Chapter 9: The garden inside the mist

Hey guys!

I have something to say. I have noticed that the author has a habit of jumping here and there in time so the order of things gets a bit confusing. Do try to bear with it, it’s hard on me too.


Edit: This is Reigokai from the future. If you are reading this after watching the anime and the name “Asora” isn’t the same as the one in the anime, that’s because of my own lack of ability at the time when I was translating. 

I decided to keep the name since it has already been deeply rooted in our community, so please do overlook that.


I understood two things.

Since I came to this world, the things I ‘understand’ are scarce, so this is pretty valuable.

The first thing is my power. It’s the power to create an ‘area’.

I create a spherical area with me as the center and, in there, I decide the attributes and effects that the interior of it will have.

The extent of it is arbitrary. I could even cover everything that I can see in it. However, the bigger it gets, the less effects I can apply to it.

Everything in it is affected by the effects.

That means that even I am affected by it. If I don’t manage to somehow exclude myself, I won’t be able to use it as an attack. No, I can’t use it.

I don’t even want to try it. I don’t want to die by my own power.

In the battle with Shen, the effect that I activated was ‘Find it’ that kind of wish. A search area.

But I feel that this is a way too all-purpose skill. I am really thankful to you Tsukuyomi-sama. I have to properly plan it beforehand to use it or it could be troublesome, but it is definitely useful.

—— *This part I didn’t understand well as it concerns a topic I am not good at. Geography.

And the other thing is the limit of the circumference in my current location’s terrain.

This is literally the ends of the world, moreover, I am in it. More specifically, in the northwest edge.

The place that Shen had been was pretty close to that northwest tip.

On the way to the human settlement using the shortest route, I went along with Ema to escort her back to the village of highland orcs. I confirmed my location there.

With this, I should be able to finally head to the human settlement. I am really glad that the human settlement is not in a place that is southeast or southwest of the world. The human settlement seems to be in the northeast.

Because they told me something scary like ‘I don’t know just how long the south in this place extends’.

The whole surroundings of the wasteland were surrounded by precipices or so they told me. There is also the issue of the south, so their information is not that accurate. When I asked if it was a basin among the mountains, they told me ‘no, it is lower than the sea’.  For a second, I didn’t get the meaning of what they said.

When I heard the explanation in more detail, I could tell that it was a hundred meter below water level. (TN: The depth of the precipice that surrounds the wasteland)

When I asked if it was some kind of salty water later, I thought they would bring out a dead sea document or something.

—- *Easy explanation: Human settlement is closer than expected and the precipice is deep.

It was on the way, so I returned to the cave and Ema was there. And when she saw the completely changed form of Shen, she looked like she was about to faint. Well, she didn’t know her original form, so it ended in just a surprise.

If it were a person that knew of dragons, I don’t know how many of them would faint seeing this.

After that pact was finished, the form of Shen had changed into the form of a human. At first I was like ‘who is she?’ even though I had witnessed it in front of me.

I, who was planning to ride on its back to travel, was completely shocked by the change of plans.

A pact seems to differ depending on the race, and it will come with benefits or disadvantages.

The 50-50 pact ‘pledge’: both of their forms will not change, but if the difference in power is one-sided, then the one who is weaker will have its form changed.

That fellow, her talk about being the strongest must have been a lie, because the pact ended in an 80-20 ‘ruling’ pact with me being on the advantageous side. Though, even if it became a ruling one, she still has a pretty haughty attitude.

When the pact reaches this point, it seems the changes in the form are frightfully remarkable. After all, some of the things like her eyes and fangs slightly remain, but the shape of Shen was practically that of a human being.

A blue haired cool beauty. That the features of her face are Japanese-like is because the one who made the contract was the Japanese me, maybe?

But her appearance honestly surpassed that of a Japanese person! She is technically a model. Sadly, a kimono may not suit her. I think it’s because those clothes are specially made to fit the old Japanese people. For it to fit her, the torso part should be lengthened and the legs shortened. I think it might be complicated to do.

By the way, I have no issues wearing it. That I am the one saying it is a bit… but I already know that it will fit me perfectly.

Her hair is blue and she is a half-dragon, so… yep, it won’t suit her.

With those golden proportion ratios, her body was tightly fit and was clear that there was no unnecessary flesh -even though she hasn’t exercised. Unfair, right?

Thinking about the properties of her powers, I can understand why she is considered invincible. There’s no doubt that it was a fine illusion. With the way she fights, she certainly wouldn’t lose.

After doing the ruling pact, I still had nearly 60% of extra energy left. Even though she said it would be a one-time thing, it suddenly became a different story.

Putting it simpler, it would mean that I can make one more contract with a Shen-class mamono. It was a different story in a positive light, so I can forgive her.

No one has taught me how it calculates the amount, so I am too scared of forming another pact. For now, just having enough for a reserve is fine.

I also heard of a special ability she had called ‘Asora’, but it seems that because of the effects of the pact, it has done a complete change.

It is now a wealthy land that’s filled with green. To me, who was in that desert-like wasteland, with one breath of that green, I felt that my whole body was refreshed.

It was an over-grown prairie where the grass reached up to my knees. In a place a bit far from where I was, it was scarce, but I could see trees and shrubs. It may be because there weren’t that many things in the whole area, but when I checked far away, there wasn’t a single artificially made structure anywhere.

In the area I looked over, I couldn’t see a single body of water like a river or a pond. But sometimes a wind that waves the grass would bring the green scent, and in it I could feel the presence of water. It was a place that had green all the way I could see. There should be a water source somewhere.

With the unusual movements in the forest’s darkness and the grass of the prairie, I could feel the presence of living creatures. There must be animals in here. I haven’t seen them yet though. Seeing that there are plants that I know, the animals might also have the same shape as the ones I know.

It seems that the size is pretty considerable. There is one trait that stands out. Its ‘boundary’ -I don’t know if calling it that is correct though. No matter where I looked, at the far distance, there was a wall of mist. I haven’t checked what is beyond that. Even if I could try to check with the power I had obtained, I decided to stop my exploration there.

Though I said it was covered by a wall, it was just that I could see it from far away. I don’t feel a closure from it.

It may not be a good enough example but, a long time ago, I climbed a slightly elevated mountain and looked over the town I lived in. I felt that the size was similar to how I felt at that time.

If you take into account that I am the only one in here, then it goes without me even saying it, but it is excessively vast.

Just what in the world is Asora?

Before I could ask what this place was, she asked me: “Where is this?” 

Like I would know!

The space that should have been temporarily created had now become a world, or so it seems. And it was stable to an abnormal degree.

There was clearly vegetation that I already knew, and when I tried to eat it, they tasted the same as I knew them. I missed this. A pine tree and a cypress tree. Trees that I had smelled before made me remember my birthplace.

 It seems that this space had become a mystery for Shen, who had transformed into a beauty, as well. Even though this is a place that can only be entered by using her mist as an intermediary… How unreliable.

She also said something ominous. That she felt the vastness was gradually increasing. That wall must be slowly retracting.

In Shen’s words: The air around was thin in magic power and, in exchange, vegetation in here was directly containing the magic power and releasing it to the air. That’s how she explained to me, but since I don’t understand anything about the world, I didn’t get anything she said.

It seems that it is impossible in this parallel world for the whole air to have thin magic power, and with eyes filled with curiosity, she took a blade of grass in her hand and looked at it.

Right now I don’t understand the information of the location, but it would in essence be a place that uses the mist as an intermediary to enter. I am not sure about it, but it may be a pretty safe place. After all, there is no goddess.

So if I make a town here, it would truly become a mirage town, is what I told Shen as a joke but, for some reason, she ended up pondering seriously.

Could it be that I have placed a landmine and stepped on it again?

Anyways, let’s rest for tonight. I, who had returned to the orc village, had decided to not think about other things for one day.

For the first time since coming here, I slept in a house. I will be leaving this village tomorrow, and then, while camping outside, I will aim for the place where hyumans are supposed to be living in.

I will pass by a number of mamono settlements on the way, but Shen is here. It should work out somehow.

“Let’s sleep.” (Makoto)


“So…Shen, what in the world is this?” (Makoto)

“Hohou~, don’t you understand master?” (Shen)

“Are all the orcs in the village sending us off?” (Makoto)

“Wrong! They are moving!” (Shen)

I don’t understand more and more.

What is Shen, who is an over 180cm tall figured beauty, puffing her chest out for?

I think it’s a harassment to the 160cm me.

Moreover, changing residence in this wasteland?

What is she thinking?

The places they can live in are limited. Moreover, their numbers are decently high, so it wouldn’t be easy to move the village.

But now that she says it, I can see that they have their household belongings with them, so if she told me now that they were moving, I would nod in understanding.

Did they plan to do that from the start?

“We will be in your care.”

The chief lowers his head to me.

What? Did Shen say something?

Well, they did provide me with a ceiling and food so I could escort them until their new place to repay them. I have no issues with that.

Also, I have wanted to test the effects of my own power -especially the effects on other people.

If it’s to that level, I don’t mind dropping them on the way.

“Where are you going to be moving to? If it’s just escorting, I will be glad to do it.” (Makoto)

But the chief watches me with a slightly troubled face.

It’s pretty hard to read his expressions, but he seemed to be troubled. Shen was looking at the chief as if telling him something, nodding her head up and down.

“Master.” (Shen)

“Yes?” (Makoto)

“This extremity of the world is harsh, right?” (Shen)

“Yeah.” (Makoto)

“These orcs don’t have a specific location where they can move their village, and they could get attacked on the way. The dangers they would face are innumerable.” (Shen)

“Right. This looks like a really tough environment after all.” (Makoto)

What is this girl trying to say? Because I can’t think of a name for you, you are playing a riddle game now?

“That’s why, I am thinking of inviting them to our world!” (Shen)

“Wa?” (Makoto)

Our world?

“So dense! It’s Asora, Asora! The place that became a bountiful place after the pact with you, Master. That place is fitting to be called a world!” (Shen)

Shen continued explaining to me.

Asora has become stable and people can now live in it. Then, the orcs could live there. That’s why they will live there.

Wait a second Shen. From where did you get the comment about the first people residing in it?

Shen didn’t seem to have any problems with people residing in it, so when she proposed that idea to the orcs, they accepted.

Is what she said but…

“This is the mirage city plan-na no ja!” (Shen)

So you really took me seriously there! In the end, your real intentions came out.

Create a city inside Asora; to think she would seriously do it.

“You know, is it really okay to let other living beings live in Asora?” (Makoto)

It’s a place where you won’t know what will happen. At the very least, there has been an incident of suddenly getting out. There is no assurance that it will not disappear.

“Of course, the vegetation grows freely and the water and air is no issue. I properly checked it out last night! While I was at it, I also released some animals in there! Counting the ones already there, there is no problem in nature! It could be called a first class place!” (Shen)

S-She is pointlessly excited.

Moreover, you mixed in foreign species with native ones as if it was nothing -what an absurd thing have you done! If there were wolves or boars or dears originally there and you released the monsters of this wasteland, aren’t they going to be completely annihilated? I feel that the ecosystem has already been destroyed.

Ah, perhaps if there are wolves in there, there could also be Honshu wolves, too. If that’s so, I want to see them at least once. If possible, before they are made food.

“To live in Shen-sama’s sacred place is a thankful opportunity, I thought that I would reverently accept the offer.”

The chief-sama says to me in a decisively serious manner.

I see, depending on the views, it could be called a sacred place (TN: In original it says Shiniki which are the precincts of a Shinto Shrine). For the village that has been sending sacrifices each time, they must believe that their treatment has become a lot better.

Originally, not only the sacrifices, she didn’t even know that there was a religion about her!

On top of it, Shen is a dragon and is not supposed to be a god. Is it okay to call it a sacred place? Well, I don’t care. If they are talking about a sacred place and that the goddess will appear, then that would change the story. But if it’s just a denomination they have given to it, then it shouldn’t be a problem.

“Everyone, is it alright to make this kind of important decision in just one night?” (Makoto)

So I was the only one that was snoring in my sleep.

I look like a slacker here.

All the faithful orcs-san seemed to not have a single complaint.

Well, if they had the sentiment of wanting to move to a more bountiful place, then this decision is predictable.

“That’s how it is. There is no disadvantage for you, Master. Is it okay?” (Shen)

Shen flashes an extraordinary smile.

“Well, you are right? But what are you guys going to do about the living place? That place doesn’t have any houses.” (Makoto)

Are they planning on camping out? All of the members count up to a hundred or so. I feel that’s pushing it a bit.

“House? No problem. Because I will be ‘swallowing’ this whole village after all.” (Shen)

“Excuse me?!” (Makoto)

So, does that mean this whole village disappears?! What kind of ghost story is that? A rumor of a village that disappeared overnight? Nah, that wouldn’t happen. There are no neighboring villages anywhere around here anyways.

“I just have to use my mist as an intermediary and transfer it. No problem! There is still a lot of space in it after all. Also, just in case, I made it so they would have all the important things with them. All the furniture is also taken out.” (Shen)

I have an incredibly~ bad feeling about this. ‘There is still a lot of space left’?

“Don’t tell me you plan on inviting more in the near future?” (Makoto)

“What kind of obvious thing are you saying? Of course, if they don’t have the power or special traits, then I won’t approve of them. I am going to be gauging the people that we will be meeting on our travels.” (Shen)

This girl is supposed to be in a ruling relationship with me, which you could also consider as her being my familiar, and yet…

There’s so much freedom in this world?! The master is practically nothing here. Am I just a master in name only?!

To think this is a ruling pact; in the ‘equals’ pact, I wouldn’t be treated like a slave, right?

“Mutual existence and prosperity. How nice, how nice. Let’s create our own city, master.” (Shen)

To create a city inside the ends of the world, is this the beginning of a simulation game?! 

What kind of joke is this?

“I don’t know what anything is anymore.” (Makoto)

“Currently, we need a race that can sew. Also smithing too.” (Shen)

“Sewing and smithing are that important?” (Makoto)

Shen is someone that I can call a partner, but…

The feeling I get is considerably different. I feel like those two things weren’t really that necessary. In the first place, if it’s normal sewing, the orcs should be able to do it. They are wearing clothes after all.

“What are you saying?! If there is no one that excels in sewing, I can’t wear a kimono, and if there is no one that excels in smithing, then we can’t make a katana!” (Shen) 

Super mega serious.

And with passion.

So she was the type that would live on only the crust of bread for the sake of buying a game that is in her eyes.

“Now, Master, we have now given the first race, the highland orcs, residence in our Asora, so…” (Shen)


Uoh, she seriously did!

When did she transfer everyone?!

“On the other side, I have already left a duplicate to show them around, so be at ease. In the morning we advance, in the afternoon we rest at Asora, and in the evening we once again gain distance!” (Shen)

She is excessively in high spirits. Did she have such a skill like cloning? You should tell your master about your abilities.

Ah, that’s right. This girl had taken an interest in me, so the moment I destroyed the mist barrier, she greeted me with round eyes and was showing me her stomach -that made me want to vomit.

A kimono and a katana.

That’s right, this girl is…

“Master, it may be sudden but…! What’s the everyday of a samurai?” (Shen)

This girl has a severe…

“Ah… as expected. Megumi has a chivalrous presence, right?” (Shen)

There was a small mist in her extended hand. There, a video was being displayed. Cuts of a certain TV program. By: my memories.

Mist is incredibly all-purpose, huh. I have a better opinion of it. I thought it was only useful for deteriorating things. Also, what a bad taste illusion.

“Ufufufufu ♫” (Shen)

She has a severe love for old era dramas.

I thought that she had discovered my men’s dreams though. No, she probably knows of those, too. She has seen my memories after all.

Even so, period dramas, huh. I certainly did love them, but…

My decision was fast.

“Master, in our breaks please show me your memories again ♫” (Shen)

“You have already seen them!” (Makoto)

“To look at the records and being shown are, after all, completely different. I implore you~ Master~.” (Shen)

In what are they different?! I don’t get it at all! And stop that slow tone of voice that doesn’t suit you!

“As I thought, I want to see it directly from a TV -the period drama.” (Shen)

“Do as you wish with your defiance, but please do so at Asora. Also, don’t look at my memories.” (Makoto)

Like I can take you looking at my memories so much. And, moreover, just to watch old dramas!

“N-No way, so cruel! It has already become my reason for living!” (Shen)

“It has only been a few days since we met! Moreover, you have already recorded them!” (Makoto)

“Uuh~ just with memories is not enough~.” (Shen)

“In what way is it not enough? Try explaining in a way I can understand. If you are able to convince me, then I will let you to at least watch the old dramas.” (Makoto)

That it has become a ruling relationship has made it so she can peek at my memories without permission. It’s one of the merits.

“It’s as different as watching just the CG and watching the scene!” (Shen) (TN: she is referring to erotic games… Not like I know!)


T-This girl!

I understood it perfectly though!!

I feel like she also placed a threat there?

‘I will tell them about that, Master~’.

Is what I think she is telling me!!!

“Guh, I get it. I give you permission.” (Makoto)

“Oh~ as expected of Master! Your belly is deep! I hope that the sun quickly goes up and becomes hot.” (Shen)

I feel that I have made an incredible mistake in my pact partner.

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51 thoughts on “Chapter 9: The garden inside the mist

  1. One of my favorites powers is the power to create a own world, the concept is really delightful. With this Makoto basically have become a creation god, one very simple and still minor, but one in the end, just 4 days is enough for her to become the thing for what the bug is so proud, the distance until he surpass the bug is not so long.

  2. I swear the author probably went ‘yo dawg…”, when they thought up Asora.

    And damn, that meme is so old it’d probably qualify as a dad joke. I feel old.

  3. what is the noob mc’s problem with shen making a city in Asora? Asora belongs to Shen. Shen can do whatever she wants to Asora. So why is the mc acting as if he is holding a hot potato?

    I would have slapped the mc and told him to stay quiet.

  4. “That it has become a ruling relationship has made it so she can peak at my memories without permission. It’s one of the merits.”
    right is “can NOT peak”
    thanks for chapter

  5. Until I saw the picture of her, I was thinking the hobbies she was interested in were the ones he begged the god to destroy the evidence of 😉

    I wonder how many species will wind up living in their new world. Also wondering if he’ll get the status of “Creation God” at some point because of the changes to Asora.

    Also also wondering if all the members of his harem are going to be contractually bound to him like Shen.

  6. Ah the drawback of someone seeing your memories.
    So. Much. Blackmail.
    At this point the pact doesnt even matter, she has so much dirt on him that she’ll always be incharge.
    like the older sibling that watched and took note of all the embarassing shit you did as a kid, but worse

  7. Wasn’t it referring to the Dead Sea Scrolls that were discovered near the dead sea? Some ancient texts about some things I never cared about so I don’t remember what they are actually about. And it probably relates to what the author was saying through the fact that it is “lower than the sea” as the dead sea is 400~ meters below sea level.

  8. Step 1 : Area effect [warp] ; warp to the goddess
    Step 2 : Area Effect [regulate] ; create certain rules in the area [every divine being loses its divinity. e.g;immortality]
    Step 3 : Shen [I choose you!] moves out to stab the goddess multiple time until she die.
    Step 4 : ???
    Step 5 : Profit.

  9. So she was the type that would live on only the crust of bread for the sake of buying a game that is in her eyes.

    Unfortunately I am also of this type….

  10. Man, I can almost Shen doing “I DID A GOOD JOB! PRAISE ME! :D” face when she told him about adding the orcs to Asora.

    So far they’re also reminding me of Aqua and Kazuma from Kono Subarashii Sekai, but in a more serious master-servant relation than the comedic one of the former.

  11. Well i feel that the explanation was really clear though.
    Basically, he makes an area around him, the size of it is free for him to decide. In that area he created he can assign any kind of effect he wants. For example: ‘Become stronger’, then everyone inside the area will ‘become stronger’

    1. A seriously scary power, all he has to do to get vengeance on the bug is somehow find a way to her realm trap her in his field under the effects that gods have no powers and are mortal and he could straight murder her.

      1. That would be nice but probably its not that simple.
        Since that bug is a god she should have enough power to negate his ability. It could only work on her if Makoto becomes stronger than her.

    1. Essentially, he can expands a spherical area where he basically uses map editor on it.

      But the bigger area he selects, the less options are available.

      In this chapter, looks like Asora is essentially a mix of his power (create an area) and Shen’s (mist and illusion)
      A world that exist inside (or using it as crossing point) Shen’s mist, created by his power through their contract.
      With no actual physical location in this world, yet definitely is real.
      A paradise that is cut off yet connected to the world.
      Its contents seem to be based on his memory with the various trees and plants, and things of this world can be added in.

      Well, this sort of crossing threshold and world that exist but can’t be perceived normally isn’t that rare.
      Touhou’s Gensokyo
      Spriited Away’s tunnel into the town

  12. Muahahaham now i love Shen she is so funny, cherful and a little evil that i can’t help but love her. Seems like the main character would make a village wheter he wants to or not.

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