chief inspected the given dragon scale. His eyes open. He has the face of a craftsman that was appraising its material.

He has fallen by 80%.

That’s what I thought while looking at the face of the chief.

“Not only that. They have information about weapons I have never heard of before. To migrate to Asora, for us is…” (Beren)

“Mumumumu.” (TN: The sounds of thinking strenuously)

Now that it’s come to this, I just have to push it till the end.

If I bring him to Asora, just by presenting him to those three, the answer by a craftsman should only be one.

High quality dragon scales that someone would probably never get. I pushed and pushed and pushed to the very end.


“Waka-sama is currently secluding himself and studying the languages, Beren.”

“It seems he headed to the settlement of the hyumans. Since his words didn’t get through, he got attacked by those hyumans.”

“He is easily able to speak with us, the lizardmen, and Arkes. This is really vexing. Even if I say so, when he returned, he didn’t have a single injury though.”

“Yeah, really. How much of a mystery can that guy be?”

I heard voices from the chief’s place. With only my head poking out, hiding with a mask, I continued what I was doing.

Waka-sama is most like Misumi-sama.

Shen-sama is now called Tomoe-sama and the spider was given the name Mio-sama by Misumi-sama. 

Those two great existances were given names by Misumi-sama.

Waka-sama; this seems to be how Misumi-sama is called now.

That day, I successfully convinced the chief and safely managed to bring everyone to Asora.

Seeing that bountiful world, they were deeply moved. Then we met the previous residents, the highland orcs, mist lizards and the Arkes whose name I had only heard about.

Just as I thought, when the craftsmen saw Makoto-sama, they shivered.

My hands are shaking -kind of reaction. (TN: They were craving to work)

Hearing their requests, everyone began making the various weapons.

Taking into account the Highland Orcs and the Mist Lizards as well.

That’s right.

As if it were a natural thing, we began living in Asora.

There was barely any reason to object, so it wasn’t strange.

Superior Dragon, Black Calamity Spider, and the one who rules them both, Makoto-sama.

All of the weapons that were supposed to have been made over the limits, they were all unable to compare to them. We were in despair and, at the same time, extremely blissful.

The various masterpiece bows were given a number of times to Makoto-sama, but some of them even broke.

It is supposed to use the power of the user to some point. For the weapon to not be able to handle the user is something that normally doesn’t happen.

This is interesting.

The bow craftsmen muttered with a trembling voice.


“But for a cursed ring to be made in a hurry and be using a mask to go stealth; it is out of my expectations.”

“Really. How is it going at the side of the ring?”

“Umu, it is not that complicated. After all, it only has the effect of sucking the magic power of its user.”

“Truly a cursed ring. Fufufufufu.”

“It’s not a laughing matter. For the beginning at the very least, it has to have good effectiveness. When I got a request to make the performance better and not think about the wellbeing of the body, I was surprised that they gave me a darkness filled ring. The good thing is that it can be taken off at any time.”

“I heard that at a later time. I wanted to be there as well.”

“It’s a cursed ring effect that was made using the maximum of its material after all. At the end, we were able to make the foundation. Now we only have to make the effectiveness better.”

“Oooh! That is some progress there.”

“Increasing the potential of this, it could go from a white to a red ring. To make the darkness filled ring… How about Beren?”

“On my side I only need to do the carvings on the backside. When I finish this creation, this should do the job properly to conceal one’s identity. After all, this is not for Waka-sama, but for the ones who see Waka-sama; the demi-humans and the hyumans.” (Beren) (TN: Meaning it is easier to fool the eyes of demi-humans and hyumans than to fool Makoto)

“That’s true. Then, let’s do one more push. When this is over, we will be able to properly enter the creation of armor for Waka-sama and the others.”

“Yeah, I am eager.”

Spinning his shoulder, the chief disappears into the workshop with a simple ring.

Waka-sama went out of the wasteland and arrived at one of the bases of the hyumans.

But he couldn’t communicate with them.

To not be able to use the common language of hyumans, moreover, to have that fearful amount of magic power seeping out of his body, they began to perceive him as a threat.

He came back to Asora terribly depressed.

Having such an amount of fighting power, but to be like this… what a mismatch.

He is still young…is that how I should be seeing it?

When I asked, I learned that Waka-sama was still 17 years old.

On top of that, in all his life, the only time he has fought a proper fight is two times, making him a complete beginner. To have fought the Black spider like that…

It makes me think that not having those inexperienced parts would actually be strange.

Right now he is secluded in his room and learning the common language and, at the same time, helping us a bit in the making of the ring.

Well, their side will eventually be able to handle it somehow.

For me, there was something I had to think about no matter what.

The armor of Misumi-sama.

With these materials…

Armor that would make that person and the people around him feel impressed -that’s the kind of armor I want to make.

Even the great veterans standing on the top were like kids with their glittering eyes, in their workshops making trial and error all day.

In the name of the elder dwarfs…I will make fitting equipment for this great personage.

That’s why, Makoto-sama, please…

Do your best.

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23 thoughts on “POV Chapter: Meeting with the demi-human, Beren

  1. So the mask will really be like the glasses of superman. Other thing I thought, they can make a artefact that translate to hyuman language? If is a thing that translate to every language I can understand that they can’t, but if is only hyuman they should could.

  2. Awww it’s so touching, but I’m not sure if the effect is lessened… or increased by the fact that they’re all crusty old geezers…. XD XD XD

    Thanks so much for all your hard work!! I was really amused!!!

  3. lol… i wonder if they’re gonna make divine armaments that will be passed down for generations to go….
    all of his kids will all use bows lol cuz his weapon will be the family heirloom

    1. Unless Makoto’s kid is on par/stronger than him (then again with waifus like these…) then they’re unlikely to be able to use his weapon.

      I mean, so far he broke even some of the dwarf’s bow they made for him.
      It’s like if a guy walk up to a wall-mounted ballista and used his hand to pull the string back so hard the thing broke, while the person who did it is completely fine.

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